How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that the fluff does not go astray? How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

Each owner of a down jacket is faced with the need to clean and wash it, mainly the need for this arises in the spring after the winter season. You can take it to a dry cleaner, where professionals will do all the work quickly and efficiently, using the right cleaning products and the right modes. But such services cost accordingly, so many housewives are interested in whether it is possible to wash a down jacket in a washing machine at home, and how to do it correctly in order to maintain the quality of winter clothes.

Features of home washing of a winter product on fluff depend on several factors.

  • First, it is important to know what the item is made of. The label should contain the composition and conditions for caring for the down jacket, including whether it can be washed in an automatic machine.
  • Secondly, you need to know and follow the rules of machine cleaning so as not to spoil an expensive item.

And a few tips and tricks will help create optimal conditions for the process, and as a result, get a beautiful, fresh and good-smelling product.

Is it possible to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

To understand whether it is possible to wash a down jacket in an automatic machine, you need to carefully look at the label or tag, which is most often sewn in the collar area. The described composition will help determine the conditions for the care of outerwear. Modern winter jackets are made not only from fluff, it can also have a different composition:

  • a mixture of down and bird feathers;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • wool filling;
  • special cotton.

Pure down or a mixture of down with feathers makes the winter product the warmest, it is its washing at home that is of great difficulty. If you run the wrong mode in the washing machine, the result will be crumpled and knocked down fluff in one part of the product, stains on the surface of the fabric, or an item that is not completely clean. Therefore, you need to know what conditions to meet in order to get a clean down jacket as a result, and wear it further with pleasure.

Sintepon or adding wool inside outerwear, as a rule, makes washing easier. For them, it is enough to use the gentle or manual mode of the washing machine, and the appearance of the product will remain unchanged after the cleaning process. But a real down jacket will have to be washed with special care and caution. But the task is feasible, if you know the features and conditions of the process, so you can proceed and try.

How to wash a down jacket at home- all owners of warm clothes ask this question. Is it possible to use an automatic washing machine for this, what is the technology of the process: the appropriate washing mode, the rules for rinsing, squeezing and drying a down jacket or coat? We study the experience of knowledgeable people.

Preparing a down jacket for washing

How to wash a down jacket - it's important to know before you get started. Do you know what it's made of? Pay attention to your coat or jacket - the composition is indicated on the product label. Often it includes not only fluff - a feather may also be present there.

Before washing a down jacket, make sure that it can be done - if there is any indication that the item is subject to dry cleaning only.

If you can wash, we proceed to the first stage - preparing our thing for washing.

What we do for sure:

  1. clean the pockets, lapels and valves of the down jacket from small debris, you can use a vacuum cleaner;
  2. you may have to clean heavily soiled areas of the product before washing - collar, sleeves, hem from the inside. This can be done with a sponge or soft brush with soap or stain remover, powder stain remover will not work - it will give a lot of foam during washing and is difficult to rinse out;
  3. unfasten the hood and remove the fur, if the down jacket model allows;
  4. fasten all zippers, rivets, buttons so that they do not deform during washing and do not damage the down jacket;
  5. turn the product inside out - we will wash it in this form;
  6. we put the thing in the drum of the washing machine along with tennis balls - they are needed so that the fluff does not stray when washing and rinsing. 3-4 pieces will be enough. Experienced housewives advise washing the balls in advance to make sure that they do not shed and do not ruin the down jacket.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

So that washing in an automatic machine does not damage a thing, you need to know a few simple but important rules. Then your favorite down jacket will retain its appearance and will delight you with cleanliness and freshness.

But it is important not to forget that frequent washing gradually washes out a special solution that impregnates the material of down products.

How to wash a down jacket in a machine We will use liquid detergent. Better, of course, a special one, which is used to wash the fluff. But you can use other washing liquids.

Why is the powder not suitable? If the down jacket is dark, it is very likely that stains will remain on the fabric. And in general, the powdered product dissolves worse in water and rinses out poorly.

Today, special gel capsules are also produced in the right dosage, which are very convenient to use. Then you will not have problems how to wash a down jacket in a typewriter.

It is best to turn on the delicate wash, it is also acceptable to wash the item in the mode for synthetics, woolen or silk fabrics. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.

After washing, the down jacket will need to be rinsed 2-3 times, turning on the “Rinse” mode to avoid streaks.

We figured out how to wash a down jacket, it still needs to be properly wrung out and dried. Some housewives are against wringing out delicate things, but practice has shown that you need to wring out a down jacket, the product will not suffer, but it will dry much faster.

