Phrases in Latin. Aphorisms, sayings for tattoos with translation. Tattoos in Latin. Aphorisms, sayings, phrases for a tattoo Tattoo is born to be happy

  • Believe in yourself - confide tibimet
  • Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you - Fac fideli sis fidelis
  • Be who you really are - Esto quod es
  • Looking at the sky while standing on the ground - Pedes in terra ad sidera visus
  • Live to live. — Vive ut vivas
  • Life without freedom is nothing - Vita sine libertate nihil
  • To live is to fight - Vivere militare est
  • Live, take risks and never give up - Vivere, dimicare, nunquam cēdĕre
  • For he will command his angels about you - to guard you in all your ways. (Psalm 90:11) - Quia angelis suis mandabit de te ut custodiant te in omnibus viis tuis
  • It is known that Love blind-notum est amor em caecum esse
  • Either win or die. — AUT VINCERE, AUT MORI
  • Only a mother deserves love. Solum mater digna amatu
  • Love is above everything. Amor omnia vincit
  • My angel is always with me - Angelus meus semper mecum est
  • My children are my life - liberi mei vita mihi sunt
  • My daughter is my life - Mea filia vita mea
  • My daughter is my love - Mea filia caritas mea
  • My son is my life - Meus filius vita mea
  • My family is my fortress - Familia mea fortitudo mea est
  • Never give up! — Nunquam cede
  • An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - Oculum pro oculo dentem pro dente
  • He who conquers himself wins - Vincit qui se vincit
  • Under the wing of an angel - Sub alis angeli
  • Know thyself - Temet nosce
  • While I breathe, I love and believe -dum spiro, amo atque credo
  • Truth is my light - Veritas lux mea
  • Forgive me Lord for my sins - Pater dimitte mihi quoniam peccavi
  • Farewell and love me - Vale et me ama
    • Born to be happy - Nata sum ut felix sim
    • Born to be happy - Natus sum ut felix sim
    • I'll make sure you remember me! Faciam ut mei memineris
    • Family above all - familia omnibus praestat
    • Words disappear, letters remain. -Verba volant, scripta manent
  • Thank you mom for my life – Gratias mātre pro mea vītā ago
  • Thank you parents for life. — Gratias parentibus pro vita mea ago
  • You are forever in my heart - Semper in corde meo
  • I'm not a follower, I'm a leader - Non ducor duco
  • I'll either find a way or I'll make it myself. — Aut inveniam viam aut faciam


