Sincere parting words to the graduate at the last call. Touching parting words to graduates from the class teacher in prose and verse. Last call - Wishes to graduates in prose

The last bell is a favorite holiday for schoolchildren completing their studies. As a rule, it is held at the end of May before the final exams. This day is kind of the end of a learning marathon with lessons, tests, breaks, homework and activities. All students, both primary and secondary, teachers and parents of schoolchildren are involved in the celebration of this significant day. The solemn ceremony includes performances by the director, invited guests, class teachers, members of the parent committee, theatrical performances from first graders and creative teams of the school. On this day, the graduates themselves dress either in school uniforms or in strict suits, over which they tie ribbons with the inscription "Graduate" and pin small bells.

How fast time has flown
Since the first lesson was
Today you all have matured
The last bell rings.

You do not forget school lessons,
Your class, friends, teachers.
Now you will involuntarily feel sad,
The class door will be closed.

You've grown up guys.
Today you are graduates!
And there were kids once,
Without letting go of my mother's hand.

Good luck in your adult life
Don't forget the school way.
And value your friendship
After all, the past years can not be returned.

Acts of you truthful, honest,
You keep the joy of meetings.
Grow up, value friendship,
Save the school waltz!

Yesterday was left behind
You don't have to rush to class.
Today is a significant, beautiful day,
Your last call will ring.

In the eyes of uninvited tears,
And good words are heard.
Bright, cheerful smiles,
Wishes of happiness and good.

Today childhood is parting with you,
Scatter birds now.
But forever in the heart remains
School doors open!

So the last school bell rang! We congratulate you on your graduation. Childhood remains beyond its threshold, you enter adulthood. How much has swept over the years: the joy of the first victories, hard work on oneself, sleepless nights of parents. Do you remember what your first clumsy steps in your studies were like, the first written letters, the words you read? All this is far behind. Everyone has their own path ahead. Each of you, for sure, decided on the choice of profession. Now you will make all the decisions yourself. And it depends only on you how your future destiny will turn out. I wish you easy beginnings, successful achievements, a bright future!

They rang, they flew
Our school days.
Didn't have time to look back
We are already graduates.

The hour has come, the time has come
Achieve big wins.
There are many roads ahead
Let the green light burn.

Good luck and patience everyone
Top marks to everyone. Hooray!
Happiness awaits - down with doubt!
No fluff or feathers for everyone!

The bell rings for the last time
You will no longer return to class.
School time has passed
It's time to go to the adult world.

We wish that life gives
More light and warmth
Fulfilled all desires
For you to find your calling.

We are all overwhelmed with feelings -
It's time to say goodbye.
And happy for you, and sad,
That soon it will be necessary to leave.

The last bell has rung for you.
A little more, just a little more -
And, having danced the last school waltz,
You will leave the school threshold.

We wish you success and victories.
Go ahead, reach your goals
And school windows unquenchable light
It's always on for you, don't forget.

Let the moments fly, years
You always keep this light in your souls.
Don't forget teachers. Sometimes,
We will be very happy to come.

Let your road be easy
May good luck accompany everyone.
We wish you all the best. For now -
Exams for all successful delivery.

Say goodbye to school today
Walking towards a new life.
Let your plans come true -
We want to be so proud of you.

We wish you not to be mistaken
And strive for the chosen goal.
Although we are a little sad,
Today we say: “Let it be good!”

Last farewell call...
He summarizes school life.
Ringing, sending you all on a good journey,
After all, childhood at school cannot be returned.
School walls have become your family,
And what fun it was during recess.
In memory of school crazy years
Let them stay for life, forever.
How long have you been waiting for such a high point!
... but school and class will remain in the past.
That moment is filled with joy, optimism,
Go through life with confidence and dignity.

So you have become big,
Just grown-ups!
May the road be wider
So that there are no problems!

And learn and love
And strive for kindness
Treasure school friendship
Be happy everywhere!

You have school today
He will say: "Good luck!"
And involuntarily sad
You will get a little.