But if you let the water just drain, then lumps of fluff will form inside, and it will be difficult to fluff them later. Suitable spinning at 400 or 600 rpm.

How can I wash a down jacket by hand?

How to wash a down jacket by hand? It is more convenient to do this in the bath: dilute the washing liquid in water, lower the product there and clean the contaminated areas with a soft brush or sponge.

Be sure to rinse the item several times in warm water. Then lightly squeeze out the bulk of the water and let the rest drain. After that, we hang the down jacket to dry on a coat hanger, actively whipping the down and straightening the lumps.

You can wash the down product in an upright position, so less foam will get into the filler, which will facilitate rinsing. To do this, wipe the surface of the down jacket with a sponge dipped in a detergent solution, rub the dirty places more thoroughly. You need to wash off the foam tangentially, with the help of a shower jet.

How to dry a down jacket?

Well, if you have a machine with a drying function, this is very convenient, do not forget that the thing should dry with the balls.

If there is no such function in your machine, we do this: we hang the down jacket on the coat hanger face up, fasten all the fasteners, straighten the product and leave it to dry, if possible, it is better on the balcony.

Do not forget to periodically shake the thing, sort out the fluff that has strayed into lumps, turn it from the front side to the wrong side.

You should not lay out the down jacket in a horizontal form, it needs ventilation from both sides, otherwise the fluff simply will not dry out, it will rot and emit an unpleasant odor.

If you need to dry your warm thing very quickly, put a fan at a distance, and using a hair dryer, turn on a warm jet, in no case hot. And dry on the wrong side.

What to do if lumps remain after improper drying? Try breaking them up with a carpet beater.

Another way: knead the fallen filler with your fingers, then vacuum the down jacket from the inside with a narrow nozzle. Most of the lumps are collected at the seams, on the floors, on the pockets of things, where you need to work with the nozzle more carefully.

And here is such a method: we put the down jacket that has lost its shape in the drum of the washing machine along with tennis balls and turn on the delicate spin mode, you can scroll the product a couple of times in a row.

The better the thing, the fewer questions you will have about how to wash a down jacket. The main thing is to follow the manufacturer's instructions. And when going for family shopping, if possible, choose products from reputable brands, for example, the Columbia down jacket will obviously not disappoint you. Although proper care and respect are needed for any thing.

How to wash down jackets in a washing machine see in this video:

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A down jacket is available in almost every wardrobe, because such clothes are almost weightless and very comfortable. But like any other wardrobe item, a down jacket requires care, periodic washing or dry cleaning. Often, dry cleaning services exceed the cost of the down jacket itself, so it is easier to wash it in a typewriter, or, in extreme cases, by hand.

Most of all, consumers are concerned about how to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not go astray. This problem is very easy to solve if you follow simple rules.

General rules for preparing and washing a down jacket

First of all, fasten all zippers and buttons, this way you can avoid deformation of the zipper, otherwise it will be very difficult to use it later. When buttons are not fastened, the sewing points are subject to deformation, which also leads to damage to the material.

Be sure to turn the down jacket inside out before washing. Check your pockets to make sure there's nothing in there. Unfasten fur and hood.

If there are noticeable stains on the down jacket, then before washing it is best to wash them separately with special stain removers or laundry soap.

It is necessary to wash down jackets separately with other things and down jackets, you should not stuff several things into the machine, so they will not be washed off, and besides, they can deteriorate.

It is very difficult to wring out a down jacket by hand, so it is best to set the washing machine to low speed using tennis balls. To keep the fluff from falling off. The down jacket can be dried in the washing machine or near a heat source. Do not forget to periodically shake the product in different directions, the movements should be like fluffing a pillow so that the fluff does not go astray.

Rinse, especially during the first wash, should be at least two times. In addition to dust, both industrial and ordinary, powder remains in the product, so thorough and repeated rinsing is a guarantee of cleanliness and the absence of streaks on the down jacket.

If the seams on the down jacket have parted, and a lot of fluff sticks out of them, then, most likely, the next wash will not give it a better look, and may even spoil the thing, so it’s better to think about washing it by hand.

Choice of detergent

It is preferable to choose a liquid detergent, as it is easier to rinse. Just do not use products with bleaching components and its constituents. Dry laundry detergents are not recommended, as the abrasive particles that make up their composition are very difficult to rinse. Never use ordinary soap to wash a down jacket, as the fluff will definitely stick together and clump. It is not recommended to use conditioners or emollients when washing a down jacket, as they leave streaks on things.

