Contests for the wedding for guests are cool. Funny wedding contests at the table - laughter and fun for guests. Merry game "Welcome!"

Wedding reception as a solemn banquet with dancing after a feast - generally accepted and boring. Games and competitions at the wedding - a great way to ask the right mood, put guests with each other, create a relaxed atmosphere, make a holiday bright. How to play a wedding fun to tell this article.

Wedding banquet, as a rule, lasts 5-6 hours. Accordingly, the program of this event should be clearly built and have a specific scenario.

The rules of good colors suggest that guests will begin to arrive at about half an hour before the advent of the bride and groom.

IMPORTANT: If the wedding will be the lead, his duties include acquaintance with arriving guests. Acquaintance should be unobtrusive, without panibrate or enchanting.

Cheerful photo session

Waiting for the start of the banquet can be brought out not only with a slight aperetival in the zone "Wellcome", but also a fun photo session with funny accessories in a special photowon.

The ideas of the design of photocons

Wedding tree wishes

Guests can also write newlyweds wishes and decorate the wishes tree.

Memorable interview

Invited can be interviewed in order to mount then
Comic interview surprise.

Video: Comic interview for a wedding

Wedding Crossword

"Crossword about a pair"

Pre-composed "crossword on a pair" will entertain guests of all ages.

Issues of the bride and groom at the wedding

List of exemplary issues:

The first meeting of the bride and groom
The city is the birth of the bride
Favorite film groom
Gentle nickname of the bride
Nickname nickname
Favorite movie newlyweds
Where young will go to the wedding trip

Make a "crossword on a paire" will help online crossword compilation programs. The crossword holder should be in a format that will be convenient for reading and filling even evenly guests.
The first guest or a company of guests, correctly filling the crossword, can be awarded a memorable prize from the bride and groom.

Wedding Competition "Intuition"

  • Perfect at the first stage of dating and will allow new relatives and friends closer to know each other.

It is necessary to prepare for the competition in advance:

  • remember the invited
  • some features
    Curious facts from life
    their hobbies
    The specifics of the profession of each (if the range of guests is small) or several of the most interesting guests (if invited many)
  • of course, the characteristics should be interesting and individual.

Important: not quite relevant will state the fact regarding the presence of higher education or rest abroad.

Characteristics are written or printed on cards and fold into bags or boxes. In one bag there are characteristics of guests from the bride, in the other - the bride. You can check your intuition as all guests in turn and an expert group of several people.

Pouring wedding games and contests for guests

The purpose of the holding of pediatric wedding games and contests: Activation of guests, their rapprochement. Guests, as a rule, are actively responding enough to offer the leading to entertain himself and please the bride and groom.

Flashmob "Unusual Wedding Congratulations"

The presenter reads the words of congratulations, and guests are friendly illustrated by gestures.
When the word sounds
"Love" guests are simultaneously painted in the air of the heart,
"Health" - men demonstrate their biceps, their companions or sitting nearby ladies express admiration for the force and removal of the opposite sex,
"Good luck" - the popular gesture "Okay",
"Happiness" - send the bride and groom air kisses.

Pouring wedding game "Guess the word"

On the tables are in advance the letters are hidden. The task of guests at the command of the leader find these letters and make one of them one of the thematic words: wedding, bride, marry, heart, love, etc.

Video: Putting Interactive "Guess the Word"

Traditional wedding contests: "Varosik", "All of nothing"

Weddings always played. That is why among many new trends and fashionable interactives in weddings there is always a good familiar classic.

Dance dance "Varosik"

Dance dance - Favorite entertainment. For guests to actively participate in the total dance, you can declare that those who wish young people are invited to the "train".
happy life
Good luck

Video: Wedding dance-dance "Varosik"

So far, leading, voicing all possible wedding wishes, walks around the hall, collecting "trailers". When the bulk of the guests formed the "train", incendiary music and the dance begins.

You can diversify the dance with the obstacles with the "train": to rub the column, change the speed, try to catch the last "trailer". At the end of the melody, you can offer dance participants to hid with neighbors.

Wedding Competition "All of nothing"

The conditions for this contest are extremely simple, and the conduct does not require a complex details. Couples are invited to participate: a man-woman.
Participants of the girls are issued on the roll of toilet paper. From paper you need to build a tie for a cavalier.

