Like a husband to raise money. How to ask for a man gifts, and get them in large quantities! Your love is the best incentive

Good day, dear readers! Today we will talk about how to ask for money from a lover. If you do not decide to ask, it may even lead to the rupture of any relationship. Your independence is not needed by anyone, but let's go about everything.

Miss "I myself" or a breakdown horse

It would seem that the lover should not do anything. You do not want to strain it in tricks. So many think. It is much easier or to take her husband than to experience awkwardness and take something from a person with which, in addition to sex, you do not particularly link anything.

You are not very right. Thousands of women, and then complain that they do not get anything from them. You get used to give and get nothing in return. Over time, it begins to annoy, but the man gets used to this and enjoys her.

Answer yourself honestly, come from work Would you if your husband go to the kitchen every day to cook your delicious dinner? Of course not! Why do you strain?

Mutual assistance and "normal" relationship

Everyone without exception, men experience incredible comfort when they need. Can he refuse or part with a man who will die without him? Of course not. Plays on his "helplessness" and always wins.

The guy will easily leave the pregnant young lady if I am sure that she will have everything perfectly without it. She will bring up the baby herself, sacrifies him, causing and with time will find a new cavalier. But will he be done if it doubts that in a few weeks a woman does not have any means of existence? Unlikely.

Men enjoy if they have the opportunity to feel heroes, albeit not globally. They are enough for them every day to "save" one woman to feel beautiful.

However, if you are accustomed to being Miss "I myself", then a man will need to teach the new role. How to do it?

Crys about help

Before you ask for money, you need to become more and soft. Stop go to the sacrifices for the sake of the lover. Forget about what sex connects you. Change the view of the man to your relationship, output them to another, unusual level. Let the basis remain an intimate relationship, but start doing something together.

As soon as the girl ceases to be only a sexy object "on an ambulance hand" and begins, a man comes out of the state of inactivity and tries to make changes to her life. Start asking for little things: open the jar, repair the car, take mom's bag of potatoes.

Forget such words as "Should he?". Let the lover sees what you want it to do it precisely, and not your husband. You need his help, because he will succeed much better!

How to do not follow

Most importantly, do not overdo it. You do not need to pull it because of each little things and even more so expect that he immediately rinsing to perform any of your capric. Wait a bit. It may be possible to repeat the request several times. Do not be nervous about this, express discontent or span to do everything yourself. Wait until it matures.

If a man refused the first time, do not despair and start thinking over the second request.

Remember that men care about their own competitiveness. Only it should be the smartest, strong and beautiful. Often, this particular fear stops them to make something pleasant for the girl. What if he does not work?

By the way, if you once didn't give up a gift too much, then you will have to wait for a very long time. If the second attempt came out sideways, you can forget.
Be sure to every little thing.

How to ask for money

After a man starts to do for you at least something and you will learn to appreciate it and show its significance in your life, you can begin to the next step. Asking money. By this time, he will already think about his own significance and dismissed the tail as the most beautiful peacock on the farm, because he is hero.

Before asking to try to get rid of embarrassment, modesty and other unpleasant emotions. It is difficult, but they need to be hidden. You are the Queen and do not need handouts.

The main thing is not to let into the rapid clarifications why it should give you money and to buy God to use the phrase: "I miss."

Many "specialists" argue that they do not need to put a man in mind that he gives you money. If a man loves, he, like a pioneer, should always be ready. I disagree with this opinion.

Establish you, but if you calmly say that you saw a cool bag in the mall and could not give you 5 thousand for her, then nothing bad happens. But if you suddenly declare: "I am expected to put money on a bedside table, a cooler, and what I need them - not your business." He, at least, will be shocked.

Feel free to you. Good luck to new meetings. If you liked the article - subscribe to the newsletter!

