How to tighten and cleanse pores on the face. Indications and restrictions. How to prevent severe pore contamination

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Girls face the problem of enlarged pores starting from adolescence. During puberty, increased production of sebaceous secretion occurs. If you do not take proper care of your facial skin, the pores become clogged with particles of dust, dirt, and sebum. The holes in the epidermis expand in the form of a funnel. A rash of black and white acne appears on the face.

Skin with increased secretion of sebaceous secretions retains fluid and prevents tissue dehydration. Sebum protects the epidermis from exposure to strong winds and cold air temperatures, and creates a protective barrier against ultraviolet exposure. With regular proper care of the epidermis, sebum production is normalized, the skin looks toned, young, without the formation of folds or facial wrinkles.

Why do enlarged pores appear on oily and dry skin?

It is a mistake to believe that enlarged pores can only form on skin with a high content of sebaceous secretions. Improper facial care and the use of poor quality cosmetics lead to dehydration of the epidermis. The production of elastin and collagen slows down, the natural metabolic processes of the epidermis decrease, and “holes” form on dry skin.

Causes of enlarged pores:

Using cosmetics that do not match your skin type;
Neglecting makeup remover before bed;
Genetic factor;
Irrational use of cosmetics containing alcohol;
Errors in nutrition;
Increased body mass index;
Alcohol, nicotine addiction;
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
Hormonal disbalance;
Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

In addition to the main reasons for the occurrence of holes in the epidermis, there are secondary factors for the occurrence of enlarged pores.

How to solve the problem of enlarged pores

Oily skin

There are three options to approach the problem:

Get laser or chemical resurfacing of your facial skin at a beauty salon.
Use industrial products to clean pores.
Use folk recipes and prepare your own preparations:

3. Oatmeal mask for oily skin

To prepare a remedy for enlarged pores, it is recommended to use finely ground flakes.

Pour 50 g of flakes into a glass container.
Pour hot water over the cereal.
After fifteen minutes, stir the mixture until smooth.
Apply the product to a clean, dry face, excluding the upper lip area.
Cover the mask with a thin layer of gauze.

The exposure time of the mask is half an hour. Oatmeal should be washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream should be applied. Suitable for women with combination skin.

4. Cleansing pores with white clay

Enlarged pores on the skin of the face noticeably narrow after the first use of a cosmetic product.

White clay – 60 g
Lemon juice – half a teaspoon
Water – 50 ml
Honey – 30 g

How to cook:

Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a separate container.
Mix clay with water until smooth.
Add lemon juice and honey to the mixture
Mix the ingredients with a wooden stick.
Apply the product to clean skin, avoiding the upper lip and eyelids.
Remove masks after fifteen minutes.

5. Gelatin mask for facial pores for dry skin


Pour water into a container and put it on fire.
After boiling, add pepper and rosemary to the water; reduce the heat on the stove.
Boil the solution until the composition is reduced by half.
Allow the mixture to cool to thirty degrees.
Add vinegar.

Medical preparations for making masks

Acetylsalicylic acid

Aspirin is used at elevated temperatures as a pain reliever. Acetylsalicylic acid can also be used as the main ingredient in preparing a mask for skin with wide pores.

During pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Individual intolerance.
Microcracks in facial skin.
With excessive peeling of the top layer of skin.
Respiratory tract diseases.

Acetylsalicylic acid should not be used.

The nuances of preparing a mask:

Tablet forms of the drug are used as the main ingredient.
The effect of the medication occurs within three hours after applying the mask.
Acetylsalicylic acid enhances the effects of sunlight. After using a mask with aspirin in the summer, it is recommended to apply.
When using aspirin in a course, it is recommended to adjust the composition before each use.

How to cook:

Acetylsalicylic acid – two tablets
Sea salt without additives – 30 g
Flower honey – 15 g

Mix the ingredients and immediately apply to the surface of the skin. Use your fingers to make several massage movements without touching the skin around the eyes. After a few minutes, remove any remaining product with boiled water.