No matter what kind of tie: a classic or "butterfly". The main goal is to use all paper.
At the end of the competition, the presenter believes how many turns of paper made a participant around the neck of the cavalier and suggests the same time to kiss him.

No less popular as wedding entertainment and Competition "Mummy".

Cheerful wedding contests with dancing for newlyweds and guests, video

The wedding should certainly dance. Wedding contests with dances for newlyweds and guests are always remembered by bright and positive emotions.

Video: Dance Flashmob at the Wedding

Video: Competition at the wedding "Dance Battle"

Video: Master class "School of Dancing at the Wedding"

Conducting wedding contests without Tamada. A photo

A small wedding party suggests the lack of a toasta. Entertaining guests:

Wedding Competition Karaoke with thematic songs

Wedding game "Cornhol"

The game "Cornhol" will like the guests of all ages
Rules of the game: Teams are trying to throw the pads stuffed with peas or corn into the holes on special platforms. For hitting the target, the team gets 3 points, 1 point - if the projectile has resisted on a slippery platform, but did not get into the target.

Wedding game "Collapse Rings"

Throwing rings. For the game there will be three plastic rings and five pins (for an open area) / five bottles (for closed). Four pin / bottles are installed so that the square is formed, the fifth element is placed in the center of the square. Players are trying to throw rings on pins. For the rings on the angular pin, the player receives 5 points, and on the central - 10. The number of attempts is established by the newlyweds

Wedding game "Limbo"

Limbo is a classic fun parties. Under the perky music dancers strifting back all below and below.

Wedding game: "Falling Tower"

"Falling Tower" (Jenga). The game is suitable for open areas, and for the coffee table. It all depends on the size of wooden strokes. Parus stacked in a wooden tower. On each new floor, the laying direction alternates. Players start pulling out one bar from the lower floors and shift them upstairs. The tower is becoming higher, but less stable.

Interesting contests and games for Tamada for a wedding

The main tendency of modern wedding celebrations is to reflect the characters, hobbies, the attachment of the pair. However, do not forget about the guest, because the main thing that makes the wedding memorable - the atmosphere of the holiday.

Video: Guest game "Guess Melody"

Video: Guests for guests "Orange"

Video: Interactive with children at the wedding

Video: Competition-Quiz at the wedding

Wedding draws with fun prizes. Wedding Cash Contests

The tradition of buying a piece of wedding calava is known from time immemorial. Guests have bounced pieces of wedding karabia at "good luck". Tribute ancient tradition - modern wedding auctions cakes.

Video: Wedding Auction

Competition for the most original congratulation of newlyweds with a wedding

Ideas for original wedding congratulations are quite a lot: from oral congratulations and toasts before creating collages from the photo couple. But the most popular video congratulations remain.

Video: Congratulation of friends for a wedding

Video: Congratulations to friends and relatives with a wedding

Video: Clip-greetings from friends

Many newlyweds think how to make a wedding interesting for guests. To do this, it is enough to order a fiery show, invite a musical team, come up with cool and dance competitions for the wedding who revive the event.

Banquet is the most important stage of the wedding. It is a responsibility to his organization - decorate the hall, create a delicious menu, come up with an interesting entertainment program.

It is necessary to try to make the competitions for the wedding be universal, as contests for the new year. Not only young people will come to the wedding, but also grandparents. Consequently, competitions must be approached for participants in age.

I bring to your attention 10 interesting options.

