Dark spots on hand brushes cause. Cream from pigment stains on hand

No matter how well the face of a person, hands, both women and men, always give out age. The skin of the hands is thinned, stops moistening, wrinkles appear on it. But with all these problems, you can cope if you can constantly care for your hands, use creams, wear gloves during homework, etc. But prevent brown spots on the skin of the hands, which appear with age, if not impossible, it is very difficult, and the fight against them requires a serious approach.

Causes of the appearance of age spots

The so-called senile, "hepatic" or dark spots on the skin of the hands can be provoked by any changes in the body occurring with age. They appear when the epidermis begins to concentrate the pigment melanine, is normally distributed in the skin evenly. And in places where the highest concentration of melanin is observed, brown spots are formed. The causes of these changes, in addition to age and in addition to it, the following factors can serve:

  • the destructive effect of ultraviolet, which damages cells producing melanin;
  • violation of exchange processes;
  • disadvantage in the body of vitamins of groups B and RR, folic and ascorbic acids;
  • disorders in the work of the intestine and liver;
  • allergic reactions to any drugs;
  • hereditary factor;
  • change of hormonal background;
  • mechanical damage to the skin of the hands (pigment stains can form on the site of the burns and the like happened many years ago).

Basically, the spots on the skin of the hands appear in people over 55 years old (but in some cases their education is possible in younger), most of the owners of light skin are most susceptible to them, and in women they are observed much more often than in men. The main place of localization of such stains is the back of the palm. Sometimes the provoking factor becomes pregnancy.

Diagnosis of age spots

Recognize such spots, as a rule, it is not difficult, but still there are some features that allow them to distinguish them from malignant skin diseases. Age stains can be like light brown, reddish-brown and almost black, it all depends on the level of melanin. Sizes in spots can vary from the magnitude of the seed grain to reminiscent of the birthmarks of formations with a diameter of several centimeters. But age spots should not disturb their owner! And if they are painful, or begin to root regardless of touch, their surface is compacted, and the color begins to change, it is necessary to beat the alarm and immediately contact the medical facility to make sure it is not skin cancer.

Treatment of age spots

In itself, the spots do not carry any harm and deliver only aesthetic inconveniences to their owners. There are no medical testimony to get rid of them, but if brown, bright or red spots on the skin of the hands still interfere with living, then there are a number of ways to eliminate them. But you need to immediately make a reservation - age-related pigmentation is very hard, and for this you will have to make a lot of effort. Folk Medicine offers many recipes that, in theory, should help solve the problem of age spots, but in practice they are ineffective. The arsenal of official struggle with such spots includes primarily cosmetics, including those produced by SPA BELLE, and in the second - removal of stains with the help of cryosurgery or deep peels. Cosmetic drugs for solving this problem are mainly bleaching in their composition there are azelain and ascorbic acids, waterbutin, lemon juice, hoods of parsley and licorice, etc. Based on retinoids and alpha-hydroxyxic acids, special creams are created. Silicone moisturizing socks and SPA Belle slices and gloves are also impregnated with moisturizing oils and vitamins, and retaining the fading skin elasticity and a blooming appearance.

I consider cryosurgery most effective from the salon facilities of deliverance from brown age spots, in which the pigmented sections in the skin are destroyed using a liquid nitrogen that is applied to the spots. After the procedure, redness is preserved several days. Chemical peels are also made, both deep and superficial, depending on the testimony. With surface procedure, fruit acids are used, affecting the top layer of the dermis and exfoliating the dead layer. As a result, the skin is updated, a new, clean layer appears. Such superficial peeling can help if bright, yellow spots on the skin of the hands are present. In more complex situations, it is necessary to take a deep peeling for which trichloroacetic acid is used, which penetrates into the skin layers and for recovery after such a procedure will require a sufficiently long time. Deep peeling is prescribed if the accumulations of melanin are very deep in the skin, and to influence them in some other way it is simply impossible.

