Ideas for the holiday medic's day. Comic scenario for the day of the medic in nature. Games and contests

1. Scenario for the day of a medical worker
Oh you, guests - gentlemen!
Are you gathered here
Congratulate everyone on the Day of the Medic
And glorify your deeds!
Your hospital town
He is neither short nor tall.
Good people live in it
And it brings health to everyone.
Chief Doctor Aibolit
He keeps order here.
They work here with a soul -
Anyone in the city knows.
I offer you a riddle:
Who knows about everything in the hospital
And suffers for everything?
Strict, handsome, stern, clever.
Have you guessed it? Who is he?
That's right, this is the head physician of the hospital and I am pleased to give him the floor.

Speech by the head physician

The doctor accompanies a person all his life: from the first child's cry to the last quiet breath. And he will be very lucky, whom his parents have endowed with enviable health from birth, but this does not always happen. And here you come to the rescue, dear doctors! I suggest you fill your glasses and drink for you! For your health, luck, success and simple human happiness!

So, a person is born, and who meets him on the verge of a big and complex life? Yes, our doctors are gynecologists, midwives and maternity ward nurses.

Song for the gynecological department (based on the theme "Our Neighbor"):

Make a woman beautiful
And you should be healthy.
For this important purpose
Gynecologists are needed!
Help to appear
To kids in the white light,
To you from everyone, from everyone for this -
Thanks and hello!

(All songs are performed by prepared participants of the holiday.)

The little man grows up, his mother brings him to an appointment at the children's clinic, where he has one of the first documents - a medical history, and one of the family members becomes a district pediatrician and a nurse.

Song for the children's department (to the "Top - top" tune):

Top-top, stomping baby
You are in a hurry with your mom to the hospital,
Get vaccinated and injected
So that you get on the mend.
Top-top, don't be afraid of them:
All in white and kind robes,
There is no better and kinder in the world
Children's polyclinic of doctors!
Top-top, top-top, very hard
Top-top, top-top, first steps.
Together with the acquisition of life experience, a person acquires various diseases. And he goes with them to the beautiful building of the clinic. Here, at his pleasure, he can walk on all floors and in every office he will be received, listened to, and given good advice and recipe.

Song for the clinic (to the tune "Ata - bats, soldiers were walking"):

If your teeth are sore or there is a fever in your chest,
Go to the clinic rather, dear friend, go!
Here you will be greeted with a smile, they will be able to heal,
And, of course, you can get sick leave!
Here are X-rays and cardiograms.
And mothers are taking the kids here.
Any doctor here can see you.
And you can hand over everything here!
In the same building there is a service, without which no health worker can be, no matter how capable and talented he is. Have you guessed who I am talking about? Yes, this is your dear accounting department!
Everything is in your hands.
Finance is power!
You are our almighty king and god!
Life without money seems hateful
Kohl the chief accountant did not help!
We wish hospital accountants to visit doctors as little as possible, and health workers to see them as often as possible!

Song for accounting (to the tune "The Stream Is Flowing"):

The month has passed, it's time to pay,
After all, we cannot live long without a salary.
Everything in our accounting department is beautiful.
We will get the money and we are happy!
"Thank you" we say to you,
Thank you for the money.
Such an accountant is just a treasure!
Everyone is happy to say "thank you"!
If a person's blood pressure rises, his heart is naughty, the cough does not go away for a long time, he can be firmly sure that he will certainly talk with the staff of the therapeutic department for some time.

Song for the therapy department (to the tune "The Song of Little Red Riding Hood"):

If long - long - long
If the cough persists,
If it became hard for you,
Stomp, ride and run
Now perhaps, then of course,
Then probably, right, right,
That is possible, it is possible, it is possible
You will get into therapy!
Ah, get a lot of injections here!
Ah, there are still a hundred procedures in reserve!
Oh, here are the doctors and nurses,
Oh, all habits heal
Oh, don't get here to them!
Oh, don't get here to them!
And if you ate something of poor quality or suddenly fell ill with some unknown disease, then you, of course, are eagerly awaited in the infectious diseases department.

Song for the infectious diseases department (to the tune "Tick-tock, walkers"):

Why are you overeating again?
Why did you get so sick?
To calm the suffering
Rinsing is necessary!
Tick-tock, walkers, years fly by,
And in infection, everything is fine with you - just class!
They get to this department completely unexpectedly and suddenly. And it is in this department that the most severe patients, requiring great care of doctors and nurses. What branch am I talking about? Yes, this is the surgical department.

Song for the surgical department (to the tune "Call me with you"):

Again, the patient is being transported to us in the ambulance -
Work again!
They run in an operating second
Care for everyone!
Will we be able to ward off misfortune from people again?
Can we save you from death?
Bring happiness to the sick ?!
Call me to your place, I will come day and night,
I will always help you, even if you don’t want to.
I will relieve suffering, you will fall asleep and forget everything,
I want to help you, I want to help all people!
So you should know !!!
We cannot remain silent and say warm words of gratitude to our chefs or, as it is fashionable to say now, to sponsors!