  1. "Sing a song". The presenter makes a certain word, and the participants all together spike a song in which this word is present. Upon completion of a small concert, the most volatile guest receives a prize. If there are a lot of guests, the competition can be repeated several times.
  2. "Dress on another." Competition participants are broken by pairs. Each couple receives a bag with clothing. One member of the couple tows his eyes, and the second it is delivered. Believe me, the result will cheer. Especially if the package put comic clothing items.
  3. "Chastushki". Simple, progress and fun competition. Guests need to come up with and sing a chastushki about newlyweds.
  4. "Burnt balls." Competition participants are divided into two teams. Threading to the legs of each participant ties the ball. Players must burst the balls of opponents. A team that has no balls left, loses.
  5. "Prove love." The groom should start a towel as stronger as possible. So he will be able to demonstrate the bride his love. After that, he will definite the knot to show that any conflict will be allowed.
  6. "Cartoon tape." Participants of the Competition Couples from the girl and the guy. The girl holds a ribbon twisted in her hand. The guy teeth takes the end of the tape and trying to wind the girl. So he creates a certain clothing. The couple is defeated, which will be able to create the most neat and beautiful suit.
  7. "Family budget." Players divide into two teams. They need to know the prices in the country, as Tamada asks how much a certain product costs. Team participants will have to respond quickly. The team that gives fast and right answers is wins.
  8. "Rouh". Suitable for young people. Players divide on a couple, and ask to form a corridor. The participant without a pair passes through the corridor, choosing a cute person. The player who lost the pair, makes similar actions.
  9. "Slow paper." Several participants are sitting on benches or chairs and put on the leaf of paper. After that, girls are sitting on the hands of guys. They have to break this paper without hands. A couple will win, whose paper will break the strongest.
  10. "Pour into a glass." Participate in the Competition Couples. The girl pursues a glass between the legs, and a young man is a bottle of brandy or champagne. The guy gets to the girl and fills her glass with a bottle content. Then the young man must have no hands to drink the contents of the glade. Wins the fastest steam.

I offered 10 interesting and funny wedding contests. I believe that this selection is very successful and wrecked the wedding event.

Video of the most funny contests

This conversation does not end. Ahead of you awaits no less interesting material dedicated to the entertainment at the wedding. Continue to read and dangle on the mustache.

5 most funny wedding competitions

Choose wedding contests are not easy. In the course of solving this task, take into account the tastes of the guests and the wishes of the newlyweds.

I suggest to consider 5 funny options that entertain guests will raise the mood and create a fun atmosphere.

  1. "Merry Rapporteur". Tamada offers participants to become rapporteurs. Each contestant says typography, with candy in the mouth. Wins correctly told more pator.
  2. "Inflating balls." It is best suited for men who want to demonstrate power. Men inflate ball balls until they burst. The victory goes to the one who will burst all the balls faster.
  3. "Gladiator". On the waist of men bind ropes with small objects. For example, matchboxes or plastic New Year toys. The length of the thread should allow the box to hang out on the floor. Participants are trying to press the foot to the floor of the opponent's box. Who quickly cope with the task, comes into confrontation with another opponent.
  4. "Fast and attentive". Competition participants occupy places at the table on which the prize lies. As soon as the host completes the countdown, the participants must remove the reward from the table. Make it is not so easy. To complicate the task, Tamada can use different numbers. The prize will get to the destructive and attentive player.
  5. "Football". Participants are performed by the body a variety of movements and without hands shake potatoes tied to the belt. Potato need to get into a small box and promote it towards the gate. The participant wins the first head.

Video of the original option

7 Competitions for guests

If your friends who have a wedding, have identified you the role of Tamada, and in this matter you are a complete newcomer, I offer time-tested contests for guests for guests.

Most of the time, guests of the wedding event are at the table. In order for the gatherings not to become a massive absorption of festive dishes, guests are entertaining from time to time.

It is not difficult to guess that the main advantage of packaging contests is that guests do not have to get up due to the table.

  1. "Compliments". The presenter appeals to the guests to alternately express several compliments to the newlyweds. It is prohibited to repeat. The victory goes to the guest, which will pronounce the final compliment. The winner is given a funny prize.
  2. "Family proverbs." Tamada reads the guests of the proverbs on the family. This concerns only the beginning of proverbs, guests must finish them. The winner becomes the participant who will give the greatest amount of points, correctly finished accepting or proverb.
  3. "Merry synonyms". Before the toast, the host reminds guests that the Russian wedding is imagined without an invigorating and funny drink, for example, vodka or liquor, difficult. After that, he voiced the word "drink" and invites them to come up with synonyms. The winner is the guest, from the mouth of which will sound the greatest amount of synonyms.
  4. "Blind waiter." Tamada chooses a couple and tie their eyes. A man sits on a chair, and a woman give a plate with a glass of vodka, sandwich and salad. The girl should work a little waitress and serve the client.
  5. "Family restaurant". Only women are involved, ready to show all the abilities in cooking. Their order will receive a variety of incompatible products. Of them they have to prepare a salad. The victory will get a participant who will prepare a dish by using the maximum number of ingredients.
  6. "Nuts". Only women participate. Nuts put on the chairs, after which the participants will sit on them. Each woman calls the number of nuts on her chair. Winning a woman who will call the right number faster than the rest.
  7. "Guess the melody". For the competition you will need to cut down popular songs. After starting the sound of the melody, the player who guess her raises his hands and says "stop". Then the guest calls the composition. Guest wins with the greatest number of guessed songs.

