Set for nail extensions. Set for nail extension gel and acrylic. Other necessary materials and means for working at home

More recently, many women were recorded on the procedure for extending the nails to the master in the beauty salon or used the services of private professionals at home. But today we prefer to independently give our marks the desired shape and length at home, make a fashionable neur-design with beautiful patterns or patterns. Fortunately, prices for starting sets for nail extensions have noticeably decreased, and with the help of step-by-step video lessons for beginners, any of us can easily cope with this procedure. If you have all the necessary materials and tools at your hand and you will strictly adhere to the right gel modeling technique, the structure of the natural plate will not suffer, the hardened gel will hide all defects, and the scorched nails will not be peeling. Do not be discouraged if the procedure will take a lot of time for the first time, since most beginners cope with work for 3-4 hours.

From this material you will learn what you need to buy for home extension of nail gel. The ultraviolet lamp belongs to one of the most necessary accessories from the list rightfully. It is necessary to approach the choice of this device, because of the quality and velocity of the polymerization of the gel layers will depend on your comfort during the procedure, as well as the decorative attractiveness and natural appearance of zoomed marigolds. In addition to drying gel coating, you can use the UV lamp to work with acrylic and gel varnish. It is advisable to choose a device from a well-known brand with a capacity of 24-36 watts with the ability to place all your fingers in the workspace. For personal home use, a device with luminescent lamps is quite suitable, and if you are going to provide private services for manicure and pedicure to customers, it is best to buy a device with durable LED lamps (LED lamp). The presence of a built-in timer will be an obvious advantage of the selected UV lamp.

♦ What is included in the starting set

Flooring and tweezers.

Professional impressions can be easily and safely removed from the born cuticle, get rid of burrs and protruding corners of the nail plates. This tool with a well-sharpened working surface is considered more reliable than trimmer or scissors with curved tips;


It is advisable to have several flat brushes with a straight pile of a pile, somewhat thin and with a narrowed tip at the end of the beam. To apply gel and modeling the nail, it is best to use brushes with a sufficiently rigid artificial pile;

Timuszes (boat).

If you use typuses for nail extension, you can buy low-cost workpieces with long tips, which are trimmed with top sizes and the form of free edge is adjusted;


After correction of the shape of the free edge and grinding the hardened surface of the gel coating, dust appears, which is necessary to periodically shake the manicure brush with a synthetic pile;



Now the gel for nail extension is noticeably sweating the acrylic powder in popularity, as the quality material quickly hardens during the polymerization in the UV lamp, and the nails after modeling look like natural. There are single-phase, two-phase and three-phase gels for nail extension. Single-phase gel acts as a basic, simulating and finishing agent. In two-phase gel, simulating and protective functions are combined (used after applying the base). A three-phase system involves consistent use of a base that simulates the gel and top gel. Additionally, you can use camouflage gel with pigments in nude tones, with which the nail bed is visually lengthened;


Building in forms is the most popular method of lays down the gel for modeling the free edge. Most often, paper patterns are used in rolls, from which disposable forms are separated, fixed under the tip of the natural plate and the gel is laid on the surface of this thick paper. There is still so-called upper forms of thick plastic, which are filled with gel and fixed on top of a natural nail before polymerization in the lamp;


Tips are very convenient to use novice masters, as it is not necessary to have even basic modeling experience, it is enough to carefully examine the step-by-step video to build nails on the tips. These devices are made of very elastic and durable ABS plastic, which is easily processed by a sawmaker to give the desired form. This artificial marigold consists of a free edge zone, the contact area (on which glue is applied) and the protrusion (stop line) between these areas for fixing the natural nail;

Orange sticks.

The sticks are very convenient to adjust the shape of the free edge during the lays down of the gel on the form (or tips), as well as prevent gel spreading. With the help of chopsticks, it is convenient to carry rhinestones, camifants, bullies and other small decor on the coating in the process of performing the design of scorched nails;


Before applying the base layer, each nail is treated with a degreasing means so that the gel evenly filled the entire surface of the nail plates;


The nails are processed by this means for the perfect adhesion of gel coating with a natural plate. There is ultrabond (softless) for delicate dehydration of fragile nails and neil-pre (acid Bond) for the active discovery of keratin scales plate;


Special liquid for removing a sticky dispersion layer with a hardened gel after polymerization in UV lamp;


Mitigating oil is treated with cuticle after extension so that the tender skin is not covered with cracks and burrs;

Lint-free napkins.

