Direct evidence: how to show your husband that you love. What to do to make a husband want a wife

Surely every, even the brightest and most stunning woman found herself in a situation where a man did not value her and did not appreciate her. That is, her importance for a man was rather low, despite the external beauty, attractiveness and good character.

If at the initial stage of the relationship the importance of a woman is low, then such a relationship will not be serious and durable. Often, such relationships do not go further than meetings once a week, and a man sometimes even openly says that he does not see a woman in the role of a wife and does not want to build a serious relationship with her. He does not develop them in any way and does not strive for anything, since he does not value a woman at all and does not value her.

It happens that the importance decreases already at the stage of a serious and permanent relationship. A man loses interest, begins to show disrespect, cheat. In a couple, more and more quarrels and disagreements appear and, as a result, the relationship is broken. This is, again, due to the decrease in the importance of this woman for the man.

And often women themselves lead to the result because of a banal misunderstanding of male psychology. Rather, women often believe that they know and understand men, but the disastrous result speaks for itself.

Secrets of male psychology. The principle of social proof

There are no unsolvable situations in relationships with men! In order to build relationships with men correctly, you need to understand that no matter how important you are in the eyes of your man at the moment, no matter how he treats you now, EVERYTHING and ALWAYS can be changed! And your value can be easily increased!

How to do it?

There are 5 main levers of value in relationships with men, and one of them is the principle of Social Proof. This principle was described by Robert Cialdini in his book "The Psychology of Influence". The book describes how this principle works from a slightly different angle, but in relationships with men, it also works very strongly!

And before we go directly to the application of the principle of Social Proof, you must learn one very important thing:

Every man does not want his ONLY ONE WOMAN (according to the principle: inferior ... ..but mine!), Every man wants the BEST WOMAN!

Or, more precisely, the best one Available to him. That is why Angelina Jolie is not your competitor. But how can your man determine that you are the very best woman ?! Remember the beauty and talent contests. Remember how the most beautiful and most talented girl is determined at these contests. The winner is the one with the most VOTES!

Is the winner of the competition always the most beautiful and most talented of the participants? - No not always! But despite this, who are the oligarchs fighting for to marry her ?! - for the winner!

But why? After all, she is not the most beautiful and not the most talented ?! After all, all the participants are beautiful and attractive! And the thing is that the winner has Social proof that she is the best, that she is already highly valued, that she has already been chosen! And it also works in a relationship with your man.

How to behave with a man so that he loves and appreciates

To increase your value for him, to become the number one woman in his life - just show him that you are ALREADY loved and appreciated by other men, or it was in the past. And your importance will rise to heaven in his eyes! And at the same time, you can remain what you are, both externally and internally.

And most importantly, remember: There is always social proof!

This principle works every second in communication with any man. The only difference is: he works for you - increasing your value, or against you - lowering your importance in the eyes of a man.

The principle of social proof is one of the 5 main tools for increasing value in relationships with men. And you need to apply it CORRECTLY and IN TIME. This is not a panacea. And relationships are a system! The system can work only when all the elements of the system are in good working order.

You can learn more about how you can apply the principle of social proof in communication with your man, as well as about other levers of value creation, you can learn from the free book “ The whole truth about men that most women do not know "

Rustam Rezepov. A well-known specialist in relations in Russia. Author of 6 trainings, 3 books and more than 200 video lessons on building happy relationships and the psychology of men falling in love. His intensive trainings such as "I will be loved" ,"Beloved man at your feet" (and others) are very popular and in demand.

Be loved and happy!

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Every normal woman is worried about how to make a man happy. She wants to see a smiling person next to her happy with life. Even if the atmosphere at home is not very calm, the following qualities will help a man feel happy.

