Cool Halloween party at home! The best games with friends, contests and sweepstakes! Witch party

All Saints' Eve, or popularly Halloween, is the most popular holiday in America. Since he "synthesized" many different traditions in himself, he can be successfully used to stylize any holiday. For example, birthday. In our article we will talk about the basic rules for decorating this holiday in a "creepy style".

Feast of evil spirits - the main concept

On the night that marks the transition from October to November (from 31 to 1), evil spirits descend on the earth. People came up with a kind of protection - to mingle with the crowd of evil spirits and buy off their sweets. therefore seemingly such an eerie holiday does not carry anything negative, therefore, the main idea can be safely shifted to the celebration of the anniversary. Moreover, it will be relevant for birthday people of all ages. The basic concept is creating an atmosphere of a "creepy" holiday without the need to intimidate anyone... It's like a parody of a horror movie - fun in scary costumes.

The abode of evil spirits, or how to decorate the hall

It is possible to hold such a themed birthday with equal success both at home and in a restaurant. To do this, it is only enough to decorate the hall in the gloomy color scheme characteristic of this holiday (black, gray, blood red, orange, and so on) and attributes:


To create a dark atmosphere it is necessary to minimize lighting.

  • First of all, you need to exclude sunlight, which evil spirits do not like so much: for this you need to darken the windows with dark thick curtains. To complete the picture, add creepy little things - bats, pumpkins with eyes and grins, devils, and so on. The easiest way is to draw on whatman paper, cut and secure with safety pins. Another option is to make an imitation of the night sky on the curtains. To do this, you need to decorate them with stars and a moon, which will be cut out of glowing paper (fluorescent) or foil.
  • Be sure to make a dim light. The easiest way is to hang ordinary New Year's garlands, adding a little "horror". For example, weave it with a spider web of threads and plant large shaggy spiders.
  • Homemade lamps and ordinary floor lamps, decorated in the appropriate spirit, are suitable as additional light. For example, you can cut out silhouettes of monsters or monsters from sticky black paper, stick them on cans (or paint with paint - stained glass or acrylic is suitable) and put candles inside: this way, you get an eerie play of light and shadow.


It is very important to decorate the walls in an appropriate spirit.

  • Fit monster and ghoul posters... By the way, many famous rock bands look like a bunch of vampires and witches, so posters with them will also perfectly fit into the atmosphere.
  • Very easy to cut from white Whatman paper ghost silhouette and attach to double-sided tape or needles. In the same way, are done skeletons.
  • If it is possible to place a mirror (or it already exists), then decorate it with traces of "blood". This can be done with paints or lipstick. The cut-outs will look very colorful on the front doors. death silhouettes.


As in any other holiday, balloons and decorations from them will look advantageous. Here you either need to follow the basic color scheme (black and orange), or buy balloons with the appropriate Halloween symbols. Helium balloons will look interesting: in this case, they completely (or partially) cover the ceiling space and practically leave no white spots.

If possible, the agency will order them to make thematic figures from balls - skeletons, pumpkins, devils, spiders and so on. In addition, there are the same curly balls on sale, but they do not look so interesting and believable.

Thematic props

Specialty stores sell a lot of thematic props (canned eyes and hands in jars, statuettes of witches and tombstones, skulls, and so on). The most primitive can be done independently:

  • Pumpkin - the main decoration of the holiday and it is very simple to make it. A hole is made in the upper part of the pumpkin and the whole core with seeds is taken out. Determine where the muzzle will be, cut out a stencil with eyes and a smile, and draw along the contour with a needle (after that it is cut out along it). If you are not sure what will turn out beautifully or you cannot cut it straight, you just need to paint it with black paint through the same stencil. It is advisable to make a lot of such pumpkins and place them throughout the hall: in the corners on the floor, on shelves, or to build some kind of stuffed animal (put it on a stick and make a kind of shirt out of a white sheet).

  • Small scraps of fabric are made ghosts and hung on a chandelier. They are also good for decorating chairs - just hang them on a chair and attach the cut out eyes and mouth.


The musical accompaniment should create the atmosphere of a real coven. For this, compositions by famous rock artists, soundtracks for films about vampires and werewolves, and so on are perfect.