Sold in the form of a roll from which small pieces are cut off to wipe the nail plates or to dip in the means and process the scorched nails.

♦ Video lessons for beginners

Dear girls! We will be grateful if you share your secrets, experience and methods of nail modeling gel on tips or on household forms.
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Long nails have long been not surprised for a long time, and now the homework has already been brought and cope with such technology, without resorting to the help of professional masters. However, for this procedure, you must have a set of specific materials and tools. The benefit of the case, sets for nail extensions are hardly sold in every cosmetic store or department.

Pros and Cons Acquisition of the Ready Dial

To buy tools and materials separately or give preference to the acquisition of a finished kit - the opinions of the masters are very ambiguous. After all, the starting set for nail extension is not difficult, and the price of it is quite acceptable. At the same time, you will acquire all the necessary tools, even with the condition that they still do not particularly understand all the intricacies of this case.

In addition, in the process of operation of the acquired kit, you will have to change only some of its components, because the service life of all others is quite large. However, the purchase of a complete set has its drawbacks. First, you do not have the opportunity to choose the required amount of components included in it. In addition, all means and tools are represented by one manufacturer.

The home set for nail extensions can be purchased and in the finished form, but professionals prefer the configuration of all components separately. After all, each master has its own principles of work, and to take into account them all when creating a kit is not possible. A professional clearly knows what it will be necessary in the process of work and in what volume, therefore it is preferable to buy everything separately.

Set set

If you are seriously thinking about yourself to master the extension procedure, you will certainly concerns the question of what is included in the nail extension set? It should be noted that its equipment can very different and have a different price category. If we consider the most complete option, there may be such components as: UV lamp, flat brush, saws with different abrasiveness, orange sticks, tips, molds, directly gel to build nails or acrylic, cuticle oil. Other equipment is also possible.

In addition to these components, the nail extension kit for beginners can be supplemented with a gel to create Franch, color gels that provide the ability to create a brighter design. At the discretion of the wizard, you can also get additional tools to work with which you will be more comfortable.

Naturally, the question of how much a set for nail extensions is. It must be said that its approximate cost is about fifty dollars. However, it can vary not only depending on the configuration, but also from the manufacturer, as well as from the place of purchase.

Set for beginners

Among the whole diversity, sets for nail extensions are allocated for beginners. After all, it is they who are aimed at learning inexperienced beginners who wish to master the skill of the extensive manicure at home. The composition of such a kit can be included: UV lamp of minimum power, brush for applying material, directly gel, sawmill, molds, finish coating, oil against rising cuticle.

It is purchased like a set most often for the purpose of learning. It differs in compactness and the presence of everything necessary in order to master the process of gel extension.

Universal set

A set for extension of nails with a lamp at 36 W is ideal for both beginners and professional masters. In addition, this kit includes a set of gels (transparent, white, camouflage), tassels (also in the set), tips, molds, primer. There may also include a special fluid to remove the sticky layer from the dried gel.

The equipment may be slightly different, but it is necessary in its composition to be a lamp with a power of 36 W. After all, it is precisely so much in order to dry out color gels and apply modeling with a multi-phase gel.

Professional set for extension

This option may well be used by Neil Art professionals. Such sets for nail extensions may contain with its set, in addition to the lamp with a power of 36 W, four lamps to it. Also included, as a rule, three gels are included (transparent, camouflating and white) and a set consisting of colored gels in the amount of twelve pieces. It is contained in it and primer, tips, a liquid for removing the sticky layer, glue, saws, molds, sets of brushes, pencil for cuticle, brush.

A distinctive feature of the professional set is the presence of a manicure tool "3 in 1" and finger separators for pedicure. There are also 12 colors of rhinestones for designer design and 12 colors of bulcrophy for designer ideas.

How to choose the right set for nail extension

Starting set for nail extensions should not be chosen too expensive. However, and dubious quality to the manufacturer should not be preferred. It is necessary to check for the certificate of the products you buy. It will also be nice to read reviews about a particular brand. Pay attention to the smell of gel for modeling: it does not have to be sharp.

