How to choose the right bed linen for quality add your price to the base comment. Bright and cheerful bedding

Before choosing bed linen, we first of all pay attention to its appearance, color. It is impossible to make recommendations here: everyone has their own preferences. But how to determine its quality and comfort for sleep is a whole science. Want to know more about this? I will tell you everything I know about fabrics used for sewing underwear, as well as what else to look for when choosing.

Choosing the type of fabric

Since in a dream we spend almost a third of our lives, the question of which fabric is better to buy bedding from does not seem idle. After all, it should contribute to a good rest, without causing discomfort and giving positive emotions.

This can be provided only by natural fabrics - environmentally friendly, pleasant to the touch, hypoallergenic, breathable and do not accumulate static electricity. Of no less importance are characteristics such as durability, shapes and colors, easy maintenance and price.

Let's see what materials have these properties so that the choice of bedding does not turn into buying a pig in a poke.

Option 1. Cotton

Cotton fabrics are the most widespread and varied. All of them are 100% made of natural raw materials, but differ in the type of weaving. Depending on it, the following materials are distinguished:

  • Calico... The weaving method used in its creation provides the material with high strength and resistance to creasing. Calico products are good allow air to pass through and keep warm, are inexpensive. But they are harsh to the touch.

  • Ranfors... An analogue of coarse calico with the same weaving, but from a thinner and better twisted thread, which provides a higher density of the fabric and wear resistance. It is soft and silky to the touch.

  • Chintz... An excellent choice for everyday use at a very affordable price. Chintz absorbs moisture well, breathes, is pleasant to the touch, easy to iron and easy to iron. But it fades over time and not characterized by high wear resistance.

  • Percale... Very tightly woven fabric, durable, resistant to wear and tear. It is not for nothing that sails and parachutes are sewn from this material. For the manufacture of bed linen, very fine threads are used, so it turns out to be soft and smooth. Due to its high density, percale does not shrink, does not roll and does not let feathers, fluff through itselfand other fillers, so it is often used for sewing bedcloths, mattress covers.

  • Satin and satin DELUXE... This is an elite cotton fabric that looks like smooth silk. She practically does not wrinkle and can withstand up to three hundred washes without losing its shape... The higher the density of satin for bedding, the more delicate, flowing and silky it will be. It is the higher density and lower thickness of the thread that makes DELUXE satin different from the usual material. Often, satin weaving is combined with jacquard, getting incredibly beautiful iridescent patterns.

  • Batiste... It is also a rather expensive and beautiful fabric, which is not distinguished by its resistance to wear and tear. Batiste linen is not used for everyday life, but in special cases. or for dear guests. You can also buy it as a gift.

  • Poplin... A distinctive feature of this material is a small scar, which is formed due to the use of threads of different thicknesses in weaving. The fabric is soft, velvety, durable and dense. And with proper care and very durable.

  • Flannel. If you are thinking what kind of bedding is better to choose for the off-season, when it is already cold, but the heating has not yet been turned on, then there is nothing better to find flannel. This is a satin or plain weave fabric with a soft pile. She perfectly retains warmth, her touch gives a feeling of comfort and tenderness. It is not for nothing that most of the textiles for newborns are sewn from it.

  • Frote... This mysterious name hides a familiar makhra. Lingerie made of it is warm, comfortable, easy to care for and use. It is not only unnecessary, but also not recommended to iron, since after ironing, the pile is crumpled and absorbs moisture worse... Only a 100% cotton frotte will remain pleasant to the touch during the entire period of use. Adding only 5% synthetic will make it tough after just a few washes.

To reduce the cost of production, manufacturers often use blended fabrics, adding synthetic fibers to cotton. Outwardly, such fabrics hardly differ from natural ones, and sometimes they look more attractive and last longer. Costing at the same time one and a half to two times cheaper.

But at the same time such the fabric is more rigid, it does not breathe and does not absorb moisture well, it is electrified... And these properties are the more noticeable, the higher the percentage of synthetics, which can reach 85%. If you do not want to deprive yourself of comfort and restful sleep with your own hands, it is better to stay away from such products.

Option 2. Flax

Natural linen sheets and duvet covers would be perfect if they didn't wrinkle so much. In addition, they cannot be called gentle - they are harsh and rude to the touch. And they are inhumane.

But flax very well absorbs moisture released from the body and allows air to pass through, maintaining a comfortable thermal regime. If you do not consider yourself to be sissies and aesthetes, then feel free to buy such underwear - you will not regret it.

Option 3. Bamboo

Bamboo fabrics appeared relatively recently, immediately gaining popularity. Its secret lies not at all in fashion trends and consumer interest in new products, but in something else.

Bamboo fibers are believed to have unique antimicrobial properties, neutralize unpleasant odors and prevent dust mites from settling in bed.

I cannot say that this is really true and not a publicity stunt. But the fact that these types of bedding are very comfortable to use, strong and durable is absolutely certain. True, you have to pay a lot for these properties.

Option 4. Silk

Do you want real luxury and bliss? Buy linen made from natural silk. But only natural, without impurities, otherwise just throw your money down the drain. Because puffs and clues will quickly appear on it, the sheet under you will creak and sparkle, and you will sweat under a thin blanket.

Present silk gives coolness in the heat and warmth in the cold... It gently envelops you and gives you unforgettable pleasure with its touch. And it looks just gorgeous, without requiring complex care. It is expensive, but having at least one such kit for special occasions is a must.

