Russia remains one of the worst countries in the world for retirees. Terrible pension

Scandinavian countries are the leaders in terms of comfort level for pensioners

Russia retained the 40th place out of 43 possible in the world rating of the level of comfort when citizens retire. The list was compiled according to four main criteria: the level of health care development, the size of pensions, the quality of life in the country and the material well-being of the population. The situation with pensioners looks worse than Russia only in Brazil, Greece and India. And traditionally, the Scandinavian countries are leading in terms of comfort level for pensioners.

Russia entered the top five worst countries in the world for retirees, ranking 40th in the Global Pension Index of the investment company Natixis Global Asset Management. She held the same position last year. There are 43 positions in the list. The bottom three lines are occupied by Brazil (41st), Greece (42nd) and India (43rd).

Turkey is located right above us in 39th place. China ranked 38th in terms of living standards for retirees. Judging by the data of the investment company, even Mexican citizens who have finished their labor activity live better than Russian pensioners.

The pensioners of Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Sweden live the most comfortably. New Zealand closes the top five.

The United States has worsened its position in the ranking. Having dropped three lines, the United States is in 17th position. The data of the investment company that compiled the index is given by RBC.

The compilers of the rating take into account 18 indicators, distributed in four sub-indices, which reflect financial means for a comfortable life after graduation, access to quality financial services to ensure the safety of savings and income growth, as well as access to quality medical care. In addition, the authors of the list take into account the environmental factor.

In terms of the level of equality of income and per capita income, our country took the fifth and seventh places from the bottom. At the same time, in terms of quality of life and finances, Russia improved indicators, but worsened in terms of material well-being and medicine.

The list includes developed and emerging economies, which are members of the International Monetary Fund, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the BRICs. The rating, as conceived by the authors, can serve as a guide in choosing countries and means to effectively preserve one's fortune and create the most comfortable conditions after retirement.

HelpAge International, a non-governmental public organization, has published a ranking of countries in terms of the quality of life of pensioners in 2015. The list includes 96 countries of the world.

The authors of the study analyzed the social and economic well-being of 901 million older people, that is, 91% of the world's population are over 60 years old. Criteria were taken into account such as the level of pension provision, the availability and quality of health care, the level of employment and education, as well as the general welfare of the social environment. Data for the study were provided by the World Health Organization, the World Bank and the International Labor Organization.

The highest standard of living of the elderly was found in Switzerland, followed by Norway and Sweden third. The Czech Republic is on the 22nd line, ahead of, for example, Belgium (24), Poland (32) and Italy (37).

The results of the study were incomplete because the authors were unable to obtain data for a number of countries. In particular, out of 54 African states, it was possible to collect information only on 11.

A detailed report on the study can be found.

There are people who would like to live their whole life in one city and one country. And there are those who dream of moving abroad in old age. The reasons are different. Someone dreams of the sea and the sun, someone is looking for a better quality of life. The most advanced are learning social security programs for retirees. So which country should you choose? lists the most worthy and explains the reasons.

The ranking of the best destinations for retirement has been published by the International Living portal. Analysts evaluated 24 countries on several indicators, including the cost of living, discounts for retirees, climate and health care systems.

It is interesting that the top lines of the list were "occupied" by Latin American and Central American countries. Among the representatives of the Old World, the Top 20 included Spain, Italy, Portugal, Malta and France.

Let's see what "merits" were awarded prizes in the TOP-10, and how much housing costs in the best countries for retirement.

10. Malta

Pensioners in Malta are attracted primarily by the climate. As many as 300 sunny days a year - for those who are tired of gloomy everyday life. The heat in Malta lasts until November. In addition, on the island, in addition to the Maltese language, English is officially used, which greatly facilitates communication with the locals and life in everyday life.

It has a low cost of living compared to the rest of the Mediterranean. According to International Living correspondent Barbara Diggs, two people can live comfortably on $ 2,700 a month. For example, you can rent a two-room apartment in the town of Sliema for $ 800 per month, and on the island of Gozo for $ 600 per month. Dine at a mid-range restaurant is available for $ 25 per person, including a glass of wine.

Another advantage of Malta is the developed health care system and the low cost of private insurance. Even if you have the most basic plan, you can afford to pay for a doctor's visit out of pocket. So, a visit to a therapist will cost $ 20, and a narrow specialist - $ 65.