Behind so much
Bright school years
Let them leave
A good mark in the heart.

Let dreams come true
Plans will come true.
Only you guys
Remember the main thing:

No matter what happens
With you ahead
Be you try
The best people.
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At the very threshold of a hot summer, all schools in the country celebrate an amazing holiday that unites both sadness and joy - the Last Bell. This day is special for many people, but most of all for 11th grade graduates. At the solemn line, the most beautiful congratulations in verse and prose, parting words and good wishes for the last call from the class teacher, parents, and classmates sound in their address.

Wishes in prose for the Last Call 2017 to graduates from the director and teachers

The most difficult thing on the line of the Last Bell is for teachers, head teachers and the director. It is they who will have to pronounce the most responsible prose speech with wishes to graduates. And writing a beautiful and easily perceived text is not always as easy as it seems at first glance. After all, listeners can remember and appreciate only a sincere appeal filled with warmth and kindness. Fortunately, there are a few tips that make it easier to write a beautiful speech on the Last Call from the director and teachers:

  1. Initially, it is worth deciding on the form of the speech. Poems are more presentable, but prose always sounds sincere;
  2. Much longer I remember a speech that mentions real funny or sad moments from the school life of graduates;
  3. Any wishes in prose for the Last Call to graduates from the director and teachers should be light and harmonious;
  4. The time for upbringing and education is behind us. There is no need to fill your speech with unnecessary instructions and moralizing;
  5. The use of visual objects, presentations and videos is not at all superfluous during the speech. So the wishes from the director and teachers will be remembered by graduates for life.

Text of the best wishes to graduates from teachers and director on the last call

Dear children! How quickly the years have flown by. Eleven years ago you joined our school family. You declared yourself as new students who came to the school with serious intentions. With a mixed feeling of fear and curiosity, they entered the classroom.

But 4 years flew by quickly. You've moved on to high school. She greeted you with equations with many unknowns that you worked hard to solve. It seems like yesterday you were standing here - confused fifth graders. You timidly looked at me - your new cool mom. Since then, multi-colored asters have bowed to the school threshold seven times, seven winter blizzards have rustled. During the training, the teachers became like family to you, they left an indelible mark on your hearts.

What just was not in our school life: lessons, competitions, holidays, evenings, educational hours. Of course, not without broken glass, paper airplanes in the classroom, painted diaries, lost portfolios. All these are valuable drops of the big ocean of school life. Until recently, you tremblingly held the hands of your parents. Today the threshold of our school is still the same, but you have become different. Curious children have turned into adult boys and girls who have a new, but such an interesting life ahead.

Today you solemnly celebrate the completion of the first stage on your life path. All this time you were supported by teachers, parents and I, your class teacher. And today the doors to a big world with a lot of opportunities have opened before you. Together we conquered new heights in the land of knowledge, learned to understand ourselves and each other, to defend our point of view and principles. These are the knowledge and skills that will help you emerge victorious from difficult everyday trials. Believe in yourself. You are unique individuals who are sure to succeed. Be worthy of the respect of others and please me, the class teacher, with your achievements.

Bon Voyage!

Beautiful wishes for the Last call 2017 from the class teacher to graduates

A class teacher is not a position, but a way of life and a state of mind! Choosing beautiful wishes for the Last Call to graduates, the class teacher first of all thinks not about the form, but about the deep semantic content of the lines. And this task is not an easy one. In your speech, you can recall the years spent at school desks (the past cannot be put anywhere), but you must not forget about the future. A cool mom can wish the guys an easy life path, fast career growth, quick achievement of goals and overcoming all difficult obstacles. Beautiful wishes for the last call from the class teacher to graduates can be spiritual prose or deep meaningful poetry.

Examples of beautiful wishes to graduates from the class teacher on the last call

It's time to part

Sad custom in the country ...

Forget awards and titles -

Now we are on a par with you;

Will wither now in the office

Flowers without your care...

How fast you have grown children!

What a pity you have to go!

