The right fitness clothing. Materials for sportswear. Sports water bottle

If the theater starts with a hanger, then any workout for a girl should start with the right bra. No, even your most comfortable bra will not fit: for the gym you need special underwear that will support your breasts, reduce the load on the spine and will not cause discomfort during active movements. A consultant in a sportswear store will help you choose the ideal option depending on the type of fitness you choose.

2. Sneakers

You should not go to the gym in sneakers in which you walk in the summer. And even more so, you shouldn't run your first couple of kilometers in them. Remember, the right fitness shoe needs to be stable, lightweight, breathable, and have a flexible outsole to accommodate a wide variety of movements. Be sure to try them on before buying and do a few basic movements - squats, twists, push-ups - so you can make sure they fit snugly around your instep and ankle, which will reduce your risk of dislocation.

3. T-shirt

Why do we recommend a sleeveless T-shirt over a T-shirt? First, both you and the coach will see how the shoulder joint works. The second point is that nothing will hinder your movements. Thirdly, in a T-shirt you will better keep your back: the straps contribute to the correct posture. And look at the technical DriFIT fabric to help keep you dry.

4. Leggings

“I always advise beginners to buy not shorts, but tight-fitting leggings, for example, the Nike Sculpt Tight,” advises Nikita Serdyuk, Nike Innovation Technology Specialist. "They have a compressive effect, thereby preventing varicose veins, supporting muscles and avoiding injury and training at maximum efficiency." Pay attention to how Lily is dressed: just super!


5. Sports water bottle

During classes, you need to drink water so that the body does not suffer from a lack of moisture. It is convenient to drink water from sports bottles literally on the run, there is no need to waste time on unscrewing and screwing the cap. They are made of special plastic that will serve you for a very long time, which means that you will make your own small contribution to caring for the environment.

6. Hair tie

To practice with comfort, it is better to collect the hair. Long - in a braid or tail, short - under a sports elastic band on the head. Choose cute elastic bands: they do not damage your hair, they are easy to remove, and they look stylish!

7. Phone holder

A mobile phone can not only distract you from your workout, but also help you in it. So, the free Nike Running and Nike Training Club apps will help you build a training program no worse than a personal trainer, will remind you of your workouts and help you track your progress. Special holders that securely attach the phone to your hand will definitely make your mobile your faithful ally in training.

8. Travel cosmetics set

After training and showering, the skin should be moisturized. In order not to carry large amounts of creams with you, buy the so-called travel kit: a set of cosmetics in miniature. And if there is no time to wash and dry your hair, you will definitely be saved by a dry shampoo in a spray or powder.

9. Good antiperspirant

Check out the sports lines of popular brands or deodorants labeled "super long", "48 hours" or "anti-stress". They deal better with both perspiration and odor.

10. Gloves

The skin of the palms from dumbbells, barbells and exercise equipment handles coarsens. To protect it, practice with special fingerless gloves: convenient and comfortable!

Most importantly, stay positive, even if your success isn't impressive at first. Evil trolls shouldn't stop you from reaching your goal! Take an example with Lily and Margot: no matter what, they do not lose heart! The new episode is already on the air, play it soon!

What kind of fitness clothing to choose and what are its features

After much deliberation, you have finally decided on the choice of a fitness club and selected the training program you need. Now on the agenda is the next question - what should you go to class with? We want to warn you right away - fashionable body-swimsuits, short shorts and tight, maximally open T-shirts look good only in advertising. In the gym or in yoga class, such clothes will cause you a lot of inconvenience and can be the very reason why you stop attending classes. To prevent this from happening, and money was not wasted - approach the choice of fitness clothing with maximum practicality. Convenience should be the determining factor, not the beauty and style of your suit. And of course, you need to take into account the chosen direction of fitness - what is good for step - aerobics is not suitable for exercising in the gym.

Yoga. This is a whole science that will help balance the body and soul, and which does not tolerate fuss, rush, and sudden movements. Physical activity (not to be confused with physical activity!) Is reduced during yoga, so you can choose fitness clothes made from 100% cotton or other natural materials. Lightweight loose-fitting trousers and straight T-shirts or T-shirts with wide straps are ideal. One condition - the T-shirt should not be very loose and short - otherwise, when bending back and forth, it will rise and open to everyone that you hardly want to show. Choose the color of your clothes at your discretion, but it is still better to give preference to calm, warm tones, and let the trousers be dark.