Finally, Malta simply won't get bored. There is a phenomenal number of attractions here, from prehistoric temples to fortresses. The island provides opportunities for yachting, swimming, diving and snorkeling. Foreigners will be interested in annual festivals.

Foreigners in Malta are allowed to buy real estate valued at $ 118,900 (€ 110,000). For this price you can buy an apartment with one or two bedrooms in the villages of Gzira, Marsaskala, Mosta and others. Apartments for two or three bedrooms will cost about $ 300,000 - 500,000. Detached villa - from $ 500,000 to several million dollars.

9. Portugal

The low cost of living and real estate is just one of the reasons why the country is gaining popularity among retirees. According to International Living editor Glynna Prentice, the two can live comfortably here for $ 1,700 a month, including rent, in small towns, and for $ 2,200 a month in Lisbon.

The climate in Portugal is mild, and most of the west coast of the country is covered with sandy beaches. Despite the fact that Portugal faces the Atlantic, its lifestyle is largely Mediterranean: here the most important values \u200b\u200bare family and friends, people here love good food and wine.

Expats prefer to settle in the Lisbon area, especially in the seaside towns of Cascais and Estoril. The Portuguese capital offers a huge range of affordable entertainment and infrastructure, including an international airport, restaurants and cafes, museums and concert halls. Porto, the second most important city in Portugal, attracts migrants who like a cooler climate. The Algarve is famous for its golf courses and sunny beaches.

Many Portuguese speak English well, so it is not necessary to learn the local language if you are considering moving here in retirement.

Inexpensive secondary housing in popular resorts can be found for $ 80-100 thousand. Higher-class apartments - from $ 150,000. Economy-class house by the sea with an area of \u200b\u200b150 sq. M. m. will cost from $ 200,000. If you buy an old apartment in the historic center at a price of $ 375,800 (€ 350,000), you can get a residence permit.

8. Nicaragua

Over the past 10 years, this Central American country has transformed. Broken roads have turned into smooth highways. In the south, wind generators have appeared that produce electricity. San Juan del Sur has become a fashionable town to relocate to in old age. Progress is visible everywhere, and the life of immigrants is getting easier every year.

It is not difficult to obtain a residence permit here, as well as to open your own business. And together here you can live comfortably for $ 1,500 a month. Local shops now have a variety of products, in contrast to the situation 10 years ago, when only rum could be found there.

The country has moderate housing prices. Houses cost from $ 100,000. The construction of modern apartment complexes by the sea is underdeveloped, but if such objects appear, their prices are high - from $ 150,000.


Flamenco country has a relatively low cost of living for Europe. In small towns, according to International Living editor Glynna Prentice, the two can live comfortably for $ 1,900 a month, including rental housing. You can rent an apartment with one or two bedrooms from $ 500 per month, and purchase - from $ 70,000. There are also cheaper options. The products are also inexpensive.

The climate in Spain ranges from humid and cool in the northwest to hot and dry in the south, with the most sunny days, of course, in the southern part of the country. And the many kilometers of beaches of the Costa del Sol or Costa Blanca will not leave anyone indifferent.

But Spain also offers more than just a beach holiday. This country has many beautiful cities with a historical past. Moreover, prices, for example, in Madrid and Barcelona are much lower than in London or Paris. Valencia is generally distinguished by affordable prices for living. Together, you will need no more than $ 2200 per month. But at your service there will be an international airport, museums, concert halls, universities and much more.

It is impossible to describe prices in Spain in two sentences and be objective at the same time. An apartment in Madrid or Barcelona can be purchased for $ 200,000 - 500,000, in resorts you will find similar housing for less than $ 100,000. Read more in the review of the Spanish real estate market.

6. Malaysia

Malaysia's cities are modern and clean, public transport is unrivaled, and the locals are the most welcoming in all of Asia. Malaysia is known for its 878 idyllic islands, as well as stunning beaches and pristine rainforest.

Malaysia is characterized by a mixture of different cultures, which is due to historical reasons. More than 600 years ago, Malaysia was discovered by the Portuguese, then the Dutch, and then the British. All this has created a multicultural society where all religions are tolerated.

