Win-win comic lottery for schoolchildren. Win-win school lottery

09/02/2014 Scenario of a holiday for the second class

on the "Day of Knowledge"

1. Introductory speech of the teacher:

Not the first class - the second

They meet you on the doorstep.

Your age is beautiful and naughty

At the beginning of life's journey.

If you woke up in the morning

And I saw outside the window:

Everyone is smart and with flowers

And the house is full of fun;

If you see: on the way

Many schoolchildren are walking -

So autumn has come

The school year has begun.

Dear guys and dear parents, I am pleased to congratulate you on your holiday. I think we will have an interesting and fruitful year. You and I will watch how our children become strong, curious, literate children.

You know that the first lesson of the year is always unusual and more like a game. I propose to conduct a lesson like this. You will need: ingenuity, knowledge for 1 grade and a little luck.

Whoever actively answers questions, performs tasks correctly, will participate in a lottery with real prizes (you can explain what a lottery is).

2. Contests:

Competition # 1 Congratulatory telegrams (I EXPLAIN THE TERMS)

You can cut the pictures of the heroes into several large parts in advance and invite the guys not only to name the hero from whom the telegram is sent, but also to assemble him like puzzles.

I wish from the bottom of my heart

Health to you, kids!

So that they are not afraid of vaccinations,

Tempered daily

So that bronchitis does not torment you.

Good doctor ... (Aibolit)

I wish you a gift

Get a huge cake,

Chocolate chip cookies,

Marmalade jam,

Get thicker, higher

I'm waiting for your answer on the roof

May you have an academic year

It brings troubles!

Get only deuces.

Very rarely you can - triplets,

Hit the windows and shop windows

Have more fights

Hello old woman ... (Shapoklyak)

I think you have read many books over the summer, so you can easily recognize these tales.

There is no river or pond

Where to drink water?

Delicious water

In the fossa of the hoof.

(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

The red girl is sad

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun

The poor thing sheds tears. (Snow Maiden)

Hurry up the evening
And the long-awaited hour has come
So that in my gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball. (Cinderella)

And the road is far
And the basket is not easy.
Mishka would sit on a tree stump,
I would eat a delicious pie.

(Masha and the Bear)

Carpenter Giuseppe - Blue Nose
I somehow brought the log into the house.
He started making a leg
for a chair or chair.
The log began to speak
and he was pinched in the nose. (The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key)

Competition # 2 Testing knowledge for grade 1

Read the word, name the spelling. Cards with words on the board (children cross out an extra syllable)

Vaburene, charys, karamysh, wachusido.

What spelling did you meet here?

Contest # 3 Collective game. Let's check your attention. To my question you answer: "I" or keep silent. The teacher reads the questions:

Who Loves Chocolate? -Who loves marmalade?

Who Loves Pears? -Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who likes to play and swim? -Who likes to laugh out loud?

Who reads good books? - Who offends the younger ones?

Who helps mom and dad? - Who gives way to the old woman?

Who loves the season - summer?

Who likes to ride without a ticket?

Contest number 4 Guess riddles. You have to find the answer on the piece of paper and color it.

Distribute leaflets with stencils to children (Turtle, swallow, zebra, lion, car)

Contest No. 5 Count

* 8 cat paws are visible from under the gate. How many cats are there in the yard? (2 cats)

* A sparrow, crow, dragonfly, swallow and bumblebee flew across the sky. How many birds flew? (3 birds)

* What is heavier than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (They are equal in severity)

* You and me, yes we are with you. Is there a lot of things? (Two)

* What is the smallest two-digit number. (ten)

* Borya stayed in the village for a week and 2 days. How many days did Borya stay in the village? (9 days)

3. A keepsake gift "Ladoshka"(on the desk, everyone has neat, dense leaves and pencils)

You are great fellows! They showed themselves to be skillful and attentive students. Let everyone circle their palm on a piece of paper, and when you graduate from school, I will give you these pieces of paper as a keepsake.

4. "Lottery for second graders"

It's time for surprises. You have coped with all the tasks perfectly, so everyone will participate in the holiday lottery. Now you will find out your lottery ticket number. The number is hidden in your workplace (each has a candy with a number glued under the chair)

LOTTERY…. (see below)

5. Final words of the teacher:

You are a second grader today!
On this autumn day
Serene and beautiful
There will be a mood!
You have already mastered the first one -
The most important class,
And parents, probably
You shook your knowledge!
You are definitely a hero:
Brave and courageous!
The second begins -
The year is, of course, important.
Second class! Buddy be
Patient and staunch!
And learn not somehow -
And study without deuces!

