Correct attachment of the newborn. Why correct attachment is so important. How to do it right

Every mother who has just given birth needs to know how to properly latch on the baby for feeding. Not only well-being depends on this, but also the mother's attitude to the process.

First, a good latch on the breast ensures that it is emptied and a sufficient supply of milk flows.
Second, proper attachment to the breast allows the infant to suck efficiently and reach late nutritious milk. Thirdly, during proper grip, the nipple is deep inside the baby's mouth and is not injured. Pain, discomfort, and cracked nipples indicate errors in the technique of attachment.

The task of the mother is to teach the newborn to properly grasp the nipple during feeding. The baby's mouth is still very small, and during the first feedings it can slide to the nipple, “chew” it with the gums and thereby injure delicate tissues. This leads to cracks.

Doctors or nurses at the hospital can tell you how to latch on to your baby. The first days after the birth of a child should be devoted to mastering the skills of good attachment during feeding.

For the successful establishment of lactation, you should adhere to the recommendations for feeding the baby on demand. That is, it is necessary to apply the baby to the breast when he shows the first signs of readiness for feeding. It is not difficult to understand that the newborn wants to kiss the breast. At this moment, he shows the so-called search behavior: he turns his head in search of a nipple, opens his mouth wide, pulls out his tongue, grunts and whimpers, pushes a fist into his mouth. Take the baby in your arms so that his head is lying on the curve of your elbow.

This is the classic cradle pose. Using her example, we will describe the step-by-step instructions for the correct attachment of the child:

  1. Get into a comfortable position. It is important to position yourself so that both mom and baby are comfortable, because the feeding process can take about an hour or longer. You can put a pillow under your back and elbow.
  2. Hold your baby so that his head and body are in line. Turn your face and stomach towards you.
  3. The baby's head should be positioned so that the nose rests on the nipple.
  4. Grasp your chest with your fingers closer to the areola. The thumb is on the top, the index and the rest of the fingers are below the chest, parallel to the baby's mouth. Squeeze the areola slightly to reduce the capture area.
  5. Touch your baby's upper lip or cheek with the nipple. In response, he will open his mouth wide and tilt his head back to take his chest.
  6. Wait until the child opens his mouth as wide as possible and direct the nipple slightly up to the palate and at the same time press the child to you, as if stringing his head on the nipple. Not the mother should bend over to the baby's head, but he should reach for the nipple, opening his mouth wide and sticking out his tongue.

“Proper grip on the nipple and a large portion of the areola (areola) is important for the baby to receive a normal amount of milk. The baby's mouth should be wide open. There is no milk in the nipple itself. Milk production occurs during stimulation of the areola. "

Correct attachment criteria

If all the rules are followed, then the nipple is inside the mouth and does not participate in the sucking process. In this case, the mother does not experience acute pain during feeding.

Correct attachment while breastfeeding looks like this:

  • The baby's mouth is wide open and captures the areola by 2-3 cm. The lips are turned outward, the chin touches the chest, the nose is free or leaning against the chest.
  • The nipple is deep inside the mouth and touches the palate.
  • While sucking, the baby actively moves the jaw, stimulating the areola, where the milk ducts are located. The tongue moves in a wave-like fashion, squeezing milk out of the nipple.
  • Sometimes mom can see the tongue between her lower lip and areola.
  • During feeding, the baby first makes quick and short jaw movements. And as the milk flows in, it slows down. Sometimes he pauses.
  • During sucking, the baby's ears may move slightly. The cheeks are rounded.

Improper attachment criteria

Improper attachment leads to injury to the nipple and the appearance of cracks. And also to an insufficient amount of milk production, due to a poor-quality sucking process.
It can be recognized by the following indicators:

  • The child "gnaws" only the nipple with his gums or lips, without capturing the areola.
  • The mouth is not wide open, the lips are drawn in.
  • The cheeks are pulled in.
  • The baby's nose rests strongly on the chest.
  • A clatter is heard while sucking.

Duration of feeding

The mother's breast meets the needs of the baby not only for nutrition. The newborn is also applied in order to quench his thirst, to establish contact with his mother, to relieve postpartum stress, to satisfy the sucking reflex. Depending on the need at a particular moment, the baby can spend a different amount of time at the breast. If he wants to eat, he will suck vigorously for 15-20 minutes, until he gets to the rear fat milk. If you wanted to drink, the attachments are short, while sucking, the baby is distracted, often interrupted. Sometimes, while sucking, the baby closes his eyes and sucks lazily, making only a few swallowing movements per minute.

Sometimes feeding can take 40 minutes or an hour. Do not worry that the nipples will be injured due to long and frequent feedings. If the attachment is correct, if the grip is deep, then the nipple is not damaged. And to be at the mother's breast for as long as you want is the need of a newborn baby. And the mother cannot know exactly what problem the child solves during the next feeding. Whether he wants to drink or eat, or maybe he just missed his mother or became scared. Let the baby decide how long to feed.

If the mother feels pain during feeding, then most likely the baby has not grabbed the breast correctly. You should stop, take the breast from the baby and apply again. To remove the breast from the baby, you need to stop the sucking process. To do this, simply insert your little finger into the corner of your mouth and twist slightly towards you. The baby will reflexively open its mouth and release the nipple.