Tongue Twisters

So, the guests actively participated in contests. It's time to work on the public and newlyweds.

5 contests for the bride and groom

The main thing is that the competitions do not hurt the pride of the participants, allowed to show wit, contributed to the formation of a positive attitude.

Almost all contests are focused on quick acquaintance of guests. As a result, even the most shy personalities can be mastered in the new setting.

  1. "Blackmail". To carry out a list of questions. Newlyweds are removed to the side. The husband takes his spouse on his arms and goes to his table. It can only take a step after a positive response to a cunning question.
  2. "The tournament of newlyweds." Competition will help you know how well-haired people are prepared for family life. This is a kind of marathon. Celebration culprits can be forced to clean potatoes, sew buttons, score nails and even swash a child.
  3. "Guess your spouse." There are several chairs in the center of the room, for which several guests and the groom are sitting. The bride, blindfolded, guess the narrated by a specific organ. For example, ear or nose. After guessing his wife and spouse.
  4. "Executioner". It will be necessary to prepare a few questions and two pitchers with water. The bride will have to play the role of the passive executioner, and the bridegroom becomes a victim. Jug - guillotine. If the wife gives the wrong answer to the question of Tamada, the contents of the jug will lose her husband.
  5. "Family Fire". Guests must be lined up in two ranks and form a corridor. The width of the corridor is about 3 meters. Newlyweds need to go through the corridor, holding burning candles in her hands. They should save fire, as guests will blow on it.

These are funny contests for the wedding for the bride and groom are very popular in our time. In general, the number of such competitions is calculated by thousands. But, I think the selection of 5 popular options is enough for the newlyweds to demonstrate their love, devotion and faith.

Solemn banquet.

Modern weddings pass according to the same scheme. First, the bridegroom redeems the bride, then marriage is being registered, then the walk of newlyweds, and finally a festive banquet.

Guest entertainment is a key to success for an unforgettable wedding. Do not allow guests to miss, pick up the funniest contests and drinking games - the task is not a lung. Portal offers you the most original wedding entertainment for guests. Funny contests and packaging wedding games can be carried out both with Tamada, and without - at home.

Funny games and cool contests

Are you tired of standard contests with a hat and chairs, you wish something new? Especially for you, picked up very funny contests and games. Choose the most cheerful contest for your guests.

Sharik's defeats

  • Participants: Several married couples.
  • Props: Balloons with drawn facial features, razor, shaving foam.

Men give balls with painted face, abundantly covered with shaving foam. The task of women is gently shaping a non-existent beard. The winner becomes the couple that the ball will last as much longer than everyone else.

Let's bring the Egg

  • Participants: Several pairs.
  • Props: Cup or deep bowl welded by screwing egg.

Tamada offers each selected pair "demolish the Egg". A cup or a deep bowl is put on the floor, the couple becomes back to each other. Between the blades of Tamada puts a welded egg. Param must put an egg in a bowl, leaving it at the same time. Who will cope faster, he will be the winner.

Dancing with foaming

  • Participants: Couples or small teams.
  • Props: Sheets called dance style.

Participants distribute sheets with the name of dance style, for example, Waltz, Lambad, Lezginka, Tango, Gypsy and others. When dancers are ready for a performance, absolutely different music is included. The task of the team or pair is to dance the selected style under "uncomfortable" music. Agree, it's funny to watch the guests dancing tango under Lambad.


  • Participants: Guests.
  • Props: Cover from match box.

The lid from the match box is put on the nose to the contestant. It is necessary to remove it, using only the facial facial. Spectators are preparing for a funny spectacle, and the leading time flows. Wins the fastest participant. And the same boxes can perform in the role of a gift.