Step aerobics. This is a fairly active form of fitness, so sportswear should be tight-fitting (but not cut into the body) made of light, dense and stretchable fabric, pleasant to the body and well absorbing moisture. These fitness clothes will keep you comfortable throughout your workout, even if you sweat a lot. When choosing a T-shirt, pay attention to whether there is a thick fabric insert on the chest. If not, be sure to buy a sports bra. Avoid tops with very thin straps - the straps will slip or cut into your shoulders during exercise. Save the plunging neckline for other occasions too. For the bottom, stretch breeches or not-so-short shorts work well. Long and wide trousers for step aerobics are not suitable - they will interfere and hinder movement. Choose a bright color for your clothes.

Gym. You will have to sweat a lot in class, so go for quick-drying clothes. Pay attention to the features of the cut. You will have to lean on, sit down and lie down on simulators, contact with dumbbells, a barbell, gymnastic mats and a wall bar. Short shorts and a T-shirt with an open back are very unhygienic, such an outfit will cause you a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Tight leggings and knee-length shorts are also not the best choice - they need to be constantly tightened and they will show the imperfections of your figure in all its glory.

Opt for a closed-back T-shirt for the gym, and instead of shorts, it is better to choose breeches or regular sweatpants. They can also be slightly flared, so that ladies with not quite perfect shapes feel comfortable.

A little about shoes. The main selection criteria - the legs must breathe, the shoes must be matched in size - not to dangle on the leg, but also not to squeeze the leg. The outsole is not too soft, but also not very hard. And it would be nice if the sneakers were with instep supports.

"Site" recommends - a large assortment of women's sports pants and trousers in the online store of stylish clothing Delivery all over Russia!

Have you finally decided to visit the gym? Did you get a six-month membership or does the constant feeling of fatigue tell you it's time to take care of yourself? This means that the first and, perhaps, the main stage of preparation is the choice of clothes for fitness.

Why fitness? The answer is obvious: the techniques used during these exercises are aimed at overall health and giving better shape to your body. Elements of dance, gymnastic exercises help maintain the beauty and youth of the whole body, keep your muscles and mood in good shape, regardless of the weather and life circumstances.

So, let's get serious about choosing clothes for your favorite sport, and figure out what to look for first.

Main selection criteria

Experienced athletes know that the right equipment helps to improve the results during each subsequent workout. A good fit for fitness is modeled so as to follow the contours of the human body as much as possible without hindering movement. A self-respecting manufacturer also respects his client, so before buying a thing you like, you better take an interest in the history of the brand, its achievements, and even awards at sportswear exhibitions and fairs.

Consider the following points and follow the list when choosing fitness clothing online or in-store:


2.convenience in the process of active body movements

3.exact size


And now for more details.

Materials (edit)

For exercising in the gym, at home or on the street, you need a few different clothes. Its amount may also differ (depending on the ambient temperature). But wherever you study, the material plays an important role.

I suggest taking note:

The body needs to breathe, so natural fabrics are always welcome

During your workout, you will actively sweat: pay attention to special fabrics that absorb and remove moisture

You should not feel the clothes on during the fitting.

What fabrics to choose fitness clothing from?

Of course, cotton is the best natural material. It is pleasant to the skin, does not cause allergic reactions, the body breathes perfectly in it. But it is worth remembering that a cotton T-shirt perfectly absorbs sweat, and by the middle of an active workout it will begin to stick to the body. The feeling is not pleasant, but also a considerable hindrance to the exercise. The disadvantage of cotton products is fast fading and stretching. However, a washed T-shirt can serve as proof that you regularly and hard work on yourself.

As for synthetics, it should be discarded for those who suffer from dermatitis and other skin irritations. Otherwise - washing, color, durability - synthetics do not require special handling.

Sports synthetics are elastic and comfortable. Modern technologies for creating special fabrics allow you to achieve all important properties: your suit breathes, perfectly removes moisture, while remaining dry, and without losing its shape for a long time.

There are also fabrics that do not allow moisture to pass through at all. Such clothes are recommended for people who want to lose weight quickly.

Popular fabrics for sewing sportswear are meryl, support, as well as polyester, elastane, lycra (as additives), etc. These are quite durable materials, they do not wrinkle, do not stick to the body, stretch well and keep their shape perfectly, do not deteriorate from chlorinated water, and yet moth does not like them.