Prevention of age spots on hand

The appearance of pygmate stains can be not fully prevented, then at least delay. To do this, it is necessary to properly care for the skin, use sunscreen in open areas of the skin at each outlet in the sun. It is necessary to choose cosmetics with the highest protection factor from UV-rays, not less than 15. After each hand washing, you need to lubricate them with moisturizing cream, it will save the youth of the hands long enough. We must not forget about the exfoliating means, scrubs and special peelings for hands, designed for home use, which will constantly contribute to the renewal of the skin. To postpone the occurrence of age spots, you need to use many products with vitamin C and take this vitamin separately. Similarly, the vitamins of the group B. from visiting a solarium should be abandoned, and if possible, reduce the time of staying in the open sun. Performing all these conditions, it will be possible for a long time not to worry about the appearance of your hands.

  • Pigment stains: what it is
  • Types of pigment spots on hand
  • Causes of pigment spots on hand
  • Causes of pigment spots after 40, 50, 60 years
  • Can I get rid of pigment spots on your hands
  • Cosmetology procedures
  • Review of funds for the correction and prevention of pigmentation

Pigment stains: what it is

Any local skin color changes are a consequence of an excess or, on the contrary, the pigment deficit melanin. And he gives us:

  • beautiful tan;
  • charming freckles;
  • flirty moles.

Pigment stains are only an external manifestation of Melanin's activities, which has a very serious mission to protect skin cells from damage (in particular, as a result of ultraviolet). When the defense is weakening, the risk of cell injury and, as a result, appearing on the skin of neoplasms.

The instability of melanin, which either shoots dark spots, or suddenly disappears, indicates a violation of this protection.

Pigment stains are a consequence of an excess or, on the contrary, the pigment deficit of melanin. © iStock.

Types of pigment spots on hand

Spots on hand are of all imaginable sizes, from dots to the "islands". The palette of shades is not very rich, but some variety is still observed. Spots are:

  • yellow;
  • brown;
  • red all shades - from pink to wine;
  • white.

Causes of pigment spots on hand


In 90% of cases, the main reason is the sun. In areas of leather, which in small doses, but are constantly exposed to UV rays, around melanocytes (these are melanin producers) inflammatory response occurs. And it provokes even more active pigment synthesis.

In addition, the rays damage the fibroblasts lying in the Derma (they synthesize collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid). Fibroblast gives a signal to pigment cells to protect it from the Sun using an additional melanin. A non-uniformity of the location of pigmented zones is associated with the transportation of melanin in the zone with photodembrance.

Hormonal changes

To states in which the level of hormones is unstable, belongs:

  • pregnancy;
  • reception of hormonal drugs (including contraceptives);
  • menopause.

The appearance of pigment spots can signal about thyroid problems. Usually in this case the spots are light brown, yellowish.


The diseases of the liver can also be accompanied by yellow and brown stains on their hands. It is also believed that some infections provoke a decrease in melanin production, and then vitiligo develops immediately after recovery.

    Hypovitaminosis For example, S.the fucking deficiency of vitamin C can cause hyperpigmentation.

    Stress sometimes leads tovitiligo, that is, the local interruption of the production of melanin.

    "Wine spots" - red or purple, birthplace or acquired are hemangiomas, the result of expanding and growing blood vessels on a particular body of the body.
  • Supercooling. Cold hand injury may subsequently manifest itself in the form of white spots.

Causes of pigment spots after 40, 50, 60 years

Recently, it was possible to dilute with his hands and say: "Well, what do you want - age!" But modern women does not suit such an answer. We began to live longer, and now 50-year-old and physical fitness, and on the ambitions of years 10-15 younger than their parents at the same age. Therefore, senile pigment stains on their hands (Lentgie) are the same, small brown brown moves with larger brightest - thoroughly spoil life.

Their true reason is not the number of years, but the amount of time spent in the sun, and solar burns obtained, starting with infancy. Such injuries are faster exhaust the margin of the strength of melanocytes.

Another extreme is frostbite, which over time lead to a decrease in pigmentation.

Can I get rid of pigment spots on your hands

Pigmentation on hand is the result of sufficiently serious internal changes. Get rid of them - occupation time consuming and long. Procedures that offer in clinics, of course, more efficiently than home care. Although effective drugs have emerged among whitening cosmetics.

In any case, the maximum effect can be achieved by combining professional and home care.

Cosmetology procedures


It removes the surface layer of the skin and stimulates its deep update - without pigment spots.

Any chemical peeling to one extent helps to get rid of unwanted pigmentation, but special preparations from pigment spots are also developed.

