Family business. The White Lady: the mysterious and tragic story of one of the most famous ghosts The ghost of the woman in white by the bed

Show maximum care for everything that concerns you, for your life and your property are in great danger;
to see a ghost or angel suddenly appearing in heaven - the loss of a close relative or some other misfortune;
a female ghost appears in the sky to your right, and a male ghost to your left, and both look happy - a rapid rise from not-fame to glory, but your star will shine for a short time, for death will come and take you away;
the ghost of a woman in long robes moves calmly in the heavens - you will progress in scientific pursuits and become rich, but nevertheless there will be a shade of sadness in your life;
the ghost of a living relative - your friends are thinking something unkind, be careful in concluding business contracts;
the ghost looks emaciated - this person will soon die;
a ghost haunts you - strange, unpleasant events;
runs away from you - anxiety will be small;
for young people - be careful in dealing with members of the opposite sex.
Also see Clothes.

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Many noble families in Europe can boast of the ghost stories of the White Lady. Many stories have been told about the appearance of the Woman in White in the castles of the Czech Republic, Germany, and France. I decided to make a selection of the most famous legends. The first story about the White Lady from the Czech Republic. (Among the illustrations my photos of the town of Cesky Krumlov).

From the notes of Nikolai Verbin, 189 * year
It happened during my trip to Poland. The weather suddenly deteriorated sharply, the road to the nearest town remained long, and I decided to stay at a roadside hotel. I was not mistaken, a blizzard soon came. It was already evening when I settled in my room. Suddenly, the door of my room opened slightly from the draft. When I approached to close it, to my surprise I saw a white silhouette of a female figure on the stairs, which, slowly going downstairs, disappeared into the darkness of the hallway.

Thoughts flashed through my head: "I hope I'm not falling into madness? Did I really see a ghost?" It is curious that the mysterious figure did not cause fear or any other unpleasant sensation in me, which was mentioned by people who saw ghosts. Sitting at a table, I tried to read in order to drive away obsessive thoughts. It was not possible to concentrate on reading. In the shadows of the candle, all devilry began to appear to me, and the howl of the storm outside the window only intensified the excitement. I decided to go down to the living room, hoping to find a company for conversation.

White Lady of the Rozhmberk family
In the living room I met the military man Mikhail von Rosemberg, of whose noble family I had heard a lot (he descended from the wealthy Czech aristocrats of the Rozmberks). Mikhail was smoking a pipe, sitting in an armchair at a coffee table. The captain's face looked thoughtful. Not afraid to sound insane, I told him about a recent vision.
- And have you seen the White Lady? - the interlocutor perked up.
His question gave me hope that I was not the only witness to the supernatural.
- Yes, she came down the stairs ... She came to you? - I suddenly guessed.
The interlocutor nodded.
“She was wearing black gloves,” he added sadly, thoughtfully.

Castle "Roznberk nad Voltavou", where the ghost of the White Lady appears. 19th century drawing

Not wanting to guess what the "black gloves" mean. I asked my interlocutor to tell the story of the ghost of the Rozhmberk family. Fortunately, the situation was conducive, the lighted living room seemed a special safe place, and the dark corridor seemed like a gloomy road to another world. How darkness intensifies children's fears!

Modern view of the castle, photo from the guide

My new acquaintance happily began the story.
The White Lady of the Rozhmberks, which is more often called the White Panna, usually appears in the places of the former possessions of the Rozhmberks, but sometimes she comes to the representatives of the clan, regardless of distance.
She is kind, does not catch up with fear. Although sometimes he is a sad messenger. If she comes in black gloves, then death awaits someone from the family members, if in red, beware of the fire. But if there is a smile on a ghostly face, it means there will be good luck.
Now I understood Mikhail's excitement, he is clearly worried about one of his relatives. Seeing in me an understanding interlocutor, Rosemberg continued his story.