With a sad sob

Your final bell is ringing

And you won't be around anymore

And I conclude,

That there is no better than you in the whole world,

And it was not - that's the whole point! ..

Good luck grown kids!

Happy and good journey to you!

Today is your last call

Familiar to the pain, carried away in childhood,

And touching every corner of the soul,

It opens a new door for you!

You are my children, we became like a family,

It's time for us to say goodbye, you are adults at all!

A new path of life is waiting for everyone,

But autumn will still yearn for you!

You keep the memory of your school years,

Let everyone find their own way in life

Everything is now in your hands only,

And new goals are already waiting at the threshold!

So the day has come when it's time to leave

And thousands of roads lie under your feet.

Find the one that will bring you to the people.

May no one in life be happier than you.

Grade 11, you said goodbye to school.

I am happy for you. After all, in your new life

So many victories, discoveries and decisions are waiting for you ...

Get up, have a good time! Do not doubt.

Good wishes in verses for the Last call 2017 from parents

At the Last Bell, attention is paid not only to graduates and teachers, but also to parents. It was they who gave the school the next generation of students, they brought them up to grade 1, supported and instructed them throughout all 11 years of study. Thanks to diligent moms and dads, the parent committee was actively involved in social activities, supporting the school and ennobling the school grounds. End by end, on this responsible day, they are fully aware of the adulthood of their recently small children and strive to express the most important parting words for the future. Good wishes in verses on the Last call from parents do not have to be solemn or deeply lyrical. Short funny, maybe even funny lines also have a place to be.

Texts of good wishes to graduates on the last call from parents

Finished school marathon

The last bell is ready.

He will proclaim with a chime

The hour of departure into the world is new.

You, son, I wish

Stay the same smart.

Good luck in all your affairs

Anything you want to achieve!

On behalf of my parents, I want to congratulate you all.

Standing in front of me, catching a moment.

The last call, the school path will glorify,

Will open the door, leading to adult life.

After all, 10 years, crushing the granite of science,

And choosing the pearls of knowledge in it,

Led by a mentor without boredom,

You began to understand a lot of things.

From the first letters sought in the primer,

The teacher gave you his soul.

To the laws of life peculiar to the earth,

Brought, placing you firmly on dry land.

I thank the teachers, I am patient,

That our children were selflessly led.

In an effort to replenish the ranks, they are the first.

They taught life to love, so as not to pass by.

And I will not forget to wish, of course,

What is given, diligently multiply.

To the delight of everyone, work wholeheartedly.

And do not forget the school walls forever.

Only one wish;

Everything needs effort

Whatever path you choose in life.

You said goodbye to childhood.

Now find a way

To comprehend the main essence of life.

There is preparation for life

Skill and skill

And God did not offend you with the mind.-

Health is strength

And for happiness to be

You have to work hard to get it.

Work is the foundation of life

For the good of the whole Fatherland,

And so it will be good for you too.

Work or study

The goal is to be useful to people

And take place in your own destiny,

To be happy, successful

May not be sinless in everything,

But love life and with faith

Live in the heart

You deserve happiness!

And always stay tuned

Defeat any obstacles!

Funny wishes for the last call to classmates

The last call is the first truly adult and responsible event in the life of schoolchildren. This is a kind of line, crossing which graduates leave their childhood far behind. Many guys try in every possible way to delay the moment of saying goodbye to all their relatives, friends, safety and family. And others, on the contrary, are looking forward to this important step, furtively watching the older students. But both the former and the latter experience a slight sense of fear of the future and upcoming changes. It is not surprising that at the most solemn moment on the Last Bell, graduates prefer to give each other exactly funny and funny wishes. So it is easier to defuse the situation and create a relaxed atmosphere.

If you are looking for funny wishes for the Last call to classmates, look carefully at our collection. In it you will find several suitable options.

The coolest and funniest wishes on the last call to classmates

I congratulate you on your graduation!

The school has been our home for a long time.

We can talk about the universe like snobs

We will gird the torso with general ribbons,

Let's go out with an army of smart kids to scare.