For instance, Aha-peeling Pigment Balancing Peel, Skinceuticals. Its effectiveness is determined by the combination of two components:

  1. 1

    exfoliant based on glycolic and citric acids;

  2. 2

    clamping powder from ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and emblice extract.

Both compositions are mixed, which ensures the maximum concentration of active ingredients.

The maximum effect in getting rid of pigment stains can be achieved, combining professional and home care © iStock


Light pulses destroy melanin, and immediately after the procedure, the processed areas are darked even more. But very soon, the skin begins to be pulled out and new, without spots appear in her place.


The most popular method of deliverance from pigmentation acts on the same principle as phototherapy (the difference in the length of the light wave) - the laser is processed by pigmented areas. As a result, the top layer is exhausted, the refreshment of the skin "from the pure sheet" is stimulated.


It is a variation of light therapy, pretty quickly removes surface pigment stains.

Cosmetics for home use


As anti-imagmentation creams for hands use the same means as for the face. The most effective of them contain retinol and its derivatives plus other substances capable of influencing photosensitivity. In this regard, such funds apply overnight.


Different with a higher concentration of active ingredients are used in the evening. Some drugs are not recommended for daily use.

At the heart of cosmetics from hyperpigmentation - active exfoliating components, high doses of antioxidants and substances that enhance natural antioxidant protection.

Review of funds for the correction and prevention of pigmentation

Antioxidant gel for dry and normal skin Phloretin CF GEL, Skinceuticals

Stabilized vitamin C, Floretian and ferulic acid reduce cell damage caused by solar radiation, stimulate the synthesis of collagen, making the skin more elastic.

Serum for smooth leather tone Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution, Kiehl "s

Against pigment spots caused by photodembrance and other reasons, a formula with vitamin C, birch and peony extracts. The tool makes skin tone to more even, gives radiance, serves as prevention of further pigmentation.

Sunscreen "Expert Protection", SPF 50, Garnier Ambre Solaire

A means of vitamin E and a high sunscreen factor warns photoborement, one of the signs of which is hyperpigmentation.

Nourishing sunscreen Lait Solaire, SPF 50, Biotherm

The means with a light texture and a powerful antioxidant formula with astaxantine protects the skin of the body (and hands including) from the damaging effect of ultraviolet and takes care to prevent hyperpigmentation as a side effect of the tan.

First of all, the accumulation or lack of skin pigment is worried about the problem of aesthetic nature. But the appearance of pigment spots can be caused by serious pathological deviations that require medical care.

Changing pigmentation on hand can be different species, depending on the color of pigment spots.


Causes of the appearance of dark pigment spots

Pigment stains on hand may appear if observed:

  1. Changes in hormonal balance associated with old age.
  2. Changing the ratio of hormones in the body caused by the natural process: pregnancy, sex ripening.
  3. Hereditary predisposition.
  4. Reaction to the prolonged effects of UV rays.
  5. Reception of drugs, more often hormonal.
  6. Reaction to cosmetic products.
  7. Impact of household chemicals.
  8. Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, for example vitamin C.
  9. Metabolic disease.
  10. Systemic diseases causing a hormonal background failure. These include diseases of endocrine, genital, digestive organs. In addition, hormonal imbalance cause frequent stress.

Causes of the appearance of light spots

Stains on the hands of white color indicate the insufficient developing of melanin, that is, the absence of pigment, and the reasons for this phenomenon can be completely different:

  • Vitiligo - An autoimmune disease, in which melanin disappears in separate areas of the skin, as a result, the spots with uneven edges are discharged on the surface of the skin.

Vitiligo is one of the reasons for the appearance of light pigment spots in the hands.
  • Morbok Maslasawi - This is a non-hazardous yeast fungus, which is powered by the epithelial cells. Under certain conditions, it causes pathology characterized by the appearance of bright spots on the skin, including on hand. Some dermatologists refer to this type of pathology white deprived, which is a bright peeling spot.
  • Hypomelaanosis idiopathic - The disease transmitted by inheritance. It is characterized by appearance on the skin of spots, deprived of pigmentation. Often the disease is manifested in old age.
  • Nevus - This is a mole, but devoid of melanin. When tanning, it is increasingly different from the rest of the skin and can be reborn into a cancer education.