A creepy feast, or how to decorate a festive table

Photo: Halloween-style birthday dishes

This holiday should be accompanied by a special table with terrible dishes. But this does not mean that you will have to offer guests some inedible muck - everything can be made from familiar products, having played a little with the design details:

  1. Any dish can be decorated with black olives spiders: from one half - the body, and from the second cut the legs.
  2. We decorate the top of any salad in the form of an unpretentious cobweb with soy sauce or mayonnaise (to which you need to add food coloring).
  3. Give preference to red drinks - wine, juice (tomato, cherry, pomegranate), fruit drink (currant, cranberry) and so on. For interest, on each bottle over the label we glue a new name, for example, "Vampire Drink" and so on.
  4. The easiest way is to bake cookies in the form of skulls or the same pumpkins. Alternatively, cut from white bread and dry in a toaster.
  5. The central decoration of the table can be a large painted pumpkin, to which skewers with canapes (for example, from cheese and olives) will be attached on the top of the head.

Photo: Halloween-style birthday table decoration

You can decorate the table as follows:

Pickled Brains

Pour weak tea into a jar (so that it shines through) and put a head of cauliflower, after removing the leaves. It looks very believable and you can place several copies in the middle of the table.

Bloody hand

Pour water into a large dish and mix with red dye. Pour the same liquid into a rubber or cellophane glove and freeze. Before the start of the holiday, put it in a prepared bloody bowl and fix it. Throughout the entire feast, the hand will gradually melt, and the fingers will fall off.


Familiar pumpkin faces can be made from oranges or tangerines. To do this, stick the carnation twigs into the orange so that you get eyes and a grin. If all these elements are present on the table, then you should not overload the design with unnecessary trifles: let it be a white tablecloth, white dishes, transparent glasses and orange or red napkins.

Party of witches and ghouls, or which dress code to set

Before thinking over the dress code, you need to think in what format the birthday will be held:

  • If all guests are informed in advance about the theme of the festival, then you can offer options for outfits. The downside is that someone won't want to cook and buy a special suit. And someone may not try hard, fearing to look too "in the subject." To do this, you need to warn that without a suit, they say, we will not be allowed, and well, at least some creepy accessory and observance of the main color are enough.
  • The surprise party will be very interesting for guests when, instead of a standard feast, they are greeted by a birthday boy dressed up according to all the rules and an original atmosphere. In this case, the birthday boy will have to take care of the costumes for the guests and the make-up artist who will do the “scary” make-up (something like a dedication).

The most popular female looks are:

  1. witch;
  2. imp;
  3. drowned woman;
  4. the heroine from The Addams Family;
  5. a nurse smeared with blood and so on.

Men can become:

  1. vampires;
  2. count Dracula;
  3. zombie;
  4. ghosts;
  5. the devil;
  6. death.

In fact, there are no restrictions, the main thing - compliance with the eerie atmosphere of the holiday. We suggest you watch a video showing how to create a simple but beautiful Halloween makeup:\u003dKZM2YdlRroE

Let's play, or what kind of contests to hold

No even the most enchanting design and costumes can replace fun contests and dances:

If you decide to spend your birthday in a terrifying atmosphere and with bloodthirsty guests, then Halloween is the most suitable theme for this.

Sports and entertainment holiday "Sabbat of evil spirits" is held in the summer health camp. Children of all ages take part with great pleasure. The holiday is held on the eve of the day of Ivan Kupala.

Equipment: Leading costumes; watercolors, jars of water, spell text, fern branches with flowers (you can artificial or live fern branches with flowers attached to them); cones foam rubber sponges; brooms; buckets.

Before the start of the holiday, fern twigs are hidden in the grass (according to the number of teams).

Can't be found longer than a day
than in front of her.
Not to be found shorter
This summer night ...
Sergey Belorusets ...

Presenter: Tomorrow, July 7, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity of the honest glorious prophet John the Baptist - the baptist of the Lord. The people, however, spoke of this biblical character as of Ivan the sorcerer, Ivan-Kupala. The main festive rites were performed on the night of Ivan Kupala. And this Night is magical. Sleep is not supposed, because on this very short night all evil spirits come to life - witches, werewolves, mermaids, snakes. To protect against them, it was necessary to scatter magic herbs in the most vulnerable places of the house. Many miraculous events, according to our ancestors, took place on Midsummer's night. But the most important magic is the fiery fern flower. The lucky man who managed to find this flower will open all the treasures, he will become strong and begin to understand the language of animals and birds, and most importantly, he will find out where the gathering of evil spirits is and will be able to attend their holiday, if, of course, he wants to.

Do you want to visit the feast of evil spirits? Then go in search of a spell. The only clue is a fern leaf in bloom. Its flower is unusual. Each petal has a part of the spell. Only by adding all the parts, we will be able to find out the meeting place of evil spirits. (The teams are looking for a fern).