Malaysia has at least four landmarks that are recognized as UNESCO heritage sites. Therefore, both tourists and retirees have something to do here. Also, this country is the only one in Asia, along with Singapore and Hong Kong, where it is allowed to buy real estate in full ownership, and at the same time you are not required to reside permanently.

Added to the low cost of living is an excellent healthcare system. Some of the best doctors in Asia work here, most of whom have studied in the US or UK. They all speak English. And the cost of medical care is noticeably lower than, for example, in the United States.

Real estate in Malaysia is ten times cheaper than in neighboring Singapore. In the most expensive city in the country, Kuala Lumpur, an apartment can be bought for $ 100,000 - 200,000, a house - for $ 200,000 - 400,000. In small towns on the coast, you can find housing even cheaper.

5. Colombia

The state in Latin America has overcome its dark past and is now thriving, welcoming foreigners and proud of its culture and historical heritage. It has something for everyone, including emerald green coffee plantations, sparkling beaches and picturesque colonial cities.

But all this is just a decoration for the most important thing in Colombia - its inhabitants. They treat foreigners well, are always open and welcoming, and will be happy to show guests their dances, local cuisine, and, of course, festivals. Almost every Colombian city has its own festival dedicated to any aspect of the country's life.

According to International Living correspondent Nancy Kiernan, who lives in the prestigious area of \u200b\u200bMedellin, it is enough for an immigrant to spend $ 1250 a month to rent an exclusive three-bedroom apartment. However, there is a wide range of rental housing prices in this city, which start at $ 500 per month.

Life in Colombia is varied, with everything from a relaxed beach holiday in the resort town of Santa Marta to the culturally rich capital of Bogotá, where you can find theaters, churches, museums, nightclubs and luxury shopping centers.

In Bogota, you can buy an apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b75 square meters for $ 150,000 - 500,000. An ordinary house will cost the same, an elite villa will cost more.

4. Costa Rica

The country has been welcoming immigrants for 30 years now, and the reasons for its appeal to expats, including retirees, remain unchanged. Costa Rica welcomes foreigners with open arms. The people here are friendly and happy. It is no coincidence that the country's unofficial national motto sounds like Pura Vida, which means “life is good”. It is a really carefree and stress-free life here.

In Costa Rica, you can easily obtain a residence permit. For pensioners, there is a special pensionado program, according to which it is enough to have a minimum income (pension) of $ 1000 per month.

According to International Living editor Jason Holland, a couple of retirees can live comfortably here for between $ 2,000 and $ 3,000 a month. For example, you can spend no more than $ 35 on groceries per week, real estate tax is only 0.25% of the appraised value of the property, and a decent dinner at a local restaurant will make you pay $ 5 per dish. Rental rates start at $ 400 per month for fully furnished apartments in good areas.

One of the reasons Costa Rica attracts retirees is because of its high quality medical care. The country has two health systems. Residents of the country, for example through the pensionado program, can join the Caja system, which includes clinics and hospitals throughout the country. After you pay a certain monthly contribution to the system, depending on your income, you can see doctors for free. In addition, you can pay for medical services yourself or use insurance. But even in this case, the costs will not be higher than, for example, in the United States.

Pacific real estate is not as expensive as you might think. A two-bedroom house a stone's throw from the beach can be bought in Costa Rica for $ 250,000-350,000.

3. Ecuador

Countries included in the top three of this ranking share only a few hundredths of the points. And despite the fact that Ecuador took the third place, in some ways it was ahead of its rivals in the top positions. This is the climate. Since the country is right on the equator, you can choose the weather that suits you best by simply changing the latitude.

Medical care in Ecuador can be obtained at very low prices. And in terms of quality, it is comparable to many developed countries. There is also cheap real estate here - this applies to both buying and renting.

Most importantly, Ecuador has a comprehensive system of benefits and discounts for retirees, who can pay 65% \u200b\u200bless for air travel from the country and 50% less for cinema tickets or sports events. Discounts of 50% apply to public transport, and in addition, if you buy a property, you can use a landline telephone for free. A married couple can spend no more than $ 1,500 per month on living in Ecuador.

An apartment with two bedrooms in a good area of \u200b\u200bQuito can be bought for $ 100,000 - 200,000, a house for less than $ 150,000.

