Game problem situations in the preparatory group. Gaming situations for social and emotional development of preschoolers

Educational situation in the preparatory group

(integration of educational areas, "socio-communicative development",

"Cognitive development", "Artistic and aesthetic development")

Type of Situation : Opening a new knowledge

Topic: "Figure 8. Number 8 and its composition"

Pedagogue :, Educator MDOU № 24, First Qualification Category

purpose : Formation of the presentation of the formation of Number 8, figure 8 and the composition of the number 8 of two smaller numbers

Tasks :


1. To know with the formation of the number 8, the number 8.

2. Learning to lay the number 8 into two smaller, and from two smaller numbers to be greater.

3. Create ideas about the composition of the number 7, account skills within 7.


1. For the development of mental operations: memory, attention, logical and figurative thinking.

2. To provide the development of communicative skills (work in pairs).

3. Above the development of the ability to explain, reason, to prove, clearly and understandable to the surrounding express their thoughts.


1. The development of responsiveness in children, the desire to help.

2. Activity in children interest in various intellectual activities.

Materials for the lesson:


Cards with the image of octopus (cheerful and sad) - 2pcs.

Plates with squares (7 red and 1 blue)

Spacer with numeric expressions: 1 + 6 \u003d 7; 6 + 1 \u003d 7; 7-1 \u003d 6; 7-6 \u003d 1;

Colored calculating sticks (stripes) of cueizer

Domino dice (10-12 pcs.)

Pea pods (from paper with painted peas)

Digit "8"


Sets of cards with numbers from 0 to 9 (by the number of children)

Boxes with colored calculating chopsticks of a cueizer (by the number of children)

Feltolsters or color pencils

Other materials and equipment:

Magnetic marker board with magnets and markers


Popup from octopus

Preliminary work

Implementation of work on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the directions:

· "Figures"

· "Composition of numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7"

Gaming activities (Domino board game)

1. Introduction to the game situation

Purpose: Creating an interesting motivation to activities


Situation that includes children in game activities;

Appeal to the personal experience of children;

Creating conditions for the occurrence of internal needs of inclusion in gaming and cognitive activities

Structure occupation (Children sit on stools in one row)

Guys, see who came today to our lesson! (The teacher exhibits the image of the sad octopus)

Have you found out who it is? (Yes, octopus, octopus.)

What is his mood? (sad)

Do you know why he is upset? (not)

Guys! Do you want to help the octopus? (Yes)

Can you do it? (yes, we can)

Why do you think so? (We know the numbers; we can count and we will teach to consider the octopus.)

I suggest you play and perform several mathematical tasks.

2. Actualization in the gaming situation

Purpose:allocation of important knowledge in children needed to open a new knowledge


Actualization of the studied methods of action and knowledge sufficient to build a new knowledge;

Training of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison)

A number of squares are set on the board.

Guys, look at the board. What geometric shapes do you see? (Squares)

What are the different squares? (Color)

How many squares? (7)

How many red squares? (6)

How many blue? (one)

What kind of in order is blue square? (third)

What equalities can be made? (1 + 6 \u003d 7, 6 + 1 \u003d 7, 7 - 1 \u003d 6, 7 - 6 \u003d 1) (Tablets with numerical expressions are hung)

So, the number 7 consists of two numbers 1 and 6 or 6 and 1.

And from which two smaller numbers you can make a number 7? (2 and 5, 5 and 2, 3 and 4, 4 and 3)

You are great! You correctly completed the task. I am very pleased with you.

3. Difficulty

Purpose: Organization of analysis by children arising from the situation, summing up them to identifying the cause of difficulties


Creating a situation of difficulties

Fixation in speech causes of difficulties

Day "Day - Night"

Guys, remember how the squares are located on the board.

At night, while everyone slept, different miracles occur. Let's see what happens!

Night! Children "fall asleep". (The tutor changes the blue square on red).

What changed? (removed the blue square; all squares are red, it became 7 red squares).

Night! Children "fall asleep". (The tutor puts on the eighth place 1 blue square).

What changed? (1 blue square appeared).

How much is the squares? (8)

How did you get 8 squares? (1 square killed 1 square. It turned out 8 squares).

So how did the number 8? (7 + 1 \u003d 8) (The educator exhibits the image of the fun octopus).

Guys! Look, our guest-octopus funned. This is because you have learned to consider and even crashed how many legs he has. Do you know how much? (8)

Correctly. Octopuska wanted to write a letter to his friend Krabika and inform him that the octopus was 8 legs. But the octopus suddenly saddled again. (An image of a sad octopus is exhibited). This is because he does not know how the figure is written 8. The octopus appeared difficulty.

Will you help him get out of a difficult situation? (Yes, we will help).

4. Opening a new knowledge

purpose: Formation of primary experience of successful overcoming difficulties through identifying and eliminating causes.


Organization of the summory dialogue in order to open a new knowledge;

Creating a Speech Situation

Guys! The figure "8" decided to play with you. She invites you to guess the riddle:

Two rings, but without end

In the middle there is no nail.

If I turn around

That will not change at all.

Well, what figure am I?

Did you understand what the figure 8 looks like? (Yes)

Go to the table. There for each of you are cooked sets of cards with numbers (from 0 to 9). You need to find a card with a digit 8. (Children perform a task).

Well done! You all correctly completed the task: found a card with a digit 8.

Dynamic pause. Game "Write a figure 8"

Show how the figure 8 will write Pinocchio with its nose.

How is the figure 8 writes a conductor?

How does a digital footballer write?

The game "In order to become!"

Children get cards with numbers from 1 to 8. They are freely moving on the ground with swelling under the sound of the tambourine. After the words of the teacher: "In order of numbers, it is becoming!" Children are built in order from 1 to 8.

In order of numbers, calculate! (first, second, ..., eighth)

(Children sit at the tables)

Guys, the octopus is very pleased with what knows the numbers and can write the figure 8. But he still wants to know from which two numbers the number 8 can be made.

Do you want to know this? (Yes, we want).

Open boxes with colored counting chopsticks. Remove the wand, which means the number 8.

What color is this wand? (burgundy)

And now think and attach such 2 sticks so that they together along the length were equal to the burgundy wand.

