Bows with a brimmed hat. Hat with wide brim: what to wear, options for images, photo

There is a popular belief that the hat is "not for everyone." Many people think that hats do not suit them. But most likely, they simply did not find a successful model for themselves (which, in general, is not surprising, given the meager selection of hats in Russia). Remember the films that take place in the first half of the 20th century - almost all men wear hats there, regardless of age and social status. And with a certain perseverance, everyone can successfully pick up a hat and now.

Like any other item of the correct men's wardrobe, the hat should attract attention, first of all, not to itself, but to the face and should match and compensate for its proportions. A hat has several basic dimensions that affect its proportions and how well it suits a particular face type: the width of the brim, the height of the crown, the tapering of the crown and the width of the ribbon. All this can be wider, narrower, higher or lower, and in general will give a good or not very effect.

There are no hard and fast rules governing the shape of the hat what type of personfits. Here you need to be guided by proportions, as if you were choosing a frame for a picture: it should frame the face, but not "outweigh" it; should not be comically small or comically large. If you have a large face, then the hat should be large enough; for people with a narrow face, hats with a narrower crown and wider brim are suitable; people with prominent noses should choose hats with a wide crown to "compensate" for the nose; wide brims help hide protruding ears and so on.

The way you wear your hat also affects the overall impression. In most cases, tilting the hat to the side will not hurt - a couple of degrees can completely change the picture. Experiment with the slope, but don't forget about the proportions: if you have a high forehead, do not wring your hat over the back of your head, and vice versa.

The size of the hat is just as important. It should sit tightly enough on your head so that it won't be blown away by the slightest gust of wind and it shouldn't fall when you bend over, but it shouldn't press on your temples and wrinkle your hair. Unfortunately, when ordering a hat online, you can often only guess what size it really is. As with shoe sizes, hat sizes can vary markedly from manufacturer to manufacturer. You can roughly understand your size by measuring your head with a tailor's meter across the forehead, above the ears and above the base of the skull and comparing the resulting head circumference with the manufacturer's table. But even this does not guarantee a successful landing.

It is better to err on the big side, because any good hat has a special leather rim on the inside, which allows you to slightly reduce its size if you put a piece of cotton wool or foam rubber under it in several places. At the same time, if the hat is too small for you, it can be stretched in the hat shop, but the result will depend on the material of the hat and the rim.

Like any other wardrobe item, it is advisable that the hat is in harmony with your clothes, but there is no need to choose a hat exactly in tone. The main thing is to try to combine colors at least along the spectrum: warm with warm, cold with cold. For example, both a gray and a black hat are suitable for a blue coat, and a dark green one for a brown one (although, of course, a green hat is quite serious in itself).


The most traditional material for hats is wool, or rather felt, which is made from wool. The fedora is the most formal of all (aside from the top hat, but only worn by Freemasons and guitarist Slash) and requires an appropriate wardrobe. It goes best with a classic suit or coat. But this does not mean that the felt hat is exclusively for people like Don Draper. The softer the felt, the more dents on the front of the crown; the warmer the colors and the more contrasting the ribbon, the less formal the hat becomes. A dark gray Homburg hat with satin-trimmed brim looks extremely formal, while a brown fedora with a curvy brim and a braided cord instead of a ribbon looks great with a worn shirt and leather jacket (see films about Indiana Jones). But no matter how relaxed the felt hat is, you can wear it only with clothes from a work or classic wardrobe, forget about the sporty style.


Recently, hats made from cotton and blended fabrics have become popular - these are often sold in chain clothing stores. It is more correct to attribute them to Panamas - usually they have very short brim and crown without dents. These hats are the least formal and can fit into almost any wardrobe. But at the same time, the chances of becoming like Paul Volya suddenly increase.


A tweed hat is less formal than a felt hat and will be inappropriate with a business suit, but it is great (oddly enough) with tweed jackets and other elements of the "rustic" style, such as waxed jackets or rubber boots. According to the famous author of books on men's fashion, Bernard Rötzel, "tweed hats are preferred by scientists and intellectuals who do not want their foreheads and thoughts to be embarrassed by hard hats."