2. Panama

If one could describe this country in just three words, they would be “modern”, “comfortable” and “tolerant”. Panama may be better known for its famous canal, but in reality, retirees are drawn to the simplicity of life.

Of course, the comfort of living here is due to international trade and high levels of immigration, which are associated with the Panama Canal. The locals have long been accustomed to foreigners, so you are unlikely to feel the inconvenience of immersing yourself in an unfamiliar environment.

One of the best of its kind is Panama's Pensionado retirement program. Besides the fact that it offers to obtain a long-term residence permit in the country, with its help you can get discounts from 10% to 50% on travel, medical care, hotels, restaurants and much more.

An apartment in Panama with an area of \u200b\u200b70-80 square meters will cost from $ 150,000 - 250,000. The average cost of a villa on the coast is about $ 1 million.

1. Mexico

Mexico has a low cost of living - a foreigner can comfortably live here for $ 1200 a month. And the situation is improving with the weakening of the peso in recent years. If earlier an apartment could be rented for $ 1300 per month, now it will cost only $ 1000 per month.

First-class hospitals can be found throughout the country, according to International Living editor Jason Holland. They are in every city. Moreover, many doctors have been trained in the United States or Europe, and many speak English.

English is widely spoken in popular expat destinations such as Lake Chapala and the Mayan Riviera. And the varied climate provides an opportunity to choose the conditions for life to your liking.

Once you become an official resident of the country, which does not require significant effort, you can enjoy various benefits for retirees. People over 60 receive discounts on flights, bus tickets, medical care, museum admission, and more.

Real estate in Mexico is inexpensive. In new complexes near the beaches, prices for compact apartments start at $ 50,000. Spacious two-bedroom apartments can be purchased for $ 100,000-150,000.

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The world's population is aging, and states are faced with the challenge of ensuring a decent quality of life for older people. There are different ways to respond to this challenge - from manipulating the retirement age and stimulating individual retirement savings to creating special compact cities with advanced social infrastructure. The older the population of the Earth becomes, the more clearly the contrast in the retirement well-being of different countries becomes apparent. In some places, leaving the labor market is associated with a long-awaited opportunity for travel and recreation, in other countries - with the need to save on basic food and medicines. The first type of countries today includes, for example, Norway and Switzerland - the leaders in the Global Retirement Index ranking of the best countries for the life of pensioners. India, Brazil, Greece and Russia fall into the second category.

Russia, ranked 40th out of 43 possible, by most indicators is not able to provide its citizens with favorable conditions for life after retirement. The rating compiler, Natixis Global Asset Management, used four main criteria for calculations: pension finance, material well-being, quality of life and health. The study also took into account such aspects of a pensioner's life as “happiness” and “biological diversity and habitat”, but in the case of Russia, this is perhaps unnecessary information - with an average income of 14 thousand rubles, pensioners automatically fall into the most vulnerable stratum of the population.

Even the officials do not deem it necessary to argue with this. "And there is. Our pensions are scanty, ”Yaroslav Nilov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Social Policy, commented on the Global Retirement Index. Just on the day of the publication of the rating, the State Duma in the third reading adopted a bill combining the almost exhausted Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund, in which 4.2 trillion rubles remain. This will allow the government to spend money from the NWF, intended for retirement benefits for future generations, to cover the current budget deficit. That the state sees the right to spend citizens' money for its own purposes, no one doubted even before, but the merger of funds has an important symbolic meaning. The liquidation of the NWF means a failure to follow the example of Norway, which created a national Pension Fund with money from oil exports and provided its pensioners with the most comfortable living conditions.

If the assets of the Norwegian fund today amount to $ 892 billion, then Russia will face the consequences of the demographic pit of the 1990s with empty money-boxes. According to various estimates, in 2030 the proportion between the number of pensioners and the working-age population will be 1: 1. The coefficient of replacement of lost wages by a pension, which now stands at 31.8% instead of 40% recommended by the International Labor Organization or 50-80% usual for developed countries, will only decrease with an increase in the number of pensioners in the coming years. You can also recall the calculations of the Ministry of Economic Development (which, however, Minister Maxim Oreshkin disowned), in which the size of pensions is frozen until 2035.