Methods of treatment

Pigment stains in arms may be evidence of autoimmune, oncological disease, disorders of the internal organs, including the endocrine system, the impact of external factors, so methods of treatment are fundamentally different.

In some cases, it is enough to resort to folk methods or the use of cosmetic cosmetics, in others medication treatment, salon procedures or surgical intervention is required.

For example, vitiligo folk remedies cannot be heal.

Therapy is carried out in salon or clinical conditions, by introducing injections, laser skin processing, cell transfer. If the appearance of pigment spots is caused by a systemic disease, you need to get rid of the root cause, then the problem will disappear by itself.

Creams for hands

Cosmetics used to eliminate pigment spots on hand contain substances that cause the destruction of melanin. They eliminate visual symptoms and quickly help if pigmentation is caused by age causes or exposure to sunlight.

The composition of individual creams includes hydroquinone. This is an organic substance that blocks the production of hormone responsible for skin pigmentation. This substance is toxic, so in the creams it is contained in a minimum number.

However, after 2 weeks of regular use, a positive result is observed. It is not recommended to use longer than 8 weeks. In addition, the means with the hydroquinone destroys collagen, which is why early wrinkles arise with long-term use.

Among the creams containing hydroquinone, distinguish:

  • Akhroactive Max - Bulgarian production cream containing UV filters and vitamin C.
  • Achromin - also produced in Bulgaria. In addition to hydroquinone, contains milk acid, UV blockers, licorice root extract.
  • Astramin - also contains hydroquinone, and more fruit and lactic acids, vitamin C, protects against ultraviolet. This means can be used to two months, and the effect is noticeable after a few days after the first application and lasts after the last application for another month.
  • Expigment. According to the composition, the product is similar to Astramin, but is produced in two concentrations of hydroquinone: 2 and 4%. The tool is made in Turkey. If previous funds are standing around 100-170 rubles, then this will cost 800.
  • AMENITY PURE WHITE CREAM. Produced in Japan. The composition includes complex acids with bleaching effects, vitamins and oils. This cream is less toxic, since fatty acids to some extent neutralize the harmful properties of the hydroquinone. The price is not for everyone - more than 8000 rubles.

Creams with glycolic and azelic acid

Such funds are not only whiten, but also care for the skin of the hands, making it a younger, softening the burdens:

  • Sesderma Hidraderm Hand Cream - produced in Spain. Contains milk, glycolic acid and jojoba oil. He gently cares for the skin, rejuvenating her, gently eliminating pigment spots in his arms.
  • Cream Azelik Blocks the development of pigmentation, due to which the skin is covered.
  • Skinland gel - The main purpose is the struggle against acne and oily skin, but it helps and from pigmentation.

Creams with essential oils. These are safe tools, the effect of which is based on a natural whitening effect, characteristic of a row of essential oils: citrus, rosewood, camphor, parsley, carrots, celery.

Whitening agents sometimes contain mercury. Such formulations are strictly forbidden to apply during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to their toxic action. If the bleaching cream caused a reaction to the skin: allergic, itching, burning, darkening, its use should be immediately stopped.

Medicia treatment

Pigmentation drugs are prescribed by a dermatologist after determining the causes of hyperpigmentation. Additional analyzes can be appointed, including the delivery of hormone tests.

If the problem is caused by the collection of hormonal background, hormonal preparations will be assigned, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the function of a particular organ of the endocrine system. During problems with digestion, therapy will include the reception of drugs for the treatment of diarrhea, constipation, ulcers, gastritis, normalization of intestinal microflora.

Salon treatments

Salon procedures give a quick effect and apply in cases where with a cosmetic defect cannot cope with homework.

Pigment stains in the hands are treated with complex methods.

Salon procedures should be combined with bleaching creams and masks. Experts recommend to start actively engage in deliverance from pigment spots in the autumn period, when solar activity falls.

Masks and compresses

Folk remedies, including masks, are used separately or together with other treatment techniques.