Ecuadorian straw fedora - Panama - is made from special straw and has a very dense weave. The better the panama, the tighter it is woven and the smoother and softer it will be to the touch. It can be worn with a summer suit or a chambray shirt and chino pants. The rest of the straw hats are less formal than the Panama hats and do not suit a suit, but they can be worn with everything else - T-shirts, sandals and other summer clothes. The only exception is the boater hat - it is already so retro that it is only suitable for professional hat wearers.


Cowboy hats are only allowed to be worn by cowboys, roleplayers, sysadmins and rockers.

Don't treat hats like carnival costumes. After putting on a hat, choosing a suitable angle of inclination, try to forget about what is on your head, treat it the same way as you treat shoes. Don't make unnecessary adjustments, don't fiddle with the brim, don't look in the mirror at every opportunity - in short, act like you're not wearing a hat. Then others will perceive it more naturally.

Finally, it is worth remembering one simple rule: you should take off your hat indoors if you are going to sit there - in a restaurant, visiting a movie. In public places, such as a store or post office, this is not necessary. The same applies to hallways, elevators and corridors through which you pass, however, having reached the goal - for example, an apartment, your hat should be removed.

A good form is to slightly raise your hat when greeting acquaintances, especially if it is a lady. It may be a little old-fashioned, but the extra gallantry hasn't hurt anyone yet. And in situations where you say “thank you,” “nothing at all,” or “sorry,” you can lightly touch the front edge of the fields - “trump” is another good way to show respect for the interlocutor.


Oh, these hats, graceful or wide-brimmed, they are capable of incredible reincarnations of their mistress. A well-chosen hat can completely change not only the owner's appearance, but sometimes her character. For some girls, there is a rule of hats, like gloves, bags and scarves are never too many. How to wear a hat in autumn, combining it with outerwear?

Our magazine has collected a small review with a photo on the theme of the image of a coat and a hat. If you just decided to purchase this headdress, be extremely careful! A hat will provide you with increased attention and success.

Using a hat in the cold season, you can be, and a daring seductress, and a mysterious spy, and a hooligan, and an elegant lady from high society. What else is this beautiful women's accessory capable of, color combinations of shoes, coats, hats, gloves and bags, see this publication.

Options on the theme - the image of a coat and a hat.

If you, a respected fashionista, choose a strict coat, a classic fitted cut, leather gloves and a hat behind which you hide your eyes, you will be enveloped in mystery to the tips of your nails, and look like a celebrity who wants to hide from the paparazzi. Sunglasses, a checked scarf, elegant high-heeled shoes and a hat of color will turn you into a gallant aristocrat.

Sneakers in dark or white color, or maybe timbelenda boots, a loose sweater with a collar and jeans or leather leggings, and oversized oversized coatsuch an image of a coat and a hat will make you a cute mischievous person who is allowed to make a fool of around officially.
The fashionable image of a coat and a hat will always be successful. There is no such color and cut of the coat that would not fit this headdress, the general look can be drawn with accents from additional accessories, for example, sunglasses or transparent glasses, a stole or scarf, and a bag. We have specially selected different lengths, styles and colors of coats in our review so that you can clearly see how a wide-brimmed hat successfully plays up a complete fashionable image.

Images with a gray coat and hat.

Images and a wide-brimmed hat.

Fashionable hat and coat business.

Femme fatale shrouded in mystery, black, purple, dark blue coat and wide-brimmed hat. You can't take your eyes off such a mysterious seducer.

Hat, hat. Felt headdress with crown and brim. It is at him, or rather, at its owner, with the onset of cold weather, women stare. But few decide. What's the catch?

One sees how beautiful it is on her neighbor, but her beloved hands do not reach her. The second does not know with what or how to wear a hat. The third would wear, but it's scary to attract the attention of others, you never know what they say.

Throw away doubts, no need to rush about. Make your wish come true. After all, our weather also favors this. In the autumn-winter season, it is the hat that will create the mood, decorate the old coat in a new way, emphasize your individuality, and make your image bold and memorable.

When choosing a felt hat, pay attention to the width of the brim, the height of the crown, color, texture, and it will serve you happily ever after. Will it be a top hat, fedora, cloche, trilby or some other. The choice is yours!

