Interesting facts about the structure of man. The most interesting facts about a person: anatomy, physical capabilities, unusual talents

Scientists - anthropologists, psychologists and others - has accumulated a huge number of stunning discoveries. American anthropologist Dr. Stephen Juan, preparing in the University of Sydney, anthropology and specialized discipline, released a whole series of books "Entertaining anatomy", where he spoke about scientific facts, funny and useful, open not so long ago.

1. Fateful seductors and dictators are born with teeth

Babies are usually born without teeth. So nature ordered - so that the mother does not reject the baby when feeding, when breastfeeds. But this is such a fact: about one of two thousand babies is born with one sorted tooth. And then his feeding turns into a mother in essential flour. It automatically tries to feed it, smaller and in general it takes away from the chest. The baby has to just fight in order to eat.

From infancy, it is formed by the complex for an assfied world. And then in adulthood, he tries to conquer him. Anthropologists found that the majority of world leaders dictators were born with a breakdown tooth. Julius Caesar, Hannibal, Napoleon, Mussolini, Hitler ...

Pain from breastfeeding did not allow mothers to give these babies enough love. Therefore, such babies not only seek to conquer everyone and all, but also very jealous. They are terribly losing love, and therefore, the other sexes grow from both of them who want more people to love them. So do not necessarily go to politics. Can go to the actors or simply "rustle" with other people's hearts in everyday life.

Salami creates a sense of love, and alcohol in small doses stimulates creativity

In the creative environment, the use of alcohol is very common. And why? It turns out that it stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for imagination, visual images and non-standard creative moves. And at the initial stage of use contributes to creative finds.

And the left hemisphere responsible for the logic and memory associated with the responsibility and accuracy of the details is submerged into a stupor. Therefore, the overabundance of alcohol creates a special type of creativity - absolutely meaningless. Some scientists say that people who dominate the left hemisphere, even useful sometimes relax a glass-other and include the right hemisphere.

And it is also useful to eat salami, which contains three times more phenylethylamine than in chocolate. This is a substance raising the mood, and with the participation of brain cells, which are designed to work during love.

Tightly tightened tie affects vision

Our eyes work more than any other organ. To understand what load on them is necessary, imagine that you need to walk 80 kilometers per day. Yes, the legs will fall off from such an unbearable task! But the eyes are nothing, do not fall off. Meanwhile, the acuteness of our vision depends on the heap of factors.

For example, tightly tightened tie can affect vision. American scientists in the process of perennial research found that 67% of men have a deterioration in view due to a tightly tightened gate. Because it is thus limited to the influx of blood to the eyes, it also affects blood pressure, which, in turn, also affects visual sharpness.

And scientists advise deeply and smoothly breathe their nose. This allows you to get more oxygen in which our eyes need. It is proved, those who are right breathing (nose and deeply) and does not smoke, vision is better and preserved longer.

If you often laugh, you can not walk in doctors

We begin to laugh at the age of 12 weeks. Laughter is the highest form of a protective reaction. Freud believed that laughter helps us cope with lustful thoughts. And Charles Darwin allocated laughter important role In evolutionary development. Like, removes tension and helps restore mental stability. Without laughter, we would all go crazy and no progress would have achieved.

Dr. Norman Kazens discovered that laughter helps to return health. And therefore, for example, in America in hospitals, cabbages of laughter and therapy and chambers of fun are open. How does this happen? From the point of view of biochemistry, the laughter suppresses the formation of cortisol, which adversely acts on the immune system.

The exchange of substances increases from laughter, the muscle tissue is stimulated and the mass of positive hormones into the blood is ejected. Laughter warns depression, heart disease and increases pain threshold. Well, of course, in general, strengthens the immune system. There is even a saying that if you laugh every day, the doctor does not need.

One of the latest studies has shown that the concentration of salivary immunoglobulin A (IGA) has significantly increased. These are antibodies associated with the resistance of respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In general, it may once come out when the times will come when the doctor will begin to send clown.

You will sleep in two phases, live harmonious

Does such that you wake up among the night and can not sleep for an hour? Thrust and think that this is insomnia, and even struggle with her. And in fact it is normal for the human body - a break among the nights to wakefulness. Anthropologist Carol Wortman from the University of Emory discovered that it was necessary to sleep in two, and even in three phases.