Hand out reminders to parents

(the teacher prepares the necessary reminders for the parents in advance)


(I call it No., and the guys run out for a surprise)

№9, № 13.

In the academic year, study at "5"

This beautiful notebook will help

№ 2,6,15

Very sharp pencil

The sharpener will do for you

№10, № 1

You will not grieve with this gift

And life will seem sweet.

You can share it with your friends.

Here's a chocolate bar!


If it rains outside the window

And it's sad inside

Bubbles will give you fun


Snowstorm and blizzard outside the window

Let it rage until spring.

You have a magic shell

Will remind the sound of the sea wave


In drawing lesson

Rinse the brush

And as a gift, hurry up

Get a sippy drink.

№19 №21

When a mistake meets you

A joyful smile

You can beat her with a brand new rubber band


If you have a lot to do,

And a lot of worries

So as not to forget them-

Write everything down in a notebook


Will delight the heart and soul

This soft toy


Textbooks, books

To keep you in order.

These beautiful bookmarks will help.

№ 16

Washes away the soot

And ink on my hands

Here is this scented soap


To everyone who often loses their keys

And can't open the lock

You will definitely find it useful

This graceful keychain

№1 №18

On the white pages of an unusual book

The sea, the forest and the house may appear.

If you are not lazy, if you work hard,

Then by the evening your brand new album will be finished.

Both you and your friends love to receive gifts. On April 1, you can arrange a comic win-win lottery. This requires more unnecessary things and, of course, a sense of humor. You can come up with a list of prizes for your lottery, for example, such as this one.

1. Happiness is guaranteed, and you won't stay hungry. (Lucky tram ticket.)

2. The faster you take, the more you can do. (The spoon)

3. There is a pear, you can't (and don't want to) eat it. (Enema)

4. Keep your head cold and your feet warm. (Socks)

5. This gift is especially for you, receive ... (pencil).

6. Non-exchangeable currency. (1 kopeck)

7. This thing is priceless! (Old, obsolete coins.)

8. How ghostly and ephemeral are our dreams! (Balloon)

9. You can drive it many miles, get a car. (Toy car)

10. Do not judge, lest you be judged. (Constitution)

11. You, my friend, are just a dandy, get a caftan. (Clothes for the doll)

12. Antique vacuum cleaner. (Broom)

13. How is a rider without a savraska? Get the horse. (Chess knight)

14. Labor made a person out of her (him). (Mirror)

15. Free plastic surgery. (Cheerful glasses with a nose and a mustache.)

16. Fly to sky-high distances. (Paper airplane)

17. No problems, no worries, stuffed ... (sweets) your mouth is full.

18. Now you are not afraid of vampires. (Head of garlic)

19. Masha is good, but not ours. (Photo by Merlin Monroe)

20. This, brother, is not a vitamin, get it ... (Vaseline).

21. No candy, no toy, just small ... (drying).

22. If you want to be happy, be happy. (Photo by Kuklachev)

23. All of us were once children. (Dummy)

24. Your royal society. (Deck of cards)

25. The director himself. (Notebook with pencil.)

26. You, buddy, well done, get it ... (candy).

27. You, of course, are not a hero, get another ticket. (New lottery ticket.)

28. And from the evil eye, and from damage, and in the economy very much needed. (Pin)

29. And here you will keep your jewelry. (Pencil case)

30. There was lemonade, but it all came out. (Empty bottle)

31. You are actually not Bill Gates, get another case. (Purse)

32. This is not a violin, not a sitar, but an ordinary one ... (drum).

33. (Key) ... from the apartment where the money is.

