Wet forehead in a child when sleeping. The baby sweats the head that it is worth paying attention to first. Tips for experienced mothers: how to avoid strong sweating

When young parents face that the child's head sweats and becomes wet, it causes anxiety and questions. Is it normal? Why does the head sweat heavily when the baby sleeps? Why do palms sweat during feeding? Do you need to treat? What to do?

The child sweats is normal, but it is important to understand the reasons.

If the baby is punished (cold, teething, allergy), then sweating is a protective reaction, so the body struggles. Check if the doctor did not appoint drugs that can cause an increased sweating. To eliminate medical problems with health (rickets, heart or thyroid disease, disorders in the endocrine system, neurological disorders, etc.), consult your doctor.

However, more often the child sweats in a situation not about serious illness, but about the wrong household conditions in which the baby is sleeping.

So what leads to the fact that the child sweats?

Let's figure it out with such a concept as the thermoregulation of the child. Temoregulation - This is the reaction of the body to change the ambient temperature: in other words, our body regulates itself (cooled or produces more heat), when the external conditions are changed. The thermoregulation depends even on the change of human poses. Increased sweating also helps to remove excess heat from the body with then, cooling additionally and the skin.

The reason why the child sweats exactly the head is that sweat glands are predominantly located in the hairpiece of the skull and on the neck. Therefore, checking whether the child is not hot, first of all, you need to touch the back and neck.

The thermoregulation of children has not yet formedShe is worse than adults, because the baby can easily freeze or get overheating. At the same time, the body itself does not cope in order to help you adjust these processes. Overheating or supercooling is very poorly manifested in children through sweat or trembling. For example, especially in newborns, the body temperature is unstable and they cannot clearly stand: we will not see the droplets of sweat. This leads to the fact that small children can easily freeze or overheat with a slight change in temperature in their environment. Therefore, it is so important not to overheat the baby and make sure that it does not froze. Heat transfer processes gradually ripen by 7 years.

What is important to remember?

  • Track the first signs of overheating: Increase body temperature, redness, upright, breast rejection, anxiety. If adults do not notice this and do not change the conditions, and then the crumb goes into sleep (as a protective reaction), then the body temperature will continue to rise. When overcooling is easier to help the baby: additionally wrap, put into the warm room, attach to the chest or give warm drinks.

Overheating is dangerous! Especially for the children of the first year of life. Studies have shown that the risk of SDVS is several times higher in overheating.

  • It is necessary to maintain a comfortable room temperature. - on the recommendation of pediatricians + 18-22 ° C. This is the optimal temperature for the development of the baby (but for premature babies just above + 24-25 ° C). It is especially important to control the temperature regime during the heating period. To track the temperature in the room, it is better to place a thermometer next to the crib. Pay attention to maintaining comfortable temperatures especially during sleep. If the baby is too hot and stuffy or very cold, it will sleep badly, often wake up and capricious.
  • Remember that babies need a greater influx of fresh air than adults. Therefore, do not focus on your sensations when regulating the temperature, but you can watch at what temperature your baby sleeps better.
  • It is important to maintain and humidity in the room.where the baby is. And do not place the baby bed near the window or battery.
  • Pick clothes for sleep online. With age, the child becomes more mobile and movable, which also requires additional ventilation and correct To avoid overheating.
  • Better to abandon Baldakhinov or Shuttle, remove flights From a children's bed: first, they are even prohibited for sale in some countries, and secondly, they collect dust and interfere with air circulation in the crib area.
  • Sometimes there may be increased sweating when overacting or overwork, so reacts the body. Try to avoid such oversaturated moments. When the baby calm down, watch him when it becomes calmer. Remember the importance of compliance and for the age of your baby.
  • It is important to wear a baby correctlyboth at home and walk. Especially paying attention to clothes for sleep time. Do not wear a hat on your head indoors so that the baby does not overheat. If you prefer for your crumbs, it is important to choose it to competently, when you also choose the material correctly.