A variety of silk is natural satin. It is a denser fabric with a smooth, shiny front surface and a matte backing. It practically does not stretch, and when it breaks, it does not bloom and does not wrinkle.

Despite the rather high price, satin underwear can be classified as everyday, because it has unique wear resistance, easily withstands many frequent washings... At the same time, both color and shape are preserved in their original form.

You now know enough about the choice of material to understand which one you need. It remains to learn how to determine the quality of products.

Choosing high quality bedding

The quality of bed linen depends on the raw materials used for its manufacture, and on sewing, and on the dyeing method and storage conditions. In order not to miss and buy a product that will be pleasant to sleep on, easy to care for and use for a long time, pay attention to the following points:

  • Density of fabric... It is determined by the number of threads per square centimeter and depends on the type of fabric and the thickness of the threads. It is different for different fabrics and can vary from 20 for cambric to 60-70 for satin. Of course, you should not count the strings right in the store with a magnifying glass. You just need to inspect the product in the light and give preference to the frequent and even weaving of threads.

  • Seam quality... Turn out your pillowcase or duvet cover and inspect the seams. They should be double with edges hidden inside.... If this is not the case, refuse to buy - such linen will quickly creep from washing. At the same time, look at the color of the threads, they should be matched to the fabric.

  • Smell... It should only be the subtle scent of new textiles, but not a harsh chemical smell of paint... The presence of the latter indicates that in this case a cheap, low-quality dye was used, which will wash out, shed, or, even worse, cause allergies and irritation on the skin.

  • Color quality... There is one more piece of advice on how to choose high-quality bedding: according to the color intensity on both sides of the canvas. It should not be very different from the face and from the inside. The stability of the dye can be judged by the recommended washing temperature, it should be at least 60 degrees.
  • Packaging... Regardless of whether you want to choose bedding for a gift or for personal use, always pay attention to the packaging. An unmarked set sealed in polyethylene is an indicator that the manufacturer is not concerned with its own reputation, but with cost savings. In addition, the packaging must contain instructions for use and care and manufacturer's details.

In addition, you need to know the required dimensions, otherwise the purchased bedding set may not suit you. Make sure it includes all the items you need.

For example, if you prefer to sleep under different duvets, you need a Family set with two duvet covers. And if under one, then "Double" with one, but designed for a wide blanket.

Do not forget about the sizes of pillowcases - they can be square or rectangular with different side lengths.

The sheets should completely cover the mattress and fold under it. The ideal solution is a sheet with an elastic band. But when buying it, make sure that it matches not only the perimeter, but also the thickness of the mattress.

Now, after making sure that the quality suits you, you can choose the most beautiful bedding in your opinion. Monochrome or patterned, with or without frills and lace inserts - this is a purely individual matter, so there is no need for advice.


If names such as calico, percale or cambric don't tell you anything, read this article again. She will help you when choosing bed linen from unfamiliar materials. In any case, you will know what to expect from them during use and after washing.

And advice on determining the quality will give confidence when communicating with the seller trying to stick you stale consumer goods at the price of an airplane wing. Want to know even more - watch the video in this article. And be sure to tell us how and by what criteria you choose bed linen.

The topic of bed linen as the foundation of coziness and comfort is inexhaustible. Our grandmothers also considered starched pillows and snow-white feather mattresses as special pride. And how pleasant it was to sleep on such a bed! The bed was prepared for the marriage of the daughters; several sets were put into a large chest. Since then, traditions and views on these products have changed. Dozens of new fabrics, combinations of weaving types have appeared. But comfort and convenience are still held in high esteem. Free bed linen is always in place.

The subtleties of the world of sleep

During sleep, body temperature drops dramatically. And in the summer we sweat profusely. Spending a third of your life in bed, sleeping and unprotected, you need to know which bedding to choose so as not to harm yourself. Being aware of the peculiarities of fabrics and being able to determine high-quality bedding means protecting your family from harmful influences. Poor paintwork, insects and skin allergies. Read the article twice if there are children at home. The health of the household is the main responsibility of the mother and housewife. How to choose bed linen and not stumble upon a fake? With a variety of choices, we are severely limited in quality. Only 60% of companies (ours and foreign ones) produce truly excellent products.

A quality product is a ratio of price, strength and beauty. It looks good, lasts a long time and meets all the characteristics of human skin. Synthetic fabrics are not suitable for a night's sleep and a long stay on it. Only natural. They do not itch the skin, they absorb moisture. The addition of synthetic threads to enhance strength is allowed. How not to confuse beautiful bedding with quality and deal with the size, this article will teach.


You should start with the choice of material. Surely you have at least once been presented with bedding that you have never used. How to choose a fabric so as not to put the item on the mezzanine? Among the variety of fabrics in the world, bedding material must be made from natural fibers. In the article you will find information on what the bedding should be like. What is the fabric that meets all modern ideas about comfort? It is easy to wash it, it gives pleasant ones. Consider three large groups of materials presented to us by nature. All of them are united by the properties of natural fabrics. They do not stick to the skin, allow air to pass through and do not cause discomfort. Real bedding will help you get a good night's sleep and feel the joy of a new day.

Cotton linen. The foundation of the basics

Cotton is the golden mean among bedding fabrics. When washing and using it, it is more convenient than linen, unpretentious. Wrinkles, but not as much as silk, and much cheaper. It costs exactly as much as you would give for it. Cotton threads in one or another processing and density underlie many other fabrics of average cost: chintz, calico, ranfors and others.

