The baby has dark green feces. Preparations for improving the digestion of children. In what cases does a greenish tint of feces indicate a disease

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 6 minutes


Last updated article: 05.02.2019

In the first year of life, the child is extremely vulnerable. After all, he just came into this world, and he needs to get used to a lot, to get acquainted with various processes. Any mother closely observes the state of the born little man. And one of the indicators of a baby's health is his stool. Any change in it should alert young parents. A common problem is the predominance of green in the feces. How should it be normal and what are the reasons for the change? Why does a breastfed baby have green stools and are there any reasons for concern? The doctor's answer will allow moms to deal with this issue.

What color should a baby have feces?

The very first feces of a newborn, the so-called original feces or meconium, consists of what the baby swallowed in the mother's stomach. Basically, these are cells of its own epithelium, hairs and even pieces of marigolds that got into the mouth when he sucked his fists. The baby swallowed all this wealth in the womb along with the amniotic fluid. The color of such feces is very dark, black-green, and resembles resin in consistency.

If the feeding of the crumbs from the first days is adjusted correctly, the color of the feces becomes simply dark green, transitional and can be so for a while. After about 2 weeks, this indicator in infants is established and acquires a mushy consistency of yellow-brown color with white blotches.

There are three main factors that characterize a child's stool that are worth paying attention to:

  • smell
  • consistency

Green stool in babies in the first weeks of life is normal.

It is stained in this color due to the presence of hormones in breast milk, bilirubin, which is constantly excreted with feces, and the fact that the intestines of the newborn are still insufficiently populated with beneficial bacteria.

In the future, the baby's stool can be different: liquid, similar to mashed potatoes or unformed, and in color - from yellow of various shades to brownish and green. The presence of small amounts of mucus, as well as white or yellowish lumps in infant stool, is quite acceptable.

Usually, the stool of a baby who is completely breastfed is liquid, light brown and smells like sour milk.

However, there are a number of factors that can cause a frothy stool or a newborn's bowel movements green, which in turn can alert or even scare relatives.

If, along with the green color, a pungent odor is found, do not hesitate to visit the doctor! There may be another reason behind it.

Reasons for a change in the color of a child's feces

The most common cause of these changes is the nutrition of the newborn. When breastfeeding, of course, the mother's menu will be the root cause. With milk, all the substances received by the body of a nursing woman are transferred to the baby. Therefore, first of all, you need to analyze this condition. But along with this, you need to know how the digestive system of the crumbs works and the state of his health in general.

Several factors can turn your baby's stool from brown to green.

Didn't change the diaper right away

If the baby pooped not just now, but some time ago, then the feces can corny oxidize and acquire a greenish color.

Mom's nutrition

Since mother's milk largely consists of what she eats, some foods from her diet can turn the baby's stool green.

Most often, the baby's stool turns green, the zucchini, cucumbers or broccoli eaten by the mother are to blame. Less commonly, other vegetables. In addition, the lack of milk in the mother's diet, as well as her consumption of foods with artificial additives and carcinogens, may be to blame for the color of "childish surprise".

Taking medication

Due to the intake of certain medications, the stool of a breastfed baby can also sometimes turn green. So iron gives the green color to feces. Antibiotics always disrupt the intestinal microflora and can cause the feces to turn green as well.


Many consider it a disease, but it is not. The name of this state speaks for itself. Dysbacteriosis is an imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

The intestinal bacteria, of which there should be a certain amount, suddenly becomes too much or too little. And in a newborn, such an imbalance can provoke:

  • ordinary boiled water, with which it is sometimes drunk,
  • infrequent, by the hour, latching on to the chest,
  • too early introduction of supplementary feeding with milk mixtures or complementary foods up to six months.

Dysbacteriosis is not a disease, but it is necessary to restore the body. The correct appointments will be given by a specialist.

Ideally, if the baby is on a natural diet, he receives all the nutrients with his mother's milk. It makes no sense to give him water. In addition he may start to confuse the breast and the nipple of the bottle... Why? Because the sucking technique is changing. In some cases, even gradual breast refusals were noted.

Lactase deficiency

Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down the lactose in breast milk into galactose and glucose.

Lactose, which is not broken down in the small intestine for any reason, moves further into the large intestine. And because lactose is an excellent medium for bacteria to live, fermentation occurs in the large intestine, the stool becomes frothy and can turn green.

