Fortune-telling for the girl's betrayal. Foldout Hidden Pocket. Fortune telling on seeds

Not a single person is immune from treason. The fear of being alone and losing a loved one generates a feeling of jealousy, which burns out like a flame from within. When doubts creep into the heart about the loyalty of the second half, a person cannot think of anything else, he has self-doubt, and one question arises in his head - is my beloved cheating on me.

Ordinary fortune-telling will help determine the presence of treason.

Most often, jealousy is a manifestation of complexes and uncertainty about one's own attractiveness. But regardless of the reasons that caused jealousy, any person wants to be convinced of the loyalty of their partner or to confirm their fears about his betrayal. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of how to find out about a spouse's infidelity. An ordinary magic rite - fortune telling for treason - can help in this matter.

How to correctly conduct fortune-telling

The main thing in carrying out any magical rite is the exact execution of all actions and in strict sequence. It is strictly forbidden to add something from yourself or arbitrarily change the sequence of actions. Because this not only does not help to find out the truth, but you can still bring a lot of trouble to the fortuneteller.

Incorrectly performed magical rites work against the person who performed the rite. In addition, a person begins to program himself for the events that fortune-telling predicted to him. He, without suspecting it, makes non-standard actions for himself, in the end everything develops in accordance with the prediction.

Fortune telling by hand

The most effective and most truthful is fortune telling on a loved one along the lines that are on the hand. By drawing the lines on the hand, you can learn a lot about a person's actions. The love line located near the little finger will show if the husband is cheating. A pronounced love line indicates that the partner is faithful and in his heart she is alone.

An almost imperceptible line confirms the guesses about the presence of another lover in the life of a loved one and for him this relationship has become more important than family. It may not be about the betrayal itself. The partner is attracted by the other, and all his thoughts will be occupied by her. But this is a temporary hobby that will go away on its own. In this case, you don't have to worry, because your loved one will return soon.

Divination by candle

Candles are used in many magical rites.

"Behavior" of the candle is an indicator that helps to identify the betrayal of a loved one

They can be used in fortune telling about her husband's betrayal. There are several ways to predict candlesticks:

  1. Option number 1. A lit candle is tilted over a saucer and pronounced:

    "Candle, melt, strange woman, show yourself."

  2. Option number 2. Holy water is poured into a container and three church candles are placed at the same distance from each other on the sides so that they form a triangle. A mirror is placed in front of the dishes filled with water. A woman should concentrate and mentally ask her to show her rival. If the color of the water has changed, then the chosen one is faithful, and the female silhouette warns of the presence of a rival.
  3. Option number 3. For the ceremony, you need to buy two church candles. They must be the same size. One candle is placed in a favorite cup, from which the wife most often drinks, and the second in a new cup (purchased specially for the ritual). In the evening, it is necessary to spread the unwashed shirt of the spouse on the floor and put both cups on it. The candles are lit and wait until they go out. The first to go out was the candle in the old cup - suspicions are not unfounded. The candle in the new cup went out first - the spouse does not change.

How to find out about cheating with fish

This method is unusual and not suitable for everyone. But when there is a great desire to know the truth, then all methods will do. For fortune-telling, you need fresh, unpeeled fish. You need to remove nine scales from her, and then let her husband clean her. If scales get on it while cleaning the fish, then they need to be removed and mixed with those that were removed earlier. An even number of scales means that the spouse is faithful, and an odd number means his connection is on the side.

You can find out the truth with the help of fish in another way. The scales are removed from the cleaned fish and placed in bright sunlight. The scales should be in direct sunlight for three days. After this period, it is necessary to carefully study the appearance of the scales. Curled and darkened scales warn that there is a dark-haired rival, and if she has curled up and has not changed at all, then the rival is blonde. Dry scales have not changed in color or shape - the spouse is faithful and sincerely loves.

Fortune telling on the ring

For this magical ceremony, you can use a wedding ring or any other ring that your spouse gave.

Any ring donated by a spouse is suitable for a magical ceremony to identify treason.

The name of the beloved is written on a piece of paper, and the sheet is burned over a candle flame. The ashes are placed in a shallow container and a ring tied to a thread is held over it. The ring begins to spin in a circle, which means that you can not worry, since the husband is faithful, and if it swings like a pendulum, then in his life there is another woman for whom he has strong feelings.

You can check your spouse's fidelity as follows. The ceremony takes place at midnight. On three of their hairs they hang a wedding ring, go out into the street and turn their faces towards the north. Holding the hanging ring, they say:

"My little ring, show your rival the porch."

In the direction in which the ring points, you need to look for an opponent. The main advantage of this fortune-telling is that you can find out the name of your opponent. You need to go in the direction in which the ring indicated, and while moving, list the female names. The rival is called the name on which the ring begins to rotate.

Fortune telling on ash

For magical rites, you can use any means and even ash. It is best to use wood ash. The ceremony is performed after the rain. They take a handful of ash in their hand and speak to it:

Ash-ash, black dove. Wake up on the trail, give an answer from your rival. "

This ash must be thrown after the leaving spouse. But this must be done so that he does not notice. The ash quickly got wet - in a relationship with a spouse, understatement and deception appeared, and in the life of a partner there was another beloved. Ash remains dry for a long time - the spouse is faithful, his feelings are sincere and he can be trusted.