First attachment

The first attachment to the breast, which usually occurs in the delivery room, immediately after the birth of the baby, has an important psychophysiological role.

If the birth went well and without the use of sedatives, the healthy baby is active and ready to feed immediately. The baby instinctively crawls to the mother's breast and grabs the nipple. Often it looks as if he has been practicing this throughout his entire intrauterine life.

Latching the baby to the breast immediately after birth has a beneficial effect on establishing contact between mother and baby. And stimulation of the nipple promotes the production of a large amount of oxytocin, which leads to a rapid discharge of the placenta.

Perhaps, latching a baby to the mother's breast in the first minutes after birth is the most emotional and memorable moment for mom and baby. Intrauterine life and feeding through the placenta are over, now instinct leads the baby to the mother's breast. This is exactly what nature intended, and rightly so.

How to care for your breasts

Often, young mothers make some mistakes in attaching the newborn at the beginning of feeding, and the nipples have time to crack or become inflamed. Therefore, painful sensations during feeding accompany women for some time. In order to cope with this problem, follow some recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to achieve correct grip of the nipple by the baby. With good attachment, the nipple is deep inside the baby's mouth and is not stimulated in any way. If applied correctly, the cracks in the nipples heal within a day or two.
  2. Wash your breasts only during the evening and morning showers, not more often. Washing your breasts before and after breastfeeding is an unnecessary procedure that washes away the protective layer of natural secretions and aggravates inflammation.
  3. You should not use soap and shower gel, it dries the skin very much.
  4. Give your breasts an air bath whenever possible. This promotes rapid healing of the nipples.
  5. In especially advanced cases, in between feedings, you can use medicinal ointments containing lanolin. But do this only after consulting a doctor.

“A nipple, pacifier, breast pads will negatively affect the correct attachment of the baby to the mother's breast. At first, until the baby has learned to suckle properly, they cannot be used. During breastfeeding, the child must actively move his jaws and tongue to get milk, and milk flows out of the nipple by itself, no effort is needed. The use of the nipple is often the reason for breastfeeding. "

Detailed video with practical instructions: how to attach the baby to the breast for breastfeeding

Sometimes a young mother, in pain at first, is ready to stop breastfeeding. In the most critical moments, remember that the cracks and inflammation of the nipple will go away. Be patient. Calmly and confidently move towards establishing breastfeeding. As soon as the technique of latching is mastered, the pain and discomfort will disappear, only the pleasure of the process of feeding your baby will remain.

The period of breastfeeding is an important stage in the life of a child, because it is during this period that the intestines are colonized by a specific microflora, and the immune system is being formed. How correctly the feeding technique is carried out depends on how physiologically these processes will proceed.

One of the most important questions is the correct attachment of the newborn to the breast. Let's consider it from all sides.

Step-by-step instructions for proper feeding

Preparing for the process

1. Prepare the breasts.

Before each latching of the baby to the breast, it is important to wash not only the nipple itself, but also the areola around it with baby soap, after that rinsing the gland with running water and blotting it with a clean towel. This must be done in order to mechanically remove those microorganisms that live on human skin. Women who do not properly handle their breasts risk giving their baby gastrointestinal problems. For example, Staphylococcus aureus, which often enters the intestines of a child from the surface of an unprepared breast, can lead to a severe form of dysbiosis that is difficult to respond to drug therapy.

2. Stimulate lactogenesis (more milk production).

Drink a cup of hot tea 15–20 minutes before feeding. It is desirable that this be a special herbal collection to improve lactation (with rose hips, anise, fennel). You can make this tea yourself at home or buy it at the pharmacy.

A contrast shower of the area of ​​the mammary glands immediately before feeding stimulates the milk ducts, increases lactogenesis.

In the minutes of feeding

Concentrate on the process: do not be distracted by watching TV, talking with relatives. If there is enough milk, the baby should receive it from only one breast at a time. If there is not enough milk, then you can offer the baby a second breast. In this case, it is important to start subsequent feeding with the breast that the child received last and only then apply the baby to the more full one.

Feeding a child should be strictly on demand. It is important to apply it to the breast at night as well, in no case resorting to formula feeding at this time.

Feeding Algorithm

1. Provoke the baby to seize the nipple.

A hungry child has a sharpened search reflex. To provoke him, it is enough to "tickle" the skin near the corner of the baby's mouth with a nipple, who will immediately open his lips and find the breast offered by his mother.

2. Make sure that the baby is correctly grasping at the breast.

Not only the nipple, but also the areola should get into the child's mouth. It is important that the grip is as tight as possible. In the process of feeding, the mother should pay special attention to this, because otherwise the child will suffer from frequent regurgitation and intestinal colic, and the woman risks getting painful. To achieve a correct grip, you need to offer the baby the breast not superficially, putting only the nipple into the oral cavity, but to put the gland more confidently, completely. A breastfeeding woman should not hear any whistling sounds associated with improper sucking.