However, lactase deficiency in a newborn is an extremely rare diagnosis. Do not attribute all cases of green and frothy stool to him. Only a good specialist can establish lactase deficiency by prescribing a series of tests.

Improper feeding

Much more often in babies breastfed, there is an imbalance in the front and rear milk. Most mothers know perfectly well that the milk that flows first to the nipple is always thinner and watery than the back one, which, on the contrary, is thicker and fatter. If you often change the breast during feeding, then, as a result, the baby is pumped mainly from the front, low-fat milk, but it is not sucked up to fatty milk. It is the fatty milk that gives the stool its brown color.

In the case when the child does not receive fatty milk, the baby's stool will be green and frothy, in addition, there may still be a lack of weight.

Often this also occurs due to the fact that the child is not accustomed to eat from the breast. It is likely that in the hospital he was initially introduced to the bottle, from which it is much easier to eat. And having received the breast, he only eats the first milk, which is easier to get. Babies with such a problem gain weight poorly.

Remember the rule: every feeding (about 2 - 3 hours) we change the breast. Do not do this categorically when the child is already eating. He has to get to the back milk, which is filling and nutritious.

Isolation of bilirubin

Bilirubin is constantly released and also makes the newborn's stool greenish. In addition, the liver of the crumb does not yet produce all the enzymes necessary for normal digestion.

Should I be worried?

Any sane parent will be worried if the slightest changes have occurred in the body of his baby. After all, these crumbs are so small that they are unable to indicate in any way the cause of the anxiety. Therefore, the first thing to do is to leave the panic behind. This requires a clear analysis of what is happening and observation. If the toddler's mood remains good, he eats the amount assigned to him, remains cheerful and vigorous, sleeps well - there is no need to worry. But, of course, you need to keep the situation under your vigilant control.

Another thing is if, against the background of a green stool, frequent regurgitation appears, there is a sharp fetid odor, with sourness, the child is capricious for no reason - immediately go to the doctor. These may be signs of an onset of dysbiosis. The consequences are dire, especially if diarrhea is added. After all, this is characterized by colossal fluid loss for the child's body.

If he turns green due to the intake of medications by the mother of the baby, after stopping the medication, the color will return to normal.

In the case when mother's milk is the first to fall under suspicion, you should exclude from the diet foods that can green up the baby's "kaku".

By itself, a green stool in a breastfed baby is a kind of a variant of the norm. It, of course, can be a symptom of a disease, but one cannot judge about it only by color.

If the baby sleeps normally, is not capricious more than usual and has a normal appetite, everything is all right with him. If the mother notices the symptoms of malaise in the baby, it makes sense to contact the pediatrician.

Additional alarms in our case include:

  • the appearance of a rash,
  • frequent regurgitation,
  • frequent crying for no reason
  • bad dream,
  • when there is too much mucus in the stools and they acquire an unpleasant putrid odor.

In what cases can you not do without a doctor?

  1. Diarrhea (more than a dozen bowel movements per day, watery stools, often with a frankly unpleasant, putrid odor), especially accompanied by frequent regurgitation or vomiting.
  2. Increased body temperature... Just do not forget that in the first months of life, the temperature of the crumbs can increase from an excess of warm clothes.
  3. Decreased external reactions or lack thereof.
  4. Underweight - the baby is gaining little weight or even losing weight.
  5. Symptoms of dehydration - loose skin, sunken fontanelle.
  6. Urination less than 6 times a day and at the same time, the urine is dark in color with a pungent unpleasant odor.
  7. Bad breath baby.

It happens that mucus and bloody blotches are added to the stool. It is believed that the reason for this may be an unsettled child's body. But even here any changes in the behavior of the crumbs should alert you. Therefore, whatever changes in the stool occur, observe the behavior of the baby... This is the surest way to protect him from danger.

Many are humorous about the interest with which many young mothers relate to the color and consistency of their babies' stools. However, it is the state of the stool of newborns that largely indicates their physical condition.

At the same time, contrary to general opinion, one should not be guided by any norm. A breastfed baby has every right to any "norm" of its own.