Despite the fact that many modern girls wish to be independent and independent, they still need care, material assistance and support from their partner. They are waiting for attention and care from the man, but the latter do not always understand what their companion wants. In this case, the girl needs to correctly formulate his request. This is a real art, which is very difficult to comprehend romantic and gentle features that are not desirable to upset their cavalier. To understand how to breed a man for money, some psychological techniques will help.

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    Should I ask for money from a partner

    Not all modern guys believe that they should provide financial support from the lover. Some couples lead a joint economy and have long registered their relations officially, but this does not prevent a man to reject the idea that a woman needs money for personal expenses.

    Even more difficult to wait for the initiative from lovers. To understand whether it makes sense to ask for money from a man, you need to pay attention to two key nuances:

    • The material situation of the partner. If the partner is not rich, he doesn't physically give his companion a large amount of money for a new mobile phone or a gorgeous fur coat. A person who has a great fortune can afford any whim. In this case, there is nothing galloping to dilute a man for money. Loving guy always wants to make a nice lady.
    • The seriousness of the relationship.If there is a harmonious relationship between partners, people have long encountered and plan to hold all their lives together, then in this case it is absolutely normal if a man will take responsibility for his companion and pay for purchases. If the guy and the girl are only occasionally seeing occasionally or are lovers, it is stupid to wait for serious actions from such a cavaller, even if the woman will constantly hurt him for cash spending.

    At the initial stages of relations, a man is not obliged to fulfill all the whims of his girlfriend.In this case, there is a big risk that he will start to perceive it as a convection and will come to the thought that it uses it to receive financial benefits. If we are talking about a lover, he is also not obliged to take the initiative and give his secret passion by expensive gifts.

    Ways to dilute a guy for money

    There are several ways to make a guy for money. This can be done both oral and in writing, using SMS messages or social networks.

    To achieve maximum effect, it is worth studying some psychological techniques and take into account the recommendations of specialists.

    Personal request

    This option is considered the most ideal. On the one hand, a woman will be able to explain to his cavalier, for which it will spend money, and on the other hand, at the personal request, a man is much more difficult to refuse the elect, looking into her eyes.

    To ask for money from your partner, you need to choose the right time and place for conversation. If a man had a hard day and the beloved is in an depressed state, then there is a high probability of getting a failure. Its request must be voiced very confidently, without experiencing awkwardness. It is necessary to understand that in this situation the lady does not give up alms, but asks for support from his man.

    Men appreciate concrete, so do not use fine hints. You can try to focus on your favorite things, such as a beautiful dress, but there is a chance that it will not work. It is recommended to bring arguments that will help the lover understand that this investment will be beneficial not only to a woman, but himself.

    During a personal request, you should not reach tough ultimatums. For example, it is not recommended to say a man: "There is no gift - no dinner." It will look very rude and greatly upset the cavalier.

    If the partner satisfied the request, it is necessary to rejoice and thank him for the help. Such behavior of a woman is painted by a guy, and the next time he is more readily will come to the decision to please his lady.


    In a written message, you can ask for money in men by a more creative way. In such situations, it is worth being caution, since too direct and frank text in a demanding form may cause a strong indignation in a man. There is a big risk that the guy will start telling a woman how difficult it is to get money and how it is stupid to spend them on any useless trinkets.

    To cause a smile on the face of a man and a desire to help a woman, you can stick the image with the desired gift for the refrigerator with the help of magnetics and originally sign it. For example, it may be a photograph of a beautiful underwear, which is aged phrase: "If the best man on Earth will help me with finances, then at night it will be on me." A rare guy will be able to resist such an erotic offer.

    This method will work only with the underwear and other ordinary wardrobe items. If a woman wants to get a new phone or a fur coat, you will have to resort to other methods.

    Social Networks and SMS

    Most effective ways to ask for money from a man - using social networks or by SMS. A woman can gradually prepare a man to the fact that he will soon want to buy some thing. For example, you can throw off the guy a photo of your bare feet and immediately after this message - a picture of beautiful shoes downloaded from the Internet. If you add all this sad emoticon, then the girl's desire will be clear to a man. However, in such a situation, some guys prefer the form that they are absolutely not understood in women's hints.

