Ripening placenta 3 degrees. Premature aging placenta: causes, treatment, forecast. Possible deviations and their causes

The placenta is called the temporary embryonic organ, thanks to which the connection of the future child with the mother's body is carried out. The mother's side of the placenta is addressed to the wall of the uterus, and from the fruit leaves the umbilical cord, with which the future child receives all the necessary substances from the body of the mother through the umbilical. Throughout the pregnancy, the placenta protects the fetus from infections, gives it the necessary substances, oxygen and displays decay products.

A childhood begins its formation after implantation of the embryo, and by the 12th week of the week, the placenta is fully coping with its functions, and after childbirth, the body turns along with the fruit shells. The course of pregnancy depends on this organ, therefore, to assess the effectiveness of the work of the placental complex, the degree of maturity of the placenta is taken into account.

The degree of maturity placenta for weeks

Like any organ of the human body, it develops most of the time it grows continuously, it becomes thicker, the amount of its vessels is systematically increasing to ensure the life of the growing fetus. At a certain stage, the process of growth of the placenta stops, and it starts to grow old. In the structures of the organ, calcium is postponed, the placenta itself becomes more dense, which prevents it from fulfilling its functions. This is a normal process, but previously aging the placenta is a pathology, to identify which in ultrasound examination.

In a normal, uncomplicated pregnancy flow, 4 stages of placenta maturity are distinguished, they look like this:

  • 0 stage of maturity placenta . At this stage of the placenta is even and homogeneous in structure, and is still able to develop. Normally, the child's place remains so up to 30 weeks of pregnancy;
  • 1 stage of maturity placenta . In healthy women, the transition from zero stage is possible from 27 to 34 weeks, but more often occurs from 30 to 34 weeks of pregnancy. The structure of the placenta at this stage has a number of seals (echogenic inclusions), calcium deposits are practically no.
  • 2 stage of maturity placenta . At the chorial part of the placenta adjacent to the fruit, deepening are detected, its structure has many small echobositive inclusions and visible calcium sediments. If, according to the results of the ultrasound of a pregnant woman for a period of 34-39 weeks, the 2nd degree of maturity of the placenta was delivered, this is considered an option for the norm.
  • 3 Stage of Maturity Placets . At this stage, the functioning of the organ decreases. By a term of 37 weeks, or between 35 and 39 weeks, the third stage indicates the downturn of pregnancy and readiness for childbirth. The natural aging of the placenta begins, characteristic of which is the depth of waves reaching the basal layer. The accumulations of calcium salts merge and form the stains of the wrong shape.

The third degree of maturity of the kindergarten can develop a previous period, in which case there is a high probability of premature genera and oxygen deficiency of the fetus. These states are not amenable to treatment, but are solved only with the help of childbirth. Sometimes to extend the intrauterine development of the fetus for several weeks helps therapy, which is aimed at strengthening blood flow in vessels.

What is the normal maturity of the placenta?

The degree of maturation of the placenta is determined by its aging. This process may flow normally, but under the action of certain factors, accelerated maturation, or aging, placenta, which is extremely negatively affected by pregnancy is possible.

With the normal development of pregnancy, a healthy woman, the normal maturity of the placenta corresponds to the gestation period. The zero degree may be observed until 30 weeks, the first - from 28 to 34, the second - from 34 to 38, and the third from 37 weeks to childbirth. If the placenta 0 of the degree of maturity is capable of providing a long time to ensure the fruit with everything necessary, the placenta has reached 3 degrees has limited operational resources.

The maturity of the placenta is determined by the help of ultrasound examination at different times of pregnancy. With normal pregnancy proceeding without complications, there are enough 2-3 such surveys. The doctor watches the boundaries between the placenta and the uterus, its echographic density, thickness and deposition of calcium. If at the beginning of pregnancy, the placenta grows and thickens, then a slight decrease in its parameters is observed.

Is the deviation from the norm dangerously and what needs to be done in such cases?

The aging of the placenta is a natural and irreversible process, but in some cases it develops prematurely, which indicates a serious pathology and requires attentive observation. Doctors consider the ripening placenta accelerated if the degree of its maturity at the 32nd week of pregnancy exceeds the second, or third to 36 weeks.