It is very practical in the use of single-phase gels, combining the quality of the basic, simulating and finishing layer. At the same time, the advantage should always be given quality, and not the price. If you buy the components individually or you wish to finish your set, then try to choose all the materials and accessories of one manufacturer.

How to use a set for extension

Sets for nail extensions are very easy to use. Gel with its proper application alone alone and hides all the shortcomings of the nail plate. All that you need is accurate compliance with the instructions.

If you definitely decide to build nails, in a few days before performing the procedure you will need to get rid of the cuticle and cut the nail plate. Immediately before making extension, try to avoid the use of cream and oils. Otherwise, the gel can start prematurely flaking from the nail.

Take care that in a place where extension will occur, there was no direct sunlight, and there was an electrical outlet.

It is necessary to choose the Titness in advance for each finger and glue them in advance. Excessions are cut off, and the edge is neatly roasted, so that it is given the desired form.

Availability of experience and skills for building

Despite the fact that the nail extension procedure does not constitute anything complicated and does not require any supernatural knowledge, certain instrument management skills will be useful to you. It should also be noted that it is necessary to buy a set for nail extension only if you plan to do more than once. After all, it is not cheap, and your enthusiasm can disappear after the first unsuccessful attempt.

Without the idea of \u200b\u200bhow the process of extension passes, and how to handle this or that instrument should not experiment and immediately begin practical activities. Examine the theoretical material, consult with professionals, browse the video tutorials. Now there are a lot of educational materials that will help you figure out how to properly use sets to build nails and do not harm your health, and also do not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the nail plate.

How well, that technologies in the beauty industry do not stand still, and services that are 5-6 years ago only visitors of manicure salons, now can afford almost any woman, and without leaving the house! The most enterprising uses this fact for additional earnings, economical - not to run to the master with every broken nail, and those inclined to work - for the soul. If you consider yourself to one of these categories, the question of buying the necessary tools and materials for nail extension is certainly already matured in your head.

Matching Master of Nail Extension: Required Tools and Materials

True, we can talk about savings only in the distant future. First you have to be inserted into the purchase, and to investigate seriously. Do not equip the same, in fact, your mini-salon throwing subjects purchased on the occasion and from someone's incomprehensible hands! All you are going to purchase should be high quality, be in excellent condition and be able to serve for a long time. Otherwise, the manicure will not only be mediocre, but also unsafe.

What exactly will you need a future Master of Nail Service?

Tools of essentials and ways to use

Since the extension of the nails occurs with the help of gel or acrylic, in addition to obvious devices (tweezers, saws, powders) you can not do without special equipment. This, of course, is about the ultraviolet lamp, because neither acrylic nor the gel is frozen in the air.

How to choose a UV lamp

If you are a novice wizard, take a completely simple unit without additional functions. However, with a good power - at least 24, and better than 36 W! Get ready for the fact that it will be one of your most significant items, but it is worth it, because without such a lamp will stop or, if it is low-power, the whole process of extension will slow down.

The craftsmen who hoped to work with their hobby makes sense to look at models equipped with a subdivination, timer, sensory monitor and other "excesses". All of them make the lamp operation process more comfortable and enjoyable, but hardly pay off if you buy the device exclusively for personal use.

Note, to substitute the nails, painted by ordinary varnish under ultraviolet radiation, does not make sense. By and large, the lamp is not dried, but only polymerizes the gel, affecting it by no means in high temperature. So the time of pouring the simple varnish you do not reduce, but it is easy to achieve her cloudy. It is better to take advantage of this purpose with a hairdryer, putting mode on it without heating.

How newcomer pick up the pink

Pinks are needed! They processed the "native" nail, preparing it to the procedure, bring to perfection gel or acrylic and give the necessary shape to the TIPS. If you plan to make a manicure a lot and often, you should immediately purchase several pylons of different shapes and the degree of roughness. With regular use, they quickly come into disrepair, so the stock will be encouraged sooner or later.

For artificial nails, rough with an indicator of 80x80 or 100x100 gritters, for gentle natural - 180x240.

The form every woman chooses "for themselves", but:

Separate conversation - Pillet-BAF, intended for polishing natural nails. It is a foam rubber block with a side, equipped with an emery coating with a rigidity of 120x120x120 Gritt.

Pilkami will need a brush with a rigid pile to remove the dust left after the work of the smallest particles.

