When can I wash after abdominal surgery. Bath after cesarean. Correct bathing technique

Shower. Such a simple, pleasant and frequent procedure. We shower almost daily or even several times a day. But all this: lathering, rubbing, rinsing and stretching this pleasure can seriously disrupt the health of our skin.

Dermatologists in many countries state that dry skin, itching and even eczema are increasingly common among people of all ages. In addition, after 20 years, our sebaceous glands secrete less and less secretion, less collagen is produced, our skin becomes drier, thinner and less elastic.
When taking a shower, it is imperative to take these facts into account in order to preserve our skin and prolong its youth and health.

You may still be making mistakes that you could have avoided:

Mistake # 1. Too hot shower

Perhaps we think that a hot shower with steam is useful, relaxes the muscles, but dermatologists advise to warm up a heating pad, and leave too hot water for tea. Overheating a shower is harmful for two reasons: First, it washes away too much of our natural protective sebum, leaving the skin exposed to bacteria and harmful substances in the water and air. And secondly, it causes excessive blood flow to the skin, which often leads to prolonged redness, inflammation, rash and dry skin. Still, hot water is more suitable for washing greasy pots and pans. Too cold water also dries out the skin because it causes the blood vessels in the skin to constrict, thereby depriving the skin of the necessary nutrition and oxygen. The most useful shower for us should be at body temperature or a little higher, especially if our skin is prone to redness and dryness.

Mistake # 2. Taking too long a shower

How tempting it is to spend 15, 20, even 30 minutes under running warm water with aromatic gels and soaps! But most experts think that showers longer than 10 minutes are too much. A healthy shower should last no more than 5-10 minutes. Here the rule is: "The shorter the better." Prolonged exposure to the shower significantly dries out the skin. Skin problems, rashes, itching or exacerbation of existing dermatological conditions may appear.

Mistake # 3. Using perfumed soap

It's hard enough to be parted from the things we are used to. But if you're using perfumed or antibacterial soaps, the concentrated fragrances and other ingredients in these products will strip your skin of moisture. This leads to dryness, irritation and flaking of the skin, which has been confirmed by Yale University dermatologists. Cosmetic detergents without aggressive lathering agents, fragrances and artificial chemical additives are what our skin needs.

When choosing soaps and other cosmetics, give preference to products based on natural soap (soap dish, soapy nuts and others), with the addition of a reasonable amount of essential oils, various herbs, natural extracts, and so on. Avoid ingredients hazardous to health such as parabens, fragrances, triclosan, synthetic colors, formaldehyde, sodium lauryl sulfate / sodium laureth sulfate, mineral oils. All of them ultimately lead to increased dryness of the skin and various dermatitis.

Mistake # 4: Lathering the whole body

Any soap is formulated to dissolve dirt and grease so that water can wash them off. The skin on the arms and legs usually does not have so much fat that it can be easily discarded. Thus, subjecting them to frequent soaping will be the same as squeezing water out of a stone - the skin on the hands and feet becomes dry like a match. Limit yourself to soaping only areas of the body with excess sebum or unpleasant odor: face, armpits, buttocks, groin, feet, hands (do not forget about additional moisturizing of the hands).

Mistake # 5. Long time between shower and skin hydration

The number 3 is the magic number, dermatologists confirm. If the break between leaving the shower and moisturizing your skin with appropriate cosmetics lasts more than three minutes, all the precious moisture from the skin will evaporate into the air. Scheme of correct and effective skin hydration: After getting out of the shower, gently pat dry the excess water on your skin with a towel, leaving it slightly damp. Then apply a reasonable amount of moisturizer all over your body. This will leave the moisture it needs in your skin. If you do not follow this "rule of three minutes", the skin will have time to dry out, the thinnest upper layer of the skin forms microcracks, into which bacteria and allergens immediately enter, which give us so much grief. It is very important to moisturize your skin on time!

