Joint stay of relatives with a child in the hospital: how to arrange. Chambers of Joint stay with a child after childbirth: for and against when you need to choose a separate chamber

What happens to a woman after childbirth?

It seems to me that the key point in the choice of the Chamber should be female well-being after childbirth. Therefore, it is very difficult to predict in advance (if you give birth for the first time), which chamber will be perfect for you. Fortunately, I gave birth not in the usual maternity hospital, and there I could freely choose a joint or separate stay. And at any time could change its decision.

Everybody has dwells in different ways. Someone a couple of hours after childbirth, full of energy, dreams of new exploits and jumps around the ward as young lan. And someone needs at least a few days to restore. Emotional recovery. So it was with me. I felt so squeezed and broken that I could not even calmly rejoice in the baby. Thank God, I had enough mind to choose a separate stay with the child. During these days I slept only two hours, although no one interfered with me. Just the inner state was so exhausted that I did not fall asleep, although I died of fatigue. Two days later, the nerves began to calm down a little. But here one midwife began to root me in choosing a separate chamber. I'm immediate i felt a bad mother, experienced a sense of guilt And translated into a joint chamber. Sorry that I hurried so much. Remained only one day before the statement, but this is what day me not enough until final recovery. As a result, postpartum depression began in the maternity hospital, I arrived home I am completely killed. And began. Read more about the exit from postpartum depression in the article "Restoration after childbirth" and "Postpartum depression: a look after six months."

What is useful separate stay with the child?

If a woman feels good after childbirth - I entirely for a joint ward. However, it is necessary to soberly assess your strength. After all maternity hospital is the only way to relax . The maternity hospital is almost a resort, especially in a paid room. It is better to gain strength now, having commissioned the baby to midwives, than to hide from the first days of life at home. Separate Chamber is needed only in extreme cases. But if you feel such a case. Send your feeling of guilt somewhere away, do not listen to anyone and gain strength! Kids need a calm and healthy mom.

Benefits of the Chamber of Joint stay with the child

1. From the first days you live with your baby! This is a huge plus!

2. You are learning your baby, gradually get used to it. After all, the maternity hospital does not need to be washed and stroking diapers, do not need to do household chores. So, the load on you will increase gradually.

3. If the first weeks of the house will not be with you, then this is the only option. After all, in the hospital you will be taught the main care for the child. In particular, to change diapers and swaded baby.

4. You will control everything that is done with the baby. More precisely, nothing will do nothing without your knowledge. You will be sure that there is a pure pamper. And no one pulled him a bottle with a mixture.

5. You can feed the baby on demand.

6. It is very good for the child - from the first days to be near mom.

When do you need to choose a separate chamber?

If after childbirth you feel that you are on the verge of hysterics.

When do you need to choose a chamber of a joint stay?

In all other cases.

How hard is the joint chamber?

It all depends on the child. Our baby colic began in the maternity hospital. Doctors were indifferent to their hands, promising that it would pass by 3-4 months. Therefore, the first nights we did not sleep, but went crazy. If you choose a chamber of the joint stay - be prepared for such a turn of events.

In what conditions did you stand right after delivery? What do you think about the wards of a joint stay?

Instructions for the co-arrival of the mother and child

Please note that this information is intended for specialists, but can be recommended to familiarize themselves to the future parents who relate to the distrust of the medical staff of the hospitals.

Instructions for the co-arrival of the mother and child (from the recommendation for specialists)

1. General Regulations
The joint stay of the maternity hospital and a newborn child in the postpartum departments of the maternity hospital significantly reduced the frequency of diseases of the parenting in the postpartum period and the frequency of the disease of newborn children. The main feature of the maternity hospital (obstetric department) with the joint stay of the mother and the child is the active participation of the mother in care for the newborn child (swelping, toilet of skin and mucous membranes, feeding).
With the joint stay of the mother and the newborn after delivery, the contact of the newborn with the medical personnel of the obstetric branch is limited, the possibility of infection with hospital strains of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms is reduced and favorable conditions are created to settle the organism of a newborn microflora mother.
With this mode, the early attachment of the newborn to the mother's breast is ensured, the mother's active training and care of newborns are active, the sense of responsibility has a sense of responsibility for compliance with personal hygiene and sanitation in the ward.
With the joint stay of the mother and the newborn, they are placed in boxes or semi-beds (for one or two beds). Possible redevelopment of postpartum chambers in previously built maternity hospitals in the chamber of the joint stay of the mother and the child.
The joint stay of the mother and the child can be carried out only in the usual, non-specialized maternity hospital, in such institutions about 70% of the parents of the physiological department in the postpartum period can be located with their children.
Each chamber of the mother and child and child is equipped with medical scales for weighing newborns. Next to the beds of Mothers are installed individual bedside tables or shelves for storing the laundry of a newborn and place a tray with a set of medicines for skin care and the mucous membranes (r-p-p-r-acid 2% - 10.0, tannin ointment 2% - 10 gr.) . In each chamber, the medical sister of the branch of newborns brings Bix with sterile material (cotton balls, bandages, wands with cotton) and changes the bix and a set of medicines as it is used, but at least 3 times a day. All chambers are provided with disinfectant capacity.
For processing changing tables, bedside tables, scales, beds are used: chlorine b - 1%, chlorinam b - 0.75% with 0.5% detergent solution, Desokon-1 - 0.1%, Desokson-1 - 0.05% With 0.5% detergent, sulfochlorantine-0.2%, dichloro-1 - 2%, chlorinezin-0.5% (rubbing items - twofold).