What color are these sticks? (white and black; pink and purple; blue and yellow; 2 red sticks).

Put these couples next to your burgunduous wand. That's what a beautiful carpet turned out!

(One child performs a task on flannelhephoph with demonstration counting chopsticks).

Guys! Name all options for the number of 8! (1 + 7; 7 + 1; 2 + 6; 6 + 2; 3 + 5; 5 + 3; 4 + 4)

(The teacher next to the chopsticks sets the signs with the recording of numerical expressions of all embodiments of the number 8)

5.Well with new knowledge in the system

purpose: Formation of the ability of children to apply learned knowledge and ways to solve new tasks


Compliance of the gaming and exercises of the goal of classes;

Performing tasks in which a new method of action is associated with the previously studied;

Individual difficulties in games;

Situation of success in joint activities.

Game "Domino"

(On a separate table, there are a large size of the card, depicting domino bones, 10-12 pcs).

Guys, do you know how to play domino? (Yes, we can).

I suggest you crash into pairs and perform such a task: each pair of children need to find 1 domino bone so that the total number of points on it was 8. (Children perform a task).

Consider the bones of Domino. What two parts broke 8 points? (6 + 2; 5 + 3; 4 + 4)

What happens if the dice flip over the right half to become left and left right? (2 + 6; 3 + 5; 4 + 4).

And what two numbers from the composition 8 is not found on the bones of Domino? (7 and 1) (with difficulty turning to color wands on the flannelhemph).

Game "Pea"

(On a magnetic marker board, a pea plant is drawn. Peas pods are attached with magnets. Over the plant, the number 8 is attached.

Guys, what kind of plant is shown on the board? (peas)

Correctly! And the figure "8" tells us that in each pod should be 8 peas.

Look, whether the pods filled with peas completely? (not)

Guys, remove from the board every one pod, sit at the tables and draw so many peas as not enough to 8! (Children work beyond the tables)

Now tell us how you completed the task. (In the pod was 1 pea. To make 8 peas, I drew 7 more peas: 1 + 7)

(Children talk about the performance of the task and attach the pods filled with peas to the plant pattern on the board. The tutor makes on the record board: 1 + 7; 2 + 6; 3 + 5; 4 + 4; 5 + 3; 6 + 2; 7 + 1 )

Well done! You tried very hard and correctly completed the task.

6. Outcome (understanding)

Purpose:organization of reflection and self-esteem by children of their activities


Organization of the analysis of the child's goal;

Fixation of the new knowledge in speech;

Determining the execution of an adult goal;

Creating a success situation in joint activities.

Children and educators sit on the chairs.

Guys, where are our guest-octopus?

Look, here is some kind of note.

"It was very interesting in your lesson. I learned a lot from you. Thanks for all! Hurry up, it's time for me to go home. Octopus "

Tell me, why thanks you the octopus? (for the help)

What did you know today? (how the number 8 is formed; what the figure 8 looks like; from which two smaller numbers is the number 8)

And where can you use this knowledge? (at school; in life; when solving problems; when solving examples).

Guys, I am very pleased with you. You grow good, responsive, inquisitive. You got acquainted with the number 8, with the composition of the number 8. I am sure that these knowledge will be useful to you in life.

Card file of problem situations for senior preschool children

Examples of situational tasks for the development of thinking in children.

Transportation situation (urban, railway)

  • You and your grandmother are driving in the train. She descended to the platform, and you did not have time. What will you do? Why?
  • Grandma sat on the train, and you stayed. Your actions? Explain why you will do this, and not otherwise?

Situation with fire

  • In the apartment fire. What will you do? Why?
  • Smoke in the next apartment. Your actions?

Water situation

  • See that someone sinks. What do you do?
  • In the apartment broke the crane. Are you alone at home. What do you do first, then? Why?
  • Children get a letter from the forest that there appeared there people who break young trees, branches, tear flowers.The task of children: organize a detachment of help and offer ways to solve the problem.
  • The postal dove brings a telegram from the hypopotam that in Africa is a strong drought.

The task of children: organize the delivery of drinking water in special cylinders (plastic bottles are replaced); Using a geographical map, offer ways to deliver.

  • The bug dog brings the news that avalanche came up in the mountains, as a result of which the beasts were injured, the trees were broken.

The task of children: Collect a special parcel with bandages, iodine, male for trees.

  • In the corner of "School" a bunny is sitting, he has a paw clogged.

Question to children: Why paw bandaged, what could happen?

  • It is a paper butterfly with a torn sleeve, around her images of "sad" colors.

Task for children: Express your assumptions why the butterfly has such a species and why the flowers are "sad".

  • Forty with a letter from Berendea flew to the "School" corner: "Anxiety, an ant appeared!" What can threaten his appearance in the forest?
  • In the Corn "School" there is a storyline, depicting naked, sore trees.Task for children: Think what happened in this forest and how to help him.
  • Fairy tale "Rust" (the grandfather of the crown: Ripka did not grow up. How to help him?)
  • Tale "Teremok" (you need to help the characters build a house without using the forest).

Subject: "Mushrooms"

Dunno calls children to the forest for mushrooms, but does not know which edible mushrooms, and which are not.

Topic: "Transport"

Animals Africa ask the Aibolit on help, but Aibolit does not know what to get to them.

Topic: "Houses", "Properties of Materials"

Pigs want to build a durable house to hide from the wolf and do not know what material to do it.

Topic: "Fruits"

Traveling in the desert, the children wanted to drink. But only fruits were with me. Is it possible to get drunk?

Subject: "Properties of materials"

In rainy weather, you need to come to kindergarten, but what shoes to choose to come to kindergarten, without walking the legs.

Topic: "Language of Mimici and gestures"

Traveling around the world, but do not know foreign languages.

Topic: "Weather Conditions"

We went on a trip to Africa, but what clothes to take with you to be comfortable.

Topic: "Metal Properties"

Pinocchio wants to open the door, in Camorka, Pope Carlo, but the key at the bottom of the well. Like Pinocchio to get the key if it is wooden, and the tree is not sinking.

Subject: "Side of Light"

Masha got lost in the forest and does not know how to report itself and get out of the forest.

Topic: "Volume"

The icon needs to determine the level of fluid in jugs, but they are not transparent and with a narrow neck.