    • There are minutes for which you can give months and years. تتواجد لحظات, التي يمكن ان تعطيها اشهر وسنوات
    • Being busy is easy, but the hardest thing is being productive. .ان تكون مشغولا
    • Eternal love - حب أبدي
    • Time does not heal, the person who is near heals ...
    • A girl should not hear how she is loved, but feel ......
    • If you love, love without deceit. If you believe, then believe until the end. If you hate it, say it straight. And if you laugh, then laugh in your eyes فتكلم بذالك مباشرة .. تضحك اضحك في الوجه دون خوف!
    • If you think well of yourself, why do you need someone else to think well of you? لماذا اذا تحتاج ايضا من يفكر بك حسنا؟
    • If you leave and no one calls you back, then you are going in the right direction. ولم ينادي عليك احدا ما, فهاذا يعني انك تسير في الاتجصح يح
    • Live today, forget about tomorrow
    • Remember: never be jealous of me. If I chose you, then you are much more expensive than everyone else. كنت قد اخترتك, فهاذا يعني انك اغلى بكثير
      . من الاخرين
    • Happiness is born from your dream...
    • Sometimes, a step back is just a run.
    • When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you will know who the friends are. عندما تعلو, يعرفوك, من انت. عندما تسقط, انت تعرف, من
      . اصدقائك
    • When I see you, my heart beats faster. .حين اراك, قلبي يدق اسرع
    • Only the one who has a beautiful upbringing is beautiful. .جميل فقط من لديه تربية جميلة
    • beauty - جمال
    • Whoever wants to move the world, let him move himself first.
    • It's better to have a broken heart than not to have one at all...
    • The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. .
    • It is better to love yourself than to give your love to someone who does not need it. .ان تحب نفسك
    • Love brings even the proudest man to his knees. .الحب تنحني له الركب حتى اكثر الناس تكبر
    • Love is not a bird that can be kept in a cage
    • Love - حب
    • My family is أهلي or عائلتي
    • Silence engulfs my thoughts
    • You can close your eyes to what you see, but you cannot close your heart to what you feel. ولكن لايمكنك ان تغلق عينيك عما تراه به
      It's never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream! !ابدا لاتتاخر في وضع هدق او في ايجاد حلم جديد
    • Trust no one - لا تثق بأحد
    • One of the secrets to a strong relationship is to respect each other's passions. .واحد من اسرار العلاقات القوَ
    • He knows no fear جريء
    • True love always shines. .من الحب الحقيقي دائما ياتي النور
    • Sometimes it seems that in this world, no one can be trusted. احيانا يبدوا ان في هذا العالم, لايمكن ان تثق في احد
    • Forgive me and always love me
    • Parents are the best we have, appreciate them, because only they will love and believe in you until the very end ... وك ويثقون
      .بك حتى النهاية
    • Today people are much cheaper than their clothes. .اليوم الناس اصبحت ارخص بكثير من ملابسها
    • Family – أهل or عائلة
    • Family is heaven in a heartless world
    • Manage to fall in love with one so as to pass by thousands of the best and not look back. تعلم ان تحب واحد فقط ء
    • There are no weak people, we are all strong by nature. Our thoughts make us weak. اناس ضعفاء, كلنا اقوياء من طبيعتنا. لكن افكارنا تجعلنا ضعفاء
    • Follow your path and let people say whatever they want! A man should not be boring or fun. It should be warm, safe and calm with him. الرجل لايجب ان يكون الملل او المتعة. معه يجب ان يكون الدفئ, الامان,
      . والهدوء
    • Susanna - سوزانا
    • The one who knows how to smile every day knows how to live. من يعرف ان يبتسم كل يوم, يعرف كيف يعيش
    • You can do anything, you just need the desire. ولكن يجب ان تكون الرغبة
    • Smart people give each other happiness, stupid people expect to be made happy. يهدون بعضهم البعض السعادة, اما الاغبياء ينظرون الاخرين
      حتى يجعلوهم سعداء
    • The happiest people don't have the best. But they make the best out of what's out there. لدى اسعد الناس ليس لديهم كل شيء جيد. لكنهم دائما ينتزعون
      .الافضل مما هو موجود
    • It's good when there are people who encourage you to become better
    • If you want to do something well, do it yourself. If you want to do everything on time, start now. If you want to be happy, think about those to whom you have done good! تريد ان تفعل شيء ما جيد — تريد ان تقوم كل شيء
      !بوقته — ابدا الان. تريد ان تكون سعيدا — فكر بمن فعلت معه خيرا
    • Appreciate the people who come at those moments when it’s bad not for them, but for you. .قدر الناس, الذين ياتون في اللحظات التي تكون فيها انت لا هم سيء
    • Appreciate a person not for their appearance, but for their attitude towards you! .قدر الناس ليس بالمظهر, بل بمعاملتهم معك
    • I will always love you-
    • I asked God for water, he gave me the sea. I asked God for grass, he gave me a field. I asked God an angel, he gave you to me. لooth طail.Ruface inct الail.Ru inct inct فail.Ru feature wedging iodحUSHY THE. . وَ طَلَبْتُ مِنَ الْخَالَقْ مَلَكاً فَوَهَبَنِي أَنْتَ


  • The whole world is at my feet - il mondo intero è ai miei piedi
  • Living Without Regret - Vivere senza rimpianti
  • Born to be happy -nata per essere felice
  • You are forever in my heart - Sei sempre nel mio cuore
  • I will get everything I want - Otterrò tutto ciò che voglio
  • My children are my life - I miei figli sono la mia vita
  • My children are my joy - I miei figli sono la mia gioia


  • There is no eternal gold - Nothing gold can stay (R.Frost)
  • In life, you need to learn how to dance in the rain, and not wait until the storm ends. — Life isn’t about waiting the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in the rain!
  • Everything that is done - all for the better - It's all to the good
  • Live on the positive - Be positive
  • Love is above all - love is above all
  • Never give up! — Never give up/never back down
  • Guarding your heart
  • Show me your soul and I'll show you my heart
  • Let the heart of the relatives beat forever / if only the heart of the parents would beat forever - Let the hearts of my dears beat forever / let the hearts of my parents beat forever
  • Ride to life
  • I want my mom's heart to beat forever - I want my mom's heart beat forever.
  • I'll either find a way or I'll make it myself. I shall either find a way or make one.