Iodine for the beauty and health of nails:

Masters, professionally engaged in a manicure at home, are breeding a separate saw for each permanent client - it is more hygienic.

Other necessary materials and means for working at home

What else can come in handy?

  1. Manicure scissors to give nails the right shape.
  2. Locks for removing burr. And do not think that the presence in the set of scissors makes this purchase optional! Act with nipples in most cases is much easier and safer.
  3. Boat - also nippers, but this time to trim the false nails-tips.
  4. Or an orange wand. With this tool, you can move the cuticle, correct the gel, glue rhinestones and perform another small work. The orange wand is considered an more environmentally friendly option, and the metal fluster is comfortable. But since the latter is equipped with a flat spatula at one end, the edge on the other and ribbed surface in the middle, so as not to slip out the details of the master, it is more functional. And, by itself, durable.
  5. Pinzets to pick up and hold the typuses and forms in the desired position.
  6. Brushes for applying acrylic or gel. Keep in mind, for professional, these are two different types of brushes! Use the same set in both cases a specialist will not.
  7. Tips - miniature pieces of flexible, but durable plastic, imitating nail tips. They can have a different form, length and thickness, be wide, narrow, convex to meet the requests of women with a nail plate of any type. In addition, the Tips will have to acquire special glue.
  8. Forms. In fact, it is a stencil, focusing on which the master forms the future nail. Forms can be the top, fastening over the nail plate - and then gel or acrylic is superimposed. Or the bottom attaching to the edge of the nail - and in this case the polymer is applied from above. There are disposable paper forms, reusable plastic and "eternal" metal.
  9. Disinfectors. They disinfect the cuticle, destroy the bacteria and prevent development under the gel of fungi.
  10. Dehydrator, primer and bonder. Many consider the means listed by analogs, but this is not quite so. The primer serves to remove fat and the smallest dirt particles from the nail plate, and also prepares the surface to the "clutch" with gel, slightly raising the smallest scales of the nail plate. The dehydorator additionally eliminates the nails from the excess moisture, improving the clutch. And the bonder serves as a fastening agent, thanks to which the gel will be qualitatively established on the nail and will not fly from the first awkward movement.

Until now, it was about tools that will use you regardless of what you are going to use - acrylic or gel. And then you have to be determined, with which of these materials you prefer to deal.

Note that the gel is considered simpler in the treatment with a polymer, ideally suitable for beginners. In addition, it does not distinguish toxic evaporation and is not annoying an unpleasant odor in the process of work, so at present the gel is clearly selecting the palm of the championship in its less successful "fellow".

To extend the nails with the help of acrylic you will need:

You will definitely use the container for connecting powder with acrylic fluid.

For will have to purchase:

You definitely does not prevent the moisturizing oil for the cuticle, which will prevent the appearance of burr, lint-free napkins or cotton wheels, acrylic paints to apply patterns on ready-made nail and minor decorations in the form of rhinestones, glytter and other cute little things.

Video: What things are included in the list necessary for the novice manicure wizard

All of the listed is the basic set of beginner. Over time, if the process is hung, you will expand and add this list. And the ladies, seriously, engaged in the design of nail design, you can advise to take a manicure courses. You will not only get the valuable recommendations of these professionals, but also will be able to try in the case every tool and material. A solid hand and the dexterity that you gain in the learning process are worth paying for him some amount, right?

Well-groomed hands and perfect manicure - business card of any woman. Many ladies prefer long nails, so they increase them with gel or acrylic. Constantly do such procedures in the cabin are invalid, but an excellent alternative option will be the acquisition of a set of materials for home use. Manufacturers produce excellent full-fledged sets for both newcomers and professional masters.

What is included in the nail extension set

Newcomers, and some professional craftsmen, sometimes it is more convenient to buy a ready-made set of materials than to recruit everything separately. Filling may be different and this is one of the most important parameters affecting the cost. What is included in the set depends on the type of increment, which plans to perform the master: gel or acrylic. There are also universal kits. Some have accessories for design.