At the last ball we will dance a letka-enka -

Ritual for growing up.

Let's scatter over the armies and institutions.

The girls will get married: there is no time to wait!

Let's celebrate Freedom Day cheerfully and cool,

To fit into a new collar after the ball.

So why run away from school in euphoria?

We leave penates and golden days,

So it didn't sit well. Would sit in the future!

At graduation, line up for the evening!

Congratulations to all classmates

With the sunset of the Mesozoic era:

Happy last school holiday!

I congratulate all who survived -

My girls, boys -

Good, cute, kind, redheads

And those who gave me cuffs!

Let's unite mammoth flock,

Let's rip hardwood floors!

Who does not dance - freezes,

Like a fly in a drop of resin!

Let our director remember

And with him - Vernadsky, Darwin, Bor,

That the path of growing up is not a vector,

A rough broken fence!

School is over, classes are over.

Reached the end - you're handsome, a hero.

Graduation is coming - we are rewarded for our work.

I congratulate you, girls, guys!

Beauties, smart and good girls,

Botanists, quitters and medalists -

We are all classmates, school fraternity,

Eleven years were trumpeted, "how hello."

Let the head teacher and the director not come in dreams.

Vivat long-awaited and sweet freedom!

There is a choice: work, pea coat, university.

We can do it, life opens the door for us!

Wishes for the last call to graduates from the class teacher, director, teachers, parents and classmates are best prepared and rehearsed in advance. In verse or prose, independently, in a duet or collectively: any wishes on the Last Bell will please graduates if they are sincere and from the heart.

Wishes to classmates bring us back to school. It is as if we are scrolling through a photo album, remembering the story depicted in the photo. Wishes for classmates are always a hope for a quick meeting of the former mischievous, cheerful boys and girls.

In verse

  • I wish we met more often
  • And they remembered our cheerful class,
  • Always smiling brightly when they met,
  • And they remembered every passing hour!
  • Let the school meet us with flowers,
  • What we planted in the school yard
  • So that sometimes we fly to school with dreams,
  • When we wake up in the morning, at dawn.
  • We studied together
  • So many years!
  • I wish you friends
  • Joyful victories!
  • So that we do not study in vain,
  • For knowledge to be useful
  • To be on the way to your destiny
  • We met only kind people!
  • Dear and dear classmates!
  • I wish everyone to find love
  • So that your soul burns clearly
  • And so that the blood boils with passion.
  • To love and be faithful
  • They gave birth to many children,
  • In the heart to live hope, honesty,
  • And so that you live many days,
  • Longevity to you, joy,
  • And let it be marmalade in life,
  • And so that from this sweetness
  • My heart has always been happy!
  • My classmates!
  • I wish you love!
  • Strong and big families
  • Life is long and cool.
  • Children to you healthy,
  • new impressions,
  • Gentle meetings, dates,
  • Joyful dreams.
  • warm relationship,
  • New, good zeal,
  • Let everything come true
  • Fulfilled quickly!
  • Who was in our class
  • Let your path be clear!
  • Boldly you go to the goal,
  • Keep a good memory
  • Remember our friendship
  • Come if you need
  • Always on the school doorstep
  • And all of you be protected by God!
  • my classmates,
  • We have become family!
  • I wish you in life
  • Don't get tired of yours!
  • Never got sick
  • Got around the troubles
  • And let in your destiny
  • There will only be victories!
  • I wish my classmates well
  • And inspiration, and squeaky pen,
  • paint pictures, write novels,
  • Someone to become a screen star
  • Someone to become an astronaut
  • Someone may be an astronomer,
  • And so that you graduate from all universities
  • Only with honors, with a red diploma.
  • Let everyone have their own star in life,
  • May she always illuminate life
  • So that in the path of life
  • It was easier for you to go!
  • You are my classmates!
  • Friends, girlfriends!
  • I wish you to keep
  • This friendship of ours!
  • And wherever you go
  • Remember the school
  • Always return to her
  • If it hurts!
  • Let school be joy
  • And relieve fatigue
  • And let all your pain
  • Quiet immediately!

