What is Spanish massage? Spanish massage - features, interesting points Indications and contraindications

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Spanish massage is a special technique, the principle of which is a variety of techniques for each system of the body.

With its help, you can achieve physical and psychological relaxation, eliminate swelling, normalize the functioning of internal organs, skin rejuvenation and figure correction.

Spanish massage: essence, benefits and effect

The essence of Spanish massage is to relax muscles as a result of the gentle influence of a specialist’s hands. When the client reaches a state of complete relaxation, soft touches are replaced by deeper ones, and here the most important changes begin: blood and lymph flow increases, muscles are toned, and when exposed to nerve endings, the patient feels the full effect of relaxation.

Advantages of the Spanish massage technique:

  • The ability to choose the path of influence for each client individually;
  • It can be used as a pre-workout warm-up for athletes;
  • Painless;
  • High efficiency.

Benefits of Spanish massage:

  • After the session, oxygen saturation of the skin increases;
  • During the procedure, the master selects creams in accordance with the client’s skin type - this helps to rejuvenate and improve the overall condition of the skin;
  • The aging process slows down;
  • The psychophysical state improves.


  • It cannot be used to influence the entire body, i.e. if lymphatic drainage massage is chosen to correct the figure and get rid of cellulite, then it is impossible to conduct a myotensive session at the same time - the effectiveness in this case will be close to zero;
  • Full results can only be achieved if the procedure is carried out by a qualified specialist.

The Spanish massage technique includes 3 main principles:

  • It is prohibited to use several massage techniques at the same time - one of them may exclude the other;
  • Due to hundreds of different techniques, each of them must be selected individually, in accordance with the specific characteristics of the client’s body;
  • Plastic movements should be deep, but painless.

Spanish body massage is created for those who want to achieve an ideal figure and skin texture. In addition, it promotes relaxation and improved well-being, improving the flexibility of muscles and joints.

Spanish massage of the face and neck is considered an anti-aging technique, the purpose of which is to get rid of wrinkles, tighten the skin, correct the shape of the face, start the process of natural self-rejuvenation, eliminate swelling and “bags” under the eyes.

Indications and contraindications for Spanish massage

Indications for Spanish massage:

  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Stressful state;
  • Lymphostasis;
  • Swelling;
  • Impaired nutrition of cells and tissues;
  • Hypertension;
  • Reduced skin elasticity;
  • Dry skin;
  • Age-related changes (wrinkles, drooping eyelids, sagging);
  • Cellulite.

Contraindications for Spanish massage:

  • Skin diseases;
  • Diseases in the acute stage;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Bronchial asthma in May or June (during the flowering period).

How to do Spanish massage correctly: video, technique, description of massage movements

Spanish classic facial massage

Includes rubbing, patting, pinching, pressing and stroking. It can be carried out both in the salon and at home.


  • Before the procedure, do make-up removal, put your hair in a ponytail;
  • Lightly pinching the skin, apply massage cream;
  • When the foundation is applied to the face, proceed to the procedure itself.

Equipment and massage lines:

  • Start with the chin, running your fingertips from the dimple under it to the ear area. Movements should be soft but assertive. Do 10 times;
  • From the central point of the chin, smooth the skin to the sides, avoiding stretching. After smoothing, pinching is performed in the same direction;
  • Place 2 fingers on the corners of your lips and, pressing lightly, move them to your earlobes, then pinch in the opposite direction;
  • Massage the skin from the wings of the nose to the temporal area, movements should be deep. When returning back, gently rub the area. Do 7-8 times;
  • From the bridge of the nose to the hairline, “pinch” the skin, then smooth it back. Performed 8-10 times;
  • From the center of the forehead to the temples, knead the skin with your fingertips, then pinch, and finally stroke.

Spanish modeling facial massage

It is performed only in the salon, because its technique requires practical skills, knowledge of deep points of influence and, at a minimum, completed massage courses.

Preparation for the session includes cleansing the skin of impurities and cosmetics.

How it is carried out:

  • The client lies down on a comfortable couch;
  • A cream (for oily skin) or an oil preparation (for dry skin) is applied to the face in accordance with the skin type;
  • The master begins Enrique Garcia's Spanish massage with circular movements, and uses not only his fingertips, but also his palm, and weak pressures should alternate with strong ones. Such “simple” movements have a profound effect: the muscles contract, they relax and the rejuvenating process starts;
  • During the procedure, not only the face is affected, but also the neck and décolleté, and special attention is paid to areas with decreased tone;
  • At the client's request, soft, relaxing music can be played during the session (20-25 minutes).