Topic: "Weather Conditions"

One girlfriend lives far in the south, and never seen snow. And the other - lives in the extreme north, there the snow never melts. What can be done so that one can see and snow, and the other - grass and trees (only to move they do not want anywhere)?

Topic: "Length Measurement"

A red hat should be as quickly as possible to get to the grandmother, but she does not know what a long path, and what a short ...

Topic: "Above, below"

Ivan Tsarevich must be found a treasure, which is buried under the highest fir. But he can not decide which spruce is the highest.

Topic: "Medicinal Plants"

Dunno poured his leg in the forest, but there are no first aid kits. What can be done.

Topic: "Soil"

Masha wants to plant flowers, but does not know what the flowers will grow better on the basis.

Subject: "Tree properties"

Bulino ran to school, and in front of him a wide river, and the bridge is not visible. To school you need to hurry. I thought - thought Pinocchio how he was moving through the river.

Contradiction: Pinocchio should move through the river, as it may be late to school, and is afraid to enter the water, as it does not know how to swim and thinks that he drowshes. What to do?

Topic: "Watches"

Cinderella need to go from the ball on time, and the palace clock suddenly stopped.

Subject: "Air Properties"

Dunno with friends came to the river, but Dunno does not know how to swim. Slink offered him a lifebuoy. But he is still afraid, and thinks he drowshes.

Subject: "Magnifying devices"

Thumbelina wants to write a letter to mom, but worrying that Mom will not be able to read it because of a very small font.

Topic: "Communication Tools"

Babushka fell ill with the elephant. It is necessary to call a doctor, but he does not know how.

Subject: "Paper Properties"

The integrity invites you to travel along the river, but does not know whether a paper boat will suit this?

Subject: "Copy Paper Properties"

Misha wants to invite many friends to his birthday, but how to make many invitation tickets in a short time?

Topic: "Magnet Properties"

How to quickly find the robust iron detail quickly, if it got lost in the box among parts from different materials?

Topic: "Friendship of Paint"

Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but allowed only in orange outfits.

Situational games to find external resources

"Cat in one booger"
The cat from the fairy tale "Cat in Boots" lost his boot. In one boot, walking uncomfortable, barefoot he will walk the scan. How now to be a cat?

"That's the game"
Ira lost at school mittens, I was looking for, I was looking for, but I could not find it, but on the street it is very cold and to the house far. How to walk to him, not frozen hands?

"Masha and the Bear"
Masha was friends with a bear and often went to visit him. Once again, going to visit his friend, Masha punched pies and put them in the nodule. She was walking for a long time through a dense forest, accidentally caught a knot for the bush - he broke, and the pies crumbled. How does Masha convey them to the place where the bear live?

"Help Cinderella"
Stepmother told to dinner bake pies. How to roll out the dough?

"Preparation for the holiday"
Bunny decided to arrange a holiday in honor of his daughter's birthday. "Nail of the program" should be biscuits of different shapes. Bunny went around all the shops in the district, but I could not buy molds for cookies. With what bone can make biscuits of different shapes?

"Scattered Peter"
Having decided to go hiking, the children agreed who would take with them. Setting backpacks, early in the morning went outside the city by train. That's the station you need. Everyone came out, the train gave a beep and disappeared behind the turn. And then it was found that Petya, who was "famous for" with his scattering, left his backpack in the car. And it was a tent, a small blade, bowler and matches. Everyone was very upset, except for Marina, which offered to think and find a way out. How to spend the night in the forest without a tent? How to do without a bowling, blades and matches?

Situational games to find domestic resources

"Dina's postcards"
Dina collects postcards, and friends (and she has 20) decided to give her beautiful postcards for her birthday. At the last moment it turned out that all postcards are completely the same. One of them Dina introduced to his collection. What to do with the remaining nineteen?

"Red Riding Hood"
A red hat has completely caught her hat. She asked her grandmother to sew her new. Grandma fulfilled the request of his granddaughter and sewed her beautiful hat to his birthday. Granddaughter was very pleased. But the grandmother, by scattered, gave granddaughter the same hat for the new year, on March 8 and another seven holidays. Girl, not to upset your grandmother, took all 10 caps. But what should she do with them?

"Help Ola"
Olya long hair. For the new year, mom, dad, grandmother and girlfriends gave her a lot of bright tapes - so much that Olya of the mind could not attach what to do with them how to use. Help Ola solve this problem.

"Milk Problems of Cat Matroskin"
Matroskin's cat left so much milk that filled them all the containers in the house. How can Matroskin use all this milk sea?

"Caskets for a goat"
There were a goat with goats. Every day the goat went to the forest and brought a basket of herbs from there. The basket was big and comfortable, but old. And in the end she was strained, and the grass was poured. The goat asked the goat to weigh a new basket. Kitzhaty together began to work, but soon began to quarrel: they could not divide the duties among themselves. And then they decided that everyone rushes a basket himself. And soon the goat got a twenty-one basket (!). The goat did not know what to do with them. Help her.

"Wonderful Lesnik"
In Pine Bor there was a forester. When he became bored, he collected pine cones. And they made them so much that they could fill the whole railway car. What to do with them, the forester did not know. How would you use them?

"Residents of the city of Kiselk"
The troubles were happening to the inhabitants of Kiselisk: one day, all the inhabitants of the city were welded their favorite dish - Kisel. It turned out so much that the city began in the city "Oil" flood. Tell me the residents of the city how to use kissel.

"Carlson jam"
Everyone knows that Carlson loved her very sweet, especially jam. The kid constantly brought him a different jam in metal banks, and Carlson immediately devastated them. As a result, a lot of empty cans accumulated at Carlson. Throw them into a trash can? Sorry. And how to use them?

So, children decide the problematic situations using the algorithm offered to them (2nd stage). On the example of one problem situation, we will show how the algorithm is used.

  • Pinocchio dropped the golden key in the swamp, but the turtles of Tortilet could not be nearby. This is the situation that seems to children.

    How can Pinocchio get the key? In a situation, the task or question is allocated.

    Pinocchio should fall under the water, because he needs to get the key, but can not do this, because it is wooden and immediately pops up to the surface. These are the contradiction of this problem situation.