Song for chefs (to the tune "You tell me what you need"):

And in the hospital we are both light and comfortable,
But don't bother us with the repair!
True, our chefs are golden guys.
And they are always to us - what do you want!
I walk through the depot, the boss meets me halfway:
"You are coming again, dear!
Make a list for me, what do you need, what do you need,
All the same, I will not give, what do you want! "
Our editors will never offend us either,
He will give you advice as much as you like!
And he knows and sees all our problems,
But you can't take money from him!
Says: "I can't, life has changed dramatically,
I would be glad, but you can't trample in a bubble! "
You, our dear friend, help, at least with what you can,
We to you - everything you want, everything you want!
But we hope - our life will get better.
Yes, for a thousand rubles, not for a penny!
Our good chefs will call and say:
"Come and take everything you want!"
I propose to drink to friends, to our dear sponsors, because it is very difficult to live without friends!
And now I ask everyone to come to the table.

(Feast, games, dances.)

2. Day of the medical worker. Holiday, script dedicated to the day of the medical worker.

Long before the holiday, a poster with the image of Dr. Aibolit is posted and the task for each department is to prepare an interesting number

All words of congratulation belong to the Leader.

Today is the holiday of doctors,
We congratulate everyone!
Let the song flow more fun
Hilarious laughter sounds!
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Dance today!
And we are in a hurry to congratulate everyone
And wish you happiness!
We invite you
As if magical
Let's play a fairy tale:
Let's go to the branches
Our hospital,
And we, without a doubt,
A miracle will dream.

Congratulations to therapists:

Almost historical
The department is therapeutic.
Rush to work
Tuesday and Wednesday
And even on Saturday
And even when
The country is resting
Hospital then
Shouldn't rest!
You are glorious people!
Let your secrets
They will be famous!
We are so grateful
For your work,
We are so grateful
For your concern!
We wish you
Health today!
After all, this is success
Throughout the foreword!

I'm a word now

I give it to therapists.
Will open for us
They are their soul.
Speech by therapists.

Congratulations to the surgeons:

Let's go further ...
I will say without falsehood:
Surgery department
To warm your soul
We need to sing a song to them.

Song for surgeons:

I stood and shivered
In the surgeon's office:
Then she took me
A nervous shiver
I almost fell -
It became bad, it became bad,
And the surgeon took out
Sharp knife.
He looked me in the eye
Spoke very softly
Mocked my fear.
I'm completely numb
It became dashing, it became dashing:
I have cooled down in body and soul.
And the surgeon slashed
With bandages and cotton wool
And put an ointment for me on an abscess,
Only me all spring
I ran somewhere at night
And until the summer he treated a nervous breakdown.
Oh, surgeon, you are a surgeon,
Your mysterious image
Dreaming for many years in a row.
Scalpel in a cloud of hands
And a mocking voice
And under the cap is an affectionate look.
Surgeons! Say something, prove your talents!
Speeches by surgeons.

Congratulations to traumatologists:

The condition is critical,
Department of trauma ...
Come boldly
Get busy.

Traumatologists work

They know clearly: inside and out.
For their care
All answer with goodness.
Everyone can happen
Trouble and trouble
And they will connect to salvation
Traumatologists then.
You will break your arm, leg
Or punch your head -
Here is mutual understanding
And you will find sympathy.
Grateful endlessly
For your help to the end.
They work here, of course,
Only kind hearts.
And I will say again:
"Traumatologists, you have the floor!"
Speech by traumatologists.

Congratulations to endocrinologists:

In the endocrine department
We will listen to the singing with you.
Song-dedication to the endocrinologist:
Spring has spread
Green canopy
And the shore is gentle
Everything is waiting for the waves.
Love girls
They are hormones
Always full.
They are funny, they are healthy,
And cheeky jokes on the tongue.
They won't tell you
Not an ounce of new
And they will not go
Walk to the river.
But they will be faithful
They probably
After all, not geologists
To walk.
The first in work,
Not nervous at all
And dearly
Dream about them.
Spring has spread
Green canopy
And the shore is gentle
Everything is waiting for the waves.
Love girls
They are hormones
Always full.

Congratulations to neuropathologists:

Now go quietly
So that no one can hear you.
In neurology now
Sleep is observed.
Neuropathologist service is difficult
And she's not always very funny.
Old people and kids believe in him:
He is not a healer of the heart, but of the soul.
Souls are harder to heal than hands
Everything is there according to the rules, everything is according to science:
The nerves are healthy and the body is healthy.
You do not believe me? Honestly!
You are very, very dear to us!
Sing to us, neuropathologists.
Speech by neuropathologists.

Congratulations to urologists:

Not many will stand
Work in urology.
Come in, don't make a noise,
Don't wake up the department.
In urological
Many "critical"
No doubt about it.
People lie there
Seriously ill
And operations
There are not simple ones.
Difficult cases
Often there are
Only doctors are there
Do not lose heart.
Help everyone
Beautiful people!
May they be lucky
Will accompany!
In my opinion, all
Will very much oblige
Kohl's your word
Urology will say.
Speech by urologists.

Congratulations to toxicologists:

Now on another road
Let's go to toxicology.
In toxicology
Difficult life!
In toxicology
Just hold on!
That poisoning
That indigestion
Spoils the good
They are poisoned by everyone
What came to hand!
Everyone is poisoned
Who lacked intelligence!
And bustles
Sometimes a nurse
Can't sleep at all
Until the morning.
Happy holiday to you,
Dear doctors!
Let it be yours
Hearts are hot!
I'm ready to say:
Toxicology is your floor!
Speech by toxicologists.