How to get rid of blackheads using activated carbon

Technique for preparing and applying cosmetics:

Grind five charcoal tablets in a glass container to a powdery state.
Add warm milk to the coal.
Stir the mixture until it becomes a homogeneous thick paste.
Apply a charcoal mask to steamed skin.
Use your fingers to massage your forehead, cheeks, and chin.
Leave the product on for fifteen minutes
Wash off the mask as usual.

How to care for your skin after using masks

To ensure that the effect of the mask lasts for a long time, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

Avoid using cosmetics based on mineral oils. The film formed after using such cosmetics disrupts metabolic processes in the epidermis and clogs pores.
It is not recommended to use oily face creams.
When applying makeup, it is recommended to use light base foundations.

27 January 2014, 16:21

Cause of enlarged pores on the face

Enlarged pores on the face are more common in women with either oily skin. Due to the skin producing large amounts of sebum, it begins to accumulate in the pores, forming sebaceous plugs called comedones. As a result, accumulations of fat stretch the pores and make them more visible. Enlarged pores on the face are much less common with dry skin. This usually happens when skin type changes with age (after 35 years), but the pores remain.

How to deal with dilated and exfoliate skin

1. One of the main steps to get rid of this problem is cleansing the pores. Be sure to use it daily for washing (foam, gel) in the morning and evening. After washing, you need to apply a lotion or tonic that tightens the pores (they may contain extracts of birch, calendula, rosemary, hawthorn). Typically, products for oily skin contain substances that reduce sebum production and slightly tighten pores, and also prevent acne. For example, lotions with zinc oxide not only help tighten pores, but also remove excess oil. After it, you need to use a nourishing and protective day cream that moisturizes and smoothes the skin. But cleansers alone will not be enough.

2. Exfoliating scrubs can help tighten enlarged pores on your face. They are recommended to be used twice a week. First you need to wash your face with warm water and a cleanser, then apply a scrub and leave for 2-3 minutes. Gently massage the skin. After this, rinse your face with water and blot with a napkin.

As a result, after removing the dead (upper) layer of skin, a more elastic (lower) layer will open. Due to this, pores become smaller, the skin becomes more elastic, and holes are tightened better. In addition, with regular use of the scrub, the pores will be easier to steam and clean.

3. Another important step: you need to cleanse your face of any sebum that has accumulated there. This can be done at home using masks.

So, a mask made of colored clay (warm) is good. Both blue and white clay are suitable for this. You need to dilute the clay in warm water to the consistency of sour cream. If your skin is oily, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. To enhance the effect, you can dilute the clay not just with water, but with decoctions of medicinal herbs and drop in essential oil, since it has a pore-tightening effect. Apply the mask in a thick layer onto cleansed skin and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water. You can remove any remaining clay with a tonic, then apply a moisturizer to the skin. You should not make such masks more than once a week, and you should not use them on the same day as scrubs. And one more thing: if there are burst blood vessels, wounds or infiltrates on the face, it is better to refrain from using warm masks until the problem is eliminated.

A protein-lemon mask is also effective for tightening pores. For it you need to mix egg white with 10 drops of lemon juice and apply to the skin. After 10 min. Wash thoroughly with cool water. Do it a couple of times a week.

An astringent mask perfectly tightens pores. For it, take a spoonful of linden flowers, brew 100 grams of hot water, put it on low heat and heat until a thick mass forms. The mass is applied to the skin in a thick layer: cooled on normal and dry skin, and warm on oily skin. After 15 min. Remove the mask with a cotton swab and wash with cool water.

4. You can use ice cubes; by the way, they have been used for a very long time to narrow pores. To do this, pour 200 grams of boiling water over a spoonful of birch buds. Boil this for several minutes, pour the resulting solution into molds and place in the freezer. Use this cube to wipe your face every day.

5. A good method of dealing with enlarged and clogged pores is facial cleansing in a salon. There are several options: professional skin cleansing, ultrasound (darsonvalization), chemical cold treatment (cryotherapy), laser cleaning, microdermabrasion.

