Decorate with paper butterflies. Learning to make paper butterflies

No wonder handicrafts are highly valued, especially if they can be used in everyday life. Sometimes the ability to craft from paper is very helpful when you need to make an original postcard, decorate the interior of a room, a gift, decorate a stage for a performance, etc. In our article, we will talk about several ways to make a butterfly out of paper. By spending time doing this activity, you instill a sense of aesthetics and at the same time develop fine motor skills in the brain.


Butterfly made of paper - origami

Crafts made using the origami technique always look advantageous, and, importantly, they are usually made without the use of glue or tape. Origami paper butterflies fit beautifully into bouquets of flowers, gift wrappings, and interiors of rooms.

Making a butterfly is not difficult if you have 20 minutes of free time, a double-sided sheet of paper of any color, it is desirable that it be square and its dimensions are from 7 to 9 cm.

Using the diagram and the following tips, you can easily implement your plan:

  1. Take the paper and fold it in half, first lengthwise, unfold, then crosswise and unfold again.
  2. Make lines by connecting diagonally opposite corners and unfold again.
  3. Make a triangular shape out of the sheet by inserting a border on the right and left sides, following the fold lines made in the previous paragraphs.
  4. Find the bottom corners in the workpiece. They will need to be bent up to make oblique folds.
  5. Straighten the figure, and bend the top. The highest point of the folded corner should protrude slightly beyond the extreme outlines of the workpiece. Now in this position, the future butterfly needs to be fixed.
  6. Fold the workpiece in half across. End of work.

Advice! Do not press too hard on the paper when curling. Otherwise, the butterfly will not work with a beautiful volume.

Paper butterflies on the wall

The decor with the help of butterflies turns out to be cheerful, lively, creating a joyful mood. For the manufacture of colorful insects, we may need different materials. For example, you can decorate a wall with a butterfly made from a colored magazine.

Do the following:

  1. Take a sheet from a magazine and fold it in half.
  2. Draw a triangle so that one of its sides falls on the fold line.
  3. Cut out and unfold. You should get a rhombus.
  4. From the same sheet (if there is enough space), cut out the second rhombus, only slightly larger than the previous one.
  5. Make an accordion out of the two resulting figures (start from the center), and then grease a little with glue to fix it.
  6. Connect the two rhombuses also with glue.
  7. Pull a little on the harmonica with your fingers so that the wings are slightly spread.
  8. From a thin wire or a strip of paper, make antennae, wrap them at the ends and attach to the center.
  9. End of work. Butterfly is ready.

In the same way, you can make moths from colored paper, which can delight the eye of a baby in a crib, be an ornament to any postcard or even a festive table.

Corrugated Paper Butterflies

The advantages of corrugated paper were appreciated back in the USSR. Now its popularity is still high, as crafts from it are durable, beautiful, and it is convenient to work with it.

Corrugated paper butterflies are made very quickly. To do this, prepare:

  • different colors of corrugated paper;
  • thread with a needle;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil.

Step-by-step algorithm for making butterflies:

Beautiful paper butterflies

Whatever the butterfly is made of, it will still be beautiful. Paper butterflies look more natural, because the lightness inherent in these flying representatives of the fauna is respected. Therefore, needlewomen know several options for creating such unusual decor items.

colored crafts

In order to make an ordinary butterfly, one side of which you will stick to the surface, you just need to take one-sided colored paper, fold the sheet in half, apply the contours of one side of the butterfly so that the fold line falls into the middle of the future craft, cut and unfold. You can draw completely different butterflies, with different wing shapes, sizes, etc.

Butterflies made from a newspaper or magazine look very beautiful and stylish. They can even be opened with clear varnish.

Colored cardboard also looks great for this kind of craft. The image is very clear and more or less solid.

Openwork butterflies

To create openwork butterflies, cardboard or thick paper is usually used. It folds in half and the torso (thickened) and wings are drawn. A pattern is made on the wings, which is then cut out. Cardboard can be of different colors.

It should be taken into account that when cutting out, you should take a sharp knife, and also know that the unnecessary pieces in the drawing on the wings are first removed, and only then the entire contour is cut out.

Multilayer bulk

To create a three-dimensional insect, take any material: colored paper, cardboard, newspapers, magazines, music books, etc., draw and cut out several butterfly outlines of different sizes. And then glue them and lift the wings as you like.

Multi-layer butterflies made of openwork material and plain paper look very interesting.