You can guess on the ash in another way. The ash is wrapped in a bag and after the husband falls asleep, they put the bundle under his pillow. After waking up, the ash is taken out from under the pillow, poured onto the hand and approached to the open window. If the ash immediately flew from the palm of your hand, then you need to pay more attention to your husband, because soon you can lose him. Ash completely remained in the palm of your hand - the beloved is faithful and does not even look at other women.

Definition of infidelity by birthmarks

You can learn a lot about a person from moles on the body. A mole on the cheek is a sign of a polygamous man who is inclined to be carried away by different women at the same time, and considers it normal to have relationships on the side. The most faithful and monogamous are people who have a mole above their right eyebrow. Such spouses are devoted to their beloved and, even after parting, most often prefer to remain lonely.

Fortune telling on the mirror

The mirror is an indispensable attribute in many magical rites.

A mirror is an indispensable attribute of almost any magical rite.

For fortune-telling for treason, you need a mirror, three candles and holy water. Holy water is poured into dishes, a mirror and candles are placed next to it. A woman should sit in silence, and then ask to show her rival. If a woman's silhouette appeared in the mirror, then the fears were confirmed - the husband was indeed unfaithful. The water dazzled - the spouse is faithful.

Fortune-telling on coffee

For fortune telling, freshly brewed coffee is used. Coffee is poured into a cup and tilted to one side, then to the other and turned upside down. The inverted cup is placed on a plate and after two minutes it is turned back and the patterns of the coffee grounds are carefully examined. The presence of a secret in a lover is indicated by a thick sediment of a thick layer at the bottom of the cup, the figure of a woman indicates a rival, a cross is a bad sign and portends a divorce. A pronounced wedding ring confirms the loyalty of the spouse, and the married couple will live together all their lives and very happily.

Fortune-telling on coffee can be done in another way. Coffee is given to the spouse to drink and the cup is turned over. The female silhouette is located next to the white dots - there is a rival, but simply one figure means the presence of another woman. There is a cross above the silhouette - the relationship may end and divorce will follow. Engagement rings connected to each other indicate that love and harmony reign in the family. Two roads diverging to the side predict divorce. If the roads parted at first, and then converged again, then the spouses may separate for a while, but then they will be together.

How to find out about cheating using maps

Fortune telling on cards is most popular for predicting and getting answers to various questions. You can get answers to your questions on playing cards or special fortune-telling cards (tarot) in different ways. One of the following ceremonies can be performed:

  1. The deck is shuffled and the cards are laid out by suit. Then they take a wedding ring, which they lightly toss on their right hand and watch where it fell. The suit of diamonds indicates an unmarried young rival, the cross suit indicates a married rival, the peak suit indicates a large number of the spouse's ties with other women, but they were all before marriage, the red suit indicates the loyalty of the spouse.
  2. Sixes of all stripes are removed from the deck. The cards are shuffled and, asking themselves the question of whether the husband has another woman, draw one card from the deck. A ten of spades means a spouse who has changed, then a spouse has another lady in his heart, and a ten of clubs speaks of family happiness.

Online fortune telling

On special sites, there are online fortune-telling. Just a few simple manipulations and you can find out if there is treason on the part of a loved one. The user answers questions and after the analysis carried out by the system receives answers to his questions. With the help of such fortune-telling, one can find out whether the husband is cheating or not, and how the relationship with him will develop in the future.

All these fortune-telling can be used by a guy. Representatives of the stronger sex will be able to find out about the relationship of their beloved to their ex, and whether she has another at the present time. It is important to strictly observe all conditions during the ceremony and remember that even proven treason is not a reason to break off relations. It is necessary to analyze your family relationship with your spouse and understand what can be done to change them for the better. Every person who has decided to tell fortunes needs to understand why he is doing it. Fortune-telling makes sense, provided that the person believes in it.

Fortune telling on her husband's betrayal

The hand will tell you.

To find out if there has been a betrayal, look at the love line in the palm of your hand. It is located between the little finger and the line of the heart (located on top, after the line of the head). If it is expressed clearly, then your beloved is not cheating on you. But if the line is barely noticeable, the spouse is inclined to romance on the side.


Take your wedding ring or whatever your husband gave you. It's best to guess late at night. Write your spouse's name on a piece of paper, then light a candle and burn the sheet. Place the ashes on the table. Next, tie a ring to a string and hold it over the ash. If the ring starts spinning in a circle, your husband is not cheating on you. And if it began to swing like a pendulum, the spouse has a mistress.

Moles will say a lot.

It turns out that moles can also tell a lot about a person. If a young man has a mole on his cheek, then he does not mind, to spin several novels at once and does not see anything shameful in betrayal. And if a man has a mole above his right eyebrow, he will be a faithful and caring husband.

Tell me the light of my mirror, and report the whole truth.

Take holy water, three candles and a mirror. Pour water into a saucer and place it on the table. Light the candles and place the mirror next to the saucer. Sit in silence for a few seconds and ask to see your mistress. Then look at the water. If you see a female silhouette in the mirror, the spouse has secret connections on the side. And if the water is charged, then your husband is not cheating on you.

Fortune-telling with the help of an apple remains popular. Give this fruit to your husband and look at the stub. If there is no pulp left on it, your spouse is faithful. And if there is a lot of her, then the man has a mistress.