Spanish chiromassage

Conducted exclusively in a salon or cosmetology clinic, it includes 4 types of equipment:

  • Myotensive – impact on joints through muscles. First, warm up and relax the muscles near the joint, then painlessly massage the joint itself;
  • Hemolymphatic drainage (impact on blood vessels). Can be used both on the body and face. Helps eliminate fluid stagnation in the body, reduce varicose veins, tighten muscles and tissues;
  • Neurophysiological. It is very similar to Chinese massage: it is also based on ideas about the life energy Qi flowing through the channels of the body. During the session, the client manages to relax, get rid of irritability and stress;
  • Metabolic (chiromassage). Relaxes muscles, makes them more mobile, improves metabolism, promotes the burning of fat cells and the removal of toxins, eliminates cellulite.

How it is carried out:

  • Makeup removal is done to the client;
  • Oil or cream is applied;
  • The procedure itself is carried out, during which the following techniques and movements are used: lightly stroking the entire face, massaging the nasolabial area, cheeks, eye area, lower face, décolleté and neck, tapping and gentle pinching with fingertips, relaxing monotonous movements, hemolymphatic drainage (pulsating and wave-like techniques).

Videos, reviews, results after Spanish massage

A full Enrique Garcia massage course consists of 15-20 procedures with a regularity of 2-3 times a week. Each session lasts from 20 to 90 minutes, depending on the area being treated and the problem that needs to be addressed.

The effect usually lasts 6-7 months, so 2 courses per year are required. To maintain the result, it is advisable to use rejuvenating and restorative creams and exfoliate with a scrub.

The results of Spanish chiromassage are remarkable:

  • Improved metabolism;
  • Weight loss;
  • Getting rid of cellulite;
  • Figure correction (formation of body contours);
  • Lifting and restoration of facial contours;
  • Improved skin color;
  • Swelling and wrinkles disappear;
  • Beautiful, elastic skin.

It is impossible to maintain youthful skin and a fresh appearance without appropriate procedures. The face is especially susceptible to external factors and internal conditions. The first wrinkles appear on it, treacherously revealing its age. With constant care, you can admire smooth and velvety skin for decades. Spanish facial massage provides an excellent rejuvenating effect. After just one session, changes are noticeable, but for proper results you need to complete the full course of procedures.

This is a unique technique that has been used for no more than three decades. It was developed by Professor Enrique Castells García and combines techniques from Buddhist spiritual practice, yoga, manual therapy and traditional Indian medicine.

Active and intense movements are carried out with extraordinary care. There are more than a hundred of them in total. There are no repeated manipulations during the session. Feathers and stones are sometimes used. No other school can compare with such a large number of massage movements.

Complete muscle relaxation allows deep massage to be performed absolutely painlessly.

The body does not have time to adapt to a certain impact. With another type of massage, the nervous system gets used to repeated movements, as a result of which the effectiveness decreases with each subsequent session.

The massage is performed with pleasant hypnotic musical accompaniment, aromatic oils and candles are used. Despite the gentle and painless techniques, it is a deep type of massage. There is a complex effect on all layers of the skin, muscles and skeletal system. Used for medicinal and prophylactic purposes.

Indications and contraindications

With the help of Spanish massage you can solve a whole range of problems, both of an aesthetic nature and for health reasons in general. Spanish massage is recommended for the following problems:

  • swelling;
  • rosacea;
  • varicose veins;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • age-related skin changes;
  • bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • recovery from a stressful situation;
  • decreased immunity;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • apathy;
  • irritability.

Scented candles, oils and hypnotic music are a necessary attribute of a Spanish massage

In some cases, you should refuse a Spanish massage or wait a little. These include:

  • skin diseases;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • malignant neoplasms.


The session begins with complete cleansing of the face from possible impurities and makeup. Then a special cream or oil is applied, thanks to which the massage therapist’s hands gently glide over the skin without injuring it at all. In addition, through the opened pores during the procedure, the body receives additional vitamins and nutrients.

The first manipulations are relaxing, not warming, as in other types of massage. After this, they move into circular movements with the fingertips and the inside of the hand.