  1. It will help to clarify the pigment stains lemon juice. If the skin is not too sensitive, you can wipe with lemon juice or fresh fruit slice pigmented sections. But it is better to mix juice with other components, such as whipped protein. One protein will require juice of lemon halves. 30 minutes after applying the mask need to be washed. The same amount of lemon is mixed with 1 tsp. Honey and apply for 30 minutes on the skin of the hands. Honey has a rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory property.
  2. Whitening property has a juice of cucumber. Fresh cashem cooked from vegetable peeled peel should be applied to problem areas and climb the food film for 15 minutes.
  3. It is convenient to use white clay compresses With the addition of bleaching components: lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide. In the first case, the clay must be dissolved with lemon juice and water to creamy consistency and apply to the places of hyperpigmentation. Water should be less than lemon juice, but the amount can be varied, focusing on the skin sensitivity. The mask should be kept up to 20 minutes, and then it is necessary to moisten the skin with a cream. In the second case, the clay composition add food soda and talc in proportion 1: 1 and hydrogen peroxide. The number of active component - peroxide - determine the sensitivity of the skin. Time for aging mask on the skin - up to 10 minutes.
  4. Adherents of folk methods are recommended to use and masks with starch. The composition again includes lemon juice. On the volume of juice, squeezed from the halves of lemon, will require an equal volume of starch and ½ volume of water. The mixture is distributed over the skin of the hands and grind out the food film. Exposure time - 5 minutes. Frequency of use - 2 r. / Ned.
  5. Combine lemon juice in masks can be with dill. This product, like lemon juice, has a whitening property. The juice of halves of lemon is pressed, and the beam of greenery is hung with boiling water, crushed and combined with juice. The mask can be applied to the skin for 20 minutes, after which it is required to use fatty cream or sour cream to power.
  6. 2 tsp Dry yeast Connect with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and impose on problem areas for 20 minutes.

Compresses have a softer bleaching effect, but the intensity of exposure is determined by the components that are part of the mixture.

  1. The most gentle properties has a compress from fermented milk products. Any product is suitable: kefir, Prostokvasha, Natural yogurt. It is convenient to use gauze or a thin napkin, having impregnated with its composition. Compress should be imposed on the hyperpigmentation sites and fix for 15 minutes.
  2. Soft exposure has a compress from raw potatoes. One potato should be grate on the grater, put a thick layer on the skin of the hands and fix the gauze for about an hour.
  3. Similarly use grateful radish. From it, as from potatoes make a compress, which is held 20 minutes. But we need to rinse with cold milk.
  4. Large bulb should be cleaned, pour 1 l of water and reveal, evaporating the liquid to 0.5 liters. Compress from this fluid, having impregnated with it a piece of fabric, apply for 30 minutes 2 p. / D.
  5. The parsley bundle is finely cut, brewed with boiling water and leave it to approximately 3 hours. Then make baths for hands.

Folk remedies

Pigment stains in the hands are treated with folk remedies, which are also it is assumed to use lemon juice and peroxide, but in other ways:

  • A few drops of lemon juice or ether must be added to the portion of the arms for hands, and better children's cream with a minimum of additives. This composition uses as ordinary cream, daily rubbing it into the skin of the hands.
  • Hydramerite (3%) is diluted with water 1: 1 and soaked with a cotton disk. Then it is embedded with its economic soap and wipe pigment spots point 1 r. / Week.
  • Castor oil with daily use brighten the skin. It is necessary to rub the oil 2 r. / D.


In order not to create favorable conditions for the appearance of pigment stains, you need to eat correctly: exclude fried, smoked, drink enough water - at least 2 l per day, limit the consumption of coffee and tea.

In the menu necessarily include:

  • fish;
  • non-fat meat;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • dairy products;
  • additional reception of vitamins B2 and B.

Cure the dark pigment stains that appeared on their hands with age or as a result of the effects of sun rays using folk methods.

Pigment stains, the appearance of which is associated with diseases of the liver, thyroid gland or other organs, should be treated with complex methods, eliminating the main disease. The absence of pigment is a more difficult case that requires medical intervention.

Video about pigment stains on hand, causes of their appearance and ways to eliminate

How to get rid of pigment spots at home:

The causes of the emergence and recipe for masks from pigment spots:

It is believed that pigmentation on hand and face is a lot of age. However, doctors assure that pigment spots may appear on the skin of the face and body at any age. Pigmentation occurs at different parts of the body. Women are most afraid of groaning appearance spots on her face, on hand. It is also the case not only in changing the appearance, it is important here to find out the cause of pigmentation. The causes of pigment spots will depend on the hands of skin pathology.