The main thing is that it will help you create an interesting image. And not one - it all depends solely on your imagination. And with the right approach and from the cold, it will protect you no worse than any hat. In general, an irreplaceable thing.

How and with what to wear a hat in autumn and winter? Where to look for inspiration?

1. Coat and hat

Almost everyone has an autumn or winter coat. Whether it's straight, fitted or trapezoidal, the hat is the perfect complement. / We replace open shoes mentally with boots. /

It won't let you down with a cape either, especially a hat with wide brims.

Wide-brimmed hats (floppy) with a rounded crown in the style of the 70s are especially popular this season - "toadstool hats" (and they remind me!).
And it is not necessary to pair them with a classic cut coat. The softness of the bend of the edge of the hat is perfectly supported by the softness of the texture and the folds of the short coat (the girl in gray).

You can, of course, dwell on the neutral color of the headdress, which will suit "everything":

And you can paint the autumn-winter weekdays with color, because it is so lacking at this time in our latitudes:

Or print. If not on a hat, then at least on a coat.

Sometimes a bright color and print of the coat itself is more than enough, combining it with a hat in a neutral color will be chic:

With a short coat from a men's wardrobe, the hat will make an organic tandem, further emphasizing your femininity or independence. To whom what?

Feel like a conqueror of the Wild West in a cowboy hat with a folded or unfolded brim in a woolen coat or an insulated trench coat with high, rough boots.

Textured coat fabric with tactile felt. Very attractive.

2. Hat with jacket

With a warm parka, it will make an irreplaceable set that will allow you to rush about on business all day, regardless of the snow or rain.

For skin lovers. Remembering Tom Sawyer, fold your hat to the back of your head to show insolence. And in a dress and a neat hat, show your imaginary insecurity.

Maybe the photos below are too late, the September heat has already gone. However, take a note, you will not regret it, after all, spring is just around the corner. And you can use them on vacation in a country where winter is not so harsh.

Of course, a hat with wool or suede jackets in ethnic style is perfect for both cold seasons.

3. Hat with a fur coat

I would like to look "expensive-rich", then expensive furs for the hat. More modern - furs are more democratic, such as sheepskin or muton.

Cheburashka is at the peak of its popularity. Shaggy, trimmed, colored. Which one is closer to whom?

For lovers of white, the favorite of the winter season, we create contrasts of light and dark. / Do not forget to put on tight and warm boots on your legs. /

In our country (in Russia) many people wear sheepskin coats, but very rarely with a hat. An unfortunate omission!

With a knitted hat, it's easy to put together a set with a fur jacket made from different materials, but it's predictable and simple. But with a felt hat ... you still need to think about how to put it on.

And finally, a life hack for those who need warmer: so that the ears don't get frozen, you can tie a silk scarf under the hat or put on a thin snood.

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Many will never dare to wear this headdress in their lives, fearing to look strange, to feel out of place. A hat with a brim looks elegant and romantic, but in order to achieve the desired effect, you need to follow some rules ...

1. Proportions.

The key to getting the right hat is proportioning. Stylists recommend the following: the width of the crown should not be narrower than the distance between the cheekbones, otherwise it will seem that the hat is too small. However, the crown should not be much wider either.

Big ladies can afford a hat with a very wide brim, it is better for miniature ones to choose narrower brims. The "span" of the shoulders will help you choose the right margins. The margins should not be too narrow, not much wider than the shoulders. When choosing a hat, it is worth examining yourself in the mirror as a whole.

2. The shape of the face.

For girls with a round face, a hat that visually lengthens the face is suitable. Therefore, it is better to prefer hats with a medium-length brim and a high crown. Owners of triangular faces should try to create asymmetry: move the hat to one side, effectively bend the brim. For a square face, wide, soft-lying margins and a round crown are suitable. And the owners of the oval face shape are the most fortunate, they will suit different shapes of hats, it is worth experimenting.

3. Color.

The hat should be in harmony with the outfit, but not merge with it. On the other hand, the hat should match the tone. Stylist tip: Try not to match the color of your hat with the main shade of your clothing. Option: match gloves, bag or scarf in color to your hat.