The technique is based on the contrast of sensations, when relaxing techniques are replaced by irritation of reflex zones. Watching a Spanish facial massage on video, you can understand that the master’s work resembles a kind of hand dance, in which smooth movements with the fingertips turn into pinching, and then sharply into rubbing with the edge of the palm and pressing with the forearm. All techniques are unusually flexible. The main effect is achieved through complete relaxation of the muscles, resulting in an effect even on the skeletal system.

Spanish facial massage requires a high level of special training. Its uniqueness lies in the correct diagnosis and determination of the individual combination of effects for each patient. This allows you to solve almost any facial skin problem.

The oil for the procedure is selected individually

The master individually selects not only the combination and sequence of techniques, but also the necessary oils used for the procedure. The peculiarities of the location of nerve endings on the human body are taken into account, and a number of tasks are set that must be solved during the procedure.

Facial massage is complemented by effects on the décolleté, collar area, and shoulders. The procedure is absolutely painless and is performed no more than three times a week. The course consists of seven sessions. Repeated application is possible after two months.

The effectiveness of Spanish facial massage

Patients who have completed a course of Spanish facial massage leave extremely positive reviews. Already at the beginning of the session, they completely relaxed, leaving problems far outside the treatment room, and tuned in to receive exclusively positive emotions. According to research, a person experiences the same sensations as before he was born.

The skillful hands of a massage therapist promote deep relaxation, tuning exclusively to positive emotions.

Several techniques are used, each of which is aimed at a specific body system.

  • Spanish massage improves blood supply to tissues, saturates them with oxygen, enhances metabolic processes, and promotes the removal of fat, waste and toxins.
  • Allows you to get rid of excess fluid, as a result of which swelling goes away and bags under the eyes disappear.
  • Lymph flow accelerates, problems of the cardiovascular system are eliminated.
  • Arterial and intracranial pressure is regulated.
  • After the session, wrinkles become less noticeable and the skin tightens. Due to this, the oval of the face acquires clear contours.
  • But what is most important is that your mood improves for a long time, fatigue goes away, the effects of stress disappear, and a feeling of joy and pleasure appears.

Women are attracted to Spanish facial massage due to its strong rejuvenating effect, while men are attracted by the ability to get rid of swelling and relieve stress.

Preventive measures are the best way to maintain beauty and health

The procedure requires certain funds and time. At home, it is simply impossible to get the effect that a Spanish facial massage gives. Therefore, if you have serious problems, you should not postpone visiting the salon. After all, over time, they can not only require a significantly larger budget, but also become irreversible.

If you dream of achieving absolute relaxation in the shortest possible time, while remaining in a surprisingly cheerful state of mind and body? Then the famous and unique Spanish massage is exactly what you need. This technique is not only completely unique and very effective, but also proven over the years, and is an ideal and completely safe way to rejuvenate the body. The services of a professional massage therapist will take you to sunny Spain, and the beneficial results of this magical procedure will be noticeable after the first session.

More about Spanish massage

The technique of this massage was developed by the famous scientist Enrique Garcia during his time as a leader and was called “ hemolymphatic drainage" The main features of the procedure are a very specific and, at the same time, extremely positive effect on the entire human venous system, as well as interstitial fluid, which is vital for the normal flow of metabolism between the cells of the body’s tissues and the blood.

Interesting fact- Spanish massage is a very organic combination of progressive therapeutic and restorative techniques of Europe with the healing techniques of the East, and includes all the wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda medicine and Buddhist spiritual practice. It implies the deepest knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, and allows the patient to achieve the following results:

  • forget about irritability, depression, feelings of apathy,
  • cope with insomnia and get a good night's rest,
  • restore the functioning of the immune system,
  • get rid of the effects of stress,
  • significantly improve the condition and appearance of the skin of the face and body,
  • get rid of age-related changes,
  • best way to correct the oval of the face,
  • relieve all symptoms of varicose veins,
  • eliminate swelling of the skin,
  • prevent such unpleasant phenomena as rosacea or facial wrinkles.

Please note the fact that the technology of Spanish massage is thought out literally to the smallest detail, and is based on a number of important rules. Thus, the number of techniques used in its implementation is more than a hundred - when selecting them, the individual characteristics of the body of a particular patient are certainly taken into account, and the process of getting used to certain movements is completely excluded, since they are constantly changing. This approach contributes to the maximum effectiveness of the massage procedure.

It will be useful to take note that all traditional techniques of exotic Spanish massage are so flexible that the occurrence of pain or other unpleasant sensations is almost completely excluded. In addition, it provides a deep effect on the systems and tissues of the body, and significantly increases the production of endomorphins, which cause feelings of pleasure and joy in patients.

