The project "Secrets of Friendship" for children of the middle group. Social project "about friendship and friends"

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Arkhangelsk secondary school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Krasnov V.M."

Project on

Prepared and conducted

primary school teacher and

librarian Suslina E.V.

year 2013

    Abstract…………………………………………………… page 3 Relevance………………………………………………….. page 3 Project Goal………………………………………………… page 4 Project objectives……………………………………………… page 4 Formed UUD………………………………………… page 4 Methodological passport of the project………………………….. page 5 Work on the project…………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….p. 6 - 7 Results and viability of the project……………… page 8 References………………………………… page 8 Appendix ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
This project is aimed at developing in children the main quality for communication in life - friendship.

Most beautiful

gift after wisdom,

which could

give us nature

is friendship.

La Rochefoucauld.

Spiritual and moral development and education of junior schoolchildren is the basis of all foundations. From what the teacher has invested in the soul of the child at this age, it will depend on what he himself will achieve in the future, how he will build his relations with the world around him.

Therefore, upbringing should contribute to the development and formation of the child's personality, all its spiritual and physical strengths and abilities; lead each child to a new worldview, a worldview based on the recognition of universal human values ​​as a priority in life.

One of the priority tasks of the state in the field of education is defined in the standards of the new generation, which focuses on "educating the young generation in the spirit of high morality."

GEF IEO is implemented through the curriculum and extracurricular activities of the educational institution, where the library occupies an important place in the formation of the personality in the spiritual, moral, social, general intellectual and general cultural direction. The school library is a non-age space, an over-subject study, where the process of educating and educating a student's personality takes place in an informal setting.

To achieve success in the field of spiritual and moral development and education in elementary school, it is important to organize the lesson as a project activity, permeated with highly moral relations.

Each librarian, working with children, does everything to ensure that children become friendly, united. That is why it is necessary to spend library hours with children with elements of project activities about friendship in order to once again show the children how important it is to be friendly, help each other, and be there in difficult times.

This is how the idea of ​​creating the project “Let's live together!” arose.


formation of the idea of ​​friendship as the most important human value.


to form skills of constructive behavior in friendly relations;
develop communication skills, associative thinking;
to cultivate a sense of belonging to each other, understanding and respect for one's own dignity;

to promote the development of friendly relations among children; emotional sphere of personality;

cultivate a sense of collectivism, tolerant attitude towards each other.

Formed UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

    process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the group;

    be aware of the cognitive task;

Regulatory UUD:

    be able to work on assignments;

    be able to express thoughts in a clear logical sequence, defend theirpoint of view, analyze the situation and independently find answers to questions through logical reasoning;

    determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of a librarian.

Communicative UUD:

    be able to work in a team; be able to talk about your results.

    be able to work on a project in a group, effectively distribute responsibilities.

Methodological passport of the project.

form of work : extracurricular


    multimedia projector, screen;

    presentation for the event;

    CD with fragments of songs about friendship;

    exhibition of books "Books about friendship";

    book - baby "Proverbs about friendship";

    wall newspaper "My friends".

Project work.

    motivational stage. Formulation of the problem.
A social survey was conducted among students in grades 2 and 3 to identify answers to the questions posed: - What is friendship? - What and how is friendship manifested? - Do we need friendship in our time? be a friend- What rules of friendship do you know? The results of the survey showed that not all children have friends at school, not everyone understands what and how friendship manifests itself, and cannot name the qualities of a true friend. That is why the need for this project arose.
    Preparatory stage (distribution of tasks, definition of tasks).
At this stage, the goals and objectives of the project were determined. The librarian forms a positive motivation for students to discuss and offers activities for each group of students.

Group name

    Information stage.
At this stage, the guys collect material, work with fiction and other sources, and directly carry out the project. The librarian supervises, coordinates the work of groups, individually advises students, is himself a source of information and helps in creating products of activity.
    Reflective-evaluative stage.
Pupils participate in collective discussion and meaningful evaluation of the results and the work process. The work of each group was evaluated according to the following criteria:
    the quality of work on the topic; independence of work on the project; artistry and expressiveness of performance; credibility of the presentation.
The librarian acts as a participant in the collective evaluation activity. The actual presentation of the library project was held at the school on February 18, 2013 with the invitation of class teachers of students in grades 2-3, the teacher-organizer and parents.

Project results.

The implemented project activities allowed:

    to form in children a holistic view of friendship;

    to cultivate a sense of belonging to each other, understanding and respect for one's own dignity;

    promote the development of friendly relations in the team; emotional sphere of personality;

    develop communication skills, cognitive interest and creativity;

    to strengthen the interaction between children, parents and the librarian.

project viability.
The project can later be used by class teachers at class hours and parent meetings of the spiritual and moral direction; a teacher-organizer at extracurricular activities to educate the personal qualities of younger students. Product Presentation:
Library hour "Let's live together!" (Annex 1)

Used Books.

1. Spiritual and moral development and education of younger students. Guidelines in 2 parts, edited by A. Ya. Danilyuk, Moscow, "Enlightenment", 2011.2. Magazine "Primary School" No. 6, 2010.3. Handbook of the class teacher grades 1-4, N.I. Derekleeva, "VAKO" M., 2005. 4. Cool clock, issue 3, authors - compilers: Ustsova N.I., Dyuldenko D.V. and others, Volgograd, 2008.5. Newspaper "Pedagogical Council" No. 5, 20106. Internet materials.

library hour

"Let's live in peace!"