Machine wash down jacket

To prevent the down in your clothes from getting off or falling off, put tennis balls or special ones for washing downy things in the drum of the washing machine. Tennis balls can be pre-dipped in boiling water and washed with bleach to prevent shedding. At least three balls must be placed, depending on the size of the item and the balls themselves.

Never set the machine to more than 800 rpm, as the fluff can completely go astray and the product will be completely damaged.

Before washing, be sure to read the information on the label of the down jacket. If there is a mark that the thing needs to be washed by hand, then you will have to do so, but if not, then we can easily wash it in the machine.

Be sure to fasten all zippers and buttons and turn the down jacket inside out. The washing machine must be set to the delicate wash mode. The water temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees.

When washing for the first time, be sure to turn on the “extra rinse” mode to avoid soapy or dusty stains.

You can also outlive in the washing machine so that the fluff does not get off, just do not pull the balls out of the drum of the machine. Turnover should be minimal. Remember that washing should not be very frequent, no more than twice a year, so that the impregnation of the down jacket does not deteriorate and it does not get wet.


In the case when the down jacket is not recommended to be washed in the machine, you will have to wash it by hand. When the pollution is insignificant, then you can use a stain remover and it is in the places of pollution. Cuffs, sides and collar are usually heavily soiled. These places are slightly moistened, and a stain remover, laundry soap or shampoo is applied. Then you can rub it with your hands or a brush and thoroughly rinse off the foam.

In the case when the down jacket requires washing only the outer part, it must be hung on a coat hanger or on a rope, above the bathtub with the outer side out. Then wet, lather a cloth and rinse well in the shower. If the fabric in the down jacket is water-repellent, then the top of the thing will be washed, and the down itself will not get wet, there will be no lumps and drying will be very fast.

If the down jacket needs to be washed completely, then this must be done in warm, but not hot water. Washing is done with soft and smooth movements so that fluff does not get lost. Then it is lightly wrung out and dried on a coat hanger.

Absolutely forbidden

  • soaking a down jacket, except for things filled with synthetic winterizer;
  • use water above 30 degrees for washing;
  • use laundry detergents that contain bleaching or coloring ingredients;
  • never use ordinary powder, which is not intended for washing a down jacket, as this can completely ruin the thing;
  • neglect thorough rinsing;
  • to dry things for more than two days, it is better to use a heat source, but just do not hang the down jacket, for example, on a heating radiator, it is better to hang it nearby;
  • to dry in a horizontal position, on a blanket, towel or other materials that retain moisture, as the rotting process may begin in the fluff;
  • store in compressed or wet form;
  • ironing at a temperature above 110 degrees;
  • if you are steaming a product, make it only in a gentle mode.

Drying down jacket

Do not neglect this stage, so as not to end up with a completely new and unusable thing. If you dry in the washing machine, then it should be in the “delicate” mode or, in the absence of such, in the “synthetic fabrics” mode and always with tennis balls. Usually such drying does not take more than 3 hours.

In the case when the fluff has strayed into the corners of the down jacket, these places can be slightly dried with a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner, at the lowest power and be sure to drive the tube in a circle and from side to side, so the fluff should straighten out and lie flat.

Throughout the drying on the coat hanger, periodically shake the down jacket, straighten the fluff by hand. Just never dry the down jacket in a horizontal position, the fluff can ban and even begin to rot, which means that an unpleasant smell will appear, which is almost impossible to get rid of.

At least once a season there is a need to wash a down jacket. And whoever does it wrong can end up with problems with stains and streaks on the material. How to avoid it? Today I want to talk about this.

We wash the down jacket correctly

In order to qualitatively wash a down jacket in a washing machine, it is necessary to follow several important rules - from choosing a cleaning agent to drying the product. This is the only way you will avoid the appearance of stains and keep the filler intact.

Detergent selection

For the duration of the down jacket cleaning process, you should forget about the usual powder. Its crystals may not completely dissolve, which will provoke the appearance of stains. Use for washing:

  • shampoo;
  • special gel for delicate fabrics;
  • liquid soap.

If you are not sure how to wash a white down jacket, remember one important rule - never use a bleaching agent in the process. Yes, it may whiten the fabric, but you don’t know how the filler will behave. It is possible that it will shed and color the base material.