And a few more interesting points

Spanish massage is designed to strengthen human muscle tissue in every possible way and actively combat their possible pathologies. As you already know from the above, during the entire session, none of the techniques used on a particular patient is repeated. Carrying out chiromassage affects such areas of the human body as the legs, face and back - after all, these are the areas that, as a rule, are the most problematic for each of us. The beginning of the massage is not traditional warming up, but, on the contrary, complete relaxation. After this, a transition is made to deeper techniques - first of all, these are circular movements performed with the tips of the fingers or palms.

It should be noted that the world-famous Spanish massage today is based on several very effective techniques, including:

  1. Myotensive- designed to restore the natural elasticity of various muscles and joints.
  2. Somatoemotional- significantly strengthens the patient’s nervous system.

Interestingly, when using it, additional elements can be used - for example, bird feathers or stones.

  1. Lymphatic drainage- allows you to remove metabolic products from the body, as well as excess fluid from tissues.
  2. Hemolymphatic- helps normalize blood circulation, reduces both intracranial and blood pressure.

Neurosedative - ideal for normalizing sleep, relieving irritability and apathy.


Spanish facial massage is a procedure that will help prolong the youth of the skin, restore its fresh appearance and get rid of various defects. Positive changes will be noticeable after the first session, but a course of procedures will be required to achieve lasting results. This type of massage is currently very popular in Russia and Europe. What's unusual about this procedure?

Spanish body and facial massage combines many techniques from yoga, Indian medicine, manual therapy, and Buddhist practice. The procedure is carried out with mandatory musical accompaniment using aromatic oils and candles. Some experts use stones and feathers. This technique can only be performed by professionals who have been trained for several years.

The uniqueness of Spanish massage is that its action is aimed simultaneously at the muscles, joints, circulatory, nervous, and lymphatic systems. During the session, the specialist uses more than a hundred methods of influence: with the knuckles or pads of the fingers, the entire palm or its edge. The procedure is carried out with gentle, stroking, relaxing movements. Intensive techniques are not used here.

Another unique feature of Spanish massage is the absence of repetitions of the same technique. Thanks to this technique, the client’s nervous system does not have time to get used to a specific impact, but remains sensitive to each new touch. During other types of massage, the body quickly adapts to repeated actions, which is why the effectiveness of the procedure decreases over time.

Indications and contraindications for Spanish massage

A course of Spanish massage helps not only to eliminate aesthetic defects of the face, but also to solve a lot of health problems. This procedure is useful for the following problems:

  • rosacea;
  • facial wrinkles;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • presence of dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • other age-related skin changes;
  • swelling during pregnancy;
  • suffered a stressful situation;
  • reduced immunity;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • depression.

Spanish facial massage has a minimum number of contraindications. It is allowed even in cases where conventional therapy sessions are not recommended. However, the procedure is prohibited for various skin diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases, and the presence of malignant tumors.


Spanish massage attracts not only women, but also men with its strong rejuvenating effect. During the procedure, blood supply to tissues improves, they are saturated with oxygen, metabolic processes are activated, and toxins are eliminated. The skin is evened out, acquires a beautiful shade, and becomes elastic. Skillful manipulations allow you to rid the body of excess fluid, due to which bags under the eyes and swelling disappear.

What other results can be achieved with a Spanish facial massage? This procedure helps:

  • regulate intracranial and blood pressure;
  • improve mood for a long period;
  • get rid of fatigue;
  • remove the effects of stress;
  • increase lip volume;
  • smooth out the nasolabial fold area;
  • remove double chin;
  • tighten the oval of the face.

How is the procedure performed?

Spanish facial massage begins with thorough cleansing of the skin from impurities and cosmetics. The face is then coated with individually selected oil so that the specialist’s hands glide over it easily. In Spanish massage there are no warming movements; all manipulations are aimed at relaxation. The deep effect is achieved through complete relaxation of the muscles and the effect on the skeletal system.

Not only the oil, but also all movements are selected individually by the specialist. The massage therapist makes the correct diagnosis, assesses the location of nerve endings on the face, and determines the tasks that must be solved during the procedure. Facial massage can be performed up to 3 times a week. Course – at least 7 procedures. Therapy can be repeated after 2 months.

Choose a massage therapist who you are willing to trust with your body. During the procedure, an invisible exchange of information occurs between the patient and the specialist. Intuitive contact promotes deeper relaxation and better results.