  • The whole world at my feet - Le monde est a mes pieds ( Tout le monde à mes pieds)
  • Dreams come true - Les rêves se realisent
  • My angel is next to me. Mon ange est apres de moi
  • My family is forever in my heart - Ma famille est dans mon coeur pour toujours
  • Forever in my heart - Pour toujours dans mon coeur
  • Born to be happy - Née pour être heureuse
  • Follow your dreams - suivez de vos rêves
  • Appreciate every moment -Appréciez chaque moment
  • What a Woman Wants, God Wants - que femme veut dieu le veut


  • My angel, be with me, you go ahead, and I follow you - Angel mio, estate conmigo, tu ve delante de mi y yo te seguire
  • There is no glory without pain - Sin dolor no hay gloria
  • All the best in me is yours. — Todos el mejor en me tuyos es.
  • Even the one who is far away stands nearby if he is in your heart. Hasta el que está lejos se acerca si le tienes en tu corazón.
  • Life is love, enjoy! — La vida es amor, gozala
  • Life is a game - play beautifully - la vida es un juego juegalo
  • Mom, you are forever in my heart. — Mama, estas siempre en mi corazón
  • Never give up no matter what - Jamás te rindas, pase lo que pase
  • Under the wing of an angel
  • Born to be happy - Nacido para ser feliz
  • Happy life - Una vida feliz
  • You are forever in my heart - Siempre estas en mi corazon
  • Follow your dreams - Siga tu sueño
  • Thanks to parents for life - Gracias a los padres por la vida
  • Value every moment. —Aprecie cada momento

Friends! To quickly find what you need lettering for tattoo use the key combination: CTRL+F

  • Believe in yourself - confide tibimet
  • Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you - Fac fideli sis fidelis
  • Be who you really are - Esto quod es
  • Looking at the sky while standing on the ground - Pedes in terra ad sidera visus
  • Live to live. — Vive ut vivas
  • Life without freedom is nothing - Vita sine libertate nihil
  • To live is to fight - Vivere militare est
  • Live, take risks and never give up - Vivere, dimicare, nunquam cēdĕre
  • For he will command his angels about you - to guard you in all your ways. (Psalm 90:11) - Quia angelis suis mandabit de te ut custodiant te in omnibus viis tuis
  • It is known that Love blind-notum est amor em caecum esse
  • Either win or die. — AUT VINCERE, AUT MORI
  • Only a mother deserves love. Solum mater digna amatu
  • Love is above everything. Amor omnia vincit
  • My angel is always with me - Angelus meus semper mecum est
  • My children are my life - liberi mei vita mihi sunt
  • My daughter is my life - Mea filia vita mea
  • My daughter is my love - Mea filia caritas mea
  • My son is my life - Meus filius vita mea
  • My family is my fortress - Familia mea fortitudo mea est
  • Never give up! — Nunquam cede
  • An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - Oculum pro oculo dentem pro dente
  • He who conquers himself wins - Vincit qui se vincit
  • Under the wing of an angel - Sub alis angeli
  • Know thyself - Temet nosce
  • While I breathe, I love and believe -dum spiro, amo atque credo
  • Truth is my light - Veritas lux mea
  • Forgive me Lord for my sins - Pater dimitte mihi quoniam peccavi
  • Farewell and love me - Vale et me ama
    • Born to be happy - Nata sum ut felix sim
    • Born to be happy - Natus sum ut felix sim
    • I'll make sure you remember me! Faciam ut mei memineris
    • Family above all - familia omnibus praestat
    • Words disappear, letters remain. -Verba volant, scripta manent
  • Thank you mom for my life – Gratias mātre pro mea vītā ago
  • Thank you parents for life. — Gratias parentibus pro vita mea ago
  • You are forever in my heart - Semper in corde meo
  • I'm not a follower, I'm a leader - Non ducor duco
  • I'll either find a way or I'll make it myself. — Aut inveniam viam aut faciam