Mistake number 6. Old washcloths

While tools for exfoliating dead skin flakes are not a bad thing, using the same loofah or washcloth is a big health risk. Washcloths, loofahs, sponges create ideal conditions for the development of bacteria and mold. Doctors insist that you can use them for no more than four weeks. Also, be sure to dry them after use. Damp sponges and washcloths cause rapid growth of bacteria and molds.

For example, dermatologists warn that the use of a bacteria-infested washcloth sometimes leads to skin conditions such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa folliculitis, an infection in hair follicles. This is not a dangerous disease and it can go away on its own, but it will cause a lot of nasty itching and other inconveniences. The best option is to use a terry mitten or a small towel as a washcloth. This will give a smoother exfoliation, which is important as our natural exfoliation of skin cells slows down as we age. It is also much easier to have several of these gloves or towels and wash them frequently.

Mistake # 7: Washing your hair daily

How many times a week do you think we should wash our hair? Everyday? In one day? The International Association of Trichologists claims that this is too common. People with fine, soft hair should avoid frequent washing - no more than twice a week - to maintain healthy sebum production and retain moisture in their hair. And if your hair is curly or heavy and stiff, try washing it once a week. The structure of such hair takes a longer time to establish the fat and water balance. Therefore, washing them too often will make them dry and brittle. To simply refresh your hair and scalp in the middle of the week, simply apply hair conditioner and rinse your hair thoroughly. If your hair gets too oily too quickly, it's not a hair problem, but health, nutrition, and so on. Frequent washing does not solve this problem, but only aggravates it, depriving the hair of the last moisture and removing the protective fat layer. In this case, you just need to seek medical advice.

Mistake # 8: Using too foaming shower products

The more foam the shower product creates, the more it removes the natural protective layer of oil from the skin. An ingredient such as a surfactant, surfactants, is "responsible" for foaming. These are chemicals that come into close contact with both fats and water. When combined with water, surfactants bind fats and remove them from the skin. Thus, if our shower gel gives off a generous foam, it means that it contains an excess of surfactants, which lead to dry and rough skin.

When patients come to dermatologists with complaints of dry skin, itching and redness, doctors often ask about the shower products they use. In most cases, simply switching to milder, more gentle detergents will dramatically reduce these symptoms.

Doctors advise choosing a natural lathering base shower moisturizer that preserves the skin's natural lipid layer. Also, unless you have a medical indication for using antibacterial cleansers, there is no need to use them every day.

Mistake # 9. You don't completely rinse soap off your body.

Almost always, after getting out of the shower and noticing a little foam on the skin, we just wash it off with a towel. And this happens quite often. However, dermatologists warn that incomplete removal of detergents from the skin causes skin irritation, dryness and disruption of the upper layer due to the presence of aggressive chemicals and fragrances.

The exception is special washing products, which contain caring and moisturizing ingredients and are specially designed to remain in small quantities on the skin (this is usually stated in the instructions for them).

Mistake # 10. You do a deep pore cleansing face mask AFTER shower

Many of us are accustomed to cleansing our face during the shower, and after doing face masks. But the moment has come to change this habit. Doctors came to the conclusion that masks should be done before washing your face. If you wash your face before or after the mask, almost any type of skin will dry out. It is also important to know that any product that we apply after a shower will be absorbed much faster and penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Thus, a cleansing mask after a shower can easily irritate the skin. The most important skin care after a shower is extra hydration and preservation of the invigorating moisture received in the shower.

Mistake # 11. Rubbing off with a coarse towel after a shower

Often after showering, we rub ourselves vigorously with a towel, especially in the cold season. And the rougher the towel, the better it seems to us. Despite the fact that you want to quickly dry off and get dressed, you need to remember that it is just as important to dry your skin as it is to wash it correctly. In order not to aggravate the condition of our often dry skin, wipe with a soft towel until the skin is slightly moist. After that, do not be too lazy to moisturize your body with your favorite cream or milk, and the skin will gladly answer you with its velvety and health!

