Disinterested love - always work and care. True love is disinterested

0 Among young people today in honor only money, and nishtyaki that can be bought on them. Conscience, honor, and of course the mind disappeared, without covering with the usuality of capitalism. People today have formed a consumption society that dreams of not about an interesting book, a batch in chess with a friend, but about the next fashionable device, which he will throw away in half a year. What is me for? Yes, to the fact that some concepts and terms of the past era today are incomprehensible to many .. I strongly recommend adding it to bookmarks, because we will add many more interesting content. Today we will talk about outdated, but from this not completed a completely forgotten word, SelflessWhat you mean you can read a little lower.
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So, will continue what is disinterested? This term consists of a suffix "demon / without" and the words "mercenary" (that is, striving for personal benefit).

Selfless- This is a person who does not require fees or compensation for his help

Synonym the words disinterested: Non-defining, altruistic, free, nonstusting, non-member, free.


Our neighbor in the country, Tollyan, a completely disinterested person, helped us very much in repairing cottages.

Max loves me so much, he does everything completely disinterested for me.

And why in our time of disinterested people remained so little?

Some citizens are extremely interested in What does disinterested love mean?

Disinterested love - This is when you love a person not for something, but in spite of something, and when you are ready not only to take something from another person, but also to sacrifice something for him

Such love is a crown of manifestations of high human spirituality. However, this kind of love is the most difficult, and emotionally costly. When young girls ask me what it means to love disinterestedly, I have one answer - this is to give your warmth, for the sake of a happy smile and shining eyes, getting satisfaction, seeing her results, and do not ask anything in return. Many young ladies, so to the end can not understand what to love - it means to give. Usually they are waiting for the first steps from the man, cafes, restaurants, gifts, and take it as due. This type of young lady some advanced guys are called skins, which only causes sadness.

Of course it is very difficult to learn how to love a person disinterestedly, because even blades in the field, a bird in the sky and fish in the river we will try to find application. Although in fact, love is worthy of any living being, and even you can become a source of such feelings, if you want to become a source of such feelings.

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In the whole book, accurate in her discussion, I frank me a simple moment. Kozlov just told about how he lives, as he sees the world, as he belongs to others. Yes, told fun, argued and with humor. Nevertheless, it is his philosophy that is only suitable for him. However, many people diligently try to try it on themselves and either upset and swear when it does not work, or, creaking in the soul, pretend that they are like this philosophy quite suitable.

The same thing in this is that the personality of each person dictates the need to build their own vital philosophy individually.

Well, love ... It is difficult that, especially when no one can give this definition. In my humble opinion, there can be no complete altruism nor complete egoism. Just when two close people are found, then they, even if everyone individually, everyone in their own path, but they come to the same conclusions, to the same actions, to the same desires. The catch lies in the fact that the similarity of the souls is not measured with accurate values \u200b\u200band is not calculated by unambiguous formulas. From that mistakes in this case happens depressingly often. Yes, making something good near a person, you are not thinking about what he, in response, must you also do something pleasant. At the same time, you will be subconsciously waiting that a close person will also be tender, caring, attentive. When the ideas about who, what place in life and love should take, what actions to do what to say and what to expect, both people coincide, then the love folds strong and strong. But usually this is rarely found. In one way or another, the differences still exist and here the ability of everyone to compromise, to put up with the imperfection of relations, as well as the degree of this imperfection. When the degree is low, it's easy to put up with it, and people almost do not notice that for love you have to spend some soulful forces. Something like the superiority of the advantages over the minuses. When the degree is high, then very soon both together or someone are the first to feel, as Bender said that the "air pillar presses" ... and very soon really in the soul there is a simple question: why the close person does not do something and So? I would not call it a manifestation of egoism. Rather, there is a conflict between theory and practice. You can only be a close person who thinks so, and so that makes something and something that feels something and that. But if a close person does not think this, does not feel and does not come, what is he close? If he wants to be considered close, he should do it, otherwise he is "like everyone else."

By the way, let it not clearly, but this thought and Kozlov speaks. In the chapter, where he tells, as a miracle left him - his wife. 13.11.2000 09:19:53, Leshel

Les, thanks for the interesting answer.
As for "individual philosophy" - not completely agree. Individual philosophy is good for individual accommodation, we live surrounded by yourself similar, and we want to tie a certain relationship with them. And for this you need your individual philosophy to be consonant with the individual philosophy of another person. Those. Anyway will have to rebuild it and adjust.
And about the concept of "close man" - very interesting and logical. Soothes. And then the idea of \u200b\u200bKozlov seems to be painful "unsconsidated". And the fact that we are trying on his ideas is normal. Discussion of other people's ideas stimulates the creation of its own, isn't it? 13.11.2000 10:17:44, Anna Glukhova

So the fact of the matter is that something general can be obtained only on the basis of something universal. In meters, you can measure the amount of any tissue needed for the dress of any woman of any age of any social status, education, and any shape. Just because the meter does not depend on people. That is me and meter, as a kilogram, liter or second.