Professional set

The composition of the specialists contains high quality materials. Filling depends on the type of increment, which is planned to be performed. If the master is going to simulate the nails from acrylic, then you need to pay attention to the sets with such an assortment:

  • tips (substrate under artificial material for the formation of the free edge of a certain length);
  • cuticle oil;
  • captive guillotine;
  • basic coating;
  • forms;
  • acrylic powder (several species, as a rule, transparent, white, camouflage);
  • brush from a natural pile;
  • liquid (liquid mixed with acrylic powder for the formation of an artificial nail plate);
  • glue;
  • remumber without acetone (liquid for removing artificial material);
  • orange sticks;
  • primer (means, degreasing natural nail plate);
  • antiseptic;
  • mixing capacity;
  • pilosions abrasiveness 100/100, 180/180 and 180/240 GRIT;
  • brush for removing dust from the nail surface.

Grade collection for working with gel is significantly different. There are the following materials and tools:

  • tips;
  • multifunctional means working as a dehydrator, antiseptic, liquid for removing layers;
  • forms;
  • upper coating with UV filter;
  • glue;
  • oil for the cuticle (softens the skin, which simplifies her pushing with chopsticks);
  • timuszes (to adjust the length of the artificial substrate);
  • orange sticks (for pushing the cuticle, the removal of randomly falling vocals);
  • a solution for removing the sticky layer;
  • cream;
  • primer (degreases the nail plate and provides her good grip with artificial material);
  • scissors;
  • brush to remove dust;
  • pilking abrasiveness 100/100, 180/180, 180/240 Grit;
  • electric ultraviolet lamp (in the home applix you need a power device with a power of approximately 36 W with a timer);
  • synthetic brush (flat, square or rectangular shape);
  • bAU 120/120/120 Grit (bar with rough surfaces for final alignment and grinding);
  • rhinestones, glitter and bullyts of several shades, other decorative accessories;
  • gels.

More worth saying about the main material for extension. The composition may include such gels:

  • basic (applied with a thin layer, serves as the basis);
  • sculpturing (applied in several layers);
  • single phase;
  • for finishing;
  • colored.

Starting nail extension set

Filling sets for beginners is a bit simpler. In the starting collection, you can find medium quality materials, but its price will be affordable. This is the optimal option for masters who want to practice in building up. Standard basic sets may differ from the professional also in the fact that their composition includes neutral and tints of acrylic, gel, for example, transparent, pink-beige, white. What can be part of the starting kit:

  • materials for extension and correction (gels or acrylic powder and monomer);
  • pinks of different shape and degree of abrasiveness;
  • tips;
  • cuticle care agent;
  • forms;
  • lounge napkins;
  • ultraviolet lamp;
  • primer;
  • orange sticks;
  • glue;
  • brush from a natural pile for modeling acrylic nails or synthetic to work with gel;
  • nippers;
  • bafiki to eliminate roughness.

Pros and cons of purchase collections

People, reflecting on whether it is worth gaining a set of materials, you should be aware of its positive and negative sides. Advantages of collections:

  1. The kit will cost cheaper than buying all means separately.
  2. Acquisition of a set on the Internet will help you save time.
  3. As a rule, materials and tools included in the kit are correctly selected to each other, so it is easy to work with them.
  4. The collection includes everything you need so that even the newcomer is easily able to fulfill full extension.

Not devoid of sets and certain minuses. Their main drawbacks:

  1. Not all products of one manufacturer are equally good. For example, one firm can produce excellent acrylics, but poor-quality caps.
  2. Professional craftsmen will have to make the set or replace individual components in accordance with their preferences.
  3. The kit includes a means of a certain volume, choose this or that quantity cannot be.

How to choose a set for nail extension at home

Almost any person, and especially a newcomer, it is difficult to determine which kit to purchase, although the latitude of the range offered on the market is impressive. If you wish to buy a set for nail extensions, use the following tips:

  1. The quality of the materials is directly affected by the manufacturer. It is not recommended to take products of little-known brands, even if they offer a tempting low price. Check out the network with reviews about different manufacturers. Opinions of masters who have already worked with those or other materials will help you make the right decision. The firm must provide quality certificates for their products.
  2. It is advisable to immediately buy a collection, which includes at least the minimum number of accessories for design.
  3. Included there should be a lot of saws, because they wear out faster than the rest. It is important that they be varying degrees of abrasiveness.
  4. If you plan to regularly engage in nail buildings, make sure that the set can be recycled. It is preferable to further buy consumables of the same manufacturer.