A daily shower can be turned into a boring, inevitable routine. Can damage your skin and hair. And you can turn the shower into pleasure, relaxation and health benefits. Choose the third one! And our advice will help you with this.

In addition, there are two little tricks before the shower:

  • Comb your hair before showering or bathing
You probably know that combing wet hair is undesirable, as wet hair is less resistant to damage. But we didn't think about the fact that wet hair also stretches more than dry hair. And without noticing it, we put more effort into combing, damaging our hair even more after each wash. Wella experts have come to the conclusion that the best way to deal with tangled hair is to comb it thoroughly before washing it. Moreover, you need to comb them by tilting your head down, from roots to ends, using a comb with rare teeth. In addition, this procedure significantly increases the blood circulation in the scalp. As a result, all the nutritional and nourishing ingredients in your cleansers will definitely achieve their goal.
  • Leave problems outside the bathroom doors
If you've ever had a bright idea while taking a shower, you are not alone. A 2012 University of California study found that people who performed simple actions and at that moment allowed their thoughts to wander aimlessly came up with very interesting creative solutions to their current problems and challenges. Relaxing bathroom ambiance, privacy, familiar activities and a pleasant shower are the perfect opportunity to give your brain a rest and connect your subconscious mind to problem solving. This is very different from our habit of concentrating all our thoughts and efforts on a specific task. So let's take a break! Let our mind work "in the background" and find an original solution without our control. Put aside worries and troubles while taking a shower. Focus only on pleasant sensations

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is a guarantee of health. And after childbirth, it is especially important to keep the body clean to avoid infection. It would seem that a newly given birth to a young mother will only benefit from bathing. However, you should know the main rules, because even a hot shower can do a lot of harm. Doctors give clear recommendations on this matter, which must be followed.

When to take a bath after a natural childbirth

Today, doctors' opinions about when a woman who has recently given birth can take a bath differ. In most cases, obstetricians-gynecologists are of the opinion that it is better to refrain from relaxing in warm water about six to eight weeks after the baby is born. They argue this as follows:

  • the mucous surface of the internal genital organs is an unhealed wound into which bacteria can easily penetrate. And the cervix completely closes after one and a half to two months after delivery. Only then does it again perform its barrier function in full force - it does not allow infection to penetrate into the uterine cavity, preventing the development of complications;
  • if a woman has tears or stitches, then this also increases the risk of infection.

Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, namely postpartum complications associated with the development of infection, women are not recommended to take a bath until the lochia - postpartum bleeding from the vagina - disappears completely.

It is interesting to know that even in the year before last and at the beginning of the last century, the midwives, on the contrary, insisted that the woman go to the bathhouse immediately after giving birth, which was prepared in advance. It was believed that hot steam helps to quickly cleanse the body of secretions, contributes to the contraction of the uterus, and also expels everything bad so that the nursing mother is strong and healthy.

A newborn baby needs a healthy mother, so doctors do not recommend neglecting the rules of personal hygiene after childbirth in order to avoid the risk of infection

Basic rules of hygiene after delivery

It is especially important to pay attention to the hygiene of the genitals after childbirth. Doctors insist to use an intimate toilet at least twice a day, and in some cases more often, to reduce the risk of infection of the stitches, for example, after an episiotomy - a surgical dissection of the posterior wall of the vagina and perineum during delivery. Experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  • carry out intimate hygiene only under running water (using a shower). Its temperature should not exceed 36–38 0 С;
  • wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;
  • use only special means for intimate hygiene;

    Recently (and even today, doctors of the older generation can give this advice) recommended using only baby soap. It contains fewer harmful components and does not cause allergies. However, today experts have proven that soap suds excessively dries the mucous membrane, reduces its protective properties, so women may develop candidiasis (fungal infection of the vagina and external genital organs) or vaginitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the internal genital organs).