And now I promise:

We'll play a little.
Do not fly and do not look,
There will be just a professional examination:
I need you to know
In what office they got.


about the optometrist:
1. You are in the office,
Where there are no bandages and iodine.
The doctor will examine the fundus,
He will connect a magnifying glass to this,
He is pure in soul and heart.
That's for sure ... (optometrist).

about laura:

2. This doctor will rinse your nose,
Can push cotton wool
If necessary, it will open its mouth -
Will check your throat
He will make tampons in his ears.
Everyone has known for a long time:
He's a serious person
This doctor is called ... (ENT).

about the gynecologist:

3. You at least laugh, but at least cry,
Only this is a female doctor.
He immediately senses illness,
He treats all pregnant women.
His day in the service is long.
This doctor ... (gynecologist).

about the dentist:

4. And now I ask for a chair,
Take a seat quickly
Open your mouth wider
Wait: the doctor will come.
Excavations in his teeth
Make seals and brackets,
Remove the diseased shard ...
This is a wonderful ... (dentist).

about a cardiologist:

5. He does not look at you menacingly,
He's always so serious
He has his own program:
Can take a cardiogram,
Can you measure your pulse
And check the pressure.
And imagine, as an astrologer,
Everything will be predicted ... (cardiologist).

about the surgeon:

6. He is sad, then he laughs,
Never part
He's with a scalpel. Friends,
Without it, he cannot.
He is always cheerful, fresh,
What is not needed, it will cut off,
What is needed, it will sew ...
Maybe vice versa.
He'll drink some alcohol
With a nurse a little flirting ...
He is a brother and friend to all doctors.
Have you guessed? He is ... (surgeon).

about the nurse:

7. Who is always with a bandage and cotton wool?
In a white ironed robe?
Knows what? Where to? What for?
How to treat? Whom? And what?
Will give his orders
And will he sign all the decisions?
Who's always ready in the morning?
This is the elder ... (sister).

about the pharmacist:

Now let's go to the pharmacy
Let's look at the river for medicines,
And find out who looks like
Our question will determine.
1. Who will prepare the medicines,
He will equip all the windows,
Stand at the window
He will look at the medicines,
The ointment will knead good,
Will the powder weigh successfully?
Answers in a chant
Of course ... (pharmacist).

about the pharmacist:

2. Well, who is this, by the way,
In a white cap, robe?
Like a minister in a vast kingdom,
Checks all medications.
Checks everyone in a row:
Who is right here, who is wrong?
Who didn't get enough pills?
Where did you sprinkle the powder?
Who chatted like TV?
Have you guessed? He ... (pharmacist).

about the head physician:

3. He is in a separate office,
I am always responsible for others,
Knows everything and knows everyone
And in business - always success!
He can't sleep at night -
He knows the troubles of the hospital,
But you will not decide everything, even if you cry -
This is definitely the main ... (doctor)!

The medical examination went well

Of course it became clear to me
That everyone in the hospital is healthy
And cheerful! I give you my word!

Happy holiday, dear medical workers!

Happiness and success in your hard work!

3. Contests, games, poems and congratulations to doctors in the scenario of the holiday Day of the doctor, medical worker, to the day of the medical worker.



Welcome to our fabulous Neboleika polyclinic, only today you will meet our wonderful specialists who will prescribe medicines for all diseases for you and check your health.

How does the theater begin?
Everyone knows that from the wardrobe,
And polyclinics do not happen,
No registrar at the entrance.

He will direct and prompt,

He will show the patient the right path,
Give the coupon, put the seal
And he will send you to see a doctor.

Grandma enters the stage

(disguised young man, or girl):

Oh, what are you guys doing here?

Seems like a clinic?
This is for me, I really need it,
I'll go through all the doctors in unison.

The grandmother approaches the receptionists:

My dear, my back hurts and my heart presses,
The leg is limping, the liver is tightening,
Eyes can't see, nerves are out of order
In short, there is a problem with health.

You'd rather send me to the doctors,

Give me a coupon, put a stamp in it,
Well, which doctors do you guess,
Guess my riddles together.

She tells them riddles:

1. Chief doctors in the world,
All colds are treated to people,
With a throat if there is a problem
Will they help me? (Pediatricians)

2. If my eyes are tired,

It’s bad to see something,
It's dull somehow, the eyes are not clean,
Will they help me? (Oculists)

3. I became very nervous,

And I'm tired of life,
Does grandma need a gynecologist?
No! So who is it? (Neuropathologist)

4. The rhythm of the heart is not calm,

And the age is already worthy,
The stairs are so long
Does grandma need? (Cardiologist)

5. Runny nose, tears pouring from the nose,

The ears do not hear seriously
Cough drowns out the conversation
Of course I need it? (Lore)

Grandmother collects referrals to doctors from registrars, which they can write on napkins or any pieces of paper.

Leading (to the hall):

How to congratulate pediatricians on our desire,

Their work is important, invaluable!
Any trip to the hospital begins with them,
They always have friendly faces.

(referring personally to pediatricians):

Dear family, how proud we are of your service,
Today you are the sweetest and most beautiful,
You, as always, are worthy of admiration,
Happy Medic Day! Congratulations!

The grandmother holds any mobile competition, after which the doctors measure her pulse and make a diagnosis - Healthy.

Leading (to the hall):

How can we live without optometrists?

Without those who quickly check their eyesight,
The eyes are the most important human organ,
If they get sick, he is no laughing matter!

To see the house, nature, friend, mother,

Walk without squinting, but confidently and straight,
You need to contact them for help!