    The following stages will be finding the optimal end result with the lowest costs and the definition of resources that will help get this result.

  • Oh and ah gathered at the campaign, took canned food and bread. They came to the place and decided to eat, but it turned out that they left the canning and table knives at home. How to open a jar?

Contradiction. Oh and ah must open canned jar, because they were hungry, and they cannot do it because there is nothing.

  • Circus arrived in the city. In order for the adults and children learned about this, it is necessary to put off the posters, but there is not a drop of glue in the city. How to put bills?

Contradiction. Posters need to put out, because they will help residents of the city to learn about the arrival of the circus; Posters cannot be opened because there is no glue.

  • Znayaka asked the donut through a little boring to give him a recipe for delicious pies. When the donut began to speak, I don't know what enters the recipe, they both remembered that they could not write. How to be?

Contradiction. Dunno must pass the sign of the pies, because he cannot do anything without a recipe, and can not do it, because it does not know how to write.

  • In the royal garden on the magic apple tree, only one loose apple was ripe, but so high that the king, even with the help of a large staircase, could not get it. How to king to master this apple?

Contradiction. The king must get a molding apple, because only with his help it will be younger, and can not, because he does not know how to do it.

Problem situations of interpersonal relations of peers

Many children already have a negative attitude towards another, which can have very sad remote consequences. On time to determine the problem forms of interpersonal relationships and help the child to overcome them - the most important task of teachers.

  • -Galine Anatolyevna, if a flower broke, would you be very angry?
    - Probably angry. Why are you asking?
    -And I saw Rita broke the flower. What can be said about Rita's act?
    What proverbs do you know, which is suitable in this situation?
  • Kati rigged the ball and hit your foot.
    Nikita shouted. - You do not see where the ball is thrown? I hurt me.
    How would you do otherwise? What do you say to each other?
  • Nick came in a new dress. Natasha saw and said loudly.
    - What are you bragging? Think, my mother even bought the best dress.
    Is Natasha's rights in such a situation?
  • Sasha has not yet learned to tie laces.
    Nikita shouts in the locker room.
    - Ha, look, soon go to school, and the shoelaces can not tie.
    Katya silently approached and helped Sasha.
    Whose act is faithful?
  • Children returned from a walk. Quickly undressed, went to the group. Andrei looked out in the locker room and shouts.
    Galina Anatolevna, and seaside boots did not remove the place.
    Galina Nikolaevna looked at Andrey's urrorist.
    Why? How would you enroll in place of Andrei.
  • Children draw. Olya broke a pencil. She snatched a pencil from the hands of Rita. Rita got up and moved to another place.
    Why did Rita go over the other table? What would you do?
  • Elena Ivanovna talks to the younger teacher Tatiana Alekseevna. Masha shouts.
    - Elena Ivanovna, and Olya does not give my doll.
    Then comes and touches the teacher by the hand.
    -You do not hear, Olya does not give my doll.
    What did Elena Ivanovna Masha say?
  • A group of boys builds a castle. Alyosha approached and put on top of the board. The castle collapsed.
    What did boys tell him? What would you do?
  • In the morning Glory played with Artem. When Roma came, Glory began to play with him. Artem approached and said fame.
    -This traitor.
    Roma was offended.
    How do you think why?
  • Rita and Sasha duty in the corner of nature. Sasha said.
    -Reta, and let's take the turtle to the girls, let them play with her.
    Rita spoke about this Galina Anatolyevna.
    Is Rita? What would you do?
  • In the serunal Galina Anatolyevna talks to Mom Artem. Rita is suitable and says.
    -And you know that your Artem is the last thing dressed.
    Galina Anatolyevna made a remark of Rita.
    What do you think Rita Galina Anatolyevna said?
  • Light goes to the locker and loudly says.
    - I'm not friends with Nick anymore. She calls me a light-candy. Why was offended by light?
  • During the dinner, Vita Valentina Ivanovna offered an additive.
    Vitya says.
    - I do not need your additive.
    What would you say Valentina Ivanovna?
  • After lunch, the children fell asleep. Natasha does not sleep. She constantly refers to the educator.
    - Write me a blanket.
    -I want to go to the toilet.
    - And Sasha loudly sniffs, it bothers me.
    What would you do?
  • During the afternoon, Sasha put the chair very close to the table. When I began to sat down, pushed Nikita. That shed milk.
    Nikita said loudly.
    - You don't see? I do not want to sit next to you.
    Is Nikita right? What would you do on the site of Sasha and Nikita?

Problem situations for classes

Purpose: to educate respect and tolerance for people regardless of their social achievement, racial and national affiliation, language, religion, gender, age,

personal identity, appearance, physical disadvantages.

  • Situation

In the fairy tale "Cinderella" stepmother and her sisters did not take Cinderella to the ball, because she was with them

the servant, soap and cleaned over them. How would you do on the place of stepmother?

a) I would not take on the ball, because Cinderella went to the old, dirty dress;

b) would say that she did not have enough invitation;

c) would take with me, because all people are equal.

  • Situation

Once in the morning, when children had breakfast, the door of the group opened, joined the head of a kindergarten twisted black girls and said: "These sisters, Bahornesh and Alina, arrived from Ethiopia, Iteper will go to you in the group." What would you do on the site of children?

a) laughed and began to show his finger on the sister: "They are completely black!";

b) invited girls together to have breakfast, and then showed his group; No matter what race of the girl;

c) turned to his plate, as if no one came.

  • Situation.

A new one came to the group - a boy from Georgia, who did not speak Russian very well. Vania

he began to tease him. What would you say Vane?

a) would laugh down with him over a newcomer;

b) did not pay attention to the fact that Vanya teases a novice;

c) would protect the novice, began to play with him, because it is not important, in which language you speak.

  • Situation

One day, the children passed by the mosque and saw how the elderly man prays, standing on his knees. They

a) laughed, showing a finger on the old man;

b) began to be opposed;

c) moved to the side not to disturb him, because it is necessary to respect any religion.

What would you do?

  • Situation.

In the fairy tale "Squa Burk" the older brothers did not take an Ivanushka with them to the city, because they considered him

little and stupid. They told him so: "Sit, fool, at home!" What would you do?

a) just like brothers;

b) would take an Ivanushka with him;

c) would leave at home, but said: "You will stay for the owner."