Washing rules: 5 important rules

So, the cleaning agent is chosen, now it's time to understand a few rules to keep in mind:

  • Put the product and the hood from it in the drum. Additionally, you should not put other things in the washing machine.
  • Throw 3-4 tennis balls into the drum. Thanks to them, uniform distribution of fluff in the jacket during washing is ensured.
  • Add detergent to the dedicated compartment.
Image Instruction

Rule 1. Product preparation

First of all, the down jacket needs to be prepared:

  • Clear pockets of small debris.
  • Unfasten the hood and fur.
  • Turn the jacket inside out (including the sleeves).
  • Zip up the item.

Rule 3. Washing mode

Wash the down jacket on a delicate cycle at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.

Rule 4. Rinsing

To completely wash the down jacket on a synthetic winterizer or from holofiber from soap, rinse it several times.

After that, turn on the maximum spin mode.

Rule 5. Drying
  • After washing down jackets, dry them in a horizontal position in a well-ventilated area or in the open air.
  • Periodically, they can be beaten very gently with a carpet beater.
  • To quickly remove excess moisture, and therefore prevent streaks, vacuum the material inside at low power.

    In the wet season, outerwear can be dried near the radiator. But by no means on it! The price of your negligence is a damaged jacket.

Removing streaks and stains: 6 recipes

If suddenly after washing you find stains or unwashed spots on the jacket, do not rush to get upset. Improvised means and proven recipes will help get rid of them:

Photo Instruction

Recipe 1. Hydrogen peroxide
  • Soak a clean cloth or sponge in peroxide.
  • Treat the stains on the material with it. If you have a white or light down jacket, then it is better to refuse this method.

Recipe 2. Vinegar

Regular table vinegar will help remove the stains that have appeared:

  • Dilute the product with water in equal proportions.
  • Dampen a sponge in the resulting solution and process the stains with it.
  • Rub the stains until they are completely removed.

Recipe 3. Ammonia

It will effectively help to cope with various stains:

  • Mix 100 ml of alcohol with a small amount of cleaning agent.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply the mixture on the stain.
  • Rub dirt gently.
  • Rinse off the solution with clean water.

Recipe 4. Liquid dishwashing detergent

This option will help to quickly remove oily stains:

  • Dilute 2 teaspoons of the product in a small amount of water.
  • Soak a sponge in the resulting solution and rub the dirt with it.
  • Remove the remaining substance with a damp cloth.
  • Rinse the treated area with clean water.

Recipe 5. Soap solution

If you do not know how to bleach a down jacket
from yellow stains, then use this recipe:

  • With your own hands, prepare a not too strong soapy solution.
  • Soak a cloth in it and gently rub the yellowed places. Be careful not to wet the down.
  • Dry the material with a hair dryer.

Recipe 6. Gasoline

Refined gasoline will help to remove greasy stains:

  • Soak a cotton pad in liquid.
  • Lightly rub the stain.
  • Rinse off the gasoline with clean water.

    First, be sure to test the effect of gasoline on a small inconspicuous area!


I told you how to wash a down jacket without streaks, and how to deal with dirt on it. You just have to follow the instructions and enjoy a perfectly clean product.

You will see clearly about washing outerwear in the video in this article. And if you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments - I will try to help.


It is difficult to name more practical clothes for winter than a down jacket. It will warm in the cold, will not get wet in the thaw and rain, protect from the wind. Short and long, with natural or synthetic insulation - thanks to their practicality, down jackets have become a favorite outerwear for children and adults. But like any other clothing, down jackets tend to get dirty. And then you have to decide: use the services of dry cleaning or wash at home.

Down jacket wash. When is it better to take it to the dry cleaners, and when can you wash it yourself?

A label with information about the product and care instructions is attached to the inside of any garment. Down jackets are no exception. The label will tell you about the fabric from which the down jacket is sewn, about the insulation, and how to care for all this. Study it before you start washing. It may happen that it is categorically contraindicated for a down jacket.

If you are not familiar with the symbols on the label, this table will help to decipher them.

The label on the down jacket will tell you how to properly care for the product.

In order not to spoil your favorite thing, you need to know that home washing is contraindicated for fabric products with moisture-repellent impregnation. The protective layer will be damaged and the fabric will let water through. This item is best taken to the dry cleaners.

Now a new technology for wet processing of such products is widespread - "aquaclean". Worn areas are pre-treated manually with a special stain remover, then the down jacket is machine washed using products that do not contain acids and alkalis. To maintain moisture-repellent properties, a composition containing silicone is added.

Thick winter down jackets are also best dry-cleaned. At home, it is difficult to quickly dry such clothes so that stains and an unpleasant smell from rotting natural fluff do not appear on it. Yes, and it will be difficult to fluff the fallen insulation.