  • do not use washcloths or sponges for cleaning. The procedure can only be carried out with clean hands;
  • with light movements from front to back, wash the external genitals first, then the anus;
  • after bathing, gently wipe the crotch with dabbing movements.

    Please note that the genital towel must be made from natural fabrics. They cannot wipe the entire body, from the face to the feet.

Modern doctors recommend using special means for intimate hygiene after childbirth.

If the doctor doesn't mind bathing

Some gynecologists believe that there is nothing wrong if a young mother, after such difficult work as childbirth, relaxes in a warm bath. But everything is decided during an individual consultation with a doctor who will conduct an examination, objectively assess whether bathing will harm the woman, and also, in case of a positive answer, will give the necessary recommendations.

Of course, in the first days after the birth of a baby, doctors do not allow you to take a bath immediately. However, two weeks later, the young mother is obliged to see the doctor who delivered the baby. He will examine the birth canal, how the uterus is contracting, if there are any complications. And if the delivery was easy, without tears and obstetric incisions, there are no stitches, and everything heals perfectly, then it may well allow a woman to relax at home in warm water.

Experts insist on observing certain rules so as not to harm the still fragile body of a nursing mother:

  • first of all, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the bathtub, and then rinse it well with running water in order to completely wash off the remnants of the surface cleaner;
  • the water should be about 37–38 0 С. Doctors insist that too high a temperature can provoke uterine bleeding;
  • the first time you should not drag out the time too much, ten minutes is enough, gradually it is increased to twenty - and this is the maximum;
  • the water in the bath must be clean, no fragrances, oils or foam must be added. It is allowed to dilute the liquid with chamomile decoction. It not only soothes but also has antiseptic properties.

Still, most gynecologists do not recommend taking a bath earlier than six weeks after the birth of a baby, but if a woman does not want to wait so long, consultation and doctor's approval are required. A self-made decision can greatly harm the health of a young mother.

Bath after cesarean section

Delivery by surgery - caesarean section - is different from natural delivery. A woman spends longer time in the maternity hospital, because doctors monitor the condition of the seam: how it heals, is there an infection, and so on. The recovery period of the body also passes in a different way - the young mother does not have vaginal or cervical tears, but there is a suture that affects the uterus and abdominal cavity.

If the wound does not heal, fluid is released from it, the seam does not dry out - this is a reason to urgently consult the doctor who performed the operation, so as not to start the situation and not harm your own health. In this case, taking a bath is strictly prohibited.

In most cases, obstetricians-gynecologists allow the young mother to relax in the bath eight to nine weeks after the caesarean section. This is because it takes time for the suture to heal. To do this, it must be in a dry state, which speeds up the process of tissue repair and prevents infection. If a woman, a few days after the birth of the baby, decides to fill the bath and lie in warm water, this is fraught with serious complications, for example, bleeding or infection of an open wound. The main rule is a mandatory consultation with a doctor, who, after examining the seam, will allow or prohibit this hygienic procedure for a while. After obtaining specialist approval, the requirements for bathing in a bath are the same as after a natural birth.

Can i take a hot bath during lactation?

Two months after giving birth, the body has practically recovered. If there are no complications, then the doctors will only support the desire of the nursing mother to relax in the bath while the baby is sleeping or dad is doing it. However, there are basic rules when this hygienic procedure is contraindicated:

  • the woman's lactation has not been adjusted, in particular, the gynecologist diagnoses hyperlactation - excess milk production in the breast. In this case, warm water will stimulate an increased flow of fluid, the situation will only worsen, and this is fraught with the formation of stagnation, and in the future - mastitis;
  • nipple injuries (cracks, deep wounds) are observed. To avoid getting an infection, it is better to wait until they are completely healed.