    Another effective way to breed a guy for money is as follows. When a man inquires the girl, as her day passed, you need to write to him: "Everything was fine, only terribly grazed the legs with shoes." If the lady wants to get an expensive fur coat, then the phrase is suitable: "I went to the store and so frozen in my old coat."

    If the cavalier is wealthy and can afford to buy a car as a gift for his beloved, then it is necessary to put on pity, speaking about how hard to ride public transport.

    If the lady wants to hint on vacation, then it is worth throwing a partner by SMS photo of a beautiful beach and sign it: "As if I wanted to be there with you." After a while, you need to send a guy to a link to a ticket to this resort and say that the girl accidentally saw this offer.

    Proper Motivation of Partner

    To make a man who is more willing giving gifts to a woman, it is necessary to motivate him to this. It is necessary that the relationship between the happy woman and the gifts that she gets in his mind. You can achieve this if you even rejoice even the smallest surprises.

    Seeing how happy a woman, a man will try more often to call her like emotions. It is worth showing him that such a manifestation of masculinity only enhances love. If the lady asks for something very gently and calmly, kisses and caresses his man, he will have pleasant memories.

    Do not forget about the compliments and speak your cavalry pleasant things. You can, as if noted, note that the partner helps a woman in life and that he will certainly be able to purchase a new phone for her, a fur coat or another gift.

    Gift for a guy

    In order to get the desired from a man, you can first raise his mood by making a gift first. It is not necessary to spend big money for expensive clock or handle, because the main thing is the manifestation of attention, and not the amount spent. Therefore, it is worth using several recommendations:

    • Invite your beloved stroll in the park.
    • To dance erotic dance for him.
    • Organize a picnic or dinner with candlelight.
    • Make him relaxing massage.
    • Suggest sex in an unusual place.

    A woman can come up with any other surprise that will not require financial investments from it. Before making a guy is pleasant, it should be emphasized that this is a gift for him. After that, a man considers that now he is simply obliged to answer the same.

    There are a number of recommendations developed by experts who will help a woman to receive cash or gifts from a guy. Not every lady can contact your man for help, as it considers such a humiliating and ugly. Psychologists give some advice, how to behave in such a case:

    • Going together shopping. In this way, it is very easy to show a man that it was precisely a great impression on a woman. Even if he does not give money to the purchase, that is, a chance that after a while he will acquire the thing he liked.
    • Make a list of desires. It is necessary to write a list of desired things and as if it was accidentally to leave him in sight. If a man is at least a little disassembled in female psychology, then this hint will understand or consider that he himself manifested the smelter and invented a great reason to please his half.
    • Use humor. In a comic form, you need to ask the partner if the relationship is really at the level when the woman is admitted to his bank card. Only a very economical guy will leave the answer and will not be interested in what his companion needs.
    • Arrange a romantic date. Another great way is to spend a wonderful romantic evening and night with a man. Guys are characterized by gratitude, so on any manifestation of female heat, tenderness and care they are always trying to answer a pleasant gift or surprise.

    I decide when it is to contact your partner and unwind him for a gift, it is worth considering the day of his salary. When a man receives a cherished amount of money, it is distinguished by a particularly good mood and generosity.

    How to get money from lover

    Holding to get money from the lover, it is worth assessing the seriousness of relationships with him. If the connection lasts less than two months or a man and a woman just met on a dating site, then in this case there is no point in requesting something expensive, as it will look ridiculous. In such a situation, the lover may think that such relationships will be too expensive and decides to finish them.

    If you go to the situation correctly, any man will gladly give a woman and make pleasant surprises. It is recommended to ask for money directly only if the relationship is already quite long. At the first stage you need to use hints.