Adopted in the modern world is the idea that it is necessary to continuously sleep all night, erroneously. For example, in cultures, distant from civilization, still sleep with the sunset, then somewhere at midnight wake up and the hour - another hang out about everything, even dance, make love, laugh at the fire, meditate, pray and go to sleep again .

But the electric light shot down our biological graphs. But in the Middle Ages, special brochures were even published for nobody, where it was described what to do in a night-time break. European doctors of those times, for example, recommended during the first sleep to sleep on the right side, and during the second sleep - on the left. This, in their opinion, improved digestion. Animals, by the way, sleep in several techniques.

Thomas Ver, Psychiatrist from the United States, conducted an experiment. I planted the subjects under natural conditions, without electricity, and began to follow their schedule. At first they continuously slept at 11 o'clock, and then their sleep was also broken into two phases. They fell asleep for four hours, then wake up, walked two hours and again fell asleep for four hours.

After the experiment, the volunteers began to feel more harmonious, calmer, they have improved creative abilities and fantasy. However, maybe it also happened because they lived in vivo and in full security on all ready. Any of us, I think, in such a situation there would be complete harmony in the soul.

What other scientists

You are healthy if you can understand another person

Psychiatrists and psychologists invented many ways to know whether the person is healthy. Criteria mental health mass. But all tests have any shortcomings. And the main one - you need to know the theory well to apply one or another more or less serious test in life. And any testing takes time. (Some stretched for all day.)

So, scientists brought one simple criterion of a mentally healthy person. It sounds simple, and difficult at the same time: if you are able to accurately understand the point of view of another person, you are healthy.

Talents are revealed on the fifth top ten

By the way, scientists also believe that the heyday of the intellectual life of a person, as well as his psychological abilities, are fully able to reveal at the beginning of the fifth tent. At the forty years, the most interesting in life just begins. And in men, and in women.

From the lack of sleep and glory you can die

isologically healthy person can die from a lack of sleep. We just need not to sleep four days. Death from the lack of sleep is preceded by complete disorientation and madness. But, by the way, the fear of death is not the most terrible. Only 31% of people are mortally afraid of death. And as much as 45% to death is afraid to speak publicly. This is the so-called halofobia. So almost for half of the world's population, five minutes of glory can be at least the cause of the strongest neurosis.

Wounded in the heart don't always die

And still curious facts about death. There is a common opinion that if you hit the person with a knife in the heart, he will die. But it is not. Doctors show that most of the wounded in the heart survive.

And the low people live longer. What to explain to, scientists do not yet know.

It is safe to live when you know more. And what do you know about the structure of the human body? Numerous truths and irrefutable evidence. Scientific research, practitioners that do not get tired to bring and disclose something new.

The human body is a complex chemical laboratory in which the most complex metabolic processes occur continuously.

If we ask the question: "What is the structure of the personality?", It is undoubtedly a skeleton, skin, blood and organs. The most important elements. Studying every substance, open something new for yourself.

Probably, everyone knows that the nature of man and its essence is studying two sciences; Physiology and anatomy. These industries tell us the necessary. But, there is still a lot of curious things to learn and know. Only the most inquisitive!

Skeleton - body support and protection of all internal organs

  • The bones of man (especially the femoral) is very strong and durable. By its structure resemble reinforced concrete construction. Can withstand the weight of the granite slab.
  • It has been proven that the child has more bones (about 300) than an adult. How to explain it? Every year, the baby grows and his skeleton changes, that is, the bones will grow up, forming new, larger.
  • Imagine! Giraffe has the same number of objects.
  • Interestingly, every seven years, the bones of man are updated.

Blood - liquid that provides life

  • It is hourly the substance is updated. Old cells die off, and new ones are produced (bone marrow and spleen).
  • The only part of the human body does not have a circulatory system - the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye.
  • It is the red blood of blood, indicates that the carrier of oxygen here, there is iron. By the way, we can say that the blood of certain types of spiders is blue. Oxygen transports oxygen - copper.
  • One hundred thousand kilometers is the length of all blood vessels of the person.
  • Excellent example! Australia, donor James Harrison, passed blood more than 1000 races. Saved life to two millions of children.

The appearance of the body, which protects not only internal organs, but also a skeleton of a person.