2. Contraindications to the joint stay of the mother and the child
Contraindications from the side of the parental are:
- late toxicosis of pregnant women;
- Extgazenital diseases in the decompensation stage;
- operational interventions in childbirth;
- rapid and protracted childbirth;
- long, more than 18 hours, anhydrous interval in childbirth;
- the presence of elevated temperatures in childbirth;
- Groans or cuts of the perineum.
Contraindications from the newborn baby are:
- prematurity;
- immaturity;
- long-term intrauterine fetal hypoxia;
- intrauterine hypotrophy of the fetus II-III degree;
- intracranial and other types of generic injury;
- Asphyxia at birth;
- anomalies of the development and deformity of the internal organs;
- Hemolytic disease.

3. Organizational events
2 hours after childbirth and inspection of a newborn baby, a pediatrician head, head of the maternity block, and in his absence, an obstetrician-gynecologist permits the transfer of a parental and its newborn in the ward of a joint stay, which makes entry in the history of childbirth and the history of the development of a newborn.
The newborn in the ward to the mother delivers the midwife to the duty officer and transfers his medical sister to the department of newborn children. The transfer time of the child's medical sister and the state of the newborn (the character of the cry, the color of the skin and others) is noted on the first sheet of the history of the newborn and is certified by signatures of midwife and the medical sister of the branch of newborns. In case of deterioration of the child's condition, it is immediately translated into the appropriate chamber for intensive observation and solving the issue of its subsequent place of stay.
The first toilet of the newborn baby and the care of it in the first day is carried out by a medical sister of the branch of newborns and mother. The nurse teaches the mother to the peculiarities of the newborn care, emphasizing the importance of compliance with the sequence of treatment of skin and mucous child (eyes, nasal moves, arms); He teaches the mother to use sterile material and disinfectants. To arrange a child, an individual use soap must be used, which is constantly at the mother. For other purposes, the specified soap is not used.
The control of umbilical cord and umbilical wound is carried out by a pediatrician. Under the deposit of umbilical umbilicals and for the appointment of a doctor, the treatment of umbilical cord is carried out by a nurse.
To bypass a pediatrician in each chamber, a medical sister is preparing:
- sterilization box with sterile materials (balls, wool, wands with cotton, bandage);
- sterile tweezers for the fence of sterile material and one for each newborn baby to handle umbilical wound;
- tank with ethyl alcohol 95% - 2 ml;
- Capacity with a solution of potassium permanganate 10% - 2 ml;
- Capacity with hydrogen peroxide solution 3% - 2 ml.
Entering the sideline (ward), a pediatrician and a nurse after twofold hand washing with soap warm running water dressing robes that are allocated for each chamber and change daily.
The nurse provides the pledges with the necessary number of sterile diapers (25 pieces per day for 1 child). Collecting the used diapers in each box (ward) are produced in tanks having covers, or pedal buckets with cotton or adhesive covers in them. After the end of the swellery, the post nurse or a nurse collects together with covers used underwear and (through the mine) descends it into a room for sorting and collecting dirty linen. In the ward produce wet cleaning. The medical sister strictly monitors the timely change and use of disinfecting solutions in each chamber, teaches mothers using their use.
Storage of reserves of medicines, drinking solutions and sterile material, picking sets for the care of newborn children, storing the development stories of newborn children are organized in a specially allocated working room for nurses. Medical preparations are stored under the lock.

Joint stay of mother and child

To date, perhaps, you will not find such a maternity hospital in our country, where the conditions for the joint stay of the mother and the child were created. Family Rozals have been created in many hospitals, which in their own appearance and level of comfort resemble hotel rooms.

In them, the woman gives birth to the baby and remains before discharge. There are also chambers of joint stay in the postpartum department. This is one, two-, maximum triple chambers, where everything is needed to make mom and baby after childbirth feel comfortable.

But another 15 years ago, a woman could only dream about such conditions. And in general, women inspired the idea that after childbirth, mom needs to relax, sleep and restore force. And at the same time, let him come under the supervision of medical personnel. So more chances that nothing happens to the child and the pathology will be revealed on time if suddenly it has a child. Unfortunately, today from the mouth of "caring" grandmothers you can hear the same tips. Of course, they can be understood, they simply do not know that the first days after childbirth can proceed somehow differently. They do not know the same thing that the early postpartum period is the most sensitive period in the life of Mom and Child. Therefore, the nature itself is intended to be together. Otherwise, there may be a lot of problems. But let's go about everything in order.

However, let's immediately bring clarity. We will talk about the round-the-clock joint stay of the mother and the child, i.e. When immediately after the birth of Mom and the baby do not part and 24 hours a day are together. Any separation of mom and child, even the most short, can have unpredictable results.

Let's start with a medical point of view. In the early postpartum period, serious health problems, both mother and a child may develop. If they are not in timely identified and solved properly, they can lead to remote negative consequences in their state. A joint stay allows you to create the most favorable conditions for effective postpartum care and minimize the likelihood of the development of postpartum complications.

