Where are the sexiest and most temperamental women. How to determine a woman's sexy temperament by her clothes

You want to know your sexual nature womenwhat can you expect from her and what does she expect from you? Find the one that suits you and that you can like. Here you can find out the different subtleties of each sign.

Aries: It is necessary to seduce the Sheep aggressively and quickly. Either she will give everything at once, or nothing ever. The best way to seduce is to perform some outstanding feat. Aries women themselves are very hot and passionate, therefore they prefer intelligent and flexible partners. It may seem that they are completely devoid of coquetry and are indifferent to the manifestations of gallantry in their address.

For example, they do not require a coat to be served or a door open. But! Remember that all of this is not necessary just because something more is expected of you. The Sheep's body to the touch resembles a warm elastic ball, their hair is usually with a dark tint, and their skin is with a dark tint. Even if there are no southern ancestors in the pedigree.

Taurus: When have women of this sign there is a thought, she thinks of it, doing it in great detail. Another characteristic feature: a sexually mature Taurus woman must be “in the body”. If she is “not in the body,” it means that something is wrong here. In order for everything to be as it should be, it must be properly cared for.

It should be fed with sneakers and meat, it is best to drink sweet liqueurs. Simultaneously caress in erogenous zones. If a Taurus woman is deprived of this, she is unhappy and suffers greatly. If she has it, she is happy and loving. In the pauses, you can tell erotic anecdotes, read something entertaining aloud and sing songs. The greatest chances of success are with businessmen and the military.

Gemini: With Gemini, everything happens easily and not boring, although sometimes it is too rational. Some people like it, some don't. A matter of taste. Despite the seeming frivolity and non-seeming inconstancy, Gemini is quite calculating. Often they mislead the partner with an increased interest in his person.

In Gemini, such an interest may simply mean their inherent curiosity, and not the presence of any far-reaching plans. Under this sign, there are often vociferous partners who love to clearly express their attitude to what is happening with a variety of words and sounds. Great pleasure can be obtained from joint viewing of erotic pictures, learning new sexual positions and discussing mutual acquaintances.

Cancer: Inherent in women of this sign natural tenacity is developed so strongly that there is no hope of an easy parting. They gently seize men with their graceful "pincers", and for bad behavior they hurt them in some tender place. For good behavior, you will be provided with family comfort and delicious homemade food.

If you are a poet, you will get the opportunity to enjoy daily the study of the secrets of life and death, hidden in the gray haze of your girlfriend's eyes. However, it should be remembered that cancer women poets who have no money are not favored too much. They are more attracted by the solidity of the partner and his ability to create a full-fledged family. They show a special sensitivity to ritual trifles, they are very jealous, there are vampirists and insidious.

Leo: Since bargaining is not appropriate here, the right to access the body will have to be fully proven. The chosen one must have a courageous figure, a prestigious car and a bright reputation in society. You can't do without serenades under the balcony and a duel with an opponent. Always imposing and self-confident, the Lioness most of all loves everything to be spectacular and dramatic, like in a movie.

And her partner should be the main subject of her pride. At least at first. The advantage of Lionesses is that they rarely "saw" the stronger sex and generally do not get bored with trifles, preferring to show themselves in close-up. The disadvantage is their weakness for everything bright and shiny. It is often used by marriage swindlers and sex athletes.

Virgo: Love with Virgos improves health and broadens your horizons. Women of this sign very interesting. They know the rules well. And they also know well how to break them correctly. Express your innermost desires to the Virgo not with loving glances and timid hints, but in plain text. After some thought, you will be given a reasoned answer - maybe positive, or maybe obscene.

One should not be fooled by the immaculate prim appearance characteristic of some young Virgins. It happens sometimes,
young Virgos are ashamed of their erotic inexperience. But mature Virgos are devoid of complexes and are not shy about anything. They are the best at a variety of sexual techniques.

Libra: A woman born under the sign of Libra wants to please everyone. Being around her is important to understand that sex and flirting are two big differences. Otherwise, you can wither away ingloriously from erotic suffering. In choosing a permanent partner, Libra is very picky and in order to make a fateful decision, they must, well, not only weigh everything in detail, but, probably, feel something very important.