Perchta Rozhmberk (years of life around 1429 - 1476) - White Panna.
According to legend, her soul will be freed by the one who can decipher the mysterious inscription on the portrait.
As a reward to the savior, the lady will indicate where the treasure is stored

The villain's curse
Her name is associated with the sad story of the Rozmberk family of Czech nobles, which took place during the wild Middle Ages, in the 15th century. The noble girl Perchta of the Rosenberg clan was forcibly married to the evil aristocrat Jan Lichtenstein, who had influence at the royal court. The husband turned out to be a villain and in every possible way mocked his young wife, who turned 20 in the year of marriage. He also dared to arrange orgies in the castle, not ashamed of his young wife. Liechtenstein's evil sisters also humiliated their new relative.

Perkhta tried to run away from her husband, but the wild morals of that era did not allow her to return to her father's house. The unhappy woman was forced to stay with her husband. She lived with him for over 20 years, enduring tyranny. Before his death, her husband asked her for forgiveness, but the honest proud wife refused to forgive the bullying. Then the villain cursed Perkhta: “May you have no rest after death,” after these words his black sinful soul fell into Hell.

Drawing in the interior of the castle, 17th century

Alas, the curse came true. After death, Perkhta's soul did not rest. She appears in a white dress with keys at the belt.

Guardian of the clan
The lady was always kind to the Rosenberts. She came to nurse the kids of the clan, protected them from all evil. The maids knew that Panna visited children at night, and were not afraid of her. One night, when the ghost was lulling little Peter Vokov, a nanny who had recently been recruited to the service woke up. The stupid woman raised a cry, and the White Lady slipped through the wall and disappeared. She did not visit Peter again. He became the last owner of the Rozmberk castle. Perhaps the negligent maid angered the guardian of the clan.

Portrait of Peter Vokov (years of life 1539-1611) in childhood

White Panna's Treasure
The matured Peter Vokov was told about his childhood meeting with Bela Panna. Obeying curiosity, he ordered to break down the wall through which the ghost had passed. A treasure was found in the wall. Since then, foolish treasure hunters have been wandering around the old estates of the Rozhmberks, wanting to meet the White Lady and find out about the treasure from her. Some people think that the treasure should be found where the ghost disappears. One can only laugh at human stupidity.

Rozhmberk coins

Funny case
Once White Panna frightened a group of students staying at the castle. After drinking too much local beer, they started making silly jokes about the ghostly mistress. One said that he was ready to hug the lady and confess his love to her. Perkhta came to teach the impudent man, who, out of his stupidity, decided to do what he had said, and tried to hug the ghost. He got off easily, the noble lady only deprived him of consciousness. They say there are ghosts more severe to such antics, and he could not avoid madness.

The interior of the castle "Rozmberk nad Voltavou", photo from the guide

White Panna in the town of Cesky Krumlov
In addition to the Rozmberk castle, there is another favorite place for the appearance of the White Panna - the town of Cesky Krumlov. After the death of her husband, Perkhta remained in this city until the end of her life. She was remembered by the townspeople for her kindness and mercy. When Perkhta died, the whole city mourned for her. They say that White Panna often visits her beloved town. There were eyewitness accounts of a white figure walking slowly through the narrow streets.

City of Cesky Krumlov, my photos of 2005 (enlarged when clicked). Approx. lenarudenko

Rozmberk castle in Mikulov, where the appearance of the White Panna was also noticed

The alleged narrator is Mikhail von Rosenberg, a military engineer who was promoted to major general (lived 1861-1928). Representatives of the Rozhmberk family appeared in the Russian service in the 18th century during the reign of Tsarina Anna Ioanovna

A few days later, I received a letter from Rosemberg, in which he wrote that their close relative had died. The death of a relative occurred on the very evening when White Panna came to him.

Addition to the story... The appearance of the White Panna was noticed during World War II in 1944. The Nazis set up a Nazi school for girls in the castle. One day, schoolgirls raising the fascist flag saw a ghostly woman who shook her finger at them. The frightened girls ran away, and the raised flag broke off the pole and fell to the ground. An explanation was quickly found for the case, blaming the saboteurs for everything. However, no strangers were found in the castle. So the ghost came out against fascism on her estate.