- to form the concept of “friendship” and the rules of friendship among younger students; - reveal the personal and social significance of friendship;
- to expand and deepen the idea of ​​children about a benevolent attitude towards the people around them;
- to expand knowledge about our region associated with the word "friendship".
2. Developing: - to develop creative abilities, initiative, cognitive activity; - to develop students' skills and abilities of self-assessment.
3. Educational: - to educate the good qualities of children, the ability to be friends and take care of each other; - to cultivate the ability to work in a group (skills of mutual assistance, trust in solving various problems); - to bring up pride for our Motherland, as for a single friendly multinational family. Equipment:
    recording of a song from the film "The Adventures of the Cat Leopold"; presentation; a fragment from the m / f "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat" explanatory dictionary by S. I. Ozhegov; books with texts of works; exhibition of books "Books about friendship"; wall newspaper "My friends"; recording fragments of melodies of songs about friendship;
    8. a ball of thread.

Event progress.

I. Organizing time.

1. Introduction by the librarian.

Hello, dear boys and girls, dear parents and guests! I'm glad to see you! I am sure that you are in a good mood today and I count on your support, help, fruitful cooperation and active participation in an open conversation.

2. Psychological mood.

- Stretch your arms forward, lift them up, spread them apart, put them on the shoulders of your neighbors and say: "It's great that we are all here today."

II. Introduction to the theme of the library hour.

And the topic of our conversation, I think, will be prompted by a fragment from the m / f "The Adventures of the Cat Leopold" (A song from the m / f "The Adventures of the Cat Leopold" sounds).

Have you guessed what the conversation will be about? (About friendship) Yes, indeed, we will talk about friendship.

Let's put things aside for "later", Let's talk about friendship, sing about friendship. Let the spark of friendship that we light together, Give us joy, warm us with warmth!

Why did we choose this topic today? (Answers of children).

III. Conversation with students on the topic.

And I would like to start our conversation with such a parable.

High, high in the mountains lived a shepherd. Once, on a stormy night, three knocked at his door.

- My hut is small, only one will enter. Who are you? the shepherd asked.

We are friendship, happiness and wealth. To whom to open the door - choose yourself!

The shepherd chose friendship. Friendship entered, happiness came, wealth appeared.

Formulation of the problem.

Guys, what was the problem facing the shepherd? (Children's answers: what to choose?)

What decision did he make? (Children's answers: he chose friendship)

Does this mean that friendship is simply necessary for every person? (Children's answers.)

Friendship has always been thought about. For example, the philosopher Socrates said: "No communication between people is possible without friendship." And today we will say the best words about friendship, about friends.

What do you think the word "friendship" means? (This is when people want to be together, when they trust something to each other, help each other, are happy for friends, they have secrets, etc.)

In dictionary S.I. Ozhegov such an explanation is given to the word "friendship". "Friendship" is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests.

And here is how your peers understand the word "friendship".

(Students read the poem "Friendship")

What is friendship? - I asked the bird.

This is when a kite flies with a tit. I asked the beast: - What is friendship? - This is when a fox hare does not need to be afraid. And then I asked the girl: - Friendship - what is it? - It is something huge, joyful, big. This is when the guys all at once, all play together. This is when the boys do not bully the girls. Everyone in the world should be friends: And animals, and birds, and children! -What do you think, how did it all start? Where did the word "friend" come from? (Answers of children). Let's listen to the poem that's called "The word friend."
Reader: When no one knew a word yet, neither "hello", nor "sun", nor "cow", The ancient man used to show his Fist or tongue to his neighbors and make faces (which is the same thing). But, a guttural sharp sound became a word, A more meaningful face, skill of a hand, And a man came up with the word "friend", He began to wait for a friend and yearn in separation, Thank him for my friends. How would I live, what would I do without them? Friends - people whom I love, I will never offend anything. Librarian:- Yes, the word friend has been known for a long time. But can all the people who surround us at school, in circles, in sections, be called friends? Who can we call a friend? What does it mean to be friends? - We will try to answer these questions today. - In preparation for our event, you united in groups to complete the tasks received. Let's listen and evaluate the result of your work. I think that you agree with this proposal?! Begin!

And now, I would like you to listen to another old and wise parable.

- Long ago, there lived a rich man in the mountains. He had a huge flock of sheep and as many friends. One day, trouble came to his house. Thieves broke into his sheepfold one night and stole all the sheep. When the owner came to the sheepfold in the morning to drive his flock out to pasture, not a single sheep was there. The owner of the sheepfold sighed heavily and began to cry. All his many years of work was in vain, and the family became impoverished overnight. Soon the whole district knew about the misfortune that had befallen the owner of the sheepfold. Another day passed, and at dawn the owner saw a cloud of dust on the road. It kept getting bigger and bigger. Soon he could see the people in the dust cloud. These were his friends. Each of his friends did not go empty-handed, but led a small flock of sheep. When they all entered his courtyard, he realized that his friends had come to help him. Since then, his herd has become several times larger than before. Every morning when he went to drive out his flock, he remembered the eyes of his friends who saved the life of his family.

The task of the "Collectors - Publishers" group was to find and explain the interpretation of proverbs about friendship. Let's listen to their performance.


We found proverbs about friendship and their interpretation. And they came to the conclusion that

“Proverbs say for a reason:

Can't live without them

They are great helpers.

And true friends in life

Proverbs contain folk wisdom. Although they are simple and short, they are rich in meaning. Each of them can serve as a motto for us in life.

Librarian :

Guys, what proverbs, in your opinion, very accurately express the meaning of the parable?

(“Do not have a hundred rubles, but have friends”, “Friends are known in trouble”). Agree, it is very good to have 100 rubles in your pockets and a hundred friends at the same time. But what is easier to find? It turns out that finding money is easier than finding a friend.

And who can we call a friend? (Students answer:

Friend is an interesting book.

A friend is a mother who will help in difficult times.

A friend is a librarian who helps to look into the secrets of books.

A friend is a toy that will listen to me when I feel bad).

Students read a poem by B. Zakhoder"We are friends".

In appearance we

Not very similar.

Petka is fat,

We are not the same, but still

You won't spill water on us!

The fact,

That he and I

Bosom friends!

We do everything together

Even together...

friendship friendship,

And we had a fight.