Fortune telling on the betrayal of his wife

All fortune telling about her husband's betrayal is also suitable for checking his wife, so you can safely use them. There is another way especially for the stronger sex. Just take your wedding ring off your finger and watch your woman's reaction. If the spouse is offended, then she is faithful. If her reaction is violent, she is hiding something. And if the wife does not notice anything, her thoughts are very far from you and the likelihood of betrayal is high.

Divination for treason, on the Tarot

"Hidden Pocket" is the most popular tarot card reading. With it, you can find out about the betrayal and the attitude of your object of love towards you. You will need thirteen tarot cards. Sit in silence for a few minutes, relax and mentally ask questions of interest about your spouse. Next, shuffle the deck and draw 13 cards. You can find their meaning on the Internet. The first card is responsible for his relationship goal. The second, third, fourth and fifth tell about his inner attitude towards you. The sixth, seventh and eighth will tell about his actions. Cards nine through eleven will tell you what the spouse is going to do in the near future. The twelfth card will answer the question of what your half is hiding. And the thirteenth card will make it clear why the spouse is hiding something.

How do you know if your husband has a mistress?

Sometimes the evidence of infidelity, as well as the signs of a love spell from her husband, can be ambiguous, suggestive, but not completely confident that you are right. In order to find out for sure if your spouse has a mistress, you can also try using a magic ritual. However, keep in mind that love magic is always fraught with certain risks, so it is worth taking on it only if you are absolutely sure of the need for such measures.

To find a mistress, there are several well-known rituals that you can carry out on your own. However, remember that the result will be much more reliable if you turn to a professional magician for help.

Rite of passage with candles to check for a mistress

In order to carry out the verification ceremony, you should buy two ordinary small candles in the temple. One of these candles should be placed in the cup from which you are drinking, the other in a completely new cup (and it is very desirable to also purchase it before the ritual, and not get it from somewhere from stocks). In the evening, lay out on the floor of the room a worn and after that not washed husband's T-shirt or shirt, put both cups on it. Light the candles and wait. In the event that the candle in your mug goes out first, the fears are not in vain - most likely your spouse is indeed cheating on you. If the candle in the new dish goes out faster, it means that the husband is faithful to you or regards the relationship with your rival as an easy affair, which he intends to end soon. If you don't want to wait long, you can shorten the candles in advance. However, keep in mind that you should not trim by eye, but exactly along the line.

Definition of a love spell for a husband

In the event that you know for sure that there was a betrayal, you should determine whether it was the result of a love spell from her husband or whether he voluntarily reached out to his rival. For this, wax is also used (for example, the same piece that you cut from the candle from the previous ritual). Put it in a tablespoon and heat over a flame. At the same time, the following words should be read: "Crack and burn and tell the truth. Is it true that the dear was bewitched, the zealous heart was stolen by deception?" When the wax is completely melted, pour its contents into a dish of milk. Try to pour it in a neat, thin stream. Then you should consider the resulting figure. In case one large blot has formed, having only minor drops around, between your husband and his new darling voluntary love. If a lot of incomprehensible figures and points have formed, then there is a high likelihood of a love spell of her husband. In this case, you should not try to remove a love spell yourself - it can be not only ineffective, but also simply dangerous. Contact a professional magician, he will be able to quickly and reliably solve your problem.

In any case, magic is a serious thing that requires careful attention. Therefore, you should not rush both with conclusions and with actions - you can seriously harm yourself and your loved one.


Aries does not even allow the thought of treason while he is in love - the feeling captures him entirely, leaving no room for a new hobby, frivolous flirting. While he carries you in his arms, showered you with gifts and tokens of attention, promises stars from the sky and mountains of gold, there is no doubt about his loyalty. It is worth being wary at the moment when he begins to pay attention to other women - Angelina Jolie, Yulia Timoshenko, Oksana Fedorova ... This is strong evidence that his Beloved, who until recently was the undisputed owner of the title of the Most Beautiful Lady on Earth, has become less for him interesting. And there it is not far from Nadia's neighbor. The easiest way to learn about Aries' betrayal is from him: he does not know how to deceive and does not like, and he pronounces the cruel truth easily, sometimes with some secret pleasure. Aries Unfaithful is pleased with himself and does not give a penny to his unfortunate former Big Love - after all, she was a mistake, in the end. Poor fellow, he doesn't know yet that the next one will turn out to be no better.


Taurus are men, in general, not chasing Casanova's laurels and not so easily losing their heads. However, they are not in a hurry with the choice of the very Woman, and if you found out that you are not the only one for Taurus, it means that you were simply an accepted option for consideration. It will not be difficult to guess about this. If Taurus does not examine you under a microscope, diligently studying the shortcomings and advantages, does not ask about the smallest incidents, is not interested in the history of the family and plans for the future, does not seek to give advice on any occasion, then you have ceased to be an essential part of his life. It should also be borne in mind that, unlike many other men, Taurus is not proud of his victories, they rather upset him, because each of them becomes proof that he has not yet found his one, wonderful and incomparable. And therefore, a sure sign of Taurus's impermanence can be his every day increasing gloom, isolation, pessimism. A man with the eyes of a sufferer, drooping his head dejectedly, but not missing the opportunity to evaluate the legs of the ladies marching past - this is Taurus the Changer. The most amazing thing is that to many notorious ladies, he seems simply irresistible.