Satin. Softer than 100% cotton. Woven from a twisted cotton thread, it has a good density per square centimeter. The satin fabric is very smooth, pleasant to the touch, does not wrinkle and, most importantly, repels dust and wool (which is valuable for those who are allergic to them).

Chintz. Has a rare weave, low cost. Suitable for daily use and quickly loses color and shape.

Silk linen. The confrontation between luxury and everyday life

The most expensive bedding. You will have to pay 6-7 thousand rubles for his kit. The fabric is complex and capricious. How to choose bed linen? Reviews on the Internet showed a difficult attitude towards this material. Opinions were split in half. Some are afraid to roll off their silk underwear, while others have it. In fact, it is easiest to slip off the mattress of this fabric, so the best solution for this material is

Silk bedding can be divided into two types of weaving: smooth or rough. The first strongly resembles satin, and the second - crepe de Chine. A survey of reviews has shown that the majority of those who sleep on the first type of underwear consider it unsuitable for constant use. It glides and clings even to small hairs on the back. The man's stubble shrugs loudly over such underwear, and the smooth-shaven face “slides down”. Reduce the characteristics of the second in smoothness and shine by three times - you get rough silk. The silk set was considered too cool for the winter and slippery for everyday use.

Linen bedding. The properties of a healing flower

Linen bedding is distinguished by its unique workmanship. It is grown naturally, without pesticides. This natural material does not electrify, repels UV rays. At first, it will seem rough to the touch, but after a couple of washings, you will not remember this minus. Does not fade in the sun and does not fade. This is exactly the kind of bedding you choose to keep your body warm while you sleep. It is warm and comfortable to sleep on a linen bed. Natural linen can be identified by touch by the characteristic knots in the fabric.

However, there were some drawbacks. Such linen crumbles, does not hold its shape well and shrinks after washing.

Buying linen. Choosing a kit wisely

How Do I Choose Good Linens? You can independently learn to distinguish high-quality underwear without looking at bright packaging, which, moreover, may contain incorrect information. Large designs of quality marks can also lull your vigilance. You will have to apply all the tricks of a professional spy and slowly examine the box. The linen in it should be folded neatly, and not just how. Checking the pattern with the picture on the box or packaging will help you choose bedding. They must match in color and pattern. A bona fide factory indicates its name and country in large print.

Many manufacturers in Turkey and China make products with seams in a plane connecting several parts. Be careful when choosing. The red signal for you will be threads sticking out of the linen, unevenly processed edges and uneven fabric. You definitely won't go wrong if you use your sense of smell. An unpleasant specific smell - signs that you do not need to buy underwear. This smell appears when painting the material. The stronger the smell, the more likely the laundry will fade. And this is the best case. At worst, you risk waking up painted in this color. Cheap paint lags behind the material and stains your hands like a fresh newspaper. A quality set has a subtle scent of new textiles. Packaging. A conscientious manufacturer will take care of the quality and appearance of the linen box. This is important when transporting fabric over a distance. Good and reliable packaging will save the bed from deformation and, God forbid, a gust.

Caution, deception! Unscrupulous manufacturers of their bright packaging

In order to sell low-quality goods, manufacturers go to many tricks. They use inexpensive dye that fades quickly, sparse weaves, and even smaller laundry sizes than what is written on the packaging. What can a buyer do in this situation in order to protect himself from purchasing a low-quality product? You should find out the composition of the fabric. Check out even the smallest lettering in the corner. The composition of the fabric on the package can be written with "scatter". Above in large letters "cotton", in small letters in the corner - "synthetic fiber". Also look on the packaging for a diagram of the kit, indicating the size of each item and recommendations for care.

The quality of the linen. Personal inspection

If the packaging did not arouse suspicion and you are ready to buy this kit without looking, then it’s better not. You need to get bed linen. How to choose a quality one? A fabric is considered to be of high quality if it pays for the necessary time for its money (large or small). Bed linen more expensive than 5 thousand rubles per set necessarily has a bonus in the form of easy ironing or long-term use. While thin and inexpensive fabrics are pleasant to the touch, alas, they are short-lived. Remove the kit from its packaging to make sure it is intact. The threads are color-matched, even and straight. Now attention to If there is no information, it is worth counting the number of threads yourself. A fabric with 85-130 and more threads is considered dense. The average is about 40, the low is 25 threads per square centimeter. And remember: the age of gift openwork bedding is short-lived. Sets made by hand from expensive fabrics will withstand only 30 washes.

Bed sizes. How to choose the right size for your underwear?

In order for the linen to go well with the bedding, you need to know their size in centimeters. How to choose bedding if your bed is too large or unusual? There is no standard size for pillowcases, duvet covers or even a sheet. You need to study the information on the package. Kits in Russia can be roughly divided into Russian and Euro. In the first, the pillowcases are square, and in the euro, they are rectangular. Manufacturers have different sizes. So how do you choose the size of your bedding?

The sizes of different firms, in turn, may also differ. It will be easier to navigate in centimeters. And a completely unusual option for Russia: "duet", also called "family", for beds with two quilts and a half. Fitted sheets will be marked with Fitted sheet.