  1. Charm... Every woman of the fair sex possesses it, but for some reason rarely anyone uses this useful quality. Even if you often brawl, a man will still happily return to a charming, charming woman.
  1. Well-groomed body... All men love with their eyes, but few admit it. First of all, they look at their appearance and without noticing themselves, they tend to show their woman to others. Take care of your body regularly, keep yourself in good shape. But this does not mean that you should strive for some kind of standards - every woman is unique in her own way.
  1. Face... Also watch your face, cleanse it, do cosmetic procedures so that it has a fresh color. Color moderately - make up don't look like war paint. It is pleasant for men to wake up next to a beautiful, well-groomed woman, but external beauty must be supported by internal beauty.
  1. Honesty and trust... A man wants to have a faithful life partner who will trust him and support him in difficult moments. Show all the cards at once so that your man is happy, you do not need to invent, cheat, flatter, etc. but remember that honesty is the lot of two.
  1. Respect... Do not point out flaws and never humiliate your man, do not make a fool of him. Criticize carefully and constructively, and express your displeasure gently, without shouting and not persistently.
  1. Show a sense of humor... Lift his spirits after a working day, have fun, cause a sincere smile. Many men like women to laugh at their jokes and jokes. Don't be boring and smile more often!
  1. Intelligence and self-confidence... Always well-read and strong-willed women attracted the stronger sex. Remember, however, that in addition to being well-read, they also like worldly wisdom. But do not "shine" too cleverly, otherwise the man will run away from you.
  1. Purposefulness... An energetic and purposeful woman causes a storm of emotions in a man, stimulates his ambitions and thinking. Men embody their ingenious ideas only when love and mutual understanding await them at home.
  1. Sincerity and kindness... They don't like selfish and malevolent young ladies, so stop nagging the poor fellow. Support him, from the bottom of the heart be interested in things at work and his state of mind, well-being. With this approach, the average engineer becomes the director of the firm.
  1. Love... It is true deep feelings that can make a man happy. He will gladly take his loving wife to parties, he will want to wake up only next to such a woman, to live with her for many years. Love is always the most important thing! Love rules people, helping to create real strong feelings!

Every woman dreams of gradually controlling a man: directing his energy in the right direction, convincing him to do what she needs. Honestly, a woman learns all these wisdoms for almost her entire adult life.!

Needless to say, women begin to learn the art of manipulating men from childhood: theoretical studies alternate with practical ones, first the father acts as guinea pigs (as a rule, it is on him that the first combat experience and much-needed self-confidence are acquired), then neighbors, classmates, male school teachers, lovers, husband (God himself ordered them to be manipulated), colleagues (including the boss) and other males falling into the sphere of vital interests.

As mentioned above, the educational process is continuous. Some ladies become real aces in this business, masters of manipulation.

When giving her last admonitions to her daughter before marriage, a loving mother usually says: "The husband is the head of the family, and the wife is the neck, which turns this very head as she pleases." To control a man so that he not only does not notice it, but also believes that he himself controls a woman is a brilliant formula, isn't it?

Of course, the women themselves will never admit this, but if a woman takes on a man, he has practically no chance, like a Zaporozhets in a collision with a KAMAZ. When a man and a woman argue, the woman is always or almost always right. The man was at best wrong, at worst - behaved like the last villain.

Why it happens? Because women have a powerful weapon called public morality. This very public morality is always on the side of a woman, since it is they who are her creators. Allow me - another reader will ask - but what about Tolstoy, Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Thomas More, Martin Luther King?

The answer is - but not at all. The aforementioned comrades soared somewhere high in the clouds, descending to the ground only sporadically to eat, have sex, drink vodka and drop into the editorial office. They have about the same relation to the creation of the public morality, which is discussed in this article, as the Chukchi do to the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Let's get back to morality. The first rule says: "A woman is always right", or, as the French say, "What a woman wants, God wants." Try to get around this rule - all the women of the world will immediately stand up to defend public morality.

Therefore, first of all, you should actively use your own moral superiority.

1. You are guilty and must atone for your guilt!

How to control a man

Periodically Remind your man of those moments in your life together that he should be ashamed of. For example, about how about three years ago he promised to buy you a new blouse, but when he entered the salon of slot machines, he lost out. In the meantime, the blouses were sold out, but it was this style that suited you the most ...

Now the husband has received a salary. Your task is to find funds to buy new shoes. Remind me of the blouse case. So modest, unobtrusive. Or something else. For example, how he molested your girlfriend while you were vacationing in the south. Remorse will do the trick.

Having received the required amount, do not forget to thank. "Thank you dear, I always knew that you loved me."

2. You are bad! Get better. Oh please...

You can follow the example of Soviet propaganda create images of "bad" and "good" guys and actively use them for their own purposes. Images, not guys.