  • Situation

The inhabitants of the bird courtyard from the fairy tale. Andersen "Naudsky Duckling" was offended by Duckling for the fact that he was an unnecessary. They called him nobody, no one was friends with him. Did the bird behave correctly? how

would you do?

a) correctly; I would have acted as well;

b) incorrectly; Not friends, if you do not want, but it is impossible to offend;

c) incorrectly; Despite different appearance, everyone has equal rights; Friend would be

Situations on the topic "What would happen if ..."

  • "... people did not know about the danger"

Examine the level of knowledge and skills of children on the burden; develop thinking, attention; Educating the desire to follow safety rules.

  • "... In kindergarten declared alarm"

Teach children correctly and quickly respond to alarms, consolidate the knowledge of children about fire safety measures; develop the speed of the reaction, consistency of the actions of the educator and children; Rise a desire to help each other.

  • "... eat an unfamiliar berry"

Learn to understand that children of preschool age have any mushrooms harmful and dangerous; become acquainted with edible and poisonous berries and mushrooms; Learn to speak full offers, develop a sense of caution to unfamiliar berries; Relieve a sense of measure.

  • "... the dog attacked the child"

Teach children to act in various pets related to pets; consolidate the knowledge of children about hygienic skills after games with pets; give an idea of \u200b\u200banimal transmitted diseases; learn to express their thoughts with full offers; raise love for animals

  • "... take off, high like a bird"

Introduce children with a variety of birds, learning to understand that any birds can be a source of diseases; give ideas about safe bird care, including homemade pets; develop thinking related to speech; educate love for living

  • "... eat only sweets"

Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe effect of diverse food for a children's body; introduce some vitamins (A, B, C, D) and their impact on health; What products benefit, and what harm; develop related speech, intensify the vocabulary of children on the topic; Eating food culture.

The use of problem situations in working with preschoolers has a positive effect on the development of creative thinking in children, cognitive skills and abilities. Rubenstein S. L. said that "thinking usually begins with problems or question, with contradictions. The problem is determined by the involvement of the person in the mental process. The problem has unknown, as if empty places. For from filling, to transform an unknown to the known, appropriate knowledge and ways of activity are needed, which at first there are no people. "

The problem situation is the state of mental difficulty of children, caused by the insufficiency of the knowledge previously learned by their knowledge and ways to solve the cognitive task, tasks or educational problems. In other words, the problem situation is such a situation in which the subject wants to solve the challenges difficult for him, but he does not have enough data, and he must look for them.

The problem situation occurs when the teacher deliberately encounters the life concepts of children (or the level they achieved) with scientific facts, which they cannot - do not have enough knowledge, life experience.

Educators often arise difficulties with the selection of problem situations. I hope that the card file suggested by me will help you with this.

Preparatory Group

Problem situations


If your girlfriend is upset (friend), what should I do how to help?

Develop a benevolent attitude of children to loved one people, peers; Develop sympathy.

Did you break the toy, how do you do: throw away or redeems?

Educating careful attitude to toys and things, sense of gratitude for care and care.

If you pushed Comrade, offended the girl, your further action?

What would happen if there were no builders, doctors, teachers?

Differentiated perception of the employment process. Specifying the ideas about the work of the doctor, teacher, builder. Learning and promoting people of different professions.

Crying a girl, how to calm her?

Develop an emotional responsiveness to the condition of loved ones, peers.

What will happen if you open the door to an unfamiliar person?

Development of educational needs with adults. Responding to adult negative actions.

You did not give way to the eldest person? Did you do right?

The choice of the right line of behavior in relation to people of different ages.

Did you say the rude word near a person, how do you do to correct the situation?

The conscious rejection of the manifestation of rudeness towards his loved ones, friends.

What would you do if I saw the thrown puppy and whether the kitten?

Improve the teacher of children to the active manifestation of emotional responsiveness, sympathy.

If the theater turned off the light, your actions?

Mastering the elementary rules of culture of public places.

Having passed by the tutor, did you not say hello?

Learning of different forms of greeting, farewell, expression of appreciation, request

Did you forget to congratulate a close person with a holiday, what will you do to correct the situation?

Develop a benevolent attitude of children to loved one people, peers; Develop sympathy and responsibility.

Did you see that they offend a girl or a boy unfamiliar to you, your actions?

Develop emotional responsiveness, responsibility, sympathy.

Your favorite book broke out, will you throw it out?

Develop hardworking, responsibility, goodwill.

Dold for a walk, Artem forgot the mittens at home ...

Developing responsiveness to others, sympathy.

In the class got new paints not to all, how to be?

Learn not to be greedy towards others.

Mom came to kindergarten for you, and you do not want to leave ...

Teach children find ways to solve problems, even the most minor.

You want to run to play, and my mother is punished.

Empathy, relative to the closest.

You really liked the toy in the store ...

Develops patience.

You got sick, and a friend's birthday how to please him?

The ability to find a way out.

You want to make a pet ...

Feeling responsibility: "We are responsible for those who have tamed .."

Carlson-leisure flew to you, how do you meet him?

Develop a feeling of benevolence.

You want ice cream, and my mother does not allow ..

Understanding towards loved ones

Your friend fell, while others laugh ...

Sympathy empathizes to loved ones.

Have a friend no nasal handkerchief, does he need to give him?

He teaches not to be greedy to help in any situation close.

There are no free places on the bus, and you really want to sit down

Develops patience

The children were on the spring meadow, and everyone wanted to disrupt flowers, is it possible?

Develops a sense of responsibility

We came to buy a postcard, envelope to congratulate your grandmother.

The idea of \u200b\u200bhow to maintain related links (correspondence, talking on the phone, visits), manifestations of care, love, respect for each other.

Is it necessary to be friends with sparse, with a girl who does not wash hands before eating?

Deepening the ideas about the children's body, care for him, about their personal qualities and achievements.

How do I see myself in the future?

Who want to become?

Idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of industrial work (sewing, food production., Construction, agriculture), and maintenance work (medicine, trade, education).

Where do your loved ones work, relatives and who?

Idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of labor of parents and close relatives

Life of children of different countries.

Expanding the ideas about the life of children in other countries (games, favorite classes, respect for the elders, love for parents).