How to get rid of stains on a white and light down jacket - video

To rid clothes of the smell of sweat, you should also use dry cleaning. Natural fluff absorbs sweat well, it is almost impossible to get rid of such a smell without special treatment.

I washed my son's down jacket (expensive French) in the washing machine. Everything. Can be thrown away. She did everything as it should - liquid detergent, delicate wash, special balls. The fluff was tangled, yellow stains from the fluff appeared at the seams, and even began to stink like a musty pillow. Until the end, I couldn’t fluff the fluff like that - I threw it * the ram into the pantry (


Clothing with synthetic insulation is less capricious. If the fabric allows, it can be washed at home.

So, having examined the down jacket and the label on the lining, you have made a decision: to wash. It remains to decide whether to do it in the car or by hand.

How to machine wash

Before loading the down jacket into the machine, prepare it for washing. To do this, free pockets from foreign things, fasten all zippers, buttons, buttons, Velcro and other fasteners so that they do not deform during washing. Unfasten the hood, fur trim, turn the clothes inside out.

Rules for washing jackets filled with down and feathers (artificial, natural)

Down jacket insulation can be synthetic and natural. Natural - eiderdown, swan, goose, duck down, often used mixed with feathers. The rules for washing down jackets with natural fillers are the same.

  • The water temperature should not exceed 30 0 . At higher temperatures, the remains of fat will be released from the down and yellow stains will remain on the down jacket. In addition, colored down jackets can shed.
  • You should set the delicate or manual washing mode so that the fluff does not stray into lumps. If the machine has a down wash setting, set it.
  • Detergent is better to use gel. The powder is poorly washed out of the fluff, leaving white stains. If you still use the powder, it is better to reduce its amount by a third. Good reviews about the special detergent for washing down jackets Unipuh.
  • Do not use bleach or conditioners. Bleach will destroy the moisture-proof film on the fabric, the remnants of the conditioner will appear as stains on the fabric.
  • No more than one product is loaded into the drum to ensure that it can rotate freely during washing.
  • To avoid clumping down, it is recommended to put special laundry balls or tennis balls in the drum. They will also help to better wash the thing. Some housewives successfully replace them with children's plastic cubes.

  • An additional 3-4 rinse cycles are carried out. This will help to wash out any residue of the product and get rid of streaks and smell of the product. The balls do not come out when rinsing. Pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into the conditioner compartment. This will help rinse out the detergent better.

    Trade offers special laundry balls

  • For spinning, the mode is set to no higher than 800 revolutions. Some manufacturers recommend 400 revolutions, but in this case the down jacket will dry much longer and the flowing water will leave stains on the surface. It is worth loading an old terry towel into the drum along with a down jacket. When squeezed, it will absorb excess moisture. Just make sure the towel doesn't shed.
  • I wash it in the machine with gel, additionally turn on the rinse and spin so that there are no stains. The fluff then fluffs itself. No problem. Previously, I gave it to dry cleaning a couple of times, the effect after my washing is the same.

    Summer is coming

    How to wash a down jacket in the car - video

    Features of washing products with different heaters

    In addition to natural, down jackets are made with synthetic insulation. They are moisture resistant, do not absorb odors, microorganisms do not multiply in them, which makes the fillers hypoallergenic, and they are easy to care for.

    All synthetic fillers are made from polyester, but their properties are different.

  • Thinsulent in structure approaches natural fluff, while being plastic and light. Keeps heat-insulating properties and volume after repeated washings. At the same time, it does not tolerate high temperatures, the recommended washing temperature is up to 40 0, spinning at 600 rpm.
  • Hollofiber is a microfiber of a spiral shape, which allows products with such a filler to maintain volume under any impact. Not afraid of high temperatures, washable at 50-70 degrees. It is allowed to wring, twist, use bleach, if this does not damage the fabric.
  • The synthetic winterizer is a non-woven fabric made of synthetic threads. According to the method of fastening the threads, glued synthetic winterizer and thermally bonded are distinguished. The first wash is contraindicated, only dry cleaning is allowed, otherwise the filler will stick and roll. Washing rules are determined by the fabric, the use of stain removers is allowed. The temperature is set to 30-40 degrees, in the delicate wash mode or for synthetics.
  • For all types of synthetics, it is worth using a gel detergent, the powder is poorly washed out, as well as from fluff. It is recommended to rinse several times.

    When washing products with synthetic insulation, pay attention to the fabric of the outer cover. Washing conditions also depend on its composition.

    How to wash a down jacket - video

    Clothes that are not machine washable should be washed by hand.


    This washing is carried out in two ways.