The surest sign of Gemini's impermanence is consistency. Yes, yes, there is nothing strange about that. Remember how recently he surprised you every day, demonstrating new facets of character, radically changing his worldview, not getting tired of turning life upside down. It was then that only you possessed his thoughts, only he opened up to you in full, brought you his joys and sorrows, shared with you every minute changing plans. As soon as it seems that your eternal child Gemini has settled down, matured and recovered, it means that he is already someone else's eternal child Gemini. True, there is no need to rush to conclusions, after all, it is possible that he is simply tired or is going through difficult times. The Gemini-Deceiver differs from the Gemini of the Sad by the crafty fire that sometimes flashes in his eyes, and the smile is as cunning as it is charming.


Cheating is not easy for Cancer, because he really wants to be an ideal family man, a faithful lover and a reliable partner. In addition, he guesses how painful it is to be deceived in the best feelings, and does not want to make someone he cares about suffer. If a new hobby nevertheless unexpectedly arrives, he doubts and looks for excuses for himself, shares his worries with friends, looks for a way out that would suit all interested parties, and willingly shifts the responsibility for what is happening onto other people's shoulders. Long conversations about how difficult life is, how imperfect people are, how much work needs to be invested in a relationship with the one you love - and how easy it is sometimes to find mutual understanding with a person who until recently was completely a stranger will help to guess about Cancer's betrayal. Unfaithful Cancer yearns, mourns the collapse of hopes for happiness, which was so possible, and does not dare to take decisive steps; sad and secretive, he blames himself and unjust fate for everything, and sometimes you at the same time - just as her blind instrument.


Leo does not know how to hide betrayal, because he is used to being proud of each of his chosen ones, and to brag. He cannot resist appearing with another lady of the heart at a social event, flashing her beauty as a medal for courage, and does not think that the former Beautiful Beloved can find out about it. Those to whom he once crossed the road will consider it their duty to inform you about the inconstancy of Leo, because the representatives of this sign do not experience a lack of ill-wishers. If there are none, listen to his own words: most likely, he will again and again point out to you your shortcomings and imperfections, emphasizing that some other women are not peculiar to them. Leo the Unfaithful is pleased with himself, because he has added to the list of his victories; in his naivety he believes he has done enough for you by making you happy with his attention - and now he must please them and someone else. To complete the picture, one more piquant detail is missing: Lions can slightly exaggerate the harvest harvested in the adultery field. Just like that, out of childlike spontaneity.


Virgos are famous for their constancy, and not everyone can conquer a man born under this zodiac sign. But if it did come to betrayal, a woman deceived in her best feelings has a chance never to find out about it: Virgos are distinguished by their caution, sometimes worthy of better use. If a Virgo man met the One for which he could risk a time-tested and dear relationship, he still hardly wants to do it, and if he does, the secret will remain covered in darkness. It is possible that the secret will be revealed by That One, not suspecting that it will immediately cease to be such, for Virgos do not favor chatterboxes of both sexes. However, there is one sure sign that allows you to distinguish the Virgin-Cheater - this is the phrase: "I fell in love with another", which is not subject to either discussion or appeal.


Libra is rarely caught in inconsistency, although sometimes they spend a lot of time between two or more fires. A man of this sign knows how, if not to manage his feelings, then to control them, giving his chosen ones the shares they deserve - and you may not notice for a long time that someone is pinching off yours. He does not make efforts to hide, but the truth still does not come out: a paradox, possible only because Libra knows how to build relationships that suit everyone. Libra-Deceiver can only be exposed due to an incredibly unfortunate coincidence of circumstances or a secret fear that the notorious coincidence will still take place. Sometimes only because of heightened anxiety, devoid of obvious reasons, one can guess that in the life of such a character is not something wrong, but exactly that.


Scorpios, even the most faithful and impeccably moral, are often suspected of cheating by their too jealous or not too well understanding chosen ones. Indeed, you will involuntarily ponder when either a rain of rose petals or a hail of reproaches falls on your head. Scorpios are difficult, and sometimes they cannot deal with their feelings on their own. Yes, sometimes there are those who want to help in this - naive, gullible persons who do not suspect what burden they are putting on their shoulders. Scorpio the Changer becomes so cunning that he falls into his own traps; he makes plans of extraordinary insidiousness, but at a moment of emotional intensity - in truth, one of the many emotional intensities - he may well blurt out too much. And here, before admitting yourself unhappy, deceived and betrayed, try not to believe your ears. Happened? Well, that means there is no cause for concern. After all, if Scorpio chose you, then you have an intuition from which nothing can hide.


Even the most serious Sagittarius is always a little fidgety. His thirst for adventure is completely irrepressible, and adventures of a romantic nature are no exception. In most cases, he does not even think about betrayal, and therefore does not feel either guilty or unfaithful - it just so happened that the next peak that came into his field of vision was not Chomolungma, but She; there's nothing you can do, you have to conquer. Long before the victory is won, Sagittarius will probably tell someone about what he is going to do - well, just in order to be dissuaded. Hearing that there is nothing difficult in the task at hand, he will quickly lose interest in it. The forbidden fruit beckons Sagittarius only because it hangs high; the taste of mystery is not to the liking of the representatives of this sign. Having decided on an assault and realizing that She really cannot be compared with Chomolungma, the Wrong Sagittarius will be somewhat ashamed and will probably regret that he got involved in an unworthy business. It is this frustration that replaces the inspiration of the discoverer that sometimes allows him to be exposed.