Such procedures will cost more than homemade masks, but they are performed by professionals and are very effective. Before you decide to have a procedure in a salon, you should definitely consult a cosmetologist. And keep in mind: afterwards you need to protect your skin from direct rays of the sun for about a month, so you shouldn’t plan them for the holiday season. The ideal time is early spring.

How to prevent enlarged pores

It is much easier to prevent enlarged pores on the face than to deal with this problem later. To do this, it is enough to cleanse and moisturize the skin on time, use soft scrubs and products to regulate the secretion of sebum.

You should not wash your face with hot water, and the cleanser should not be aggressive. You also need to protect your skin from direct sunlight, choose high-quality cosmetics and eat right. It is better if your diet contains more fresh fruits, salads and vegetables, healthy liquids - mineral water, fresh juices, green tea, fruit drinks.

And finally: skin type, of course, is determined genetically, but in our time we have learned to solve the problem of enlarged pores. This will require a little patience and special care, which will help maintain the results of the procedures for a long time.

  • Why do you need to cleanse your pores?
  • Tools Overview

What are pores and why are they needed?

Pores are the openings of the hair follicle in which the outlet of the sebaceous gland is located. In dry skin, the pores are usually small, while in oily skin, on the contrary, they are enlarged.

The pores are filled with the secretion of the sebaceous glands - sebum. It is a mixture of lipids (fats) and forms a hydrolipid mantle, protecting the skin from drying out and making it elastic.

Why pores become clogged: main reasons

This is influenced by at least three factors.


The work of the sebaceous glands is regulated by hormones. Male hormones androgens, in particular testosterone, increase sebum secretion. And female sex hormones estrogens, on the contrary, reduce it.

The root cause of teenage skin problems is hormonal instability. It is also observed in women during pregnancy and menopause.


Some scientists associate the size and productivity of the sebaceous glands with nutrition: according to their data, eating fast carbohydrates provokes the release of insulin into the blood, and insulin, in turn, affects the sebaceous glands. This theory has not yet been proven or disproved, but it doesn’t hurt to know about it.

Timely exfoliation is important for clean pores © iStock

Illiterate skin care

If you do not care for your skin correctly, its condition will steadily worsen. The standard purification scheme looks like this:

  1. 1

    Makeup remover using micellar water (it must be washed off with plain water) in the evening.

  2. 2

    Washing using gel or foam twice a day, morning and evening.

  3. 3

    Exfoliation 1–2 times a week. Being under a “slab” of dead cells, the epidermis is not able to bring sebum to the surface in the required quantities, as a result of which sebum clogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

Make sure that care products do not contain comedogenic substances. These most often include skin-softening ingredients such as coconut oil. True, the appearance of comedones is an individual reaction, and your specific skin can easily tolerate any of the provoking components.

Why do you need to cleanse your pores?

Mixing with dust particles and makeup residues, sebum, together with horn cells, forms a sebaceous plug. These plugs themselves are not dangerous, but they serve as an excellent breeding ground for the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes, which causes inflammatory processes and, consequently, the appearance of acne. We tell you in detail what stages the deep skin cleansing procedure consists of.

Opening of pores

Since all cleansing procedures are aimed at removing sebaceous plugs and impurities from the pores, the result will be much more noticeable on previously opened pores.

Cosmetics for cleansing pores should not contain comedogenic substances © iStock


Cosmetologists use a special device for this procedure, but at home it is enough to take a shower: the steam from warm water will help open the pores.

Steaming is extremely undesirable for skin with rosacea.


A delicate scrub or acid peeling will remove from the surface of the skin everything that prevents it from freeing itself from impurities and absorbing active substances from creams and serums.


Use clay-based cleansing masks once a week to:

    deeply cleanse the skin;

    prevent the growth of bacteria in the pores.

Being an effective absorbent, clay not only draws dirt out of the pores, but also dries out the skin. To avoid dehydration, do not allow clay masks to dry completely on your face and do not overuse them.