Do you have a lot of friends? What is interesting to do your friends? How do you help each other?

The formation of skills to build new diverse plots of games, coordinate individual creative intentions with peers.

How to call a police, call an ambulance, firefighters?

Development of educational needs with adults, strengthening confidence in them.

Do you know everyone members of their family? Is the family? Who are you like?

The ability to ask questions about your loved ones, about yourself, to express our desires, to speak out about yourself, your own well-being, mood.

If I were an educator?

Manifestation of independence and initiatives in choosing games.

Guess why such a setting appeared?

Educating goodwill, initiative to communicate with adults, the ability to see the connection between the actions and emotional state of adults.

How do you help parents? What did Grandfather and Grandma tell you about your parents? Do you have a family album in your family?

Formation of the idea that in the family everything takes care of each other.

How to behave at the table, the rules of kindness, polite words.

Mastering the elementary rules of culture of behavior in the children's team: to be polite, attentive, share toys.

How do you do if you hit you or offended your friend

Responding to the negative actions of other children, their consequences

Why they say that in nature everything is needed that it is impossible to do without those who do honey and who make poison; Who is terrible, and who is beautiful. (p.20)

Rise love for nature, develop the concept that in nature are all important and everyone has the right to exist.

What do you think? Is it possible to bring birds and animals from the forest to the house? Why?

Develop a feeling of pity for birds, teach children not to deprive the freedom of birds because of their comfort.

"How to make friends fox and crane?"

Develop communicative relationships.

Is that friends bring chagrins? (p.41)

Acquire children to live in harmony with friends and at the same time do not be afraid to tell the truth about him in his eyes.

"All friends went away from me. I stayed alone and cried bitterly. Help. Advise. " (p.41)

To bring up in children a sense of collectivism, the desire to think, and takes care of those who are near.

"The boy goes through the woods: in the hands of the tape recorder - loud music, he knocks himself and sweeps, in birds and insects throw stones ... What will you advise him?"

Rise love for nature and desire to protect her, protect and protect.

"Vova bought and eats ice cream. To meet his friend Vitya. Vova hid ice cream, and Vitya approached and treated his candy. What does Vova feel? What would you do? "

Continue to acquaint children with the feelings of awkwardness and shame, develop the ability to be generous

You met the beggar ... How will your meeting end?

To form the ability to compare and help those who need it.

"What would you ask for Golden Fish?"

Teach children to commend them to whom the help is more important: you or your loved ones and friends.

"What path will you choose?"

Directly go - meet the old woman to help

Go to the left - you will meet an old man who got lost, looking for a pharmacy.

To the right - you will find a toy that I have long dreamed of.

Educating the desire to help in need, weak and old people.

A boy - a disabled person sits in a stroller, but wants to play with you into the ball.

How to be?

To teach children even to the detriment of herself to help the weak (feeling of kindness).

"Can a sick boy become your friend?" Why do you think so? What games can you offer him? "

Develop a sense of compassion, learn to help patients and disabled.

"Do I need to thank veterans for victory? Is it possible to thank on holiday? " (p.124)

Relieve a sense of gratitude to veterans of the Second World War, the desire to help them and please them.

If there were 2 schools, one with lessons and change, and the other - only with change. What would you want to learn?

Develop a desire to study at school, despite the difficulties that will certainly meet.

How to make good deeds on planet Earth multiplied? (to do at least small, good deeds).

Teach children to be kind and not in words, but in practice.

The boy spies in the keyhole behind his older sister. Is this good or bad? Curiosity and curiosity. "At a curious whole forehead in bruises" (p.85)

Learning to distinguish curious children from curious, appreciate the quality of curiosity and understand the bad side of curiosity.

1. Sochable, treat candy.

2. Everyone find the way.

3.What over it.

4. In the case by.

To develop in children the desire to help the needy, not passing by those who have trouble.

"The day is bored until the evening there is nothing to do!"

1. Did you miss anyone?

2. Their "Boring Sit so sit, you have to run." (p.91)

"Who does not study anything, he always misses and misses."

Educating the ability to occupy yourself with useful things, create a good mood yourself.

"The girl crying, demands that she bought a toy. Take care of her? "

Acqualing to take care of those who really need our kindness, and not encourage whims.

"Hedgehog lived at home, and then ran into the forest. Need to return it and take care of him? "

Secure the concept that animals are better to live in nature, free.

Discussion of the fairy tale "Tsar and Evening Zarya" (p.109)

Relieve a feeling of generous.

What is fear? ... is it useful? (Yes, if there were no fear feelings, then:

You can fall from the balcony

Ink in the apartment of the criminal

Get under the car;

Get burnt

Stay fire

Be a branched dog. . (p.115)

To form in children an understanding that fear protects people from rampant deeds.

Life of animals in the zoo ... Why are Zoos built?

1. Where does animals live better?

2. How can you show love for the inhabitants of the zoo?

3. But it is impossible to do in the zoo?

4.The view of the story "Bear fell ill"

5.Reclasts for the protection of white bears

6.Supporting the poem of Grigorieva "in the zoo" (p.150)

Educating the feelings of love for animals, the ability to take care and guard them, behave correctly in the zoo.

"What can we do for the forest?"

1. Taking a series of pictures

"What happened to the boy?"

2. why the forest helps us?

3. Why do we help the forest?

4.The view of the loving letter.

5. When: "Save paper, we will help the forest" (p.141)

Fasten the knowledge of children about forest wealth and teach these wealth to multiply.

How to get out of the position if you accidentally broke a friend's toy.

Learn a child to worry about what is happening, sympathizing and disappeared.

The boy had long dreamed of seeing the beetle, whom he saw before in the book. And here he met him on the chamomile. What will he do next? ..

Learning to take care of everything alive, and not destroy.

The bedroom flower bloomed and you want to rip it. What do you do?

Show children in a pot that without land and water flower will die immediately, and in a pot on the window he will be happy to please you and everyone.

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Medunov Natalia Nikolaevna
Position: Educator
Educational institution: MDOU Kindergarten № 25
Locality: City Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl region
Name of material: Methodical material
Publication date: 26.07.2017
Section: preschool education

Scenario of the educational situation in the preparatory group

"Rules of care for houseplants"

Medunov Natalia Nikolaevna

educator MDOU №25G.Yaroslavl

Integration of educational regions: "Cognitive development",

"Socio-communicative development", "speech development".

