How to congratulate the team Happy New Year. How to congratulate colleagues with the New Year original at work? Ideas for the new year. Funny congratulations to colleagues for the new year - comic texts in verse

If you think that residents of the East and Japan meet the first new year in particular, then you are mistaken. No, on a calendar, everything is right, they first meet it. But in the life of him the first to meet employees. After all, there are corporate in the teams a few days before the new year. And if so, you need to know how to congratulate colleagues with the New Year original and do it at work. And on this occasion, we just have a few ideas. So look at them all, and decide whether they will suit you or not!

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.
Yes, it may be trite, but without these characters and the new year would not have. But the effect is even better, let's bring a little surprise.
And so, when all employees are sitting in their places and are engaged in work - New Year's music begins to play. For example, a Christmas tree was born in the forest. It is necessary to include only a minus one without words. Therefore, check the loud connection in advance. If there is no such, then somewhere in the corner hide the music center and turn it on at the right time with the remote.
Here is the music played, all colleagues began to twist head and do not understand what is happening. And this is what Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appears!
But one appearance is not enough, so you have to come up with a further program.
At first they should congratulate the colleagues present. And you will immediately see how almost all colleagues will start to get their phones to photograph unexpected guests. And here Santa Claus and Snow Maiden must tell them: it is impossible to photograph! Want to make selfie with us, tell us New Year's poem or spoil the New Year's Song!
And who will fulfill the task, he will receive his gift - Selfie with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. All as in childhood, for the rhyme gift!
And after you can and present gifts!

Call to the boss!
In this embodiment, it will not hurt without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. But, as you already, probably guessed, everything will happen in the office of the head. If the head himself does not want to play the role of Santa Claus, then you can hire an actor.
But first decorated the office of the head in the residence of Santa Claus. And in the middle of the office put the throne for Grandpa Frost. In it will sit our grandfather, and the Snow Maiden will stand next to him. That's all ready, you can begin to congratulate the staff.
We recommend congratulating in turn. That is, the boss must call employees in turning to his office. If you want even more effect, you can make employees afraid to go to it. For example, the boss can call and ask to bring any report or a document that is not at all. And when the employee will object to, then to invite him to himself "on the carpet."
You can also call an employee and say that an error has been revealed in his documents. And if he does not come right now, he may not come at all.
And when frightened and stressful employees will timidly enter the office of the chief, here and there will be them the most amazing surprise!
Also, as an option, you can call all employees to the Cabinet. Only there should not be Santa Claus. When everyone gathered, the boss began to ask first seriously who did to his office. The boss says that it is a mess. What is the office of a serious person and became a children's room! And here the door includes Santa Claus and everything becomes on its circles.
And one more option.
There is still a little simpler. We must bake cookies in advance. And they will be with predictions. That is, in every cookie in its middle you need to put a card or a piece of paper with comic predictions. Then the boss or someone else enters the workers and congratulates them. He treats all this cookie. Employees eat cookies and with surprise we find notes with predictions. After a friendly laughter and fun are real cookies, a cake and other sweets and a tea party begins, which smoothly develops into corporate.

How to originally congratulate the new year of colleagues will be discussed in this material. Often the company act on a rather strange and traditional scenario, but to diversify their lives and make a really interesting holiday, and not a congratulation of employees for a tick, you need to show a little imagination and how to prepare.

If you want to find original congratulations on new text, then be sure to listen to what is offered in the audio blocks that are installed in this article. Good words from a pure heart, thanks to which it will be possible to make an individual congratulation. However, for the collective, it is possible to unusually spend this wonderful holiday, not just exchangeting with good words, postcards and gifts, and showing the maximum creative approach.

Excellent ideas for congratulations to the New Year

With a thematic bias

In Asia and the East, the New Year, of course, also meet. Although the date of his offensive does not always coincide with our calendar. In recent years, the format of celebrating New Year holidays with an oriental bias is becoming increasingly relevant. It is important to remember that the symbol of the upcoming year will be a red fiery rooster. Celebration can somehow wrap on this topic: to prepare thematic costumes and dishes, come up with excellent contests (for example, rooster battles between the participants who wear carp costumes).

With Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Congratulations on the New Year to colleagues can be decorated in a traditional way, but even such a format will make a notice of surprise. For example, you do not need to warn colleagues that it is today there will be congratulations and gifts. In the middle of the working day, turn on the New Year's music, for example, a famous song "The Christmas tree was born in the forest." But to put only music, but the words should keep the staff. Then Santa Claus appears with his granddaughter
Snow Maiden.

The further program is that the New Year characters welcome all employees, the contests begin and give gifts. By the way, guests can forbid to remove everything that happens on the phone and will be allowed to take photos only after a person will tell the New Year's poem or sing a song. Interestingly, what text of the song will remember everyone since childhood?

With the boss

Such a format how to congratulate colleagues Happy New Year also requires the presence of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. But the holiday will occur in the office of the head and employees, of course, will not know about it. The boss himself can be Santa Claus as desired. You need to decorate the office, put a chair in the center and put on it the owner of the winter holidays, and near the Snow Maiden.

Excellent if you can congratulate employees in turn. That is, the boss causes everyone separately to his office, it seems to be read for a bad annual report, and there everyone is waiting for surprise, congratulations and gifts. You can collect all employees together in the office, where at first any of the guests of New Year will not. The manager must start reporting employees, say that this is not work, but a mess. But here the grandfather Frost will appear and save employees, setting up a great New Year's holiday.

Cookies with predictions

If you play some compound scenarios of congratulations do not want, you can bake special cookies with predictions. In the center of each cookt, put a card with a comic prediction and put in the tea room. Employees will be touched and, without suspecting, choose their predictions for the next year. It is clear that all predictions should be positive and kind.

On the corporate, all these are also relevant, just need to think through the horse's convo. If we are required to colleagues funny patterns of text greetings, then in large numbers in the already ready and compiled form they can be found in the audio blocks that are available in this material. Every new year congratulations can be addressed to whom it will be addressed to remake a little.

A congratulatory period does not start on the last day of the year, corporate events, as a rule, pass in advance. And excellent options how to originally congratulate colleagues Happy New Year will bring up the summer and not to miss in winter, but to enjoy every frosty day. We wish you happiness, success and good luck in the new year and career growth!

M.they were relentless and nice to rest.
We practically live on our work.
And in the holiday of New Year I want to wish you
Salads of millions and holidays per year five.

Colleagues I wish you a bigger weekend,
Logical believing that very little of them
Feasts and fun on noisy celebrations
And the morning without a hangover, and clarity in the eyes!


IN New Year to my colleagues
You can wish much:
To work less,
To do not get up early.

To premium more often
Awarded the team,
To happen every day
Small but positive.

So that we worked together
Since we have one goal.
In order to let go of the summer
We all together to the south.


L.wearing us work on the shoulder
We simply radiate positive.
Everyone has "need" and "want",
And together we are an excellent team.

Everyone has their own home, their own family
But we spend a lot of time.
You want to congratulate you on the holiday.
Employees, colleagues, Happy New Year!


Pusts happiness to you will come to everyone

You want to wish, colleagues,
In the career ladder success
Income all of the only big
Strong health, steel!
Let every moment and every hour
Waiting for you only the joy of you!


TOollie, happy new year to you!
I wish the world, happiness,
Huge premiums, weekends,
Praise - all overnight
So that everything was laughing
And in life, and in work,
So that every day yours passed
As if in the resort!


Pust New Year will enter your home
Manying a bright light.
Let your dream come true,
Let there not be a fuss.
And accompliding the old year
Get rid of all hassle.
Leave all the sadness in the past,
All troubles, everything that was silent ...
Do not be afraid of new beginnings!
Do not be afraid of creative quest!
After all, the new year is like a blank leaf,
And you - the only soloist
Those songs that you will sing.
After all, the new year is about to break!
And dancing, dancing ...
And you will find yourself in that fairy tale
Which will change everything.
For the new year! Let him come!