As on Bald Mountain
The bonfire stands
For a witch to be a snake
Turn into black smoke
Between birches and bushes
The cobweb hangs
So that guys and girls
The way to block.

Presenter: You can get to Bald Mountain by cunning, assuming the form of evil spirits.

  • Body painting (in 10 minutes, with the help of paints, "turn" into witches, werewolves, etc.);
  • Come up with a team name;
  • Ominous cry

After completing the task, the teams go to the “Bald Mountain”, where they are placed around the “fire pit”. An excerpt from the opera "Peer Gynt" ("In the Cave of the Mountain King") is played.

The witch appears.

I am a witch, a witch, a witch
I don't like guys all !!!
Horrible horror stories
For them I will create
To cry, cry,
The kids were trembling.
This is a pleasure !!!
This is beauty !!!

Finally, I am among you, my disgusting, ugly tailed and horned ones. Fu-fu, something smelled of the Russian spirit! Has someone else sneaked into our Sabbath? Let me check you all. Prove to me that you are my relatives!

"Amateur performances". (Each detachment prepared in advance either a dance or a verse - a horror story).

Witch: All the same, I do not believe you that there are only devils here - the leshachata gathered. I will torture you myself.

The witch holds contests:

  • Make the most terrible face;
  • Who is more terrible to "ride" on a broomstick around the fire;
  • Who will surprise you with anything;


  • Who is worse to read the spell:

Shimba-amba-ramba !!!

(For the prizes, the witch prepared: "dope-herb").

You bellowed, you growled
You were angry with each other,
Now prove to me
That you cherish the black power.
Stay tight in the saddle?
Fly on a broomstick!

Relay "Flyers". The first player "sits down" on the broom and "flies" to the flag. He returns, takes the second player and runs with him to the flag, returns. The first player gets off the broom, and the second player takes the third and they run together to the flag, etc.

Here is a spruce cone,
Strong, heavy.
You need to get into the wrong eye,
And here in this copper basin.

Relay "Zakidushki". Each player on the team is given two bumps. Players take turns running up to the mark and throwing cones into the pots. The team with the most bumps in the pelvis wins.

Now, my friends,
We need "living" water.
Devil, devil!
Come on, evil spirits, hurry up!
Pour water into the bucket!

Relay "Nalivashki". There are two buckets in front of each team: one with water, one empty. Using a foam sponge, the team players take turns “transferring” water from one bucket to another (within a certain period of time). The team with the most water in the bucket wins.

Witch: Well, you made me happy. Oh, rejected, oh, it's hot! And it's time for me to take a nap. And you have fun with all the heart to catch fear in everyone.

(The witch leaves)

Presenter: Guys, while the witch is sleeping, I propose to light a fire and dance around the fire to gain health and vigor, and for one thing we will burn the witch's evil spirits.

All children repeat after the leader.

Burn, burn clearly
In order not to go out!

A dance is performed around the fire.

A witch appears, disguised as Summer.

These are miracles!
Is it a dream, is it real
Our witch was
Seems not so dressed!

I rested a little,
And it happened - the same, friends,
Wonderful! Wonderful things!
I was cleansed of evil.
I was a wicked old woman
Not funny and lame.
And now - I'm red Summer,
I see you are dressed warmly.
Take all your clothes off
And weave it into a string!

Rope game. Team players take off their clothes and tie a rope out of them. The team with the longer rope wins.

Summarizing. Rewarding.


I brought gifts
But I myself will not eat them,
I will share the guys with all.
Become one at a time
I give out gifts.

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, gifts are handed out, after which a disco is arranged.




All blogs are already preparing for Halloween - they make decorations, congratulations mumble ... I also want to insert my 5 kopecks into the common cauldron))) What is typical - a witch's cauldron ...

For mothers with children, I want to offer my own version of the celebration of the party in honor of All Saints Day. I didn’t celebrate this holiday - somehow I wasn’t imbued with this holiday, but once we organized a "Witchcraft Party" for a children's birthday.

I came up with the script myself, published it at the Forum "Toastmaster Plus", now I don't even remember - in whole or in part. But in general - this is my author's script (this is for plagiarism - if anything)))

Tamada Plus is a closed forum, where you had to write 50 messages to open access to the materials. At one time I did all this and hung out there, when I was a little engaged in organizing holidays for myself and for work. But I'm not a professional toastmaster, so I appeared there periodically, and then they changed the rules and closed access again, now there is access for money, so I can't give a link or at least see what I posted there. But this is all mine, invented and tested on my own child)))

Maybe someone will come in handy - throw a party for the kids. I ask only in case of using my developments on the Web to give a link to my blog - well, it will be so honest, right?