The reasons for deviations from the norm are the following factors:

  • heavy bodies and abortions in history, which led to a violation of the structure of the walls of the uterus;
  • chronic diseases of the internal organs of a woman;
  • infectious diseases of the sexual system;
  • heavy, or gestosis;
  • and her;

As a rule, premature ripens of the placenta develops asymptomatic and in no way reflects on the well-being of a woman. In the early stages, it leads to miscarriage or fines of the development of the fetus, in the middle of pregnancy, hypoxia, or oxygen starvation, which leads to damage to the central nervous system.

To establish a diagnosis, in addition to ultrasound examination, Dopplerometry and cardiotocography of the fetus are carried out. Therapeutic measures are appointed only when the fact of the suffering of the fetus is established. If the lag in the development of the child exceeds 2 weeks, then the woman is recommended treatment in the hospital, in severe cases, a cesarean section is produced.

When establishing the fact of premature ripening placenta, the future mother is sent to the hospital to preserve pregnancy and conducting therapeutic measures. First of all, the appointment of treatment will depend on the reasons that caused the development of pathology:

  • in infectious diseases, antibacterial therapy is carried out;
  • correction of chronic diseases;
  • vitamins and preparations that increase the uterine-placental blood flow are prescribed;
  • it is recommended a complete refusal of bad habits.

Therapy is aimed at preserving pregnancy to the minimum permissible date of birth. Unfortunately, the methods of rejuvenation of the placenta do not exist, and such drugs, such as Kuraltil, Actovegin and Pentoxifillalin do not have a proven therapeutic impact on this authority.

In the matter of prosperous tooling pregnancy and solving health problems, future mothers should rely only on the experience of the doctor and comply with all his prescriptions, it will help them to endure and give birth to a healthy child.

The placenta is a temporary body that serves as a connected link between mother and fruit throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The importance of this body is that through his fruit gets all the necessary substances for development. The placenta has the second more popular name - a kindergarten. After childbirth, it is discouted because its function is completed.

If we speak more in detail, the placenta is translated from the Latin language as a "pellet". Such a strange name comes from the form - the disk-shaped one.

What is the functionality of the placenta:

  1. The placenta has a respiratory function, namely delivers oxygen to the fetus and remove carbon dioxide.
  2. It feeds the fruit, helping to transport nutrients from the mother's body to the fetus.
  3. Helps withdraw the livelihoods of the future kid.
  4. He acts as a barrier, that is, prevents harmful substances from maternal blood.
  5. It is a manufacturer of hormones that help develop pregnancy.

From the moment of conception, there is almost nine weeks when the early placenta begins to form. Before that, the fetus forth on the fourth week is surrounded by Horion, and to speak at a more affordable language - a special tedious tissue. Exactly early placenta is formed from chorion residues.

Under the end of the pregnancy, a childish place grows by weight in a semi-kilogram organ. In recent weeks, the diameter of the placenta will be almost twenty centimeters.

With each month of development, the fruit needs oxygen and large quantities of useful substances, so the placent membrane becomes more permeable and thin. In the placenta itself, the number of vessels increases. After the development of the fruit place stops And aging begins.

Throughout the period of the fetus, the woman passes. There are parameters for which a specialist determines the degree of maturity of the fruit location. And in order to determine the aging placenta, the doctor will need to explore its thickness and the presence of a cyst. Despite the fact that the ultrasound provides detailed information, yet additional diagnostics will be required to determine the maturity of the placenta.

A few years ago, the fact of premature aging placenta was considered or the antenatal fetal death. After long research, this hypothesis was not confirmed, and pregnant women with a third degree of maturity are simply under increased observation.