Table with the approximate size of the domestic market

Duvet cover (cm)

Bed sheet (cm)

Pillowcases (cm)

One and a half

(duvet cover, bed sheet, 1-2 pillowcases)


Double euro

(duvet cover, bed sheet, 2-4 pillowcases)


(2 duvet covers, bed sheet, 2-4 pillowcases)

(duvet cover, sheet, pillowcase)

Do not drop, do not turn over. Bed care

Now you know how to choose bedding. There are a number of rules for washing so that it lasts longer and does not lose its density and color. Wash a new set of linen inside out before using for the first time. Let the information on the label be a strict guide to washing - this method is the most appropriate for the material. The laundry should be ironed slightly underdried and dried immediately after washing. Natural fabrics shrink slightly.

Linen in white or gray can withstand washing even at 90 degrees, as well as boiling. Colored linen is best washed at 60 degrees.

Baby bedding. What is the difference between a bed for a baby and a five-year-old tomboy?

How to choose bedding for a baby? The material for the baby kit should be selected more carefully than any other. A small amount of synthetic additive is allowed. But it is better if the linen is completely woven from natural materials. A material with such properties will allow air to pass through and absorb moisture. There are many types of cottons and crib fabrics. Start from the age of the child. So, very young children growing up quickly are more likely to buy chintz. It is thin, breathable and inexpensive at the same time. The baby will grow out of it sooner than it begins to thin out.

When the child grows up, cambric will suit him. In the cold season, flannel is indispensable. Soft, warm and suitable in all respects for baby bedding. Linen materials are durable, they do not lose color during washing, on the contrary, they become more comfortable. We hope that all the information in the article was useful to you and "how to choose baby bedding?" not a question anymore!

For a good rest, a person during sleep needs not only a cozy bedroom and a comfortable bed, but also high-quality, pleasant to the touch bed linen. On the shelves of shops selling home textiles, you can find many sets that differ in color and density of fabric, size and brand of the manufacturer. It is difficult for an unprepared buyer to understand such an abundance of products, especially since the price of a product does not always correspond to its quality. Therefore, before you go shopping, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the basic parameters of the quality of bed linen, so as not to make a mistake and make the right choice.

What should be the bedding

Bed linen is the textile that comes into contact directly with human skin, therefore, the following requirements are reasonably imposed on it:

  • The fabric should be breathable and absorbent. Usually such properties are possessed by materials made from flax, bamboo.
  • High strength and durability of the product is very important. Laundry requires frequent washing, and delicate and loose fabrics will quickly deteriorate.
  • The dyes used in the manufacture of the kit must be resistant to hot water and not contain components that cause allergies.

Bed linen that meets the above requirements will last a long time and will delight its owner with the softness of the touch, the brightness of the pattern and the cleanliness.

The first thing that the buyer pays attention to when deciding to purchase a set of bedding is the color and, and only after that, determines the quality of the product. In order not to be mistaken with the choice and to purchase really high-quality textiles, many factors must be taken into account.


Quality packaging distinguishes quality linen

The packaging of any product speaks of the manufacturer's level. The bedding set is no exception. The more expensive and respectable the package looks, the higher the quality of its contents.

It is better to choose textiles in a dense cardboard box, which will withstand any transportation without damage, will not get wet and will not get dirty.


The package must have a well-adhered and clearly printed label. Manufacturers of textiles that do not meet the standard requirements often avoid disclosing the name of their company and contact details, which should certainly alert the buyer.

Typically, the following information can be found from the label:

  • manufacturer's name, address, contact phone numbers;
  • the composition of the material from which the textiles are made;
  • a list of products included in the set and their sizes;
  • care rules.

The manufacturer of quality bedding always values \u200b\u200bits reputation and does not hide its "face".

Density of fabric

The main indicator of product quality is the density of the fabric - the number of fibers in 1 cm². The higher the density, the stronger and more durable the product. This value is usually indicated on the label only by a bona fide manufacturer and ranges from 20 to 280 threads per 1 cm².

Density parameters of popular fabrics:

  • - 30;
  • cotton - 60;
  • and - 90;
  • japanese silk - 280.

Features of sewing

The pillowcases, sheet and duvet cover included in a premium bedding set should be sewn from a single piece of material and not assembled from individual pieces. A seam in the middle of the product indicates that it does not meet standard requirements - such underwear is not reliable and ugly.

When choosing a kit, you need to carefully study the wrong side, joints and edge finishing. All work is carried out with a special linen seam, which tightly connects the parts and will not allow the product to break after the first wash. The threads used for sewing the bed must be strong and match the color of the overall color, and their ends must be securely fastened.

Advice! It is better to choose a set that includes a sheet with an elastic band and a blank duvet cover. Such underwear is more practical, does not slip or wrinkle during sleep.

In addition, multiple buttons and locks should be avoided, as excess hardware makes it difficult to clean the product and can injure a sleeping person.


Quality linen has a pleasant smell of new textiles. Any other "aromas", for example, the smell of paint, chemistry or mold, indicate that the dyes contain too many harmful substances, the fabric was produced without observing the technology, or the goods were stored and transported incorrectly.


Bed linen in light colors does not shed when washed

Experienced housewives most often choose bed linen dyed in light colors, since there is less risk that the product will shed after the first wash. If you like a set with a bright pattern, you need to be especially vigilant. Resistant paint can withstand washing at temperatures exceeding + 60 ° C, which should be noted by the manufacturer on the label.

In addition, on some kits, you can see the dye strength mark, which must be at least 4. If no written evidence of dye strength is found, you can rub your palm hard against the face of the material and thus find out how strong the dye is. A stained palm will indicate poor color quality of the product.

The pattern on the front and back sides should be equally clear and bright. You should not choose a set in which the fabric is painted only on the front side, and the inside is white, with barely noticeable stains. Most likely, such underwear will quickly fade and lose its original attractiveness.