    Method 1

  • Pre-clean the collar, cuffs and pockets from heavy dirt.
  • Dilute liquid soap or shampoo in water and treat the surface of the down jacket with a solution using a sponge or soft brush.
  • Rinse off the detergent with a jet of water from the shower.
  • Let the water drain and dry your clothes.
  • The method is good because the insulation does not clump and almost does not get wet. It is suitable for minor pollution.

    Method 2

  • Pour 30-40 0 water into a basin or bath and dissolve in it a special detergent for washing down jackets, liquid soap or shampoo.
  • Soak the down jacket for a few minutes.
  • Wash, removing heavy soiling with a brush, or rub with your hands.
  • Rinse 3-4 times in clean water.
  • Gently wring out, but do not twist.
  • Let the water drain. To remove excess water, you can wrap the product in a towel and squeeze lightly.
  • Dry in a ventilated area.
  • and I washed mine with my hands recently, the machine broke down ((I got tired of wringing it out and rinsing it three times! But I was pleased with the result - and the fluff didn’t crumple, and didn’t seem to lose its thermal properties!


    The nuances of caring for a down jacket after washing

  • The down jacket must be dried as quickly as possible so that water stains do not leave stains on the fabric, and the natural insulation does not begin to rot. The maximum allowable drying time is 48 hours.
  • Dry the down jacket by hanging it on a coat hanger in a well-ventilated warm room. But in no case do not dry these clothes on a radiator or other heating devices. Drying with a hot hair dryer is not allowed, natural insulation does not tolerate high temperatures.
  • A down jacket laid out horizontally will take much longer to dry, especially if you lay it on a towel or other padding. Good air circulation is essential for fast drying. It is allowed to lay out on a slatted floor clothes dryer, periodically turning over and shaking.
  • Some down jackets are allowed to dry in the washing machine, this information is indicated on the label.
  • To speed up the drying process, you can turn on the fan, use a hair dryer, treating the product from the inside with cold air.
  • It will help to dry the thing and the vacuum cleaner faster. To do this, it can be used in the same way as a hair dryer, in blowing mode, or processed from the inside with a furniture brush in suction mode.
  • Shake the down jacket periodically while drying and turn it over. Water flowing down the product may leave streaks.
  • It is best to dry the down jacket in the fresh air, a balcony is suitable. Make sure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight, the fabric may burn out.
  • In winter, you can pre-dry the thing in the cold. When excess moisture has evaporated, dry it in the room, spreading it out on a wire rack or hanging it on a coat hanger.
  • Information on whether the down jacket can be ironed can also be found on the label. The mode and temperature are also indicated there, if such processing is allowed.
  • In order not to crush the filler, the best way to straighten the creases on the fabric is to process it with a steam generator or an iron with vertical steam. If ironing is allowed, it is better to do it through a damp cloth, without pressing the sole to the surface.
  • Another way to straighten creases and wrinkles is to treat them with a damp sponge. After the fabric dries, they will disappear.
  • Often, after washing, the down jacket becomes electrified and everything sticks to it. An antistatic spray in an aerosol package will help get rid of this problem. Spray it all over the down jacket and let dry.
  • The fur collar of the down jacket must not be washed with the product. Unfasten it before washing. If this is not possible, wrap in cellophane or place in a bag so as not to get wet during washing. These items must be washed by hand.
  • If necessary, the collar can be washed separately.

    How to wash a fur collar

    This can be done in several ways.

    Dry way

  • Pour some starch, semolina, rye or wheat flour into the bag.
  • Place the collar in it and shake to coat the fur in flour or starch.
  • Remove the collar from the bag, shake well, vacuum if necessary using a furniture brush.
  • This method is suitable for natural fur, it is not recommended to wash it.

    wet way

    Moisten the suede brush and work the fur from the base to the ends. Try not to wet your skin.

    White fur can be cleaned with a swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. This will help remove the yellowness and add shine to the fur.

    collar washing

    Faux fur is not afraid of moisture, it can be dry cleaned or washed.

  • If you cannot do without washing, use a mild shampoo, diluting it in water. Treat the fur with a solution and comb with a comb with rare teeth.
  • For white fur, add a little ammonia to the water.
  • Do not wring or twist the fur, let the water drain. Dry in the shade in a well-ventilated area.
  • Before washing a down jacket, the question arises: will it sit down? It depends on the fabric from which the down jacket is sewn. As a rule, it does not shrink, but it is useful to carefully study the label again and clearly follow the manufacturer's recommendations so that irreparable things do not happen.