There was, of course, an important reason

It was a very important occasion!

Do you remember Petya?

Something, Vova,

And I forgot...

Nevermind! Fight honestly

As friends should:

I'll knock!

How I crack!

How will he give?

How can I give?

Briefcases soon came into play,

Books flew into the air.

In a word, I will not be modest -

The fight has gone anywhere!

Just look - what a miracle?

Water is running from us!

This is Vovka's sister

Poured us out of a bucket!

Water flows from us in streams,

And she still laughs:

You are really friends!

You can't spill water!

Librarian:- I think that these boys are still small and do not quite understand what friendship is, but they have the same interests, tastes, they like the same games. And over time, their friendship will become real, strong, faithful and long.

If you want to have a friend, then you yourself must be a real friend. - Why should peers be friends? (Children answer.) Conclusion: Peers have common interests, study, play, collective work.

Librarian:- Do you think a person can have many friends? (Children's answers.)

A person does not have many friends. There are comrades, friends, classmates. But a friend is dear, personal, close. A true friend knows how to support in difficult times, knows how to forgive.

I want to read you a poem by S. Pogorelov.

Kolka Gulyaev beat me: Why did I throw a snowball? But I did not roar at all, I silently swallowed my tears! Came home, slammed the door, Knocked down on the bed. And I believed in our friendship! But no more friendship! And they were going to share everything, Like real friends! One to ask for a ship: You are a sailor, I am a sailor! We wanted together around the world To swim far and wide Oh, Kolka, Kolka, what are you? Don't save this kind of friendship! You did not save a good dream, And that's the end of everything now! But whose steps do we have in the hallway? Who quietly opened the door? Yes, this is Kolka - so timidly He entered with his head bowed: Forgive me! Are you angry? For business! Trouble, I'm so hot! I go up to him to put up And I tell him: “Well! I'm not angry: why be angry? I knew that you would come!”
- Yes, true friendship will never break because of a trifle. And I think that the guys from this poem have a real friendship. - Now listen to the story of V. Oseeva "Before the first rain."

Tanya and Masha were very friendly and always went to school together. Either Masha came for Tanya, then Tanya - for Masha. One time, when the girls were walking down the street, it started to rain heavily. Masha was in a raincoat, and Tanya was in one dress. The girls ran.

Take off your cloak, we'll cover ourselves together! Tanya shouted as she ran.

I can't, I'll get wet! - bending down her head with a hood, Masha answered her.

At school, the teacher said:

How strange, Masha's dress is dry, and yours, Tanya, is completely wet. How did it happen? You were walking together, weren't you?

Masha had a cloak, and I walked in one dress, ”said Tanya.

So you could cover with one cloak, - said the teacher and, looking at Masha, shook her head. - It can be seen, your friendship until the first rain!

Both girls blushed deeply: Masha for herself, and Tanya for Masha.

Questions for children:

Why did the teacher say to the girls: "Your friendship until the first rain"? Why did Masha blush for Tanya? (Answers of children). Librarian:- Friendship must be protected, one must be able to be friends, true friendship is always disinterested. And that's how it happens. Today I am friends with Sasha, he gave me a disc with an interesting game, and tomorrow - with Masha, she gave me to write off my homework in mathematics, and in a day or two I am no longer friends with them, because I need to take something from Marina. Do you think this is true friendship? (Reflections guys). Discussion of problem situations in groups. - And now, guys, in groups, discuss the situations and answer the question: “What would I do?”1. Your friend hasn't done his homework and is asking for your notebook to write it down. (Answers of children).2. Your friend uses bad words and expressions. (Answers of children).3. Your friend gets bad grades in a quarter and you are not allowed to be friends with him. (Answers of children).4. Your friend does something bad and everyone will know about it, including you.5. Your friend suggests that you do something bad. (Answers of children).What do you guys think, what actions and actions contribute to the strengthening of comradely and friendly relations in the team? (Children's answers.)- Yes, only mutual assistance in studies, work, mutual assistance and support in overcoming difficulties encountered in studies and business will help strengthen comradely relations. You guys should know not to argue over trifles, to be conceited. If something turns out better, you need to teach your classmate.- It is necessary to show sensitivity and attention not only in big things, but also in small things, in everyday relationships.- The ability to make friends, to communicate with people, must be learned from childhood. You can't be indifferent to someone else's grief. You must always remember that a person lives once on Earth, so you need to do good every day. Reader:
A friend reminded me yesterday how much good he did me. He gave me a pencil once, I forgot my pencil case that day. In the wall newspaper, almost in every one, He mentioned me. I fell and got wet, He helped me dry. He did not spare a pie for a dear friend. He gave me a bite once, And now he presented the bill. Not attracted to me, guys, Not attracted to a friend anymore.
Librarian: Can this hero be called a true friend? If not, why not? (Children's answers.) Librarian: If people have the same interests, tastes or like the same games, activities, if they are kind and responsive, then friendship can be real, strong, faithful, long. Readers: Do not stand aside indifferently, When someone is in trouble. You can rush to the rescue at any moment, always. And if your kindness helps someone, your friendship, You are happy that the day was not lived in vain! You don't live in vain! Be cheerful, so that it becomes happier for the One with whom you make friends, So that everyone in life has enough Beautiful human kindness. You will hear someone's song, And it will become brighter around: The most magical miracle We call friendship for good reason. Librarian: - True friendship is known not only in trouble, but also in joy. - Listen to how this is said in A. Dementiev's poem.
A friend is known in luck. Just as sometimes as in trouble, If he doesn’t hide his soul, Doesn’t keep his feelings in check. eclipsed him, And, looking forward to your success, He will not forgive anything. He will not forgive ... But otherwise He will tell you about it. A friend is known in luck More sometimes than in trouble.

- Guys, do you have friends? Raise your hands who has. Can you explain why you call your relationship friendship? (Statements of students).