(Speaking personally to optometrists):

We congratulate you on the "Day of Physicians" in unison!

Grandma is holding a competition.

You can hold any competition to test your eyesight, for example, draw something on pieces of paper and show it from afar, gradually moving even further. In the end, the grandmother is diagnosed - Healthy.

Leading (to the hall):

For a long time, human nerves are not ropes,
And the soul is sometimes hard
Neuropathologists, funny guys,
You will always be received with sincere warmth.

(referring personally to neurologists):

Sometimes not sparing myself at all,
You are on fire, mentally at work,
We are in a hurry to congratulate you,
Your work is especially in high esteem!

Grandma is holding a competition for the best nerves:

each is given a piece of paper, it needs to be torn as small as possible, with one outstretched hand, you cannot help yourself with the other.

Leading (to the hall):

There is no heart more important in the body,
It gives rise to feelings and recognition,
A warm light lurks in him and love,
And happiness lies in consciousness.

(Referring personally to cardiologists):

It happens that the heart hurts
And we can't fix those problems without you!
"Medic's Day" flies all over the earth,
We are in a hurry to congratulate you with him!

Grandma is holding a competition:

you need to draw a heart with lipstick on a piece of paper with your eyes closed.
After the competition, the doctors diagnose my grandmother - Healthy.

Leading (to the hall):

From childhood we know the agreement
Ear-nose is treated by ENT.
If snot or otitis media,
He will quickly heal us.

(Speaking personally to lorem):

How grateful we are to you,
If your nose is breathing properly,
Ears hear, throat is clear
You are experts on them!

We congratulate you on the holiday,

Let us glorify your labor on earth,
Happy "Day" to you "Medica" family,
Our lauras are golden!

The grandmother holds a competition for the best hearing, those who want to whisper sweet compliments and congratulations in their ears, they need to convey them to a neighbor or pronounce them out loud.

After the competition, the doctors diagnosed her as Healthy.


Our grandmother is healthy
I am grateful to all doctors
We speak together with her,
Glory to the good doctors!

The grandmother changes her appearance to her own, young and gives a speech of thanks to all the doctors and the head physician.

After that, the floor is given to the head physician himself, who congratulates all those present on the holiday on the day of the medical worker !!!

4. Scenario for the Day of the physician "People in white coats."

The tables are covered with white cloth to the floor, and there are flower vases on them. At the entrance to the hall, lottery tickets are handed out to each invitee. The tables are designed for 2-4 people. Nice music sounds in the hall.

- Words of gratitude to you,
Nurses and doctors
To those who saved our lives,
To those who will restore our health,
We bow to you.
To present honorary certificates and valuable prizes to honored medical workers, (full name) is invited.

The presentation is performed to the accompaniment of solemn music. After the presentation, a girl enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers. She sings "Song of the Doctor" by Alena Sviridova, during the performance, she comes to each table and gives a flower, which she puts in a vase.

- Winter or summer, spring or autumn,
Diseases come, they won't ask us
On guard of health, always on the alert,
They always stand at the post,
They let our pain pass through themselves,
They always help us in trouble,
From everyone who has been in hospital wards,
Thank you people in white coats.

(Scene "At a doctor's appointment", with the participation of three people. A doctor sits at a table, a patient enters.)

A patient:
- Hello, Doctor!


(The patient lies down, the doctor examines him.)

- What are you complaining about, young man?

A patient:
- The heart hurts, the pressure jumps, the eyes burn and the head is spinning.

- So, so, so, speak your heart.

A patient:
- Yes, doctor.

(The doctor listens to the patient with a stethoscope.)

- Eyes are burning, my head is spinning!

A patient:
- Yes, doctor.

(The doctor takes out a photograph of a beautiful girl and brings it to the patient's face.)

- Is that easier?

A patient:
“Oh, yes, doctor, it's much easier that way.

- Get dressed, you are in love. This is not fatal, but if it does not pass in two months, then you will live with it all your life.

(The patient leaves, another appears.)

- Hello, come in, undress, go to bed.

A patient:
- Yes, I, this, doctor, here here ...

(He holds out the papers.)

- I told you, quickly undress, go to bed, now we'll figure it out.

(The patient undresses and lies down.)

- So, so, so, what are we complaining about?

A patient:
- For the salary.

(The doctor listens to him.)

- Interesting symptoms, you don't seem to be experiencing exhaustion. Sore throat?

A patient:
- Only after a cold beer.

- Dizzy?

A patient:
- Only after vodka.

- It seems to me that you are healthy, maybe you are a simulator friend?

A patient:
- No, doctor, I'm not a simulator, I'm a loader, sign the papers and tell me where to pour the coal.

“Everyone here received lottery tickets at the entrance. And so, not sparing smiles, we start the lottery.

The lottery is held with the help of those present. The presenter approaches each table and asks to take out the ball and announce the number. Prizes can be heart pads, jaw-shaped chewing gum, vodka as a medicinal tincture, chocolate - a hormone of joy, lemon - vitamin C, and much more. You can come up with a little joke for each prize.

- The quiet hour is coming,

Everyone is in their chambers
Only outside the window is spring
A riot of aromas
Breaking the silence
In a white robe,
Young nurse,
Spun in a waltz.

Dance competition for everyone present.

The presenter approaches a dancing couple, and gives one of them a balloon, and starts dancing with the other. A man with a balloon does the same. You can break a pair only once, when there is not one unbroken pair around, the remaining person with the ball is given the task to bring the ball in the palm of his hand to his beloved or beloved. A prize is awarded for a successful action.