What are the advantages of a joint stay for mom and for baby?

Advantages of the co-stay of mother and baby for mom

Postpartum period - This is the time when the women's bodies return to their initial state and lactation is set. Physiological changes occur 6-8 weeks after childbirth. The first week after childbirth is associated with the most serious changes: a basis for restoring the health of a woman is created, a mutual adaptation of the mother and child occurs. In this regard, a joint stay with the child contributes to the physiological flow of the entire postpartum period.

  • The uterus returns to the former sizes faster: this is facilitated by the frequent attachment of the baby to the chest. In the process of sucking a breast child in the body of the mother, a hormone of oxytocin is produced, which causes the uterus to shrink.
  • Less risk of early and late postpartum bleeding: also due to hormone oxitocin.
  • Breastfeeding is faster and less likely to occur with breastfeeding and lactation, milk arrives in women faster and it is produced as much as the baby needs it. In addition, the joint stay has a positive effect on the duration of breastfeeding.
  • The routine practice of separation of mothers and children can negatively affect the duration of breastfeeding. All studies studied this question showed that the number of mothers who stopped breastfeeding between one to three months after childbirth was significantly higher among those who were divided with the child after childbirth.
  • Advantages of the co-stay of mother and child for a child

    Most of the rules and prescriptions for postpartum care in hospitals who have existed until recently were established to prevent or contain the cross-infection and prevention of nosocomial infections. With increasing fertility after World War II, the family branches were crowded, and the problem of staphylocock lesion of the skin of newborns arose. To reduce the infection rate, a variety of measures were taken, including isolation, a ban on the entrance to children's departments without special clothing, bathing with the addition of medicines and special treatment of umbilical cord.

    Children immediately after birth were taken from mothers and contained them in the newborn separation. Such a tactic when all the children lay in close proximity to each other, but separately from their mothers, increased the danger of infection. It was even proven in one study, spent almost 50 years ago. It was shown that in children who were from 8 to 12 hours a day with their mothers, the sowing level of microbes and infection was lower than the children who were in the Children's Chamber and were rarely contacted with the mother. But she should have passed half a century, so that the joint stay of the mother and the child became routine in all hospitals.

    Currently, it is proved that the joint stay of the mother and the newborn within 24 hours in the same chamber is a kind of protective factor, since the newborn is immaculated by the microorganisms of the mother, and not resistant to antibiotic non-hospitable strains.

    In addition, the lack of contact with other children reduces the risk of cross-infection of newborns.

    Permanent stay with mom and sucking breasts on the first request
    contribute to the sequestment of the intestine of the child with normal microorganisms and:

  • prevent the developed intestinal infections;
  • reduce the likelihood of severe jaundice;
  • contributes to a more rapid restoration of the initial loss of body weight;
  • allows the child along with milk to get protective antibodies that strengthen his immunity.
  • Psychological Benefits for Mother and Baby

    Many studies have compared the encouragement of the permanent stay of the mother and a newborn baby in the same chamber with a separate stay of mothers and newborns in the early postpartum period. It was convincingly proven that in the event of a contact restriction between the mother and the child, the mother show less maternal feelings, are in a state of confusion and have a lower self-esteem. This suggests that the separation of mothers and newborns increases the risk that the parents of the firstborn may not pay the necessary attention to their children, and, accordingly, bad about them to take care of them. In one study, for example, it was shown that with the introduction of a round-the-clock co-stay of the mother and the child, the number of failures of children decreased in the hospital!

    In the conditions of the 24-hour stay of the mother and the child, Mom learns to understand the signals of his baby, his needs and faster learns to care for him. So already to the discharge, she absolutely confidently feels and is not afraid of doing something wrong.
    The joint stay also allows you to strengthen the emotional and psychological relationship between the mother and the baby, which began to form still intrauterine and continues to exist after delivery. This is very important for both psychological well-being.

    It was noticed that the moms who are located separately from their children are often observed postpartum depression and psychosis. For a pediatric psyche, such a division after childbirth is also a serious injury that can have remote consequences. The separation with the mother leads to the fact that the baby turns out to be in a state of chronic stress. As a result, violations of the adaptation process, as well as deviations and delays in psychomotor development, are possible.

    The newly born baby is in a state of anxiety. After all, the surrounding furnishings of him is unfamiliar. Mom for him is a source of familiar and acquaintances from the intrauterine period of sensations: its smell, voice, breathing and heart rhythm, the taste of a colostrum, similar to the taste of ammunition. At the meeting in this unfamiliar world, his familiar and pleasant elements of his anxiety decreases, and the world around him does not seem so terrible. Sometimes the whole life of a person passes under the alarms, with which he does not manage to cope at birth. And the reverse side of the alarm is aggression.

    Psychologists and specialists in children's development argue that the destruction of physical and emotional contact with the mother is expressed primarily in the absence of a favorable impression of the world, forming a resentment complex and anxiety, the destruction of a sense of confidence, difficult to social adaptation and antisocial behavior.
    Thus, a round-the-clock joint stay is a vital necessity, both for the mother and for the child. Therefore, any causes that violate this unity must be eliminated.