What to do mom if the baby is hot?

  • If the room is hot, before going to bed, check it yourself or cooler with air conditioning.
  • If you leave the air conditioner for sleep time, it is important that the air flow does not go straight to the silence of the baby.
  • Also, at the time of sleep, a child can, if possible, leave an open door to the room and open the window in the kitchen.
  • Adjust the battery temperature. If it is impossible, there can help a dense bedspread on it.
  • If there is no humidifier, can be put on the shelves of jars with water on the shelves (observing safety) and hang on the battery of a wet towel, for example.
  • When in a stuffy room and high sweating, the frequent reception of the liquid also helps: breastfeeding or water (if the lure is already entered).
  • You can easily bathe baby, for example, with a strong heat.

The ambient temperature especially for children of the first months of life plays a huge role, affecting the condition, mood and sleep. You can check the nose and handles, but it is better to touch the baby's heads to understand whether there is overheating or supercooling. The kid will feel bad if the head sweats or it will disturb the moisture of the head. In such situations, it is better not to worry, but to consult with your doctor and provide comfortable conditions.

Often, the new parents have a question: "Why a child sweats his head in day and night." Usually, high sweating in children is caused by unsuitable environmental conditions or non-formation of the system of sweating, but in some cases hyperhydrosis may be a consequence of Rahta.

The main causes of high sweating

If the child sweats his head very much, it does not mean that he is sick. It is likely that the cause of hyperhydrosis may be an incomparated system of sweating or the response of the organism on environmental factors.

The main causes of high sweating are:

Make sure that the child is comfortable and comfortable to sleep

Diseases causing hyperhydrosis

Find out why the baby sweats the head, follows as early as possible. Hyperhydrosis can signal such serious health problems as:

  • Deficiency of vitamin D.
  • ARVI, flu. Signs of increased sweating disappear after 3-4 days after the suffering disease.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Failures in the work of the thyroid.
  • Reception of medical preparations. Parents need to carefully read the instructions for the drug - hyperhydrosis can be registered in the side effects of the medication.
  • Lymphatic diathesis - congenital increase in lymph nodes. The disease is accompanied by the marbornity of the skin. Often occasionally occurs childrenwhich moved the lung hypoxia.
  • Tuberculosis. The disease at an early age is very rare, however, if undelated, manta should be made and make an appointment with the phthisiatra.

Important! Symptoms of increased sweating can be observed in transitional age- from 14 to 17 years, it is caused by global changes on a hormonal background.

Infectious diseases may cause increased sweating in a child

Rahit is the illness of breast and early children associated with the violation of the normal formation and mineralization of bones during their intensive growth. The disease causes a deficiency of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus in the body. One of the symptoms of Rakhita is the hyperhydrosis of stop, palms and heads at the kid .

Especially often the disease is manifested in premature babies, as well as those kids who are on breastfeeding. Increased the situation can intestinal infections, celiac disease and lactase insufficiency.

Due to the softness of the bones, the child's skeleton is transformed. Most often, the influence of Rakhit is the spine, skull, bones of the legs and hips. The physical and mental development of the child also slows down.

Important! Most of the rickets suffer from Rahita,- The deformation of the bones of a small pelvis can lead to underdevelopment of reproductive organs, as a result of which, in the future, girls may be fruitless or have problems with conception and drying out the fetus.

Signs of rickets in a child

Symptoms Rakhita

Parents of the child should be alert if under hyperhydrosis of the head:

Vitamin D will help in the prevention of rickets
  1. The kid constantly climbs, worries and crying.
  2. Kroch can not sleep well, wakes up and sobs at night.
  3. There is an increase in temperature.
  4. The tone of the body is reduced, children seem to be sluggish and apathetic.
  5. The child's mood during the day often changes.
  6. The knobs and legs of the baby can be curved and turned out.
  7. The first teeth of the crumbs are broken only by the year or even later.
  8. Spring closes late. The kid's head seems a bit flattened, temporal bones are transformed.
  9. Compacts appear on the head, the edges of the spring become soft.