Who nuts?

  • Participants: Girls (women).
  • Props: chairs and walnuts.

Contestants become back to the chairs and are preparing to sit on them. At this point, various walnuts are put on the chairs. Merry music is included, participants must guess what the number of nuts on the stool. Naturally, it is impossible to use the hands, and the ridica looks very funny. The winner must call the exact number of nuts.

Baby snack

  • Participants: Newlyweds and several couples.
  • Props: Baby bottles with gas and nipples.

Women in the role of mothers should drink their husbands through the nipple. "Child" should not be obliged. Wins the fastest pair.

Mute spoiled phone

  • Participants: 5 people.
  • Props: phrase written on a sheet of paper.

Four selected participants need to be removed by the door, leaving the fifth in the hall. The presenter gives the text remaining participant. Text can be absolutely anyone, for example: "There was a father of three sons, a smart senior was a kids, well, and the middle is so-so, the younger is not in yourself." A participant who read the phrase must transfer it to the next contestant and so until the turn does not reach the last person. The latter it is necessary to voice the words that were shown using the pantomime.

Who is in the light of all Mile?

  • Participants: Guests.
  • Props: Little mirrors.

Players are awarded small mirrors. The task of guests is looking into the mirror on its reflection, make yourself ten compliments. The winner choose viewers.

Dance sitting

  • Participants: Guests.
  • Props: chairs.

In the center of the hall, there are chairs for which participants are sitting. Outflow music and contestants are started to dance. It is prohibited from the spot. The task is complicated. The host manages the process, says which part of the body you need to dance at the moment. For example, guests are first dancing only with their hands, then shoulders, and finally with lips or eyebrows. Spectator voting is determined by the best dancer.

As you can see, ridiculous contests are universal for any company, you can spend them without the participation of Tamada in a restaurant or at home.

Funny questions for contests and packaging games

An excellent idea for drinking wedding games will be contests with questions. They will help guests to get acquainted closer, and future relatives - get to know each other better. Standard contests and funny quiz with questions at the wedding presenter usually prepares for newlyweds and guests. It is important to remember that such competitions must be alternating with rolling games, so that the triumph did not stall behind the wedding table. The most interesting options with ridiculous issues for the competition, according to the site of, are presented below.

Option number 1: Interaction of two families

The original beginning of the competition with questions can be a plate with a surprise. After the first shift, dishes on the reverse side of the clean plate attach questions for guests. It is important to arrange questions in such a way that a person from the opposite family answers. For instance:

  • What color of the eyes of the sister's bride? Responded to someone from guests from the groom.
  • What is the name of a cat aunts groom? The question is for a relative from the bride.
  • What color is the tie on the father of the bride? The participant from the bridegroom is responsible.

Questions can be invented much more converger, it all depends on what the situation at the wedding. I unobtrusively strive to make interact both sides. In this case, to find out the answer to the first question, the participant can be approached to the sister of the bride and look into her eyes.

Option number 2: Fathers and children

Catching a series of memories. Why do not mix tickness with humor and remember the brightest moments about the childhood of the groom with the bride. Not only newlyweds are involved in this competition, and their parents, so comic questions should be asked evenly at the wedding, smoothly moving from the groom with the bride to the elder generation.

  • Question to the parents of the bride: "When did the daughter brought home the first two and what item?
  • A question to the bridegroom: "When did the father apply the belt for the first time in order to educate?"
  • Question Bride: "When Mom Maspel Spit last time?"
  • Question to parents of the groom: "When did the son take the first step?"

Do not come up with too difficult questions in order to avoid awkward situations.

Option number 3: Such an attractive life

Questions ask the bride with the bride, it is advisable to answer them at the same time.

  • Who will lay bed?
  • Who will prepare breakfast after the first marriage night?
  • Who will change diapers?

The range of questions can be wide enough.

Create a relaxed and fun atmosphere at your wedding, let yourself and guests have fun at the full coil! Even more funny competitions for the wedding you can find on our website.

"What a wedding without accordion!" - Our ancestors spoke, emphasizing the great importance of fun at the celebration about the origin of the new family. Modern weddings are amazed by the scope of their organization, but the main principle remained unshakable with distant times: young and guests should laugh and have fun so that it is remembered for life.