Next competition: Nursing Courses.

Two women and two men are chosen. Male doctors give instructions to their nurses. After a certain distance, they tie a ball on two chairs and put two glasses of water each, you can get to the patient chairs only along the drawn squares. The first task is to give an injection to the patient. A disposable syringe is assembled and a ball is punctured on the other side. The second task is to give the patient a pill. Five tablets are taken, the nurse must transfer all the tablets one by one in a spoon. The third task is to give an enema. To do this, you need to select water from one glass to another with a small syringe. The fastest and most agile wins. She is awarded a painted diploma "Cool Nurse".

- You have chosen a difficult path, and yet,

Go without turning boldly off him,
What is dearest to you
The health of everyone, without exception, people,
Healing people is not an easy task,
And you can’t make mistakes,
So may good luck be with you,
And the Earth flourishes with joy !!!

The Medic's Day is a special holiday, which is usually celebrated in the summer on the third Sunday in June. The warm season makes it possible to celebrate this outdoor walk. A picnic in nature for the whole team will be the most pleasant pastime on this day, and various games and competitions will add a little excitement and intrigue. Below are very interesting and exciting options for competitions for doctors, with the help of which the most entertaining program is formed. Medical gloves and gowns are an important attribute everywhere. Participation in games and competitions will bring a lot of positive emotions, as well as a little competitive experience.

> Contest "Guess the specialty"

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare the name of the medical specialty on separate cards in advance. For example: dentist, surgeon, gynecologist and others. Further, one presenter leaves the entire team and draws a card at random. His further task is that he needs to depict the specialty indicated on the card with the help of gestures and facial expressions. The leader will be replaced by the one who is the first to guess the medical profession.

First Aid Competition

A very fun contest in which volunteers take part in pairs. For the competition, you should prepare voluminous mittens and toilet paper. One member of the couple needs to tie his hands, and the other puts on mittens and begins to wrap toilet paper around his legs. The winners will be those who get this procedure faster and more accurate.

Competition "Dress a Doctor"

Participation in the competition is accepted in pairs, where one is a doctor, and the other is his assistant. Each doctor of the couple should stand up straight, while the assistant, in the meantime, put on his shirt backwards and quickly fasten all the buttons. Those who will quickly cope with the task will win in this competition. Watching the helper try to fasten the buttons very quickly will cause a lot of laughter from the audience, because, as it should, this procedure is very difficult to speed up.

Contest "Guess the remedy"

The task of the competition is very simple. On the cards you need to indicate the name of drugs for various diseases. One volunteer is selected from the team, who, without looking, draws a card. Next, he needs to portray a disease with gestures and facial expressions, from which the indicated drug will help. The one who is the first to be able to guess and will become a substitute for the presenter.

Contest "Guess the melody"

To conduct this competition, it is imperative to prepare several melodies of a medical theme in advance. A short excerpt from the song is included, which the team must guess. The participant who is the first to guess the melody gets one point. The winner will be the one who scores as many points as possible. This show jumping is no less interesting when the diagnosis can be traced in the selected composition. Today there are many such novelties. Accordingly, the participants will then not guess the name of the melody, but will have to determine the diagnosis in question.

Game "Lord of the pipette"

Several people can participate in this game. Each player is given two glasses: one full and the other empty. The main attribute of the game is a pipette, with which the participant must transfer all the water from a full glass to an empty one. The winner will be the one who will be able to cope with the task the fastest. It will be much more fun if you play with music. As a prize, you can prepare a badge with the inscription "Master of the pipette."

Game "Diagnosis"

One of the most addicting games is the Diagnosis game. Almost the entire team or only everyone who wishes can take part in it. They need to stand in one circle and pronounce the name of the disease in turn. However, not everything is so simple, it should be named strictly in alphabetical order. You shouldn't think long or tell each other, you can just invent a new diagnosis. If you do it quickly, it will turn out to be very funny and fun.

Game "Maternity ward"

This competition will require two participants. The rules of the game should be announced only after the volunteers come out. One of the players will be a newly-born wife, and the other will have the role of a beloved husband and a caring father. Next, the spouse should ask the spouse questions regarding the child only. The wife, in turn, without uttering a word, gives the answer with gestures and facial expressions. The reason for this mode of communication is the sound-proof glass. It will be very funny if the participants are two men or women.
Game "Funny Figures"
Several pairs of medical gloves are indispensable in this game. Several volunteers come out to participate, to whom the host gives out a felt-tip pen and a glove. The music turns on, and the players begin to paint their attribute with a felt-tip pen. As soon as the melody stops, each participant must provide the resulting figure. Glove creativity directly depends on the doctor's imagination. The winner will be determined by the audience, who will act as a jury.

Game "Procedural"

The rules of the game are very simple. Those who wish to participate come in pairs, where one will be a nurse or a nurse, and the second will be an ordinary patient with a flux on his cheek. Each doctor in a pair should have a roll of bandage or toilet paper. To the music, the nurse or nurse should actively begin wrapping his patient's cheek. This should be done until the roll ends. Which pair does it faster, they will become the winners.

Game "Kinomaniya"

The entire team of doctors should be divided into two teams. The task is to alternately name domestic and foreign films or series about doctors. For example: “Interns”, “House Doctor”, etc. The winners will be the team that will be the last to remember and name the name of a film or TV series about doctors.