4. Nice additions.

If you want to decorate your hat (feather, flower, ribbon), according to the rules of etiquette, it is better to do it on the right side. Men adorn the hats on the left side. However, hat etiquette is not so relevant. For example, among the "hat" rules: do not wear a hat with a very wide brim until five in the evening.

5. Hair.

Many do not wear hats because their hairstyle suffers. The simplest hairstyle that makes hats look great is loose hair. Alternatively: a low ponytail. And the bangs can be divided in half or combed to the side.

Finally, you will understand that it's all in the bag!

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Chances are, you think the hat is too strange and complicated accessory. It is completely incomprehensible how to wear a hat so as not to look like the "old madame". Our tip - just try it!

Of course, to find the perfect hat, you need to try on dozens of models, but we believe it exists - the hat that will suit only you.

Wide-brimmed, boater, fedora, trilby, homburg - there are more options than you might think.

In the meantime, you decide on the shape of the hat, let's decide what color it will be?

Brown / beige

A brown or beige color is a great option for a hat. Not as gloomy as black, but it goes well with all the colors of the rainbow and just fits perfectly into the images of pastel shades.

We look!

A beige hat will add charm and tenderness

A wonderful way to walk

Wide-brimmed hat - the choice of the most daring fashionistas

Romantic look in beige tones

Hat and long skirt - great!

Pair a hat with a white dress

The hat brings a touch of elegance to the casual look

In this look, the hat does not go well with anything, but is it superfluous?

A chocolate-colored hat with an original decor becomes the highlight of the image

The hat will turn any girl into a super cute

Set: hat, coat and bag

Gray is another alternative to black. Original, but at the same time not flashy or pretentious. However, the gray hat is best paired with other garments of the same color.

The hat will decorate a boring look

Fashionista combines a hat with pants

Coat and hat - as if from one set!

Why not try on a gray hat with a fur coat?

Or with a fur vest?

The jacket and hat are just details of the image, but the emphasis is on the original scarf

Casual look with a gray hat

A gray and beige hat will suit anything at all

A blue or blue hat looks much more interesting than beige or gray options, and is ideal for denim items. That is, if there are jeans, denim skirt, overalls or jacket in the image, feel free to wear a blue hat.

A bright hat is combined with trousers

Muted blue can be worn with black and purple

Blue hat and jeans are the most obvious combination

Pay attention to the model's jacket: it's denim!

Don't be afraid to wear a wide-brimmed hat with sneakers


The burgundy hat is our favorite! The deep wine color will not leave indifferent any fashionista, and if you put on your lips with lipstick of a similar shade, then you will definitely not be equal.

Bright clutch and burgundy hat "paint" the gray outfit

The hat is the main focus of the image

Not sure what to wear with a burgundy hat? Just buy the right clutch

Burgundy is definitely this fashionista's favorite color.

Burgundy hat is an absolutely distinctive accessory

Isn't a hat lovely?

The white hat is for aristocratic women only. Imagine going to the Queen of England for breakfast and be delicious.

White two-piece suit and hat - insanely cool!

Quite elegant, isn't it?

Great summer look

A white hat can always be worn with a white blouse.

Almost white (straw)

The most summer accessory is, of course, a straw hat. Perhaps any traveler has it. The beauty of this hat is that it fits all summer dresses, skirts, T-shirts.

In general, it's time to start wearing a straw hat, not only at sea, but also in your hometown.

Girls in straw hats are adorable

Very gentle and romantic image

A straw hat will be appropriate for an evening out (but only on a hot day!)

A simple look for every day

Nothing extra, just stylish


Maybe you should buy a bright hat? Red, green, yellow, or pink. Yes, she will draw attention to herself, but that's the point. Spring is the time to bloom!

Red hat will turn you into a femme fatale

Pink hat for young cuties

Excellent summer look

For those who cannot live without pink

Red hat - a feature of the image

The yellow hat looks original and elegant

Green is a noble and fashionable color

Okay, let's say the other colors don't suit you. Then feel free to buy a black hat. It will fit 99% of all your outfits. You don't even need to invent anything: just wear and enjoy.