By and large, the representative of this sign I want a man who would lead her along; and not only herself, but everyone else too. For a small one - such a partner, from whom there is no inconvenience when communicating with others. You need to live with Libra beautifully, in comfort, from time to time giving flowers and serving coffee in bed. Courageous temperament

Scorpio: An exalted Scorpio spirit fights a lustful Scorpio body. Because of this, a powerful sex appeal and a harsh aura of severity emanate from the Scorpion at the same time, as if talking about the fact that if you make love, then on a serious matter. The Scorpio sign is distinguished by such qualities as greed and a desire to do everything for real. Therefore, Skopions most of all love strong men - in every sense. In erotic games, they are very passionate and do not neglect elements of healthy sadomozachism.

A woman born under this sign must be able to love for a long time and a lot, at worst - expensive. Assess your strengths and financial capabilities. Vegetarian romantics who are pacifistically incapable of slitting a chicken's throat need not worry. It is necessary to live with Scorpios beautifully, in comfort, from time to time giving flowers and serving coffee in bed. Courageous temperament they value their half no less than compliments and sophistication in handling.

Sagittarius: The Sagittarius Woman looks not directly at the "target", but as if a little into the distance. And if in the distance that can be seen behind you, nothing interesting shines for her, she will not have any etusiasm in communication. This is a centauric cross between a proud young lady with an athlete and a Komsomol member. Aristocratic nobility naturally coexists with rustic rudeness.

To constantly have (next to you) such an Amazon, you need a continuous flight of the spirit and a movement of the body directed somewhere. It is best to make love on the Cyprus beaches, in between presentations at a scientific symposium, as well as on a fishing or hunting trip. Most of all, she is excited by the hunt for a partner. And after reaching the goal, he has a desire to switch to something more difficult to access.

Capricorn: In early youth, Goats are somewhat dry. To live a full erotic life, they need to work up fat, grow up and gain experience. For those over 35, such a life friend can be a pretty tempting option. Of course, a young Goat may be suitable for marriage, but from a mature one you will get more pleasure.

In addition to sexual attractiveness, a mature Goat has another unique advantage, especially valuable for domestic and impressionable men - her shoulder can always be used as a reliable support in various life troubles.

A dissatisfied Goat can patiently hide its dissatisfaction until the time when someone really suitable turns up for her. When he turns up, she will be persistent. The techniques of seduction in her performance are not always exquisitely elegant, but they are backed up financially and are well calculated in place and time.

Aquarius: It's not enough to be just a physiological man. First you need to become a Friend and Like-minded person. There is also one more necessary condition - to be independent and stand out from the general mass by peculiar individual characteristics. Under the sign of Aquarius, not the most sensual, but the most interesting and unpredictable partners are born.

They are extravagant, freedom-loving and not jealous over trifles. Show an unobtrusive inclination towards feminism and non-traditional forms of sex. Love takes place against the background of mutual friends, and sometimes right in their apartments. You will regularly discover new facets of her elusive nature. Aquarians' favorite colors are from the cold palette of a winter landscape. Bright red roses may be out of place here.

Pisces: It's easy to feel like a drug addict with a Pisces woman.

The largest laboratories in the world are engaged in the disclosure of external signs by which the sexuality of women is assessed. There is even a special scientific basis for this.

Type of temperament - according to the shape of the lips

Since ancient times, it has been customary to single out as many as thirty-three symptom indicators of female temperament. Among them there were many naive, not confirmed by current science. For example, the French attached great importance to the shape of the lips. Those with an increased temperament were considered those whose lips were a bow, and did not even pay attention to faces with a large mouth. According to modern sexologists, the width of the lips, not their configuration, gives sexuality. When it is wider, then it is better.

Temperament type - by breast size

In the opinion of the same French, a large chest was rightfully considered a sign of temperament. Statistics have proven that neither the shape nor the size of the breast (in the form of a banana, pear, apple) can be a feature of unbridled attraction. Another thing is when the breasts are different in size. Here the connection can be inferred with confidence. It was also possible to prove something else: the harder and darker the nipples, the more powerful the female potential.

What is the reason

This sign is due to the high content of melatonin in the skin - a biological substance that helps awaken animal instincts. A lot of melatonin is produced in the body during the tanning process. It is no coincidence that most men instinctively feel addicted to tanned, not pale-faced girls.