    • There are minutes for which you can give months and years. تتواجد لحظات, التي يمكن ان تعطيها اشهر وسنوات
    • Being busy is easy, but the hardest thing is being productive. .ان تكون مشغولا
    • Eternal love - حب أبدي
    • Time does not heal, the person who is near heals ...
    • A girl should not hear how she is loved, but feel ......
    • If you love, love without deceit. If you believe, then believe until the end. If you hate it, say it straight. And if you laugh, then laugh in your eyes فتكلم بذالك مباشرة .. تضحك اضحك في الوجه دون خوف!
    • If you think well of yourself, why do you need someone else to think well of you? لماذا اذا تحتاج ايضا من يفكر بك حسنا؟
    • If you leave and no one calls you back, then you are going in the right direction. ولم ينادي عليك احدا ما, فهاذا يعني انك تسير في الاتجصح يح
    • Live today, forget about tomorrow
    • Remember: never be jealous of me. If I chose you, then you are much more expensive than everyone else. فهاذا يعني انك اغلى بكثير . من الاخرين
    • Happiness is born from your dream...
    • Sometimes, a step back is just a run.
    • When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you will know who the friends are. عندما تعلو, يعرفوك, من انت. عندما تسقط, انت تعرف, من . اصدقائك
    • When I see you, my heart beats faster. .حين اراك, قلبي يدق اسرع
    • Only the one who has a beautiful upbringing is beautiful. .جميل فقط من لديه تربية جميلة
    • beauty
    • Whoever wants to move the world, let him move himself first.
    • It's better to have a broken heart than not to have one at all...
    • The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. .
    • It is better to love yourself than to give your love to someone who does not need it. .ان تحب نفسك
    • Love brings even the proudest man to his knees. .الحب تنحني له الركب حتى اكثر الناس تكبر
    • Love is not a bird that can be kept in a cage
    • Love - حب
    • My family is أهلي or عائلتي
    • Silence engulfs my thoughts
    • You can close your eyes to what you see, but you cannot close your heart to what you feel. ولكن لايمكنك ان تغلق عينيك عما تراه به It's never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream! !ابدا لاتتاخر في وضع هدق او في ايجاد حلم جديد
    • Don't trust anyone
    • One of the secrets to a strong relationship is to respect each other's passions. .واحد من اسرار العلاقات القوَ
    • He knows no fear جريء
    • True love always shines. .من الحب الحقيقي دائما ياتي النور
    • Sometimes it seems that in this world, no one can be trusted. احيانا يبدوا ان في هذا العالم, لايمكن ان تثق في احد
    • Forgive me and always love me
    • Parents are the best we have, appreciate them, because only they will love and believe in you until the very end ... وك ويثقون .بك حتى النهاية
    • Today people are much cheaper than their clothes. .اليوم الناس اصبحت ارخص بكثير من ملابسها
    • Family - أهل or عائلة
    • Family is heaven in a heartless world
    • Manage to fall in love with one so as to pass by thousands of the best and not look back. تعلم ان تحب واحد فقط ء
    • There are no weak people, we are all strong by nature. Our thoughts make us weak. اناس ضعفاء, كلنا اقوياء من طبيعتنا. لكن افكارنا تجعلنا ضعفاء
    • Follow your path and let people say whatever they want! A man should not be boring or fun. It should be warm, safe and calm with him. الرجل لايجب ان يكون الملل او المتعة. معه يجب ان يكون الدفئ, الامان, . والهدوء
    • Susanna - سوزانا
    • The one who knows how to smile every day knows how to live. من يعرف ان يبتسم كل يوم, يعرف كيف يعيش
    • You can do anything, you just need the desire. ولكن يجب ان تكون الرغبة
    • Smart people give each other happiness, stupid people expect to be made happy. يهدون بعضهم البعض السعادة, اما الاغبياء ينظرون الاخرين ح يجعلوهم سعداء
    • The happiest people don't have the best. But they make the best out of what's out there. لدى اسعد الناس ليس لديهم كل شيء جيد. لكنهم دائما ينتزعون .الافضل مما هو موجود
    • It's good when there are people who encourage you to become better
    • If you want to do something well, do it yourself. If you want to do everything on time, start now. If you want to be happy, think about those to whom you have done good! تريد ان تفعل شيء ما جيد — تريد ان تقوم كل شيء ! تريد ان تكون سعيدا — فكر بمن فعلت معه خيرا
    • Appreciate the people who come at those moments when it’s bad not for them, but for you. .قدر الناس, الذين ياتون في اللحظات التي تكون فيها انت لا هم سيء
    • Appreciate a person not for their appearance, but for their attitude towards you! .قدر الناس ليس بالمظهر, بل بمعاملتهم معك
    • I will always love you
    • I asked God for water, he gave me the sea. I asked God for grass, he gave me a field. I asked God an angel, he gave you to me. لooth طail.Ruface inct الail.Ru inct inct فail.Ru feature wedging iodحUSHY THE. . وَ طَلَبْتُ مِنَ الْخَالَقْ مَلَكاً فَوَهَبَنِي أَنْتَ