3. Watch out for the act of feeding, namely:

  • Does the child accompany the sucking movements with swallowing. Physiologically, the child makes 7-8 sucking movements, after which he takes a short break and resumes the process. For every 4–5 sucking movements, the baby makes one swallow. If the act of swallowing occurs much less frequently or does not occur at all, you need to pay attention to the amount of milk, to assess whether there is any deficiency.
  • Are the baby's nasal passages blocked? It is important to watch that the mammary gland does not block the nasal lumen of the child. Cases are described when women who fell asleep while breastfeeding deprived their children of the opportunity to breathe, which led to sad consequences.
  • So that the child really feeds, and does not sleep at the breast. The baby, correctly attached to the breast, receives the main amount of milk during the first 10-15 minutes of active sucking. After this time, much less milk flows into the ducts. It takes about 20-25 minutes for a child to fully eat. It is not advisable to keep the baby at the breast for longer than half an hour; it is better to offer him food later, when he reappears feeling hungry.

After feeding

After the baby is full, gently pull the breast towards you and remove it from the baby's mouth (by the end of the feeding, it is usually already asleep). In order to avoid injury to the delicate skin of the nipple and the appearance of cracks, it is recommended to lubricate it with oil (baby, petroleum jelly, peach) or a specialized agent that restores the lipid layer of the skin (for example, Bepanten cream or ointment).

If the baby has not fallen asleep during feeding, then to prevent regurgitation, it must be held in an upright position for some time (10-15 minutes).

How to understand that the baby has correctly grabbed the breast

A child, correctly attached to the chest, calms down, does not make chaotic movements with arms and legs. He actively sucks milk, making one swallow for several sucking movements. Nasal breathing is not hindered by anything. The nipple and areola of the mother's breast are tightly covered by the baby's lips, during the feeding process there are no pathological sounds (whistling, grunting, snoring).

If suddenly something went wrong and some of these conditions are not met - do not panic. Carefully remove the breast from the baby's mouth and offer it again. The chest should be fed confidently, and the baby's lips should cover it tightly.

Causes of improper capture of the breast by a child

1. The baby is offered only the nipple of the breast.

The mother needs to put the breast in the baby's mouth so that he can also capture the areola.

2. Nasal breathing is blocked by a gland.

3. Flat nipple.

Many breastfeeding women face this problem. Due to the anatomical features, the female nipple is very small (flat): the child cannot grab it at all, or after grabbing the nipple slips out of the baby's mouth. The solution to the problem can be special silicone pads, which are used to organize the physiological feeding of the child.

4. The baby has a short frenum of the tongue.

It is difficult for a child to make both gripping and sucking movements. The condition can be suspected by the mother or pediatrician after examination and confirmed after consulting a dentist.

5. Congenital anomalies of the child's maxillofacial apparatus.

These include a cleft in the upper or lower lip, a cleft in the hard and soft palate, as well as other congenital defects of the maxillofacial apparatus. It is often impossible to correct the baby's latch on the breast in such cases. Feeding is carried out with expressed human milk from a baby bottle with a specially designed teat.

What can interfere with the baby's feeding process

There are times when the technique for latching the baby to the breast is carried out correctly, but he quickly stops sucking.

This can happen in the following cases.

1. The hygiene of the child's nasal cavity has not been carried out.

The crusts formed during breathing in the baby's nasal passages can partially or completely block their lumen and interfere with full-fledged sucking. It is necessary to remove them regularly (every morning and as the crusts appear) with a cotton swab dipped in petroleum jelly.

2. There is no milk in the mother's breast.

The child is restless, "tears" the breast, bends in the arms of the mother. A woman, in the process of the next feeding, needs to check whether milk is flowing through the ducts. In this case, she needs to put pressure on the nipple and express 2-3 trickles. If milk is released drop by drop or not at all, you need to offer the baby a second breast. Also, the mother will be able to notice the lack of milk by dry diapers (a decrease in the number of urination acts, a decrease in a single volume of urine), the absence or decrease in the frequency of bowel movements during the day.

5. Milk tastes bitter.

Eating a large amount of garlic, onions, and food spices leads to a change in the organoleptic (taste) qualities of human milk. It is made bitter by alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and some medicines. To avoid this problem, a woman just needs to monitor her daily diet and give up all bad habits. Medical treatment of any of the diseases of a woman during breastfeeding should be carried out strictly according to medical recommendations.

6. The child is sick.

Most often, the feeding process is hampered by acute respiratory viral infections that occur with obstruction (blockage) of the upper respiratory tract. To carry out breastfeeding, it is necessary to alleviate the condition of the child using the symptomatic remedies recommended by the doctor. This can be the instillation of vasoconstrictor drugs aimed at alleviating nasal breathing, taking antiallergic drugs prescribed to eliminate edema, inhalation, etc.

Do not worry if the first time your baby does not succeed in capturing the breast correctly, and, most importantly, do not be afraid to help him with this.

Proper feeding of an infant is very important for a baby, because it is the basis of his health and rapid, active development. That is why a very important moment in the life of a young mother and her baby is the very first attachment of a newborn to the breast.

In the maternity hospital, for the first time, a mother tries to feed a child under the supervision of a doctor or obstetrician. However, if a woman is previously familiar with how correct breastfeeding should take place, it will be easier for her to tune in to this process and do everything exactly as needed. After a woman feeds her baby several times, she will develop her own "scheme" of this process, which she will continue to follow.

But the baby will learn to breastfeed correctly for longer. This process takes him up to two months. And at this time, the mother must not only carefully monitor whether everything is going right, but also try to help the little man.