To understand whether the guy is suitable with a girl to each other, they need to make repairs. This modern jog wisdom is fair and regarding the wedding. The coherence of young in the passage of joking obstacles is a sign that they will be able to negotiate in family life. Wrinking tests will frequency, create a mood, give positive emotions. If any of the participants in the event feels awkwardness, involving it into the competitive whirlpool will allow you to feel free.

Note! The wedding is associated with family life, so the event should not be measured and dull. Natural lyrical moments need to be generously broadcast ridiculous numbers, competitions and contests, direct participation in which the main perpetrators of the holiday - the bride and groom will be taken.

Funny for newlyweds

Preparing funny tests for the young, which they will have to pass together, it is customary to pay special attention to the topic of love and loyalty. It is important not to forget about delicacy.

Even for humor not worth mentioning former relationships from one side or the other, allow inappropriate jokes that can offend someone from newlyweds. Competitions are well held, in which it is proposed to remember the joyful moments of dating young, to demonstrate how well they learned each other, to predict, on what principles their family life will be built.

Male kid

For this contest, you will need two sufficiently large dolls, it is desirable in the form of an embarrassment, objects of clothing for them, diapers and diapers. The bride and groom will have to demonstrate how prepared they are to parental duties.. According to the rules, each of them needs as high quality baby ceasing. For complication, tests can be carried out with time limit, for example, for one minute. Wins the one who, according to the guests, will cope with parental responsibilities better than the other.

Kushi, my good!

This competition implies a very appetizing props: cream cake. Him the bride will have to feed her beloved .... blindfolded. To save the cleanliness of the costume, it is better to pre-wind the groom filmAnd when these manipulations are made on their true goal, it is better not to spread. Guests themselves will express all kinds of assumptions by creating an atmosphere of fun.


For this contest, a red ribbon will be required as long as possible. Its ends should be tied up with young and breed them in opposite sides of the hall, as far as possible from each other. The host alternately sets each of the participants a question relating to his spouse. For example, he can ask the bride, what a favorite dish in the groom, how many times he can spit out, sent him as a child to the camp. The groom can be asked what the size of the shoes from his beloved, how old was she learned to swim, what kind of chocolate variety she likes.

Before the participant responds to the question given to him, the lead must clarify the correct answer from his second half. If the answers coincide, young make turnover so that the tape wound on their waist, while getting closer to each other. At the end of the competition, they must come together in close hugs and dance joint dance.

Understand me

For this contest, the props serves a hat or a box, which contains pieces of paper with a description of the situations of future family life. For instance:

  • He came home underwear;
  • She spent all the salary of her husband on shopping;
  • For all New Year's holidays, a friend of her husband comes;
  • She with girlfriends goes to dance in a nightclub.

Interesting: It is allowed to call from the guestroom to make scenes from family life even more fun.

The presenter offers the bride and the bride to demonstrate how well they understand each other. First, a piece of hat takes the bride, reads what is written there and depicts it so that the beloved understand it. Then they change places.

Wedding portrait

This competition will take Watman and drawing tools: paints, markers or pencils. Watman neatly cuts in half, one part is given to the fiancé, another bride. The task of each of them is to draw a portrait of its second half. Ready works are combined with a scotch, a family portrait is obtained.

Route built

In this competition, not only the groom with the bride take part, but also guests. The essence of the test is to pave the route, bypassing the obstacles. Pre-negotiates a system of conditional alerts:

  • "B-I-I-I-P!" means left;
  • "Prrrr" - to the right;
  • "Fuck Fucks" - right.

The bridegroom tie his eyes, in the hall arrange chairs and guests in the picturesque poses. His task is to go to the opposite end of the room. The bride helps to cope with the task, denoting where to move through the conventional signals.

For the groom

The groom at the wedding should be ready for the most active participation in contests. So long ago it was necessary that the demonstration of strength, dexterity and smelters is the lot of brave wellms. That is why many contests are designed for strong representatives of humanity. Witness and friends can help the fiance in overcoming tests, Well, the bride is to reward kisses.

Fair il is not enough?

For this contest, it is necessary to prepare facts and non-residents from the past bride, writing them on a sheet of paper. The master reads them, and the bridegroom needs to be determined whether it happened in reality or not.