Table of the degree of maturity placenta for weeks

  • 0 The degree of maturity of the placenta.If pregnancy is normally proceeds, then the zero degree will continue before. This will indicate that the placenta functions fully. At this stage of development, the child's place has a homogeneous structure.
  • 1 The degree of maturity of the placenta. After the placenta begins to go smoothly to the first stage. To this degree, the fruit is actively supplied useful for the viability of substances. On visual characteristics, it appears on it and slightly noticeable waves. At the normal state of pregnancy, the 1st degree of maturity will be up to.
  • 2 The degree of maturity of the placenta.Before installing the 2nd degree of maturity. The placenta becomes embossed, and the membrane is clearly expressed. If 2 the degree of maturity of the placenta was diagnosed earlier than 32 or, then additional examination is required.
  • 3 The degree of maturity of the placenta.This is a sign of dead pregnancy. The features of the placenta are significantly reduced. It is characterized in this stage of the placenta waves, the recesses that reach the basal layer. If the degree of maturity does not correspond to the last period of pregnancy, then it threatens premature childbirth.

Premature aging placenta during pregnancy

What are the reasons for early aging placenta:

  1. Hypertension (at elevated pressure to supply the fruit of the placenta oxygen works as actively as possible, which leads to its rapid aging).
  2. Infections (placenta has to perform the function of the filter and eliminate any viruses from the blood).
  3. Excess calcium (if pregnantly adopts vitamins with calcium content, then calcinates accumulate in the placenta and premature aging).

What is dangerous premature aging placenta

Early ripe placenta does not pose any threat to any baby nor the mother's health. But, if this phenomenon is combined with complicating factors, the probability of a threat to health is high.

Dangerous factors:

  • the uterine-placental blood flow is broken;
  • intrauterine development of the fetus occurs with delays;
  • hypertension;
  • diagnosed;
  • mother is sick.

In such cases, the manufacturer requires special attention with possible treatment. And in the worst case, the premature trust.

If the second or third degree of maturity is not installed to complete the pregnancy, then the placenta is considered not mature. This phenomenon is diagnosed with extremely rarely.

Most often there may be medical errors. For example, when the mother with the fruit has a conflict, the state of the placenta will be similar to the zero degree of maturity. In total, the uncooked placenta is not dangerous, but can hide serious complications ..

  • Doppler ultrasound.Dopplerograph confirms the normal course of pregnancy. The method evaluates blood flow through the placenta. If everything is normal, then after the resistance of the blood in the vessels should be reduced. Therefore, with the help of ultrasound examination with Doppler, it turns out how much placenta copes with its task, and whether signs of premature aging are not manifested.
  • Ktg.This method helps to estimate the state of the fetus and how well it develops at this stage. Thanks to cardiotockography, the heart rate, fetal movement activity and registration of uterine contractions are monitored. These indicators help to detect violations in the work of the placenta. After identifying on the ultrasound signs of aging, the placenta is a pregnant woman direct on KTG.

Do not forget that when diagnosing premature aging, pregnant placenta require more vigilant surveillance.

Mother's womb - a small house of the future kid, in which its formation, development and growth occurs. For this, first of all, breathing and nutrition is necessary. The placenta is precisely the body that supports the vital activity of developing crumbs, protects it from infections and harmful substances falling into maternal blood flow.

The temporary body, as well as the human body, passes several stages of development - formation, maturation and aging. It is formed by the end of the first trimester (12th week) and leaves the mother's body with the birth of a child.

Maturity placenta

Throughout pregnancy, the "child seat" is modified (in thickness and structure), especially since the end of the second trimester. The gradual aging of the placenta has an impact on its functioning, so it is very important that it does not start prematurely. The degree of maturity of the placenta is determined during ultrasound monitoring:

  • The thickness and echographic density of the lane is determined.
  • During the ripening of "kindergarten", there is a change in the type of boundary between it and the uterus.
  • Changes the ability to reflect ultrasound.
  • With the beginning of aging, the sediments of salts and calcium appear (in the form of white inclusions).

The initial of maturity of the lane can help predict the occurrence of childbirth, pay attention to the threat of premature delivery. 4 stages of ripening "kindergarten" are distinguished: zero, first, second and third, indicating complete readiness for childbirth.

Maturity placenta for weeks

Each stage of the organ of ripening is characterized by changes in its size and structure occurring within a certain period of pregnancy.

The degree of maturity 0.