    If for some reason you still have doubts that the thing will stand the test of washing without loss of quality, use other cleaning methods.

    Ways to restore cleanliness without washing

    It is not always justified to completely wash the down jacket, in some cases it is enough to partially wash dirty stains. With this method, the insulation will remain dry and not crumpled.

    Partial wash

  • Lay the down jacket on a flat surface or hang it on a coat hanger.
  • Treat particularly soiled areas (collar, placket, pocket area, cuffs) with a sponge or brush with detergent. If the fabric allows, you can use a stain remover or laundry detergent.
  • Use a clean, damp sponge or cloth to remove the remaining detergent with dirt. Microfiber is perfect for this purpose.
  • Dry wet spots.
  • Special cleaning products for down jackets

    It can be a gel, spray, shampoo or powder. The method of their use is indicated on the package. The principle of operation for all products is similar - the product is applied to dirt, after drying it is cleaned with a brush or sponge. Such means are convenient in that there is no need to wet the entire down jacket in order to restore its cleanliness.

  • the aerosol is sprayed onto the stain, after drying, the residues are removed;
  • the powder is applied to the stain and rubbed until the stain disappears, the excess is removed;
  • shampoo is diluted with water, whipped into foam, which is applied to problem areas, then treated with a damp sponge;
  • the stain is treated with a gel, after drying, the remnants are removed with a brush.
  • Special tools are certainly convenient and effective, but they are not cheap. You can replace them with folk.

    Folk remedies

  • 1 teaspoon of ammonia, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, 100 ml of water, mix and beat into foam. Treat with the pollution composition, leave for 5-10 minutes, rinse.
  • Mix ammonia with hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions, treat the stain with a solution, rinse with water. Test on an inconspicuous area first, peroxide may lighten the fabric.
  • Spray problem areas with glass cleaner. After a minute, blot with a tissue or wash.
  • How to clean a down jacket with ammonia - video

    There is a home method for dry cleaning a down jacket.

    Dry way

    For this you will need:

  • laundry bag;
  • stain remover;
  • wipes for removing stains;
  • sponge.
  • Lay the down jacket on a flat surface.
  • Using a sponge and stain remover, treat stains, wipe them with a dampened clean sponge or microfiber cloth.
  • Prepare clothes as for washing: unfasten the hood, fasten zippers and other fasteners, empty pockets.
  • Put the down jacket in a laundry bag, put napkins in the same place.
  • Load the bag into the washing machine and set it to gentle drying. Wait 30 minutes. During drying, cleaning agents will be released from the wipes, they will gently clean the surface of the clothes.
  • Remove the down jacket from the machine and dry it in a well-ventilated area.
  • Some problems cannot be solved even by washing, this will require a special approach.

    Get rid of stains and odors. Reviews

    Spots can also appear on a completely clean down jacket. If this happens, you need to remove them as quickly as possible, it is much more difficult to deal with old stains. For this purpose, the down and feather cleaners mentioned above are used. Products from manufacturers such as Nikwax, Domal and Woly Sport can be found in sports stores.

    Detergents for washing down jackets can be bought in sports stores

    I highly recommend Woly Sport detergent for washing down, wool and silk if you have a down jacket and do not have a great desire to constantly take it to dry cleaning. Make life easier for yourself, especially since we are talking about a very small amount


    I bought a down jacket last season. There was a promotion in the store and I was presented with a down jacket for washing down jackets, pillows, sleeping bags and everything made of down. This is DEHATEX by DEHA. A few months later, I washed the down jacket with a donated product. Usually washing a down jacket is a nervous event: the fluff rolls off, stains remain, then you need to rinse and beat for a long time. DEHATEX by DEHA dispelled all my fears - no lumps, no streaks. Dry enough to wear. Then I found out how much this remedy costs - 200-300 rubles. The bottle contains 120 ml, it takes about 40–50 ml to wash a down jacket. So the tool is not only good, but also economical.


    When there are no store products at hand, you can use homemade ones.

    Grease, yellow and oil stains

  • Mix salt and starch in equal proportions, add lemon juice or vinegar to the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  • Apply the mixture to the stain and rub with a sponge in a circular motion from the edges to the center.
  • Leave to dry, clean off the mixture.
  • Use a clean, damp sponge to remove product residue and dirt.
  • The acid will dissolve the fat, the salt will pull it out of the fabric, and the starch will absorb it. Test the mixture on an inconspicuous area before use to prevent discoloration of the fabric.

    Advice! Apply salt to a fresh grease stain and allow the grease to absorb. Salt absorbs grease, making the stain easier to remove.