Now students groups "Designers - creators" talk about their friends. (Children show pictures of their friends and talk about them.) speaker: - Our group collected photos of their friends and designed just such a wall newspaper where you see them. Librarian:- Are there any children among you who are in a quarrel? I am very glad that all of you are a friendly team. Let's imagine what miracles can happen in our school if everyone around makes friends? (Student answers).- What a reliable and capacious word - friendship! You can be friends with everyone and with one person, but still the most important friendship begins in the family. After all, the family is the beginning of our life, we were born here, we grow up, we grow up. It is in the family that mothers read you the first fairy tales, stories about friendship. What fairy tales and stories about friendship do you remember? (Children's answers.) - And I suggest you listen carefully to the fable of L.N. Tolstoy "Father and Sons" and answer the question: What did the father teach his sons? The father commanded his sons to live in harmony; they didn't listen. So he ordered to bring a broom and said: - Break it. No matter how much they fought, they could not break. Then the father untied the broom and ordered to break one rod at a time. They easily broke the rods one by one. you will live in harmony, no one will overcome you; and if you quarrel, but all apart, everyone will easily destroy you. - So what did the father teach his children? (Student answers: live in harmony, together) - Now we will hold a quiz « Who is friends with whom? - I will call different heroes, different names, and you say who is friends with whom? Who needs whom? 1. Good Snow White and ... (seven dwarfs) 2. Funny Chipmunks Chip and ... (Dale)

3. Green crocodile Gena and (Cheburashka).

4. Trusting Pinocchio and (Malvina).

5. Funny Winnie the Pooh and (Piglet).

6. Which girl rescued her friend from ice captivity? Do you respect her actions and why? (Gerda rescued her friend Kai)

7. Carlson: "I am the sickest person in the world." He demanded medicine. The kid gave the medicine, to which Carlson said: "A friend saved a friend's life." What medicine did the Kid give Carlson? (raspberry jam)

8. The heroes of Ed. Uspensky - Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and Galya - decided to make friends. How did they do it? (We decided to build the House of Friendship, but while it was being built, everyone became friends).

9. Once four musicians got together and became friends. Together they gave concerts, together they drove out the robbers, they lived together without grieving. (Bremen town musicians: rooster, cat, dog, donkey).

10. Grigory Oster wrote many stories about the Parrot, the Boa constrictor, the Monkey and their friendly life in Africa. Who was fourth in the group of friends? (Elephant.) 11. The girl with blue hair had many friends, but one was always there. Who is he? (Poodle Artemon)12. Who was the first of the animals to set an example for the inhabitants of the jungle that one can be friends with a human cub? (Wolf Akela)

Librarian: - I give the floor to the guys group "Amateurs - readers" who prepared for us an exhibition of books about friendship.

Student's speech: - There are a lot of books about friendship and friends. By reading these books, you will get yourself real friends - literary heroes. (Review of the book exhibition)

L. Voronkova "Sunny Day" ("Girlfriends go to school"); V. Dragunsky "Childhood Friend", "Deniska's stories"; L. Kassil "My dear boys"; N. Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"; V. Oseeva "Three comrades", "Rain", "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades", G. Andersen "Thumbelina", R. Kipling "Mowgli", A. Gaidar "Timur and his team", etc.

The book is a teacher

The book is a mentor

The book is a close friend.

Librarian: - Poet M. Plyatskovsky and composer V. Shainsky, who wrote the song "Smile", think the same way. Let's remember the words of this song.

What is this song about? (children's answers: about a smile, about friendship, about the fact that friendship begins with a smile)

And what other songs about friendship are there, we will now hear from the guys group "Voiced Voices" who prepared a musical performance for us (Performance of the guys - see the appendix on the disk)

Librarian: Let's make our life good. Let's help each other in difficult times, let troubles bypass us. Well, if it happens, then let there always be relatives, close and reliable friends.

1 student: Friendship never knows borders, There are no barriers to friendship, Friendship is if children write Letters to children from another country. Friendship is peace on the whole planet Without orphans, without the horrors of war. 2 student: We are for peace, we are for friendship, Friendship of peoples throughout the Earth. 3 student: We want people to live together on our planet!
Librarian: Our homeland Russia is the largest country in the world. Representatives of more than 160 nationalities live in Russia, who speak more than 100 languages. Diverse, rich and multinational is our great country Russia. All its peoples are one big family, all of us, regardless of nationality and religion, call ourselves “Russians”. And to create a large and friendly family is always difficult. For centuries, spiritual traditions have evolved that unite all the nations and nationalities of our country. There are many of these traditions. But one - the kindest and most beautiful tradition - the friendship of the peoples of Russia. - In many cities of Russia there are monuments and monuments dedicated to the friendship of peoples. - For example, in Moscow at VDNKh there is a fountain "Friendship of Peoples" (slide 3). In the center of the fountain, above a mirror of water, rises a large golden sheaf of the main agricultural crops of our Motherland: sunflowers and wheat. The sheaf is surrounded by 16 sculptures of girls - collective farmers of different nationalities. - In our regional center, the city of Vladimir, there is also a park, which is called Friendship Park (slide 4), where you can walk along the alleys of the park, there is a small amusement park. It is always noisy and full of children here, you can ride on various swings - carousels, and you can also have a bite to eat in a cafe. - There is a house of Friendship (slide 5). The red brick building located on Cathedral Square in the city of Vladimir was built in 1907 by architect Yakov Revyakin. Money for the construction was collected by the Vladimir merchants. Initially, it housed the city Duma. In 1917 - the City Council of People's Deputies. From 1948 to 1985, pioneers were housed here and the building was called the Palace of Pioneers. In 2008, the reconstruction of the building was completed. Now it is the House of Friendship. It is planned to arrange receptions for guests from other regions and countries. The building also has hotel rooms, a concert hall and a place for negotiations. - Do you know that in many countries, including Russia, there are state awards awarded for strengthening friendship between peoples (slide 6) - Citizens are awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples Russia, enterprises, organizations, regions, cities for a great contribution to strengthening the friendship of peoples. - Annually On June 9, the world celebrates Friends Day. This holiday date is considered unofficial, but the reason for its creation does not lose its relevance (slide -7) - International Friends Day is simply created so that we, regardless of life circumstances and various ups and downs, remind our friends of how important they are to us and made them happy. Very few people in Russia know about this holiday. Meanwhile, International Friends Day is becoming more and more popular every year.