Narrowing pores

Since there are no muscles in the pores, it will still not be possible to narrow them. That is, of course, to some extent this is possible, but there are nuances. Alcohol and clay have a temporary narrowing effect. However, they can also dry out the skin, which will lead to the opposite effect - increased sebum production.


Skin of any type needs this, even if there are no signs of dehydration at the moment. Moisturizing care is a basic need at any age.

Clay-based masks are suitable for deep cleansing of pores © iStock

Effective pore cleaning at home

Internet sites offer a wide variety of information on ways to clean the pores on your face without leaving your home. But these tips should be taken critically, because many of them can harm the skin. In our opinion, this scheme is suitable for deep, quick and safe cleansing of pores.

  1. 1

    Apply a delicate scrub or peeling onto the skin, previously cleansed and steamed in the shower. Rinse it off.

  2. 2

    Apply the cleansing mask to the entire surface of the face, or to areas that need deep cleansing: nose, forehead, chin. Without waiting for complete drying, remove the mask with a damp sponge.

  3. 3

    Apply a moisturizing serum, cream or (if necessary) mask to replenish the water balance in skin cells.

How to save the result

To ensure long-lasting results from deep cleansing treatments, remove makeup and impurities every night, exfoliate your skin once or twice a week, and add serums and toners with acids to your facial care routine.

Tools Overview

Don't want your pores to get dirty? Take a look at one or more products from this selection. The results from their use will not be long in coming.

Prevention of pore pollution

Product name Mode of application Active Ingredients

Mask “Magic of clay. Exfoliation and tightening of pores”, L’Oréal Paris

Apply to cleansed, damp skin. Leave for 5-10 minutes, rinse with warm water. red algae extract, kaolin clay, gassoul, montmorrilonite
Mineral peeling mask “Double Radiance”, Vichy

Apply to cleansed skin for 5 minutes. Massage and rinse with water.

Vichy thermal water, fruit acids, exfoliating particles of volcanic origin
Pore-cleansing mask with Amazonian clay, Kiehl’s

Apply a thin layer of the product to cleansed, damp facial skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Leave for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water or remove with a sponge. Use once a week.

Amazonian clay, bentonite, aloe vera
Serum for correcting acne and age-related changes Blemish & Age Defense, SkinCeuticals

Apply to cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté 1-2 times a day.

During use of the product, protection from sunlight is required.

salicylic, glycolic, dioic acids

Cleansing toner for skin with acne and age-related changes Blemish & Age, Skinceuticals

Apply daily to cleansed skin before serums and creams. salicylic and glycolic acids

09 03.16

A gray tint to the skin, the presence of inflammation, pimples and blackheads are the consequences of clogged pores with sebaceous secretions, cosmetics and dust from the environment, which is why periodic cleaning of the pores at home or in special salons is required.

Of course, we will mainly talk about home methods.

For this purpose, various masks, scrubs, as well as special tools and entire devices are used.

Basic Rules

To effectively cleanse pores, you must follow certain rules:

  • Any procedures should be carried out on previously cleansed facial skin of makeup and other cosmetics. To do this, just wash your face using gel or foam.
  • Scrubbing the skin allows you to remove dead skin cells of the epidermis and surface contaminants of the dermis.
  • Since pores require deep cleaning, you must first steam the skin.
  • After the skin has been prepared, you can proceed to the main procedure.
  • However, before applying the cleanser, it must be pre-tested to avoid possible allergic reactions.
  • Cleaning should be carried out no more than once a week, and after the procedure it is necessary to take measures to narrow the pores.
  • You should not use cosmetics immediately after cleansing, as the skin should rest and the pores should close.


To open pores, salons use special equipment. At home, an effective method is the steaming procedure.

Take a terry towel, moisten it with hot water and apply it to your face for a short time, then remove it. Repeat this procedure about 3 times. During this time, the skin will steam and the pores will open.

Another way is to open the pores over steam. Take medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, and brew it in a small saucepan. While the broth has not cooled down, you need to lean over the steam, covering your head with a towel, wait about 15 minutes.