Type of temperament - according to the hairiness of the legs

A real sex bomb will never be Miss World. Because at least she must have hairy and short legs. This, by the way, was noticed by medieval scholars. A large amount of coarse hair on the body, including in the pubic area, may indicate an increased content in the blood of the male hormone testosterone, which is responsible for female sexuality. This is confirmed by scientific research. For comparison: in sexually anxious the level of this hormone is 18-19 ppm, and in big shy women - 8-14 ppm.

When the potential of a sex bomb is laid

This does not happen from birth, but in adolescence, when hormonal changes take place. How and what influences this process is still unknown. But, one way or another, this is due to the stiffness of the hair. Determining this indicator, scientists do not undertake to judge only by their tactile sensations. Therefore, a special apparatus is used, with the help of which the hair is tested for fragility and flexibility.

Statistics for the last five centuries have proven that small women manage to be more relaxed in bed than tall ones. Why this is happening is still unclear, so the discovery is ahead.

I once asked a question to my friends: what did your / your most / most passionate / passionate partner / partner look / look like? By the way, I noticed that women more clearly described the appearance of such a man in their lives, and from the descriptions of a man I still did not understand how the collective image of a passionate woman looks like ...

I decided to search the Internet for the answer to this question. She entered into a search engine: "What passionate women look like." And again! Again, not about women, but about men !!! "A passionate woman is able to create for a man what others are not able to create," "women who know how to clean, look good and raise children are full, but a passionate woman knows how to make a man feel his exclusivity, creates the feeling that he is the most remarkable man in the world "... Yeah ...
Apparently, I decided, we must look for the answer in the research of sexologists. Scientists note that no matter how strange it may seem, in fact, women who are awarded the title of "sexy" in men (correctly called - sexy) in fact often have an underestimated sexual potential. In the phrase "She's so sexy!" men mean, as a rule, external beauty. But not the sexual abilities of a woman.

In sexology, sexuality is called the "sexual constitution". To assess the sexual constitution, they usually take into account a complex of signs, which are quite simple to determine. By the way, they are practically the same for both men and women, because testosterone rules everyone's sexual temperament. It is enough just to pay attention to a few points in appearance:
1. Legs should be shorter than the torso. For many, this may seem amazing - after all, it is the long-legged models that have flooded the tabloids of the "most attractive and sexy" people on the planet in our time. However, it has been scientifically proven that the shorter the legs, the sexier the person. Why is that? And because the more testosterone in the blood (which is directly related to the level of sexuality), the shorter and wider a person's bones are. This is due to the fact that during the growth period of the body, the human tubular bones do not grow simultaneously: the closer the bone is to the heart, the later its growth ends and the weaker the bone growth zone closes during puberty. The more testosterone, the earlier puberty occurs, and thus the growth of tubular bones stops earlier, especially those farther from the heart, such as the bones of the legs.

2. Temperamental women, like men, are distinguished by a more pronounced amount of body hair than the rest of the fair sex (but, of course, it does not look the same as in men). And the more coarse the hair, the more testosterone.

3. Well, and ... what makes me very happy, the figure of the Amazon in women is a sign of a higher sexual temperament. The dominant gland is the adrenal glands, which produce androgens in women of this type, which give them a powerful boost of energy, vitality, good muscle mass and a high sexual temperament. This is the type of figure that most athletes have, this is the most athletic type among all the others.

How is the high and low temperaments of women manifested in sex?
Ladies with a high temperament do not particularly need foreplay. They are directly interested in the process itself. It is worth leaving them without sex - and they will immediately find themselves a new partner, if their moral principles allow it, or they will be in a state of internal conflict.
The basic sexual temperament is naturally the golden mean. But it should be noted that the golden mean of female temperament, like everything in between, is extremely unstable and does not exist in its pure form. She constantly rushes from one extreme to another and it depends precisely on the man who is next to her, in the sense on her or under her. The more intelligent and advanced a Maine, the longer he will be able to keep the bar of her temperament above average, although the opposite is also the case, and much more often.
Women with a low sexual temperament can easily tolerate prolonged abstinence. They are true connoisseurs of foreplay. To ignite their passion, men need to know the location of their partners' erogenous zones and be well versed in the strategy and tactics of lovemaking.
Only 1% of women suffer from true sexual coldness.
Scientists, however, emphasize that sexuality itself is not something static. She is influenced by social processes. Men are initially allowed a lot more sexually than women. But modern society has nevertheless become more tolerant of women's sexual activity, so many women now have a chance to reveal their sexuality and not limit themselves in their needs.
But still, there are still constraining social factors. Therefore, women often try to behave modestly and chastely, and only in cases of absolute confidence in the adequacy of the partner's perception show a wide range of acceptability in sex. But “even having amazing inclinations of sexual temperament and excellent activation of erogenous zones, many women live their lives in complete ignorance of their sexual capabilities. for some of the fair sex never come "...
I liked the phrase expressed by the way by the man: "In every lady a dragon, preoccupied with sex, sleeps, only the degree of his intoxication differs in each case. You can wake up, you just need to try differently."