I arranged this holiday for Katyushka's 9th birthday - well, you can take a plus / minus year, it will be difficult for kids before - only if you don't do all the contests, selectively. But in general, it can be useful as separate ideas for the holiday.

So - "Witchcraft Party", the holiday is arranged according to the type quest - search for treasures by scraps. I will split the script into several posts - as there are many)))

Preparation for the holiday

Party invitation I did in Photoshop this type

Distributed to all those invited.

It was planned 6 people together with Katya - there is not enough space, they did not invite a lot, but in the end - who got sick (the frost was still over 35, the school was canceled), who left, who was punished - they were not allowed to the party ... Katya was left alone girlfriend, we had to celebrate in small composition)))

Preliminary preparation was small - time was running out there, they did not have time to decorate everything - just a little: black and simple balls with painted faces of evil spirits - they inflated and hung everywhere, a kind of cobweb was screwed on the ceiling - the threads were entangled, they made ghosts from paper towels (then I will show which ). We hung these ghosts on the web. And that's all.

Children's table cooked also in the style of the holiday. The food is the most ordinary - what all children usually love - Olivier, pizza, but decorated with plates with the names of the dishes. It was funny - while they read it, they would laugh. She poured drinks (majetel, cola, tomato juice and multifruit) into unidentified bottles - they were interested in trying what where. I also changed the plugs - otherwise you can give yourself away - Pepsi / Cola is very recognizable - the children are flogging in))) It looked something like this:

Now I would use scrapers to make out ... but then - just printouts

I also looked for and bought sweets of the same theme - sour worms, some beetles and spiders, gummy frogs, and even jelly jaws - were popular)))

Sample menu:

1. Witch's Swamp Berries - Grapes
2. Pizza - Pie with triton tails (with shrimps), Toadstools with troll meat (with sausage and mushrooms)
3. Slicing - cucumbers (Shrek's fingers (slicing)), tomatoes (dragon heart), pepper (mandrake root), sausage (old Joe's remains) - you can make kebabs
4. Drinks - tomato juice - "dragon's blood", Schweppes - "Tears of a ghost baby", majetel - "Love potion" cocktail, sprite - "Drake willow juice", orange juice - "Snake venom", cola - "Black magician's cocktail",
5. Fruit and berry salad with ice cream, sprinkled with whipped cream on top (puffed out of a bottle).
6. Hot - mashed potatoes or pasta with cutlets (meatballs), kebabs
7. Sweet - jelly candies - vampires and worms
8. The cake is of a gloomy design, such as a spider with a cobweb - made of "clay sprinkled with road dust". The top of the cake was watered with the same "mud" (chocolate cake with nuts, covered with the same pudding, and sprinkled with cocoa powder on top). It was washed down with carbonated "crocodile tears" (mineral water).

You can also add such names: "Tears of a Frog", "Unicorn Horn", "Phoenix Beak", "Living Water", "Dead Water", "Lovely Potion Cocktail", "Kashchei's Favorite Sandwich", canapes "Spell of the Fish Mage", "Tears of a Little Ghost" ...

Food - as convenient - you can at the beginning, you can at the end. My ate at the end - since I was very impatient to find out what kind of entertainment they had prepared for them, they immediately refused to eat. I gave some food in the middle of the trip.

I also did like memorials for the holiday... These are the A5 format, folds in half - like a postcard

Here is, finally, the long-promised report on our witch party... After and "" it seemed like there was no need to worry about the success of the event, but there were much more guests than usual, and the kids grew up. In general, I am writing about how the mystical and fun party for grown-up children went.

So, for her 11th birthday, my daughter ordered the theme of the party neither more nor less - vampire... I am not ready to prepare such a topic by 100%, so I decided to do “ coven“And who will fly or come to her ... In general, they sent out and distributed invitations.

At parting, guests were handed out pleasant surprises, balloons and certificates for parents:

On the whole, the evening was a success. As the guests later told, “the beginning was not very good, and then it was cool”. I came to the conclusion that the children will most likely spend the next birthday on their own.

Still interesting:

Discussion: 12 comments

    1. Reply

  1. And in childhood, we also tried to come up with holiday scenarios in advance, however, without parents.
    And what, I wonder, did not attract the guests of the mummy's eye? Although it sounds scary%) 😀

Every girl wants to turn her bachelorette party into something special. The original scenario of the event will help make the holiday on the eve of the wedding fun and memorable. The style of the bachelorette party "Witches Sabbath" will immerse those present in the mysterious atmosphere of the magical world.