If at the same time the baby does not feel any discomfort and there are no signs of disease, then there is actually nothing to worry about.

can be considered as a variant of the norm or as an indicator of the presence of infection in the body. To determine whether the baby is healthy or any disease has settled in his body, you need to consult a pediatrician more often.

The yellow-green color of the stool in a newborn and baby does not always imply health problems for the baby.

It often happens that this is a feature of the child's body that does not affect his condition. Such a chair can be considered as common in the following cases:

  • The formation of the baby's digestive system. In an infant, the digestive system is not fully formed and simply does not have time to produce enzymes. Therefore, the stool may be yellow-green in color with an admixture of mucus.
  • Breastfeeding and artificial feeding. If the baby feeds on breast milk, then the color of the stool depends on the foods the mother uses or on the hormone content in her milk. With artificial feeding, this color can be caused by the reaction of the baby's body to the mixture.
  • First feeding. The child's body may have a reaction to the first consumption of new foods in the form of a yellow-green stool.
  • Teething.

The main task of the mother is to observe the behavior of the baby.

Yellow-green stools in infants can be alarming if symptoms such as:

  • Heat;
  • Foul stool odor;
  • Intestinal colic;
  • Bloating;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Bending the legs;
  • Cry;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Weight loss;
  • Weakness;
  • Skin rash.

A yellow-green stool in a baby, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, a high temperature of the baby, his vomiting, crying, bending his legs, etc., indicates an infection. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

There may be several reasons for the appearance of a green color in a baby's stool. They are completely safe for the health of the baby, or, conversely, can cause unpleasant consequences. TO the reasons for the appearance of yellow-green stools in infants relate:

  1. Features of the child's digestive system. In an infant, the digestive system is not yet able to cope with the amount of food supplied to the body, namely breast milk or formula. This is evidenced by the greenish color of the stool with admixtures of mucus.
  2. Dysbacteriosis. It manifests itself in the emergence irritation and rashes on the baby's bottom ... Dysbacteriosis can occur in people of any age due to the appearance of harmful bacteria in the intestinal microflora. And the baby's intestines are not yet fully formed, so he is the most susceptible to dysbiosis.
  3. Infections (such as rotavirus, fungus ).
  4. Weakened immunity.

Influence of breastfeeding on infant stool formation

Infant nutrition has a significant effect on stool formation. Breastfeeding is preferable for the baby, however, there are some nuances here. During the first few months of life, yellow-green is normal stool in infants, if there are no alarming symptoms. Why does the children's chair get this color? There are several reasons for this:

  • Mom's nutrition directly affects the color of the stool. If mom eats a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables, then the stool becomes greenish.
  • The inclusion of new products in the mother's diet that are not suitable for the baby. Therefore, you need to follow a diet while breastfeeding.
  • You can not take hormones, antibiotics and other medications that can harm the gastrointestinal tract of the baby.
  • Late introduction of the first feed inhibits the growth of beneficial microflora of the child's intestines. Supplements should be administered from 5 months of age, preferably on a probiotic basis.
  • Wrong diet also affects the color of the stool. If the baby is weaned early, he will not gorge on. After all, in order to get enough, the baby needs to get hind milk, there are enough useful elements and fat content in it.

Due to their lack, mucus appears in the baby's feces.

Artificial feeding

In formula-fed babies, yellow-green stools may be due to formula, dysbiosis, or an intestinal infection.

In infants on artificial feeding, there is more often a lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body. To avoid this, enter mixtures with probiotics and preparations for the prevention of stool problems that contain lactobacilli... Due to the oxidation of iron in the mixture, feces can be yellow-green. The baby's stool has the color of the food eaten by about one year of age.

In infancy, stool discoloration often results in dysbiosis ... If suddenly you notice changes in the baby's stool, it is better to be tested for dysbiosis.

However, if everything is in order with the food and dysbiosis is not detected, then the problem may be in any infections ... This also needs to be clarified in the clinic, because the presence of pathologies can lead to surgical intervention.

If frequent bowel movements are accompanied by abdominal pain, then the baby may have colic .

How to Ease Your Baby's Suffering

In order not to face problems with stool in a baby, mom should know some ways to prevent stool disorders:

  • Careful selection of the mixture;

  • Compliance with the diet;

  • Timely visit to the pediatrician;

  • Gradual introduction of complementary foods.