Is it possible to determine the nature of his sexual behavior and his sexual potential, or the level of sexuality based on the characteristics of a person's appearance? It refers to the so-called sexual temperament - that is, how much a person needs sex and how often. And also the sexual abilities of himself. Sexuality is important not to be confused with the concept of sex appeal, as is often the case. A person who is outwardly beautiful, charming, or sociable, humorous, the soul of the company, etc. is called sexy. (the actors illustrate this especially vividly). Often under the expression - "He's so sexy!" people mean exactly external beauty. But not the sexual abilities of this person. Strange as it may seem, but in fact people who are awarded the title of "sexy" (correctly called - sexy) in fact often have an underestimated sexual potential. Why this happens and how to correctly determine the sexual abilities of a person, and will be discussed in this article.

In sexology, sexuality is called the "sexual constitution". It is worth taking seriously the analysis of sexuality and in assessing the compatibility between a man and a woman. Especially relevant is the assessment of sexuality for those who are about to marry. Since sex is one of the important components of harmony in a couple. If the sexual constitution of the partners is fundamentally different, then there is a very high probability that the relationship will go wrong. Especially over the course of several years. A partner with a strong sexual constitution, regularly receiving less sexual satisfaction from a person with a weak constitution (and the difference can be very significant, for example, one needs sex once every 1-2 days, and the other - for example, once every 2 weeks, or even once a month ), or he will start to get sick and quarrel with his spouse, or he will go “to the left” - this already depends on the particular couple. In any case, serious disagreements and disagreements in the family are very likely.

To assess the sexual constitution, they usually take into account a complex of signs, which are quite simple to determine. It is enough just to pay attention to a few points in appearance:

1. The length of the legs.

For many, this may seem amazing - after all, it is the long-legged models that have flooded the tabloids of the "most attractive and sexy" people on the planet in our time. Nevertheless, it is scientifically proven that the shorter the legs - the sexier a person, the more he wants to get, and the more he can give in sex. In sexology, there is a concept - a trochanteric index (from the name of a point in Latin on the femur), which is calculated by the formula: body length is divided by the length of the leg (from the floor to the highest point on the femur, more precisely - to the slightly protruding tubercle of the femur, where it attaches to the pelvic joint). The resulting figure will make it clear to which sexual constitution a person is mostly inclined. Namely:

  • For women:
    Index from 2.01 to 2.05 - strong sexual constitution;
    from 1.97 to 2.00 - the average sexual constitution;
    from 1.88 to 1.96 - weak sexual constitution.

  • For men:
    from 1.99 to 2.00 - strong sexual constitution;
    from 1.92 to 1.98 - average sexual constitution;
    from 1.85 to 1.91 - weak sexual constitution.

If it is not possible to measure the length of the legs of the person you are interested in, you can always roughly estimate this without resorting to measurements - most often it is short people who are sexier than tall people. The shorter the legs, the sexier and more temperamental a person is. Or rather, the shorter the legs are in relation to the total body length. It so happens that even with a height of under 2 meters, the legs are not long in relation to the length of the whole body. And this also needs to be taken into account.

It is enough to remember the rule: the more testosterone in the blood (which is directly related to the level of sexuality), the shorter and wider a person's bones. This is due to the fact that during the growth period of the body, the human tubular bones do not grow simultaneously: the closer the bone is to the heart, the later its growth ends and the weaker the bone growth zone closes during puberty. The more testosterone, the earlier puberty occurs, and thus the growth of tubular bones stops earlier, especially those farther from the heart, such as the bones of the legs.