In prose

Dear my classmates! Thanks to you, studying at this school was not only a necessity, but also a wonderful entertainment. Our class has always been the most cheerful and noisy. Usually the students are waiting for the holidays to come, but I couldn't wait for them to end, in order to see all of you as soon as possible. I sincerely wish that we never forget about our friendship, and even after graduation, our cheerful company gathered in full force at least at the reunion of graduates.

When my parents first took me to grade 1 "A" of our school, I was very worried, because I did not know what awaited me here and whether I would be able to make friends with someone. But a month later I found the best girlfriend, with whom I am still friends. My dear friend and classmate! I am very glad that I was enrolled in the "A" class, and not "B" or "C". It helped us get to know each other and get closer. I wish you to always remain as smart, talented and collected in further studies, and cheerful, open and positive in everyday life.

Our school years are coming to an end. Soon we will go to different colleges and universities and may never get together again. But, to be honest, I can’t imagine that completely different people will surround me there, and our class will remain only in memories and photographs in the school album. Classmates! I want to wish each of you the realization of hopes and goals. And may any team that we get into after school be as friendly and united as our class!

In your own words

How you poisoned my first years at school! You always gave me offensive nicknames, pulled up my dress and shamed me in front of other boys from the class! I cried and didn't want to go to school. Why did you do it? We were residents of the same country called "school" and had to help each other, play together and grow up! Classmate! I do not hold evil and with all my heart I wish you a worthy future! Be strong and very brave. And also love and respect women, because one of them will become the mother of your children! Classmates! Girls! I want your life to turn out the way you dreamed! I wish you to become models, actresses, journalists and just wives of oligarchs! Swim on yachts, interview the president and stars, perform on the catwalks! Boys! And you yourself become presidents and oligarchs! Then we will be connected not only by work, but also by the old friendship of classmates. Good luck to you all! In many years, I will leaf through our school album and remember this day. I will look at the photos and guess who has their fate, career and personal life. Dear classmates! Friends! I suggest you never get lost. Let's think of some place where we will come, for example, on Friday, every three months! I will miss many of you!

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Passed today, graduate,
Your last lesson.
And very soon it will ring
Your last call
But do not rush to relax
Pass your exams first
Full impact
Received knowledge.
Well, while the bell rings,
Remember this May
And never in adult life
Don't forget him.


Graduate! We congratulate you!
Your last call has sounded.
We wish you good luck and happiness
And to save the memory of the school.


You will hear the last call today
In this school, which turned out to be a second home,
Behind in your life the last lesson
Only joy mixed with sadness a little ...
A difficult path lies ahead, and there are many exams,
After all, you have to go to college ...
So the first results in life are summed up,
But more trials lie ahead.
I wish you success, a little luck,
Now comes a difficult time
I wish you good luck and a lot of patience,
To every exam was passed with a bang!


Behind the last lessons
But your heart is a little sad,
And now the teacher does not seem strict -
There are other feelings in my heart now.
After all, no one will teach now,
Life itself will teach
Not a cheat sheet will help and not a miracle,
Before conscience will have to answer.
And today we guys wish you
So that luck does not let you down
In order for you to successfully pass the exams,
And the road led you to victories.


For the last time, eleventh grade,
An exciting bell sounds for you.
We hasten to congratulate you on this bright day
And I wish you success in everything!


Golden time of school changes
And by interests in the grouping class,
Girls are beautiful in golfs to the knees,
The boys are in love, in jeans and sneakers.
And now you will only remember it,
Behind the last lesson, the notebook is removed,
And today, a graduate, I want to wish
So that you pass any exam in your life with five!


You are like birds from a nest
Ready to fly today
But we wish that here
Sometimes you flew back.
We wish you in adult life
Good luck to meet on the way,
Find answers to questions
But the main thing is to find yourself.


We wish you success, happiness, joy, love,
So that you meet good people on the way,
So that you achieve everything in life in spite of all the winds,
And we also wish you: no fluff, no feather!