    For example, during a telephone conversation it is worth saying that a woman wants to eat something unusual. If a man understands this hint, you will definitely invite the girl to the restaurant. If the lady wants to get a new outfit, it is enough to tell his secret cavalier that she absolutely nothing to wear on their next meeting.

    In the event that the lover has a wife, it is recommended to declare that the girl feels deprived, since she does not have the same beautiful coat as a guy's legitimate wife. It can be indicated that this is evidence that he loves his wife much more.

    If the cavalier is not married, then in this case it is worth describing a gift, which made a friend or a colleague on the work of their new worker, with whom they met recently. In a man, nature laid a sense of rivalry, and he will definitely want to become better than another "male".

    To get some kind of gift, you can snatch slightly. For example, if a woman has no good mobile phone, it is recommended to ask for a new gadget from your secret fan in order to look more often on his photos or use the videocrap for erotic games. Such an idea will definitely like a man.

    In what situations get money will not come out

    It is very difficult to dilute the money of that guy with whom the woman lives together for many years, and their relationship is deprived of any variety in the form of surprises. The lowest chances of those girls who have just begun to meet with their cavalier.

    If a man has no money, then with all the desire he will not be able to give gifts. You should not expect any pleasant surprises in the event that the guy has ever tried to make a woman a gift, but she either refused him, or accepted him, showing his discontent.

    Common mistakes

    If a woman asks for a man about financial investments or expensive gifts, then in this case it is worth excluding ultimatic requirements. It is impossible to talk with a partner that he is obliged to keep his passion to help it materially, etc. Such phrases cause only aggression and negative from the man.

    If a girl meets with an experienced man, he knows all the techniques of female manipulation perfectly.Do not put pressure on the fact that the partner refuses to give money, because he is greedy or does not like his lady. Not one person will not like the realization that his second half assesses his tender feelings in accordance with the amount of money spent.

    Some girls who have awkwardness from such requests behave too uncertainly and shy. They often begin to justify and persistently explain to a man, what exactly needs money. It looks like a woman humiliating or asks for money in debt. Men begin to treat such ladies as victims, and they disappear with their half.

    The most important mistake of women is quite frequent requests. After receiving one gift, it is not necessary to immediately start demanding a new present. In such a situation, most men think that the lady is too mercantile and wants to get from them only financial benefits.

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Especially degrees me my weight. I greatly scored, after pregnancy weighed as 3 seconds together, namely, 92kg with growth in 165. I thought the belly will come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, it began to gain weight. How to cope with the restructuring of hormonal background and obesity? But nothing umbrellas or mans a man like his figure. In his 20 years, I first learned that the full girls call the "woman", and that "such sizes are not sewn." Further at 29 years old divorce with husband and depression ...

    But what to do to lose weight? Operation Laser Liposuction? Learn - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, Mostimulation? A little more accessible - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. Of course, you can try to run on the treadmill, before the breathtaking.

    And when to find all this time? Yes, and still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself I chose another way ...

The article tells about the most common mistakes and rules, having familiarized with whom, a woman can easily learn to ask for a man about anything /

Not all men have a feature to give flowers, gifts with their beloved and not every man is ready to offer their woman to spend some amount of money. For these purposes, female representatives should show a seamless and adhere to some win-win phrases that will literally make a man go about you.

How to ask for a man: Psychology

In the modern world, there are increasingly free emancipated women with unlimited possibilities and free will that men are just left to smoke nervously aside. Often, women themselves suppress the desire in men to take the initiative, surprise, perform feats.

Despite this, a woman in the soul still remains a woman who wants to see a reliable male shoulder next to him, who wants to sometimes feel a weak, defenseless girl who wants to get attention signs that just wants to be happy.

Having mastered the many skills inherent in men, and by beating them the desire to help women and care for them, the representatives of the fine sex should be able to ask for a man about anything. It may be help in everyday life, and gifts, and money.

Important: If you decide to learn how to ask for a man, you should be ready for a sufficiently long adaptation period - before you were not so, a man was not used to satisfying your needs and desires.