Guys, now you are just learning to be friends. And for friendship to be strong, you need to follow the rules.

What rules of friendship do you already know? (Answers of children).

There are many rules for friendship. If you follow these rules, you will become true friends.

Basic Rules of Friendship (slide 8)

    One for all and all for one.

    Be friends, do not offend friends and everyone around you.

    Respect each other and help each other.

    Rejoice with your friends.

    Do not leave your friends in trouble, do not let them down, do not betray, do not deceive, do not break your promises.

    Take care of your friends, because it is easy to lose a friend. An old friend is better than two new ones.


So let's be friends

Let us remember these verses more than once.

If friendship is always valued,

Then any desire will be fulfilled (slide 9).

IV. Summarizing.

What did we talk about today?

What did you like about our event?

Which group is the best prepared? Why?

What did you find interesting for yourself?

What rules of friendship do you remember?

Will these rules of friendship help you in life? (children's answers)

V. Reflection.

Friendship knows no boundaries, it connects the hearts of not only close people, but also those who are separated by thousands of kilometers. What helps these people to keep in touch and relationships? (Letters, telephone - cellular communications, photo and video shooting, as well as the Internet. A connection that, like a web, has entangled the whole world.)

At today's event, I invite you to weave our web of friendship.

Let's get in a circle. I have a ball in my hands. It is necessary to pass the ball to each other so that the thread of the ball is intertwined like a cobweb and at the same time, passing the ball, we will once again say to each other the words of the famous hero, the patient and kindest cat Leopold: "Let's live together."

And I think that this library hour will give rise to the friendship that we will carry through our entire school life.

The history of the creation of our project Dictionaries our friends (found the definitions of the words "friendship", "friend" in various dictionaries) and tried to define what "friendship", "friend" is. We delved into the proverbs and sayings of different peoples and came up with our own. We determined that in our literature there are a lot of poems and stories on the theme of "Friendship", and started writing. Conducted a mini-study in the class “Can we be friends?” Created a brochure “What is friendship?”

From the dictionary of V.I.Dal A friend is the same, equal, I am different, you are different; neighbor, every person to another From the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov: Friendship is a close relationship characteristic of friends. Friend - 1. one who is connected with someone by mutual trust, devotion, love. 2. supporter, defender of someone, something. From the modern explanatory dictionary: Friendship -1. Relationships based on mutual affection, trust, spiritual closeness, common interests. 2. Relations between peoples, countries, states based on trust, mutual understanding and non-interference in each other's internal affairs. Friend - 1. A person in relation to the one with whom he is associated with friendship. 2. Supporter, follower, protector.

And so we think FRIENDSHIP is ... Friendship is loyalty, laughter and joy together with a friend or girlfriend. Friendship is the joy of life and happiness Friendship for me is the most important thing. This is the closeness of a native person for me. This is when you understand everything at a glance. Friendship is two people like water. Friendship is when there is no betrayal and there is trust. Friendship is when people communicate and we don't get bored of it. Friendship is mutual help and common interests A FRIEND is a Friend - this is a person who will not leave you in trouble, this is a person who will be there. He will be in sorrow and in joy. A friend is the one with whom you are friends, play, spend a lot of time. He must be kind, cheerful, ambitious. But most importantly, he must be kind-hearted. I can call a friend a person who has a good heart and soul. A friend can be a person, maybe an animal, but the real friend is a mother. She will always be there at any moment.

We got the ABC of the qualities of a true friend A - accuracy P - constancy B - vivacityR - reason C - fun, good breeding C - strength, courage, stamina D - gallantry T - diligence, firmness D - friendship, kindness U - mind, skill E - unanimity F - fantasy F - cheerfulnessX - courage Z - healthTs - purposefulness I - sincerityH - honesty K - beautySh - breadth of soul L - loveSch - generosity M - wisdom, mercyE - elegance H - reliability - humor, youth O - educationI - clarity, brightness

Proverbs and sayings of different peoples A friend is the one who makes you cry, and the enemy is the one who makes you laugh. (Persian proverb) It is better to hear the reproaches of friends than to lose the last. (Arabic proverb) Not the hand that only strokes the friends, but also the one that drags the tuft. (Ukrainian proverb) It's bad without a friend who is lost, but it's bad with a friend who is unfaithful. (French proverb) Not the friend who walks at the feast, but the one who helps in trouble. Spanish proverb Russian proverbs An old friend is better than two new ones. There is no friend, so look for it, but find it and take care of it. You will not get to know your friend without trouble. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends For a friend, even seven miles is not a suburb.

Our proverbs And the hare is stronger when there are many friends. When your friends are with you, you will cope with any trouble! When there are many friends, life is more fun. Buildings for each other. There are no barriers to friendship. For a dear friend - acorns and oak seeds. A good friend is a best friend. A friend tested, that a nut is cracked.