Distinctive features of gel and acrylic

The problem of choosing one of these materials is relevant for masters, and for clients. As a rule, women try to wear and gel, and acrylic nails, and after determining which you liked more. With masters, the picture is not too different. Some work only with acrylic, others - exclusively with gel, but most professionals are mastering both types of build-up to provide clients to the widest range of services. Stability of nails and appearance dependes not so much from the material as from the professionalism of the master. Play the role of the properties of the natural plate.

Acrylic nails are obtained as a result of mixing powder and monomer. When reacting, these substances turn into a thick mass, which gradually completely freezes at room temperature. Features acrylic:

  1. Material is easier to remove from a natural nail plate than a gel. Special liquid is needed without acetone.
  2. For the extension process, an exceptionally brush with a natural pile is used. First, it is dipped into the monomer, then a couple of seconds are lowered into powder. The resulting ball is transferred to the nail with a substrate (tip or stencil) and form an artificial plate. The difficulties arise. First, it is necessary to work with acrylic quickly, secondly, it is difficult to guess the correct ratio of the monomer and powder to obtain the desired consistency of the ball. These problems go to get experience.
  3. Acrylic nails slightly thicker gels, but they are not so brittle.
  4. No ultraviolet lamp is required to dry material.
  5. The acrylic extension procedure takes less time than gel.

The second material, unlike acrylic, is immediately ready for use, it does not need to be mixed. Gel is a viscous and sticky substance having a consistency from half a fake to the jelly-like. Hardens under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Features:

  1. The polymer gel plate comes out thinner acrylic, its strength is lower.
  2. Each new coating layer should be dried in an ultraviolet lamp for a certain amount of time, otherwise it remains liquid. The gel comes to solid consistency only under the influence of UV rays.
  3. The coating is very beautifully glittered even without grinding and polishing.
  4. Modern gels are self-leveling. They immediately form a homogeneous smooth surface that you do not need to stumble, grind.
  5. The material does not make an unpleasant odor.
  6. When working with gel, you do not need to hurry. You can do everything slowly and carefully, seeking the desired result. The material still will not freeze until it falls into the lamp.

What is better - Tips or forms

Both of these consumables are used to simulate the shape and nail length. A beginner wizard may have questions about what is preferable to use. The choice should be done based on the form of a natural nail. Tips glue to the free edge. It is cut to the desired length, they diffuse the surface and the modeling material is applied on top. Tips will not fit on too wide and bent down nails.

The shape is made of thick paper with a sticky base. It is substituted under the free edge, the material is applied on top. According to special marks, it is easy to give the desired shape and the length of artificial nail. Due to the forms, the line of the nail plate is aesthetically more correct, but it is more difficult to use them. If you plan to work with clients, it is better to master both types of material and apply one or another on the basis of the characteristics of the natural nail plate.

Where could I buy

The acquisition of a set is beneficial, because, on average, its price is 25% less than the cost of consumables and tools separately. Newcomers can choose sets in retail stores or online. Very cheap goods, for example, are presented on the Aliexpress website, however, waiting for orders sometimes falls for a long time. Professional masters are encouraged to pay attention to the products offered in the specialized stores of the Neil-Industry goods. As a rule, there are high quality sets from well-known manufacturers.

How much is the set

The set price depends on the set of parameters. The cost of the kit is affected by the number of materials and tools that are part of the composition, the availability of accessories for the decor, brand. Approximate prices for popular sets:

Name and manufacturer


Cost in rubles

Nogtika, Acrylic Building Set

  • acrylic powders: transparent pink (15 g), camouflage (15 g), 2 color;
  • forms, 10 pcs.;
  • brush;
  • pillet direct 120/180 grit;
  • primer, 15 ml;
  • eNGLISE removal fluid and brushes cleaning, 200 ml;
  • monomer, 100 ml.

Runail, set for nail extension gel

  • primer not containing acid, 15 ml;
  • tips natural classic, 500 pcs.;
  • gels: Basic (15 g), camouflage (15 g), white (15 g), final (15 g);
  • glue, 3 g;
  • means for removing the sticky layer;
  • synthetic brush №4.

Nogtika, set for gel buildup

  • gels: transparent (15 ml), pink (15 ml), 4 color (shades to choose a customer);
  • forms, 10 pcs.;
  • top coating, 12 ml;
  • glue, 10 g;
  • brush;
  • tips, 100 pcs;
  • boomerang pink 120/320 grit;
  • liquid for removing the sticky layer and degreasing plate, 200 ml;
  • beatless primer, 12 ml.