In order to establish as soon as possible and provide the baby with mother's milk for the longest time, it is important to understand how the process itself takes place, to familiarize yourself with the technique of breastfeeding. This is what this article is about.

But, first of all, it is necessary to take into account that the correct position of the child during feeding and the physiological course of this important process provide such important factors for the child and mother:

  • baby's health, optimal and proper nutrition;
  • a harmonious and strong bond between mother and baby, which is formed directly during feeding;
  • effective prevention of cracked nipples, milk stagnation, insufficient milk supply.

Therefore, establishing proper natural feeding is one of the most important tasks for a young mother.

Believing that it is the nipple that is directly involved in feeding the baby, mothers are mistaken. In fact, the correct capture can be said when the mother's nipple does not take part in the process of sucking milk.

In order for milk to begin to be released, the baby stimulates areola - a circle around the nipple. It is in the areola that the lactiferous sinuses are located, in which milk accumulates. And the nipple is only a conduit for milk, when the baby suckles, it is turned in the direction of the baby's upper jaw.

Correct grip during breastfeeding occurs provided that the baby is attached to the breast exactly as needed. The baby's mouth should be wide open, he should capture his mother's breast as much as possible, and the nipple is directed towards the upper palate. In this position, when sucking, the areola will be stimulated, which is what is needed for full breastfeeding.

When feeding, the baby should be tightly pressed against the mother and at the same time work very intensively with the lower jaw. If everything happens this way, then the nipple will not be injured, and the breast will empty quickly. As a result, the woman will not feel pain.

When the baby is born, and the mother is just adjusting to natural feeding, she may experience slight pain at first, but such sensations disappear after a few minutes. The fact is that in the first days of feeding, the epithelium changes.

But if the baby is not properly applied to the breast, then the baby's mouth will only be slightly open, and at the same time he will suck only the nipple and milk accumulated near him. But from the whole breast with such a capture of milk, he practically will not extract. In such a situation, congestion can develop in the chest, the likelihood of hardening greatly increases. In addition, the baby, if applied incorrectly, may remain hungry.

It often happens that the mother continues to steadfastly feed the baby, even if such troubles occur. But in this case, it is very important to adjust the technique of attachment to the breast, and the situation will improve by itself.

Even if mom practices expressing milk when stagnant or engorged, the overall situation is unlikely to improve. Breastfeeding will bring pleasant emotions and maximum benefits only if you establish the right process.

Mothers who are interested in how to properly latch on their baby for feeding need to follow the description below to achieve the desired results. To make sure that everything is going right, you can watch a photo of the feeding process or a video on how to properly attach the baby when feeding.

How to properly apply a baby to the breast will be discussed below.

Take a comfortable position

It is important that the shoulder girdle is relaxed. You should not start feeding from an uncomfortable position, as with a tense shoulder girdle, milk will be emitted worse. In the same way, milk is released poorly if a woman is in a hurry, fusses, and is very nervous during feeding. Sometimes it is difficult for a mother who has just given birth to a baby to sit. In such a situation, the newborn is best fed while lying down.

Position the baby correctly at the breast

Correct latching during breastfeeding is the key to successful breastfeeding. To do this, you need to turn the baby's body towards the mother. When feeding lying on her side, a woman should take a position so that she is in the same plane with her head. In this case, the baby's mouth should be flush with the nipple. In a different position, the child will constantly pull on the breast, as a result of which the nipple will become injured. No need to fix the newborn's head or pinch it. It is important that the baby can easily twirl it.

Ideally, you need to feed the baby in a belly-to-belly position - mother and baby should lie on their sides, facing each other. At the same time, the mother supports the child by the back or buttocks.

There is no need to fear that it will be difficult for the baby to breathe when he rests his nose against the mammary gland. There is no need to press on the chest next to the spout to make it easier for the baby to breathe. Such actions will only worsen the outflow of milk, and it will become even more difficult for the baby to suck. When he eats, he breathes through the edges of the nasal passages and feels quite comfortable.

Baby attachment

Every newborn has a breast-gripping reflex, which is congenital. However, at first, you can help the baby to capture the mammary gland by sliding part of the areola over his upper lip, but not the nipple.

There is no need to put the nipple in the mouth - the baby will reach for the breast by itself. He can only be helped by pointing his head in the right direction. The baby's mouth should be wide open during the breast latch. In this case, the lower lip should occupy the position that will be during sucking - on the lower part of the areola, away from the nipple.

If everything is correct, then the nipple and part of the areola will be in the mouth, the lower part of which will be captured more than the upper one.

Breast sucking

During the sucking process, the mother will be able to see the part of the baby's tongue covering the lower gum. When the baby moves the tongue and jaw in waves, milk is squeezed out of the breast. The nose and chin should be pressed against the chest, lips slightly turned outward. The baby's cheeks move with the sucking movements to the beat. When the baby is breastfeeding, he makes deep swallowing movements.

By the way, if possible, it is worth feeding the child naked, while undressing to the waist. Skin-to-skin contact will create a powerful bond between baby and mother. And feeding will be very pleasant at the same time.

Breastfeeding positions

A mother can feed her baby in the position that is most convenient for her. You should consider in detail the photo of the positions for feeding the baby and familiarize yourself with the training video. And, of course, practice different poses, trying to find the most optimal one.