For every mother, the baby's health is really dear, therefore for any violation of the digestive tract, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist to make sure the child is okay.

Find out now about the most useful preparation Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). For colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Last updated article: 05.02.2019

At the age of 1 year, the baby grows and develops intensively, changes occur almost every day. And the newly-made mom is worried about even the smallest changes that are taking place with her baby. She worries not only how he eats or sleeps, but how and why he cries, how he poops. What determines the color of feces of a 2-month-old baby? Is it worth worrying about this? And what should be done?

Feces of a baby - the norm for children 2 months

The stool of a child of this age is unformed and mushy. It can be watery due to the fact that the baby receives milk of insufficient fat content. Feces are colored depending on the food that the baby takes and can be either light brown or dark brown with an admixture of greenery.

Until the 8th month, the admixture of greenery can be explained by pigmentation with bilirubin (bile pigment). Small lumps of curdled milk and some mucus may be present in the stool. This is considered a variant of the norm.

The reasons for the "greening" of the baby's feces

Why does the baby have green stools? The etiology of changes in the shade of feces is very diverse, from natural to pathological:

  • nutritional;
  • teething;
  • dysbiosis;
  • allergic reactions, including reactions to milk proteins and lactose;
  • intestinal infections;
  • ARVI;
  • reaction to vaccinations and antibiotic therapy.

The influence of nutrition is worth considering separately. Pathological signs, despite all their diversity, have a common denominator - this is restlessness of the child, his regular crying and sleep disturbance.

In some cases, a change in the color of feces is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to febrile numbers and impaired respiratory function. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Dysbacteriosis or dysbiosis is one of the most common diagnoses in children 2 months of age. In addition to discoloration of feces, dysbiosis is accompanied by constipation / diarrhea, increased regurgitation, anxiety and sleep disturbance. One of the reasons for the development of dysbiosis in a child is antibiotic treatment.


An allergic reaction is also common. It is associated with errors in the mother's diet during breastfeeding and the body's overreaction to the components of the mixed substance during artificial feeding. It manifests itself as green diarrhea, anxiety, in some cases subfebrile condition, and skin symptoms - peeling, pustular rashes, eczema.

Lactase deficiency

Lactase deficiency is a hereditary disease, the symptomatic manifestations of which are diarrhea of \u200b\u200ba green tint, anxiety of the crumbs and skin manifestations (milk crust, eczematous rashes, etc.).

Intestinal infections

Intestinal infections are very dangerous, especially for a baby of this age. With diarrhea and a sharp increase in bowel movements, with foamy stools of green or black staining with an admixture of blood, an increase in body temperature, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Colds, vaccinations, teeth

Respiratory infections, teething, and vaccinations can be accompanied by intestinal upset and "greening" of the stool. There is nothing dangerous in this, and over time, the symptoms disappear without medical intervention.

Important! If the color of the stool changes, anxiety and an increase in the child's body temperature, you should immediately consult a doctor. At this age, infectious diseases can be very dangerous.

Breast milk and its effect on stool color

If a baby is breastfed, the color and quality of feces depends on:

  • food eaten by mom;
  • the quality of milk and what proportion of milk the baby sucks (the less fatty part is closer, the baby receives fat milk by sucking the breast to the end).

Important! The color of the food eaten by the mother affects the shade of the crumbs' stool. Vegetables and fruits (lettuce, herbs, apples, broccoli, spinach, etc.), which are greenish in color, will give feces a dark green, and sometimes quite bright color. This is normal.

If the baby is lazy and does not fully suck the breast, he gets a product depleted in fat. This makes the stool thinner and gives it a greenish coloration. It is the fats that make the faeces brown.

A green tint and liquid feces are not dangerous, but it is better to teach the baby to suck out one breast at one feeding (with sufficient lactation).

Mixture and its effect on stool color

With artificial feeding, the stool usually changes color when moving from one formula to another. Light green feces can be with a high iron content in the mixed mass.

If the mother is worried about the color of the stool, you can change the mixture for the baby and look at the result. You just need to do it correctly, smoothly transferring the baby to another food within 1-2 weeks.