Spots in nature can be the most different. This and funny freckles, pleaseing the views of passersby in early spring, they are superficial, lie on the top layer of the skin - epidermis.

And they can be deeper, and touch the dermis layer. There are mixed types of pigment spots. There is also with surface growth of additional layers of affected skin.

The appearance of white rounded specks, usually small, less commonly common hand - is hypopigmentation.

The outer layer of the skin loses the usual color due to the lack of melanin, the main skin pigment. It is a serious pathology of the skin, it is congenital in nature, or may be an acquired disease.

The lightened, the elevated areas of skin on the body are focal localization, or apply throughout the body.

Reverse pathology - hyperpigmentation, when on the body or only in the hands there are brown stains.

Under the influence of various factors of external or internal type, the skin cells actively produce melanin, and the excess of the pigment changes the color of the skin on its defined areas.

The color of the painted areas depends on the cause of pigmentation. A difficult task is to find the reason for the appearance of pigment spots in the hands - a specialist, dermatologist solve.

After a special examination, the clinical picture of pathology is clarified, and the doctor appoints a course of treatment. The photo shows different options for pigmentation.

Pigmentation removal methods

Brown spots treat easier, all doctors think so. Return the natural color of the skin with whitish spots is much more complicated. However, doctors give hope to get rid of skin pathology to each patient.

Just every person will need to choose your own treatment. For some, it will be home procedures, someone will go to the beauty salon, and someone needs medical care.

Pigment spots on hand are removed using:

  • reception of drugs;
  • use of different creams;
  • treatment on recipes of traditional medicine;
  • passing salon procedures;
  • operational intervention.

Rare causes of the skin requires skin cell transplant. In other situations, it costs without intervening surgeons.

Use of different methods of treatment

First of all, it is necessary to determine that treatment should be carried out in the complex, various measures of impact on pathology should be used. This is a reception of medicines, the use of ointments, treatment with the means of traditional medicine.

The skin lightening well helps cream designed specifically from pigment spots:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Melanival;
  • Skinorn;
  • White derm.

Special attention in the modern assortment of creams deserve Achromine from Alen Mak-Bulgaria, Idealia Pro from Vichy. Russian women in the souls came Cream Lyubava from livestock facilities.

The main active substances in these creams are hydroquinone, Treartinol, Arbutin, beta-carotene. Fruit acids are considered additional components.

If the doctor finds the reason in the depths of the body, a person will need drugs depending on the open disease. First you need to seriously treat the main disease, then engage in bleaching spots, although in the beauty salon. The main thing is to be sure that the manifestation of the stains against the background of the recurrence of the disease will no longer repeat.

Treat pigment stains in the hands must be necessary, regardless of the cause and etiology of their manifestation. After all, this is not just not beautiful, it is an external manifestation of the inner disease, a symptom that signals that the body requires help.

Whatever the etiology of pigmentation, the spots themselves will not disappear. They need special procedures. Complex cases will require visits to the salon cosmetologists. The effectiveness of cosmetology procedures has already been proven by time.

The cosmetologists have achieved sufficient experience of removing stains in different ways:

  • grinding with a laser;
  • chemical peeling;
  • dermabrasion;
  • cryotherapy.

Salon methods are really quite effective. With their help, you can quickly get rid of pigment spots. It is guaranteed a long-term preservation of the results obtained from all the same costly procedures.

Treatment on the recipes of traditional medicine

Separately addicts the possibilities of folk medicine in terms of whitening brown spots on their hands. Separately, because the effects of plant drugs have the same strong influence as pills, injections. The reasons for the appearance of pigment stains in the hands determine the direction of their treatment and the choice of therapeutic procedures.

Clean the pigment spots with hands need the most effective folk remedies:

  • Lemon juice - with lemon there are several use options.

You can lubricate the spots with a fresh sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of lemon, as it absorbs into the skin of the juice to squeeze the juice from the cut sliced.

  • Lemon mixture - Ingredients: lemon juice, honey, egg protein, essential oil.

Method of preparation: Fresh-free juice 1 lemon mixed with 1 tsp. honey, 1 egg protein; Mix well to homogeneous mass, add a few drops of lavender or rosemary oil. Ready to keep the mixture in the refrigerator. Lubricate the damn hand skin several times a day.