  • The whole world is at my feet - il mondo intero è ai miei piedi
  • Living Without Regret - Vivere senza rimpianti
  • Born to be happy -nata per essere felice
  • You are forever in my heart - Sei sempre nel mio cuore
  • I will get everything I want - Otterrò tutto ciò che voglio
  • My children are my life - I miei figli sono la mia vita
  • My children are my joy - I miei figli sono la mia gioia


  • There is no eternal gold - Nothing gold can stay (R.Frost)
  • In life, you need to learn how to dance in the rain, and not wait until the storm ends. — Life isn’t about waiting the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in the rain!
  • Everything that is done - all for the better - It's all to the good
  • Live on the positive - Be positive
  • Love is above all - love is above all
  • Never give up! — Never give up/never back down
  • Guarding your heart
  • Show me your soul and I'll show you my heart
  • Let the heart of the relatives beat forever / if only the heart of the parents would beat forever - Let the hearts of my dears beat forever / let the hearts of my parents beat forever
  • Ride to life
  • I want my mom's heart to beat forever - I want my mom's heart beat forever.
  • I'll either find a way or I'll make it myself. I shall either find a way or make one.


  • The whole world at my feet - Le monde est a mes pieds ( Tout le monde à mes pieds)
  • Dreams come true - Les rêves se realisent
  • My angel is next to me. Mon ange est apres de moi
  • My family is forever in my heart - Ma famille est dans mon coeur pour toujours
  • Forever in my heart - Pour toujours dans mon coeur
  • Born to be happy - Née pour être heureuse
  • Follow your dreams - suivez de vos rêves
  • Appreciate every moment -Appréciez chaque moment
  • What a Woman Wants, God Wants - que femme veut dieu le veut


  • My angel, be with me, you go ahead, and I follow you - Angel mio, estate conmigo, tu ve delante de mi y yo te seguire
  • There is no glory without pain - Sin dolor no hay gloria
  • All the best in me is yours. — Todos el mejor en me tuyos es.
  • Even the one who is far away stands nearby if he is in your heart. Hasta el que está lejos se acerca si le tienes en tu corazón.
  • Life is love, enjoy! — La vida es amor, gozala
  • Life is a game - play beautifully - la vida es un juego juegalo
  • Mom, you are forever in my heart. — Mama, estas siempre en mi corazón
  • Never give up no matter what - Jamás te rindas, pase lo que pase
  • Under the wing of an angel
  • Born to be happy - Nacido para ser feliz
  • Happy life - Una vida feliz
  • You are forever in my heart - Siempre estas en mi corazon
  • Follow your dreams - Siga tu sueño
  • Thanks to parents for life - Gracias a los padres por la vida
  • Value every moment. —Aprecie cada momento


  • All the best in me is yours. — Alles Beste in mir deines ist.

Translation of any texts from English into Russian in Orenburg. Translation of tattoos into Latin, Spanish. Technical, legal, medical documents. Written, oral translation.

Having a tattoo on your body is now considered fashionable. It is especially great if the wearable image carries a certain meaning. A tattoo in the form of an inscription can be a great motivator for you and those around you. Tattoo texts can be done in a variety of styles, from elegant cursive to minimalist print. Drawings with words or quotes reveal the essence of a person better than others, reminding you of what trials you had to go through or of happy moments in life. In addition, tattoos in the form of inscriptions are also good because you are unlikely to meet a person with a similar image. You can express your individuality through text. By the way, here you also have a choice, you can write words both in your native language and in a foreign one. One of the most popular places for applying such a tattoo is the arm.

Tattoo lettering with translation

Tattoos in Latin with translation

The leading place among foreign-language sources is occupied by English and Latin. However, they are also in great demand. It is worth noting that tattoos with Latin text often express a philosophical meaning, as they, as a rule, were sayings of noble and great people of antiquity. Latin quotes can be seen on both men and women.

Love is a movement - love is a movement

just love

Love is my religion - Love is my religion

Rihanna's love

Family tattoo inscriptions

The strength of a woman is in her family. Some of the fair sex seek to show their love for loved ones. Tattoos with the word "Family" and its derivatives can be seen on the wrist, ankle, foot and neck.