WITHHappy New Year Congratulations
You, colleagues and friends
And wish we lived
Together, as one family.

Let luck be near
Together with us a whole year,
Will increase the salary
And let our income grow.

So that we are one team
They walked confidently.
New Year stands at the start,
Good luck to everyone.


W. We are a common job
The matter is common, care.
Our holiday is also our at all.
Let success accompany!

Happy new year to you, colleagues!
Waiting for you bright progress.
Do not get sick, do not be sad
Have fun and joke!

To arouse work
Only a pleasant care
To wait for you in life
Bright so that fate was!

You have fun on this holiday,
And gifts of various
I sincerely wish everyone.
You, colleagues, congratulations!


W.vajaable colleagues, cordially congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! I wish you to feel confident, calm and stable! Let your loved ones and native people be healthy. Happiness, positive, good and success!


WITH Happy New Year Congratulations!
This year I wish you
So that wealth and luck
Were with you at the same time
And health and luck
Filled to you in the window.
Many laughter, a lot of happiness!
Let all the bad weather go.
To grandfather frost
Career growth brought you
And the Snow Maiden with you
Brought incoming big!


INfrom what I want to say, the people:
Hurry to visit us New Year!
I wish any luck,
Salary of good, many premiums.
So that by us the boss only admired
And never came up!
Let in the family and at work
We are waiting for happiness, not care.
Let the miracle come to us soon
In a wonderful holiday New Year!


J.i wave to that night,
The work went to the background.
So that instead of folders and reports -
Glass of champagne and cake!

Let there be in this new year,
Faith and good luck
Health is loved ones and in addition
Events, best, turnover.

I also wish creativity,
More laughter, positive,
Emotions, lightness, freedom ...
Let the skies grow income!


Pi get happy new year,
Let everything goes smoothly,
Happiness for you for a whole year
Life is the best - without hassle!

Let luck wanders nearby
You, caressing a gentle look
And, fulfill all the desires -
For worthy efforts!

Let all the year you have lucky
Happiness is just waiting for you,
Tenderness, sincerity, smiles,
Without any error!


TOollie, this new year,
I wish you big heights,
More profitable ideas,
Smaller sad news.

Let the salary grow steadily
To row her shovel,
Corporate parties were more often
And life was kind and sweeter!

Let it be what you need,
Accompanies the success of cases
So that our team lives together
And so that the chief praised us!


Pust New Year will bring good luck
Stability and income is immeasurable.
Let it be generous for gifts this year,
Let the main peaks come down.

I wish you all happiness, and love,
And the fulfillment of the desires of various.
Let them be very rainbow days.
And the impressions of you diverse!


N.a year is a reason to congratulate
Everyone who believes in him is waiting for a miracle.
Let the joy deliver a lot
New year to you when he comes!

Let it give you new goals,
Many different, welcome victories.
It will be all what I wanted so much.
Live without tears, without sovereign and troubles!


WITHtoday we have a worker
But the heart asks the celebration,
After all, the hour of magical night is close!
From happiness - the head of the head!

Gifts best to you, colleagues,
And money is a full wallet.
And be lucky forever,
From life getting delight.

Work with eternal inspiration -
Home to run on all pairs.
Miracles to you bright certainly
Good luck in all fronts!


TOollie, the new year is rumbling,
Give congratulations.
And let you have all year
Excellent mood!

Let them be lucky
Fate let him smile
Good luck in the hands of you floats
And all the dreams come true!


TOollie, Happy New Year!
Let a friendly dance
You are surrounded by frequently
Love, luck, happiness!

Wages to all huge
Growing and immodest
Success is indecent
And the rest is excellent!