EZFLOW, COMPETTION POWDERS PROLINE ACRILYC KIT, Professional set for modeling acrylic nails

Contains all the necessary consumables and tools. Designed for 35 full-fledged procedures. The composition includes:

  • monomer, 118 ml;
  • acrylic powders of 14 g: pink, white, transparent, translucent, ultra-white;
  • primer, 15 ml;
  • 2 Color acrylic powders of 3.5 g;
  • protective coating, 15 ml;
  • 2 acrylic powders with sparkles of 3.5 g;
  • bond, 15 ml;
  • ceramic tank;
  • butter;
  • tips 20pcs: Transparent Comfortable, Classic French, Reinforced Straight, Comfortable, Infinitely Bended;
  • brushes cleaning fluid, 59.2 ml;
  • big flat pointed brush;
  • liquid removal fluid, 29 ml;
  • universal paper forms, 100 pcs.;
  • pilking: 100/100, 150/150, 180/180 Grit;
  • resin-based adhesive, 5 g;
  • polisher;
  • grinder 240/240 Grit.

Irisk Professional, set for gel nail modeling

  • primer-primer, 10 ml;
  • glue for tps, 2 g;
  • primer, 10 ml;
  • tips, 20 pcs.;
  • gels: transparent self-leveling and color, 5 ml;
  • pink;
  • liquid for removing the sticky layer, 10 ml;
  • brush;
  • finish gel, 10 ml.

Ezflow, Get It! Cover Gels Professional Kit, Professional Nail Extension Set Gel

A set of 55 full buildings containing:

  • 18 g gels: bright white design, finishing, white, top, bright pink, transparent, pink, white translucent, saturated camouflage;
  • metal spatula;
  • liquid for removing the sticky layer, 59 ml;
  • willless napkins, 60 pcs.;
  • bond, 15 ml;
  • transparent forms, 20 pcs.;
  • primer, 15 ml;
  • tips for 20 pcs: Excellent White French, Comfortable, Classic French;
  • pilking, 2 pcs;
  • brush;
  • glue based on resin, 5 g

Patrisa Nail, Starter Set No. 1 "Nail Extension Gel"

Suitable for working at home. Composition:

  • UV lamp 36 W;
  • grinding unit;
  • universal gel, 30 g;
  • orange sticks;
  • disposable forms;
  • brush for gel №6;
  • degreaser;
  • pill 100/180 grit;
  • cuticle oil;
  • pillet direct 240/320.

IBD, Traditional UV Gel Student Kit, Student Set for modeling gel nails

  • 18 ml gels: transparent firming and constructive, ultra-white design, pink constructive, transparent ultrazocking;
  • bonder;
  • glue for tps, 2 pcs.;
  • drug for removing stickiness, 55 ml;
  • 3 Pushers;
  • spray disinfector;
  • loungeless sponges, 80 pcs.;
  • brush for applying gel;
  • pilking, 3 pcs.

Ingarden, Starting Kit for Acrylic + Gel

Contains materials for 25-30 procedures. Complete composition:

  • gels: 4 pcs. 15 g, top (11 g);
  • 4 acrylic powders of 20 g;
  • monomer, 100 ml;
  • forms, 500 pcs.;
  • bondex, 11 ml;
  • glue for tips;
  • oil for cuticle, 11 ml;
  • universal Tips, 500 pcs.;
  • coating 3 in 1, 11 ml;
  • brushing liquid, 100 ml;
  • remumber for cuticle, 11 ml;
  • acrylic removal fluid, 100 ml;
  • degreaser, 100 ml;
  • liquid for removing varnish, 100 ml;
  • cup for monomer;
  • polishing;
  • tips sizzyse;
  • pilking: grinding, straight, boomerang;
  • UV lamp 9 W;
  • brushes: for gel and for acrylic number 8.

Irisk Professional, set for nail extension acrylic

  • primer-primer, 10 ml;
  • glue for tps, 3 g;
  • primer for acrylic, 10 ml;
  • tips 20 pcs.;
  • three acrylic powders of 8 g: transparent, white, transparent pink;
  • forms, 10 pcs.;
  • monomer, 15 ml;
  • pillet 80/180 grit;
  • brush for modeling №6.