  • In the Derma, there is a pigment melanin. From this and the color depends.
  • Sweet glands play a very important role. They regulate body temperature. Interesting! If you think the sweat has no pleasant smell, you are mistaken. Such an aroma is obtained, due to bacteria living on the surface.
  • The thinnest skin is the cover of the age.
  • Scientifically proven that staying in the sun for a long time, people lose vitamin D.

Of course, an integral part of the whole organism, there are its organs.

  • I produce your shocks, this body may fight while there is a certain amount of oxygen inside.
  • In a female person, this tool becomes faster than in men (about 10 blows).
  • But the ancient Egyptians thought that the heart and other organs could be moved.
  • Professor of the Australian University, proved that cats and dogs can well influence the work of this body structure. And also, the use of chocolate, also contributes to this.
  • It has been established that a daytime sleep, kills the heart, because the pressure is risen.
  • People who have heart problems often succumb to depression and neurosis.


Lightweight - clean and even breathing

  • Why did this organ named so? Amazing! The only organ that rests on the water.
  • It is curious that the element serves not only for breathing. Also, protects the heart, serves as a "airbag".
  • What do you think, how many liters of the air breathe every day? About 10,000 thousand units.
  • Those who smoke are most susceptible to lung cancer.

Vision organs - to live a full life

  • It should be noted that the constant wearing of lenses and glasses does not affect the eyes.
  • Girl with Germany, Veronica, has the highest urgency.
  • But women blink more often than men.
  • If we talk about the color of the eyes, then "green" the most rare. We also note that the Japanese gives it great importance.
  • All people are born with light gray eyes. And only then, they can acquire another color.

Summing up everything above, it can be seen that each body is the main wealth in a person's life. Therefore, it is worth thinking and take care. And most importantly, do everything that depends on us for good and fruitful functioning!

Photos from open sources

The human body is an incredibly complex and tangled system, which still puts into the deadlock of doctors and researchers, despite the fact that it is already studying no one hundred years. Therefore, it is quite natural that parts of the body and ordinary organism functions can surprise us. From sneezing to the growth of nails - here are 98 of the most strange and interesting facts about the human body.


The brain is the most difficult and least studied human body. We do not know much about it, but nevertheless here are some facts about him.

1. Nervous impulses move at a speed of 270 km / h.

2. To work the brain requires as much energy as the 10-watt light bulb.

3. The cell of the human brain can be stored five times more information than any encyclopedia.

4. The brain uses 20% of the total oxygen, which enters the circulatory system.

5. At night, the brain is much more active than the day.

6. Scientists say that the higher the level of IQ, the more often people see dreams.

7. Neurons continue to grow throughout human life (controversial assertion)

8. Information passes on different neurons at different speeds.

9. The brain itself does not feel pain.

10. An 80% of the brain consists of water.

Hair and nails

In fact, these are not living organs, however remember how women are shaking over their nails and hair, how much money they spend on care for them! If you can tell your lady a couple of such facts, it will certainly appreciate.

11. The face on the face is growing faster than anywhere else.

12. Every day, a person loses an average of 60 to 100 hair.

13. The diameter of female hair is twice as smaller than male.

14. Human hair can withstand weight in 100 g.

15. Nail on the middle finger grows faster than the rest.

16. On the square centimeter of the body of a hair of hair as much as on the square centimeter of the chimpanzee body.

17. Blondes have more hair.

18. The nails on the hands grow approximately 4 times faster than on the legs.

19. The average life expectancy of the human hair is 3-7 years.

20. It is necessary to bald at least half in order to become noticeable.

21. Human hair is almost defensed.

Internal organs

We do not remember the internal organs, while they do not bother us, but it is thanks to them that we can eat, breathe, walk and all that other things. Remember this when you get into your stomach next time.

22. The largest internal organ is the delicious intestine.

23. The human heart creates a pressure that is enough for blood sprinkled for seven and a half meters ahead.

24. The acid contained in the stomach can dissolve the shaving blades.

25. The length of all blood vessels of the human body is about 96,000 km.

26. The stomach is completely updated every 3-4 days.

27. The surface area of \u200b\u200blight man is equal to the Tennis Court Square.

28. The female heart beats faster than men.

29. Scientists say that the liver has more than 500 functions.

30. The aorta has a diameter, almost equal to the diameter of the garden hose.

31. Left lung less right - so that there is a place for the heart.

32. You can remove most of the internal organs and live on.

33. The adrenal glands change the size throughout the human life.

Organism's functions

We do not really like to talk about them, but they are forced to have something with them daily. Here are some facts about not the most pleasant things that concern our body.