Family together always- Family is always together

Forever family - family forever

Philosophical tattoo inscriptions

The fair sex are deeper creatures than it might seem at first glance. Sometimes in a simple girl such emotions, experiences and thoughts can lurk that at first it is difficult to imagine. Creative natures approach this, as a rule, from a philosophical point of view. It is no longer possible to get by with just one word. Although one word, as you know, can contain a powerful inspiring force.

Listen to your heart - listen to your heart

The choices we make dictate the life we ​​lead - The choices we make determine the life we ​​have to live

Even if saving you sends me to heaven - Saving even you, I will go to heaven

You "ll never die and you never grow old - you will never die and grow old

Don "t dream your life Live your dream - Do not dream all your life, but live your dream

Beautiful phrases in English for a tattoo with translation

If you are thinking about an inscription in English, this list of phrases will be of interest to you:

  1. Battle of life - Fight for life.
  2. Be careful with your thoughts - they are the beginning of deeds - Be careful with your thoughts - they are the beginning of actions.
  3. Destroy what destroys you - Destroy what destroys you.
  4. Don "t break up with your past until you" re sure in your future - Do not break with the past until you are sure of your future.
  5. Endless love - Endless love.
  6. Everyone has one "s own path - Everyone has their own path.
  7. Everyone is the creator of one "s own fate - Everyone is the creator of his own fate.
  8. Everyone sees the world in one "s own way - Each person sees the world in his own way.
  9. Fear transfers the clever into the silly, and makes the strong be the weak - Fear makes the smart fools and the strong weak.
  10. Follow your heart - Follow your heart.
  11. Free your mind - Free your mind.
  12. I remember too much, that "s why I" m damn sad sometimes - I remember a lot, that's why I'm sometimes damn sad.
  13. Live without regrets - Live without regrets.
  14. Music creates the feelings which you can "t find in life - Music creates feelings that are not in life.
  15. Never give up - Never give up.
  16. Never look back - Never look back.
  17. Never stop dreaming - Never stop dreaming.
  18. Now or never - Now or never.
  19. People rejoice at the Sun, and I "m dreaming of the Moon - People rejoice at the sun, and I dream of the moon.
  20. The inevitable price we pay for our happiness is eternal fear to lose it - The inevitable price we pay for happiness is the eternal fear of losing it.
  21. The love of my life - Love of my life.
  22. The most dangerous demons live in our hearts - The most dangerous demons live in our hearts.
  23. Wait and see - Let's wait and see.
  24. We hate the ones we love because they can cause the deepest suffering - We hate those we love because they can cause us the most suffering.
  25. While I am breathing, I love and believe. While I breathe, I love and believe.

Lettering tattoo

Lettering is one of the most popular tattoo themes. Why are they so fond of boys and girls? There are many reasons for this:

  • The ability to express yourself
  • Convey to others some of your thoughts or some information about yourself
  • Together with the image to "perpetuate" someone or something

And often these inscriptions are dedicated to the family. A tattoo about a family or a tattoo about parents is a great way to say to the whole world: "I love, respect and appreciate my family." People may not approve of tattoos, but they will not be able to appreciate such a sign of attention in relation to their closest ones.

Tattoo inscriptions about the family

Sometimes we don't have enough words to express our feelings. Sometimes we don't have the time or the courage to do this. And although our loved ones know that we love them, it will never be superfluous to say it again. But in order to accomplish this, there are many different ways, including tattoos.

And the popularity of such confessions is increasing year by year. Because for many, family and parents are a reliable stronghold, they are people who are ready to help and support even in the most difficult moments of life, these are those who deserve love like no one else.

Ideas for "family" tattoos

Do you also want to talk about your feelings, say thank you to your parents with the help of a tattoo? There are many options and ideas for this.

Images do not always manage to fully and accurately convey the full range of feelings and emotions we experience. And that's when words come to the rescue. On this page you can find a lot of tattoo ideas dedicated to parents. But this is only a small fraction of what can be applied. Your tattoo family may be:

  • In the form of an inscription expressing the expression in your own words
  • In the form of an aphorism that best reveals feelings, attitudes, emotions
  • A phrase in absolutely any language (English and Latin are the most popular now)
  • Image along with caption

The inscription is convenient in that it can be applied anywhere. If you do not want your confession to be visible to everyone, then you can get a tattoo on the body in the place that is usually hidden by clothing. Or, on the contrary, open it to everyone, tell everyone what you are experiencing.