2. Hair.

Pay attention to the degree of body hairiness. A man with a high sexual constitution has a lot of hair on his chest, arms and legs. His facial hair grows quickly, so he has to shave more often than others. Moreover, the bristles are made of coarse and dark hair. All of the above is usually observed in dark-haired people. It is believed that the most passionate and temperamental natures are brunettes. The so-called male type "Macho" is a vivid illustration of this. The more testosterone hormone in the body, the darker the pigmentation. Therefore, most brunettes have a strong sex constitution. In bed, they take the position of leaders, experiment a lot, are very energetic and assertive. However, for those women who love a lot of tenderness and sensitivity in a partner, they are not very suitable. Their strong point is strength and quantity. Blondes are characterized by the weakest sexual constitution, they prefer to be led in bed. Their temperament is calm, they are balanced and do not like to take risks. But they have a subtle sensitivity, empathetic, gentle and very romantic. They catch the slightest nuances of mood, perfectly feel the partner, perceive and share his emotions, adjust to him, and are prone to unrestrained fantasy in sex (another thing is that they will not initiate experiments themselves, but will happily follow the initiative of a more active partner). Brown-haired people have a combination of the sexual qualities of brunettes (especially if the hair is coarse) and blondes (especially if the hair is soft and naughty), the so-called golden mean.

An excess of the hormone testosterone in men often causes early baldness. Therefore, bald men, for the most part, have hypersexuality. Sad as it may seem to the representatives of the beautiful half of the population, most of whom love men with hair.

Temperamental women also have a more pronounced amount of body hair than the rest of the fair sex. But of course it doesn't look like it does on men.

An important sign that sexologists take into account is the nature of pubic hair growth. The more hair in this area, the sexier the person.


  • for men - the horizontal nature of hair growth (according to the female type) - a weak sexual constitution;
    body hair with a transition in the form of a thin path to the navel (male type) - medium;
    the same, but with excessive hair growth - a strong sexual constitution.

  • For women - weak, horizontal and strong with a cone with the transition to hairiness of the extremities describes a weak, medium and strong sexual constitution, respectively. And the more coarse the hair, the more testosterone.
3. Brows.

Facial features can also help determine sexual ability. Let's start with an eloquent feature in this regard - the nature of the eyebrows. As you would expect, having read paragraph 2. Hair, the relationship here is very clear - the more pronounced, thicker and wider eyebrows - the more sexual appetites a person has. He is energetic, assertive, determined and a great gourmet. As a rule, pronounced eyebrows are in addition to thick body hair. Most often - among the dark-haired representatives of humanity. And vice versa - rare, shapeless, inconspicuous, or naturally narrow eyebrows noticeably lower the sexuality of their owner, as well as the will and strength of character. Such eyebrows usually accompany light and soft hair on the head, combined with a slight body hair.

4. Nose.

Another notable factor among facial features that indicates a person's sexual behavior is the nose. The more noticeable, prominent, large, wide the nose is, the more sexy, energetic and hardy their owner. At the same time, a fleshy, wide thick nose indicates a great physical strength of its owner, a high degree of sensuality and erotic giftedness. In bed, such a person is not only very hardy, but also able to subtly feel a partner, to be with him both passionate and gentle. And the nose is straight, aquiline, - gives a pronounced masculinity, strength, leadership and aggressiveness. The owner of such a shape of the nose does not listen too much to others, focusing on his feelings and desires, he does everything in his own way. He lacks sensitivity in relationships, but activity and passion - more than enough. A crooked nose down makes a person critical - he limits not only his sexual desires, but also his partner. And a nose with very soft outlines - full and round will show that its owner, in sex, as in life, is too soft a person, strongly oriented towards a partner and ignoring his needs.

5. Lips.

The lips provide information about the emotionality and sensuality of their wearer. A person who loves sexual pleasures and with developed feelings and emotions has fuller and thicker lips than others. Especially pay attention to the lower lip. It is she who is the most faithful indicator - for voluptuous sensual lovers of pleasure, the lower lip is thicker than the upper one. Especially if it is also stuck out forward - here we can even talk about licentiousness. If the lips are full, it does not mean that the person belongs to a strong sexual constitution. But he is sensual, sensitive and loves sex.