Above was described how to take this pose. To make the position more comfortable, you can use rollers or pads - they can be placed under different parts of the body.

If you conditionally raise the mother who feeds the baby while lying down, you can understand the features of this position. If the baby is breastfeeding in this position, he is half turned towards the mother, one of the mother's hands is the fulcrum for the baby. It is best to position the head in the cubital fossa. With the other hand, the woman supports the child by the buttocks and back. A pillow should be placed under the supporting arm.

The woman needs to sit on the sofa and put a pillow next to it. The child should be laid on it so that his body is hidden under the armpit. This position allows you to control the sucking process, and the mother can see what is happening. In addition, it is easier for the baby to grab the breast in this position. Feeding is easy for a mom as her arms can rest.

Lying Feeding Position

To feed the baby while lying down correctly, mother and baby need to take the correct body position. You need to breastfeed while lying down from your lower breast. In this case, the child lies next to him, facing his mother. The woman's lower hand needs to be tucked under her head. It is best to prop your child up with a pillow so that it is comfortable to lie on its side. Having considered the photo of the position for feeding newborns, it will be easier to get everything right. To feed the baby lying down from the upper breast, it can be placed next to it on an elevation - on a large pillow.

Standing pose

If the baby is in a sling, you can also feed him in a standing position. You can also practice half-sitting or reclining.

But in the position when the baby is lying on the mother's belly, it is not worth feeding. So it is uncomfortable for him to eat, moreover, due to a constantly pressed tummy, it can occur regurgitation .

If a woman has become a happy mother of twins, it is best to learn how to feed two children at the same time. Practicing natural feeding in such a position, the mother will be as calm as possible and will not rush so as not to “offend” one of the babies. In addition, this way you can save time and provide quality stimulation. lactation .

How long does the baby breastfeed in one feeding?

For each baby, this process occurs in a different way. It also depends on what kind of temperament the child was born with, and on how much food he needs. The speed of sucking is also important, and the peculiarities of the state of the milk ducts in a woman, as well as other factors.

In most cases, the baby eats from 5 to 20 minutes. Sometimes the mother sees that after a minute or two of sucking, the baby begins to fall asleep. In such a situation, it should be stimulated by shaking slightly on the cheek to continue the process.

How to wean a baby?

If the baby has eaten enough, he will release the breast on his own. You cannot forcefully pull the nipple out of his mouth, because then he will squeeze his jaws, which can lead to injury to the nipple. If, nevertheless, it turned out that the baby fell asleep with a nipple in his mouth, you can very carefully stretch out the breast, directing it towards the corner of the mouth.

Should the baby be given both breasts at the same feed?

It is best to alternate breasts, giving them alternately at each feed. However, it is not always possible to do just that. With insufficient lactation, when feeding twins, you have to give both breasts in one feeding.

When the baby begins to suckle, a hormone is produced in the mother's body, which determines the production of milk. This hormone does not act selectively, so milk fills both breasts. Therefore, if a baby sucks both breasts during one "session", milk will still arrive in both breasts again, because empty breasts are a signal for active milk production.

What if the baby is crying?

Very often, a mother soothes a crying child by giving him a breast. However, it is not recommended to soothe the child in this way. It is best to try to do this before feeding, so that the baby stops crying or calms down a little. After all, when a baby cries and worries, he may take the breast incorrectly, and an upset mother may simply not pay attention to it. A restless child should squeeze a drop of milk onto the lips, touch them or the nipple on the cheek. Gradually, the baby will calm down and take the breast correctly.

How often should you feed?

There are no feeding schedules or schedules at all. At one time, it was recommended to take breaks of about 3 hours between feedings. However, this is no longer relevant at present. They feed the child on demand, that is, at the time when he begins to cry, turn his head, open his mouth when his face is touched.

In the first few days of life, a newborn asks to eat infrequently - from 7 to 15 times a day. Further, the number of attachments increases greatly. Sometimes mom does this 3-4 times an hour.

How can a mother understand that the baby is full?

An inexperienced mother constantly asks herself this question. Indeed, during one feeding, a baby is not able to eat such a volume as a baby who is bottle-fed. That is why babies so often require breasts.

Mom can understand that the baby is full by the following signs:

  • after sucking, the breast is softened and emptied;
  • the baby looks healthy, he has smooth skin, clear eyes, he is active and not capricious;
  • the baby asks for breast often;
  • there is an increase in weight and height in accordance with the recommended gains;
  • urination and defecation occur with sufficient frequency - the mother changes 5-6 diapers per day, while the feces have a yellow-mustard color.

Can overeating occur?

If the baby eats only mother's milk, a kind of self-regulation of his body is noted. That is, the composition of milk is "remembered", and the body feels the need for these components. Therefore, the baby cannot overeat. In addition, if he ate too much, then it happens regurgitation ... And the excessive portion "comes back".

If feedings are too frequent, does the food have time to digest?

The composition of breast milk is perfectly balanced. Therefore, the digestive system in a small organism is not too stressed. Almost immediately, food is in the intestines, and it is processed there very quickly.

In addition, at night, the mother's body does not produce such fatty milk as during the day, and during this period the baby's body is not overstrained.

What mistakes do moms make when breastfeeding?

In the course of establishing feeding, it is important not only to properly attach the baby to the breast, but also not to do other wrong actions that may subsequently interfere with normal lactation.