Steam allows the pores to open, while at the same time it has a beneficial effect on the dermis.

After steaming, this decoction can be used as a lotion, or frozen into ice cubes.

Cleaning methods

There are a huge number of methods for deep cleaning of pores, both traditional and hardware. The main task is to choose the right method for you.

Mechanical cleaning

After steaming, you can clean the pores mechanically, that is, by squeezing either with simply treated fingers or using a special tool - a metal loop (a more hygienic method, since it can be disinfected and processed after each comedone).

Mechanically cleaned pores must be treated with a disinfectant using a cotton swab.

Gelatin film mask

The film mask has the excellent ability to cleanse the skin of various impurities, smooth out wrinkles, remove dead skin cells from the epidermis and improve complexion.

You can prepare this mask at home using natural ingredients.

In a water bath, it is necessary to bring a tablespoon of gelatin, a tablet of activated charcoal and 2 tablespoons of milk to a homogeneous state. After cooling, apply the mask to the face area and leave until completely dry.

The mask must be applied to a cleansed face, neck and décolleté in an even layer (excluding the eyelid and lip area).

After applying the product, you need to relax all facial muscles.

Remove the film mask carefully from bottom to top, and wash off the remaining residue with warm water.

Masks with gelatin are very effective. This is just one of the options, in fact there are many.

Clay mask

To clean clogged pores, you need to dilute a tablespoon of clay suitable for you with warm water until a creamy consistency is achieved, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and mix thoroughly.

Apply the mixture in a thick layer to your face and wait until it dries completely. The mask must be removed with cool water.


Cleaning clogged pores is very simple. To do this, just use a soda scrub. So, we need foam from baby soap and a small amount of baking soda. Apply foam to the face, then take baking soda and massage directly over the foam with light movements, following the massage lines.

We pay special attention to blackheads on the nose. The procedure should last no more than a couple of minutes and do not apply too much pressure or stretch the skin. Avoid the eye area.

Hardware cleaning

Beauty salons use ultrasonic devices for cleaning. A special device creates sound waves that spread through the dermis and free the pores from comedones, while blood and lymph circulation improves, and skin tone also increases.

This device can be purchased and used at home, but it is quite expensive.

Instrumental methods also include vacuum cleaning, the essence of which is to deeply cleanse the pores on the face under the influence of a vacuum created by a special device.


A soft brush, special or toothbrush, allows you to delicately remove various stains. To do this, just use it to apply cleansers and massage lightly. The brush must be soft and clean.

This method is not suitable for dry and sensitive skin. And for oily and problematic skin, such cleaning should be carried out no more than once a month.

After care

After the cleansing has been carried out, the skin must be additionally moisturized, nourished and be sure to carry out a procedure to narrow the pores.

Moisturizing mask

A mask of 2 tablespoons of rolled oats flakes brewed in a glass of boiling water will help restore the water balance. After 15 minutes, drain the liquid and add a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and aloe juice to the oat mixture. Apply the mask to the face for 20 minutes.


As a nourishing mask, you can use a mixture of 5 ml grape oil, 20 ml carrot juice, 30 grams of melted honey and half a chicken yolk.

Honey masks nourish the skin down to the deep layers of the dermis, however, it is worth considering that honey can cause an allergic reaction, so it is worth checking the skin for sensitivity first.

To tighten pores

How to narrow and close enlarged pores after cleansing? You can wipe your face with an ice cube, or you can use a clay mask. It is enough to dilute a little clay with lukewarm water until a creamy consistency is obtained, then apply to the skin and wait for it to dry completely. Rinse with lukewarm water and treat the dermis with lotion.

With proper and regular cleansing, the skin looks healthy and fresh, and age-related changes become less obvious.

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Until we meet again, your Evgenia Shestel

Every woman's dream of perfect skin is impossible to achieve without thoroughly cleansing the dermis. You can spend huge sums of money on decorative cosmetics and foundations, but they will not be able to hide the consequences of clogged pores that appear as a result of insufficient care.