The stage of ripening "kindergarten" starts with degree 0, which remains from the moment of formation of the organ and up to 30 weeks. During this period, the organ grows, increases in thickness. The front has a homogeneous structure, the membrane is smooth. In some cases, starting from 27 weeks it is possible to define maturity as 0-1. The transition to the extent 1 on this period requires additional attention, as it is somewhat ahead of time. If deviations are detected, treatment is assigned to facilitate the normalization of the functioning of the organ and placental current.

1 degree of maturity last

The growth of the organ stops, the thickening of its fabrics occurs - this is an illustration of the next stage of ripening the last. 1 The degree of maturity of the latch is a norm for pregnancy from 30 to 34 weeks. Coronal fabrics are slightly wavy, single echogenous inclusions are noted in the structure.

2 The degree of maturity placenta

In the case of a normally occurring pregnancy, the second degree of maturity of the organ is characteristic of the period from the end of 34 to 37 weeks. The waviness acquires the relief, the numerous echogenic zones in the form of lines are visualized. When a given degree of maturity, the placenta placenta for 32 weeks requires an additional examination, since the development of the body is ahead of time. In case of detection of serious pathology, threatening the health and life of the child, the question of premature delivery is being decided.

Placenta 3 degrees of maturity

This stage of ripening is characteristic of a dead pregnancy (starts from 37-38 weeks). During this period, the focus of the functioning of the body is noted, it is prepared by the end of pregnancy and rejection, its natural aging begins. The pronounced recesses in the membrane reach the basal layer, the "kindergage" has a prayer structure. The placenta has large echogenic zones (salting deposits), merging into the spots of the wrong shape, the vessels are expanding.

Placenta maturity norms

The maturation of the "kindergarten" and its functioning has a direct connection with the development of crumbs and its condition in the womb. Therefore, it is very important that this process proceeds in accordance with the course of pregnancy.

Early ripening placenta

The aging of the organ before the terms defined by nature is dangerous in that it increases the likelihood of the lack of oxygen and nutrients to the baby. This state is fraught with a delay in the intrauterine development of a child, hypotrophy, low weight at birth, hypoxia. Oxygen starvation is especially dangerous, as it can lead to death.

Among the reasons increasing the likelihood of early ripening of the last, they allocate the following:

  • Harmful habits of pregnant - smoking, alcohol.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Prelation, pairing placenta.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Late Toxicosis (Gesters).
  • Rhow conflict.
  • Multiple pregnancy.

If the placenta's maturity has a second degree for a period of up to 32 weeks or a third degree for a period of up to 36 weeks - this is a premature aging of the "kindergarten". At the same time, it is not always ahead of the deadlines for the development of the subsequently placental insufficiency. Such a state can be an individual feature of the body. To help crude to be born healthy and on time it is necessary to undergo additional surveys, during which the state of the fetus is specified - the FLUT CRT and the functional capabilities of the lane - the uterine-placental blood flow is checked. In case of detection of deviations, it is necessary to strictly follow the appointments of doctors.

Later maturation of the placenta

This pathology meets much less frequently than early ripening. However, the threat of a developing fetus it carries not less. The lagging in the development of the lapse leads to the fact that it is not enough to cope with its functions and a delay in the development of the child. The most frequent causes of the late ripening of the "kindergarten" - chronic diseases of the mother, genetic disorders (may be reflected in the defects of the child's development).

Placenta maturity table

The placenta maturity table clearly illustrates the periods of ripening organ during pregnancy.

The maturity of the placenta is one of the determining indicators of the course of pregnancy. Timely therapy will help restore the function of the organ and to safely take the crumb.

  • The first degree of maturity placenta
  • The second degree of maturity placenta
  • The third degree of maturity placenta
  • Premature aging placenta
  • Later maturation of the placenta
  • During pregnancy in the uterus of the future mother, there is not only a baby, but also a placenta. To ensure the life of the baby, women have to "grow" a whole internal organ! Like a child, the placenta grows, develops, and then .... It agrees and ends up its life cycle.

    Ideally, the development of the placenta is parallel to the development of the baby. But what to do if she "rushing" or "delays"?