    About the benefits of a joint stay with a child in the hospital

    In December, I gave birth to a child - a girl. The truth did not give birth in Moscow - I am from Vladivostok. I chose the hospital with a joint stay with a child immediately after childbirth. Many girlfriends, who had already given birth sister and Mom advised me to relax better after childbirth than, not yet faster, mess around with the child. It's good that I had enough of the mind not to obey their advice.

    In December, I gave birth to a child - a girl. The truth did not give birth in Moscow - I am from Vladivostok. Maternity hospital I chose with a joint stay with a child immediately after rodov . Many girlfriends, who had already given birth sister and Mom advised me to relax better after childbirth than, not yet faster, mess around with the child. It's good that I had enough of the mind not to obey their advice.

    I gave birth easy. That's just the placenta and the child's place. I was given anesthesia, and two hours afterwards I went away from him. The elevator did not work and in the ward I went on foot. More precisely, I was practically dragging for myself two young nurses. Come to the ward, I collapsed on the bed. They said that the child will bring me how only the anesthesia will go well.

    I slept sensitively. Could not lie on the right side - everything was ached and hurt. Constantly thinking about the child - what's wrong with him. For a while later - already, apparently, deep at night, I brought a child, saying: "You feed the child or not. And then she cry so crying, wanting to eat! " I said that for the thought of them and that I, of course, will feed - there are no questions, and that I will not only feed, but I will leave it - one no longer can. And that's it. Since then, we did not dissolve.

    It was hard. The girl sucked all the time, and while the milk was not (one brosy) I was very sidewood - the chest was sick from constant irritation (sucking). They say, it happens worse - cracks, but God has fallen me. Seen correctly breasts gave. I had to go to the toilet to go to the corridor and the child I left one (I had a separate chamber). Well, when the husband came, I could even go calmly, and not "run" - I barely walked.

    But now I am talking to myself. Thank you. Firstly, because I did not have the fouls of milk, and there was a milk (God forbid); Secondly, the uterus declined the next day so that I could write me. And in the third, I myself, Pelenal, and disguised the child (although I could hardly stand) and when I discharge from the maternity hospital, we didn't even have a hint of the diaper. Yes, and hardly I could calmly be in the ward, knowing that somewhere, far from me, in the children's office there is my child and, maybe crying, or that it is remembered by a mixture (this is not uncommon, and it happens almost always In the maternity hospital, doctors just hide it. I think it is not necessary to explain the harmfulness of this "reclamation" while mom has milk!)

    You just do not think that I am a mom with experience - no! This is my first child, the first experience, a very desirable child, although I am only 20 years old. I really knew what I was going in that, as they say "early" age. I just didn't give birth to a child, then to be, at least for a couple of days, excommunicated from him. This is my blood! And I love my Alexanderushka. Very much.

    I want to advise mommies to choose a maternity hospital with a collaboration. Let it be hard - this is first, but then you will understand that it is right and for you and for a child!

    Together or apart? Joint and separate stay in the maternity hospital with the baby.

    In Soviet times, there was no problem of choice. They gave birth like everyone else cared for children like everyone else. Now, fortunately, you can choose a maternity hospital that meets all the ideas of the future milf about high-quality medical care. One of the important criteria for choice is a joint or separate finding a child with her mother immediately after birth. Both options have pros and cons. What kind? This is below.

    How does this happen?

    When the baby appears on the light, in almost any modern maternity hospital, the first thing is applied to the mother's breast for a few minutes. Then the newly new mom gives a break from 2 to 4 hours. Next - the baby remains in the Children's Chamber and meets with mom only during feeding feeds. Either - it is sent immediately to her caring, but sometimes not experienced hands. It depends on the method of staying moms and babies in a particular hospital. It can be separate or joint.

    In the first case, the gave woman goes to the ward, where together with her are still from 2 to 6 mam. There she comes to himself and in 2-4 hours in accordance with the routine of feedings in the hospital, she brings to the "first date". Half an hour, then the nurse collects neat kules and takes into the children's office. If the maternity hospital is small and between compartments, then the mother is heard, babies cry in the children's chamber when they conduct medical or hygienic procedures. Many kids have such a special voice at this age that mom in a few walls recognizes him in the general choir.

    If a co-foundation of mother and baby is practiced in the maternity hospital, the child is brought to the chamber to mom 4 hours after birth. Provided that the childbirth passed normally and the mother does not need additional medical care. And from now on - everything itself. The chambers of joint stay are usually designed not more than on three mothers and, accordingly, three children. The nurse comes to handle the basins of kids and rinse their eyes. In some cases, when the mother goes to medical procedures or goes to relatives (if it is permitted in the hospital), it can leave the baby from nurses in the children's ward. In good maternity hospitals with attentive staff, you can get answers to all questions from a doctor and nurses. But in the usual average institution for the response to each question (and there are many of them in the new mammia), sometimes you have to run.

    Separately finding: relaxing or worried?

    There are advantages here and are connected, first of all, with convenience for mom. She has the opportunity to relax, come to himself after childbirth, sleep. Every 6 hours a nurse brings a child and leaves a maximum for an hour. That is, a total of not more than 6 hours - so much the baby spends the baby with mom. The rest of the children sleep. Or nurses make procedures. Mom remains only to guess: "How is the baby, not crying whether it hurts him?"