Hold your chest with your hands

Sometimes a young inexperienced mother tries to hold her breast with her hand, fearing that it is difficult for the baby to breathe while sucking. Also, a woman may try to hold her breasts in a canopy, believing that this will help milk flow directly into her mouth.

But in fact, it is not at all difficult for a baby to breathe when he sucks. He breathes with the edges of his nostrils, and if his nose is pressed and a little pressed into my mother’s chest, it’s not scary. Milk moves along the ducts regardless of the position of the breast - this process depends on the baby's sucking.

Frequent breast washing

Some women wash it before each feed. Some even do it using soap. But in fact, there are no harmful bacteria ... If you constantly wash your skin, the soap will destroy the protective lubricant that protects against bacteria. It is enough for a mother to take a shower twice a day to make the feeding "hygienic".

Feeding the baby with water, tea

Another common wrong action is to add tea or water to the child. The mother may think that the child is thirsty, and therefore he receives other liquids from the bottle.

It is important to remember that breast milk is both food and drink at the same time. And therefore, the baby does not need other liquids, especially those that are given to him through a bottle. Drinking will worsen lactation, and, in the worst case, will lead to the fact that the baby will give up the breast altogether.

The fact is that, trying to extract liquid from the nipple or holding a pacifier, the baby makes completely different sucking movements. It is easier for him to drink from a bottle, and therefore many children do not want to breastfeed after the first acquaintance with the bottle. In addition, the baby is experiencing a kind of confusion if he receives either a breast or a nipple. And as a result, he starts to take the wrong breast.

Refusal to feed when cracks and lesions appear on the chest

Moms who do this tend to switch to bottle feeding. Also, this often happens when mom gets sick. cold .

Due to such an error, lactation gradually fades away, and the baby refuses to breast. Even with such troubles as cracks, it is necessary to engage in treatment between feeding sessions. Before applying the baby, you can put a special pad on the nipple, which will facilitate this process.

If very deep and painful cracks have formed, you can temporarily stop applying the baby. But you still need to regularly express milk and feed your baby with a spoon or pipette. This will help maintain lactation.

If the mother has a cold, she should wear a face shield while feeding. In this case, milk is not harmful for the baby, because with it, the body gets into the body from colds, which are very necessary for the child.

Expressing milk after feeding

If there is still milk in the breast after the baby has eaten, this does not mean that it needs to be expressed immediately. In fact, such actions do not stimulate lactation, as many believe. And the milk left in the mammary gland is actually not harmful.

It is necessary to express only if the mother is forced to separate from the baby, but wants to preserve lactation.

Expressing milk regularly “for stimulation” will only lead to unnecessary injuries. In addition, such pumping can subsequently negatively affect the shape of the breast.


Thus, to establish lactation, you need to take into account a number of rules and try to correctly apply the baby the first time. Doctors in the maternity hospital will help you figure out how to do this, as well as training videos.

Mothers who, for some reason, had to practice artificial feeding , it is worth watching a video on how to properly bottle feed a baby.

But if you follow all the advice and do not rush to feed the baby from a bottle, then lactation, with some effort, can be established.

A woman who is still pregnant must make a clear decision to breastfeed. This forms a dominant in the brain for the formation and development of lactation. Correct breastfeeding is impossible without internal installation. The support of family and friends in this matter is important.

Second rule: first feeding of an infant

Ideally, the first attachment of the newborn is carried out in the delivery room. Early contact promotes the development of lactation and the colonization of the skin and intestines of the newborn with bifidum flora. How to properly apply a newborn for feeding, the medical staff will show. If the condition of the child or postpartum woman does not allow this, the first attachment to the breast is postponed. If the woman is in a satisfactory condition, the medical staff teaches self-expression. This skill will prevent the extinction of milk production and the development of lactostasis. In the absence of contraindications, the child can be fed with expressed milk during a separate stay.

Third rule: correct attachment of the baby to the breast

The problem of how to properly latch a baby to the breast, especially for the first time, is very important. How to breastfeed, the newborn still does not know. And mom needs to remember or learn how how to properly breastfeed your baby:

  • immediately before feeding, the mother needs to wash her hands and douse her breasts with warm water;
  • decide on a posture for feeding. Usually it is sitting (reclining) or standing (after episiotomy);
  • the child is placed on the bend of the elbow, the other hand brings the nipple as close as possible to the baby's mouth;
  • obeying reflexes, the baby himself will grab the nipple and begin to suck;
  • the breast should be given so that the baby captures the nipple and almost the entire areola with his mouth. At the same time, his lower lip will be twisted slightly, the chin and nose touch the chest.

The child's nose should not sink. How to properly apply the baby for feeding is also important for the mother's health. If breastfeeding is not correct for a newborn, several breast problems can be acquired. First of all, it is maceration and cracked nipples.

  • breastfeeding a newborn, especially the first few days, should be no more than 20 minutes each. This will allow the delicate skin of the nipples to harden and get used to the new effects.

This often does not work; the child may be restless or overweight and constantly demand food. In such cases, the nursing mother needs to arrange air baths more often and lubricate the nipples with healing ointments, such as Bepanten.

  • one feeding - one breast. If the child ate everything from it and did not eat, offer the second one. Start the next feeding with the last one. So the baby will receive not only the front milk, but also the rear milk.