There are also items that use combinations of natural materials and synthetics in varying proportions. So, through experiments, inventors are trying to find the ideal fabric for sewing sportswear.

Important! Sportswear manufacturers declare that T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts made of special synthetic materials do not cause allergies. However, this can only be verified by personal experience, since everything is very individual. Be careful and careful when choosing fitness clothing: study the composition of the fabrics, trust your tactile sensations. Do not buy just a beautiful sportswear if its contact with the skin is unpleasant to you.

Regarding fitting: if already in the store the chosen shape hangs heavily on your shoulders, do not hesitate to return it to the shelf. Sportswear should be such that you do not feel it on yourself. Comfortable, warm, but not hot - if it is a cold season, light and breathable - in summer. Also pay attention to the density of the fabric: you should not purchase two units of the product if you can take, for example, one sweatshirt, but denser. The less clothing you wear, the better. Rid yourself of layering and discomfort.

Shape and dimensions
It's never easy with them. And if in a store on a nearby street you can measure all available sizes twice, thereby forcing the sellers to run and get nervous, then how to choose clothes for fitness in an online store? To understand in detail the intricacies of dimensional grids, we go here and carefully study all the information provided.

On my own I will add the following. Buy clothes that are exactly your size. You should not take a suit one size smaller (so that the incentive to lose weight does not disappear) or two sizes larger (to feel stronger, to appear wider - this is about men, or to hide figure flaws - about women). Remember: tight clothing hinders movement, interfering with exercise, and vice versa - huge overalls fall off, get confused in the arms and legs, a strap that accidentally slips off the shoulder will distract attention at the wrong time. All this does not help you to train in any way, but only hinders.

When trying on, try to feel if your shirt or pants are chafing. Discomfort during classes will ruin the mood, and completely discourage the desire to visit the gym again.

If you shop for fitness apparel online, look for a sizing chart. As a rule, every brand has such a section on the website.


Of course, in beautiful clothes you feel confident and comfortable. Having picked up a suit for all of the above points, pay attention to the appearance. The visual perception of yourself in the mirror increases the chances of getting carried away with fitness for a long time. After all, if one's own reflection is somewhat embarrassing, then it is not always enough to show up in people, including in the gym.

A trainer will help you decide which form to prefer. The choice of clothes depends on the type of activities chosen - classic fitness, yoga, pilates, dance fitness, aerobics.

Why tight and revealing clothing?

Because your muscles are better visible during exercise. And why do you think there are so many mirrors in each room? Correcting and refining the technique of performing exercises is simply necessary for more effective training. So watch your muscles and joints.


It can be T-shirts, T-shirts, bodysuits, tops. Plus, you can wear hoodies and windbreakers upstairs for street workouts.

Women's fitness clothing needs to tighten and support the chest, which is very important during vigorous exercise. This is especially true for young mothers, pregnant women, owners of magnificent forms. Special bodices protect the chest from fluctuations, thereby preventing the formation of stretch marks and sagging.

Tights (leggings), shorts, trousers, capri pants - whatever is comfortable for you will be suitable for training. Do not be lazy and look for sports swimming trunks, over which shorts or trousers will be worn. Seamless swimming trunks for sports do not chafe and breathe well.

Shoes and other items
After picking up your fitness clothes, don't forget to look for shoes. Online sports stores often offer a line of clothing and footwear for a specific sport, so you can easily find the Fitness section. Shoes should also be chosen specifically for your type of fitness.

The outsole should be firm, but flexible and light enough. The laces should not be long - so they can be easily hidden. Comfortable sneakers, sneakers, gym shoes and high-quality socks are the key to comfort. Yes, socks! Throw away the "fashionable on the streets" option - no sports shoes are worn on bare feet.

And, of course, avoid all kinds of slippers, otherwise injury is guaranteed.

As for other equipment attributes, athletic gloves will come in handy if you are doing fitness in the gym. They improve adhesion to metal, protect against corns and debris, which from time to time chip off chrome-plated surfaces and can injure.

A fitness ball is a useful accessory, if you can call it that. Exercises with it develop body flexibility and amuse.

Wearing beautiful clothes, every workout is a joy, and high-quality clothes are the key to efficiency and increased results.

I hope my rather big review was useful to you, dear readers!

She wishes that sport is never associated with exhausting training, but always gives only positive emotions. And the right clothes will make fitness a favorite pastime. Always be in shape!