It is recommended to add a decoction of chamomile to the water, herbs for the preparation of which can be bought at the pharmacy

If a nursing mother does not have any health problems, then a relaxing bath will only benefit her. It is recommended to adhere to some rules:

  • the bath surface must be perfectly clean;
  • it is better to dilute water to 36–38 0 С. The temperature cannot be higher than 40 0 \u200b\u200bС;

    Do not take a cold bath while breastfeeding a baby. Low temperature water will cause a sharp constriction of blood vessels, which, in turn, will prevent the free passage of milk in the ducts. A complication of this most often is the development of lactostasis.

  • doctors advise adding a decoction of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile or calendula;
  • do not spend more than half an hour in the water.

When can a nursing mother take a shower?

Unlike a bath, it is allowed to take a shower almost immediately after childbirth (the only exception is a caesarean section, when the seam cannot be wetted for some time). Light jets of water not only lift your spirits, but also serve as a kind of tonic and invigorating hydromassage that cleanses the skin from impurities.

There are times when, right after the birth of a baby, doctors forbid to go to the shower. This recommendation should not be neglected. Probably, the delivery went with complications, internal and external sutures were imposed. Be patient for a few hours, the doctor will definitely allow you to wash after a while.

Showers are also helpful while breastfeeding. Warm water and light massage help to increase blood circulation, therefore milk flow to the nipples increases, nutrient fluid is released faster and easier. It is important to remember that nursing mothers cannot swim under cold or hot streams, the optimum temperature is 37–38 0 С.

Breastfeeding mothers are allowed to take only warm showers

Charcot's shower: it is possible or not

Many people know about the benefits of a Charcot shower. This procedure is a kind of massage and is the following: a woman stands at a certain distance from a specialist who, using two hoses, simultaneously pours hot and cold water over the body with strong jets.

During this type of hydromassage, water is used with a temperature of 10 and 45 ° C.

Recently, Charcot's shower has become very popular among young mothers who want to quickly get in shape after childbirth, get rid of extra pounds and cellulite. However, it is not recommended for nursing mothers, since a sharp temperature drop negatively affects lactation. Before making a decision, a consultation with a doctor is required, because there is a whole list of contraindications for which it is strictly forbidden to take this contrast shower.

Taking a Charcot shower during lactation is not recommended

Sea, river or lake: swimming after childbirth in an open reservoir

If in the cold season the issue of swimming in an open reservoir does not bother young mothers so much, then in the summer it becomes relevant. But it is not always safe for the health of a woman who has recently given birth to a child. No matter how transparent the water surface may seem, many microorganisms live in it. In most cases, they are completely harmless, but if they get into open wounds, for example, on the surface of the uterus or the vaginal mucosa, an unhealed suture after surgery, then there is a high risk of infection and even sepsis - blood poisoning.

If you are planning a trip to the sea or to another open body of water, be sure to visit your obstetrician-gynecologist, who will conduct an examination and decide on the safety of swimming in a river or lake.

Usually, doctors are allowed to swim no earlier than 90 days after the baby is born. However, you should not neglect a visit to the doctor, because the regenerating function is different for everyone: one mother will need two or three months, and the other four or five. After returning home, it will be useful to take a vaginal swab to make sure that there are no harmful microorganisms. It is always easier to cure an inflammatory process that has just begun than to fight an advanced disease.

The question of the rules of personal hygiene after childbirth is always relevant. A young mother should carefully monitor her condition, follow the doctor's recommendations and not miss scheduled examinations to be sure that everything is in order with the body and the recovery process is proceeding normally. Even a hygienic procedure as harmless as a warm bath can cause complications. Therefore, even small nuances must be solved only with a specialist.

Laparoscopic surgery is described as a low-traumatic surgical procedure. Long continuous bed rest is not prescribed after laparoscopy, patients return to their usual way of life after a few days. But this is an operation, therefore, safety measures must be observed. The question arises about personal hygiene. How to properly rehabilitate after surgery and when can you wash yourself after laparoscopy?