    Sometimes separate finding is the only possible option. It depends on the state of the feminine.

    The system works like a clock?

    The system of separate stay of the mother and baby has long been practiced in the maternity hospital. Doctors and nurses act "on the rolled". There is a daily routine: feeding, dressing, blood fence, vaccinations. Mom does not need to worry that the vaccination is appointed, and the baby sleeps. If the maternity hospital practices such a system with decades, all the staff got used to and malfunctioning almost does not happen.

    Therefore, if you choose between a good hospital with separate finding and maternity hospital so-so, but with a joint, I would choose the first. And now I will explain why.

    Unfortunately, in some maternity hospitals with a joint stay, rebuilding the form, forget about the content. Mommies, fantastic on the corridor and coding nurse with the question: "What to do?" In the new "joint" maternity hospitals are not uncommon. Explain, show - this nurses do not always have enough time. Another banal flaw is dinner for mothers. You do not have time to approach the lunch in time - you will stay without him. And this for a nursing mother "is not good".

    If you decide that the joint finding is what you need, choose a hospital, where such a system has long been worked out, and not entered literally yesterday (or last year).

    Joint stay: benefits

    Recently, the joint finding mom and baby in the maternity hospital is becoming increasingly popular. Fortunately, despite the difficulties mentioned slightly above, in many hospitals the system has taken root and works well. Here is the features that she gives a young mother and newborn:

    • Communication with the closest person. The crumb from the first hours is surrounded by Mamina care. In fact, he does not need anything else. He is calm and serene.
    • Baby care skills. Almost always there is an opportunity, let it not immediately, ask a question to care for a nurse or pediatrician. Houses such moms come already prepared and relatives are surprised: "How deftly you cope with the baby, as if all my life practiced this!"
    • Mom calm that the child receives only breast milk or strictly defined, and not some unknown food. "How is he there without me, does not cry?" - These questions, with separate finding, also add concern. Here is everything under control.
    • Joint stay in the first hours is useful for establishing breastfeeding. The kid is always with mom and can get the chest when he wants. Milk comes faster and in the right quantities. The need to recover the mixture almost immediately.
    • Frequent applied to the baby's chest in the first days after childbirth are also useful for women's health. When the baby sucks the chest, the uterus is actively shortened, returning to normal condition. So, the process of restoring the body after childbirth passes faster.
    • I had experience in both a joint and separate stay with the child in the maternity hospital. With the eldest son - an ordinary hospital with a separate stay, with an average of the same maternity hospital, but in a joint ward, with the younger hospital, who specializes in jointlying mom and kid. All the pros and cons of each option I felt in full. I can do this: of course, better together. When the kid near 24 hours a day, even the mother of the firstborn in their eyes turn into caring and skillful parents. As for the need to sleep, then first week after childbirth, this is quite possible, even being close to the baby, as he sleeps very much.

      Of course, everything is individually. It is not always possible to choose the option of staying in the maternity hospital: along with the child or separately. In this case, you should not be upset, because the maternity hospital is just a few days. At home, in a relaxed atmosphere, you can relax and catch everything that in your opinion, you and the baby did not have enough in the medical institution.

    In them, the woman gives birth to the baby and remains before discharge. There are also chambers of joint stay in the postpartum department. This is one, two-, maximum triple chambers, where everything is needed to make mom and baby after childbirth feel comfortable.

    But another 15 years ago, a woman could only dream about such conditions. And in general, women inspired the idea that after childbirth, mom needs to relax, sleep and restore force. And at the same time, let him come under the supervision of medical personnel. So more chances that nothing happens to the child and the pathology will be revealed on time if suddenly it has a child. Unfortunately, today from the mouth of "caring" grandmothers you can hear the same tips. Of course, they can be understood, they simply do not know that the first days after childbirth can proceed somehow differently. They do not know the same thing that the early postpartum period is the most sensitive period in the life of Mom and Child. Therefore, the nature itself is intended to be together. Otherwise, there may be a lot of problems. But let's go about everything in order.

    However, let's immediately bring clarity. We will talk about the round-the-clock joint stay of the mother and the child, i.e. When immediately after the birth of Mom and the baby do not part and 24 hours a day are together. Any separation of mom and child, even the most short, can have unpredictable results.

    Let's start with a medical point of view. In the early postpartum period, serious health problems, both mother and a child may develop. If they are not in timely identified and solved properly, they can lead to remote negative consequences in their state. A joint stay allows you to create the most favorable conditions for effective postpartum care and minimize the likelihood of the development of postpartum complications.

    What are the advantages of a joint stay for mom and for baby?

    Advantages of the co-stay of mother and baby for mom

    Postpartum period- This is the time when the women's bodies return to their initial state and lactation is set. Physiological changes occur 6-8 weeks after childbirth. The first week after childbirth is associated with the most serious changes: a basis for restoring the health of a woman is created, a mutual adaptation of the mother and child occurs. In this regard, a joint stay with the child contributes to the physiological flow of the entire postpartum period.