Sometimes, to be strong, it is worth going to cunning and show weakness, become helpless, however with satisfied needs.

Important: next to a weak, defenseless, who knows how to thank a woman, a man feels a man, reveals his potential, exists strength and power, acquires confidence.

The man is more valuable that the woman in which he invested money, energy and power, and not the woman who herself does everything for a man, forgetting that she is a woman is a fact.

Important: requests are not manifestation of weakness and dependence.

Before rearing the fruits from their requests, you should focus on the most common mistakes and try to exclude them from our weapons:

  • Do not think about the fact that men know about the needs, thoughts and desires of women, which their own to guess everything. This is not the case, no one knows what you have on your mind, be sure to report your thoughts and desires for a man
  • You should not take over yourself and try to do everything yourself - it will inevitably lead to the fact that you will begin to be angry and offended by a man for not rendered attention and support, and your pricking statements that have pressure, in his address of a man in I will be binding to spoil your relationship with him.
  • Pressure and manipulations should be avoided - no one should, and even more so it is not worth an open form to declare this man

How to learn to ask for a man?

In order to learn how to properly ask for anything, it is worth stop abandoning, it would seem very banal things:

  • From what you are inferior to a place in transport, in the office, or in any other place
  • From the fact that you are offered to bring gravity, even if there is absolutely no gravity, be it a package or bag, box, etc.
  • From what they want to pay in the store, cafe, restaurant
  • From when they are interested in your needs and desires, when you directly ask what you should buy, give, etc. It is safe to talk about your desires

After you make yourself not refuse to help you offer, you can safely begin requests.

Important: It is better to start training on minor requests, very small and not very complex for the execution of a man in time and costs.

There are some rules by remembering which you are increasingly and more often to get a positive result from your requests:

  • To get the result you need, it is worth choosing the time and place for your requests - you should not ask if a man is busy watching TV, a computer game, and even more so work. In such cases, a man either get angry, or does not catch the essence of your request at all - none of the options suits you

  • In definitely, the order with requests to a man should apply when he is in a fairly good arrangement of the Spirit, when it is able to listen to you and understand
  • During the request, it is worth watching their intonation - the voice must be calm, gentle, soft. Increased tone with notes of demanding will not help you achieve the desired result.

IMPORTANT: Psychologists argue that for a start, you can ask for the fact that a man and so for you does, for example, to take a child to kindergarten - he will initially be proud for what can satisfy your request.

  • A man should give time to think about your request, evaluate your strength. Do not put pressure and force to rapid decision making
  • It should be actually assessed by the possibilities of a man - you should not ask that he is unable to
  • In requests addressed to men, it is worth avoiding suitable phrases - for them the essence and sincerity is important.
  • Ask you need to learn with dignity, you should not build a helpless sacrifice
  • It is not worth requesting a question in a phrase, but the affirmative - one should not doubt it. For example, the phrase "Will you take me after work?" It is better to replace the phrase "Please take me after work"
  • If your request is just a whim, albeit very desirable for you, it makes sense to offer a man something in return. For example, he is a coffee in bed, and you will cook a favorite dish a little later
  • Having learned to ask, it's not worth using it too often and turn a man into a gold fish. Much more satisfaction with both will bring delivered and really significant requests.
  • In the modern world, a man can trite about the satisfaction of your requests. If a man forgot about his promises, then you should not be afraid to remind him of this by using previous rules

  • Even if you received a refusal to your request, you should not fully satisfy the desired need, demonstrating a man that you still handle everything. It is better to postpone the soybean request, and then again to turn with her to a man, showing that without him you can not handle
  • At the resulting refusal It is worth responding completely calmly, it is not necessary to be offended by a man and get angry. In this case, it is better slow, but it is right to try to convince him that you need his help

  • Do not forget about gratitude and appreciation. The estimated actions will set up a man to further satisfy your requests.