Pusting the next year, each of us will bring well-being and success, will give new brilliant ideas and will help embody them into life. Let peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of close people has a constant hot flame will warm at any moment. We wish each other professional growth, optimism and faith in yourself!


INfrom and worked for a year,
The holiday of all now is waiting for us.
Let your home be fed,
Happiness, joy, warm.
We offer you fabulous, I wish you
Colleagues, Happy New Year Congratulations!


N.oh year - good time!
New start and new accomplishments!
All colleagues - joy, good,
Forces, health, cheerfulness, lucky!

In the house, let the comfort reign,
And the soul does not know the chagrins!
New Year's festive salute
Let him raise the strap setting!


Pwe can eat our affairs,
To be on the carpet at the bosses
Behind the work, as if he saw in the forest:
Dali tree - saw, and Basta!
Workers we are the most important here
And at lunch, resting rest.
That's what it means - colleagues. And we are not waiting for us
Lonely weekdays with cold tea.
The team is power, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. Let you bring
Respect, happiness, good luck This fresh new year.


Pust in the coming year
Good luck to all you will win.
Let you hurt you
The income is stably growing!

Let the dreams are fulfilled
And let him not be days.
In the hearts more warmth,
And in the house - festive lights!


WITHpesha congratulate happy new year
I'm from the soul, colleagues, you!
Let your income grow
Not every day, and every hour!

Let only happiness reign in the family,
Health will be strong
We will have problems and bad weather,
The sorrow and sadness will be silent!

I wish you all this holiday
A lot of fun, jokes, laughter,
Good, smiles, sea light
And many great success!


N.and work, as a holiday,
We are in a hurry year per year.
A bunch of cases, big and important
And the crowd of customers is waiting.

I wish you all success
And diligence in labor,
To no interference
So that always always, everywhere.

To increase salary,
The family had enough strength.
Happy New Year
All our friendly team!


G.od so quickly flew
There was so many things in it,
Let you all in the new year
Successes and victories are waiting!

In the soul I wish you comfort
And happiness every minute,
In the family - mutual understanding,
Career is only prosperity.

Health a lot, tight steel,
So that all dreams suddenly become.
I wish you friends faithful
And fruitful, bright days!


Plans our execution
Let give a new year
And adds to us the patience
If things are not sure.

Let, colleagues, you work
Will bring their fruits:
Increases revenues
And the dreams will be fulfilled!


TOollefiv native and friendly,
You need to congratulate you
Happy New Year! And desire ...
How would I start?

Without sticks I say friends,
The team love our me.
Though jealous, even though not jealous -
Our paths came out here.

Wishes you do not read.
Congratulate you is the honor.
New year let it bring
Many joyful worries.

Happiness to every house will come
And good luck will lead.
Let love, health will be.
And the success will not forget you.

Santa Claus Let everyone give
Many joyful troubles
Let all year be not sad,
And quite the opposite!


INsech colleagues I congratulate
Happy New Year and I wish
So that work does not tomila
Pleasure gave.
Optimism and positive
Let him get into the team.
To pay salaries
And more often issued -
A month three or four times.
Well, all pockets are wider!
So that the authorities did not julily,
How relatives you loved everyone
Vacation gave on time ...
A year Well, somewhere the heels.
Well, Santa Claus Dobryak
Happiness will give, love and benefits.
Let the service promote you
And gifts will throw!


W.vajaable colleagues! Happy New Year. Let this new year be fruitful and successful for you. I wish everyone new steps up the career staircase. Easy workdays and hot pleasant vacations. Let all fails and adversity remain behind the threshold of the old year, and in the new will only takeoff and achievements!


Pusts you new year
Prosperity and income.
Let a success accompanize
So that you do not know any interference.

Let health be strong
Mind - enlightened, chain,
In the world - the world, and in families - the way.
Enlarge all wages.

A lot of strength and optimism
Travel and tourism,
In souls - sunny weather.
All, colleagues, Happy New Year!