Fourth rule: signs of milk production and flow into the breast

The symptoms of lactation are as follows:

  • tingling or tightness in your chest;
  • the release of milk while the baby is crying;
  • for each sucking of the baby there is a sip of milk;
  • leaking milk from the free breast during feeding.

These signs indicate the formed active reflex of oxytocin. Lactation is well established.

Fifth Rule: Feeding on Demand

It is necessary to feed a newborn baby frequently. In Soviet times, there were rules according to which breastfeeding was carried out every three hours and no more than twenty minutes. Nowadays it is recommended to feed the baby on demand. Give breast literally at the first squeak. For especially capricious and demanding children almost every hour. This allows you to feed your baby and give him a feeling of warmth and care.

Frequent attachments relieve the need for compulsory expression and serve as the prevention of lactostasis. And night feedings will serve as an excellent stimulation of the main lactation hormone - prolactin.

How much time to breastfeed, ideally, is determined by the baby himself. If you turned away or fell asleep, it means that you are full. Over time, the baby will eat less often.

Sixth rule: sufficiency of feeding

Human milk in the process of its evolution goes through certain stages: colostrum, transitional, mature milk. Their quantity and quality composition ideally meets the needs of the newborn. Early and late milk is also excreted. The first is produced at the very beginning of feeding and is rich in water and proteins. The second comes from the back of the mammary gland, it contains more fat. It is important for the baby to get both.

There are times when it seems to mom that she does not have milk and the child is not full. To determine the adequacy of feeding, there are certain criteria:

  • restoration of body weight at birth by the 10th day of life with an initial loss of 10%;
  • 6 - 18 wet diapers per day;
  • the child poops 6 - 10 times a day;
  • positive oxytocin reflex;
  • audible swallowing of the baby while sucking.

Seventh rule: accounting possible feeding problems

  • flat or inverted nipples... In some cases, by the time of childbirth, this difficulty is resolved by itself. Others must remember that the baby, when sucking, should capture both the nipple and most of the areola. Try to stretch the nipple yourself before feeding. Find a suitable feeding position. For many mothers, a comfortable position is "from under the arm." Use silicone pads. If the breast is tight and the newborn has a hard time sucking from it, express. The breasts will become softer in 1 - 2 weeks. And the child will not be deprived of mother's milk.

There is no need to try to "stretch" the nipples before childbirth. Excessive stimulation will lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus. Over time, an actively sucking child will normalize everything.

  • cracked nipples... The basis of prevention is correct attachment to the breast. If cracks appear, use silicone pads. Apply lanolin ointment and Bepanten as often as possible. If the cracks are deep and the feeding is painful, use a breast pump;
  • milk outflow... Easily solved by using special inserts. They are disposable and reusable;
  • There is a lot of milk, and the child chokes on it... Strain some of the front milk. When feeding, it will flow out under less pressure;
  • swelling of the mammary glands... Occurs when milk overflows. The chest is painful, swollen, hot to the touch, and very tight. Milk does not flow out of it. When this problem occurs, it is necessary to remove the milk from the breast faster. Give your baby a touch or pump often. Take a warm shower before feeding. Massage your breasts gently. This will improve churn. Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling after feeding;
  • lactostasis and mastitis... Occur when the milk ducts are blocked. The body temperature rises, the chest hurts, the place of stagnation turns to stone. Expression is painful. A warm shower, gentle breast massage and frequent latching of a baby come to the rescue. When an infection joins, it is necessary to take antibiotics.

Infectious mastitis is a formidable complication that requires medical attention. Failure to convert is fraught with surgical intervention up to the loss of the breast.

  • lactation crises... They develop at 3 - 6 weeks, at 3 - 4 and 7 - 8 months of a child's life. During these periods, the most important thing is to apply more often and be sure to feed the baby at night. Drink lemon balm, fennel and cumin teas. Rest and eat well.

Feeding a baby with breast milk is a time consuming but naturally delightful process. Remember this and everything will work out.

Correct attachment of the baby to the breast is the key to successful feeding. Improper attachment leads to chest discomfort, cracked nipples, milk stagnation, and even mastitis. In addition, with improper breastfeeding, the baby may not receive the required amount of milk, which will lead to inhibition of the development and growth of the baby.

  • Begin to apply to the breast in the first hours after childbirth. It enhances milk production and normalizes lactation;
    Wash your hands with soap and water before each feeding;
  • It is enough to wash your breasts twice a day with warm water. when washing, use only neutral liquid soap. Regular soap irritates the skin. Do not dry your breasts with a towel, use napkins;
  • Use breast pads. The pads absorb excess milk, provide hygiene and protect against infections. It is necessary to change such inserts as they get wet;
  • If you are concerned about cracks and abrasions on your nipples, lubricate them with special products after feeding. It can be sea buckthorn and chamomile oil, ointments containing purified vitamin A. However, remember that many products must be washed off before feeding. Read and follow the instructions carefully;
  • Watch your diet. Products that a nursing mother eats pass through milk into the baby's body. How to eat right, you can read in the article;
  • Correct attachment to the breast is affected by the baby's grip on the nipple. Make sure that the baby captures the nipple and areola (the part near the nipple);
  • The correct seizure largely depends on the position of the baby and the nursing one when feeding. The nose and cheeks should fit snugly against the chest;
  • Make sure that the baby sucks one breast to the end and only then transfer it to the other. It is best to alternate breasts after 3 hours, since first there is liquid milk, and only then fatty;
  • Do not force feed your baby and do not rush to breastfeed. Wait while he starts looking for her himself. It is also better to feed on demand rather than on schedule;
  • Make sure your baby is full. When the baby is full, he releases the breast or falls asleep. Correct feeding will ensure normal weight gain and harmonious development of the newborn.