Completely different business - subjective concepts. What is the difference in me, what and how tissue of ballet connoisseurs, if personally, my ballet is not interested? What is the difference, how comfortable my husband-podkinnik feel comfortable, if I personally do not carry such a position organically? The fact of the matter is that any "common" universal philosophy, which implies the postulate "like someone ..." narrows a very serious reverse side. She, like new bulk shoes, tert, infection! Moreover, regardless of which philosophy. In the conditions of the housekeeping, severe independent women are always disadvantaged, organically compatible with "3K". In the conditions of militant feminism - men organically not compatible with the same. The line of examples can be continued. By the way, the fact of the existence of this confirmation is very confirmed. I did not notice something here a very big tendency to the unity of the "dominant" views. And this is normal! You see Anya, IMHO, the individuality of philosophy does not mean that it is so unique that no more than anything is compatible and nothing is similar to anything. However, it is not necessary to deny the fact that, with some efforts, it may also look like even serially produced cars.

I fully agree that the discussion of other people's opinions stimulates the creation of its own. But I would like to emphasize that it is own, and not to develop a certain general rule ... 11.11.2000 12:02:48,

Love disinterested, selfless, not waiting for the award (according to the story I.A. Kurin "Pomegranate bracelet")
Sometimes we are so far from reality in our dreams, that another return to reality brings us pain and disappointment. And we run from the slightest troubles of life, from her coldness and ingenuity. In their pink dreams, we see a bright future, in Gresses - again try to build crystal castles on the cloudless sky. But there is a feeling in our lives, so close to our dreams, which almost comes into contact with them. This is Love. With him, we feel protected from the vaginity of fate. Since childhood, the foundations of love and affection are laid in the minds of each. And every person will sweep them through his whole life, dividing the world with the outside world, thereby making it wider and lighter. Thereby making it wider and lighter. But sometimes it seems that people are increasingly landing their own interests, and even feelings become victims of such a landing. They are worn, turn into ice, minor. Happy and sincere love has to worry, alas, not everyone. And even she has her ups and downs. And some are asked as a question: whether it exists in the world. And yet, so I want to believe that this is a magical feeling, in the name of which for the sake of your beloved person you can sacrifice the most valuable thing. It is about such, disinterested and long-faced love, writes Kubrin in his story "Pomegranate bracelet".
The first page pages are devoted to the description of nature. As if all events occur on their miraculous bright background, the beautiful fairy tale of love comes true. Cold autumn landscape of fading nature is similar in essence with the mood of the faith of Nikolaevna Shiny. On him, we are predicting her calm, impregnable character. Nothing attracts her in this life, perhaps, therefore, the brightness of its being enslavested by ordness and seriousness. Even with a conversation with his sister, Anna, in which the latter admires the beauty of the sea, she replies that at first her beauty also worries her, and then "begins to put pressure on his flat void ...". Faith could not penetrate the feeling of excellent to the world around. She was not from nature a romantic. And, having seen something out of a number of outgoing, which is some feature, tried (let it involuntarily) land it, compare with the outside world. Her life flowed slowly, measured, quietly, and, it would seem, satisfied the life principles without going beyond their framework. Faith married Prince, yes, but the same exemplary, quiet person, which was herself. Just came time, although there was no speech about hot, passionate love. And here Vera Nikolaevna receives a bracelet from Yolterkova, whose grenade glitter turns her into horror, the brain immediately pierces the thought of "exactly blood", and now it is already a clear feeling about the upcoming misfortune, and this time it is not empty at all. From now on, its calm is destroyed. Together with the bracelet, having received a letter in which yolks is recognized to her in love, there is no limit to all the increasing clearance. Faith countered Yolkova "Unhappy", she could not understand the entire tragedy of this love. A somewhat controversial was the expression "happy unfortunate man." After all, in his feeling to faith of yolks, happiness experienced. He broke his life on the orders of Tuganovsky, thereby blessing the most beloved woman. Leaving forever, he thought that the path of faith would be free, her life would work out and would go to the old one. But there are no roads back. Farewell to Yolkolkov's body was a climax of her life. At this point, the power of love reached the maximum value, it became equal to death. Eight years of bad, selfless love, which does not require anything in return, eight years of devotion to a cute ideal, dedication from its own principles. For one short moment of happiness to sacrifice everything accumulated for such a long time - it is not for everyone. But Zholkova's love for faith did not obey any samples, she was above them. And even if the end turned out to be tragic, the forgiveness of Zheltkova was rewarded. The Crystal Palace in which Vera lived, crashed, missed a lot of light, warmth, sincerity to life. Merging in the final with the music of Beethoven, she merges with the love of Zheltkova, and with eternal memory about him.
So I would like to have in our monotonous life this fairy tale about all-friendly and strong love, created by I. A. Kuprin. So I would like to ever cruel reality could defeat our sincere feelings, our love. We must multiply her, be proud of her. Love, true love, it is necessary to learn hard as the most painstaking science. However, love does not come if you expect her appearance every minute, and at the same time, it does not flauntar from nothing, but also to put out strong, real love is impossible. She, different in all manifestations, is not a sample of life traditions, but rather an exception to the rules. Nevertheless, love needs a person to purify, to acquire the meaning of life. A person lovingly capable of sacrificing for the peace of mind and happiness of a beloved person. And at the same time he is happy. We must be excellent in love all the best that we feel what we are proud of. And then the bright sun will surely light it, and even the most common love will be sacred, merging into one whole with eternity. Forever and ever…