    • The uterus returns to the former sizes faster: this is facilitated by the frequent attachment of the baby to the chest. In the process of sucking a breast child in the body of the mother, a hormone of oxytocin is produced, which causes the uterus to shrink.
    • Less risk of early and late postpartum bleeding: also due to hormone oxitocin.
    • Breastfeeding is faster and less likely to occur with breastfeeding and lactation, milk arrives in women faster and it is produced as much as the baby needs it. In addition, the joint stay has a positive effect on the duration of breastfeeding.
    • The routine practice of separation of mothers and children can negatively affect the duration of breastfeeding. All studies studied this question showed that the number of mothers who stopped breastfeeding between one to three months after childbirth was significantly higher among those who were divided with the child after childbirth.

    Advantages of the co-stay of mother and child for a child

    Most of the rules and prescriptions for postpartum care in hospitals who have existed until recently were established to prevent or contain the cross-infection and prevention of nosocomial infections. With increasing fertility after World War II, the family branches were crowded, and the problem of staphylocock lesion of the skin of newborns arose. To reduce the infection rate, a variety of measures were taken, including isolation, a ban on the entrance to children's departments without special clothing, bathing with the addition of medicines and special treatment of umbilical cord.

    Children immediately after birth were taken from mothers and contained them in the newborn separation. Such a tactic when all the children lay in close proximity to each other, but separately from their mothers, increased the danger of infection. It was even proven in one study, spent almost 50 years ago. It was shown that in children who were from 8 to 12 hours a day with their mothers, the sowing level of microbes and infection was lower than the children who were in the Children's Chamber and were rarely contacted with the mother. But she should have passed half a century, so that the joint stay of the mother and the child became routine in all hospitals.

    Currently, it is proved that the joint stay of the mother and the newborn within 24 hours in the same chamber is a kind of protective factor, since the newborn is immaculated by the microorganisms of the mother, and not resistant to antibiotic non-hospitable strains.

    In addition, the lack of contact with other children reduces the risk of cross-infection of newborns.

    Permanent stay with mom and sucking breasts on the first request
    contribute to the sequestment of the intestine of the child with normal microorganisms and:

    • prevent the developed intestinal infections;
    • reduce the likelihood of severe jaundice;
    • contributes to a more rapid restoration of the initial loss of body weight;
    • allows the child along with milk to get protective antibodies that strengthen his immunity.

    Psychological Benefits for Mother and Baby

    Many studies have compared the encouragement of the permanent stay of the mother and a newborn baby in the same chamber with a separate stay of mothers and newborns in the early postpartum period. It was convincingly proven that in the event of a contact restriction between the mother and the child, the mother show less maternal feelings, are in a state of confusion and have a lower self-esteem. This suggests that the separation of mothers and newborns increases the risk that the parents of the firstborn may not pay the necessary attention to their children, and, accordingly, bad about them to take care of them. In one study, for example, it was shown that with the introduction of a round-the-clock co-stay of the mother and the child, the number of failures of children decreased in the hospital!

    In the conditions of the 24-hour stay of the mother and the child, Mom learns to understand the signals of his baby, his needs and faster learns to care for him. So already to the discharge, she absolutely confidently feels and is not afraid of doing something wrong.
    The joint stay also allows you to strengthen the emotional and psychological relationship between the mother and the baby, which began to form still intrauterine and continues to exist after delivery. This is very important for both psychological well-being.

    It was noticed that the moms who are located separately from their children are often observed postpartum depression and psychosis. For a pediatric psyche, such a division after childbirth is also a serious injury that can have remote consequences. The separation with the mother leads to the fact that the baby turns out to be in a state of chronic stress. As a result, violations of the adaptation process, as well as deviations and delays in psychomotor development, are possible.

    The newly born baby is in a state of anxiety. After all, the surrounding furnishings of him is unfamiliar. Mom for him is a source of familiar and acquaintances from the intrauterine period of sensations: its smell, voice, breathing and heart rhythm, the taste of a colostrum, similar to the taste of ammunition. At the meeting in this unfamiliar world, his familiar and pleasant elements of his anxiety decreases, and the world around him does not seem so terrible. Sometimes the whole life of a person passes under the alarms, with which he does not manage to cope at birth. And the reverse side of the alarm is aggression.

    Psychologists and specialists in children's development argue that the destruction of physical and emotional contact with the mother is expressed primarily in the absence of a favorable impression of the world, forming a resentment complex and anxiety, the destruction of a sense of confidence, difficult to social adaptation and antisocial behavior.
    Thus, a round-the-clock joint stay is a vital necessity, both for the mother and for the child. Therefore, any causes that violate this unity must be eliminated.

    Joint stay with a child in the hospital often becomes the topic of discussions and conflicts. From some side - a small patient needs to be careful that the hospital is sometimes unable to provide. Yes, and the mood in a child when someone from the parents is much better, which affects the process of recovery. On the other hand, the hospitals often cannot provide conditions for staying close together with the baby. How to find a compromise and make it right.