Features of laparoscopy

Laparoscopy can be planned and emergency

Laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia. It is carried out using specialized laparoscopic instruments. In the abdomen, the doctor makes two or three punctures. To create space, carbon dioxide is injected through the holes. After that, a laparoscope with a camera is introduced, which transfers a picture of the internal organs to the monitor. Further, various instruments for surgical manipulations are introduced.

At the end of the laparoscopy, 2-3 small sutures remain on the anterior abdominal wall. Sutures also remain on the operated internal organ. Therefore, for a complete recovery of the body after surgery, it is necessary to pay due attention to the recovery period.

Application in medicine

This method is very common in gynecology. It is both diagnostic and therapeutic. With the help of laparoscopy in gynecology, you can diagnose:

  • whether there are adhesions in the fallopian tubes;
  • the degree of permeability of pipes;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • endometriosis and its stage of progression;
  • an accurate picture of the growth, such as the size of the cyst or fibroid.

In addition to gynecology, laparoscopy is also used in operations on the organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. That is, it is actively used by both surgeons and urologists.

With this method, a better view is possible than with a cavity incision. In addition, with the help of a laproscope, you can make an optical magnification of the operated organ, as well as see the retroperitoneal space.


After the operation, patients remain in the hospital, bed rest is provided. It lasts up to 10 hours after gynecological manipulations, from days to three days after excision of an internal organ. Already after 6-7 hours after gynecological operations, it is allowed to get up, move slowly, which prevents the formation of adhesions. The statement is determined by the type of operation performed. If this is a gynecological operation, then it is performed in a few days. When manipulating the abdominal organs - usually after three to four days. If possible complications are found, discharge is postponed until they are prevented. Pain after surgery, as a rule, disappears on the third day, if this has not happened, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How many days does rehabilitation take? The recovery period usually lasts about a month.

The most important thing at this time is the correct processing of seams, nutrition.

The doctor approves the diet, depending on the type of manipulation performed. Sutures after laparoscopy are treated with a specialized solution. As a rule, such solutions include 3% hydrogen peroxide or fucorcin. Processing should take place in compliance with all aseptic and antiseptic measures, only with sterile bandages.

Personal hygiene

The first time, about two weeks after the operation, you can swim only under a warm shower, covering the wound with a bandage. You cannot rub or scrub the incision site. After taking a shower, the seams must be processed. You can take a bath no earlier than after 3-4 weeks.

Baths and saunas should be avoided after laparoscopy

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse or sauna after the operation? Only after 3 months, after consultation and permission from a doctor. The fact is that high temperatures contribute to internal bleeding. For the same reason, it is not recommended to sunbathe in the sun or visit a solarium.

The stitches are removed in the clinic in compliance with all the rules of asepsis, in the dressing room. In many patients, this occurs 6-9 days after the manipulation.

At first, red or purple spots are visible at the puncture site, but over time they gradually fade, and soon become completely invisible.

Whether or not a scar remains after the operation depends on its care. In addition to thorough processing, after removing the stitches, gauze can be applied to the scar, lubricated with a special gel for tissue regeneration. The gauze should be changed as needed or if the patient has washed and wetted it. After the wounds have healed, you can switch to ointments to soften the scar tissue.

Everybody faces a cold and, as a rule, they treat a cold at home. As a result, many myths have arisen around this. One of them is that during illness it is categorically impossible to wash, since water procedures will only aggravate the symptoms of the disease. However, doctors have their own point of view on this matter.

The common cold is called viral diseases with a certain set of symptoms. The most common causes are hypothermia, lowered immunity and, of course, the pathogenic viruses themselves.

Hypothermia itself would not have caused a cold without the virus. But when we freeze, immunity weakens, it is easier for viruses to attack the cells of the body.

The main reason why people are afraid of getting sick with ARVI is not its danger or, but an unpleasant condition when it is difficult to breathe, eat, sleep. Often, working people do not take sick leave because of a cold and they have to endure the illness on their feet.

There are a huge number of folk recipes against and advice on whether you can shower with a cold, how to eat right and what to drink.