You say that love should be disinterested. But how to be, if they suppress me, drawing strength in my love? If you close - hysterics, prayers, humility. After time, everything is repeated with a new force.

Tyyan's answer

Disinterested love is not working in front of his beloved to you, be it father, mother, brother, sister, wife, children. Not cropping, born in fear to be rejected and ridiculous, not bothering and cruel revenge for not compliance with your other ideals. Pity either cannot be the basis of your relationship.

Not love all this. Not love. These are ordinary forms of exploitation of one person to others. Hope will not help here. It will only extend torment. Do you know yourself and want to be yourself? Then keep this goal in front of yourself as a guide star. Get it to achieve it at any cost. Develop an uncompromising reason based on mind. Do not know how? Learn. This is given to you this test. Methodical patience and double intelligence, if not available on the other side. Sacrifice is a distinctive feature of sublime love. Do you intend it? There is a parable about how a woman freezing in the field with a baby in his arms, discovered a person passing on a horse. He picked up a child in his sleigh and continued his way further. You will say that it is cruel and inhuman. Perhaps, if you do not consider the fact that the maternal instinct made a woman to collect all his strength to get up and follow the traveler. Withdrew her child. Thus, she was able to warm up, survive and stay with the child. Here is the present compassion. In Sanya, she would still frozen, having ceased to resist cold. Pity does not have strength. Prudence, and not sentimentality should serve as a support in such a situation.

Hot and loving heart men are rare and great value. Few people will refuse such heat and tenderness when their all gray and foggy and there are their difficulties for both sides. But do not confuse it with sexual imposition and attachment that allows any kind of whim. You need to figure out what each of you wants each other.

Male dignity and honor are easy to vulnerable. To encroaches them in two cases: or a man's dense ignoramus, or with a certain purpose of influencing your consciousness. In the second case, a person is not from weak, but its strength increases due to human energy. He has no evolution on the evolution of other abilities in replenishing its energy balance. And you easily go to it. Error in relationships was allowed earlier. Now you are trying to keep at the level of automatism. Revise your reaction and action in the same situations. Sometimes it is necessary to show perseverance and will in achieving their intentions. Do you have them? If the intentions are committed to self-affirmation, born by a negative reaction to the lack of elementary respect on the other hand, this conflict will be delayed for a long time.

In the West there are special psychological services where some help and support for both parties can have. But in your case, this option is useless. "The speed, which is in dignity in a horse, is not in itself." The qualities that you have worked are not peculiar, therefore, are not clear to others. It all depends on you. Make your choice. Or you will continue your spiritual development that your actions and thoughts say. Or you will become a puppet in the hands of the beings of the lower worlds. They also need food. I do not urge to go to the monks. I'm just trying to show what people should be mistaken.

Lump Zada
To call all my life?
What can it be easier to be?
But the most brave
There will have taste
This spices learn
Feel comfortable,
White. (M. Vir)

Sometimes this helps.

For some time I have to often be in motion. But in the case of the necessary private conversation individually, you can make a meeting in Moscow.