Despite the fact that a course of Spanish massage requires money and time, it is impossible to achieve the effect it gives at home. If age-related changes appear on your face or other problems, do not put off visiting a specialist until later. You will get stunning results that will last for a long time.

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There are many facial massage techniques available, all of which are designed to improve the condition of your skin. One of the most popular options is Spanish massage.

What effect can you achieve by regularly doing a Spanish facial massage?

  • Improving blood flow in tissues.
  • Increasing skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Elimination of dark circles under the eyes and other signs of fatigue.
  • Evens out and improves complexion.
  • Smoothing out fine wrinkles and preventing the appearance of premature signs of aging.
  • Facelift.
  • Reducing the volume of the double chin.
  • Stress relief.
  • Removing waste and toxins from skin cells.
  • Video: benefits and features of Spanish facial massage

    How to carry out the procedure at home?

    The technique of Spanish massage takes many years to learn, so it will be quite difficult to perform it yourself. However, you can learn simple techniques to maintain facial skin tone.

    To carry out the procedure yourself, you need to buy a special massage oil, which should be selected according to your skin type. In addition, you will need scented candles or an aroma lamp, makeup remover and a selection of your favorite relaxing music.

    Description of Spanish massage techniques

    How is Spanish massage performed:

  • First of all, you need to remove makeup from your face, for example, with olive oil or tonic.

    Before the massage, it is very important to remove all makeup from the face so that the oil is better absorbed into the skin.

  • You should dim the lights, turn on light music and light the aroma lamp - this will help you relax.

    To achieve maximum relaxation, you can light an aroma lamp

  • Next, you need to take a little massage oil in your palm and warm it. After this, it is carefully applied to the face and neck.

    The oil should be applied very carefully before the procedure.

  • Rub the skin of your face and neck with your palms, with pressure, but so as not to cause pain. If a certain area is particularly stressful, you should spend more time on it.

    Before the massage, it is very important to warm up the skin so that there is no redness or bruising upon completion.

  • You need to move from the temples to the collarbones, and then properly work the chest muscles. After this, the movement goes in the opposite direction.

    During the massage, special attention should be paid to the neck, since signs of aging appear on it earlier than on the face

  • The area connecting the neck and head is worked out separately. You can lightly press your fingers on the points that are located between the earlobe and the jawline.

    The points located between the earlobes and the neck must be worked out separately

  • Particular attention is paid to the temples and cheekbones. You need to stroke this area with your fingertips for ten minutes, thereby improving blood circulation in the tissues.

    With age, the contours of the cheekbones change, which is why massaging them is so important.

  • Using pressing movements, it is necessary to stretch the skin of the forehead in different directions from the middle. In this case, there should be no pain.

    The skin of the forehead needs special attention during the massage, since this is where the first wrinkles appear

  • Next are the collarbones and shoulders. These places are heated and massaged. Don't touch your shoulder joints.

    During the procedure, it is necessary to devote time to the shoulders, as this will improve the overall blood circulation of the upper body

  • Neck again. You need to pinch the skin from bottom to top for ten minutes. This should only be done on the sides, but not in the center of the neck.

    During a facial massage, you should pay special attention to your cheeks so that they do not lose their tone with age.

  • Next, massage the eyebrow line.

    Eyebrows must be massaged during the Spanish massage procedure - this way their shape will be as neat as possible

  • It is necessary to determine the line that comes from the forehead and ends in the middle of the collarbone, and then pinch the skin along this trajectory from bottom to top for five minutes. The same should be done on the other side of the neck.

    Pinching in the neck area not only improves blood circulation, but also tightens the skin

  • The massage ends with light stroking of the face, neck and décolleté. Remaining oils are removed from the skin using tonic.

    At the end of the massage, it is necessary to smooth the skin of the face and allow it to cool slightly.

  • Spanish facial massage is recommended to be completed in a course of 10–12 procedures. An experienced specialist will tell you how many times you need to visit the salon in your particular case. Z and one week you can have up to three massage sessions, but at home limit yourself to two.

    A repeat course of Spanish massage is allowed only six months after the end of the procedures.

    Video: Spanish facial massage performed by a specialist


    Spanish massage is prohibited for people who suffer from skin diseases and asthma. In addition, it is not recommended to use this technique if there are rashes or malignant formations on the face. Allergies are also a contraindication, since massage can only aggravate the situation. Even if you do not have such problems, still visit a doctor before starting procedures to make sure that it is safe for your health.