Green impurity in stool - time to worry

Why does a 2 month old baby have green stools? Only a qualified specialist can answer this question. In most cases, there is no reason to worry, however, it is imperative to call a doctor if the following symptoms are present:

  • change in the smell of stool (putrid or pronounced sour);
  • there is an admixture of blood in the feces;
  • there is a decrease in the infant's body weight;
  • the body temperature rises to febrile numbers (from 38 o C);
  • disturbed by sleep disturbances and tearfulness;
  • there are skin rashes;
  • the baby often spits up and in a larger volume than usual.

In infancy, the main signs of the development of a pathological process in the child's body are its lethargy, bad mood, sleep, weight loss and an increase in body temperature. In this case, the actions on the part of the parents must be immediate.

If everything is fine with the baby, but his stool, urination or other phenomena bother the parents, you should consult a doctor in a planned manner. There is nothing shameful or shameful in this.

Diagnosing health problems in children and adults are fundamentally different things. If for people who can truthfully and reliably express complaints, questioning by a doctor, taking anamnesis are integral procedures, after which a decision will be made on the appointment of certain drugs and manipulations, then with babies (of all ages) the situation is much more complicated.

Various analyzes are the only way to obtain maximum information about pathological processes in the body. One of the most visual and diagnostic tests for children is the study of feces, so it is not surprising that many mothers, like doctors, are interested in why babies have green poop, whether this is a problem or not.

What is the norm?

The correct functioning of the digestive system of a newborn baby assumes that food will be digested in its entirety, without creating a large amount of waste. Many doctors agree that breast milk should be so well absorbed by the baby that he can poop every few days without feeling any problems with his tummy.

In fact, this situation is rather an exception to the rule. Brown, yellow, light green and green poop occur in infants with almost the same frequency, and each of these options can be interpreted as the norm. For some, this may be a feature of the body, but some babies thus make it clear that something is wrong with the gastrointestinal tract, so it is important to find out if there is a problem that green poop appears in the diaper. In a baby, all body systems are formed incredibly quickly, but still they are too undeveloped and sensitively react to everything new.

Stability. What do we know about her?

Scientists are doing their best to create adapted milk formulas that will resemble breast milk as much as possible, but the result of their work is, albeit high-quality, but artificial nutrition. The main difference between mother's milk is that its composition is incredibly changeable. Studies prove that at all stages of feeding, a mother satisfies the different needs of her growing child due to the fact that milk contains the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and antibodies. This composition changes daily, saturating the baby with everything necessary, giving him the opportunity to develop correctly and harmoniously.

Each such change in breast milk can lead to changes in poop in infants, which are most often a problem for breastfed babies. Many pediatricians complain about inaccuracies in the nursing diet, someone claims that the mother's nutrition cannot directly affect the child's feces, however, each specific case is special, and it is impossible to say with confidence that the baby's tummy will not react negatively to the innovation in the nurse's diet.

Child on IV

It's no secret that the best nutrition for newborns is mother's milk. Exceptions are rare genetic diseases, liver problems, or protein or lactose tolerance when the baby needs special diets. But in a number of other cases it is necessary to switch to adapted milk formulas.

Infant formula is a more stable substance than breast milk, and if the mother was able to find the perfect formula for her baby that does not cause allergic reactions, disorders and changes in the stool, you should not experiment with new options again.

Pediatricians say that artificial feces should be yellow or brown, and green poop in infants indicates unfavorable processes in the intestines.

Why does the baby poop like that?

Before understanding the peculiarities of digestion of age, it should be said that the first feces - meconium - can also be dark green, even with black color. This substance has a pungent odor, thick and viscous to the touch and is the result of the child's vital activity during the period when he was in the womb. Meconium can be secreted for 1-3 days, gradually being replaced by normal baby kakami, which mothers observe in diapers. Dark green poop in a baby can be the original feces, but if the baby is not more than a week old, in other cases, you should carefully observe the baby and his stool, fixing everything new, and when the situation is in doubt, you should consult a doctor.

The feces of children on HB should be mushy, yellow, without impurities (water, mucus, blood), with a slightly sour odor. Seeing that the "fruits of labor" of the beloved child is of the wrong color, it is worth remembering that poop from babies can be acquired. This means that in the air, the stool is oxidized, and what was initially yellow, a few minutes after the bowel movement can turn green, brown, and much more to do. Here are some reasons for the greenness in the diaper:

  • overeating - enzymes produced by the baby's pancreas and contained in breast milk may not be enough, and the food is not completely digested;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • lactase deficiency (when the child is on HB, the problem may be if the child does not get to the rear, more fatty milk, which contains more substances necessary for the normal functioning and growth of the baby);
  • intestinal infection.