Family tattoos are a manifestation of your personal initiative. Create and fantasize! And this post will just help you, push you to some original idea.

In the search for a suitable tattoo, Latin inscriptions with translation are far from the last place. The fashion for meaningless drawings has passed, and now people decorate the body consciously so that they do not have to get rid of the image in a few years.

Why exactly Latin?

Latin is one of the few languages ​​that has survived from antiquity. Today it is official in the Vatican and accepted by the Catholic Church, but is considered dead, as it is not used in colloquial speech. The greatest minds of mankind spoke this language, so many aphorisms in Latin have survived to our time, which are in demand and respect. In Russia, it is used in rare cases, for example, in the designation of medical terms.

People who want to get a tattoo comprehend its meaning so that the image does not get tired over the years. Latin inscriptions are ideal for hiding the meaning of a tattoo from others.

What to do? Choose an inscription from a variety of existing ones or come up with your own? What handwriting to use to make the tattoo look beautiful? What part of the body to apply? All questions have answers.

Ideas for tattoo inscriptions

For Latin inscriptions on the body, the main thing is the semantic load. Only a long choice of a meaningful phrase will lead to success. The expression can motivate, remind you of significant moments, life goals and priorities, but should not get bored. By piercing the body, you reveal to the world a part of your soul and moral values. What to choose for yourself?


For many people, the priority in life is love and family. It is possible to imprint on the body in Latin the names of relatives (children, spouse), wedding vows and beautiful aphorisms. Among them the most popular are:

  • Magna res est amor - "Love is a great thing."
  • Amor Vincit Omnia - Love conquers all.
  • Amor et honor - "Love and honor."
  • Si vis amari ama - If you want to be loved, love yourself.
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo - "I love and believe while I breathe."
  • Finis vitae, sed non amoris - "Life ends, but not love."

life philosophy

To achieve your goals, you need to follow the rules. The life motto, which you always remember, gives strength to work, the implementation of plans, the eternal struggle. Here are some of the relevant sayings:

  • Suum cuique - "To each his own."
  • Silentium - "Silence".
  • Procul negotiis - "Away with trouble."
  • Per aspera ad astra - Through hardships to the stars.
  • Vivere militare est - "To live is to fight."
  • Experientia est optima magis - Experience is the best teacher.

Women's inscriptions

The tenderness and sensuality of female nature differs from male rudeness. You can emphasize your sophistication and love of beauty with the following phrases:

  • Sancta sanctorum - Holy of Holies.
  • Amat victoria curam - "Victory loves care."
  • O fallacem hominum spem! “How deceptive is human hope!”
  • Abo in pace - "Go in peace."
  • Cantus cycneus - "Swan song".
  • Contra spem spero - "I hope without hope."

Reminders of the Transience of Life

People who value their life and value it always remember death. Such tattoos give impetus to constant development, because you need to do everything. Death tattoos are relevant among people whose lives hung in the balance:

  • Cave! - "Be careful!"
  • Fatum - "Fate".
  • Jus vitae ac necis - "The right to dispose of life and death."
  • Malo mori quam foedari - "Dishonor is worse than death."
  • Me quoque fata regunt - "Rock subdued me."
  • Via sacra - "Holy way".

thoughts of freedom

Freedom-loving people value rebelliousness and the possibility of independent choice. For them, there is also a selection of Latin inscriptions for tattoos:

  • Homo liber - "Free man".
  • Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro - "Shameful to sell freedom for gold."
  • Vita sine libertate, nihil - "Life without freedom is nothing."
  • Liberum arbitrium indifferentiae - "Absolute freedom of choice."
  • In arte libertas - "Freedom in art."

Summing up, it is safe to say that each person is individual and can find a Latin winged expression to his liking. Like tattoos, they look harmonious and filled with meaning.

Advice! Before getting a tattoo, answer the questions: what life values ​​do you have, aspirations, what situation do you want to capture in what language and body parts. After talking with yourself, it becomes clear whether a tattoo is needed or whether it is dictated by fashion trends.

How to choose a font?

It is not enough to choose a saying filled with meaning for the image on the body. The tattoo should look beautiful and attract attention.

Tattoo artists offer 2-3 times more Latin fonts than Russian ones, because they are more popular. Chooses a tattooed one: ancient or modern font, print or script, pretentiousness and roundness or severity and angularity, gothic, medieval and other fonts conquer with variety.