Here is the husband of your employee Vasya - he regularly gives flowers to his wife (his own, not someone else's - he doesn't even look in the direction of strangers!), Buys clothes, helps with the housework, performs all sorts of petty whims (a woman without whims is about the same as a wandering a dog without fleas) and never moans, does not complain that he is tired or cannot do something. In a word, he behaves like an exemplary soldier - or rather, like an ideal man.

But another young man, Petya, the ex-husband of Sveta, who now lives with Vasya, missed the girl. I missed it mediocrely, as some domestic forwards miss scoring chances. And all why? Because he misbehaved. He came home when he felt like it - freedom is more important to him, you see.

Denied his wife the essentials, including panties for 15,000 rubles, a diamond necklace, a separate apartment for his mother-in-law and a new fur coat for Sveta in addition to the two already available. In the end, even such a modest girl as Sveta got tired of enduring this tyrant and she ran away to Misha in her underwear, that is, to Vasya (Misha is so, it doesn't count, just an episode from life and nothing more).

Sveta is happy, Vasya is also happy (just like the characters in Indian cinema!). But Petya got drunk, the girls do not like him, so now he lives like a lonely psycho, walks in the same socks for weeks, does not shave, does not wash, he has no one to have sex with, all that remains is to masturbate. In a word, he degraded as a person.

3. If you do not do as I want, I will cry ...

How to control a man

Another simple but terribly efficient way: tears. The fact is that due to some physiological characteristics, men cannot stand it when a woman cries. Even people like Bluebeard, a famous maniac and pervert of all times and peoples. A man is not able to endure such discomfort for a long time, so he will do everything possible to stop the flow of tears.

Dad rushes to the store at a trot and buys the required toy for his daughter, the guy who slept with the girl a couple of times, takes her hand and, with the determination of a person sentenced to death, pulls her to the registry office to submit an application, the husband climbs into the stash, the boss tears the dismissal order to shreds and signs another, about the bonus.

The lover collects things and finally moves to live with her (and so that his current wife, using the same technique, does not take over the initiative, does it at lunchtime, while the unsuspecting wife plays solitaire on her computer and flirts with the boss).

4. Do you want sex? It still needs to be earned!

In addition to public morality, there is another powerful weapon in the woman's arsenal. The basic Instinct. More than anything, men think about the thing that is between their legs. And, I must say, this apparatus largely determines their behavior.

By the way, not one old Freud thought so. (It was only in the USSR that there was no sex, and in order to become a man, one had not to sleep with a woman, but to serve in the army. Well, what about girls? And girls - later.) For the opportunity to have sex with a lady of interest (optional familiar - by the way, with a stranger is sometimes even more interesting), a man is ready for a lot. On which, of course, he is caught.

Often the guy realizes that he is simply being used - maybe there will not even be sex - but with manic persistence he steps on the same rake. Physiology again! You can't argue against nature. We men are not inclined to appreciate what goes into our hands. If a girl is too accessible, she is enough for one - maximum several - times, after which she is no longer interesting.

It's a different matter if in order to to achieve female favor, you have to sweat. And then the woman begins to play her game. In an effort to win the lady's heart, as well as gain access to some other organs, the man fulfills all or almost all of her whims. She feeds, drinks, dresses, entertains, depending on her financial capabilities and her needs.

Sometimes the process of courtship lasts for years, and its participants do not at all come close to the cherished goal - bed."I am strong, I will achieve my goal!" he encourages himself. And what is she? Having held out for a year or two, she can not give him purely out of sports interest and build an impregnable fortress out of herself. (And at the same time sleeping with another guy, as they say, is for health.)

Interestingly, a man who is ready for anything, who has fallen into complete emotional dependence on a woman, is no longer interested in her, - like a toy that has been disassembled for parts. Another thing is a guy who is "not being played". At this point, the woman herself will try to twist him.

By the way, there are also quite good manipulators among men. Such women are called rascals and other abusive words. However, these are extremes and exceptions to the rule. Basically, a woman periodically gives a man the green light so that he knows what she is fighting for, and he fulfills some of her demands.

5. You can do everything!

How to control a man

In addition to the basic instinct, men have another vulnerability, and his name is - male vanity. Men are very dependent on the assessments of others. Some people think so only of the impression they make. Women understood this and began to actively use it in their interests.