Myths about dysbiosis

Pediatricians often give children a scary-sounding and rather incomprehensible diagnosis of "dysbiosis". After his birth, the first thing a child should be able to populate his body with beneficial bacteria. Natural feeding, a normal, non-sterile environment around allows you to go through this process as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Western pediatricians and their domestic colleagues confidently convince mothers around the world that even if problems with the necessary microorganisms appeared in the intestines, which became the reason explaining the yellow-green poop in babies, taking various drugs is more likely to calm down worried parents. than the necessary measure of influence. Seven to ten days is the period during which the body itself will cope with the problem with greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Real problems

Any mother always has the right to seek medical advice if she is worried about the child's health. But in what cases is it better not to postpone a visit to the doctor? If the mother notices that the child goes to the toilet irregularly, feels discomfort, he has increased gas production and his stomach is swollen, watery, abundant green poop with mucus appears (this does not always indicate problems in a baby, but it is better to be safe) - you should go to the pediatrician.

All these symptoms, especially in combination with crying, fever, profuse regurgitation, lethargy, may indicate an intestinal infection that requires quick and effective treatment, which consists in measures to replenish fluid and lost trace elements in the body.

Also, parents should be wary if green poop is a new symptom that is not the norm for a baby. If the child is not worried about anything, he does not lose weight, he has a good mood, normal sleep and appetite, most likely, he has no health problems.

What can be done?

Self-treatment of a small child is dangerous, and any questionable questions should be discussed with the attending physician or district pediatrician, who can reliably assess the state of affairs. A change in stool after treatment with potent drugs, including those from the antibacterial group, requires help for the baby and his intestines, for this you can normalize the microflora through children's lactobacilli.

The slightest suspicion of an intestinal infection requires an immediate visit to the hospital, dehydration in infants occurs so quickly and suddenly that it is almost impossible to cope with it at home.

When green poop is the result of experiments with a mixture, porridge, complementary foods or mom's dinner, it is worth postponing the innovations and allowing the baby to recover.

Age limits

Green poop in babies up to six months is a common reason why mothers turn to specialists. Most often, the child does not have any problem, and all these are temporary difficulties and features of the formation of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas. Since the introduction of complementary foods, the baby's diet changes dramatically, he begins to eat not only liquid food, the color, consistency, and smell of feces change. Very often during this period, the work of the intestines improves, the presence of vegetables and fruits in the diet has a beneficial effect on digestion and peristalsis.

Well, finally, it took place! Nine months of waiting, kilograms of tests, tons of nerves and a couple of dozen doctors! And now, the little one is at home! Life goes on as usual. Parents are touched by everything in the baby - even him. But one fine day the diaper is removed and oh, horror, in it ... green poop! Parents are terrified, grandmothers are in a panic! What to do and when to start to panic?

An improperly selected mixture can cause green stools in babies.

After birth, the baby continues to develop. And feces, like all body systems, also change. Norm in the first days of life:

  • The first few days - the feces are dark, viscous, even there is no reason for concern - this is the original meconium. These are the remnants of amniotic fluid, food, even pieces of marigolds that have entered the baby's stomach. You will have to observe such beauty in a diaper from 1 to 3 days of a baby's life.
  • The third day after birth - the baby is actively eating milk - the feces begin to change their color. There is a surprise in the diaper. This is a transitional period that should end 5 days after birth.
  • The fifth and further day of life - the color of feces becomes a pleasant yellowish-brown hue. This is the norm!

Signs of perfect feces in babies:

  • The consistency resembles a liquid puree
  • Color - yellow, shades of yellow and brown, yellowish-greenish, even green. The main thing is that the feces have a normal odor. A pronounced stench is a sign of pathology.
  • Small quantities are acceptable
  • Interspersed with yellow and white pieces and lumps

So, if nothing bothers the baby, then you shouldn't scrutinize the color of his stool.