WITH Happy New Year Congratulations on our whole friendly team.
Let luck accompany, will not leave the positive.
To arouse work so that the families are comfortable!
So that you do not forget: in the morning you are waiting here.
All success and health, light, joy, good.
New Year's fun. Happy New Year to all. Hurrah!

New Year is a grand festival of an universal scale. On this day, the most hidden dreams and desires come true - otherwise you can not.

Therefore, the New Year greetings and wishes so that the year is exactly the best. And in order to keep good good, good relations with colleagues, it is necessary to cordially congratulate them on the New Year.

We have prepared the best options for congratulations - choose which you like more!

In verse

Colleague man

Inspiration, prosperity
For my colleague, I wish
And stability, lucky,
Happy New Year!

On New Year's winter hour,
You accept the words from us
Very kind you and cool,
You colleague our beautiful,
Be healthy you always
Life for a long year!

Colleague woman

Outside the snow window is spinning,
And drifts to the knees.
Soon the new year will begin
And capture us in your captivity.
I wish you a colleague,
In Tom Captivity of Love Big,
Life Long - more than a century,
And only with a white stripe!

Our colleague is beauty,
Only kindness comes
We wish this new year
Life without sadness and worries,
To have fun again and again,
And so that the circle is one love!

Head of a man

You wish the boss
The way with success is your go,
We care about the career,
We will not be able to bring.
Be main important,
Really love, appreciate you,
And of course we are ready,
Drink in the New Year for you!

Your work is not simple,
But it is still not important
After all, the new year is already at the courtyard,
He walks very bravely.
The boss you, and we like children
From you all the best take
All your clean in the world
We love you and we save!

Head of a woman

Allow you to congratulate
In a bright holiday - New Year,
And, of course, add:
Living you perfectly, without worries!
Success in affairs and beginnings,
To business always flourished!
The boss you are just super
There are no others in the world!

We wish Fame and Recognizing,
Career growth and prosperity,
And life is bright, interesting,
You as the boss is wonderful.
And you like a woman - charming,
Smart and very interesting
Today, the new year has everyone
You will certainly wait for success!

Universal greetings

Let the windows sprinkle in the snow
And the fireworks let it shine brightly,
But we are not afraid of winter chill -
In the spacious office today is very hot.
We accompany the old year together.
And there were successes and falls in it,
And let the new one be lucky,
And we will achieve everything, no doubt!

Happy New Year
You, colleagues and friends!
I wish you so much money
So that often ride the sea,
So that you have been implemented
Goals all and all dreams
So that your head was spinning
From career height,
So that in the family love rear
Tenderness, friendship, benefits,
And so that work brought
Some joy and honor!

In the glasses quietly melting bubbles
And the candles are so sparkling, as if in Nege!
Happy New Year, my favorite team!
Happy New Year, the best colleagues!
Let there be more bright days at work,
Hold on together, never beate
And even if the goals are all more difficult,
Do not lower the hands - step forward!
And in the New Year will be a dream -
And there will be many premiums, promotions.
Favorite colleagues! All good!
And new grand achievements!

In prose

Traditional congratulations for the boss

Happy New Year! Thank you for the joint work and I wish only the best in the new year: excellent health, family well-being, success in the professional field, love and full-fledged happiness!

Happy New Year! I want to wish you success, pleasant surprises, good health, let all sorrow will remain in the past, eyes are always burning from joy, and in the shower bloomes happiness!

Take my sincere congratulations on the New Year! I wish you success always and in everything, as much as possible moments, financial well-being! Health and happiness to you and your loved ones!

Today is a magical holiday - New Year! Let it bring only good: good luck, joy, love, surprises! So that this holiday is never over, and all that you will be fading on New Year's Eve to come true! Good health and eternal family well-being!

These days, when all the closest lies nearby, when the most amazing miracles occur around, I want to wish all this year in hand with you happiness, everyone accompanied luck, and the friendly family was always waiting for the house, and the comfort reigned! Happy New Year!