    Parents, other relatives and legal representatives are entitled to be with a child when providing him with medical care everywhere - in a clinic, day or around the clinic, in an ambulance car. And although in Art. 51 of the Federal Law No. 323 speaks only of cases when children are treated in the hospital, in the Family Code of the Russian Federation, it is said that "a child in an extreme situation ... has the right to communicate with his parents (persons replacing them) and other relatives. " The extreme situation includes finding in any medical organization (Art. 55). The correctness of this approach is confirmed by judicial practice. For example, an ambulance brigade failure to transport a mother together with a sick child in an intensive care unit was recognized as an unlawful appeal definition of the Kaliningrad Regional Court of 10/30/2013.
    Relatives may be with a minor in the hospital during the entire period of treatment. This rule acts at any age of a child, any disease and condition. Note that the term "when providing medical assistance in stationary conditions" cannot be interpreted as "only during intervention". By definition in 2 Article FZ No. 323 - Medical assistance - a set of measures aimed at maintaining and (or) health restoration. This complex includes medical observation of the child's condition.
    If a child has less than four years old, an accompanying person appears another right - a honeybarization must provide him with a sleeping place and nutrition. The same responsibility arises from the hospital in the presence of medical testimony from a child over four years. The cost of providing a bed and nutrition is included in the price provided by a child of medical care within the framework of the OMS territorial program (the letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia of December 21, 2015 N 11-9 / 10 / 2-7796).
    It should be noted that when improving the condition of a child to "moderate severity", relatives will no longer be able to qualify for a free sleeping and nutrition. But they will still be entitled to be together with the child before its discharge - in accordance with the rules of the internal routine of the honeycomb.
    The rules of behavior in a medical organization must be publicly available. The best way out is additionally under the painting, to acquaint with them relatives of the child. This will avoid conflicts and complaints, as well as justify their actions during checks.

    The right of family members to be together with the child when providing him with medical care sets Federal Law of 21.11.2011 No. 323-FZ "On the basics of the health of citizens in the Russian Federation". But the law does not clarify how it is correct to arrange the stay of relatives with a child in the hospital. The legal status of such persons is not defined.

    In practice, the administration of a medical organization is forced to develop their own rules that often go against the norms of the law.

    What are the requirements of legitimate, and what documents need to be issued so that the hospital does not turn into a passage yard? Let us analyze the situation.

    The rule of parent's right to be with a child in the hospital corresponds to the principle of 6 Declaration The rights of the child. Declaration adopted on 11/20/1959 resolution 1386 (XIV) at the 841th Plenary Meeting of the UN General Assembly. According to the principle of 6, the child for the complete and harmonious development of his personality needs love and understanding. He must grow in care and responsible for his parents. Select a child with a mother only in exceptional circumstances.

    The norm discussed contains art. 51. Federal Law of 21.11.2011 No. 323-FZ (hereinafter referred to as a law on health protection). According to § 3. Art. 51 The right to find along with the child in the hospital has not only a mother, but also a different member of the family, as well as any legal representative of the child. At the same time, the legislator emphasizes that they can be in the hospital for free.

    The legislator does not regulate what documents to issue accompanying children. Meanwhile, documentary is necessary. It serves as evidence of the residence of relatives in the hospital with the child. The fact of such stay may be required to prove in the trial or when checking the controls.

    Legal status of patient relatives

    Point 2 Art. 55 Family Code of the Russian Federation determines: a child in an extreme situation has the right to communicate with his parents and other relatives. Staying in a medorganization is an extreme situation.

    Participate should be paid to the legal status of persons accompanying the child in the hospital. Within the meaning of p. 9. Art. The 2nd health protection laws such citizens do not possess the patient status. After all, they do not apply to the medical organization for the provision of medical care. With a collaboration with the child, they also do not provide medical care. By virtue of h. 3. Art. 27 Citizens' health protection law are required to comply with the patient's behavior rules in medical organizations. The law does not contain clarifications about the relatives of a patient who are not on treatment. It follows from this that formally such persons may not comply with the rules for the behavior of patients in the hospital and the demands of other local regulations approved by the administration of a medical organization and patient-oriented.

    In such a situation, the administration of a medical organization in the development of local regulations may extend their effect on persons who are in the hospital with the child. This is especially true for medical organizations, which contains special children's offices, and children are hospitalized into the "adults" hospital departments accompanied by parents.

    Delication of hospital stay

    The legislation does not particularly specify the eligibility of the joint stay of relatives (parents) with a child at no cost, if the age of the child is more than 4 years. Part 3. Art. 51 Health Protection Act establishes that free stay in the hospital with a child over 4 years old is possible in the presence of medical testimony. However, the list of such indications the legislator has not defined.

    We believe that such readings can establish the administration of a medical organization. The list of readings approves the head of the medical organization, they must be available for familiarization.

    Relatives due to objective reasons cannot take part in the provision of medical care to their child. Therefore, the presence of medical testimony, which, within the meaning of the norm, imply the direct participation of relatives in the provision of medical care to the child, seems to be a very controversial condition for a gratuitous joint stay with the child.

    Capture of Forced Labor

    Some medical organizations make a mistake when they persistently offer parents to participate in the economic activities of the organization: cleaning premises and care for other patients. At the same time, the administration of a medical organization takes a receipt of voluntary consent from parents. Such receipts are illegal. In fact, this is forced labor without wages, and it is prohibited by law ( h. 2. Art. 37 Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. 2. Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, in such conditions, the right of parents together to stay with the child in the hospital is illegally limited.