Capricorn makes plans for a long time and ponders them carefully; this applies to romantic relationships as much as any other area of \u200b\u200blife. Long before She looks in his direction, Capricorn will weigh all the pros and cons, make his own opinion about how their relationship will develop, and how exactly he will keep them secret. Before making an appointment with Her, he will accustom you to the fact that he is busy and unable to devote much time to you; he will outline the routes for walks and choose places where romantic dates will take place, he will provide for everything ... Only in order to decide at the last moment that the game is definitely not worth it. If, nevertheless, Someone arises, for the sake of which it would be worth making all the above efforts, he is rarely so circumspect, because he suddenly and completely loses his head. The Traitor Capricorn is easy to expose, because he stubbornly makes ridiculous mistakes one after another, in his heart understanding what this will lead to, but secretly hoping that his mistakes will go unnoticed.


Aquarius does not like to hide, and if he is forced to do this, he feels uncomfortable. Secret relationships do not give the representatives of this sign much pleasure, because you have to make serious efforts to keep everyone in the dark, and the reward for the work sometimes turns out to be more modest than he expected. But nevertheless, the craving for diversity sometimes takes over, and Aquarius draws closer to a woman only because she is completely different from The Other. And then it turns out that it is all the same. And then - again, unlike ... Oh, how it tires him! Endless hesitation, doubts about the decisions made move from the sphere of romantic relationships to other areas of life, and for months he thinks about which upholstery for the sofa is better, what color the umbrella should be, where to put the work table. Unfaithful Aquarius is all - doubt and meditation. He does not choose between a tit in his hands and a crane in the sky, he himself is a tit and a crane, and the sky and a hand, and sadness and joy. Oh, and it's not easy for him, poor fellow!


If you love a Pisces man, then you love his dreams. He is used to it, and sincerely confident that you will also love his dreams of another woman. No, of course he will not always be so frank; he will limit himself to hints, he will fog up, he will make sure that you like her too. That you could be friends. Get along. If this is not possible, he will try to arrange your life. He will dream that you will meet a worthy man, a real Prince - and will share these dreams with you, in the hope that you will love them too, and, perhaps, will take the first step towards their realization. The most desperate can dream of an oriental harem. Pisces - Cheater Naive never loses hope that everything will magically work out in the best way for everyone. But Pisces - the Insidious Cheater - is a completely different subspecies; he already knows where such dreams lead, and acts in secret, using all his imagination to hide dubious exploits. He admires his own infallibility, not suspecting that everyone he meets - and even more so you - sees in him an adventurer and is unlikely to want to maintain a serious relationship with him.

With the help of magic, you can not only determine the damage or the evil eye, but also determine whether the husband was cheating or not. You can use fortune telling for treason, and it is best to use a horoscope to determine treason.

Consider the predisposition of the zodiac signs to cheating. For Aries, adultery is a way to temporarily get rid of family life. Therefore, Aries are able to change quite often. But at the same time, they are very jealous. Therefore, if you give him a reason for jealousy, he will immediately turn his attention to you. Taurus, unlike Aries, do not very often decide to cheat. They value family and their spouse. Gemini are very often looking for new hobbies. But they pass pretty quickly. So if you want to apply, then, most likely, by the beginning of the process, he will no longer have a mistress. Cancer also often cheats on its spouse. But at the same time, he values \u200b\u200bhis spouse and will do everything possible so as not to destroy the family, while he will not give up connections on the side. For Lions, the main thing is for women to fight for him. If the mistress shows that she is ready to fight for him, then he will most likely cheat on his wife. Virgos are almost always faithful to their beloved or beloved. Libra has no casual ties and is always devoted to their spouses. Pisces and Scorpios are also incapable of cheating. And all the other signs of the zodiac, alas, can change at least once in their life.

5 divination for treason on different cards + 3 other options for fortune-telling + 7 obvious signs of adultery.

Treason hurts the pride of any person, destroys even long-term relationships, destroys families, makes loved ones irreconcilable enemies.

But how do you recognize your partner's infidelity? With the help of specific signs, and also by conducting fortune telling for treason.

There are several options for this enchantment, depending on the magic items you are using.

Of course, it is not worth blaming a loved one for all mortal sins only on the basis of the results of fortune-telling, but you need to think about and take a closer look at his behavior.

How to find out if there was treason without fortune telling?

Rarely does a person want to out of the blue in order to find out whether a partner is loyal to him or not. Usually, cards and other magical items are consulted when there is a suspicion of treason.

Try to analyze the behavior of your loved one to see if he is faithful to you.

The main signs of treason:

  1. Irritability, and the main object of this irritability is you, therefore they constantly make comments to you, compare with others.
  2. Lack of interest in marital sex, and indeed in the family.
  3. Stealth - mobile phone and laptop are password protected, telephone conversations behind a closed door, etc.
  4. Constant delays in the evenings, more frequent business trips on weekends.
  5. Outside spending.
  6. More thorough care of your appearance.
  7. The smell of someone else's perfume on clothes, traces of lipstick on the collar, etc.

If a loved one or loved one behaves strangely, then fortune telling can be used to find out if there is treason or it just seems to you that the union is cracking.