It is worth saying that psychologists offer to use the Rule of "Three P":

  • Ask for

Request is a voluntary permission to be weak, and the man is strong.

  • Give thanks

Thanks to a man for his actions, you charge it with energy for further actions, forcing it to feel important and necessary.

  • Praise

Praise and admiration can grow up in a man His natural nobility, which will help him more actively satisfy your needs and desires.

How to ask for gifts for men?

IMPORTANT: no matter how you asked for a man about gifts, he will not have the desire to fulfill your requests, if you don't notice the little things in everyday life, which he does for you.

About the rules that should be used when you ask for a gift from a man, we considered in detail in the sections above. However, one should listen to some advice:

  • To feed the desire for men to spend on you, it is mandatory to remember the gifts presented earlier and show your memory abilities. Do it stands carefully, not too often - completely unobtrusive.

Important: Sometimes gifts are associated with holidays, so arrange them for yourself and report them to your man.

  • Women in the past gifts should use their female charms - sexuality, femininity
  • Men also need exquisite compliments, and their gratitude and appreciation may well be expressed as a gift
  • Sometimes you can ask more and at the same time agree to the smaller. For example, "Dear, how would I like you to buy me a fur coat, but I understand that at the moment you are most likely there will be no opportunity, so can we buy me a fur coat that is twice as cheaper?"

Important: Love yourself, pay yourself attention and you will definitely be rewarded for your behavior.

  • Better, if you prove that the gift bought to you will bring a man direct or indirect benefit. For example, tell a man what you saved a certain amount of money by purchasing the necessary thing with a discount on the sale
  • Use psychological techniques. For example, remember that a person is much more difficult to part with cash than with bank cards
  • If a man agreed to give a welcome gift, then you should not postpone the purchase for a long time - you need a gift here and now. Sometimes it happens that due to circumstances a man can change its decision, and you will have to accept it

Video: Want to know how to properly ask for gifts for men?

How to ask for money from a man examples?

In more detail how to ask for men money and not only, what phrases can be used to learn by looking at the topic: " How to ask: 3 magic formulas for a soft request "

How to ask for money from a man: phrases, examples

You can also use the following phrases:

  • Dear, I have a little request to you ... (your request)
  • Of course, I understand that you have the right to refuse, but I would like to ask you ... (my request)
  • I will be very happy if you agree ... (his request)
  • You know, I'm so sad ... I don't know if you should tell you, I'm afraid you will refuse. There is such a thing ... (essence) can you help me?

  • I am preparing a surprise. This is what you love ... and you would like to make me something pleasant too? So I would like ... (my request)
  • Dear, how would I like you to ... (my request)
  • I like it so much when you ... (your request)
  • You are so cute when ... (your request)
  • I am terribly happy when you ... (your request)
  • You know, I dreamed today ... (my request). It would be cool if the dream became a reality
  • All girlfriends will die from envy if you ... (your request)

Each woman should remember that she is a woman - it is worth learning to use their charms and female tricks to achieve their goals. Thus, women are able to increase the self-esteem of men.

Decades of feminism did their job. Fragile young ladies, as well as leying to hide behind a wide male shoulder, today is not in honor. The world belongs to confident girls, independently providing themselves and famously eating any problems, if such arises on the horizon ... But this stick about two ends. The more decisive and free are ladies, the harder they turn to a man for help. Especially if this is a request for money. Awkward, scary, and what will he think ... how to ask right to not be in his eyes a mercantile bitch or a weak loser?

Not so long ago, a strange post appeared in Facebook: one man on full seriously stated that he could not afford his wife. And led the real evidence of this. It turns out that Comrade thoroughly calculated everything that his second half at home, compared it with average rates for maid service, cook and nanny and came to disappointing conclusion - if he had the honor of honor for honor with his wife at the end of each month, it was stopped for a long time ago would cut ends meet.

Unfortunately, such conscious men units. Even if you have been married for a long time or at least live under one roof and lead a joint economy, a male head rarely comes to the idea that, in addition to these most economic needs, you may need money "on pins".