A beautiful butterfly is obtained in the following way:

  1. Take any paper and cut out 2 rectangles from it. One should be more, the other less. This is done in order to make wings for our butterfly.
  2. Fold their corners diagonally on one side and the other.
  3. Bend the sheet inward along the marked diagonals 2 times. A triangle should come out, one larger, the other smaller.
  4. Fold the material inward on the left and right. Focus on photo 3.
  5. With a simple pencil on these geometric shapes, draw the wings as you like.
  6. Since the large wings will be from below, the pattern should be located at the edges, and on small ones you can make squiggles over the entire surface.
  7. Cut out the intended, put one wings into the others and fix with glue.
  8. Draw and cut out the butterfly's body and antennae. Glue it all in the middle.
  9. Spread a little and lift the upper wings. It turned out a voluminous openwork butterfly.

Video instructions

Our videos will help you quickly navigate and make any paper butterfly.

Origami butterfly:

Corrugated butterflies:

Openwork butterflies:

Butterfly made of paper can become a unique decoration of a home interior, a flower bouquet, a homemade greeting card or a gift album. The decor with these rainbow insects looks original, does not require large investments and gives a person a positive attitude. There are many ways to create paper butterflies, consider the most interesting of them.

How to make an accordion butterfly out of paper

The easiest way to make a butterfly is from a colorful magazine page. For creativity you will need: a magazine, scissors, threads, an elastic band.

  • Fold a piece of paper in half twice. Cut out a triangle from the resulting square to the size of the future butterfly.
  • Expand the workpiece. Fold the resulting rhombus with an accordion, which you press in the middle. You have formed assemblies on the right and left - these are wings.
  • Cut out the same detail, smaller - fender liner. Connect both parts with threads, in place of the head, attach narrow strips of paper - antennae. Make a few butterflies, fasten them with an elastic band and decorate a nursery with such a garland or make a pendant for a baby's bed.

How to make an origami butterfly out of paper

For such crafts, take a white or colored sheet of square-shaped paper.

  • Fold the sheet in half twice, then diagonally. Fold the paper with the folds inward to form a two-layered triangle.

  • Bend the upper right corner of the outer layer to the top, aligning with the middle perpendicular. Do the same on the left side.

  • Turn the workpiece over to the other side, lay it with the top down and bend it so that the top corner extends beyond the triangle.

  • Wrap the protruding top between two layers of paper.

  • Press the figure in the middle with your fingers and spread the wings.

Decorate the moth with rhinestones or sparkles - you will get an original Christmas tree toy, and fixing it on a table napkin - an unusual decoration of the festive table.

How to make a quilling butterfly out of paper

Prepare: multi-colored strips of paper 3 mm wide, glue, scissors, pins, tweezers, board or quilling kit.

  • Glue the strips - burgundy, pink, white. Using the tool from the kit or a toothpick, roll the paper ribbons and release the paper so that it unfolds a little. Make four of the same blanks, attach them with pins to a stencil or plank.

  • Twist a pink stripe and pull it out with a cone. Make another one and glue them together to form the torso.

  • Cut off a couple of short pieces of dark paper - mustache strings. Prepare two white strips, roll them up in drops and attach them to the ends of the threads.

Glue all parts of the workpiece by fixing them on the template with needles. Let the glue dry and the craft is ready. Such a butterfly is suitable for decorating a postcard or gift wrapping.

How to make a butterfly out of colored paper

The simplest, but interesting option that you can use when making a moth with a child.

  • Cut the paper into 1.5 cm wide strips. You will need such strips: three long, four - a little less, five - the shortest. Glue all the blanks into rings.
  • Glue the middle ring into the large ring - you will get a moth wing, there should be two of them.
  • Attach the wings to the body, made of a flattened large ring, and from below on both sides - in the middle circle. From small circles lay out an ornament on the wings of a butterfly.

Pull the main wings up and the wing flaps down and you have a wonderful appliqué. Attach it to a string and hang it from a lamp in your living room or hallway.

Learning how to make butterflies is easy, because the material is always at hand. So get inspired and enliven the interior of the apartment with fluttering beauties, give original presents to friends, surprise relatives and friends with your invention and skill.

Butterflies are, without a doubt, the most beautiful insect on planet Earth. Agree that butterflies have the most unusual colors (more precisely, some representatives of a large family of butterflies). Thanks to the magnificent color, images of butterflies are used both on fabrics (to reproduce unusual prints), and for the design of a children's room, and for decorating all kinds of accessories. You can make a beautiful insect from different materials. For example, from leather, fabric, even metal. But, probably, the most familiar material for butterfly crafts is paper. We offer you to make a butterfly yourself from plain paper using the Japanese origami method.