Russia received the lowest number of points in the Global Retirement rating in the field of health (penultimate place). This indicator takes into account life expectancy (71 years - 6 years less than in Mexico) and health care costs per capita ($ 900 - 3 times less than in Spain). At the same time, mortality in Russia is at the level of African countries. In the first 5 months of 2017, the natural population decline in the country (excess of mortality over births) amounted to 112 thousand people and increased three times compared to the same period a year earlier. The population remains only due to the influx of migrants, which has dropped sharply this year. Perhaps for the authorities, these trends do not look so repulsive: if the average life expectancy in Russia was under 80, the pension system would have collapsed long ago.

The American magazine "International Living" has published the results of the annual ranking of the best countries for retirees to live. When compiling the list, indicators such as cost of living, property prices, climate and quality of medical care were taken into account.

Low cost of living is one of Vietnam's main benefits for retirees. There are many options for the manifestation of entrepreneurial abilities, which will appeal to those who are not going to be idle even in retirement.


Cambodia has a lot of opportunities for entertainment; you will definitely not be bored here.


Affordable healthcare, low cost of living and many leisure options make the Philippines one of the most favorable countries to live in retirement.


In Guatemala, you will enjoy low prices for everyday expenses; lovers of history and archeology will surely appreciate the ruins of ancient Mayan cities, beautiful colonial cities, as well as pyramids and museums.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is very attractive in terms of investments in local real estate. The benefits of buying a home for retirees are exemption from paying 50% of the annual property tax, as well as full exemption from property transfer tax.

Chile is the most economically and socially developed country in Latin America. In addition, there is an amazingly diverse nature; the local landscapes are considered one of the most beautiful in the world.


Elderly people are treated with respect in Honduras. The locals are very helpful and friendly, which creates a comfortable atmosphere for retirement.


In Ireland, you don't have to make a painful choice between seascapes and mountains, green valleys and lakeside lands. The landscape here is so varied that everyone will find what they like. If we talk about real estate in this country, then its acquisition will be a very profitable investment.

Aside from Paris, France has many stunning cities for a comfortable retirement life. Local cuisine and wine will not leave anyone indifferent.


The culture and ethnic composition of Brazil was formed under the influence of both local Indian tribes and European and Asian settlers, as well as Africans brought here by the colonialists. Almost anyone will feel comfortable living in this country.

New Zealand

There are amazingly beautiful landscapes, developed infrastructure ... Yes, the quality of life in New Zealand is at a very high level, besides, in this country you can always organize an exciting trip.


This peaceful and safe country with a diverse culture is a great choice for retirees.

The cost of living on the coast in Belize is significantly cheaper than on other islands in the Caribbean. The nature here is incredibly beautiful - you can wander all day and look around with delight.

Uruguay, with its low crime rate, beautiful views and not too high taxes, is also a great option for older expats.

A country with gorgeous landscapes, beautiful coasts and many stunning cities.

Northern Thailand is calm and quiet compared to the tourist part of the south of the country. It has everything you need for a happy retirement life: a favorable climate, good things in life, a low cost of living, lots of fruits and vegetables.


The abundance of fresh seafood attracts gourmets from all over the world to Portugal. Thanks to its wonderful weather conditions and high standard of living, the country deservedly ranks 9th in the ranking of the most favorable places to live in retirement.


Affordable medicine and a relatively low cost of living have made Colombia the eighth best destination for senior expatriates.

More and more retirees choose Malta. Although this is not surprising: it has a mild climate, rich culture, low taxation and crime rates.

Spain ranks as the sixth most popular destination for older expats. This country has a developed entertainment infrastructure: there are many museums, all kinds of festivals are held annually, so that pensioners will not feel cut off from life.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is famous not only for its natural beauty, but also for quality medical care, as well as a stable political and economic situation.


Thanks to its beautiful tropical beaches and modern developed infrastructure, Malaysia is ranked as the 4th most favorable country for retirement.

Mexico regularly ranks high as one of the most popular destinations for older expats. Warm mild climate, excellent food and reasonable cost of living ... People of retirement age can find here everything they want.

Expatriates who prefer Panama can get a retirement visa, which offers a huge number of benefits. There are discounts on utilities, hotel accommodation, visits to restaurants and cinemas, the purchase of air tickets, medicines, medical insurance, etc.

It's great that there are countries where pensioners feel like happy people!