Our work The rain poured drops by the piece, In the rain I was bored. Who would be my friend? I would stop being sad. ххххххххх I have a friend, I go around with him. I will be friends with him. And I won't grieve. xxxxxxxxx Friendship is joy, Friendship is sweetness. Friendship happiness success For all xxxxxxxx It is better to live with a friend. You know how to value friendship. Do not leave a friend in need, Always help him. ххххххх I will help a friend, I will extend my hand to him. A friend had a problem. I will always come to the rescue xxxxxxx Our friendship is strong, We are the best class in school. We dance and sing In general, we live happily. xxxxxxxxx

In order to have many friends, we advise you to never be rude to your comrades, do not call offensive words, do not give them nicknames if you are offended by your friend for something, try to forget about it as soon as possible, do not be angry. you can be friends with everyone: with kids, with guys older than you, with girls and boys

Friendship Island Project

V this year I took the 1st grade and met with an acute problem in communication between children: poor organization, poor ability to work collectively, instability of friendly groups. Groups are organized spontaneously: there are groups that were organized back in kindergarten, they are often the most close-knit and closed to all other children. There are groups that are organized by interests and they are also not interested in other children, but there are children who feel isolated. But every isolated child tries to find friends, a microgroup in which he would be accepted, to take a worthy place in it.



Rapinchuk L.V., primary school teacher, MBOU "Secondary School No. 8", Ryazan

Friendship Island Project

V I took 1st class this year and met with an acute problem in communication between children: poor organization, poor ability of collective activity, instability of friendly groups. Groups are organized spontaneously: there are groups that were organized back in kindergarten, they are often the most close-knit and closed to all other children. There are groups that are organized by interests and they are also not interested in other children, but there are children who feel isolated. But every isolated child tries to find friends, a microgroup in which he would be accepted, to take a worthy place in it.

Since the dream of any class teacher is to create a single friendly team in which the child will be comfortable in the classroom and after school hours, where he can reveal his abilities and find application for them, find friends for himself and become a good friend himself, I decided to unite the children, creating in the class "Friendship Island"

Friendship Island Project

Ryazan, 2014-2015 academic year

1A class, MBOU "Secondary School No. 8"

Primary school teacher Rapinchuk L.V.

  1. Project participants:

1st grade students, their parents, teacher.

  1. Project type:

Collective, long-term, creative.

  1. Direction of the project:

Moral education, creative development, familiarization with children's fiction.

  1. Dates:
  1. Children age: 6-7 years old

6.Study subjects:literary reading, Russian language, world around, fine arts, technology, after-hours

This project contributes to the development of friendly relations in the class team, develops communication skills, associative thinking, a sense of belonging to each other, understanding and respect for one's own dignity, develops a sense of collectivism, a tolerant attitude towards each other.

Why did I take on this project?Because kids don't know how to make friends. At the beginning of the school year, I felt this acutely: quarrels, fights, resentment, tears, complaints, even lies were our daily companions.

Friendship comes into play in every person's life. When a person has real friends, it greatly affects even how happy he feels. But, unfortunately, a slightly different relationship is sometimes hidden under the guise of friendship, and sometimes a person experiences deep disappointment as a result of this. It is important for each of us to be able to distinguish friendship from other types of relationships, and for this, first of all, you need to know what friendship is. In addition, understanding what friendship is will help us to be good friends ourselves, make reliable friends and keep friendships strong.

There is a very rare but famous recipe for friendship:Take a cup of patience, pour love into an incomplete heart, add 2 handfuls of generosity, sprinkle with kindness, splash a little humor and add as much fidelity as possible. Mix it all well. Spread on a piece of the life allotted to you and offer it to everyone you meet on your way.

I guess that by the end of the year we, with children and parents, will invent our own recipe for friendship, which will be based on such qualities as respect, loyalty, devotion, mutual assistance,

Objective of the project: Moral and aesthetic education of school-age children on the basis of acquaintance with children's works of art about friendship, mutual understanding, love for neighbors.


1. To form valuable ideas about friendly relationships between people, the ability to establish positive relationships with peers.

2. To form the ability to participate in collective games and activities, establishing positive relationships with peers,development of skills to work together, negotiate, distribute actions, hear and listen to each other, find a common solution for the implementation of a creative idea;

3. Help children think about what kind of friend I am;

4. Learn to "be friends";

Topics covered in class:

Why are friends needed?

- What is the role of a friend in a person's life?

How to distinguish true friendship from false?

- What should a true friend be like?

Here are some problematic issues:

  • What is friendship?
  • How is friendship different from fellowship?
  • Do modern people need friendship?
  • Is friendship eternal?
  • What is the strength of friendship?
  • In what works is friendship glorified?

Activities carried out within the framework of the project

Conversations were heldtopic: "What is friendship", "Can you be friends?", "Respect friendship, do not offend your friends."

- Discussion of the heroes of the works and their actions:works of writers about friendship ( Fomina “Girlfriends”, “It’s good when with you ...”

L. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog", "The Song of Friendship", "The Tale of Friendship", "The Children's Tale of the Price of True Friendship", Tolstoy's story "Father and Sons"

N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky, V. Oseeva and others)

Creative work done by children

Painting: " Portrait of my friend.

Application: "Gift for a friend"

Listening and singing songs:“Childhood is me and you”, “If you went out with a friend”, “A friend is with us”, “Wider circle”, “A true friend”, “Smile”

Contests poems about friendship, drawing competition "My best friend"

Exhibitions collective work

Creation and the presentation of the album "We are friends"

Consultations for parents: "The role of the family in the formation of a class team."

Games and exercises: "Kind words", "Do not forget about friends", "Describe your friend", "Compliments", "Finish the phrase"dramatization game"Three comrades", "Know the mood"

Questionnaires for children;

Questionnaires for parents.

Celebration “Strong friendship will not fall apart ...” with the invitation of guests and parents.

Systematic organization of the Magic Circle game

Making Rules for Friendship

Expected result:

  • the formation of moral emotions and feelings in children;
  • expansion of communication skills;
  • the formation of ideas about true friendship and relationships between friends;
  • involvement of parents in the pedagogical process;
  • feeling of joy from joint work, communication.

Project results

I would like the children to become better versed in the peculiarities of friendships, become more critical of the behavior of their friends towards them, become more selective in choosing friends. Yes, just "teach children to be friends"


  1. Expanding children's knowledge about friendship.
  2. Developing the ability to argue your point of view.
  3. The formation of the moral qualities of students: the ability to make friends, cherish friendship, communicate in a team.
  4. Education of goodwill, respect for each other.