Dimensions (edit)

When buying a bedding set, it is very important that the product matches the required dimensions. You can choose underwear with an original design, made of high-density fabric and dyed with a permanent dye, but if you do not fit into the size, it will be very uncomfortable to sleep on it. Therefore, before going to the store, you must carefully measure the length, width and height of the mattress, determine and write down the parameters of the pillows and blankets.

Russian and imported kits differ in their sizes. In order not to get into a mess, it is better to consult with a sales assistant who will tell you everything about the selected product and help you not to make a mistake with the purchase.

What fabric is better to buy underwear

Basically, bed linen is made from cotton, linen, silk, and synthetic materials. Recently, there are sets of fashionable bamboo. Each fabric has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what material the bedding should be made of. Some love reliable cotton, others prefer iridescent silk, and still others love the touch of coarse linen.

The following materials are most often used to make bed linen.


The most common material for making bedding is cotton. The fabric has a natural composition, excellent air permeability and moisture absorption. It is not hot to sleep on such a bed in the summer heat, and in winter it gives comfort and warmth. Cotton fabric can be washed at a water temperature close to 100 ° C, it dries quickly and is easy to iron, which is important for bed linen.


The practicality and strength of this cotton fabric is ensured by a very dense cross-shaped weaving of threads. Rough to the touch, with proper care, it will serve faithfully for several years. Coarse calico textiles are durable and low cost.


Thin flowing fabric is made from cotton fibers. The fabric, incredibly pleasant to the touch, gives a gentle coolness in contact with the body. However, despite the high cost, cambric bedding is impractical, wear out quickly and lose its original appearance. Such underwear can be bought as a gift or for meeting dear guests, but not for everyday use.


Lightweight and at the same time durable, smooth and shiny on the front side and matte on the inside, it is distinguished by a special weaving of threads, which ensures the wear resistance and durability of the fabric. Despite the rather high cost, this linen is considered economical, since, if the rules of care are followed, it can withstand more than 300 washes.

Terry cloth

Terry bedding is a good choice for winter

Warm terry linen is more suitable for use in the winter season. The material does not require special care, is easy to wash and hardly wrinkles. The terry sheet is firmly adhered to the mattress, does not slip and does not gather like an accordion.

Comfortable and practical terry linen can be purchased for everyday use. When buying, you need to pay attention to the composition of the material. If it contains more than 5% synthetics, then after a few washings the linen can become tough and uncomfortable, so it is better to choose textiles made from 100% cotton.


Another derivative from cotton is satin. The durable fabric has a noble matte sheen and is very silk-like in appearance. This effect is achieved due to the use of highly twisted cotton threads in the production of fabric, intertwined in a special way.

Does not require complex maintenance, dries quickly and is easy to iron. The cost of the kit is slightly higher than the price of similar products made from other materials, but it is quite consistent with the quality of the product.


Linen is a natural, environmentally friendly material that is often used for sewing bedding. A strong and rough canvas does not contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora and is a natural antiseptic. crumples quickly, in order to smooth out this only drawback, a little synthetic fibers are added to the fabric composition.


Silk bedding embodies luxury and romance. For a long time, natural Japanese silk has been especially highly valued. Of course, a set made of this material is quite expensive, but the pleasure obtained from sleeping on a silk bed justifies all the monetary costs. Smooth and shiny fabric:

  • slightly cool to the touch;
  • has good breathability and hygroscopicity;
  • not electrified;
  • it does not require special care.

Once you buy a set made of natural silk, you can enjoy the comfort presented by this noble fabric for several years.

Which bed linen to choose is a private matter for everyone, the main thing is that it is comfortable and comfortable to sleep and that after the first wash you do not have to be upset by the sight of a blurry pattern.

Manufacturers offer bed linen sets made from a variety of natural and artificial fabrics. In order to choose the kit suitable for ourselves, we will learn about the most popular materials and their properties.

The silky cotton material is satin. It is durable, beautiful, soft, with a shiny shade. - one of the leaders among cotton fabrics, its cost is higher than other materials. But the quality of satin sets it apart from other sets.

For many years the satin set will be durable, beautiful, the brightness of its colors and silkiness will not disappear.


magically transforms reality. Natural linen is durable, retains its shape well. Elegant sets are pleasing to the eye and have a beneficial effect on health.

Natural silk fibers help with rheumatism and skin diseases, do not lead to allergies and fully justifies its considerable price.


Cotton in the bedroom - loyalty to habits and traditions. A variety of colors, ease of care, sufficient durability distinguish this fabric.

Since the 18th century, poplin - "European coarse calico" has been used for bed linen in Russia. Poplin retained all the positive properties of cotton fabrics (environmental friendliness, hypoallergenicity, hygroscopicity). A special type of weaving of threads gave it a special softness, smoothness, shine.

Poplin is an inexpensive and high-quality material, so there are no fewer fans of poplin sets.

The most economical underwear is chintz. Lightweight, hygienic, elegant chintz will decorate the bed and will bring pleasure to use. But not for long. Chintz does not differ in wear resistance, changes color and shrinks during washing. The faded set will still be comfortable for sleeping, but it will not retain its original appearance, and will begin to tear from a large number of washes.


Warm, soft and cozy fabric from childhood is flannel. In bed with the onset of cold weather, it is ideal not only for children, but also for adults. The disadvantage of flannel linen is the pilling that forms from the soft fluff on the surface of the fabric during use.