34. You are now a calligrapher. (Letter stencil)

35. Time machine. (Clock)

36. With her and you - Salvador Dali. (Coloring)

37. Tabula rasa. (A blank sheet of A4 paper.)

38. And he does not ask for food, and he defends himself from enemies. (Cactus)

39. Do not deviate from the intended path. (Ruler)

40. It killed our ancestors. (Apple)

41. Chipper. (Toothpick)

Any person is pleased to receive gifts, even small ones. Knowing this, you can please your guests by organizing a comic, win-win lottery. First, you need to buy inexpensive (trinkets), the number of prizes is selected depending on the number of guests. We put all items in a bag or box. Next, we glue paper numbers (there are such adhesive stickers - price tags), if they are not there, you can simply number the cut pieces of paper and stick them with scotch tape on tangerines or apples (such as lottery balls). Before the lottery, it is necessary to distribute (balls with numbers) to the guests. Yes, I almost forgot .. I also need a hat and folded pieces of paper put in it with the same numbers as those handed out to the guests. The host (toastmaster) announces the lottery and invites guests to take turns pulling numbers from the cap. Depending on the number, the presenter pronounces a comic phrase that creates (the weight of the lottery win) and gives a winning prize to the owner of the coveted number.

1. Your winnings are yet to come, and you still have a look at others. (Take an additional ticket).
2. For you a souvenir for your affectionate eyes - read (Fairy Tales).
3. Even the old man himself Koschey swept the dust from his ears. (Cotton swab).
4. Here is a ticket, so a ticket, do not rummage in the rooms, consider that there is no win - cry and calm down. (Paper handkerchiefs).
5. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you forgot your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (A pen).
6. Get your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you buy this thing, you will ride me on it. (Toy car).
7. The moths ate tulle yesterday, they were torn to the pain, we give (Package) in return - there is nothing else!
8. Lucky for you, this ball will stop babies crying. (Balloon).
9. Yes, your lucky ticket, here - hold (Pencil).
10. So that the cap is not blown away by the wind, here's a gift for you (Paperclip).
11. Oh, what a fine fellow you are, get it (Lollipop - Chupa-Chups).
12. And this decoration is just a feast for the eyes. (Beads made of paper clips or bagels).
13. A ticket gives you a portrait of the most beautiful person. (Mirror).
14. That's the prize, that's the thing: Hug your neighbor on the left!
15. Lucky you to glory: Kiss the neighbor on the right!
16. The yacht fell on this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).
17. Device for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (The envelope)
18. Your ticket will give you a tool for erasing unnecessary thoughts. (Eraser).
19. May your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (Small candle)
20. You are desperately lucky - you will receive (Sandwich).
21. This book is not more important, only you are a writer in it. (Notebook).
22. Dear comrade, get (Candy), just don't eat it yourself, treat your neighbor.
23. The prize went to you to gnaw in the evenings. (Nuts, seeds).
24. If you want a new hairstyle - get it, my friend, (Comb).
25. Well, and you have a sweet gift - you got (Chocolate).
26. What gets stuck between the teeth, this thing will always get it. (Toothpick).
27. Don't worry - you (A bag of marmalade), it's delicious, hurry up, the marmalades are good!
28. So that your studies go smoothly, you get the (Notebook). You will solve problems in it and write more accurately!
29. If you want to be strong like gin, get a vitamin, brother. (Carrot).
30. To make your friends countless, you need to eat a ton of onions. Well, we'll have to start! And you will not be ill. (Bow).
31. This gift for a princess, only a real one, everything is serious, not pretend - we give you (Peas).
32. Do you like potatoes? We will give you a little. Chew, chew - don't yawn and treat your neighbors. (bag of chips).
33. One hundred diseases will heal this miracle - phytoncid, staphylococcus will escape if you eat (Garlic).
34. A chicken ran past and lost a testicle, but a testicle is not simple - such a chocolate one. (Chocolate egg).
35. You are just a dock in school - get it (A packet of juice).
36. Sun, air and water are our best friends! And so that you don't get the sunstroke on a walk, put on a panama hat and walk calmly! (Newspaper hat).
37. This ticket gives you a flight, a big plane takes off into the sky. (Paper airplane).
38. To make life sweet, it's time to sweeten it! You got (Rafinad), everyone would be glad to him.
39. The world will help you paint in different colors (Paints). Take a brush in your hands and draw 40. Get together honest people and get up in (Round dance)! You got to start, get up and sing a song

These lottery tickets can be used simply as a lottery and as a drawing of small gifts and prizes. At school, students will be happy with small surprise gifts, and even laugh heartily.

Boys and girls
And also their parents.
In the children's lottery
Would you like to play?
Children's lottery
Will amuse everyone
And different prizes
It will pleasantly surprise you.

1.Get you, my friend,
Keychain fashionable for keys.

2.Every day and every hour
A pencil will come in handy.

3.You love, everyone loves children,
Delicious sweets.