The game "Strong-willed doctors"

It is better to take part in this game only for men. Volunteers of the competition are given one glove, which they must inflate so hard to burst. The winner will be the player who completes this task as quickly as possible.
Game "Surgeons"
Another exciting competition, which will require:
two pairs of bathrobes;
two pairs of gloves;
two pairs of medical caps;
two pairs of shoe covers.
Only couples can participate. The music turns on and one player of the pair very quickly begins to put it all on the second participant. Once all the accessories are on, the first player of the pair yells "Scalpel!" The winners will be those who will be able to quickly cope with the task. It will be much more fun if you prepare small symbolic gifts and prizes.

The game "Test of nerves"

In this game, only neuropathologists will take part. Each is given one blank sheet. Their task to tear this paper is not a few small pieces, however, this is not the catch. You need to tear the sheet on an outstretched hand, while there should not be any help from the second hand. The winner will be the one who will cope with the task much faster than the opponents and will do everything very carefully.

Game "Pipette"

> Throughout this game, participants and spectators will be able to truly experience intrigue and excitement. Several people are called from the team. Then each is given one pipette and a beaker with an alcoholic drink or juice. The main goal is to try to empty the beaker with liquid using a pipette in a minimum of time. The contents must be drunk completely. Fun music turns on, and the participants in the game begin their task. It will be incredibly funny to watch the players who, with all their strength and tolerance, will try to drink the contents drop by drop. The winner is the participant who is ahead of all rivals and quickly cope with the conditions.

"Song Contest"

At the end of this wonderful day, it is worth holding this particular competition. The entire team is divided into two teams, in each of which a leader is chosen. Then he names any part of the body or organ, and his team begins to sing a song with this word. It will be very interesting and fun, especially if the host chooses difficult titles. This competition should only be held at the end, because it will help you have a lot of fun and enjoy the tunes about your specialty.
Such an entertainment program will bring a lot of positive and positive emotions to the whole team. With the help of exciting games and contests, they will remember this fun day with only pleasant memories all their lives.

Scenario Day of the Medic

Fanfare, exit tr. 001

Good afternoon dear friends! Good afternoon, dear medical workers, people in white coats, doctors, nurses, orderlies and everyone who considers themselves to be in this responsible, difficult profession!

Since October 1, 1980, a holiday is celebrated in our country - the Day of the Medical Worker. And you, by right, all without exception, deserve this holiday and this applause that sounded in your honor.


There is no nobler cause than to bring people mercy and kindness in the name of health. It is for these qualities that people are grateful to you. You have an excellent opportunity to help every person who needs your help. So give you God the strength and patience to continue your great work.

People in white coats, how honorable is your work!

Your sensitive hands bring healing!

We wish you good and warmth on your holiday!

So that fate only brings happiness, only brings joy

Song "MY HOMELAND"tr. 003

Dear friends! As much as we would not want to be distracted and forget about work, about a profession at least for a while, we are unlikely to succeed. Because any medical professional, regardless of the circumstances, time of day and place of his own location, must remain a medical professional. Well, since our team is assembled, I can safely invite your leader to the stage. The floor is given to the chief physician of the sanatorium "Pikhtovye Gory" Olga Ovsyannikova


Today is the day of wishes and congratulations for all medical professionals. We, a detachment of vacationers in your wonderful sanatorium, also cannot stand aside.

There is no more honorable work in the world,

More noble and more important!

Life is saved by a paramedic

He heals ordinary people.

We wish you health

Strong nerves, a lot of strength,

Personal happiness, good luck,

Faith, courage, love

"LET'S FLY TOWARD THE WIND", 1st squadtr. 005

The children of our camp not only rest in the "Fir Hills", but also improve their health. And all this thanks to you, dear doctors and nurses. On such a wonderful day, they also did not stand aside and prepared their congratulations


Reader 1 as you hear "Be healthy!"

Immediately remember the doctors

Those who are in a hurry to help us

Whose advice is always ready

Wear white robes

Cute guys

"Anatomy" - by "five!"

We will congratulate them

Reader 2 In general, magicians of medicine,

Like a shot of penicillin

We will write you a prescription.

And he is no more wonderful.

Ten drops of kindness

Twenty drops of beauty

To a glass of happy life

Stir until thick!

Reader 3 So that everything is fine -

Out of luck powder

A spoonful of good health

We add to you with love

A spoonful of joyful love

For seething blood

Mix everything well.

Take daily

Reader 4 Good for health!

What have we forgotten yet?

We took a spoonful of medicine -

We begin the procedure.

Bitter, too small

Medical salary.

So that she grows faster,

We add yeast.

It will be lush, it will be sweet.

Everything will be all right in life.

Ved. Your work is not more important in the world!

Profession - since ancient times and forever

After all, everyone knows: both adults and children,

That the doctor is the most important person

The song "YOU ARE A MAN"tr. 007

Friends, it became known to me that today people of different medical specialties have gathered at this holiday !. Let's greet the people we rightfully call doctors. People who accept patients, diagnose, prescribe treatment and seek the recovery of patients!

BEATINGtr. 008

Doctors rise

BEATINGtr. 008

The nurses are rising

And, perhaps, the work of orderlies cannot be unnoticed - these are those who perform auxiliary functions in medical practice. Let us also ask them to stand up and congratulate them on their professional holiday.