Attachment technique

To organize the correct attachment, the baby's nose must be at the level of the nipple. You need to tickle the upper lip of the newborn with a nipple. So the baby will wake up the sucking reflex, and the mouth will open wide. When feeding, it is important that the baby's mouth is wide open!

When the baby opens his mouth, insert the chest as deep as possible. Make sure that there is a grip on both the nipple and the area around it. This area is called the areola. The child's body should be as close to the mother's body as possible, and the head should be able to move freely. To do this, just hold the head slightly.

Pay attention to how the capture takes place and how the feeding process itself goes:

  • The baby's breast captures the nipple and areola with a radius of 2-2.5 cm;
  • The baby's lips, especially the lower one, are turned outward. The angle between the lips is approximately 130 degrees;
  • The cheeks are not pulled in and together with the nose are tightly attached to the chest. In this case, the nose should not sink in the chest;
  • When breastfeeding, the baby is turned with his tummy to his mother, his face to the nipple;
  • The child freely adjusts the position of the nipple in the mouth;
  • The baby must take the nipple himself. Forcing the nipple into the mouth will result in improper grip. If the baby has captured only the tip of the nose. The baby's mouth is wide open;
  • The baby sucks with deep, shallow rhythmic movements. At the same time, swallowing of milk is audible;
  • If the breasts are too tight and too full, you can express the milk a little.

It is important that when feeding, the mother does not experience discomfort. This sometimes causes chest pains, cracks and abrasions on the nipples, which subsequently leads to mastitis.

If the baby has not picked the breast correctly, stop latching. It is easy to pick up the nipple by placing your little finger in your chest. However, it is possible to adjust the grip without taking out the breast. To do this, turn out the lips after the baby has taken the nipple. It is easy to reach the breast through the corner of the baby's mouth.

The tighter the baby is applied, the better the feeding will be. If you are experiencing pain while breastfeeding, slide your baby down.

It often happens that the initial seizure is correct. However, then the baby begins to slide and only grabs the nipple. If this happens, lower the baby's chin with your finger and pull the lower lip slightly. It is important that the baby's head remains slightly tilted back.

Breastfeeding positions

To ensure proper grip, it is necessary to find a comfortable position for latching on the newborn. A suitable position is “relaxed feeding”. The woman is reclining or half-sitting, leaning on pillows.

Skin-to-skin contact plays an important role in breastfeeding, so the baby should be applied to the bare breast. Choose a position so that the baby's body is closer to the mother's body, and the baby's head is slightly thrown back.

Pose Peculiarities Description
Cradle (classic) The baby lies in her arms, like in a cradle. The versatile posture is suitable for newborns and one-year-olds and can be used in semi-sitting, semi-recumbent, and even standing positions. At the bend in the elbow of one hand, the head is located, with the other hand, the baby is wrapped around and supports the back. The baby and mother lie belly to belly. The baby's mouth is opposite the nipple.
Cross cradle Helps and corrects grip. Thus, it is easy to move your head closer to the nipple. Support the head with both hands. With one palm from the breastfeeding side, and the other, which you hold the baby's body.
From under the arm (from under the arm) Used in the reclining position of a nursing mother. In this case, the breast is given to the baby as if from above. This position prevents milk stagnation. Therefore, apply it at least once a day. The woman is reclining on her side, leaning on her forearm and thigh. The baby is placed on a pillow perpendicular to the mother's body. The head is held with the palm of the hand.
Lying on my hand Relaxes the back and rests the nursing mother. She is comfortable sleeping together. Mom and baby lie facing each other on their sides. To make the baby taller and easily reach the nipple, place the baby on a pillow. With her lower hand, the woman hugs the baby so that her head lies on this hand.
Lying from the upper chest This position is used if it is necessary to change the breast, however, shifting the baby or turning over to the other side is accompanied by difficulties. However, the position puts a strong load on the supporting arm, so it is difficult to feed for a long time in this way. Mom and newborn lie opposite each other on their sides. The woman lifts herself up with her lower arm and gives the newborn the upper breast. For convenience, the baby is also placed on a pillow.
Baby on mom It is used in the first months after childbirth, when lactation is established. This position stimulates the intestines of the baby, which relieves colic and increased gas production. The newborn lies on the mother, belly to belly. The head is slightly turned to one side.
Overhang Prevents milk stagnation. It is suitable for babies who have a hard time sucking on their own. She also helps if the baby does not want to breastfeed. When feeding, the baby is placed on a changing table or bed. mom leans over the child. The newborn's head is slightly turned to one side.

Each breastfeeding position can be changed with a pillow. Placing a pillow under the arm will support the nursing mother and relieve stress. In addition, such feeding will ensure proper attachment and feeding of the baby.