All for your beloved!

In this test the groom must be reached to the intended purpose, for example, to the opposite wall of the hall, carrying the bride in the hands. However, steps are allowed to do only under a certain condition: in case of an affirmative response to the questions that the host will be read. The list of questions may be such:

  • Will you always love the bride?
  • Will you bring coffee to bed?
  • Will you get out in the house?
  • And let her go one with girlfriends at a party?
  • If she wins a tour trip to the Arab Emirates on one person, you will not be opposed to go?

Dad hairdresser

You can spend this contest if a girl with sufficiently long hair is present at the wedding, not backed into a complex hairstyle. The essence of the test is that the bridegroom showed itself as the future dadwhom everything is on the shoulder. Including hairstyle, when moms are not at home. To implement the task, the multiple props: all sorts of comb, bows, hairpins, ribbons. Operating all this, he must soon demonstrate his hairdresser's masterpiece.

Caution! When creating hairstyles need to be careful, so that careless movements do not cause pain.

For the bride

The brides are so much in preparation for the wedding event, which is often suitable for it in a state of strong tension. Participation in contests allows them to relax and feel a festive atmosphere.

Selecting the tests implying the participation of the newlywed one, it is necessary to correlate them with the nature of the bride, the level of its physical training, weddingly and other factors. So, if the bride is in position, do not prepare competition for her with a pronounced sports component. It will not demonstrate the Olympic success of young and in a difficult dress with a long train, and the modest will be difficult to participate in broken contests.

Find out!

The props of this competition is minimal - eye bandage. The essence of the test is that the bride recognize its narrowed from a number of other representatives of strong sex. Men are chosen from among guests, they get into a row. The presenter tie the bride eyes and brings to the participants. According to the rules, the girl should define her husband to the touch. Little Amendment: Only noses or uhmni linges is allowed to feel.

Clean the testicle

For this competition, boxing gloves and egg welded are required. The lead denotes that his wife would not hurt to have power skills so that her husband respected. She solemnly put on boxing gloves. And, of course, it will easily cope with any culinary task. Especially as simple as cleaning eggs. The essence of the test is to clean the egg in gloves. Competition can be complicated if it is carried out with a permissible time limit. For example, it is necessary to clean the egg in one minute.

Home stylist

A good wife always takes care of the appearance of the spouse. To prove this fact the bride is awarded a roll of toilet paper, from which she needs to build a tie for his beloved. The task is not simple, as the entire roll is to spend. However, there is some relaxation: a tie design can be absolutely any. Obviously, as a requisite for this competition, a sanitary destination is needed, well, if it is pink, so that the tie is elegant.

How to organize?

To the selection of competitions for the wedding you need to approach individually. And movable tests are suitable for a sports couple, songs - if the groom or the bride has musical abilities, romantic newlyweds will be glad to beautiful contests using candles, guys with a sense of humor will like to overcome funny obstacles.

Important! The master must be coordinated in advance the selected tests with newlyweds to avoid unpleasant surprises.

In order for the atmosphere at the wedding to be fun and relaxed, and all guests received positive emotions, it is necessary to pay attention to the following moments:

  • For contests, where complex props and dressing are meant, it is better not to cause ladies with high complex hairstyles;
  • If someone from the guests stubbornly refuses to participate in contests, it is not necessary to pull it forcibly;
  • When conducting competitions, you should not forget about photographing, because it is at these moments that you can catch the most genuine emotions of the participants.

Even the simplest test may entail unrestrained fun if the lead and participants themselves will actively use humor. You can witness what is happening, use the funny props, to tear over the guests. Those who know how and love to joke can actively help in conducting contests..

But you should not arrange too many contests in a row. This can be tired and participants and other guests. In addition, there are many other important things at the wedding. After holding a couple of contests, the lead must assess the situation and decide whether to arrange another test or give guests to raise the toast, eat, dance.

Piquant contests should not be held at the beginning of the evening. Their time comes 2-3 hours from the beginning of the celebration, when the guests can enjoy relaxing from the festive atmosphere and the hottest. Care should be taken when conducting such competitions in order not to move the faces of decency. Especially if the participant is the bride.