Modern fabrics

One of the most popular materials in recent years is bamboo fiber. It is considered the most suitable for contact with the human body. Bamboo linen “breathes”, like the skin of a person covered by it, and the sleeping person does not sweat. Thanks to natural bamboo fibers, the product has antibacterial properties. Another advantage is that bamboo fiber does not absorb or retain odors. Customers like delicate and soft underwear. It's easy to look after him. It does not slip, is pleasant to the touch, and remains beautiful, comfortable and useful for a long time.

Mahra is a relatively new invention. The high loops left when weaving the threads make the terry cloth both strong and fluffy. The peculiarity of weaving gives the material hygroscopicity, it absorbs moisture well. However, because of this, terry cloth dries longer. The fiber loops massaging the skin. Hypoallergenic terry is comfortable to use at any time of the year.


Experts consider tensel one of the most popular, but quite expensive materials. This is a special natural material, the composition of which is 100% eucalyptus. The fibers of this durable wood are specially treated to become a super strong fabric.

Tencel gives the bed linen important qualities: hygroscopicity, hypoallergenicity, antibacteriality. Such linen dries quickly, retains its shape well after washing, even without ironing.

Important! When buying a set from Tencel, you need to carefully study the recommendations for care. Some kits advise dry cleaning.

The basis for the production of viscose is natural cellulose. The material from it turns out to be especially soft, delicate and durable.

Viscose is much lighter than cotton. It does not accumulate static electricity, and moisture is well absorbed. The disadvantages of viscose are wear and tear from exposure to water and sunlight. Viscose deforms and shrinks from washing.

Polymer fiber, invented in Japan over 40 years ago, is successfully used in the production of microfiber. Beautiful microfiber bedding has an affordable price, undemanding to care for.

Sets of different colors and shades retain their shape and color, practically do not wrinkle and do not require ironing. The use of hygroscopic microfiber becomes an obstacle to the development of fungal diseases.


By combining cotton and polyester, the manufacturers obtained a blended fabric - polycotton. Economical, bright, durable polycotton kits have found their buyers. This fabric does not shrink during washing, it is pleasant to the touch.

Important! when buying a polycotton, be careful about the ratio of cotton to polyester. With a high percentage of polyester (from 50 to 85%), static electricity accumulates in fabrics, they absorb moisture worse, discolor faster when using synthetic detergents, and pellets form on their surface.


Natural cotton, used in the production of a relatively new fabric - ranfors, makes the product close to traditional coarse calico. The difference is the use of thinner, but at the same time more durable cotton threads, as well as an increase in the number of weaves per square meter of fabric.

The ranfors bedding set can be used in the nursery. The linen is environmentally friendly, hygroscopic, anti-allergenic. Underwear made of ranfors is quite expensive, but it is strong and durable, serves for a long time and does not require new expenses to purchase a new set.

Important! be sure to check the composition of the linen: some manufacturers began to add up to 20% synthetics to the ranforce. Lingerie from ranforce with additives should be cheaper.

Basic selection parameters

With such a variety of fabrics, how to choose “your own” without error? We will indicate the main characteristics of the material, which must be taken into account.


We carefully study the components of the material in order to understand how much natural and synthetic fibers it contains. The higher the percentage of natural fiber (cotton, linen, silk), the higher the value of the material. It is optimal to use completely natural fabrics.


The quality of bed linen depends on the strength and durability of the fabrics. It is also necessary to pay attention to the coloring and processing of materials.


The indicator of density is the number of threads involved in weaving a fabric measuring 1 cm. Many manufacturers indicate the density on the package. There are several density levels:

  • Low: cambric, cotton, etc.
  • Medium: linen, artificial fabrics.
  • High: satin, silk, etc.


When determining the price, the following is taken into account:

  • material composition: natural fabrics are more expensive than synthetics;
  • method of painting: drawings made with a variety of paints, which are applied separately, make the product more expensive;
  • quality dyes;
  • the size and completeness of the set.


The main purpose of bed linen is to create comfortable sleeping conditions. Such underwear should be environmentally friendly and safe, not causing allergies in contact with the body. Prerequisites are the ability to absorb moisture, allow air to pass through, allowing the skin to "breathe". Such linen does not slip, does not electrify, does not cause any unpleasant sensations to the touch.


It is equally important what kind of care the bedding requires. Housewives prefer fabrics that are well washed, quick-drying and do not require much effort when ironing. Manufacturers achieve this by adding a small amount of synthetic materials to natural fibers.

How to choose the best bedding fabric

Bed linen performs not only decorative functions. Therefore, before you buy your favorite fabric or bedding set, pay attention not only to its drawing. A few more steps are helpful.

To choose bed linen, we need to know the parameters of the bed, the size of the blankets and pillows. If you wish, you can buy one of the items in the set, but more often they buy linen in sets. Each set consists of a sheet, pillowcases (pillowcases), duvet cover. The size and number of items in the set may vary.