Preliminary work.

  1. Reading stories and fairy tales in which the theme of friendship is revealed.
  2. A selection of proverbs and sayings about friendship.
  3. Exhibition of books by different writers about friendship.
  4. Drawings of children.
  5. Learning new songs.
  6. Conducting a survey among students.


  1. Musical recordings of instrumental music and children's songs.
  2. Computer presentation.
  3. "Flower-semitsvetik" from sheets of colored paper.
  4. Cards with proverbs.
  5. Emblems and illustrations.
  6. "Magic Candy"
  7. Folder with files for collecting prepared material for the project.

Class hour progress

I. Organizational moment

Teacher: Look at each other, smile and get ready to listen.

II. Introductory speech of the teacher

(Against the background of music.)

High, high in the mountains lived a shepherd. Once, on a stormy night, three knocked at his door.

- My hut is small, only one will enter. Who are you? the shepherd asked.

We are friendship, happiness and wealth. To whom to open the door - choose yourself!

The shepherd chose friendship. Friendship entered, happiness came, wealth appeared.

Guys, what was the problem facing the shepherd? (To whom to open the door.)

What decision did he make? (Children's answers.)

So what are we going to talk about today in class? (Children's answers.)

– So, today we have to say the best words about friendship, friends. And we will begin our conversation with one of the versions of the origin of the word friend.

(Student reads a poem.)

When no one knew a word
No hello, no sun, no cow,
Neighbors ancient man used to
Show fist or tongue
And make faces (which is the same thing)
But, the word became a guttural sound,
A smarter face, smarter hands,
And man coined the word "friend"
He began to wait for a friend and yearn in separation.
Thank you for my friends.
How would I live, what would I do without them?
Friends are the people I love
I will never offend anything.

Interview with students.

U. Yes, the word friend has long been known. But can all the people who surround us at school, section, circle, be called friends? ………..

Who do we call friend?
What qualities will be his main?
What kind of friends would we like to have?
Let's find out now.

I will ask you, passing the magic candy to each other, name the trait of such a person.

So go on: a friend must be………

Well done! You did a great job!

When there is a mutual affection between people for each other, a desire to be near, to help, then friendship begins.

Friendship is always the main miracle,
One hundred discoveries for us melting,
And any trouble is not a problem.
If there are real friends nearby!

What is the name of your squad?
Do you remember the motto of your unit? ……..
So what are you striving for? ……..
And this is confirmed by your detachment song?
Let's sing her first verse.

(Song “If a friend went on the road ...”)

U. Yes, only with a friend we feel good, only with him we can achieve everything and overcome any obstacles.

In preparation for the class hour, you teamed up in small groups to complete the research task you received. Let's listen and evaluate the result of your work, which I propose to combine into the project "All About Friendship". Do you agree with this proposal? Begin!

The first group - you have the floor.

Student presentation.

My name is……….and………….We present the result of the work of the “Keepers of Wisdom” group. We selected various proverbs and sayings about friendship and friends. Found in total... proverbs. These are the proverbs of different peoples. We want to read those of them that we especially liked.

Read proverbs.

And for you, we have prepared the game “Continue the proverb”. Before you is the first part of the proverb, the second must be remembered and said the whole proverb.

  • Stand up for each other and you will win the battle.
  • A man without friends is like a tree without roots.
  • A friend will teach, and an enemy will teach a lesson.


Proverbs are not in vain they say
Can't live without them
They are great helpers.
And true friends in life.

Well done! Thank you for your hard work.

Word to the 2nd group. This is our "Artists-illustrators".

Student presentation.

My name is….., my name is……..We present the result of the project. I drew ………………..

(Tell about the content of their drawings.)

U. Well done, artists!

You already know that an important event was celebrated in our republic in 2007: the 450th anniversary of the voluntary entry of Bashkiria into the Russian state, and this year 2008 was declared the Year of the Family. And the artists of the whole republic worked on the creation of the emblem - the symbol of the year.

The result of this work is before you.

On this emblem, the artist expressed the friendship between the Bashkirs and Russians. Hands outstretched to each other symbolize the desire to be always together, to help, protect, cooperate.

For many years now, in our republic, our region, people of different nationalities live side by side in friendship and harmony. What is the secret of this friendship?

(Student answers.)

- respect for traditions
- knowledge of the native language
– study of the history of peoples
– Holidays “Shezhere”

U. And the foundations of all this are laid in the family. Therefore, the artists in this emblem also expressed the unity and friendship of native people. ( Emblem 2008 is the year of social support for the family).

And now let's give the floor to the guys from the Literary Lounge.

Student presentation.

My name is…… I want to tell you about my friend…………………

My name is……..

U. Thank you for these wonderful lines about friends. And I give you poems that I really like. Let them complete your project . I have known one of them since childhood and now I will read it with pleasure.

The earth was wrapped in thin threads,
Threads of parallels and green rivers,
Make a miracle, reach out your hand
You need to believe in friendship

Word to the representatives of the 4th group.

Student presentation.

We are a group of experts……,………,…….

In our class, we asked the guys questions (read from the screen) and received the following answers:

Everyone has a true friend
They can entrust a secret to a friend…….
Family members are the best friends
Many people have pets and consider them their friends.

U. Thank you all for your hard work! I am sure that while working on this project, you got to know each other better, someone discovered new character traits in classmates, the other helped with advice or deed. But in general, this was the next stage in the development of your team.

And now I give everyone a magical flower - a seven-flower. Write in each of its petals a wish to your friend, and to whom exactly, write in the middle of the flower, and then attach the flower to the board.

(Quiet music sounds, children complete the task.)