If the lips are thin, then the person is distinguished by leadership inclinations, great willpower, restraint in feelings and sexual pleasures. He tends to subjugate others and limit himself. Its sensuality is noticeably weaker than that of fat-lipped ones. That also applies to fantasy in bed. This does not mean that a person has a weak sexual constitution. Especially if thin lips are combined with a wide lower jaw and wide eyebrows (which happens quite often), and not for nothing - testosterone usually expands the jaw and thereby often narrows the lips. Such people are strong, physically enduring and active, but not empathetic and not varied in bed. But they do not apply to a weak sexual constitution. It's another matter if signs of weak sexuality coexist with thin lips in a person.

6. Chin.

As already mentioned, a wide jaw is often found in very sexy people. Therefore, you also need to pay attention to the chin. The more massive it is, the more sexual power a person has. People with a wide chin love physical pleasures, are very passionate and hardy in sex, but most often they are afraid of deep feelings, failure and rejection in love. Sex with them is intense and hot, but tenderness is lacking.

7. Eyes.

Small eyes with puffy lower eyelids betray a lover of sensory pleasures. Sensual natures often have slanted eyes, slightly lowered to the temple. Eye color also matters - the more intense and warmer it is, the hotter and more energetic a person is in bed. Dark brown eyes are inherent in passionate natures. A person with green eyes can often be called sexy - he is inventive in bed, gentle and sensitive, in sex - a gourmet, very selective in choosing a partner, gives a lot, but also requires a lot.

8. Neck.

From the facial features, let's go back to the body. Since testosterone shortens and thickens parts of the body, the level of sexuality will also show the neck. Strong constitutions often have short necks. But even with long legs, a large, full, wide and muscular neck betrays a person with a large supply of physical strength in its owner. A wide neck adds points to a person in favor of a strong sexuality. Such a person loves physical pleasures and it is difficult for him to resist the desire to pamper himself.

9. Fingers, hand.

Chirology can also help in determining the degree of sexual power. Look at the hand and fingers:

and). Great sexual power and passion, up to aggressive violent manifestations, are inherent in:

  • for men - owners of rough hands more than average size, at the base - wide, with fleshy thick round (in cross-section) fingers (especially with a wide thumb), wide nails, red skin, pronounced lines and the hill of Venus (a pad on the palm of the hand near the thumb );

  • for women - the average size of the hand and fingers (which, however, tend to be short, especially the thumb), with thickened first phalanges, oval nails, an elastic wide palm with red (or dark) deep lines and skin of the same color, with a developed large the hill of Venus.

b). A strong and constant libido, sensuality and passion, which are valued above feelings, but without aggressive outbursts in men and voluptuous women prone to nymphomania, are inherent in:

  • for men - a person with a smaller hand, roughness and redness than in the previous case, with smaller square fingers, an elastic palm, and not a rough one;

  • for women - less red and paler skin, softer and more embossed palm and fingers than in the previous case.

in). Good sexual attraction with the simultaneous ability to deep strong feelings, the ability, if necessary, to control oneself - in people:

  • for men - with an even smaller hand and a tubercle of Venus, an elastic palm, harmoniously expressed lines and knobby fingers, between which small gaps are visible. And if the joint of the thumb between two nodules is narrowed - a person is refined and inventive in lovemaking;

  • for women - with longer fingers (especially the thumb), smaller size and width of the palm, smoother lines of the heart and head.

d). Weak sexuality, decreased interest in sex with an increase in focus on high matters, imagination and words in men, coldness and a tendency to frigidity in women - in people:

  • for men - with a white, sleek, flabby, loose palm, especially if smooth fingers taper towards the ends. Sexuality is close to zero - if these signs are also combined with a slightly pronounced pale line of the heart. The same can be said about the owner of a too narrow refined hand, almost flat, while its size no longer plays a role;

  • for women - with a narrow, flat, small, weak, lethargic, faded or gray, knotty hand.
10. Other important signs.

The above features of the appearance of people are easy to see. But to complete the picture, I would like to add some more important signs that are taken into account in sexology when determining the sexual constitution. They do not relate to appearance, so you can learn about their character only with a sufficiently close acquaintance with a person. They demand his answers to questions. However, these signs will provide additional information for determining sexuality in general. Namely:

  • Age of awakening attraction to the opposite sex:
    in men:
    under 11 years old - strong,
    from 12 to 14 - medium,
    from 15 - weak sexual constitution.