Everybody knows the symptoms of a cold. However, they can change depending on the strength of the disease, the virus itself, the organism:

  • and sore throat. A cold may begin with this symptom, or it may not occur at all throughout the illness. The throat turns red, hurts, it hurts to swallow and speak, there is a perspiration, cough, which intensifies at night.
  • , sneezing, profuse mucus. A cold cannot do without this symptom. Nasal congestion manifests itself in different ways, for some it is a complete inability to breathe through the nose, severe swelling that goes away only with the help of sprays and drops, while for others it is a tolerable condition, when it is even possible to do without medication. The secretion of mucus also has varying degrees. Sometimes the disease is limited to edema.
  • ... The temperature does not always appear, but if it is, then with ARVI it is low, 37.2 - 37.5. The increased body temperature lasts for about 2-3 days, after which it should subside. If it continues for up to a week, we can talk about a bacterial infection, which is usually treated.
  • Weakness, body aches. An unpleasant symptom when the whole body aches, fatigue, drowsiness appears, it is difficult to quickly respond and think. Usually it manifests itself on the second - third day of illness, and then decreases.

Shower for a cold: when and how to do it right

Many remember from childhood that mothers were forbidden to wash during illness. No matter how long it lasted, you could only soar your feet, but not wash. Doctors consider such restrictions unreasonable.

During a cold, we sweat a lot, drink tea with raspberries and other diaphoretic remedies. Sweat clogs pores. It becomes more difficult for the body to eliminate toxins. Therefore, it is imperative to wash to cleanse the pores, but it must be done correctly.

How to take a shower for a cold:

  • The water temperature should not be very high, preferably not higher than body temperature. This will avoid unnecessary overheating and increased heat.
  • You can take a shower and a bath. We usually do not stand in the shower for long, but in the bath you can lie as long as you like. But it is not recommended to do this during illness. Excessive moisture is harmful, it increases the formation of phlegm, a strong or increased flow from the nose can begin.
  • It is possible and even useful to take a shower in the heat. Doctors think so. A warm shower will help reduce fever, relieve the condition and reduce it. However, it is desirable that it was just a shower and by no means hot. After a shower, it is important to avoid hypothermia. You need to thoroughly dry yourself with a towel and put on warm socks and a bathrobe.
  • When you're going to shower, don't forget a shower cap. Washing your hair during a cold is not as beneficial as washing your body. Hair dries for a long time, which leads to hypothermia, you can get into a draft and catch a cold even worse. If you wash your hair, immediately wrap it in a towel and then dry it with a hairdryer.
  • It is better to take a shower or bath not in the morning, but at night, so that after water procedures, immediately put on warm socks and lie under the covers.
  • You can add herbs to the bath, for example, chamomile, St. John's wort. This is not only good for the skin, but will also serve to cleanse the lungs from.

Bathing during a cold can be harmful if you do not follow the rules or there are certain:

  • So, for example, people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels should not take hot baths in general, and even more so with weakened immunity and colds.
  • You can not take baths for people with varicose veins, heart failure, high blood pressure, as well as impaired blood circulation in the brain. However, a shower is still not contraindicated. If you rinse quickly and not with hot water, there will be no harm.
  • It is worth remembering that any bath is a load on the heart. Hot water increases pressure and stress on blood vessels. If your heart is already weak, replace the bath with a shower. It is useful during colds. If you chose a bath, do not lie in it for more than 20 minutes.
  • Do not mix bath and alcohol. We often hear such advice as “you need to warm up with vodka, and then immediately your feet soar”. This is completely wrong. It is one thing to take a shower before going to bed, and another to take thermal baths after strong drinks. Alcohol does not cure disease, it weakens the body and immunity. Sometimes they drink mulled wine to keep warm, but this does not apply to viral diseases in full swing. Moreover, it is not recommended to take baths or steam feet after alcohol. This can lead to sudden pressure drops.
  • You can not take hot baths with diabetes. They can cause a drop in blood sugar levels. However, a shower is also not contraindicated.
  • No need to get carried away with taking a bath on time. If a pregnant woman has a cold, you can take a warm shower or warm bath for no more than 5-10 minutes with the permission of the doctor. Soaring your feet and taking hot baths is strictly prohibited. They can provoke a miscarriage.