  • Cucumber - grate into a small grater of fresh cucumber.

Apply Cashitz on the hands, cover with a plastic film, keep 15 minutes.

  • Infusion parsley.

Method of preparation: Pumping a bunch of pour 2 stacks. Boiling water. Cover, warmly wrapped. Insist to natural cooling. Then strain, wet the affected areas on the hands of a cool infusion, preferably from the refrigerator.

In the same cold, making compresses from this infusion, cover with polyethylene, keep the ice heating pad on top, or simply with cool water. Compresses keep so much the hands do not freeze, so as not to cause additionally inflammation in the joints from the cold.

  • Efficiency products - have properties whitening the skin.

Application: Apply to the affected areas of the skin with a thick layer of sour cream, bold kefir, yogurt for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off just running water.

  • Castor oil - daily, twice a day, apply massaging movements to the spots area.

With constant use gives a visible result.

  • Black radish.

Method of preparation: rub the cleaned radish on a fine grater, make a compress from the resulting mass on a problem area, cover it with polyethylene. Compress keep 20 min. Flush with cool milk.

  • Whitening mixture.

Ingredients: cottage cheese, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia alcohol. Take 2 tbsp. Cottage cheese, drop into it 25 drops of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol. Mix thoroughly to a homogeneous mass. Make compress with wrapped. Hold compress 20 min. Wash off the contrasting shower: start with warm, finish cold water.

Recipes of traditional medicine economical and efficient. Several procedures per week can make any woman.

Pigment stains in the hands - clusters of melanin in skin cells in the form of small islands of the wrong shape of different shades of brown. They are a cosmetic defect that is difficult to disguise. There are a number of ways to get rid of pigmentation. Consider them.

The reasons for the appearance of spots

Find out how to remove pigment stains on your hands. But first we'll figure it out why they arise.

The appearance of foci with hyperpigmentation after 40-50 years is a normal process associated with the aging of the body: cells gradually lose the ability to stop melanin products. To aggravate the problem or provoke the formation of spots at an earlier age, such factors as:

  • excessive impact of ultraviolet irradiation, including artificial;
  • the use of poor-quality cosmetics;
  • constant contact of the skin with aggressive substances;
  • consumption of hormonal means;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • gTS and kidney diseases;
  • the diseases of the ovaries leading to the hormonal imbalance.

In addition, foci with hyperpigmentation sometimes appear during pregnancy, then they disappear.

Start the fight against the "age" stains on hand should immediately after their occurrence. Cosmetics (whitening cream), salon treatments and folk remedies will help to get rid of them. But if hyperpigmentation appeared as a result of health problems, all these measures will give a short-term result. It is important to identify the cause of the problem.

Cosmetic drugs

Means capable of whitening pigment stains in their hands are conditionally divided into cosmetic and therapeutic. The first are sold in ordinary stores or relevant pharmacies without a prescription, they can be used independently. The second possesses a more pronounced action, apply them is permissible only on the advice of the doctor.

What kind of ingredients should contain a cream from hyperpigmentation? The composition of the cosmetics usually includes:

  1. Hyroquinone (at least 2%) is a substance that slows down the cells that synthesize the pigment melanin. He not only eliminates stains, but also warns their appearance. Cream with hydroquinone can not be used long and in elevated volumes, this will lead to dermatitis.
  2. Treartinol is a connection that accelerates the update of the epidermis. It removes stains due to the exfoliation of melanocytes.
  3. Arbutin is a substance obtained from the Tolokaniki. Its action is similar to the effect of hydroquinone, but less aggressively.
  4. Fruit acids (ana) - apple, glycolic, dairy, lemon, salicyl and others. These compounds perform the feature of peeling.
  5. Vitamins A and C, which have a clarifying effect.
  6. Vegetable extracts with discoloration effect - citrus, parsley, cucumber, tocheries.

Also, the cream for hands should contain caring components - hyaluronic acid, nutrient oils, glycerin, and so on.

In the formula of therapeutic agents, resorting to which can be removed, the stains include the same components, but at large concentrations. In addition, bleaching preparations based on mercury, perhydra and other active substances are produced, but they are very aggressive and have undesirable effects.