Type of Situation: "Opening" of new knowledge.

Purpose: Formation of generalized ideas about differentiated

the needs of indoor plants in the sunlight and moisture.



Introduce children with differences in the needs of plants in water and





knowledge by

the main needs of indoor plants, take care of them.






external signs.

Give ideas


plants K.




to interact

with each other, work in pairs.


Promote development:

cognitive interest in room plants;

curiosity and observation;

skills and care skills for indoor plants;



work in a pair, take into account the opinion of the partner);


operations: Generalization,



interdependencies, skill



investigative links, fixation of causal relations in







Promote development:





care for them, come to the rescue in a difficult situation;

sense of responsibility and pride from jointly performed




Materials for the lesson.

Demonstration material:

Photos of houseplants (cactus, begonia, fern,

balsamin, violet) with braces on the back magnetic

stripes (format A-4):




tradesska, fern, orchid.

Sheets format A4 yellow, pale green, green colors.

Card-symbols size A5


Envelopes (by the number of couples of children) with cut pictures, on

which depicted houseplants (A-4 format)

Card-tips "What a plant for growth"


Caring and love


Set of rectangles A5 size (for a couple of children) 3 colors:

yellow, pale green, green.

Pictures of indoor plants for a pair (set of 9 pieces).

Card circuits 15cm x 6cm to house photos

plants for 4 pieces for each child.


Electronic resources to occupation with the image of slides.

Audio recordings: "Flight" Gladkov

(from the cartoon "kid and

Carlson "),

deserts ",

subtropics ",

jungle, music for relaxation.

Highchairs for children - 10 pcs.

Magnetic board.

Heroes:Karlson doll.

Preliminary work with children:

Excursions to "Winter Garden" Dow.

A series of observations of indoor plants and joint labor

plant care activities

and reading poems, mysteries, ecological fairy tales about

indoor plants.



description "

plant by name "" What plants are necessary for growth? "

Acquaintance with the natural zones of the earth.

1. Introduction to the game situation.

Children enter the group, pronounce the word greetings with the teacher:

"Solar races"

The first ray, a gentle ray,

He looked at us in the window

And brought in his palms

Warm, sun particle.

The educator and children stretch their hands forward and connect them together as

the lights of a sun.

Guys feel the warm sunlight and share warm

with friends.

Children sit on the chairs. Music sounds (Carlson Flight ").

Carlson arrive to the children (toy).

Carlson: Hello guys! (Hello, Carlson!)


births gave me indoor plants, but no one told how

to care for them. So I decided to land with you because I saw in

the window has many beautiful colors.

Carlson, and what are your plants?

Carlson: these are. I brought their photos.

Carlson shows photos of houseplants (Cactus, Balzamin,

aloe, Kalanchoe, Geranium, Begonia, Orchid, Tradesska, Fern,

How do you care for them?

Carlson: I water every day, I splashes, exhibiting a bright sun, and

they are sick and die. I was so upset ...

Do not worry, Carlson! Our guys will help you!

Guys, you want tohelp our friend Carlson? (Yes, we want!)

of this We need? (It is necessary to determine which

houseplants live in Carlson) (you need to tell about the rules

care for them.)

in s You can




poems about houseplants) (we can care for them in

corner of nature)

Then we will go to our corner of nature!

Children along with the educator and Carlson go under the speech.

Corner of nature

the guys waiting for a visit.

Watch, care

everyone will be happy here.

Many here we have plants:

Violets, ficuses, Calery.

Need to plant good care -

You will delight us all year!

2. Actualization.

Here, guys, we came to our corner of nature!

Carlson: Guys, how many different plants here! Why are they for you?

Children tell Carlson about the meaning of houseplants in our

life, using the picture and scheme (Slide 2).





mood.) (Purify air absorbing harmful substances and highlighting

oxygen, which we breathe.) (Indoor plants hurt dust.)

(They help man be healthy, some of the plants are treated



plants! Guys, for the birthday of me gave me a book about the room

plants, but the kid's puppy inadvertently broke pictures in it. Help

i will collect them and find out the names of the plants.

Didactic game "Gather a houseplant and name"

Children work in pairs. Each pair is an envelope with cuts



puzzle picture

correctly name the indoor plant. If the pair finds it difficult

plant, the rest of the children help him.

Carlson: Guys, thank you! Now I know what it is for plants.

Yes, our children are great! But that the plant grow well needs

for them to create conditions.

2.2. Didactic game "What plants need to grow?"






independently choose from the proposed cards you need and give your own

explanations. Cards are exhibited by children on a magnetic board.

« For growing plants you need solar

shine »

« For plant growth, you need air, they them

breathe »

« It is warm for growing plants »

« For growth of plants you need water »

« For growing plants need land »

"So that the plants grow well and bloom

need fertilizers "

« Plants love to "wash" - they need them

spray »

« And necessarily the plants need our

care and love! »

3. Difficulty in the gaming situation.

Carlson: Yes, I also know it too. I water my plants every day,

spraying, exhibiting a bright sun. But for some reason they don't care

Guys, what do you think the plants are sick with Carlson?

(Carlson does not know which plants they live) (maybe he is not





care), etc.

I understood you correctly, do you feel difficulty? What do we do?

(Find Carlson plants in the album "Houseplants in a corner

rules for leaving the ecologist in kindergarten, or in adults who grow

indoor plants) (find about them information on the Internet) (you need

clarify which plants do Carlson live and where they came to us)

Do you know what plants do Carlson do at home? You know the homeland of these


(No, we do not know.)

4. Opening a new knowledge.

Guys, carefully look at the houseplants! When they are

also grew in nature, but a person wanted them to please him and

at home and then people planted them in flower pots and began to care for

with them. They are "travelers" who arrived to us only from warm

natural zones (slide 3).


look after


(We need to know the homeland of these plants. We must know what

conditions there for their life)

How can we learn it?

(We can go on a journey to the homeland of houseplants)

Go on a trip! Ready? (Yes!)




- What do you think, where did we get? (We got into the desert).