    Removing stains from a down jacket - video

    In the absence of other means, you can use dishwashing liquid. With a concentrated solution, treat the stain from the edges to the center, wash with clean water.

    Greasy places and unidentified spots

  • A mixture of salt and starch is prepared, as in the previous case, but diluted with water.
  • The gruel is applied to the spots in a thick layer. Severe dirt is worked out with a hard sponge or brush.
  • After drying, shake off the remnants of the product, if necessary, treat with a damp sponge.
  • A mixture of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 3 will help get rid of the gloss on the fabric. The composition is treated with a shiny place, then washed.

    After such processing, stains are possible on the fabric. Dishwashing liquid will help remove them.

    Removing streaks

  • Hang a down jacket on a coat hanger above the bathtub.
  • Dilute a little dishwashing detergent with water, whisk lightly until foam forms.
  • Dampen a large sponge with the solution, wring it out lightly.
  • Treat the surface of the down jacket with wide movements from top to bottom, rub the stains more thoroughly.
  • Shake out the clothes and let them dry.
  • If the washing rules were not followed, the risk of stains increases. The water temperature approaching 40 0 ​​melts the natural fats of the fluff and will appear as yellow streaks. If a powder or conditioner was used for washing, the remnants of the funds will remain in the insulation and white stains will appear. Insufficient rinsing will lead to the same result.

    After the first wash, dark stains may appear on the down jacket. It was washed out of the filler technological dirt.

    In all these cases, the best way out is to wash the down jacket again in compliance with all the rules. If you don't have time to do this, dampen a clean cloth with water and rub with a microfiber cloth. In the same way, stains are removed with hydrogen peroxide.

    Street dirt stains and rain stains are removed with a solution of dishwashing liquid or soap. For this, laundry soap is used, without additives and fragrances.

    To get a solution, lather the sponge several times and squeeze it into the water. Sponge with foam, rub problem areas, wash with clean water.

    Laundry soap will also help whiten the fabric of a down jacket. White things give owners more trouble than colored ones. They are beautiful, but get dirty faster and lose their original whiteness. It is forbidden to use oxygen and chlorine bleaches in such cases, they can damage the insulation.

    Bleach down jacket

  • Moisten the down jacket placed over the bathtub on the shoulders with water from the shower.
  • Rub the entire surface with laundry soap, leave for a few minutes.
  • Machine wash with gel detergent.
  • According to reviews, the tandem of laundry soap and washing gel gives an excellent result.

    It often happens that a down jacket spreads an unpleasant odor around itself.

    Bad smell

    If the smell is emitted by a new down jacket, most likely you got a product with low-quality filler. Perhaps, even at the production site, the fluff was wet for a long time and began to rot. In this case, the only way out is to return the down jacket to the seller with a complaint.

    The smell may appear after washing. This may mean that the insulation was not completely dried, suffocated and began to rot. The solution to the problem may be to re-wash the down jacket with a quick dry. Do not forget to shake the thing more often and break up lumps, they can become the reason for retaining moisture and, as a result, the smell.

    If the question is: save or throw away, add conditioner when washing. In this case, rinse the washed item at least four times.

    Briefly about how to get rid of lumps after washing and fluff a down jacket.

    How to return fluffiness to a down jacket

  • Load a dry down jacket into the drum of the washing machine along with tennis balls and turn on the spin cycle for 800 revolutions. After that, shake the item several times and fluff it up like a pillow.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner with a nozzle for upholstered furniture in a circular motion to process the product from the inside, dispersing the fluff in the cells.
  • Set the blowing mode on the vacuum cleaner, process the down jacket from the inside, inflating the fluff. The same can be done using a hair dryer with cold or slightly warm air.
  • Lay the down jacket on a flat surface and work with a carpet beater or kitchen spatula. A rod or just a stick will do.
  • Spread the fluff inside the cells with pinching movements of your fingers, then lightly pat with your palm.
  • In winter, take the down jacket out into the cold and leave it for 2 hours. Bring it into the heat, let it warm up and take it out into the cold again. Due to the temperature difference, the down jacket will not only fluff up, but also ventilate.
  • During drying, be sure to shake and fluff the down jacket several times. This will help the fluff to be evenly distributed inside the cells and dry faster.
  • Caring for a down jacket is a troublesome business. You never know what surprise awaits after this or that method of cleaning. But that doesn't make it any less attractive for winter. And knowing the pitfalls, you can easily get around them and such cozy and practical clothes will delight you for many years.