Effective fitness involves not only choosing the right physical activity according to your level of fitness, but also the right equipment, that is, the right clothing for sports. In this article, I want to tell you how to choose the right fitness clothes, after all, from what material you will be wearing a T-shirt or leggings during your workout, not only the convenience of performing certain exercises depends, but also your physical well-being. The quality and appearance of sports tissues directly affects the effectiveness of the training itself. That is why fitness clothing should be chosen not only on the basis of “what I liked, I bought (a)”, but also on the principle of practicality, moreover, the second item should still come first when choosing fitness clothing. And today we will figure out together what materials are best to choose from. fitness clothing, what you need to pay attention to first of all when buying leggings, T-shirts, tops and even socks.

T-shirts / T-shirts

Surely, you have heard this statement many times that natural fabric is best suited for sports, since synthetics do not allow the skin to breathe, but cotton fabric copes with it 100%. So, with fitness, this rule just does not work. The fact is that cotton gets wet very quickly, absorbing all the sweat, clothes because of this become heavy, stick to the body, make it difficult for the skin to breathe, and even smells not very good ... Even if you use good antiperspirants, you still perspire during training will occur (unless, of course, you train well, and do not cool off under the air conditioner \u003d), which means that traces of sweat on cotton clothes cannot be avoided. Of course, this is not the end of the world, as they say “what is natural is not ugly,” but if you train in the gym, and not at home, this view can bring discomfort and affect the quality of the training itself, especially for the fair sex.

To avoid this, I recommend purchasing T-shirts, T-shirts and tops made from good synthetic fabrics. Most often, the following types of fabrics are used for outerwear:

- elastane / spandex / lycra - Elastic fabric that can exceed its original shape by 8 times, breathable and resistant to sunlight;

- polyester / lavsan - dries very quickly, does not wrinkle and does not lose its shape after washing;

- measure / tackle - quickly removes moisture, keeps its shape perfectly after repeated washings;

- Supplex - quick-drying fabric, very durable and elastic, breathable as good as cotton;

- kulmax - soft fabric, pleasant to the touch, dries 2 times faster than cotton, perfectly removes moisture and evaporates it from the fabric, leaving the skin dry;

- nylon ;

- polyamide .

All these fabrics are usually used not in pure form, but in combination with one another, for example: 1) polyamide + polyester 2) polyester + spandex; 3) polyester + elastane 4) viscose + elastane + cotton, etc.

If we talk about color, it does not matter at all, T-shirts and T-shirts made of synthetic breathable fabrics wick away sweat well without leaving wet marks on clothes, so you can choose any color you like.

But if we talk about cotton clothes, then the color is of great importance. Sweat is much more visible on light-colored T-shirts, so here, choosing fitness clothing, it is advisable to choose dark colors such as dark blue or black.

Leggings / leggings / shorts

When buying leggings for fitness workouts (be it gym workouts, group fitness classes or home workouts), just like with a T-shirt, you need to choose stretch, breathable fabrics that will not restrict your movement, while at the same time will wick moisture away and be ventilated.

Criteria for comfortable leggings or leggings:

DENSITY: tight-fitting, but not squeezing... You should be comfortable doing them, all movements should be easy for you, nothing should be pressed or squeezed anywhere;

- FABRICS : breathable and elastic... Polyester + Elastane; polyester + cotton + spandex; polyester + lycra, etc.

- LANDING: medium or high waist... During your workout, you do various types of exercises, including squats, bends, jumps, etc. Leggings with a low rise are not always practical; various parts of the body, for example, butt or sides, can often "fall out" of them. Even if you have a normal butt and no sides, anyway, when performing some exercises, a low seating position causes discomfort, and you will be distracted from time to time so that nothing is exposed anywhere. To avoid this in advance, choose leggings with a high waist.

- THE SIZE : real size. Be sure to buy leggings / leggings or shorts in your CURRENT size. Fitness is not an option when you need to motivate yourself with clothes one size smaller. Yes, perhaps, with jeans or a dress, this method of self-motivation will work, but during training, clothes that are not "in size" can permanently discourage you from exercising. Firstly, it will be uncomfortable for you to perform the exercises, and because of this, they will seem to you very difficult / beyond your strength; and secondly, small clothes will look awkward on you - a squeezed belly with an elastic band from pants or fallen out sides, let's put it mildly, the look is not very aesthetic ...