  • So, for crafts, you can use plain white paper or colored paper.

You can choose the size for the craft yourself. We propose to make a butterfly out of A4 paper. Let's prepare the sheet.

To make a beautiful paper butterfly with your own hands, we need a square. You can get this figure in a simple way. It is enough to connect the edges of the paper so that a regular triangle is obtained. We cut off the excess piece of paper using scissors.

We have a square, one diagonal of which has a fold.

For further work, we need to bend the square along another diagonal. By the way, in order for the folds to be “clear” and even, you can walk along the place of the fold with a ruler.

Then fold the square in half again on each side. It should turn out as shown in the photo.

We fold the square so that we get a double triangle.

We turn the corners of one formed triangle and bend to the top.

Flip the triangle upside down. Then we bend the top of the triangle to the base so that the corner sticks out a little (this is the head of a butterfly).

Bend the butterfly in half in the center.

We bend the wings, holding the butterfly by the "torso".

That's all. Our paper butterfly is ready.

A butterfly made of paper can be left white (there is also such a type of butterfly) or painted as you wish. By changing the size of the side of the square, you can make small butterflies. You can use the resulting butterflies to decorate the interior of a children's room.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

The final look of the craft. Photo 4.

Paper butterflies will be an ideal motif for decorating homemade cards, bouquets of flowers or the interior of an apartment. We offer you some simple lessons on how to make unusual butterflies using the origami technique, from the pages of a magazine or colored napkins. We hope that these bright figures will be the harbingers of a warm and sunny spring!

Lesson #1

To make an origami butterfly, you will need a square sheet of paper measuring 8.5 x 8.5 cm.

1: If you are using double-sided paper, place it in front of you with the color side up. Fold the sheet in half, first along and then across. Unbend.

2: Now fold the sheet diagonally - connecting first the top right and bottom left, and then the top left and bottom right corners. Unbend.

3: Fold the paper in such a way that you get a triangle, as shown in the figure. To do this, fold the right and left edges of the sheet inward.

4: On the dotted lines marked in the figure, bend the corners of the part.

5: Flip the shape.

6: Now fold over the top of the triangle so that the tip protrudes slightly from the top edge of the piece.

7: Wrap the tip. Do not iron the folds, otherwise the figure will be too flat.

8: Fold the figurine in half across.

And here is our collection of paper butterflies:

Lesson #2

This is a very easy way to make paper butterflies! You will need:

  • magazines with bright pictures or drawings;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • elastic.

Tip: when choosing the pages of the magazine, pay attention to the fact that the brightest and most beautiful pictures are located on the wings of the future butterfly.

Fold a sheet of paper twice, and then cut out a triangle of the desired size from it. Now unfold the paper - you should get a rhombus.

Starting from the middle, fold the figure into an accordion. Glue the folds together, dropping a little glue into the middle of each.

Now slightly bend the part in the middle and spread the wings. Make one more of the same detail, only this time a little larger. Glue both parts together.

By hanging a few butterflies on an elastic band, you can make a mobile for babies. Butterflies can also be mounted on a window or on a wall, thus decorating any room. And if you make the figures very small, then you can decorate homemade greeting cards with them.

Master class number 3

You will need:

  • black paper;
  • translucent multi-colored paper (you can use colored napkins);
  • crayon;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue stick.

1: Draw the outline of the butterfly on black paper and cut it out. You can also use the template we offer (download the picture, print it out, cut it out and use it as a template).

2: With white chalk, draw a pattern on the wings, and make appropriate holes with a clerical knife or scissors.

3: Cut translucent paper into thin strips.

4: Lubricate the butterfly wings with glue and glue the colored stripes. Experiment by combining different colors with each other. You can also overlap the strips to create an unusual effect.

5: Now turn the butterfly over and cut the strips along the edge of the wings so that they do not protrude.

6: Now the butterfly can be glued to the window or greeting card. And if you want to hang the figurines on a chandelier or attach them to a bouquet of flowers, cut out another butterfly from black paper and glue it on the back so that the strips of colored paper can only be seen through the slits in the wings.

You can adapt this lesson for yourself, but we got this butterfly:

We make paper butterflies with our own hands

A paper butterfly can become a decoration for walls or clothes, it is also suitable as a gift. These crafts are always in fashion and relevant for the holidays. Making a paper butterfly with your own hands is easy. It is enough to arm yourself with the necessary tools and materials, learn a few secrets and turn on your own imagination.