4.Have a visit to the fairy tale
With colorful coloring.
(Coloring book)

5.You draw from the heart
You need felt-tip pens.

6. Keep your pocket wider, buddy, don't be shy
You have become rich by a hundred rubles.

7. Do not dare to lag behind in growth,
Measure your height with a ruler.

8.To have no worries,
Have a notebook with you.

9.No pills, no injection
For teeth, "Dirol" is more important.
(Chewing gum "Dirol")

10.If you collect puzzles,
There will be no time to be bored.

11. Read this book,
Learn a lot.

12.You like to hum songs
I hope you enjoy the disc.
(DVD disc)

13. There is a lucky one among us -
For him, the "Nuts" bar.
(Chocolate bar "Nuts")

14. Instead of voiced rubles.
Two delicious bagels.
(Two bagels or drying)

15. Do not be bored in the evenings
Inflate this balloon.

16.In order not to be like the Grandma-Hedgehog,
Hair needs a comb.

17. On a bright day, or maybe at night,
Try on your socks.

18.And you, my friend, as a reward
Sweet slice of marmalade.
(Pack of marmalade)

19. Draw the sun, mom, peace!
To be known as an artist.

20 your lungs will be strong
Blowing soap bubbles.

21. Fate gives you today
Forever needed calendar.

22. Every day will be successful
When you eat hematogen.

23. There are no pens or rulers.
Yes, but a set of stickers.

24. Do not listen to anyone, friend,
Eat an apple quickly.

25. Not cookies, not rolls.
You get a cool ball.

26. Consider yourself lucky -
Here's a magnet for you.

27.Friend, smile more often
Do not part with the lantern.

28 the folder with the mother will be happy
This stylish photo frame.

29. Come closer, bobblehead.
You with a toy lollipop.
(Chupa Chups)

If you love chocolate, then you will be insanely happy. And if you don't love, it doesn't matter. Mom will eat it then! (small chocolate bar)

To whom soap, to whom candy wrapper, And you got a bow! (hairpin - bow)

So that you can always taste sweet tea with friends, On a holiday, with congratulations Get this mug! (disposable mug or toy cup)

So that the hairstyle is beautiful, you are given this comb! (comb)

To become a great mathematician, you simply need this notebook. (notebook)

I don't want to be greedy! I'll give you a candle! (candle)

Well, you are just great! You get a cucumber for this! (cucumber)

Did you want a flashlight? And you just got a ball! (balloon)

There is no better prize in the world - you have a box for chocolates (empty box)

A souvenir for your tender eyes! And this is ... (Fairy tales)

Don't think to be angry with us - the lemon will come in handy on the farm! (lemon)

Here is a ticket, so a ticket, do not rummage in the rooms, Consider that there is no win - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief).

You and your companion will never be lost! You won't come home hungry from any guests! (disposable spoon)

There is no better win than a plastic bag (New Year's bag).

For good people, we do not feel sorry for anything, Get a cool rope as soon as possible. (Jump rope)

Do you want to be strong like a gin, Get a vitamin. (Carrot).

Dear you, my friend, get some candy, But don't eat it yourself, treat your neighbor. (A large chocolate bar to be given to the neighbor sitting next to the table)

But this is a fork! Get it, darling! (disposable fork)

Reach out your hand! Get a head of an onion! (onion)

The mood will be better! You get cookies (pack of cookies)

Here is your lucky ticket, hold your pencil tightly. (Pencil)

Your winnings are quite rare, you are happy, no doubt about it. You got not three sweets, but ... three pieces of paper from sweets !!! (three candy wrappers)

Happiness is in your hands. You got a potato! (potatoes)

Don't be bored today! Get some delicious tea! (tea)

Draw a cloud better. Here's a blue pen (ballpoint pen)

In order for the jar to be full, you need a lid (roof for the can)

We wanted to win the piano, but we got the calendar. (calendar)

Get the main prize - this is a small surprise (something of value, the main gift of the lottery).

And not empty, and not a lot! The win is yours - cabbage forks! (head of cabbage)

Lucky for you! Hug your neighbor on the right! (no prize)

Take this coin, my friend, and happily walk around the world! (coin 1 ruble).

To be clean, beautiful Get this soap (soap)

We are not afraid of all diets, if we have sweets (sweets)

You were worried a lot. But there is no loss! Beetroot fell on your ticket To make vinaigrette.