But even if the result of fortune telling is positive, do not rush to scandal. If you want, talk to your other half frankly (but be prepared for a portion of heartache if the fact of cheating is confirmed).

The wisest thing to do is to bide the time, collect more evidence and think about a plan for further action. It is easy to destroy a family (a lover or mistress of your other half will only say thank you), but it can be difficult to correct your impulsive actions.

Divination for treason on different cards

Determining treason with the help of cards is quite simple, because there are a great many options for fortune telling on different decks.

Alas, sometimes the cards lie, especially if you use cards that you played earlier, abuse fortune-telling or bewitching on the day of a big Christian holiday.

But, even if all the conditions were met. Do not rush to accuse a loved one of treason, wait for some more evidence of his infidelity.

Fortune telling on playing cards

Most Common Ways Buying a new deck is easy. The only difficulty is to read the alignment correctly to determine treason.

Here are 3 simple options for divination for treason:

  1. 4 suits. Choose one card from the deck and see what suit it is.
    Chances are good that your significant other has a lover or mistress who is not married.
    You have nothing to worry about, because your significant other is loyal to you and is not going to change.
    Your partner is thinking about cheating, but there is still a long way to real action. So it's time to take care of strengthening the union.
    Your significant other cheated on you before marriage, and although now she is not cheating on you, there are many omissions in your relationship.
  2. 8 cards. You need to draw 8 cards from the deck and lay them out one by one to make a vertical row.
    1st card
    This is your subconscious attitude towards your partner, perhaps these are the feelings and emotions that you hide even from yourself. Sometimes she reveals the secret desires of a fortuneteller.
    Will show you the true reason for your doubts about your husband's loyalty.
    Will give a brief description of the relationship in your married couple at the present time.
    It is the main one in this scenario, it contains the answer to the main question of fortune-telling about the loyalty of a loved one - was there treason.
    It doesn't matter if the answer of the fourth card assures you of the loyalty of your beloved, feel free to put it aside without even opening it. If the fact of infidelity is confirmed by fortune-telling, then its meaning is very important for you, because it is fraught with consequences and the answer to the question of how the fact of adultery will affect your relationship.
    He will tell you how to strengthen your relationship and prevent cheating in the future if the fourth promises you the loyalty of a loved one. If there was a betrayal, then she will tell you how you can stop the betrayal and return your husband to the family or prevent your beloved from being taken away.
    This is your relationship to your boyfriend or husband in the future. If you have been cheated on, find out the interpretation of this card, and you will know if your relationship has a future.
    Shows how your partner will treat you in the future.
  3. Which suit is more. If the previous fortune-telling on playing cards is too difficult for you, try to get confirmation of the betrayal using suits.

    From the deck you need to choose 5 cards and look at what suits fell out: black - treason, most likely, there was, red - you are faithful.

Divination for treason on the Lenormand deck

The legendary French fortune teller Maria Lenormand created her own unique card deck: playing cards were supplemented with plot pictures, which make it easier to interpret the results.

If you have such a deck, you can use it to determine if you have cheating in your relationship.

Shuffle the cards well and, drawing out 10 cards, arrange them as follows:

Now show the cards in order, because, depending on the position, each picture has its own interpretation.

1. shows the state of the partner at the moment (whether the relationship brings him joy or is he unhappy in them)
2. reveals a state that your partner is hiding (for example, he may not be satisfied with the psychological side of the relationship, constant quarrels, but he clearly does not show or express this)
3. indicates the state that the partner is showing
4. shows the thoughts, plans and hopes of the partner related to the relationship
5. reveals what a partner feels in an intimate life
6. shows the partner's subconscious feelings - what kind of relationship he really needs, what he subconsciously strives for and what kind of person he would like to see next to him
7. shows the partner's conscious feelings
8. reveals the partner's true attitude towards you
9. answers the question whether there was treason (if in this position the cards of Fox, Book, Lily, Snake, Pisces fell out, then this indicates a 100% fact of treason)
10. gives a forecast for the future in the development of relations

Divination for treason on the Tarot

If you know how to read Tarot, you can do this alignment to find out if your loved one is cheating on you or not:

Lay out the cards exactly in the sequence shown in the picture, because each of the positions indicates a specific state of affairs:

1. indicates what position you occupy in a relationship with a partner
2. talks about the partner's attitude towards you
3. indicates how a partner relates to the opposite sex, how he behaves in a relationship with the opposite sex
4. whether there was cheating on a physical level (intimate relationship)
5. was the cheating on an emotional level (love)
6. whether there was cheating on an intellectual level (friendship, close communication, common interests)
7. explains the reasons for the partner's behavior
8. gives advice on what to do in such a situation
9. says what can be expected from a partner in the future

If you are not a very experienced fortune-teller, then you can choose the simplest option for fortune-telling for treason. After shuffling the deck, draw 1 card from it.

There are 5 cards in the Tarot that indicate betrayal, deception, infidelity:

Inverted Mage
In your environment there is a person who is trying to deceive, become a rival, laid eyes on your partner.
May indicate that your partner may succumb to temptation and give in to short-term passion, satisfaction of their needs. He can cheat with many other fickle partners who can provide him with a little more sexual sensations and pleasure than a regular partner.
Reversed Priestess
Reversed Priestess
Inverted Last Judgment
Indicates errors in judgment and unwillingness to take responsibility for actions and decisions. A partner may try to avoid responsibility for what he has done in the past and shift this responsibility onto you, so that you “rake” the results of his mistakes and incorrect decisions.
Indicates the consequences of deception. A deceiving partner, untrustworthy friend, or dodgy business partner can leave a destructive mark on them. You have been betrayed and you can no longer trust the people around you.