Hyperhydrosis in 1-2 years

If the babies who for several days or months often sweats the head when feeding and when they sleep, then various ailments and diseases can be added to the causes of hyperhydroposis:

  • Diabetes. For the disease, the child is beginning to torment frequent urge to urination and strong desire to drink.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Additional symptoms can be: loss of body weight, casing, fatigue and cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle.
  • Night fears - another answer to the question why the child can sweat the head during sleep. The baby can be afraid even in 2 years, when it wakes up, and the mother will not be near, or if he dares a bad dream.
  • Ecological problems. If the kid's family lives in polluted areas, for example, near factories and factories - this can affect the health of the child.
  • Diseases of viral origin. It can be ARVI, flu and other intestinal infections. Many bacterial diseases are accompanied by temperature, fever and strong sweating. The kid may seem sluggish, eat bad, capricious and play little.

If the baby has long to sweat a head for a long time, then you should consult with your doctor

If the parents began to notice that their child often sweats the night when she sleeps, or during the daytime day, you should think about what the phenomenon is caused. It may be provoked by adverse environmental factors or various diseases.

So that the child felt comfortable and the risks of increased sweating were minimized, follows:

  • Regularly ventilated the room. To the baby head during sleep remained wet, the temperature in the room should not exceed 22 °. Humidity under optimal conditions is 50-60 °.
  • Bathing baby daily. If the head is very sweating in the baby, you can add sea salt in the bath, the infusion of oak bark, a turn or chamomile.
  • Do not buy a child without much need. Even newborn can be without a hat, if at home is hot and stuffy.
  • Massage and special exercises to strengthen immunity.
  • Follow the krochi diet. Increased sweating can manifest when a child uses sharp, sweet or salty dishes. Fresh fruits and vegetables will be much more useful.
  • Buy clothes and bed linen from natural fabric.

Important! By age 12.-15 years Increased branch passes itself, however, if hyperhydrosis is inherited, it can manifest itself throughout life.
Mandatory daily procedures

Let's sum up

Sweet glands in the baby completely finish their formation only by 5-6 years, throughout the period, the sweating system adapts to new conditions and can malfunction, which is accompanied by enhanced sweating. Often, symptoms of hyperhydroposis are provoked by environmental factors, so parents must create favorable conditions for comfort and good toddler well-being.

In some cases, the increase in the level of sweating may be caused by other serious diseases, Rahit occurs most often at an early age. To exclude such a chance, you need to record the baby on the reception to the pediatrician and go through the appointed surveys.

Often, high sweating of the head in the child serves as a reason for the concern and the alarms of the parents.

Excessive sweating is the norm for individual children, but sometimes signals about the disease.

It is very important to figure out why the baby's head sweats.

The reasons when the child sweats greatly, relates to age.

1 year

Rahit is responsible for why at night the one-year-old child sweats the face and head. Sweat is different with an acidic aroma and is an irritant for the epidermis, causes friction of the head of the pillow. The excitability and concern of the baby, which is frightened by each sound.

If the child is sweating in a child for 2 years, it is impossible to exclude diabetes mellitus. It is characterized by dry skin coverings at the bottom of the body.

To one of the reasons why the child sweats the head constantly, the hereditary predisposition belongs.

The child fell ill and sweats the head from high temperatures - do not despair. Thus, the child's body prevents life-hazard overheating: produces and displays a lot of moisture. Normalization of sweating is observed when the kid is amendment.

Lymphatic diathesis is often involved in why the head of the child is overly sweating. A similar situation is regulated in the formation of the body of the child.

If the child in 4 years actively sweats the head, then there are sometimes provocateurs:

  • overweight;
  • failures in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • prolonged medication;
  • tuberculosis.