Asking a man to do something, from fixing an iron to a European-style renovation, while adding that no one will do it best, means making him an offer that is difficult to refuse. A if at the same time hint at possible sex, then he will work with the enthusiasm of Alexei Stakhanov, who is going to the record.

Alternatively, hold a kind of tender. Like, there is a certain young man who is able to do what I need quickly and efficiently, I think, can he ask him? (If there is no such guy, you can think of him, again.) Remember how Tom Sawyer painted the fence? And why are girls worse?

6. You promised! .. Can't you keep your word?

By the way, about vanity. A great way to get something out of a man is to make him promise. The point is that all serious guys keep their promises. Regardless of where these serious guys live, drive Maybachs or sit in the zone. "The kid said - the kid did!" (As opposed to "radishes", throwing words to the wind, like the husks of seeds). But for some reason no one wants to be a radish.

Need to say, the above methods are much more effective in complex use and in the presence of sexual interest. Who do you think a man would be more willing to console - a sobbing old woman or a crying young beauty?

In addition, some of them are stressful emotionally, and therefore need dosed use. It's one thing to cry about once every two or three weeks, and quite another to do it every day and threaten to go to mom every time. One wonderful day you can hear "Well, go, got it."

And you can't keep a man on a short leash all the time. The carrot and stick method, invented back in the days of the pharaohs, works much better than the method called "no carrots, just the stick."


All men love to emerge victorious from an argument. It is incredibly important for them who will have the last word. Be wiser. That's why do not try to argue with him, especially in public, showing your intelligence and erudition: it can be very offensive. Argue only in private and only on important occasions: the fuss over little things kills a lot of energy and time.

Men are like children. They love praise. Criticism of their actions and interests is meaningless. You need to make sure that your beloved himself decides to change something in himself. He considered this decision his own merit.

In a happy marriage, both husband and wife are happy. And what is the guarantee of family happiness? Of course, the happiness of both is equally. And the task of each of the spouses is to ensure the happiness of the other. In this article, we will talk about how to make your husband happy, as this is our main goal.

It is interesting that in different religions the ways of solving this problem are defined in different ways. Let's consider, for the sake of interest, and for the general development of 15 Islamic commandments, how to achieve the outlined goal.

1. Always welcome your husband with joy.

A man often has to leave the family, going on business trips related to work or study. To make the happy moments of your return more pleasant, do not hide your joy at the meeting, gently greet your husband, put on nice and clean clothes, perfumes and cosmetics will also not interfere; start with the good news, putting off the bad news until he rested; let him feel that you were waiting for him very much and missed him greatly; do your best so that everything is cleaned by his arrival, and hot delicious food is waiting on the table.

2. Talk to him gently and affectionately

3. Be always in great shape

To do this, watch your figure and body; wear beautiful dresses, use the best perfume; try that your husband does not see you in dirty clothes, no hairstyle and unkempt; avoid prohibited types of jewelry, such as tattoos; wear the dresses that your husband likes best; the same goes for the color of clothing, hairstyles and perfume.

4. Don't deny him a close relationship.

For close relationships, try to choose the right time when he is not tired, make sure that your body is clean and a pleasant smell emanated from him.

5. Be content with what is given by nature

You should not be upset if your husband is poor or works in a simple job: look at the poor, sick and people with physical disabilities, remember the Lord and thank Him for giving health and well-being; remember that true wealth is having faith and following the true path.

6. Try to be indifferent to worldly goods

Do not consider this world to be the center of concentration of all your hopes and interests, do not ask your husband to buy expensive trinkets, help him cut costs and save money in order to give alms and feed the poor and needy. Do not spend his money without his permission, even for alms, especially if you are not sure that he will approve of this waste. In the absence of your husband, take care of your house, car and other property. However, to be indifferent to worldly goods does not mean to turn away from the joys of life. But at the same time, you must look into the future, realizing what the next life will be ...

7. Appreciate your husband's care and be grateful to him

Most of the inhabitants of Hell are ungrateful women who do not appreciate the goodness shown towards them. If you are grateful to your husband, he will rejoice, love you and try to do as much pleasant as possible. In case of ingratitude, the husband will be disappointed and ask himself: "Why would I do well for her if she will never appreciate it anyway?"

8. Be faithful and loyal to your husband

Be especially devoted to your husband at an hour when it is difficult for him (health problems or work), support him with all available means, including money or your property, if necessary.