  • The one-and-a-half set consists of two pillowcases measuring 50 x 50 cm (70 x 70 cm), a sheet measuring 215 x 145 cm and one duvet cover measuring 215 x 145 cm.
  • Double set according to Euro standard includes a large duvet cover measuring 215 x 180 or 175 cm; a sheet measuring 220 by 240 cm; a pair of pillowcases, which can be 50 by 50 cm, and 70 by 70 cm. Sometimes double sets come with a small sheet measuring 195 by 220 cm, and the rest of the set items are the same sizes as Euro.
  • Eurostandard bed linen. In this set, one duvet cover size 200 by 220 cm, two pillowcases 50 by 70 or 70 by 70 cm.The sheet can be of two sizes: 220 by 240 cm or 240 by 280 cm.
  • The family set consists of two pillowcases 50 x 70 cm (70 x 70 cm); two duvet covers 215 x 145 cm and one sheet 220 x 240 cm.
  • The children's bedding set consists of a duvet cover measuring 115 x 147 cm, pillowcases measuring 40 x 60 cm and a sheet of 120 x 150 cm.

In European countries, there is the following classification:

  • Three-bed (king-size)
  • Double ("2-bed", full)
  • One and a half sets ("1,5-bed", extra long single)
  • Children
  • Single ("1-bed", single).

Attention! Different manufacturers of linen have sizes of items in the set varying from standard by 10-15 cm.

Types of bedding fabrics


One of the most versatile and popular materials for bedding. It is easy for the consumer to choose the desired color, thanks to a wide selection. A quality set should be marked: 100% cotton, the fabric should not show through. The material is sewn with a special linen seam, the edges and edges are well finished.

Important: The sheet and pillowcase should not have unnecessary seams, as they are sewn from a single piece of fabric. It is not recommended to purchase sets with a pungent chemical smell, protruding threads.

Pros: well removes moisture from the body; comfortable; pleasant to the body; With proper care, linen is quite wear-resistant and “lives” up to 5-7 years. Fabrics are easy to wash and iron with a regular iron. Cotton does not accumulate static electricity, does not slip on the bed. It is recommended to buy such underwear for children, allergy sufferers, and the elderly.

Minuses: Burns out in the sun; with frequent washing, the fabric shrinks and dries for a long time.


One of the most expensive natural fabrics for bedding, it shines. The material is durable, hypoallergenic and wear-resistant. It has a beautiful appearance and perfectly removes moisture from the body, plays the role of a temperature regulator in winter and summer.

Pros: the tissue does not stretch, is not a breeding ground for saprophytes, does not electrify, is durable, does not stretch and does not shrink. When stretched, the fibers of the material do not break. The fabric repels dirt.

Disadvantages:requires careful care (it cannot be bleached, it is washed with special means and only on the hands, the washing temperature should not exceed 30 degrees). It is not recommended to rub or twist the material during washing. Ironing is carried out only from the seamy side, the material does not need to be sprayed with water, water stains may remain.


The fabric is made from cotton yarns and viscose fibers, possibly made only on the basis of cotton. The material has no lint, it is created by complex weaving. On it, a pattern is knocked out with a relief surface in appearance, resembling a tapestry. Jacquard is pleasant to the touch and has a smooth texture.

Pros: strength and density, good moisture removal, thermoregulation. When washed, jacquard dries quickly, does not accumulate static electricity. It is abrasion resistant.

Minus: high cost: if washed often, then the fabric becomes covered with pills.

Satin jacquard

A material in which a twisted cotton thread is mixed, which reflects light. It combines smoothness and embossed patterns. The surface of satin - jacquard on the front side is smooth with a pronounced shine, and on the seamy side the fabric is rough. When manufacturing, manufacturers prefer pastel colors.

Pros: the beauty of the material; hypoallergenic; comfortable temperature conditions when used in winter; durability and strength; you do not need to iron, after washing it almost does not wrinkle;

Minuses: the more synthetics in the fabric, the worse the quality of the material; hot to sleep in summer; slips, especially if the owner of the bedroom prefers to wear pajamas or a chemise from.

Linen type for bed linen

Natural fabric with a peculiar texture. If you touch the material with your hands, then you will feel its stiffness and small nodules in the material. Linen made of it has a massage effect and has thermoregulation. Sleeping under such linen is cool in summer and not cold in winter. In addition, flax has a bactericidal effect. It kills fungus, eliminates inflammation. By absorbing moisture, the fabric does not get wet, dries quickly and does not accumulate static current. It is durable, resistant to light, does not turn yellow.

Important! the more washings the linen fabric endures, the softer it becomes.

Cons: wrinkles and bad to iron; the canvas is not always pleasant to the body.

Type of coarse calico for bed linen

A fabric made on the basis of a cotton thread with frequent weaving. If you compare chintz and calico, then it will be a little harder. Sleeping on such linen is pleasant. It is highly hygienic, wrinkles little, lightweight, retains the brightness of colors for a long time, even with frequent washings. Lingerie made from such fabric will be budgetary.

Pros: practically does not require ironing, remains bright for a long time, durable, environmentally friendly.

Minuses: quite tough, due to the weaving technology.

Calico type for bed linen

The fabric is lightweight, 100% cotton, it can be printed or dyed. The strength of the material is given by weaving of the weft and warp in a ratio of 1 to 1. It has a glossy surface. Great not only for bed linen, but also for underwear.

Pros: the fabric is natural and very light. No ironing required. It is comfortable to sleep on it at any time of the year, it perfectly absorbs moisture.

Minuses: Due to its low density, it quickly breaks down, rolls up, deforms and shrinks after washing.

Type of bed linen flannel

The material is made of cotton threads, has a light fleece, densely woven. Manufacturers sometimes add synthetics to the manufacture, but this does not affect the quality of the material. The pile can be on one or on both sides of the fabric. Density is determined not by the frequency of the threads, but by the weight.

Pros: does not require careful maintenance; it becomes softer with each wash; pleasant to the body; perfectly warms while sleeping in winter. The material is soft and has a pleasant hairiness.