    Medical organization should be borne in mind that the receipt with the consent of the parents to the conditions, illegally limiting the implementation of their right, is legally insignificant. Moreover, its existence may harm the medical organization, since it is documented by the fact of restrictions on the right of parents to jointly stay with a child in the hospital. Based on such a receipt, parents may submit complaints to a medical organization, for example, to file a lawsuit on compensation for moral damage.

    Application addressed

    According to the sense of legislation, the right of mother and other family members to stay with a child in the hospital is certainly and is implemented without any counterclaims from a medical organization.

    In practice, medical professionals often refuse to relatives of the child in the implementation of this right for various reasons. The reason for the refusal may be the absence of additional beds, quarantine regime in a medical organization, failure to submit information about health status.

    In such cases, parents or other family members file an application addressed to the head of a medical organization with a request to provide them with the necessary conditions for staying in the hospital. The current practice is useful because it allows you to document the appeal of the child's parents.

    The head of the medical organization may establish the application procedure for its name. The parental's statement will be a documentary confirmation of the fact of his stay in a medical organization.

    If the child is discharged, the parent can be brought to a receipt in which the parent confirms that he was in the hospital together with the child during his term of treatment. The receipt must be specified that the parent has created all the conditions for a joint stay with the child and it has no complaints about a medical organization. Such a receipt will allow a medical organization to reasonably answer the claims of relatives who were in the hospital together with the child and provide due legal protection.

    Application and receipt is better stored in a medical organization with medical documents.

    Recording in medical records

    Records about the joint stay with the child of his family members need to be made to a hospital patient's medical card ( form number 003 / U). It is best to make such information in the recording of the doctor of the reception rest ( p. 3 forms № 003 /). If parents joined the child after his entry into the hospital, then the appropriate entry in the history of the disease makes the attending physician.

    The fact of the joint stay with the child of his family members should also be indicated in the epicridism, together with the child during the entire period of staying in the hospital stayed by a citizen (ka) ... Akone (Aya) child ... All the necessary conditions for A joint stay of a citizen (ki) was provided. " Such records will confirm the stay of the parent in the hospital in conjunction with the child, if the parent refuses to apply for the name of the head doctor.

    Stay with a child in intensive care

    Questions arise how to arrange joint finding with the child who have the right to this in the intensive care unit. The specifics of the resuscitation and intensive care unit makes it impossible to jointly stay with the child during the entire period of the provision of medical care.

    Ministry of Health of Russia in his letter dated 09.07.2014 № 15-1 / 2603-07 Indicated that it is necessary to organize visiting children with relatives in the branches of anesthesiology-resuscitation. But there is no information about the permanent stay of relatives with children in the emission of anesthesiology-resuscitation. Regulations on this account do not contain. In other words, the parent will not be able to be with a child constantly. Only periodic visits are possible.

    The situation is common when relatives, jointly with the child, change periodically. For example, a week with a child is a mother, and the next - father. This circumstance also needs to document the record in the diary or a citizen's statement addressed to the head of the medical organization. If relatives initially plan to be shifted with the child, they are better to point out this in a statement.

    In order to document the fact of visiting the child's relatives in the anesthesiology-resuscitation department, we recommend that the order and time of such visits in the rules of the internal regulation are recommended. Relatives who wish to visit the child must write a statement in the name of the head physician with a request to provide them with the possibility of such visits.

    Violation of the rules of behavior in the hospital

    Legislation provides citizens unconditional right to be free to be with a child in a medical organization and does not limit it. This opens up opportunities for abuse of right. The question arises, how to do with those relatives who violate the rules of behavior in a medical organization. We have already mentioned that formally the rules of behavior are applied only on those citizens who are subject to medical assistance.

    However, according to Constitution of the Russian Federation The rights of one citizen should not violate the rights of others ( h. 3 tbsp. 17.). If, when implementing someone, a similar violation arises, the right may be limited until its complete cancellation. Based on this, the administration of a medical organization has the right to prohibit stay in hospital with child to persons who have the right if they violate the rights of other patients. Violation of the rights of other patients may be smoking in the hospital premises, insulting patients and medical personnel, damage to the property of a medical organization, violation of sanitary requirements, committing other offenses. The offense should be recorded in the documents so that it can be confirmed later. The optimal option is to draw up an act in an arbitrary form, in which it is detailed to describe the offense that took place and indicate the witnesses of the occurrence of medical personnel and other patients. The act signs the doctor's attending doctor, head of the structural unit and the head of the medical organization. The document is attached to the stationary patient map. The administration of a medical organization can offer a joint stay with a child to another member of his family.

    If a child's relative during his stay with him in the hospital committed an administrative offense, the administration needs to cause law enforcement agencies.

    Let's summarize. The joint stay of mother and other people with a child in the hospital needs to be properly documenting. To ensure the correct documentary design of such stay, it is necessary:

    • supplement the internal regulations by an indication that their action applies to persons together with the child;
    • add to the rules of the internal routine of the base, on which relatives of the child can be denied a joint stay with him;
    • establish the order of feeding relatives who wish to be with a child, statements addressed to the head of the medical organization;
    • make recordings about finding a child's family in medical documentation;
    • to approve and publish a list of medical testimony, in accordance with which relatives can be located in the hospital together with a child over 4 years old.

    We recommend the head of the medical organization to develop a separate local regulatory act, regulating the issues of co-stay of mother and other people with a child in a medical organization.