    How placenta grows

    The placenta is a special body that, like the future kid, grows out of the germinal shells. Actually, most of it, the one, that dies after childbirth, also refers to the fetus (the maternal part of the placenta is the site on the wall of the uterus, to which it is adjacent to special increases - vile). Since the initial child is just a few cells embedded in a loose-rich, rich inner surface of the uterus, then no placenta at this point, of course, does not exist. The placental structure is formed gradually, but very quickly; So, by the time, when the fetus appears his own heartbeat (and this is just the third week of pregnancy!), Nutrients come to the baby exactly through a modified outer shell - Chorion.

    Zero degree of maturity placenta

    The baby grows, and the outer shell changes: in the place where she is adjacent to the wall of the uterus, it thickens, "branching", and for the 12th and 12th week there is already a full-fledged placenta. This is a placenta of the so-called "zero" degree of maturity.

    Its thickness changes all the time: on the 12th week it is 11-20 mm, on the 27th, when the placenta can reach the following degree of maturity - 21-36. As you can see, the placenta can be of different thickness, and this is not necessarily a sign of pathology. That is why if the pregnancy proceeds normally, the ultrasound diagnostic experts in the first trimester do not pay special attention to the dimensions of the placenta. Thin, in the form of "cakes", or, on the contrary, thickened, "spherical" placenta can be an individual feature of the body.

    But the structure of the placenta, on the contrary, is of fundamental importance: it must be homogeneous, without echogenic inclusions (i.e., during an ultrasonic study, it looks like a single integer), and the surface facing the uterine cavity is smooth and smooth. Ideally, such it remains until the 30th week of pregnancy.

    The first degree of maturity placenta

    On the 30th specialist ultrasound can state the first degree of placenta maturity. What does it mean? The placenta begins to change! Its structure becomes heterogeneous - seals appear in it, which are visible in ultrasound examination, and the surface becomes slightly wavy. The thickness of the placenta at this point is from 24 to 40 mm.

    These changes do not occur at one point - the first signs of aging placenta The doctor can fix on the 27th week - this is the lower boundary of the norm.

    If a specialist is not sure that it is exactly the beginning of the aging process, it may noted in the protocol of the examination "The degree of maturity of the placenta 0-1".

    The second degree of maturity placenta

    The second degree of maturity of the placenta occurs normally in the 34th week of pregnancy and lasts until the 37th. The placenta at this time changes even stronger: light "waves" on its surfaces become noticeable tubercles, and the internal structure internal structure is manifested by clear echoposive inclusions that are visible in ultrasound examination. The thickness of the placenta increases a little - now the norm is considered to be size from 28 to 50 mm.

    The third degree of maturity placenta

    The third, the last degree of maturity of the placenta testifies to the approaching childbirth. It is no longer growing, moreover, the placenta area even decreases. Its structure is seriously changing: the surface becomes winding, the placent itself is divided into a share, and the sediments of the salts appear between them. The placenta is not just ripening - she has come and is close to stop functioning. It's time for the child to appear and develop yourself!

    Premature aging placenta

    If the structure and dimensions of the placenta correspond to the period of pregnancy, it means that everything goes according to plan: each degree of maturity is designed to satisfy the needs of the child at a specific stage of development. From the fact that the placenta begins to "grow old", it does not get worse than the baby.

    So if the doctor told you about it - do not panic! So far, nothing terrible happens, the placenta of the first degree of maturity is coping with his "duty" - the life support of the baby - no worse than before. Doctors are worried about prospects: if the aging of the placenta began earlier, it means that it will be completed earlier.

    The second, and then the third degree of maturity of the placenta will be achieved before the baby will be ready to appear on the light, and then the blood supply to the child will deteriorate, its needs will not be able to have hypoxia - oxygen starvation arises in a child, which has no development.

    The danger also is that mother, as a rule, does not notice the premature aging of the placenta - it does not experience any unpleasant sensations. That is why it is important to take diagnostic surveys in a timely manner.