Other options for fortune-telling for betrayal of a partner

It is always unpleasant to receive the news of treason. Much depends on how exactly you find out that your partner is cheating on you: see with your own eyes or receive confirmation through fortune-telling.

As you understand, the last option does not give a 100% guarantee and is not a verdict: there was treason, which means you need to break off relations with the traitor.

You should also take a closer look, play it safe, apply other types of fortune-telling.

Fortune telling on cards has its drawbacks:

  • the inability to quickly find the right deck;
  • limitations in days allotted for fortune-telling;
  • inability to correctly interpret the results, etc.

Divination for the betrayal of a loved one

If in your case the shortcomings are too obvious, use other fortune-telling methods to reveal the betrayal of a partner:

Whatever fortune-telling for treason you choose, do not take it as irrefutable proof of infidelity. A banal mistake or inaccuracy should not be ruled out.

Treason is insidious and cruel. She kills relationships slowly, surreptitiously, regardless of the feelings of the "third superfluous". But this is the real question: often the infidelity is far-fetched, suggested by the play of our imagination, and not a real fact. Will help to resolve the issue of fortune telling.

There are many ways. By applying one of them, you can resolve your doubts and make the right decision.

Fortune telling on her husband's betrayal

For lovely women, the issue of fidelity is sometimes paramount, because it is the basis of their world. In order not to fill your head with unnecessary suspicions that destroy family happiness, perform the following ritual, then everything will fall into place. Ordinary candles will help to conduct fortune-telling about her husband's betrayal. Take two. They must be mentally connected with the "persons involved in the case." One is you, the other is your husband. Place the candles so that the distance between them is at least ten centimeters. You need to light them at the same time, and then watch what happens. If the husband's candle goes out immediately, then, no matter how painful it may be, he is cheating on you.

If both flames burn evenly, then you worry in vain, he is faithful to you! If yours goes out, then you should be ashamed! You accused a devoted person of treason, while you yourself are already ready to look at the side. If the candles start to crackle, your couple has envious people, or someone is staring at your husband, cherishing a plan to take him away. Such fortune-telling for treason can also cleanse your relationship from the evil eye, if used in the ritual

Their fire will burn all the negativity collected by both of you against your will.

We attract cards

Take a new deck (it's better to buy one). Try to get the imaginary traitor to contact her. For example, put a deck under his pillow. Fortune-telling for treason on cards gives a very definite answer if you are able to decipher their meanings. So, shuffle the deck, then draw one card at random. Treason means two pictures: and a jack. If one of them fell out the first time, then your suspicions are fully justified. You need to make a decision: fight for a relationship or let go. But if the ace of hearts or nine fell out, then the fortune-telling for treason was carried out with a brilliant negative result: you are loved and adored! This method gives one hundred percent results. But keep in mind that the answer lies in the first card: all the others no longer matter. If, as a result of awkwardness, one fell out of the deck, then she is the answer. Repeated fortune-telling on the betrayal of a loved one is not necessary. It will not give a result.

Let's pick up tarot cards

This deck is considered magical for a reason. Fortune-telling for treason with the help of Tarot cards can not only give an answer, but also suggest ways out of the situation. They also provide an opportunity to influence a loved one, encouraging him to return to the bosom of the family. Yes, tarot cards are capable of this.

Fortune telling begins with the right attitude. Even if you hold the deck in your hands for the first time, you need to try to find a common language with it. Go through the cards, get to know them, ask them to give the correct answer. Now take out three pieces. Consider. Swords in the layout are an alarming sign. The presence of the major arcana (except for the Tower) is encouraging. A direct positive answer is the presence of a page of swords. This is one hundred percent guarantee of treason. The tower will indicate a break in your relationship soon. A good sign if there are bowls in the layout. This suit is responsible for relationships and symbolizes the connection between you. If pentacles have fallen out, then do not expect warmth and harmony, although we are not talking about betrayal. It's just that your relationship is tied to material aspects.

Divination with a ring

This method is considered reliable. You should use a ring presented by the person on whom the fortune-telling is carried out.

You need to find a time when no one will bother you for sure. It is advisable to perform the ritual at night, when the moon is full. It is especially good if you can open the windows and perform the whole ritual in the Moonlight. This will help get rid of far-fetched suspicions, reveal the truth. So, take a piece of paper. Write the name of your loved one on it. Burn. Now, over the ashes, you need to hold a ring tied to a thread (at least ten centimeters). If it begins to swing parallel to your position, there is no betrayal, perpendicularly - the answer is yes. If you do not move for several minutes, the situation is difficult. There is no fact of treason yet, but there is a desire. It is recommended that you take matters into your own hands and try to improve the relationship. Such fortune-telling for treason can be carried out regularly. Just don't overdo it with your unfounded suspicions. After all, trust is the best soil for the flowering of love!

Especially for men

Somehow it is not very hard to believe that strict macho will engage in a ringlet or cards.