Do not translate attitudes on the financial basis

What can I say when you do not bind the stamp in the passport? Here we ask for money is especially difficult, and for some, the ladies proud of their independence, and it is not unrealistic. On the one hand, if an unexpected gap was formed in your budget or it was just necessary to need some amount to whom to seek help, how not to the native and only one? On the other, here you step on slippery soil. It will be necessary to be very delicate to not retrain from the beloved woman, but by parting (if suddenly it happens) do not get out of relationships with a label of greedy bitch. Therefore, every time you ask, think and weigh: do you really need this money? Sure?

Then we will look for ways to get them. Carefully and without losing self-esteem.

Ways to express request

They say you want to lose a friend, give him a loan. Here the situation is similar. Want to transfer your novel into the category "You - I, I - You", start to eat on a man with the requirement of money and gifts. Any representative of a strong sex is not off to be a knight and wrap its lady of the heart into fur (well, or at least in new branded jeans). But only not when it is cautiously with the ringtails of the heels and shouts: "I want, I want, I want!" It is necessary to act gently, without a knife, not attached to the throat.


Explain to your beloved that your appearance is part of his image
  • Select the appropriate time to conversate. If your chosen one came after difficult disassembly with the chief of evil, hungry and tired, the probability of hearing in response to the request of the fierce growl: "No!" equal to 99.9%.
  • If you decide to voice your request, keep confident. An awkward "Yes, I would ... Yes, I wanted here" gives you a disadvantageous light. Once this money you need, tell me about it directly and even voice.
  • Men love concretps. It is not necessary to go into details, but clearly clarify why you need an enna amount will be useful. Let the beloved understand that you need his blood not for the sake of a whit.
  • Find an argument that would be interested in a man. For example, in the paints, write out how you look after the course of the procedures in the Super Research Salon and how the colleagues of your boyfriend will bite the elbows from the envy, looking, what a woman next to him. Male competition is an effective force.
  • If your request is satisfied, do not lay on praise. By the way, be able to correctly say "Thank you" - a kind of art. First, sincerity is needed - be really grateful to your beloved for generosity. And secondly, it is necessary to dignity. Not dealing with a loud enthusiastic squeal jump on the sofa. Show that you are very pleased that your request has been done, but not surprised at all. In the end, don't you deserve it? And don't you have a real man next to you - generous and caring?

Through text

Do not forget in addition to the messages with requests to leave cute love notes

Sometimes you can ask for money without a personal meeting - for example, in a letter. True, in this case it will have to be even more careful, since a direct message with a requirement of any amount of the man will only annoy. There are great chances instead of money to get a lecture on how hard they go and how you do not appreciate everything that has already been done for you.

Try, for example, glue a page from a magazine with a breathtaking set of underwear and note: "If the most cute, kind and favorite man on this planet will help with finances, in the evening this charm will be on me!". You can attach below the converter with a comic inscription "on an unforgettable night". If the requested amount is for your beloved bye, it is hardly refused to help.

Can be valid via MMS. Consistently reset the male photo of your bare feet on the phone (you can parsing and put on the most skipped and broken sneakers that you have). Then photo of slippers in the store you would like to buy. Must with the price tag! And then - its own sad face with questioningly raised eyebrows. Let the men and tight perceive women's hints, this will probably woof.

How in a matter of weeks to cause Nervoy Tick from their second half with the word "money" and not to reduce the relationship?

  1. Build a dialogue in style: "Give money! How is it for what? Once please, it means it is necessary! What should I report? You are my man, your duty to keep me! "
  2. More often remind the one: since he does not want to finance you, it means that he does not like. Spend a direct dependence between its money and your feelings - let her love sees and tries.
  3. Enjoy and ask. In everywhere show that you, of course, are unworthy of such assistance, but if it is still possible, you will be grateful until the end of your days.
  4. It's hard to hint. If you told that the Kate is very coming by her new servants, the man must guess - you need the same.
  5. Clearly make it clear that money is dust, and you are not going to limit yourself because of such nonsense as a budget. Let it seek the exit. He is a man!