9. Be compliant

Do whatever your husband tells you if it is within the bounds of what is permissible. Remember: the head of the family is the husband, and the wife is the helper and advisor.

10. Calm down your husband if he is not in the mood

Try to avoid anything that might make him angry, but if you still can't avoid it, try to calm him down: if it's your fault, apologize. If he is to blame, then be calm, do not lead to a quarrel. Wait until he calms down and then calmly discuss the problem with him. If he is angry for any reason other than family, then remain silent until his anger passes; try to find excuses for him, for example: he is tired, problems at work, someone has offended him. Don't ask too many questions, insisting that he tell you what happened, especially in a harsh manner, such as, "You have to tell me what happened!", "I need to know what made you angry!" or "You are hiding something, and I have the right to know it!"

11. In the absence of your husband, take care of yourself and the honor of your family

Avoid any forbidden, relationships with other people. Keep family secrets secret, especially when it comes to close relationships and what your husband does not want to tell other people about. Husband and wife should keep secret everything that happens in their personal life. Their personal life, family secrets should not be the subject of discussion in conversations with friends and girlfriends.

12. Take care of home and children

Take care of your husband's money and property. Be kind and affectionate to your husband's parents and relatives. Make sure that your children are always well-groomed, clean and well-fed. Take care of their health, education and good manners. And, of course, teach your children the necessary knowledge.

13. Respect your husband's family and friends

You should warmly welcome your husband's guests and try to please them, especially his parents. You should try, as much as possible, to avoid problems with his relatives. You must do your best to avoid a situation where he has to choose between wife and mother. Call his parents and sisters, write letters to them, buy gifts, help them in difficult situations.

14. Be patient and give your husband moral support.

Be patient even if you are poor or in a difficult situation. In the problems and difficulties that may happen to you, to your husband or children, relatives or property, be steadfast and patient. When your husband treats you unfairly, respond to his bad deed with a kind deed.

15. Make your home cozy and comfortable

Keep your home clean by decorating it with flowers and beautiful furniture. From time to time, so that there is no monotony, change the atmosphere in the house. Prepare delicious and healthy food. Learn everything you need to do well in housekeeping. However, in order for a family to develop relationships filled with love and harmony, love and understanding from the husband are also needed.

Whatever activity your husband is engaged in: mental or physical, in any case, after a hard day at work he will feel tired, overwhelmed and not satisfied with anything. Many women would like to know how to make their husbands happy. For this there is a simple magic recipe... It is necessary for a man to eat deliciously. A well-fed husband can move mountains for you and make your nights very enjoyable.

The most important thing in food for a man is the satiety of the food. After a glass of champagne, have a snack with sheep's milk cheese. Then - the main course - grilled meat with a gravy rich in vitamins and salad. And for dessert, chocolate pudding sprinkled with crushed nuts. Even tired men regain their former sexual activity and strength thanks to such a meal.

  • By the way, such food makes not only men, but also women fresher, more active and satisfied.

The secret of male sexual activity and strength is not always and not only in the "magic" recipe. After all, sexologists willingly explain impotence by neurotic reasons. Hence the conclusion follows: if the husband is treated kindly and banally well, and does not go and wander forever hungry, then it is not difficult to get from him a component of a happy family relationship.

Men, of course, are all different, and they eat completely differently: some eat only soup, others can get by with classic scrambled eggs, and for the third, serve “Zanzibar-style chimbambuha”. But surely any of them, regardless of their taste preferences, will not refuse a simple delicious dinner (prepared with love) and a pleasant opportunity to relax in their favorite armchair with a cup of tea.

Lovely women! Do not under any circumstances leave your husband hungry. Believe me, such a concern for his body will bring significant dividends: you will get an affectionate, kind, good man who is satisfied with his life and wife and exalts his beloved to heaven. And in bed too.

Love recipe

With impotence, there is one recipe for love. A good service in such a piquant situation will be served by tincture from the rhizomes of safflower Leuzea. Insist on vodka or 70% alcohol in a ratio of one to ten, for 10-12 days. For two weeks, take 20-30 drops, three times a day before meals. Checked - not only the husband will be satisfied!

It must be borne in mind - Leuzea is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, since it can increase blood pressure.