At times, psychological reasons (mental unrest, night fears) keep the answer, why not only the neck sweats, but also the palm of the child.

If a child is 5 or 6 years old and he sweats a strong head, possible causes:

  • flu;
  • acute respiratory viral infection;
  • angina;
  • intestinal pathology.

In the child during the disease, the head is very sweating, besides, there is a decrease in appetite, lethargy and fatigue. As a rule, within a few days after treatment, the sweating disappears.

Children differ in high susceptibility to medical preparations. The cause of an excessive sweating of the head in a child consider the reaction to drugs. When canceling therapy, the side effect is immediately eliminated.

If the instructions are prescribed about the severity as a side effect - it means there is no reason for strong anxiety.

If we talk about nonpatological factors, they are most often found and do not carry any danger to health. We provoke head sweating in all age categories in a child.

Excessive sweating motivators are:

  • Failure to comply with temperature and humidity indoor. Ideal parameters: Humidity - up to 60%, air temperature - 20 0 S.
  • Allergy to bedding and synthetic underwear.
  • Excessive activity of children: Gaming activities, exercise.
  • The wardrobe is a kid who does not correspond to the year of the year.
  • Child menu: Turning on with salted, acute food.

Moms and dads are interested in what to do when the child sweats constantly head and is it dangerous. To resolve the problem, contact the precinct pediatrician. It will help to establish the root cause, why and because of what the head has an excessive head of a small child and donate with discomfort.

The doctor will conduct diagnostics and prescribe treatment based on the following indicators:

  • urine tests, blood, feces (in some cases);
  • Ultrasound of the heart, brain and abdominal cavity.

If necessary, you will need consultation:

  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • physirate;
  • dermatologist;
  • infectious system;
  • oncologist.

When the doctor argues that nothing threatens the health of the child, pay attention to the following subtleties:

  • temperature indicators in the house, lack of heaters;
  • wearing clothes for the season;
  • bathing before bed;
  • revision of the diet;
  • massage and gymnastics.


Parents are worried and wonder what to do if the child sweats constantly in a child.

If the disease is detected, the prescriptions of the doctor for the adoption of drugs, balanced nutrition, the routine of the day and physical exertion.

Folk remedies

Typically apply baths, especially when there is a disease in a slight form.

Daily bathe without soap. The head of the child sweats heavily - the bathroom helps with the addition of a herbal beam of chamomile or a series. It does not hurt the introduction of sea salt in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. At the rate of 10 liters. liquids. This bath is accepted once a week.

The babies very often sweats the head, most often it happens during sleep or feeding. At the same time, the rest of the body of the child remain dry. Pediatricians claim that this phenomenon is absolutely normal and no pathology is hidden behind it. Sweet glands kid function from the first days after birth, but their normal work to get out only to achieve the baby 5-6 years.

Moderate sweating for children in a dream is an absolutely normal process. But if the child sweats the body and the head, regardless of what is busy - the baby will be better to show a pediatrician specialist. There are several reasons why the baby can sweat a head while he sleeps:

  1. Insufficient amount of vitamin D in the body.
  2. Heart disorders.
  3. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  4. Cold.
  5. Reception of unsuitable drugs.

Sometimes, when the baby sweats the head, it can be associated with its individual features. The doctor may say that your karapuz is completely healthy, and the fact that it sweats is only with too warm clothes or intense games.

Excessive sweating often indicates a violation of the vegetative nervous system, but then experts talk about a wider list of characteristic features indicating the flow of this disorder. It is due to the non-formation of the nervous system, while with such a disorder the children sweat not all night, but only when they fall asleep. Such phenomena, as a rule, do not constitute hazards for the health of infants, and with age pass themselves.