Just a picture about me :))
In summer, the castle hosts a night excursion dedicated to the White Lady. Nobody met the ghost, but the excursion is very interesting. Hopefully, when I visit the Czech Republic again, I will definitely drop by the White Panna.

They appeared from time immemorial, all over the world, and continue to appear to this day. We have run into such cases, at least a dozen times since childhood. Most often it looks like this: A young woman, in a fit of melancholy and hopelessness due to the cruelty and beatings of her husband, kills her children. Or she kills them because they prevent her from jumping out to marry the man of her dreams. In any case, when she dies, she becomes a ghost. The most famous version of this story is most likely originally from Mexico:

    A long time ago, legend has it, a beautiful Indian princess, Dona Luisa de Laveros, fell in love with a handsome Mexican nobleman named Don Nuño de Montesclaro. She fell in love deeply and sincerely, and gave birth to two children from him, but Montesclaro refused to marry her. When he finally left her and married another woman, Donna Louise went mad with anger and stabbed both of her children. She was found wandering down the street, sobbing, in her blood-stained clothes. The authorities accused her of infanticide and sent her to the gallows.
    It is said that after this the ghost of La Lorona ("mourners") wanders at night in bloody clothes and mourns his murdered children. If on the way she comes across a child, then she can take him with her to the Lower World, where her spirit usually dwells.

But even this is only a modernized version of an older legend, possibly dating back to the times when the conquistadors rampaged on the shores of the Rio Grande - clear evidence of how long this type of ghosts have been hanging around. Closer to their native land, in the Dallas area, a different story is told. The local spirit is known as the Ghost of White Rock Lake (White Mountain Lake). The history of La Lorona is combined here with another famous urban legend - the legend of the disappearing hitchhiker. Sometimes the driver (almost always at night) picks up a person voting on the highway, and then this person either suddenly disappears if, for example, a car passes a cemetery, or gives an address that leads to an abandoned house. Our father had a very definite opinion about the disappearing hitchhiker:

    This ghost is all the more dangerous because it plays on one of the best human qualities - the need to help out a person in need of help. The problem with the disappearing hitchhiker is that he does not always disappear without a trace, sometimes he leaves behind a souvenir - a burning desire to meet him again. Usually this search leads directly to the cemetery and there is one less Good Samaritan in the world. Some spirits just can't get close to the right place, but others just love to playfully use the best aspects of human nature.

Near White Rock Lake, you will see mysterious lights, hear strange sounds, and the locals will probably tell you tons of stories if you stay there long enough to listen to them. You will learn about a pretty girl in a soaking white evening dress, voting on the road and then disappearing before the car delivers her to the address. And about another girl who can be seen off the coast. She asks to call, and then disappears, leaving behind only a puddle of water and a fading echo of screams.

We have heard about other cases of La Lorona's appearance - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cemetery in Chicago, in Fort Monroe in Virginia, on the Bridge of Mourners in Dublin, Indiana, on the Calumet Bridge in Gary, Indiana - and in general, in the Chicago area, they fly like flies to ... honey. But we heard that the woman in white / disappearing hitchhiker was seen even in Singapore. But all these ghosts are completely harmless. So we do not climb to them yet, why: each of them is just a wandering ghost, a vagabond, no harm from him.

The last time we met a woman in white was in Jericho, California, several years ago. Like the Ghost of White Rock Lake, she was a "vanishing hitchhiker." She asked to take her home and, if you picked her up, you soon found yourself at an old empty house in a deserted place and did not have to worry about returning home.

Also, in this case, the spirit - Constance Welsh - was suicidal. She drowned her children and jumped off the bridge herself. Sometimes suicides turn into evil ghosts, taking revenge on people who annoyed them during their lifetime. They are confused and desperate, and over time, darkness fills them so much that they begin to persecute anyone who even remotely resembles the people who drove them to suicide.

Our father, after the expulsion of the woman in white at Durant, Oklahoma in 1991, wrote in his diary that he thought that La Lorona was one of the kind of spirits that are called bin sid in Ireland, or banshee.