Useful video - how to properly treat a cold.

  • Lovers of a beautiful tan today do not need to lie on the beach for hours in minimal bathing suits. A solarium is a versatile sun substitute available to everyone at any time of the year. However, in order for the tan to be even and beautiful, certain rules must be followed even when using an artificial sun. A popular question among those who wish is whether it is possible to wash after the solarium?

    Tanning preparation

    Before sunburn, it is useful to cleanse the skin well. In the evening, on the eve of visiting the solarium, it is useful to do a full body exfoliation or wash with a hard washcloth. If your tanning session is scheduled for the middle of the day, you can shower in the morning. Beginners often ask: is it possible to wash after the tanning bed or is it better before? So, it is not recommended to take a shower just before tanning. Do not wash off the natural grease produced by the skin, as it is the natural protection of the epidermis. It is strictly forbidden to go to the solarium immediately after the sauna or with wet skin. Do not think that you will dry out naturally. Water droplets act as microscopic lenses and can cause burns. Protective agents are applied to dry skin just before tanning.

    Can I wash myself right after the tanning bed or is it better to wait?

    Experts recommend waiting a few hours after tanning before taking a shower or bath. The minimum interval is 2 hours, but it is better to be patient 4. Immediately after the tanning bed, do not use hard washcloths and scrubs. It is advisable to take a shower on the day of tanning without detergents at all. Of all the body cosmetics, your skin needs a moisturizing lotion or light cream today. But it is better to leave alcohol-containing or too fatty compositions for another day. Is it possible to wash after a tanning bed with a cream when the skin is unpleasantly sticky? The answer is also negative. Choose clothes made from natural materials for going to the solarium and do not rush to rinse off the protective products or special “after sun” milk. Your skin will thank you, and your tan will turn out to be especially beautiful if you tolerate the “oily” and “sticky” moisturizing lotion for a while.

    Why is bathing prohibited?

    So, you already know that the question: "Is it possible to wash after the solarium?" cosmetologists answer negatively. But what is the threat of violation of this rule and why not? The thing is that in modern cities a shower or a bath is a real test for our skin. soaps and other cleansers - dry out the skin, removing the natural protective lubricant. That is why lovers of water procedures are advised to constantly use body cosmetics. Will the tan be washed off if you go to the shower right after the tanning bed? Bathing does not completely neutralize the effect of sunbathing, but if you wait some time after the procedure before taking a bath, your tan will be more intense and even. That is why the answer to the question whether it is possible to wash after a tanning bed is negative. You don't want to waste the money spent on the procedure and waste the time allotted for it, do you?

    The truth and myths about tanning beds

    Is it okay to combine tanning and swimming? Cosmetologists do not recommend prescribing these procedures for one day. In public pools, chlorinated water, which has a negative effect on our skin. Together with ultraviolet radiation, this is a real stress that has nothing to do with health and beauty benefits. Indeed, many modern complexes have both a swimming pool and a solarium, but this does not mean that all the services of the center should be used on the same day. Many modern fitness centers boast a sauna. We have already found out whether it is possible to wash after the solarium, but what about combining tanning and bathing sessions? It is also advisable to schedule procedures for different days. But if this is not possible, it is permissible to go to the sauna in the morning, and think about it in the evening. Do not forget that on the day of visiting the solarium, you should minimize the use of aggressive cosmetics. Be sure to remove your makeup before tanning. Do not use alcohol-based lotions or perfumes. Following these simple rules will help you get an even and beautiful tan without harm to your health. And most importantly, you now know exactly the answer to the question: "Is it possible to wash after the tanning bed?"