How to avoid such troubles? It is a mistake to believe that deep contamination of the epidermis can only be removed with the help of professional cosmetic procedures. You can clean the pores on your face quite effectively yourself at home.

What are pores

Skin pores play a particularly important role in the functioning of the body. These practically invisible holes in the epidermis are necessary for removing the secretion of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands and sweat, along with which unnecessary waste products are removed.

It is important to know that fat is beneficial for the skin and tissues, it is a source of nutrition, and also softens, moisturizes and protects the skin from cold and harmful microorganisms.

But excess fat and sweat on the skin that are not removed in a timely manner attract dust, dirt, and trap particles of dead cells. And this leads to clogging of pores with sebaceous plugs.

As a result, these deposits stretch the pores, and numerous bacteria and microbes multiply in them. The skin becomes covered with an unpleasant oily sheen, acne and inflammation appear on it. The pores become clearly visible and blackheads form in them. An even more unpleasant manifestation of blockage of skin openings is the formation of painful and unaesthetic subcutaneous pimples.

The size of the pores and the amount of subcutaneous fat produced are directly proportional to each other: the larger the pore, the more sebaceous product is produced.

Causes of enlarged and clogged pores

The most problematic area prone to pore contamination is the face, especially the nasolabial triangle. Therefore, it is very important to constantly cleanse the skin.

And this can be done in several ways. But to choose the most effective hygiene procedure, you need to know the reason for the expansion of pores and their subsequent contamination. After all, not only external, but also internal factors can cause such a problem:

External signs, in addition to insufficient care for the cleanliness of the skin, can be attributed to the absolutely opposite reason - excessive washing, especially with the use of aggressive detergents and hard sponges or washcloths.

Trying to thoroughly clean the skin and rubbing it with soap and a washcloth, people do not even suspect that they are subjecting the epidermis to mechanical damage. This leads to weakening of the pore walls, and as a result, the skin openings expand and their edges become uneven.

With strong friction, a large number of dead skin particles are also separated, and they close the mouth of the sebaceous duct and thereby prevent the release of its secretion. Having no way out, toxins accumulate inside. Gradually, clogged pores are covered with a new layer of skin, and comedones appear underneath.

Why is cleansing necessary?

The answer is obvious: regular hygiene procedures will help avoid the appearance of enlarged pores. After all, if you once allow the skin openings to widen, it will subsequently be very difficult to recover from the previous state. And even clean, but enlarged pores look sloppy.

Timely and careful cleaning of pores contributes to:

  • Improves blood circulation and evens out complexion;
  • Avoiding the proliferation of bacteria, and therefore reducing rashes and acne;
  • Normalization of metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis, saturating them with moisture, nutrients and oxygen;
  • Strengthening tissue fibers and increasing local immunity;
  • Activation of the production of elastin and collagen, which means prolongation of youth and beauty of the skin.

Various ways to clean pores at home

To independently effectively cleanse your facial skin, you need to create a special care program that includes the following steps:

  1. Deep cleansing;
  2. Narrowing of pores;
  3. Nutrition and hydration;
  4. Protection.

And be sure to follow a certain sequence.


After removing makeup from your face, before you begin to cleanse the pores, you need to steam the skin. This can be done in several ways:

Method 1. Bath procedures

An ancient, time-tested method: once a week, go to the bathhouse or steam room. Increased temperature and humidity cause pores to expand and blood flow to increase, so the skin is fully prepared for optimal and safe cleansing.

Method 2. Hot steam inhalation

After boiling water, pour it into a deep bowl, bend over the container and cover with a towel or thick cloth so that steam does not escape from under the cloth. Carry out the procedure for 10-15 minutes until the water cools down.

You can enhance the effect of inhalation by adding a medicinal component to hot water: a few drops of essential oil, propolis, herbal mixture (mint, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort).

But this procedure should not be done if there are spider veins or other skin diseases on the skin.

Method 3. Hot compress

The simplest express method. Place a clean terry towel in hot water (temperature no higher than 42 degrees!) and leave for a few minutes so that the fabric warms up thoroughly. Then gently but thoroughly wring out the towel and place it on your face.