- COLOR : dark tones for plump, light tones for skinny ones... If you want to visually reduce the volume of your hips, then choose leggings in dark colors, if you want to also lengthen your legs, then choose leggings with vertical stripes. If you already have thin legs by nature, then light colors + a pattern in the form of horizontal lines will suit you.

Sports bra / bra

Talking about how to choose fitness clothes, it is impossible not to say about such a thing in women's wardrobe as a sports bra. Many girls underestimate the importance of this thing. The fact is that during intense exercises such as running, jumping rope, plyometric exercises, etc., the chest undergoes large fluctuations, which over time can cause stretch marks and even chest deformities, especially for girls with a breast size larger than the second ... Therefore, buying a sports top for any girl who regularly does fitness is one of the must have-points.

How to choose a quality sports bodice?

There are two options for fixing the breast:

  • Cupless Tops - they pull the chest well, pressing it to the chest due to the dense tissue. This version of sports bras is more suitable for girls with small breasts.
  • Cup Tops - these tops support the chest well. Girls and women with lush breasts should choose just such tops.

Criteria for a good sports bra:

- FABRICS : breathable... Tops are characterized by combinations of two or three, or even more, different types of fabrics. For example, a top made of 1) polyester and elastane 2) polyester, polyamide and elastane 3) polyamide and elastane 4) polyester + spandex and other options would be a great option.

- STRAPS: wide and soft. The straps are an important part of a sports bra. They should not press, cut into the skin, or rub. Their main task is to support the chest so that during intense exercise, it is as calm as possible, without unnecessary hesitation and movement. The straps must be at least 2.5 cm wide.

You also need to watch that the fabric under the breast itself is also made of elastic and soft materials and has a wide band that will support the breast.

- Shvi : minimum seams... A good quality sports bra should have a minimum of seams, and the back should be seamless at all.

| Good Victoria's Secret Sports Bras |


Fitness clothing assumes not only outerwear, but also good comfortable shoes.

When choosing sneakers (this type of shoe is preferable to use in most sports), you need to pay attention to the following details:

- FABRICS : breathable... It is best to choose sneakers that will be on top or on the sides made of breathable fabrics (nylon, polyester, etc.). It can be synthetic mesh inserts that let air in, thereby ventilating your feet.

- Outsole : shock absorbing and lightweight... If you work out in the gym, on the street or at home, where the floor or asphalt is flat, then the outsole of your sneakers should be made of lightweight materials such as: filight - a mixture of rubber and phylon (used for the midsole), pure rubber and BRS 1000 (used to make running shoes). If you are jogging on rough terrain, where the road is rough, sharp stones, tree roots, then you need to choose a sole made of denser and harder materials: Durable Rubber Compound or DRC.

Very often branded expensive sneakers differ in the shape of the sole, for example, the heel is higher than the rest of the sole. This option is more common in women's running shoes. This is done in order to increase the cushioning of the sole, thereby reducing stress on the knees and improving the protection of the Achilles tendon.


Choosing fitness socks is just as important as choosing leggings or sports bras. To keep your feet dry and odorless, you need to choose socks, again, not from cotton, but from "breathable" synthetic fabrics that wick away moisture. Coolmax is a good example of such fabric. Socks made of kulmax can be worn even in warm weather, the main thing is to wear sneakers with a mesh so that the moisture that is removed can evaporate outside. As you can see, everything is interconnected: breathable sneakers help breathable socks to get rid of excess moisture, leaving your feet dry.

So let's summarize all of the above.

A quick guide on how to choose fitness clothing:

  • Look for clothes made from good synthetic fabrics (elastane, spandex, polyester, supplex, coolmax, and others) that wick moisture away and evaporate.

  • Avoid cotton fabrics, which, unlike synthetics, retain moisture, making it difficult for the skin to breathe.

  • Choose clothes that fit.

  • Leggings and sports bras should be wide and tight.

  • Always measure clothes before buying to make sure you feel comfortable in them.

  • Choose sneakers according to your type of physical activity: sneakers with a firm sole and good cushioning are suitable for exercising on uneven and hard surfaces; for exercising on a flat surface, sneakers made from softer and lighter materials are suitable.

Well, that’s where I’ll end this article. I hope she will help you choose a practical fitness clothing... After all, the correctly chosen fitness clothingwill make your workout much more enjoyable and comfortable. Instead of constantly holding your chest while running or pulling up slippery pants while squats, you will be as focused as possible on your workout, making it more effective and enjoyable.

Sincerely yours, Yanelia Skripnik!