Useful video

And, finally, another interesting contest for the bride and groom is the distribution of responsibilities. This is how it passes:


The diplomaticity, sense of humor and knowledge of human psychology is the main thing that is necessary for holding at the highest level. If the holiday reigns the raised atmosphere, young and their guests willingly participate in the trials, and smiles are broken on the faces of those present and periodically distributes laughter, it means that the organizers coped with their tasks to "excellent."

The wedding is one of the most important events in the life of a person, I want that at this moment all relatives and friends are near. For a cheerful, memorial wedding, many are invited to Tamada, and some trust holding a close person. But no event passes without contests. One of the tests that is most often found at the wedding is the questions for the wedding of the bride about the groom, which can be added to guests and learn a lot about newlyweds.

Issues of the bride about the groom

This kind of warm-up may become a fun moment in the event of the event. It will relax guests, sharpen their attention and, perhaps, a little laugh. In order to be with what to compare, the previously the same survey can be spent with the bride and then they will certainly know the right of the bride or not. In such situations, newlyweds can learn a lot of new things about each other. You can call such a "contest" "Question answer."

The rules for conducting a survey: Tamada asks a question of the bride about the groom, after which he reads his answer. At the same time, the time of the bride on meditation should be minimal and preferably the answers must be humorous.

List of exemplary questions Bride about the groom:

  • What was dressed on the bride, when did you see it for the first time?
  • The first collapsed movie (serial)?
  • What style of music prefers to listen to the groom?
  • What is your favorite pet?
  • What brand of cars prefers the chosen one?
  • What does your favorite dream of?
  • What does he like to eat the groom?
  • Favorite drink of the future spouse (you can specify alcoholic or non-alcoholic).
  • For what fiance loved the bride?
  • How can I raise the mood of the bridegroom?
  • How many children want?
  • What are the homework of the groom with joy ready to perform?
  • What is the size of the shoe of the bridegroom?

Cool and tricky questions:

  • What part of the body of the bride most like to kiss the fiance?
  • What color is the briefs like wearing a chosen one?
  • With a strong earthquake, which, first of all, will take it to the street?
  • If there is a choice: stay at home or go drink beer with friends - what will your favorite make?
  • What does the bride think, what kind of habit of becoming annoying the groom?
  • What was the most romantic act of the groom for the period of their meetings?
  • What was the most stupid act in the alone's life?

The optimal number of questions about 15 pieces should not be strongly loaded with newlyweds, and create awkward situations to the bride or the fiance.

Of course, by analogy, the groom is conducted about the bride. Questions can be left to the same plan and dilute a little new, which is more characteristic of the female half.

Questions for two

An interesting option, the same chart of quizzes "Question Answer", may be the questions addressed to the bride and groom at the same time. For this, it is necessary that the groom with the bride stood to each other backs and with the help of a hand (thumb up) sent to each other, thus answering the question.

Approximate list of newlywed issues:

  • Who first suggested starting to meet?
  • Who first kissed on the lips?
  • Who paid the first dinner?
  • Who made the proposal of hands and hearts?
  • Who is the first introduced his parents with a chosen one or chief?
  • Who decides which movie to watch?
  • Who will cook to eat?
  • Who will endure the garbage?
  • Who will lie on the sofa and watch TV?
  • Who will make more money on the family budget?
  • Who will dispose of the family budget?
  • Who will go to the concession?
  • Who will get up to the child at night?
  • Who is the happiest and in love person around the world?

Contests for newlyweds for a wedding

There is a huge number of wedding games that set the mood with newlyweds, parents and invitees. Conditionally, they can be divided into:

  • contests for newlyweds;
  • guestrooms for guests;
  • outdoor games.

So that the contests are expressive to interest everyone, you need to use various details on the subject of entertainment.

Since this article is devoted to competitions for newlyweds, let's consider this category in more detail. In addition to the Quiz "Question Answer", you can prepare the following games:

  • related gifts: The groom is diverted to the distance from the bride and along the way, for each step he calls a gift that will give the future wife;
  • what a bride: the bridegroom eats the lemon slicker and speaks his elected compliments, answering the question of which bride;
  • what will happen to: the master offers to pull one subject from the bag that should be associated with one or another (fishing rod - fishing, nipple - feed the baby, soccer ball - play football, etc.).