34. The speed of sneezing is 160 km / h.

35. Cough speed can achieve even 900 km / h.

36. Women blink twice more often men.

37. Full bladder reaches the ball size for the softball.

38. Approximately 75% of human livelihoods consist of water.

39. There are approximately 500,000 sweat glands on the legs, they can produce to the liter of sweat per day!

40. For life, a person produces so many saliva that it can fill it a couple of pools.

41. On average, man produces gases 14 times a day.

42. Ear sulfur is necessary for the health of the ears.

Sex and continuation of the kind

Sex - in many respects taboo, but very important part of human life and relationships. The continuation of the kind is no less important. Perhaps you did not know about them several things.

43. Every day in the world is 120 million sexual intercourse.

45. During the first trimester of pregnancy, women most often see in a dream frogs, worms and plants.

46. \u200b\u200bThe teeth begin to grow six months before the appearance of the world.

47. Almost all children are born with blue eyes.

48. Children are strong as bulls.

49. One of 2,000 children is born with a tooth.

50. The fruit acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.

51. Everyone half an hour of his life was a single cell.

52. Most men erection takes place every hour or every one and a half hours during sleep: after all, the brain is much more active at night.

The senses

We perceive the world with feelings. Here are interesting facts about them.

53. After the satisfying lunch, we hear worse.

54. Only one third of all people have one hundred percent sight.

55. If saliva can not solve something, you will not feel taste.

56. Women from birth smell is better developed than in men.

57. Nose remembers 50,000 different flavors.

58. Pupils are expanding even due to small interference.

59. All people have their own unique smell.

Aging and death

We are older throughout life - it is so arranged.

60. The mass of the ashes of a cremated person can reach 4 kg.

61. To the sixty years most people lose about half of the taste receptors.

62. Eyes all life of the same size, but the nose and ears are growing all their lives.

63. At 60, 60% of men and 40% of women will snore.

64. The child's head is a quarter of its growth, and by 25 years old the length of the head is only the eighth part of the entire body length.

Diseases and injury

We all sick and get injuries. And it is also quite interesting!

65. Most often, heart attacks occur on Monday.

66. People can do much longer without food than without sleep.

67. When you burn in the sun, it damages blood vessels.

68. 90% of disease occurs due to stress.

69. The human head remains conscious within 15-20 seconds after it was cut off.

Muscles and bones

Muscles and bones are the framework of our body, thanks to them we are moving and just lying.

70. You strain 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown. If you do not want to strain your face - smile. He who often goes with a sour mine, knows how hard it is.

71. Children are born with 300 bones, and in adults there are only 206.

72. In the morning we are in a centimeter higher than in the evening.

73. The strongest muscle of the human body is a language.

75. To take a step, you will use 200 muscles.

76. Tooth is the only organ incapable of regeneration.

77. Muscles decrease twice as slower than pumped out.

78. Some bones are stronger than steel.

79. In the footsteps contain a quarter of all bones of the human body.

At the cellular level

There are such things that you will not see the naked eye.

80. The square centimeter of the body contains 16,000 bacteria.

81. Every 27 days you literally change the skin.

82. Every minute 3,000,000 cells die in the human body.

83. People lose about 600,000 skin particles every hour.

84. Every day an adult organism produces 300 billion new cells.

85. All language prints are unique.

86. There is enough iron in the body to make a 6-centimeter nail out of it.

88. Red lips, because under the skin there are many capillaries.


A more couple of interesting facts

89. The colder in the room where you sleep, the higher the likelihood you will dream of a nightmare.

90. In tears and mucos, the enzyme is contained lysozyme, destroying the cell walls of many bacteria.

91. In half an hour, the body highlights so much energy as it takes to boil one and a half liter of water.

92. Ears highlight more ear sulfur when you are afraid.

93. It is impossible to tickle himself.

94. The distance between the arms elongated to the sides is your height.

95. The person is the only animal that cries because of emotions.

96. The right-handers live on average for nine years longer than the left.

97. Women burned fat slowly men - about 50 calories per day.

98. The pocket between the nose and the lip is called - the nasal groove.