Green feces and the normal state of the child

Consider all the reasons for the alarming color of childish surprise:

  • with artificial feeding - for the prevention of anemia, iron components are added to baby food. It is they who are to blame for the green color of feces in infants on artificial nutrition. If the baby is calm, there is no colic, rashes on the skin, sleeps peacefully at night and in the daytime, then parents do not need to look closely at the color of feces.
  • The new mixture is green problems. Switching to a new brand of formula can cause an unpleasant color reaction. Therefore, the new product should be introduced gradually.
  • Mom's diet - remember what you ate the day before. After all, everything that gets into a woman's stomach through breast milk will end up in a baby's belly. Mom's diet contains a large amount of green vegetables and fruits - the baby has suspicious feces.
  • Mom's hormones in human milk are the inevitable payback for breastfeeding. But this is the case when the benefits exceed all the unpleasant shades of childish surprise.
  • Herbal medicines - the doctor prescribed "Plantex" for colic and the baby pooped green.
  • A new dish in the baby's diet - at the age of 4 months, the baby begins to receive complementary foods - juices, fruit and the food is unusual and the stool may react with an unusual color.
  • Inattentive mother - some time after defecation, feces begin to oxidize, decompose, and so on. So, if the trouble is in the diaper for more than 2 hours, the higher the probability of seeing green feces.

Baby's green stool. When to sound the alarm?

If green stools are not accompanied by other symptoms, do not panic.

If the unpleasant color of feces is accompanied by additional symptoms, then in this case you will have to go to the hospital. The kid is lethargic, eats badly and is clearly capricious - forward to the local doctor. What character of feces should make mom and dad alert:

  • Foamy green stool
  • Stench
  • and frequent urge to defecate
  • Mucus in the stool along with a deterioration in the general condition of the infant
  • Blood, blood clots, bloody mucus in the stool. This condition is often accompanied by constipation.

Loose, frothy stools can be one of the signs that your baby is not getting enough nutrition. If at the same time the mother has a normal volume of milk, then this means that there is not enough hind milk. It contains more fat and nutrients, and a lack of them can lead to unpleasant green stools.

The so-called "front milk" quickly passes through the stomach and intestines, practically not being absorbed. The hind milk contains the enzyme lactase. It is designed to break down the milk sugar that comes with the "front milk". A chain is formed: there is no enzyme - lactose is not broken down - the baby is starving - foamy green feces appear.

An additional symptom of this pathology is poor weight gain by the child.

There is only one way out of this situation. Teach the child to suck milk completely from one breast, and then give the other. With severe pathology, the following signs are added to the main symptom of an unexpected color:

  • Weakness and drowsiness
  • Crying for no apparent reason
  • The kid presses his legs to the tummy
  • Violation of appetite and diet
  • Pain and colic
  • Reducing the weight of the child
  • Vomiting
  • Poor bowel movements - both diarrhea and prolonged constipation
  • Increased body temperature
  • Skin rashes
  • Smell from the mouth
  • bloating

All these conditions require one thing - see a doctor.

Green stool by the toddler. Causes of pathology

First of all, you need to pay attention to the behavior of the child.

Quite often, as the baby ages, the color of the stool becomes a normal yellow-brown color without treatment. But some pathologies require a visit to a doctor:

Only a doctor can find out the cause of the disease. To make a diagnosis, you will have to undergo a comprehensive examination and tests. Therefore, you should not delay contacting the clinic.

How to help a little one

The fetid smell of feces should alert you

The doctor will pay attention to the consistency of feces, microbiological indicators, the presence of impurities and inclusions, the frequency of bowel movements. To normalize the microflora, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • Lactobacterin
  • Bifidumbacterin
  • Linex
  • Hilak Forte

This will help to populate the baby's intestines with beneficial microflora. Some helpful tips for mom:

  1. If you do not go to give your baby a medication, but are breastfeeding, you can drink the remedy yourself. In the process of feeding with milk, the medicine will enter the baby's body. But this decision cannot be made on your own! In difficult cases, this tactic will have a detrimental effect on the health of the child. Therefore, consult your doctor first.
  2. Follow the principles of good nutrition. Eliminate preservatives, dyes from your diet.
  3. It is important to establish a chair at the toddler - to prevent constipation or diarrhea.
  4. Watch out for the water regime. In addition to milk, the child can be given dill water, just