The heart is worried, hearing the call,
The very last within the walls of this school,
No more rushing to class...
You have a holiday, though not very cheerful.
You close the door behind you
The door behind which a carefree childhood,
And if you suddenly feel sad at times,
Know that somewhere it is in the neighborhood.
It's a little sad that everything is behind
And can never repeat
But there's still a whole life ahead
Many events are waiting for you of all kinds.
We wish you success, good luck,
In order to achieve success,
To solve any problems
To find yourself in this life!


The last time the bell rings, which means -
You take a step into the adult world,
And life's challenges
Now you will have to decide for yourself.
Let everyone be proud of your success -
Parents, friends, teachers,
After all, you can do better, more beautiful
A planet called Earth!


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Today you are graduates and this explains a lot:
You no longer stand at the blackboard, dropping chalk from timidity.
To sit at a desk, but not the one that has been shared with a friend for so many years,
Walking is no longer the path where every bush was studied.

A little sad for us and you, the course of your favorite school is over,
But we, friends, are glad to meet you, and we will wait for you again, again.
May you all be lucky in everything: in your studies, happiness, personal life
And may everything always be perfect for you all!

Graduates, congratulations
In honor of this last call!
The institute is waiting for you, adventures,
Maybe work and family.

In any business I wish you good luck,
Let everything be easy for you,
Let all tasks be solved
Let everything be fine with you.

The last bell will ring today. But this call is not the end, but the beginning. The beginning of a new adult, responsible life. You will go beyond the native and hospitable threshold of your school. We wish you success and good luck in this adult life. I want to wish you the most important thing, so that you learn to easily make the right decisions, always firmly follow your goal and always boldly answer for your actions. Good luck!

The last bell is already ringing -
He gives wings behind his back:
Let luck follow
And beckons with happiness and dream!

Let everything come true soon:
Hopes, plans, miracles,
To love, to dream bolder,
Live wide open!

The farewell bell rings
Happy and sad
You are at the desk for the last time,
Your graduation class is leaving!

There are many paths before you
Find that road
What will be dear to the heart
And let it be easy!

Do not be lazy in teaching
And strive for the best!
Don't forget about school
Come visit more often!

farewell call,
Graduate, he is for you
Embark on a new path
And don't forget good luck!

Achieve success
One for five
And to my big dream
Swim smoothly and easily.

Don't forget, everything happens
You don't copy mistakes
And always without regret
Follow your destiny!

Let the last bell sound
Foreshadowing a bright path.
We wish you could
Luckily the doors are open!

Never forget
You are your teachers
Run to school more often
Your heart will be warmer!

We wish you success
Many devoted friends
A sea of ​​joy and laughter
Bright graduation lights!

The last bell rings
Say goodbye to school
Let your life be
Happy and cheerful.

Wish you luck,
Victories, great achievements,
Worthy only deeds
Great achievements.

May it live in your souls
Memories of school life
High let goals
Always beckon you forward.

Today is your last call
And you are already graduates,
Let there be a beautiful start in life,
Let the ups be high.

We wish in your adult life
Great achievements and victories,
Keep always in the hearts of memory,
Do not forget your school years.

Let all ideas come true
And may you always be lucky in everything,
May every day you only joy
And it brings inspiration.

A new path will open for all of you today.
You are all so big and big!
Even today they have grown a little.
We do not hide: all of you are like relatives to us.

Remember, after all, recently there was a first class?
Ribbons, bows, the first lesson and books.
It seems like only yesterday! But for us now
Believe, you are the same girls and boys.

Be yourself. Take care of your friends.
Learn life everywhere and without stopping.
May every day be full of happiness!
Let you get out of any problem deftly.

May all your deeds be true to words,
Let kindness and honor be your credo.
With a new road! We wish you with love
New happiness, new big victory!

Well, guys, have a good trip!
The last call is ringing for you
I know you're a little sad
But adult life beckons you!

you admission, institutes,
Lots of discoveries await!
Let happy moments
Life outside of school will bring you!