    Among women:
    9, 12 and 15 years - respectively.

  • Age of first ejaculation in men:
    under 12 years old - strong,
    from 13 to 15 years old - average,
    at 16 and older - weak.

    Or the age of getting the first orgasm in women: 13, 23 and 35 - respectively.

    And also the age of the first menstruation in women:
    about 10 years - strong
    about 13 - medium,
    about 16 - weak.

  • The maximum number of ejaculations per day (throughout life) in men:
    from 6 or more, less than 4 and less than 3 - strong, medium and weak constitution, respectively.

    Or the term of pregnancy after the onset of regular sex life in women:
    immediately - strong,
    after 4 months - average,
    after 10 years - weak.

11. Movement.

And finally, a few words about behavior and demeanor, according to which we can say something about a person's sexual manifestations:

  • The more graceful and beautiful a person dances, the better he owns his body, the better he feels it, which means that the more sexy he is and the better he owns the art of love. Plastic people are more creative in this matter. But the ingenuous simple movements of the dancer are likely to show the same manifestations in sex.

  • A waddling, imposing, or jumping gait will indicate a person who knows a lot about pleasures. And a sluggish, shuffling gait - on the contrary, such a person lacks energy and imagination, determination and confidence, which is reflected in his behavior in bed. A very fast gait will show an impulsive lover - he is passionate, but he hardly likes slow and long sex. A gait with a military bearing will indicate a strong, self-controlled person, but not distinguished by a special fantasy in bed.

We have looked at many of the characteristics of a person's sexuality. Some of them are more important, some less. But it is important to remember that it is not worthwhile to determine the general level of sexual potential based on one sign. The more features of appearance you take into account, the more accurate the result will be.

Yana Novikova specially for the site

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The temperament of a woman, her love mood is a thing that is not fully understood and not explained, which psychologists around the world do not tire of being amazed at. And it is no coincidence that a woman's temperament is regarded as one of the most mysterious phenomena in nature, however, like a woman herself. Indeed, speaking on this topic, which is far from always unambiguous, men, as a rule, mean a woman's temperament during intimacy, love passion and attraction. In fact, this subject is much broader and is not limited to only one area of \u200b\u200bour existence. This concept often includes such aspects as the lust for life, the ability to enjoy every day, strive for the best and want a lot in life.

Naturally, both love and ardor of feelings also fall into this category, thereby making up an unforgettable, unusually attractive female image. Much has been said about female temperament, and even more about the often deceptive impression that other ladies create.

Hence the well-known proverb: "In the still waters there are devils." Often, a cursory glance is not at all enough to determine how passionate and temperamental nature is hidden under the shell of external melancholy and poise.

In fact, temperament is a fickle quantity. She can be completely absent from a woman exactly until real love or an ardent interest in some subject appears in her life - career, science, business, hobby.

And “wake up” such a woman is only possible for the one whom she really loves, while continuing to remain indifferent to people and events of little interest to her.

And even the most peaceful housewife will suddenly turn out to be a passionate tigress in everything that concerns her personal interest and aspirations.

Thus, it turns out that, most likely, non-temperamental women do not even exist in the world?

So, meeting a phlegmatic and inactive person on her way, we can assume that her feminine temperament is only "sleeping" so far.

And it is not at all necessary that a woman who has lost interest in life, who day by day overcomes the annoying ordinariness of everyday life, is completely devoid of inner fire, optimism and irrepressible energy. Such women are immensely sorry, but it is quite possible that suddenly finding a purpose in life or love, they will change, and their feelings will heighten.

What then can we say about women whom we consider to be temperamental from birth. Burning brunettes and red-haired beasts, bravely throwing themselves into the whirlpool of events, playing a fatal role in the life of most men - such persons are naturally endowed with a temperament, which, however, may well turn out to be ostentatious.

And probably, this is just heightened emotionality, exaltation of feelings, which we just got used to taking for true passion. And most of all, the man who, under an ardent and hot shell, suddenly discovers a banal feminine fearfulness, notoriousness and restraint, will be disappointed.

And it turns out that for any representative of the stronger sex, an eternal seeker in the beautiful Lady of riddles and mysterious magic, it is much easier to be captured by a calm and balanced outwardly woman, in whose soul volcanoes invisible to the outside eye are bubbling than too obviously temperamental person