Orderlies rise

Winter or summer, spring or fall
Diseases come, they won't ask us
On guard of health, always on the alert,
They always stand at the post,
They let our pain pass through themselves,
They always help us in trouble,
From everyone who has been in hospital wards,
Thank you people in white coats.

"We are together" Ekaterina Droganova, Andrey Droganov

Today, in honor of your holiday, fanfare will sound, songs are sung, poems are recited. We thought about how to surprise you. And we decided to invite an orchestra of musicians who will perform "Frog Jazz" for you

COMPOSITION "Froggy Jazz", 6th detachmenttr.010

Medieval scientist Avicenna said: "A doctor must have the eye of a falcon, the hands of a girl, the wisdom of a snake and the heart of a lion!" So, we wish you that all these qualities are not only present with you, but also preserved for many years of your professional activity!

And therefore, happy holiday to you, with your professional holiday, with the Day of the medical worker. Continue to heal people and do good!

The song "WHAT IS GOOD" Polina Golovatenko,3 squad

Today, the children of the camp donate their creativity to those who take care of them and heal their whole shift. We can not only sing and dance, we also know how to compose. And then show it on stage. Your attention is a reenactment of the 4th detachment.

Scene "ANYUTA" 4th squad

In the camp, children live life to the fullest: they play, sing, have fun and, most importantly, make friends.

The song "TWO HALF" Nastya Kolesnikova, Katya Shevchenko, 1st detachment

To your attention the dance of the 6th squad "Poppies color"

Dance "MAKOV COLOR", 6th detachment

The next creative gift came to us from the 3rd squadron.

GYMNASTIC STUDY, 3rd detachment

Song "Red Cat" by Stanislav, 3rd squad

You have chosen the hard way, and yet,

Go without turning boldly off him

What is dearest to you

The health of everyone, without exception, people.

Healing people is not an easy task

And you can’t be wrong.

So may good luck be with you

And the Earth flourishes with joy.

Dance "KAPITOSHKI", 5th detachment

Giving gifts

All doctors - with their beloved holiday!

We wish you bright and unique days.

May happiness open to you

The holiday should not end in the soul

Heal people and be healthy yourself,

Let life spoil you with miracles more often.

May everything be fine in your families

And more often people say thank you.

Dance "Good mood", 3rd detachment

- Hello, the most respected people of our city. Today we want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday - the Day of the Medical Worker!

In our country, and throughout the world, this is one of the most revered days. Not a single civilized country would have existed a day without people in white coats. And to deny their titanic work is completely unfair. After all, medical personnel are fighting every day for the life and health of sick people.

Dear medics, today we from the bottom of our hearts, from the bottom of our hearts, congratulate you on your professional holiday. We bow before your courageous, noble, wise and kind work. Not many professions could earn so many epithets for themselves. Moreover, they are very modest and very fair.

(A congratulatory poem addressed to medical workers is heard).

- And now, when the first festive beautiful words have been said, we will gladly give way to more meaningful and weighty congratulations.

A congratulatory word is given to the Head of our city (Full name of the head).

(The mayor of the city makes a congratulatory speech).

- For the presentation of honorary awards on the stage are invited chief physician central city hospital (Full name of the doctor).

(A ceremony is held to award doctors, nurses and other medical workers with certificates of honor and gratitude).

- So the solemn official part of our holiday has come to an end, but it is too early to disperse, since we are moving on to the second part - the entertaining one. And now you have to be in the role of patients, and we will try to heal you from fatigue, blues and boredom. Moreover, your treatment will be carried out by non-traditional methods - funny stories, dances and songs.

(A funny congratulatory song is played.)

- A real doctor Is a vocation. We wish you all good health and longevity!

(A dance is performed as a gift to all medical workers).

- A doctor accompanies a person throughout his life. From the first loud cry to the very last breath. It is very lucky for those people whom nature has awarded with excellent health, because this is not always the case. And then our dear doctors come to the rescue.

- Doctor, medic, healer! In all ages, people worshiped them. They have always been loved and respected, because they made life easier, helped to believe in the best. They still free people from pain, and sometimes give the wisdom that helps a person to exist in the world.

In order to become a doctor, it is not enough to learn all the concepts and terms, you still need to feel love for children, for people, a desire to understand them, help and serve them.

(a congratulatory song sounds to the doctors).

- And now let's check if our respected doctors are able to diagnose immediately based on the symptoms and appearance of a stranger.

A fun game is being played. All participants are divided into two teams, each is given a list of lines from popular songs. On these lines, the rivals must make the most accurate diagnosis. For example: I will never see you ... (blindness), etc.

- Well, thanks. On this wonderful day, I would like to wish you great happiness. We wish you never to doubt the benefits of your work! Happy holiday, dear medical workers.

- Day of the medic- this is a holiday not only for workers of polyclinics and hospitals, but also for those who come here for help. The words of sincere gratitude and appreciation of the patient are the highest reward for the doctor.

- Our joyous meeting is coming to an end. May this good mood remain for everyone for a long time, may there be happiness and peace in your home, patience and success in work, good health and calm patients to all of you!

Have you decided to show all your talents and arrange an unforgettable evening for yourself and your friends? Then a medical styled party is what you need! This evening you can play in your home clinic or take plots from popular medical series such as Interns, House Doctor and The Clinic. If you are using existing plots, then it is better to initially define roles for all. Thus, your friends will have the opportunity to prepare not only with the costumes, but also to create a certain image and there will be no confusion with the characters.