Why can you get a refusal?

Is your request nevertheless not crowned with success? This may be several reasons.

  • You requested too much the amount that your favorite just can not afford to spend now. Perhaps he was going to make a capital investment in business development or have some other calculations.
  • Your requests have become too frequent. It is no secret that, having received a budget unplanned by the budget once and the other, you can quickly enter the taste and lose a sense of measure.
  • You could not explain that the requested amount is not a whim, but the need.
  • You hinted too foggy, and the beloved just did not understand what we were talking about.
  • You live with a person who does not consider it necessary to spend money on you.

The last case is the only one when you cannot change the situation. It must be either taken as it is, or leave. In all other cases, a small correction of their behavior and a little more transparent hints will surely correct the case, and you will get what we ask.

Video: How to ask for money from a man

It is impossible to demand anything, without giving anything in return. Create your man comfort. Make so that next to you it was good and cozy. It is genuinely about it regardless of it, answered today to your request for consent or refusal. Do not forget, the scheme "In the morning money - in the evening warmth and caress" reduces the love of trade relations. Insert yourself to your favorite part and, perhaps, soon you will not have to ask. The man himself, without dulling and complaints, will begin to give you certain amounts, if you understand what they need them. Or will please give gifts. It's so cool to do a nice dear person!

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Learn to ask for your men.y, but not to demand. Men basically do not understand the hints, so they need to be formulated and straightforward. Not every partner has the gift of telepathy, so it will not be able to guess your needs.

Back up your fear, boldly contact requests, because if you are silent, men.and never understand where you have discontent or irritability and will take it as a whim.

Do not worry because of the possible failure, your chosen is more likely to hear a squall of charges and reproaches to his address. It will be easier for him to satisfy your request. However, it is not impudent, consider it, fully pick up his wages for may be bad idea, as the next time he will simply refuse you in the money.

Unfortunately, not all representatives of the male can easily part with earned funds, so the second half can be that for housekeeping, that companion men.s is his face, she should look appropriate.

After the first request came from your mouth, you do not need to justify and tell a partner about an unforeseen situation that suddenly happened. No need to make it clear that this is the first and, perhaps, the last request. Let it get used to.

Often, the hosting pairs are not immediately described, sometimes it subconsciously affects the actions of a particular side. The girl begins to think about who she is so and why he should give her money. This, because a joint life is a marriage, only civilian. After registration, life will not change.


Its man is better to wean to remember that you also pay a salary. He should not encroach on your money, let this amount goes on cosmetics and visits to the beauty salon.

Helpful advice

Remember that the man loves when he is appreciated and thank you at all for his existence, do not forget to say "Thank you."

Sometimes life situations are folded in such a way that all money families are running muga, and when a woman needs a certain amount, she must explain for a long time for what she needs money and ask them muga. How to be in this case?


Modern family is most equal, that is, the woman works on a par with a man, also makes a career and earns money. Usually in such families, the budget is common and spouses together decide where and how much to spend. But, where the husband holds a family piggy bank in her hands, strictly monitors economic expenses and does not allow his wife to spend independently money. He simply gives them to the maintenance of the house, to purchase the necessary products and things. If you need to make a large purchase, he himself goes and buys, be something furniture or household appliances, or a new coat for my wife. So to raise money At such a host, a woman has to invent various tricks.

The most reliable and proven method is flattery. Try some period to flatter my husband and praise his abilities literally in everything. This is especially true of the sexual side of relations. If you in the morning whisper your husband, as he was gorgeous this night, it will give him pride for herself, will increase his self-esteem and, naturally, will relax and sleep his vigilance. Several such praise - just do not overdo it, everything should look natural, and you will get the necessary amount for a new handbag or shoes.