    Sometimes they are dressed in white, sometimes in a shroud or other funeral clothing. They shriek, scream, sometimes they portend the approach of death for someone from those relatives who hears them. They usually appear in one of three guises, which correspond to the three degrees of femininity (and possibly have to do with the age of the person whose death they foretell). A banshee can look like a lovely young girl, a mature woman, and a decrepit witch. The latter appearance is likely distantly related to the infamous English witch known as Black Annie, a one-eyed old hag who is physically strong and demon-like in appearance: long teeth, steel claws, and a blue face. She was hiding in a huge oak tree, the last that remained of the ancient forest. Like many other witches, she ate human flesh, preferring children, whom she chewed after skinning them alive. She hung these skins in her burrow under the roots of a tree. Baba Yaga from Russian folklore is another type of witch who lives in a deep forest in a hut on chicken legs. She also loves children, but, unlike Black Annie, Baba Yaga, on occasion, could provide important magical assistance to the hero or find a child. If you ask her nicely and kindly or find her in a good mood, then she can help you in your business instead of making a chop out of you.
    The banshee is often seen crying as she washes her bloody clothes in the river - usually the clothes of someone who is about to die. She can appear in the form of a crow, a rabbit, or a weasel.

We know that in the countryside they are water, mermaids, gobies, kikimors and other evil spirits. Urban ghosts have no folklore counterparts, they are products of an artificial environment created by man himself, therefore, they have their own specifics and uniqueness. Several urban myths have served as the basis for many horror films, for example, the ghost named Bloody Mary or the well-known Woman in White, which, according to legends, had their real prototypes. Here's a modern urban legend. One night, the phone rang in the apartment of an elderly woman. She picked up the phone and, to her great horror, heard the voice of her late husband, who groaned in pain. The woman hung up, but the phone immediately rang again. She never managed to close her eyes. The next morning she goes to the cemetery and sees that there are some boards, scraps of telephone wires on the grave of her husband (there was a big wind the day before). Or such a story. A young man returns late at night from a party and pushes a young woman in a white dress who is shivering from the cold on the way. He gives her his jacket. In the morning, he recalls that the stranger did not give him his jacket (or maybe she just wants to continue acquaintance), and goes to her house (he remembered the address). But, to his surprise, he learns from the girl's parents that their daughter died in a car accident several years ago. He goes to the cemetery and finds his jacket on her grave.

Probably, such legends reflected the subconscious fears of city dwellers before an unknown infernal force. Each city has its own history and horrors.
Our city also has its own history and urban legends, which are passed on to the next generations by word of mouth. There are houses with ghosts and ghosts. In the previous issue in the material "Legends of the City" I cited the fact that ghosts for some reason love cultural institutions. I remember that a few years ago there was a legend about the local history museum in the city. They said that it was restless at night: from the hall where the mummified corpse of a woman lay, found by archaeologists in one of the uluses and for some reason handed over to a museum, one could hear screams, groans, threats, crying. The watchmen refused to work, and only after the woman was taken back to her homeland and buried again, the museum became calm. Although who knows, because there are still a lot of things brought from the excavations, they, according to rumors, can also affect the aura of the premises. Another cultural institution has its own, so to speak, stationary ghost. By the way, more than ten years ago I worked for some time in this institution. And once I sat up late, as I was waiting for one girl who was supposed to come to me on business. She was busy reading and did not notice that it was already getting dark, and my girlfriend was gone. Deciding that it was no longer worth the wait, I was about to leave and saw that the doors were locked from the outside. The watchman, apparently thinking that no one was there, locked the doors and went off somewhere. So, I sat under the castle, alone, in a building where ghosts were found, and many employees claimed that they saw the ghost of a girl in a white national dress. And my girlfriend, apparently, came and stumbled upon the castle. To my great joy, the watchman soon came and was very surprised to find that he had locked someone. According to the stories, the ghost girl used to study in this building in the 60s of the last century and even lived here, in a student dormitory. Once, on some holiday, the girls decided to play a joke and pushed the most modest classmate - after having drunk wine - into the guys' room, and in a nude or half-naked form. What happened there, in this room, history is silent, but then this girl was subjected to general ostracism, and the poor thing, unable to bear the shame, hanged herself. Since then, her ghost has occasionally appeared in the corridors of this building. She smiles at someone - in this case, luck awaits a person, she appears to someone angry - then, on the contrary, expect something bad. Sometimes employees hear her light steps along the corridor, look out - no one.