Butterfly stencils for cutting

Openwork paper butterflies especially attract attention. They are beautiful and unusual, so they are perfect for decorating the room. To make such a product, you need a stencil. It is easy to do it yourself. To do this, a silhouette is drawn on the cardboard, and in the middle a drawing is created at its own discretion. First, the butterfly itself is cut out along the contour, and then the pattern inside. Thus, a stencil is obtained that can be used repeatedly. It is enough to attach it to paper of any color, circle and cut it out.

On a note! When making a stencil, we cut it out carefully, otherwise all the flaws will be constantly reflected in the finished products. To do this, it is convenient to use a small sharp knife. To add volume, you should not strictly adhere to symmetry. You can make the wings a little different, but not too conspicuous.

To date, the Internet has ready-made sketches of butterflies for cutting. First, they will have to be downloaded and printed, and then transferred to cardboard, as in the previous case.

Another option is to purchase ready-made stencils.

On a note! Openwork crafts will look more interesting if you cover it with glitter varnish.

Paper butterfly templates

In fact, the template is the same stencil. But sometimes they take an ordinary sketch for it, without an internal pattern. Templates are used similarly to stencils. They can be created manually by connecting fantasy.

There are ready-made templates on the Internet that will eliminate the need to show your artistic abilities.

Cut out the butterfly along the outline of the template

First, they need to be attached to the paper for the manufacture of the product, circle the outline, and then cut out along it. So you can make products of completely different sizes. It is recommended to involve children in the process, they will find this activity interesting.

On a note! With the help of such products, you can design a layout, decorate a wall, curtains, dot the floor with them, fill a vase. It will not be difficult for a person with unlimited imagination to find a use for them.

How to make an origami butterfly

A multilayer volumetric craft is obtained using the origami method.

Step by step the product will be performed as follows:

    The paper square is folded in half (horizontally and vertically) and then diagonally on both sides.

    The workpiece is folded into a triangle.

    The upper part of the triangle is bent towards the crown.

    The workpiece is turned over so that the top of the triangle looks down. Then it is bent so that it passes behind the base.

    The result will be a small end of the triangle that will peek out slightly. It is necessary to bend it and fix it with glue on the back.

The product is almost ready, it remains to be slightly modified to get the desired shape. To do this, the craft is bent in half on the side where the small triangle is located. Antennae can be made from wire.

It may not be possible to immediately understand the whole principle of action. For clarity, a step-by-step photo is presented.

The picture below shows how original the decoration turned out to be.

Using the origami method, you can make an accordion craft. For this you will need:

  • ultra-thin brush;
  • thread (depending on the idea);

The following sequence of actions is performed:

    A square sheet of paper is folded in half, resulting in a triangle.

    From the middle of the figure, you need to start creating an accordion by bending the material. Similar actions are repeated with another paper square.

    The resulting accordions are folded and wrapped in the center with a ruff. It is necessary that it serve not only as a fastening element, but also be used as antennae.

    "Wings" are slightly unfolded to make them larger in size.

The pictures below will help visualize the process of making such "accordions".

From the many such elements you can make a beautiful garland. To do this, they are connected by a thread that runs in the center of each craft.

Video: how to cut a paper butterfly

Below is a short video showing how to cut a paper butterfly.

And another video of making unusual crafts to decorate the wall

From paper, sometimes you can make unusual and beautiful things. To do this, the Internet is filled with master classes, video instructions and other material that will help in this craft. For those who do not want to start from the basics, ready-made templates are offered that greatly simplify the task. With the help of them, it is possible to create figures of flowers, turtles, cats and much more. In the future, products can be designed at your own discretion. Some use varnish for this, others use paints, and others paste over with a cloth. In this case, there is room for fantasy to roam. A paper butterfly is one of the simpler crafts that require a minimum of experience and time to complete.

Elena Kandakova

Dear friends and guests of my page, I propose volumetric butterfly master class, which the children and I did for collective work. I will write about this lesson in the next post. Now watch and try with us.

So, for us to work need:

colored paper in different colors,

simple pencil,

sample butterflies.

1. For the main template, take the cut out butterfly from a piece of old wallpaper.

2. Fold the template in half and circle it on a white sheet paper. us for butterflies you need to prepare three templates of different sizes. With dotted lines we draw the outline of a smaller template, stepping back from the edge of 0.5 cm.

3. Here's what we should get. Three templates for butterflies.

4. Templates in expanded form.

Another option with a big butterfly…

Colored tornado….