Minuses: dries for a long time, rolls up quickly, crumples strongly.

Type of polycotton for bed linen

Cotton and polyester fabric. But the material is not synthetic, therefore, the polyester content does not exceed 35%. Almost does not fade, pleasant to the touch, washes well.

Pros: The material is strong and durable, soft, does not get dirty, it is perfectly erased. The material almost does not wrinkle, does not shrink after washing. You can skip ironing.

Minuses: If there is little cotton thread in the linen, the environmental friendliness of the material decreases. The fabric is electrified, it needs antistatic treatment. Cannot be bleached with chlorine. The rougher the fabric, the faster the saws will form.

Poplin type for bed linen

The material for such bedding is made of cotton, silk, viscose or fibers. Synthetics. The fabric is durable, but pleasant to the touch, thanks to the manufacturing technology. The threads in it are arranged so that the outside is softer and thinner, and the coarse and thick ones are located inside. The gloss is similar to satin. It can be printed, plain dyed, etc. Often 100% cotton. Almost wrinkle-free, lightweight and breathable.

Pros: Possesses high wear resistance, softness; has a beautiful shine; does not require special care procedures. Does not lose brightness for a long time, does not deform. You can skip ironing.

Minus: if there are woolen threads in the fabric, it shrinks during washing. If necessary, the fabric is difficult to sew.

Kind of cambric for bed linen

Material based on linen or cotton, has a 100% natural composition, smooth surface. It is durable, moisture-wicking, slightly transparent and very lightweight. This fabric is used for luxury bedding.

Pros: pleasant to the touch, thin and light. The fabric is highly durable, hypoallergenic, and keeps its shape well. It is easy to wash and iron.

Minuses: Requires special care, washing of such a set should be delicate.

Viscose type for bed linen

Artificial fabric for bedding made of cellulose-based fibers. But its properties are similar to natural fabrics, has a pleasant shine, does not lose brightness for a long time, and is pleasant to the touch.

Pros: Hypoallergenic, durable material, absorbs well, practically does not fade, does not electrify. Can be folded into beautiful folds, draped. Sleeping under it is not hot in summer, and not cold in winter.

Minuses: crumples a lot, is exposed to sunlight, can shrink when washing.

Type of microfiber (microfiber) for bed linen

The material is completely made of polyester, similar in properties to cotton. The material is durable and perfectly absorbs moisture. Scientists believe that such materials are the future of the textile industry.

Pros: the material is soft, pleasant to the touch, almost does not roll. Caring for it is simple, the fabric does not wrinkle and is easy to clean, resistant to abrasion, does not fade. Not exposed to sunlight. After washing, it dries quickly, is not "afraid" of moths, fungus and dirt.

Minuses: Cannot be washed and dried at high temperatures. Despite the fact that the fabric absorbs well, it retains fat. Susceptible to a build-up of static electricity.

Type of bamboo for bed linen

The material based on bamboo pulp thread is environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic. Feels like cashmere or silk. It is softer than cotton, has a shiny surface and an antibacterial effect. Most often, the color of the fabric is light green.

Pros: environmental friendliness, material, pleasant to the body, does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies, destroys microbes. Such fabric serves as a thermoregulator and absorbs moisture well.

Minuses: high price.

Density of bedding fabric

This characteristic depends on the method of weaving in the manufacture of the material, and the digital containing reflects how many threads are contained in 1 cm 2. The denser the fabric, the longer it will last. The cambric set has the lowest density, cotton and linen are considered medium density. The largest number of threads per 1 cm 2 has a set of satin.

By density, materials are divided into the following groups:

  • Low density: 20 to 30 strands
  • Below average weight: 35 to 40 strands
  • Medium: weave 50 to 65 strands
  • Above average: 65 to 80 strands
  • High density: the number of threads ranges from 85 to 120
  • Very high: threads per cm2 from 130 to 280.

Color fastness

The stability of the pigment depends on the type of dye, the way it is applied by the manufacturer. It is difficult to recognize the durability of the used paint by eye, but do not despair.

The pigment for coloring is divided on a 5 point scale, the optimal indicator for pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers: 4.

Important! Check the label for the optimum wash temperature. The higher the temperature, the more stable the staining.

Rub the linen material well with your palm, if the paint is resistant, then there should be no marks on your hand.

Seam quality

When choosing bed linen, you need to pay attention to the quality of tailoring.

  • The color of the threads must match the color of the set
  • Edge seam and edge trimming should be done with a linen seam.
  • There should be no distortions and protruding threads
  • When sewing, only whole pieces of fabric are used, there should be no extra seams.


Everyone chooses bed linen to their taste, but there are a number of tips that will help you make your choice:

  • The color scheme of the set should be combined with the style of the room. If it is impossible to choose a shade for the interior, it is better to take light and pastel colors.
  • Romantic people are advised to opt for lingerie with prints of flowers, lace, bouquets, and retro photographs.
  • For people with a strong will and a penchant for shocking, original solutions are recommended: printed unusual prints, oriental style.
  • For a balanced and calm person, sets with vegetation and nature are perfect.
  • For a business person who spends the whole day in the hustle and bustle, we recommend solid color sets.
  • If there is a bed made of natural wood in the bedroom, then the beauty of wood will be emphasized by the blue and white range.

Packaging and label

Remember: That a self-respecting manufacturer who does not skimp on the quality of goods and their correct transportation will not be stingy with good packaging.