U. Look what a beautiful glade of friendly wishes we have turned out! Well, we have combined all the materials of your work into a mini project. Look how wonderful he is!

(Show work folder.)

– However, I believe that this is only the beginning, you will return to this topic more than once and will supplement it. And now I propose to sing another very good song.

U. Guys, do you want to tell more about your friend? ………

I propose to do this in an unusual form, in the form of a syncwine.

Synquay from the French word 5 - a poem of 5 lines, which are built according to certain rules:

  • 1st line - one word, usually a noun or a person's name
  • 2nd line - description of this in a nutshell - 2 adjectives
  • 3rd line - description of the action - 3 verbs
  • 4th line - a phrase of 4 words showing the attitude to the topic
  • The 5th (last) line is one word that repeats the essence of the topic.

Let's try! Those who cope with the task can read their creation.

(Students compose a syncwine. A quiet melody sounds.)

Those who wish to read the cinquain aloud.

U. I would like to believe that this lesson made you think again about the importance of friendship, about what kind of person you need to be so that there are always friends around.

(Against the background of a computer presentation.)

I want to wish you:
Never change friends!
They cannot be exchanged like coins.
You will understand it later
There is no closer friend in the world.

Never lose friends
That loss cannot be measured.
An old friend will not return to you.
You can't replace him with a new friend.

And don't hurt your friends
Resentment will become a wound on the heart.
Even though friends know how to forgive,
The door to their heart will be closed.

Friendship must always be protected,
This feeling is longer than a century.
The best friend will never betray
There is simply no one more devoted!

Friendship knows no boundaries, it connects the hearts of not only close people, but also those who are separated by thousands of kilometers. What helps these people to keep in touch and relationships?

phone - cellular
photo and video shooting

And also the Internet. A connection that, like a web, has entangled the whole world.

Guys, how many of you have an Internet connection at home?

Who Owns the Internet?

Who has friends and communicates with them on the Internet?

Friendship on the Internet for many in the future, and today I, the class teacher of the 6B class of the DSOSH and my pupils, invite you to the Light of Friendship to our school. We will be very glad to make friends with you!

(Giving invitation).

A photo to commemorate the meeting.

Arbuzova Yana

What is friendship? What do we know about her? Do we have it? Do we need it in our class? For what? What is a true friend? What qualities do you need to have in order to have friends?



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Slides captions:

The work was done by a student of the 3rd grade of the SBEI "School No. 41" Arbuzova Yana Project leader: Guk N.N. Project: Let's talk about friendship State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School No.

The purpose of the project: to expand knowledge about friendship, friendly relations. Objectives: To promote the formation of the ability to make friends, cherish friendship, communicate in a team. To promote the development of the ability to analyze, draw conclusions; development of coherent speech, creative abilities. To create conditions for a friendly, respectful attitude towards each other, so.

Questions that I thought about: What is friendship? What do we know about her? Do we have it? Do we need it in our class? For what? What is a real friend? What qualities do you need to have in order to have friends? Problem: Quarrels in the classroom… Why?

What is friendship? Ozhegov Dictionary: "Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests"

“In the world there is nothing better and more pleasant than friendship; to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunlight. Cicero July 30 is celebrated as the International Day of Friendship. This is one of the "youngest" holidays, the decision to establish it was adopted by the UN General Assembly only in 2011.

Folklore about friendship Proverbs and sayings about friendship: To hold on to a friend is not to be afraid of anything. Friend and brother is a great thing: you won’t get it soon. An old friend is better, and a dress is new. Friendship is true. A true friend is priceless. A faithful friend is better than a hundred servants. Tales of Friendship: "The Brave Sheep" "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" "Hare's Tears" "Winter Cottage" "Teremok"

9 Best Literature About Friendship I recommend you read the best children's books about friendship. 1. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain 2. "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends" by Eduard Uspensky 3. "Timur and His Team" by Arkady Gaidar 4. "The Wizard of the Emerald City" by Alexander Volkov 5. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" by J. K. Rowling 6. "The Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery 7. "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All" Alan Alexander Milne 8. "The Kid and Carlson" Astrid Lindgren 9. "Alice's Journey" Kir Bulychev

What qualities do you need to have in order to have friends and be called a friend? Do we have children in the class who are friends with each other? I decided to conduct a survey on this topic

Questionnaire about friendship. 1. Do you have friends? 2. Who do you consider your best friend? 3. Why do you consider this person your best friend? 4. Do your parents know who your best friend is? 5. Do they know him? 6. Does your friend visit you at home? 7. How often do you see him? 8. How do your parents feel about your meetings?

Poll results All the guys in our class have friends. 17 have classmates, and 7 have friends in a different class and even in a different school. The guys consider them their friends because they do not leave in difficult times, they support, they always help, they are the kindest, it is interesting to play and walk with them. The kids talk to them almost every day. But 4 people rarely see their friends (in the summer or once every 3 months). But, we all cherish them and our parents know about them.

Laws of friendship: Yield to a friend Do not envy a friend, know how to rejoice in his success Help a friend if he does not know how to do something - teach him True friendship is disinterested Be polite to your friend, do not give him nicknames and nicknames If a friend is wrong about something , tell him immediately about it Stop your friend if he does something bad Take care of your friend Try to make your friend feel good in your company, do not create awkward situations. Protect a friend

Friendship. Sincere, mutual. Brings together, connects, rescues. An old friend is better than two new ones. Friend. Friendship Faithful, strong Trust, communicate, help Friends are known in trouble. Confidence. Friendship. Necessary, inseparable. Understand, protect, not betray. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. Partnership. Friendship. Faithful, honest. Strengthens, unites, obliges. Every person needs friendship. Attachment.

Conclusion: Friendship is a relationship between people that anyone can create. Life is incomplete without friendship. But only if it's real. When we face difficult situations, only friends will come to the rescue to support us. If you don't have friends yet, and you really want to have a real friend, first of all become such a real friend yourself!

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