Sweats the head in the child - Dr. Komarovsky

1 year

Such a small child is a wet head can be from the most banal cause - too warm blanket and pad. Such little children, age up to the year, can not even reveal and regulate the temperature of their body. In addition, if the pillows and dressed are made of fluff - they can cause allergies in a child who has already been fulfilled. Such an allergy can provoke what the baby's head sweats.

But moms still have to show vigilance, as the sweating of the head in a dream can also point to the development of a child of diabetes. It is necessary to pay attention to this if the baby sweats only the head, and the body remains dry.

And of course, sweating, according to Dr. Komarovsky, may be a simple genetic predisposition. It can manifest itself at any time and from any physical activity, as well as from the excitement of kids up to the year.

It also happens that the baby sweats during feeding. Here mom should not worry absolutely, because at the time of feeding the kid sucks milk, he strains, it is quite laborious for it. Nature took care of the safety of the kid during the feeding period, so the droplets of sweat on the forehead and on the head - an absolutely normal phenomenon.

2 years

Many moms think about why their child, about two years old, the head sweats in the process of sleep. If the kid is completely healthy, then the reason is most often hidden in hot or synthetic clothing, too warm bedroom and high air humidity.

If your small age for about two years has long suffered a cold or another disease, he can also sweat in the dream process, according to Dr. Komarovsky. Complex processes occur in the child's body, it produces a large amount of fluid to avoid overheating and output dangerous toxins.

3 years

The reason why a small three-year-old child sweats greatly and wet during sleep head, can hide in synthetic bedding or pajamas. If the clothes and bed are made of natural fabrics, the room is not hot and the baby does not ill, it is possible, it is worthwhile to take the child to the pediatrician. The cause of increased sweating at the age of 3 years can become lymphatic diathesis.

Mommokhm should not be frightened, many doctors, such as Komarovsky, do not consider the lymphatic diathesis of the disease, you only need to comply with certain rules of the child's life and sweating in a dream will come up with no time. The child needs to limit the consumption of sweets, to bathe the baby daily in the water with a sea salt, and also take the crumb of decoction from licorice root.

4 years

If the child has already been 4 years old and it still happens

wet during sleep, then the kid has the following health problems:

  1. Excess weight.
  2. Problems with cardiac and vascular system.
  3. Tuberculosis.
  4. Reception of drugs.

Also, sweating in a dream may be due to the fact that a child who turned 4 years old is experiencing many emotions under the influence of dreams. It may be fear and joy, and delight, so the head, lobik and palms can be wet.

Night sweating - Dr. Komarovsky

Signs Rakhita

A wet head in a dream can be the first calling that the child has been developing rickets for 4 years. This is a very dangerous disease, which is associated with the lack of vitamin D in babies. The disadvantage of this vitamin leads to the deformation of the bones of children.

But one wet head in a dream is not enough to put such a diagnosis to crude. Usually, except for the lobika and heads are also sweating and feet and palms. If you have at least the slightest suspicions, consult a doctor, as Dr. Komarovsky recommends.


If your karapuz is cold, then there is nothing surprising that he has a sweating of the head. Usually the sharpened kid is sluggish, it torments the runny nose and cough, high temperature rises. During this period, the kids are starting to sweat when they sleep - the body reacts to the temperature and reduction of general immunity.

It is not necessary to be very afraid of this, because adults are also covered by whiskey and a dark part of the head with flu and an angina. So the body is protected from overheating and this is an absolutely normal phenomenon. We consider not superfluous to remind mommies that with the slightest signs of ARVI for babies - it is necessary to contact the pediatrician to avoid complications and consequences.