Modern tattoo parlors on websites offer to choose a font for a tattoo in Latin online. To use the service, you need to enter an inscription in Latin in a special field. After that, a palette of fonts will appear that you can try on the saying.

If you decide to fill a tattoo in the salon, on whose website you select the font, you can immediately send the completed form to the master. If there is another salon in the city, just print the image for clarity.

Advice! Spend no less time choosing a font than the inscriptions. For outsiders, the form is more important than the content, so the tattoo needs to look stylish and harmonious.

I'll get a tattoo on this and that

When the inscription for the tattoo is chosen, a fair question arises: where will it look best? Hide or not? How to arrange long text so that it is beautiful?

In the case of a tattoo, you always need to choose a part of the body on which the inscription will look harmonious. It also depends on the pain threshold of a person and the ability to tolerate the effects of a tattoo machine.

  • Hands are the most popular for tattooing. Shoulder, palm, hand, fingers - where to fill the inscription? Masters do not recommend placing a large inscription on these parts of the body. If the Latin aphorism can be read even in the photo, it is better to abandon the idea, as the employer may be confused by the fact of having a tattoo.
  • Tattoos on the wrists are not worn well, so it is better to refuse the idea.
  • The back becomes a real tattoo board. Among the advantages, tattooed people distinguish weak pain and a simple opportunity to hide the inscription. The zone is suitable for tattooing long and large phrases.
  • The belly as a place for a tattoo is not the best solution. During pregnancy or when gaining weight, the inscription may be distorted. The rule also applies to the femoral zone.
  • The leg is also open to the creativity of the tattoo artist. On the top of the foot, the image does not look vulgar, it can be easily hidden from others. On the lower leg, pain is intensified, as there are many nerve endings.
  • It is also important to consider that tattoos do not stick on the surface of the foot that is in contact with the floor and on the palms.
  • Very painful parts of the body - chest and chest (for girls), sacrum (for guys), shoulder blades, elbows, armpits and perineum.

Advice! Choose a master by portfolio. He may be a drawing genius, but not able to work with fonts. Look for someone who does amazing work as the tattoo will last a lifetime.

Star tattoo inscriptions

Music and film stars follow fashion trends and also decorate their bodies with meaningful Latin inscriptions. Thus, they attract the attention of the public, deciphering the meaning of sayings, and also emphasize their own individuality.

Ksenia Borodina, after the birth of her first daughter, pinned her name on her hand. The idea was spied on by Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, who did not make a single unconscious tattoo. Even their location on the body is symbolic.

Lera Kudryavtseva has an inscription on her back, which means “Both in body and soul”, and on her wrist - “The main thing in life is love.”

The advantage of tattoo inscriptions is that they are endowed with meaning. They look stylish, original and beautiful if you choose the right font. As a minus, one can single out the illiteracy of the tattoo master, who can make a mistake in writing the Latin letter.

Advice! Carefully check the spelling of each letter. The master may make a mistake, and the meaning of the inscription will be spoiled.

What do the tattooed think?

The decisive factor in applying the first tattoo is the feedback from the owners of Latin inscriptions on the body.

Alina, 25 years old: I have the inscription Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus on my lower leg. Translated, it means "Let's have fun while we're young." Many who know the meaning of the words ask what will happen when I grow old. I will remember my reckless youth and be proud of myself. Although, I think, even at 70 I will feel like 20. For three years I have not got tired of the tattoo.

Elvira, 32: At 22, I was hit by a car, and I was on the verge of death. Long-term rehabilitation, the love of relatives and the desire to live put me on my feet. Since then, I have had the inscription Memento mori on my shoulder. When it's hard for me, the tattoo reminds me of the value of life and gives me the strength to pull myself together. Literal translation: "Remember death."

Margarita, 28 years old: I always thought that I was lucky in life. Therefore, under my chest I have a small inscription Audaces fortuna juvat, which is significant for me - luck accompanies the brave. Never regretted getting a tattoo. Rather than stuffing a drawing on the floor of the body, it is better to choose a short but accurate saying that characterizes a person.

Alexandra, 30 years old: I have been tattooing for about five years. Lately, Latin inscriptions have been in great demand, and I understand why. Their meaning is important to the owner. It becomes a real talisman for a person.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that people put inscriptions on the body that tell about the character of a person.

Do you have a tattoo?We look forward to your comments!