Selecting and decorating a place

For a bachelorette party in the style of a Sabbath, a noisy restaurant, a bathhouse, and even more so a fun nightclub are not suitable. To ensure "full immersion", the holiday is best spent in nature, at night. Renting a house in a wooded area will help to carry out this bachelorette party - there you can kindle a fire and dance around it, sing songs under the moon, guess and have fun.

Old books with yellowed paper, stuffed bats, large candles of unusual shapes, pumpkins, which are used during Halloween, will help to decorate the place for the hen party of the Sabbath. A pentagram made of stones on the street or with the help of other improvised means at home will give a bachelorette party a mysterious atmosphere.

It is important to choose the appropriate music for the background of the holiday - it should not be danceable or too slow. Rhythmic instrumental accompaniment with sound electronic effects, deep rhythms of drums will do.

How and whom to invite?

When holding a bachelorette party in the style of a coven of witches, it is necessary to make thematic cards with an invitation. Friends should be invited several weeks in advance so that they have time to prepare. It will be interesting if the invitation is delivered by a courier disguised as a devil.

The text of the note could be: “Greetings, dear (Girlfriend's name)! Having climbed to the top of the magical Bald Mountain, we will arrange our witch's sabbath in order to contact the otherworldly forces and get permission from them to hold my imminent wedding, otherwise we will not escape punishment! The collection of witches will be (address, place name, time). After reading the note, burn it! Come over. (Name of the bride) ".

Only your closest friends should be invited to the bachelorette party, who will gladly share your idea of \u200b\u200bholding the event.

What to wear?

For the Sabbath, you need to dress appropriately, so different variations of witch costumes will do. Clothing colors - black, red, blue, marsh. A long dark dress will perfectly reflect the style of a bachelorette party, but it is possible to create an image of a sexy witch. The fabrics can be torn, frayed, and the color or texture of the bride's outfit may differ from the rest.

As for hats, pointed hats are suitable for the Sabbath, and carnival masks can hide the face. The image of the queen of the celebration will be complemented by an unusual black diadem. The broom is the perfect accessory to a witch's outfit.

In addition to witches, other types of magical creatures can be present at a bachelorette party - features with horns and a tail, magical forest fairies, black-winged angels.


A varied menu in the style of a bachelorette party will delight arriving guests. Suitable for various meat dishes, salads, the use of edible decorations - spiders from olives, mice cooked from eggs. The table can be decorated with fruits carved with runes, and at the end of a bachelorette party, a delicious themed cake will be appropriate. Dishes can also be coven-style - they should be old, pretentious, slightly worn.


Dark eyeshadows, bright lipstick, well-defined cheekbones are the perfect makeup for a witch at the Sabbath. Don't be afraid to overdo it - the style of this bachelorette party allows for mixing colors.


To make a witch's hairstyle, use high comb, large lush curls, create the effect of poorly combed hair. The main thing is volume. Unusual weaves are also suitable for a coven bachelorette party.


The program of each bachelorette party, regardless of the style of the event, requires fun noisy games and competitions. At the Sabbath holiday, you can arrange a competition for carving a face in a pumpkin - this item symbolizes the end of the harvest, protects from the dark forces. This will not only become a funny, interesting action, but also provide the room with additional decor. When guests are tired of having fun, play an appropriate movie by aiming the projector beam at the wall or curtains. This will give an additional mystical effect.


An obligatory part of a Sabbath bachelorette party is fortune-telling. They need to be carried out using candles, spells, cards. They will help you find out the sex of the unborn child, the number of children, the husband's abilities, and also determine how great the family happiness will be.


It was customary for witches at all times to give each other small souvenirs, denoting their location and affection. At the bachelorette party, the Sabbath must keep this tradition. Gifts can be in the style of the event - runes, pendants with magic symbols, books, or in the form of ordinary pleasant things - postcards, jewelry, cosmetics.

DIY suit

Watch a video on creating a costume in the style of a sexy witch. This guide will help you dress easily for an event like this:


An invitation of a professional photographer will be a great addition to a bachelorette party. Original costumes, treats, a thematically decorated place are worth capturing them in pictures. These photos will delight the bride and girlfriends years later.

The hen party, which is held in the style of the witches' Sabbath, is a beautiful and atmospheric holiday. The girls visiting the bride will surely get a lot of positive emotions and impressions.

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