Children's sleep: The child sweats in a dream - Dr. Komarovsky

Frequent sweating in newborn children should cause concern for parents, because if the child sweats the child, especially in a dream, it can be a consequence of the development of Rahita to eliminate this terrible disease, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of sweating in a child

Newborn kids are subject to a variety of diseases. Finding the first signs of possible anomalies should be carried out radically rapid measures to eliminate the likelihood of their development. One disturbing symptoms may be that the child sweats the head.
This may be a consequence of a variety of reasons:

  • the simplest explanation is the silest glands of the kid have not yet been developed, so they work incorrectly. While the body as a whole adequately responds to changes in the temperature regime and the surrounding conditions, the skin of the head at night does not have time to process and remove excess fluid, so the head sweats. This leads to a cluster of excess moisture, especially in a dream, when the head of the crumbs lies on the pillow, and the hair cover only aggravates the accumulation of sweat;
  • another natural explanation of excessive sweating can be excessive activity of a child, especially if not only the head sweats, but also other parts of the body. Conducting most of the time in motion, the newborn loses a lot of energy, which leads to an active sweating;
  • if the baby sweats for the most part only when he sleeps, first check the temperature regime in the room. When environmental conditions are normal, most likely, it is caused by a violation of the body's work. The most faithful reasons: lack of vitamin D, the development of rickets, a detrimental effect of drug drugs (analgesics, antibiotics and some vitamins) are possessed;
  • uncomfortable clothing can also lead to the fact that the child will sweat greatly, first of all suffers from the head. To avoid such troubles, try to wear a baby on the weather - do not wrap it, remember that the optimal temperature in the room is about 24 degrees;
  • head sweating in a dream in older children can manifest itself due to a violation of a hormonal background, this is a frequent transitional problem, i.e. 14-17 years old.

Thus, it is impossible to determine exactly why a child sweats, exclusively on external signs it is impossible, but an experienced doctor will immediately say about possible risks, having studied the behavior of crumbs, its appearance, the development of organs and the surveyed skills. The fact that Kroch often sweats when he sleeps and awakes, it will not necessarily be a consequence of the defeat of a dangerous ailment, but as a pediatrician prevention, most likely, will write vitamin D2 and D3 in drops - this is an harmless additive, and it is especially relevant in the cool time of the year When children rarely come to the sun.

Signs of development of Rakhita in a child and how to deal with it

The most unpleasant cause of excessive sweating of the head is the development of rickets. This is a dangerous disease of the kids of early age, which without proper treatment can lead to deposits.

In addition to sweating in a dream, Rakhit has other symptoms:

  • the head of the head, which most often lies with the crocha, when sleeps, looks very wiped;
  • the skull takes a non-standard elongated shape, temporal bones deform;
  • spring on the head begins to soften;
  • the tone of the body is reduced, the muscular mass is relaxing, and the child becomes sluggish and inactive;
  • swelling the tummy;
  • the position of the limbs changes - they can be curved and turned in different directions;
  • the emotional state of the kid is disturbed - he often cries in a dream, caprizes in the afternoon, frightens familiar things and becomes overly restless.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out appropriate analyzes - blood is required from the vein. Only on the basis of the results, the doctor may endure the final verdict. The treatment of rickets in the launched forms will not bring a special result, therefore the optimal option will be the prevention of the disease using regular intake of vitamin D2 or D3. This will prevent the development of deformations of both external and internal organs, besides, will save your baby from overflowing heads and body.

Vitamins, however, can bring considerable harm to health, since their excess is also unacceptable for developing the body, as well as the disadvantage. The optimal proportion for the newborn is 1 drop a day, but how to give it?

Several methods for receiving vitamin D:

  • drink in the mouth - a dangerous option. The dispenser often gives a failure, so instead of 1 drops can be poured 2, or even 3. Of course, at a time nothing terrible will happen, but a regular increase in the amount of funds is rather dangerous;
  • it is also not worth offering a medicine from a spoon, since the drop will spread over the surface, and the child is unlikely to receive the amount of drug necessary;
  • drink on - perfect option. First, you see the end result, secondly, the child will eat a complete drop of vitamins.

Regular reception of the vitamins and other additives (prescription) will help to maintain the health of the newborn at the proper level and protect the baby from possible unpleasant diseases and protect the baby from possible unpleasant diseases.