In general, ghosts often take root in hostels. This is most likely due to the fact that the inhabitants are constantly changing, and therefore the keeper of the house - the brownie - does not take root in such buildings. In addition, young people living far from their parents do not always lead an exemplary lifestyle, it also happens that from unrequited love or other stupidity they commit suicide. There are also such ghosts in university dormitories. I lived in one of them in my first year. They also saw a girl in a light-colored nightgown, who hanged herself in the common washroom also in the late 1960s. According to legend, she became pregnant without a husband, and her boyfriend refused to marry her ... To return home with a child and without a husband in those years was a great shame. And no one was there to help her ... Her ghost was seen at a certain time, usually early in the morning, when most of the students were still fast asleep and dreaming. In our time, the ghost almost scared to death one senior student who flew away somewhere early that day and got up very early to catch the flight. She, trying not to make noise, dressed and went to the washroom. A few minutes later, her terrible cry was heard from there. She was brought from there almost deranged and brought to her senses for a long time. But what actually happened is what happened. Only one light was on in the washroom, it was a little dark when she entered and began to wash. Suddenly in the mirror she saw something white floating in the air behind her. She froze in horror. The ghost stood next to her and also began to wash. The girl screamed and fainted. After this incident, they began to go to the washroom only in a crowd and forced the guys to screw in the bulbs to make it brighter ...
Next to this hostel there was another, where I lived already when I was in senior years. Another girl once hanged herself in the attic of this house. Clever and beautiful, graduate in five minutes. She was not pregnant, and the guy did not leave her, on the contrary, he counted the days when his beloved, having received a diploma, would come to work in his village. But he did not wait ... She, this girl, the head of the group, a clever and beautiful woman, suddenly, with some kind of slipper, was accused of theft, and not just anyone, but her best friends, with whom she lived all five years of study in one room. They arranged a trial, and even contrived to arrange so that none other than the head of the faculty himself was present at this trial. Apparently, a leader of this level had nothing to do but walk around the hostels and personally attend the girls' showdown - who, when and why took someone's leggings or something like that. After the trial, she walked for a long time, almost all night, along the corridors of the hostel, and no one came out after her to see how she was there, no one inquired about her condition. Nobody took the hand and said: "Never mind, this is all nonsense, a matter of everyday life, they just envy you, and your boyfriend, if he really loves, will never believe them!" Or some other words that she needed so badly that night. She sat for a long time in the shared kitchen on another floor, and in the morning she climbed into the attic and hung herself from the belt of her country-style dress.

A lot of time has passed since then, but for some reason I often think about her, maybe because I remember her well, she was a very memorable girl. Sometimes I think about those girls: what did they achieve and how they lived all this time, do they really not suffer from remorse? By the way, they live and rejoice, some even prosper, have all possible and impossible regalia, titles, have families, children, grateful students ... In general, as they say, "they sow reasonable, kind, eternal ..." And, perhaps, no longer even remember that incident or pretend not to remember. And this girl, who remained forever twenty-two years old, who did not marry a loved one, who did not give birth to children, who did not learn anyone, who through their fault laid hands on herself, is forever chained to that attic where her young life once so offensively and absurdly ended. Sometimes, who knows, maybe her soul descends from the attic and walks in an inaudible shadow along the corridors, where she once dreamed of something, loved someone, hoped for something ... The head of the faculty is not yet an old person , died unexpectedly from a heart attack, but simply from a heart attack.