Women office

Dear women of our Labor team! Let each of you in the new year shine brightly shines, smiles and forgives mistakes bosses, each man helps free, and the salary is only growing! Without you, our office would be boring, because you are our priceless decoration!

My dear colleague! You are a professional, a beautiful woman, and let today, in this big holiday, all your desires will come true! Let the husband love, children are listening, and at work appreciate, raise the salary and give a vacation when you wish yourself!

I wish the magic New Year's night with my favorite colleague! Let the new year be wrapped with gifts and surprises, men always make their attention, and work with breathtaking results! Let everyone surround love and appreciate, and a close person remembers all the time - what happiness to be next to such a woman!

Wishes to male colleagues

Dear our men! You are a support and hope of our team, stronger and more beautifully not to find you in any office! Let the bosses do not remember you in a bad mood, and the salary pleases with each month. Do not forget to take care and help us - your colleagues for women, and then the new year will definitely be successful!

My soul colleague! Let all your sadness melting on this day as snow in the spring, gifts will be so diverse as toys on your Christmas tree, and the bosses are as friendly as most people in this beautiful holiday!

New Year is a holiday not only family, but also collective! Therefore, a dear colleague, I wish you a festive mood, like New Year's salute; salaries are the same as the number of bubbles in a glass of champagne; Well-being, which will accompany the whole year! Love and good luck in the new year!

Funny congratulations

You are the boss at least where! Happy New Year I congratulate you I! Let the contracts please, workers are complaining of; So that the family is always in order, and so that everything was smooth in life!

Happy New Year, dear my colleague! Let this night turn the noisy corporate, where the joy reigns, fun and the best people! Only that after the holiday salary, not one offended, and health did not have to correlate! Happiness and good luck in the new year!

New Year comes! You have a salary, my precious colleague, let never melts! I wish you so that this year under the window stood at least Lamborghini, there was at least Jolie, and there was so much money in the socks so that the Gates himself was discouraged!

In this new year I want to wish my best colleague of personal and career growth, boys, monastic patience, a unjudal accountant, opportunities on any working day to come drunk, rich and happy, and ... stay so for the whole year!

I want you, a colleague, a fun all year! In order to spend as much as much as you wish, I don't refuse myself, and so that it still remains even more! So that you are the same happy and joyful, as at the time of the battle of the Kurats! And also health, good luck, car, apartment, island ... In general, everything that is not enough for our salary!

New Year - the time of desires that always come true. And if you, a colleague, did not have time to guess everything that I wanted, then I wish you this: a big apartment (not one), an expensive car (not one), my beloved wife (only one) and a lot of money (infinitely)! Happy New Year!


Congratulations for colleagues need to choose, considering your relationship and status: the higher the situation regarding congratulations, the more business it should be. But the most important thing in the congratulation is good wishes and the atmosphere of the holiday, then that would be written, it will be nice to everyone, and will surely come true!

Happy new, happy successful year, dear friends!

New 2017 should bring good luck in business, so do not forget to celebrate with colleagues. You do not need to order a large banquet hall.

How to congratulate? Surprising colleagues originality.

1. Just congratulate each other from the soul.

Lottery "Cat in a bag."

2. There is one economical and interesting option. Buy various inexpensive souvenirs and place them in an opaque, preferably a festive package or even the bag of Santa Claus.

Offer colleagues to participate in the festive lottery "Cat in a bag".For this, each one should run the hand in the package. Naturally pry it is impossible. And here in the hands of your colleague is already an interesting souvenir. By the way, let the souvenirs will be more than employees.

What gifts put in the bag?

It is desirable that this year in the package turned out to be products of red, yellow and orange and different utility. After all, 2017 is the year of the fiery rooster.

3. Game "Angel Day"

If you have time you can spend another game. Her name "Angel Day". For this you need an even number of people. Rondomy, each person gets his angel, who during the week he makes anonymous gifts. You can write funny letters or give chocolates. The office then reigns a festive mood, care and love.