    Causes of premature aging placenta

    The reasons for premature aging placenta many, and they are very diverse. First of all, these are diseases that the woman suffered before the occurrence of pregnancy, or who have developed after it. These are diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, as well as infectious diseases.

    Secondly, the states accompanying the pregnancy itself: gestosis, rhesus conflict or violation of hormonal background. Multiple pregnancy is also sometimes accompanied by premature aging of the placenta.

    Thirdly - unsuccessful placenta location, such as her . Partial placental detachment can also accompany her premature aging.

    Fourth, Mom's bad habits - eating alcohol, nicotine, drugs. It must be said that premature aging of the placenta is not the worst of the possible consequences, so try to get rid of these dependencies as soon as possible!

    Finally, premature aging placentas contributes excess calcium In the body of a woman, so before taking any drugs, including vitamins and trace elements, be sure to advise you with your pregnancy doctor!

    Premature aging of the placenta meets every third mother from the risk group.

    Premature aging of the placenta does not always require special therapy, but such a pregnancy needs additional control by doctors. That is why future mothers are offered an antenatal hospitalization. If the hypoxia of the fetus is diagnosed, the doctor will prescribe medicines that support the desired blood supply to the baby.

    Later maturation of the placenta

    This pathology occurs significantly less often than premature maturation of the placenta, and the opinions of doctors relative to its danger to the fetus are diverted. The fact is that in the 60s and 1970s of the last century among the obstetricians, the belief was told that the degree of maturity of the placenta tissues unequivocally shows the degree of maturity of the fetus tissues. It was assumed that if the placenta did not reach the third degree of maturity, then, obviously, the lightweight child is not yet adapted to independent breathing. Today, this point of view is considered obsolete.

    Indeed, later maturation of the placenta occasionally is observed in pregnant women with diabetes, rhesus conflict, syphilis, as well as with severe fruit anomalies. However, it is rather a concomitant pathology, and not the reason for "mental retardation and stilling" - such a interpretation should be recognized as incorrect.

    If after the 30th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound specialist does not see any changes in the placenta regarding the zero degree of maturity, then additional examinations should be given. Perhaps the main disease (usually - diabetes) requires additional reception of medicines.

    But if the maturation of the placenta is the only sign of the disadvantage of pregnancy, then you should not worry about it. The immaturity of the placenta in itself does not indicate the toddles of the baby to the appearance of the light. As we have already mentioned, the results of ultrasound research largely depend on the experience of the doctor, the quality of equipment, finally, from his subjective perception.

    The placenta is impossible to "form" or "rejuvenate", but careful monitoring of its changes during pregnancy and, if necessary, timely medical intervention will ensure the full blood supply to the baby until the very moment of childbirth!

    The formation process in the norm is completed by 16 week. From this period, during an ultrasound research, the degree of maturity of the placenta is determined. The definition of the degree of maturity of the placenta is an important diagnostic criterion in order to judge how much it performs its functions: the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

    How to determine the maturity of the placenta 1, 2, 3?

    There are 4 degrees of placenta maturity from 0 to 3. Consider what ultrasound signs correspond to each of these stages:

    • the degree of maturity placenta 0 is diagnosed to 30 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the structure of the placenta is homogeneous;
    • the degree of maturity of the placenta 1 is determined from 28 to 34 week of pregnancy. This degree of maturity is characterized by the presence of a small amount of echogenic inclusions, as well as the appearance of the waviness of the chorial plate;
    • Determine on the period of 35-39 weeks. On the ultrasound of such a placenta, the waviness of the chorial plate increases and the number of hyperheogenic inclusions increases;
    • the degree of maturity of the placenta 3 in the norm may occur with 37 weeks of pregnancy. The third degree of maturity of the placenta is manifested by a pillable structure and a pronounced to the withdrawal of the chorial membrane.

    3 Maturity placenta earlier than 37 weeks or early placenta ripening

    Early maturation of the placenta shows the failure of the placenta in ensuring the fetus by oxygen and nutrients, which in turn leads to a delay of intrauterine development. The causes of such a state can be: extragnenital pathology, prestings, bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy, etc. In such cases, the woman will definitely be assigned treatment aimed at improving blood circulation in the placenta.