The building, which was in my time the Faculty of History and Philology, was also reputed to be a house where ghosts live. It still stands, gaping with empty windows and frightening the late passers-by, who, having read various tales and tales (like mine), hurry to pass by this, so to speak, city house. In our time, a teenage girl unexpectedly died of a heart attack there, who remained for two hours in front of the school to replace her mother, who was guarding this building. On this day, I remember, our lectures were canceled. In general, they told different things. Once the students of one group stayed in the building, preparing for some kind of holiday. A dim light was on on the stage of the lecture hall, and in the hall itself it was dark. Gradually, everyone dispersed, the most active remained, three or maybe four people. And then one of the girls, looking into the hall, saw something black, large and swirling, crawling towards the stage. And, of course, he screamed with fear. Then everyone rushed out of there and then hardly remembered how they ended up on the street. People walked past them, laughing carelessly, and it was not yet so dark, just spring twilight. "What was it?" - they asked each other, but no one could give an intelligible answer to this question. At least it was something VERY SCARY and irrational, and IT was creeping in their direction. The next day, of course, they told the rest of their classmates about this incident that frightened them, but no one attached much importance to their words, in the end they even thought that they might have just imagined it. The bright spring sun peeked through the windows, the heads of the groups called the roll call, waited for a scholarship, and everyone was not up to any horror stories. Although it is strange that until now this building, which stands in the very center of the city, no one particularly pretends to build another shopping center. According to rumors, this place, along with the skeleton of a dilapidated building, seems to have been given to the Museum of Music and Folklore, but, as always, apparently no funds have been allocated for the construction of this cultural institution.

The White Lady (also known as the White Panna) in Bohemia is one of the most famous ghosts of women. She has been mentioned for years with such details that it would seem that even skeptics can believe in her existence. The user lenarudenko on the LiveJournal service told the details of the mysterious and tragic story of the ghost.

The good ghost and the code in the portrait

According to those who believe in this, the ghostly lady appears in the castle of Rozmberk nad Vltavou (the first mention of it dates back to 1250), which belonged to the Rozmberk family. She is kind and usually does not try to catch up with fear, she is seen in a white dress with keys at the belt. However, if she comes in black gloves, it means that one of the descendants will die. If in red - there will be a fire. There are legends that the one who deciphers the inscription on the portrait will be able to free her soul (see below).

Cursed by a cruel husband

According to legends, this is the ghost of Perkhta Rozmberk, whose approximate years of life are 1429-1476. Against her will, the girl was forced at the age of 20 to marry the aristocrat Jan Lichtenstein, who had a very dark soul. He mocked Perkhta in every possible way, and also arranged orgies in the castle. His evil sisters, like relatives of Cinderella from a fairy tale, also humiliated the girl.

Perkhta could not escape from her husband: the customs of the 15th century did not allow her to return to her father's house. As a result, she lived with the monster for twenty years. Before his death, he asked her for forgiveness, but she refused to forgive. Then he cursed her.

"May you have no peace after death" - he stated.

And, as they say, this curse came true.

Ghost nanny

After death, the soul of the White Lady did not calm down. As they say, she came to her descendants and protected them from evil. The ghostly keeper visited the children at night, and they were not afraid of her. The maids also knew about her visits. But one day there was an incident with a new nanny: while the White Lady was lulling little Peter Vokov, the woman noticed her and raised a cry. The lady slipped through the wall and did not visit Peter again. He became the last owner of the castle.

Ghost gift

When Peter grew up, he was told about the incident with the White Lady. Out of curiosity, he ordered to break down the wall through which the ghost had passed. And they found a treasure in the wall. Since then, legends began to appear that the treasure can be found wherever the White Lady disappears.

Case with students

It is said that there was a case when a group of students staying at the castle began to laugh at its legends. One of them even said that he was ready to hug the White Lady and confess his love to her. Then she came to teach the intruders a lesson. At the same time, the impudent person had the imprudence to really try to hug her - and lost consciousness.

Comes out for a walk

According to rumors, the White Lady also likes to appear in the town of Cesky Krumlov, in which Perkhta lived after the death of her husband until her very death. Eyewitnesses said that she slowly walked the streets and helped people.

Seen during the war

According to legend, the White Lady was also spotted during World War II. In 1944, the Germans organized a fascist school for girls in the castle, and she once appeared to the students and shook her finger at them. They fled in fear, and the fascist flag, which they were trying to catch, fell.

Photo:, Wikipedia,