For them, there is a different method of bringing the traitor to clean water. It is recommended to conduct fortune-telling by the method of a psychological test. Just take your wedding ring off your finger and see what happens. A violent reaction and a scandal - something is wrong here. Resentment - it is true. but not by a violent method - she is worried and afraid of losing you. I did not notice - her thoughts are occupied by others! This is almost one hundred percent betrayal.

Is it worth guessing?

Think about what actually makes you suspicious. Perhaps the lack of confidence in the loyalty of the chosen one is the result of your doubts about your own abilities. Then why guess? Take up self-improvement. Your relationship depends on both of you. If you take responsibility for yourself, then you will become a leader. Another question is when doubts are inspired by the behavior of the second half. The person became distracted and inattentive. Constantly withdraws into himself and stopped sharing his thoughts with you. This is already a wake-up call. Maybe he's not cheating in his head at all, but you've already started to get nervous. In order not to offend a loved one with suspicion and not alienate him from himself, it is recommended to tell fortunes. Thus, you will regain your confidence, and relieve him of worries. It turns out that fortune-telling is a little trick. Your little secret. It is perfectly acceptable if you want to keep the love.

Ancient magical divination

Our ancestors used the forces of nature, talked to them. For example, on Trinity, women went to a birch grove. There you had to choose a pretty tree and talk to him like a girlfriend. If a birch tree throws a yellow leaf on your head (in June this is almost impossible), then she mourns the grief that has fallen on your shoulders. This is not a good sign: a traitor is nearby. The tree can be asked for help. In your own words, as best you can. Then pick a few twigs and bring them home. From them, collect a broom and sweep the whole house to the doorstep. Either betrayal or an insidious deceiver will leave. But it will become easier for you.

What to do if fortune telling predicted treason

Advice: don't be nervous. This is a big blow to many people. But it happens. Perhaps you no longer need this relationship. Only the fear of change makes you grab hold of them and not let go of the traitor? Calm down and talk. Let the conversation be extremely sincere, filled not with grievances, but with a desire to help. You are not the only one suffering. The betrayal of topics is insidious, which makes all the participants of the triangle suffer. Together we need to get out of the situation. Self-respecting people will find the right solution. And a notorious egoist next to him is a terrible curse. Do you need it? Sometimes fortune-telling helps to get rid of the terrible misfortune that is

More recently, people in love did not see each other as a soul, while today they are tormented by doubts - it seems that feelings have not changed, but something is wrong. There is no joy, and there is no "fire." The coldness of the husband, the tears of the wife. At some point, a woman, not knowing what to do next, decides to follow the simplest path - to tell fortunes in order to find out, "but isn't he cheating on me?"

Divination by candlelight

To find out if the betrothed is cheating, use one of the most common fortune-telling methods - fortune-telling with candles:

Divination for treason on ordinary cards

Playing cards are also suitable for answering the question "Is my husband cheating on me?" There are several ways to deal with a spouse's loyalty.

Buy a new deck, shuffle the cards and place them in 3 rows of 3 for a total of 9 cards. Consider the alignment carefully:

Buy a new deck, hold it at least overnight in your spouse's worn things. Shuffle the cards and draw one at random. If the first time one of two cards fell out - an ace of diamonds or a jack - your suspicions are justified. If an ace of hearts or a nine falls out, jealousy is unfounded. However, in this way you can find out information only once - the answer will be any card that fell out of the deck first.

Divination by tarot cards

In the world of cards, the most magical and mysterious were and remain the Tarot cards. Carrying in themselves the great power of the "Chronicles of Akash" (as esotericists call the information field of the planet, which stores all information about the present, past and possible future), they are picky and unpredictable.

During fortune-telling about the betrayal of your spouse, you should be ready for an unpleasant, but completely impartial story of a tarot reader about your person. If you calmly accept the information received according to the alignment, you can change your married life for the better or break off the existing relationship. To follow the advice of Tarot cards or not - everyone chooses for himself.

Fortune telling on a ring, which was presented by a spouse

Fortune telling on her husband's betrayal on a ring presented to him:

Other ways of divination for treason

There are other types of fortune telling that expose the betrayal of a spouse. Some of them, the most extraordinary and controversial, are presented below.

Fortune telling on seeds

If at some point your seeds accidentally scattered, most likely they really want to tell you something. Consider them carefully:

  • there are few seeds left in the cup - the spouse is thinking about treason;
  • scattered not to the floor - the spouse is faithful;
  • scattered in all directions - secret treason;
  • many large seeds have fallen - the marriage is in danger;
  • you saw damp and rotten seeds - there is a mistress in the house.

Divination by fish scales

Entrust your spouse to buy and clean the fish (first remove 9 scales from the fish with your own hands). Help your loved one get rid of the scales stuck on them. Collect them carefully and mix with the previously collected nine. Calculate what happened: an even number - the spouse is correct, an odd number - changes.

Fortune telling on ash

Wrap a handful of ash in paper and place it under the pillow for your sleeping spouse. In the morning, take the ash in your hand, open the window, stretch your hand out the window and observe:

  • the ash quickly flew away - the spouse will soon go to another woman;
  • the ash slowly flew off the hand - an early betrayal is possible;
  • the ash remained in the palm - the betrothed is faithful.

Fortune-telling rules

All the listed types of fortune telling about the betrayal of a loved one are needed not so much to expose a spouse of infidelity, but to get the opportunity to think about what went wrong in your life together. There are special rules for correct fortune-telling for treason.