Most Popular Hands

Help with advice, the choice of funds can sellers consultants of cosmetics stores and pharmacists of pharmacies. Possessing the necessary knowledge, they will help to choose the optimal option for your skin type. You can purchase the following means:

How to apply clarifying cream? First of all, it should be done allergile. If everything is in order, you can apply a means to peeled hands. It is advisable to do it in the evening.

The treatment of hyperpigmentation is better to spend in the cold season when a little bright sun. In the summer, in hand, it is necessary to apply cream with protective filters (with an index 20-25).

Salon treatments

If you contact the question, how to remove pigment stains on your hands, to the beautician, then it will advise to undergo a course of procedures aimed at exfoliation of the epidermis. With their help, it is possible to quickly withdraw even very dark stains due to the removal of organized cells and the launch of regeneration processes in the dermis.

Most effective handling procedures:

  1. microdermabrasion is a mechanical exfoliation of a damaged leather layer using aluminum dioxide crystals;
  2. chemical peeling - processing of covers with three-arms acid, as a result of which the epidermis is removed;
  3. glycolic peeling - effect on cover with 1% solution of glycolic acid, which gently exfoliates cells;
  4. cryotherapy - "freezing" spots with liquid nitrogen;
  5. laser and ultrasonic peelings - removal of the upper shell of the epidermis using laser and ultrasound rays;
  6. photorejuvenation - skin treatment with light rays, as a result of which the stains are brightened;
  7. laser therapy - the impact on the foci with hyperpigmentation with red and green rays, under the influence of which the destruction of melanin occurs.

Each of the methods has contraindications and consequences for the skin. The most effective procedure is the mean chemical peeling, but it is very traumatic. More careful ways - photorejuvenation and laser therapy. They not only help get rid of spots, but also give the skin elasticity.

Folk recipes

Economically whitening pigment stains will help folk remedies. They act not as fast as drugs and procedures, but they do not possess side effects. Before starting therapy, it is important to make sure that there is no sensitivity to the components.

The most effective recipes:

  1. Lemon juice Mix with water in pressure. Wipe stains three times a day.
  2. Fresh parsley chop. 2 large spoons of greenery pour a cup of boiling water (200 ml), withstand 2 hours, filter. Make a bath for hands 2 times a day at a quarter of an hour.
  3. Beat the foam 1 protein and 0.5 lemon juice. Lubricate your hands, impose a film from above, washed in 10 minutes. Gradually, the time of procedure is increased to 30 minutes.
  4. 50 g of dill scream boiling water and grind in a blender. Singing a 0.5 lemon juice into the greenery. Apply to your arms, cover the gauze (bandage), wash off after 15 minutes.
  5. 1 Large spoonful starch mixed with water (1 large spoon) and 0.5 lemon juice. Apply a mask and put the film, wash off in 7 minutes. Starch can be replaced with white clay.
  6. Moisten gauze in prostrip, kefir or sour cream. To put on your hands, cover with a film, leave for 15 minutes.
  7. In 2 large spoons of cottage cheese (high fat) add 25 drops of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Apply to your arms, wrapped with film and towel, remove after 15 minutes.
  8. Grasp large potatoes. To impose a lot of hands, cover with a film, wash off in 60 minutes.

In addition, to get rid of stains, you can make compresses with apple vinegar, boiled onions, cucumber puree, dandelion roots, black elderberry flowers with other components.

If a lemon or other aggressive ingredient is specified in the mask's recipe, before it applies the skin is to lubricate with vegetable oil. Completely withstand recommended time optional: it is necessary to remove the composition at the slightest unpleasant sensations. Cleaning the skin follows cool water. The following is required to apply a moisturizing cream. The course of such masks is a month with a periodicity of 1-2 times a week. If for one series of sessions, it was not possible to whiten the spots, it can be repeated, making holidays in 1-2 weeks.

Pigment stains are formed in connection with the aging of the body, as a result of the influence of ultraviolet and due to diseases. Before starting the fight against them, it is worth finding out the causes of the problem.

Salon procedures will help to quickly get rid of hyperpigmentation, but they can lead to complications. A more careful and long-term method of treatment of stains is a systematic use of cosmetic and folk remedies. Apply them more often than indicated in the instructions, or increase the dosage, is unacceptable. It can provoke irritation and enhancement of pigmentation.

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