Of course, you can notify your friends about the upcoming party by phone or by sending messages on social networks. But in our time it will be much more original if you use the old old-fashioned way and make invitations on paper, which you then hand personally to the addressee or send by classic mail. Naturally, no one invites you to write an invitation on a postcard with flowers, which can be bought at any flower or newsstand. With the help of a computer and several free programs, you can make such a postcard yourself without much effort and cost. It may depict sexy nurse or fairytale character Dr. Aibolit. You can generally do hospital ward collage where all your friends are. In general, there is a lot of room for your fantasies.

If your abilities are limited to searching for articles on the Internet, then invitations can be made in the style of primitivism, that is, you can cut out photographs and various pictures from magazines or newspapers and, armed with glue, glue them on a sheet of paper, which you can then simply copy using a copier.

Alternatively, you can make a medical-style party invitation in the form of a recipe in which the patient is shown rest in your apartment, or in the form directions indicating come off to the fullest.

How to decorate a room

A medical party needs an appropriate setting. But there is no need to use bandages as garlands or write on the window with green paint "I will measure the temperature for free." You can simulate a hospital room, take out excess furniture and put beds instead of chairs. But, if you do not live in a hostel, then it is unlikely that you will have such an opportunity. Therefore, just make it sterile, like in a hospital ward, make the bed with a white sheet, remove flowerpots and carpets away. As jewelry you can use droppers, enemas, various pears, stethoscope... You can put on the bedside table a pack of kefir and put the fruit in the net.

What to cook for a party

You can cook anything for your guests, but you don't need to make oatmeal with kefir for your guests. Not only the treats you have prepared, but also alcoholic drinks require a special serving. Alcohol should be drunk the way health professionals do. That is, you can pour it into test tubes or special cups for testing.

Meat baked in the oven, or pizza and chips are also suitable for treats. But having started to be original, you no longer need to stop. You can order sushi for the whole company, but instead of ordinary chopsticks, use medical tweezers, or you can take a scalpel instead of a table knife for cutting meat. Of course, you can do without the special decoration of dishes and be content with only those tips that are indicated above. But original dishes will brighten up your party and delight all guests. Can be made from salad ambulance, where chicken eggs will act as wheels, and lay out the red cross with pomegranate seeds or crab sticks. Syringes filled with various sauces that stick out of the chicken fillet will look original.


Taking into account the specifics of the event, all guests must arrive in costumes. Naturally, first of all, the thought comes to mind about k sexy nurse... But, you must admit that it will be a party with only nurses. Therefore, already in the invitations to the party, you can offer each guest an image in which he should be present at the evening. It could be patient, doctor, nurse or nurse, orderly.

WITH a nurse's or doctor's suit adult shops can help, you have to tinker with the rest of the costumes yourself. In order to portray a nurse, you can buy a special suit and a hat in a clothing store. Unleash imagination and ingenuity easily creating a patient image. Guys can even come in the most ordinary tracksuit or pajamas, making a bandage with a bandage on any part of the body. For girls, to complete the image, you can simply take a beautiful robe and high-heeled shoes, because it is so important for girls to be at their best in any situation.


Even alcohol at a party won't give you as much fun and joy as you can get from interesting contests. Once you decide to host a medical themed party, the contests should be appropriate. What fun to arrange is not only up to you, but also the possibilities of the room where you are hosting the party. Below are some of the contests your guests are sure to enjoy.

"First aid"

For this competition, you need to choose two or three pairs. Men ask to indicate any part of the body and only after that give the girls bandages. Then, at the command of the girl, they impose bandage on that part of the body that a guy from her team pointed out earlier. Whoever coped first won.

In the same way, you can play a mummy or invite everyone to make the same bandage.


Everyone remembers the favorite childhood game - forfeits. The same game can be turned into therapeutic competition.

For example, everyone throws their forfeits into their hat. The presenter touches the phantom with a question to all those present: "What is this phantom doing?" The rest come up with fun tasks (for example, invite neighbors first aid or measure pressure), and the one whose phantom gets out of the cap completes the task.


All those present take part in this game at once. To do this, everyone needs to sit in a circle, take a small piece of paper on which to write any diagnosis. Then this piece of paper is glued to the forehead of the person who is sitting on your right. Thus, each member of the circle has definite diagnosis, which he must guess with the help of leading questions. The rest of the participants must answer only yes or no (For example, you got a diagnosis of diarrhea. You ask the other participants: “Is it related to the head?” They answer: “No.” Your next question may be: “Is it related to the stomach?” They answer: “Yes.” And so on).


To complicate the task, you can set a time limit.


For this competition you will need small balloons and five syringes. The balloons should be inflated and placed on the wall with tape, and fill the syringes with water... A little trick and yours medical darts ready.

Prizes for contests

Contests include prizes. Each winner must receive their winnings. In the form of gifts, of course, you can take iodine, cough tablets, or a pack of cotton wool, but it will be much nicer to receive a pack of ascorbic acid or a plate of hematogen that will not only bring gastronomic pleasure, but also remind you of your childhood.

In addition to contests, you need to come up with other entertainments. You can come up with a funny scene and play it with your friends, or you can draw a human body poster and make guests with their eyes closed attach various organs to him.

And most importantly, do not forget to take a camera to capture everything as a keepsake. Over the years, you will continue to get together and, looking through photos, remember the fun days spent with friends.

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