- What climate (weather) in the desert?

(In the desert a strong heat, drought, burning winds, rain rains, so

little moisture and few plants)

- Look at what a miracle - among such heat, green giants are worth. Who

this is? (These are cacti.)

Cactus is a very hardy and unpretentious plant. Look at what kind of

stem cactus?

(Stalk thick and has a different form: round, oval)


think why the stem in cacti is thick, and the leaves in the form of needles?

(So \u200b\u200bthat animals do not eat them)

- Yes, right, this is a means of protection. And also it turns out, leaves in the form

ships are not allowed to evaporate the water that is in the plant. And when

there is a long drought, long there are no rains, moisture inside

tolstoy stem, helps plant survive. This is the plants of the desert

adapt to unfavorable conditions that often happen

in nature. People loved these amazing plants and began to grow

his pots on the windowsill. Find

desert plants in the corner

Children show Cactus, Aloe.




The educator puts a yellow rectangle on a magnetic board.

yellow rectangle, give explanations.


a lot of light - choose a symbol

"Bright Sun"

« For growth, desert plants need

little water - choose a symbol

"One little water drop »

« Desert plants do not like wet

air - choose a symbol

"You can not spray »

Well done! Correct the cards correctly.

We continue our journey. This is a natural zone - subtropics.

Slide music sounds "Music of subtropics" Slide 5. Children view the picture.

- What is the climate?

(All year round heat: winter is not very cold, and in the summer is not very hot,

sufficient sun, moisture, because rain falls out.)

Right. Subtropics - the birthplace of flowering plants: begonia, violets, geraniums,


plants of this natural zone in our corner

Children find violet, Balzamin, Geran.

Let's designate the natural zone "Subtropics" - pale green

rectangle and pick up cards characters for these plants.




pale green


Children on the table are looking for the desired card symbol, expose it opposite

rectangle give explanations.

« For growing plants of this natural zone

need light, but not as bright as in

desert - choose a symbol

"Sun without racing"

« For growing plants need

enough water - choose a symbol

"2 drops of water »

« Subtropics plants like wet

air - choose a symbol

"You can spray »

Carlson: So I sprayed the violet and geranium every day, but they have me


Guys, what is the matter? Let's look at violet and geranium. What u

them leaves?

(Listers are soft, with vile. Water will not be absorbed.)

Yes, right, water, if splashing on her leaves, will roll. Do not like

plants with fluffy leaves moisture, they will then be rotten, and from



spray such plants?

(No, plants with soft, sowed leaves, do not like when they

spray) (That's why violet and geranium from Carlson got sick)

What kind of wall-symbol can add plants in this natural zone.

« Plants with soft, sowned

leaves "spray can not »

Well done boys. Carlson, remember this rule.

Carlson: Thank you, you helped me in everything.

Slide 6. The jungle music sounds. Children view a picture on

What is the climate?

(In the tropics, warm and much moisture due to frequent rains. Here are little sun,

since many trees, shrubs, herbs.)

Tonight! Feature of many plants of tropics - curly

stalley-lianas and air roots. Find familiar tropic plants in

corner of nature.

The children find a fern, a tradescania, orchid.




rectangle and pick up cards characters for these plants.

The teacher exhibits a green rectangle on a magnetic board.

Children on the table are looking for the desired card symbol, exhibit it on the contrary,

give their explanations.

« Tropics plants do not need a lot

sun, they grow well in the shade of trees

- We choose the symbol of the "Sun in the shade".

« Plants need a lot of water -

choose the symbol "Three drops of water »

« Tropic plants love wet

air - choose a symbol

"You can spray »

Well done! Check, all rightfully picked up? (Yes)

And now it's time for us to return to the group.


Now you know that indoor plants came to us from warm

natural zones. Name them. (Desert, tropics, subtropics).

You now know what conditions in room plants and

you can help your friend Carlson.

5. Inclusion of a new knowledge in the knowledge system.

Didactic game "Homeland of houseplants".








yellow-green rectangles)

What are the peculiarities of plants, did you find the homeland of these plants?

(These plants have a meaty stem - they spare water. So they

motherland is a desert. Other's

plants Curly stem and air

roots - mean they come from the tropics), etc.).

Well done! You all laid out, because you know the features

climate of natural zones and features of plants growing there.

The didactic game "Plant Care Rules"

Guys, Carlson brought us photos of their indoor plants.

So that he does not forget how to take care of them, select the scheme

cards for each plant.

Each child is offered photography of Karlson plants and set

cARD CARDS "CARE OF PLANTS". Children find the desired card among

the proposed and tell Carlson, how to take care of this plant.

« This is a cactus - the plant of the desert. therefore

he loves the bright sun, you need to water it

little and can not spray »

« This Balsam is a plant of subtropics.

He loves not a bright sun, watering,

spraying »

« This fern is the plant of the tropics.

He can grow in the shade, loves abundant

watering, spraying »

« This is a violet. She does not like the bright sun,

own down »

« This is geranium. She does not like the bright sun,

loves moderate watering, does not like

spraying because the leaves have it

own down »

« This is Aloe - the plant of the desert. Therefore, O.

loves a bright sun, watering it

little and can not spray »

« This is a tradescania - the plant of the tropics.

She can grow in the shade, loves abundant

watering, spraying »

« This orchid is the plant of the tropics. She

can grow in the shade, loves abundant

watering, spraying »

« This is Kalanchoe - the plant of the desert.

So he loves the bright sun, water

it needs little and can not spray »

« This is Begonia. She does not like the bright sun,

loves moderate watering, does not like

spraying because the leaves have it

own down »


Let's check together, for all whether we picked up the cards.









Carlson: Thank you guys. I will fly to my flowers, because everyone

of these, you need special care. Goodbye! (Goodbye, Carlson)

6. Outcome.

where were we with you? (We were traveling at home

indoor plants)

Where are their homeland?




subtropics, Tropics)

Why did we go there? (We needed to figure out what conditions

for plants in their homeland)

Why did we need to know it?

(In order to properly care for




plants at home)

What was interesting on the journey? (..........................................)

What tasks did you experience difficulties in? (It was difficult to remember

plant name. Pick up a card-scheme ... ..)

Where will you come up with new knowledge?

(When we will care for

