Perform the procedure while lying down and remain in this position until the tissue cools down.

Method 4. Pharmacy products

Some pharmaceuticals have a warming effect. For example, special gels, kaolin, zinc. To steam the skin, they must be applied to the face in strict accordance with the instructions.

Method 5. Cosmetology products

Modern steaming products that contain components that activate the opening of pores. The safest and most effective products for these purposes are “Clean Skin” gels and masks from cosmetic brands Avon, Nivea and Garnier.


Immediately after steaming the skin, you can begin to cleanse the pores. For this purpose, finished products are used: scrubs and peeling products. But it’s better to prepare masks and scrubbing compositions yourself. This will avoid exposure to “chemicals” on the dermis. The recipe for homemade masks is simple; you can always make a fresh mixture based on your personal budget.

Do such procedures 1-2 times a week. The composition is applied for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with cool, clean water. After washing, you should not rub your skin with a towel; just lightly blot it with a soft cloth.



Mix the ingredients and rub the mixture onto your skin with gentle circular movements for 1-2 minutes.


After mixing the components, scrub your face for about 1 minute, avoiding getting the product on the eyes and lips.

This scrub should not be used on skin with inflammation or minor injuries. In this case, the salt needs to be replaced with cane sugar.


It is made and applied similarly to a coffee scrub.

"Soda + oil"

Mix everything and carry out the cleansing procedure for about 2 minutes. This remedy can be used no more than once every 10 days.


Pour warm milk over the cereal and let it swell for 5-10 minutes. After massaging the skin, you can leave the product on your face for a few minutes. The composition not only cleanses pores well, but also nourishes the skin and improves its color.

This composition is suitable for dry and normal skin. For oily dermis, it is better to replace milk with the same amount of warm water.

Cleansing masks


Milk and gelatin in equal proportions - 1 spoon each

Mix the ingredients in a ceramic bowl and place in the microwave for 10 seconds (maximum mode). The mass will have a creamy consistency; it should be mixed again and applied to the face for 20 minutes. During this time, the mask hardens and turns into a dense film. Remove it carefully, starting from the nose.


First beat the egg white into a foam, carefully add the flour and mix thoroughly, apply to the face and wait until the mixture dries completely. Remove carefully with a terry towel.


Dilute the clay with liquid and add honey. If the honey is thickened, it must first be melted in a water bath.


Crush the charcoal tablets into powder. Heat the milk to 40-50 degrees and carefully add gelatin and charcoal into it. Quickly stir the mixture until smooth, it thickens instantly. Apply the mask with a brush using light patting movements and keep it on your face until the product dries completely. Do not wash off the film, but carefully remove it.

Instead of milk and gelatin, you can add a spoonful of PVA glue to the coal (exactly this, and no other!). The preparation and action of the adhesive mask are the same as in the previous recipe.

Narrowing pores

To narrow the pores, use aloe juice or green tea instead of a toner to wipe the skin. You can also use a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide.

If necessary, use special homemade masks.


Beat the egg white until foamy, add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly.


Mix all ingredients and leave, stirring regularly, until the yeast is completely dissolved.

"With aspirin"

Crush the tablets and mix with oil, which is selected according to your skin type: dry - coconut oil, oily - sea buckthorn, combination - calendula.

Nutrition and hydration

After the cleansing and pore-tightening mask has been removed from the skin, a nourishing or moisturizing cream is applied to the face. This will be the final stage. And protection lies in further care, which must be carried out so that the pores no longer become clogged.

How to prevent pores from becoming clogged

To ensure the safety of the result obtained and to prevent the pores from subsequent clogging, you must adhere to the following rules:

If, despite all efforts, there is no improvement in the skin, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of the enlarged pores.

It is important to remember that beautiful skin is a reflection of a healthy lifestyle. Moderate physical activity, a positive attitude, quitting smoking and daily care of your body will help make your skin soft and radiant.