How to teach a child to eat with a spoon on their own. How to teach a child to eat with a spoon on their own: the secrets and subtleties of the process. Simple cutlery

Before wondering how to teach your child to eat with a spoon on their own, it makes sense to consider the differences between what a spoon is for you and what it is for your little one.

Spoon + dexterity: is it difficult for a kid to master a new instrument

To teach a child to eat with a spoon, you need to wean him from gnawing it.

For you, this is a familiar cutlery that you use every day. For a kid - a new "tool" for action, to which he has not yet had time to adapt. What is for you an ordinary and simple action requires a lot of stress from the crumbs.

Of course, you gave your baby some water from a teaspoon, and when you just started feeding, you had to teach him to eat with a spoon, but this is a completely different matter, here you have to learn by yourself!

A spoon is "arranged" in this way: it is necessary to scoop up food with it, raise it vertically without bending or turning it over, and only then send it into the mouth along a horizontal line.

But the kid is used to using his “unarmed” hand - straight into his mouth, in a straight line. This means that the child must rebuild his usual hand movement, and this will take a certain amount of time. The same skill must be developed, without which the spoon misses the mouth and falls. Dexterity cannot appear out of nowhere, just like the habit of eating on its own.

At first, a small person will perceive a spoon as an extension of his own hand: he will grab it as close as possible to the “cup” -deep (sometimes the “cup” itself) and, having scooped up a little food, will try to deliver it into his mouth obliquely, like he has a spoon not in hand at all.

This is also due to the fact that the baby's attention is focused on the food itself, and not on the "tool" that delivers this food. Naturally, most of what the manun has to eat, with this approach, remains on the table, on the floor, anywhere, but not at the intended end point - in the mouth.

Do not be discouraged, and even more so do not scold the child! Gradually, after a short time, the baby will grasp the connection between WHAT he acts and WHAT this action is directed towards: spoon - food - mouth. Success will not come instantly, it will manifest itself from time to time, until the hand of a young gentleman or lady adapts to the properties of a new "tool" - a spoon - sufficiently and learns to hold it correctly.

Be prepared for the fact that these actions will remain imperfect for a long time and will be practiced in the future "in the course of the play." And, of course, your help in this exciting mastering of a new subject will be invaluable, since each new skill is an essential step, an impact on the intellectual level of your child's development. And in mastering this step - the transition from infant feeding to full-fledged independent food - you, in addition to the desire to "teach", should also have helpers.

In the process of learning, the mother will have to wash a lot - the child will stain everything around with food.


  • Time is age. The age of the baby will tell you when to start the transition from complementary foods to self-feeding. If your baby is already one year old, then the time has come to accustom him to the spoon - it's time to give the “spoon” initiative to young hands! Exceptions by age may be those cases when the manny needs to be urgently prepared for the nursery. Then the beginning of training will have to be at the age of 8-9 months, and even then, if the little ones are already confidently sitting on their own, without any support. Parents should not worry too much: what the kid did not finish his studies at home, he will easily master in a peer group. Of course, at this age, babies are not yet able to bite off and chew food (they only learn this with the help of a piece of bread and cookies), but continuing to feed him through the nipple is simply harmful: a delay at this stage will lead to the rejection of any food that does not flow into mouth, as particles of solid food will cause vomiting. A “correct” baby, receiving puree-porridge-like food from a spoon, will instinctively make a couple of chewing movements before swallowing it.
  • Time-mode. Compliance with the general daily regimen, in particular, the diet, helps to develop a conditioned reflex in the stomach: gastric juice is produced at a certain time, which means that at this time the child feels hungry and is ready to "make concessions" in the form of trying to make a few scoops on his own ...
  • Time is a ritual. The ritual of preparing for dinner, which is repeated from day to day at the same time, will help the baby to realize the importance of the upcoming action. When the hour of feeding comes, the baby must be told: "Now we will eat!", Wash our hands, sit at the table, tie a napkin, put his dishes in front of him and hand a slice of bread in one hand, and his spoon in the other.


You will have to endure a lot. To endure puddles and blots from food around the future esthete. You will have to endure and whims if the baby refuses to eat new food or spits out a lovingly cooked puree soup. Encourage your patience when your child tries to eat from a plate with his hands. Just dry your hands and hand the spoon back.

You will really need your patience when, according to your "estimates" or according to the opinion of grandmothers, neighbors, etc., your favorite cheeky sun does not eat up, does not finish drinking. Only in this case, patience must be extended to yourself: do not shove more into the baby than he wants to eat!

His body still dictates the "rules of the game" with food itself - children of this age do not know the concepts of anorexia and are not able to starve themselves to death!

But you are quite capable by your actions to develop a clear hostile attitude towards the process of eating in your child, or to grow a multi-kilogram glutton. Neither one nor the other will benefit the baby, restrain yourself, do not force feed him!


Mom teaches the child to properly lay food on a spoon

This intelligent action goes hand in hand with your patience.

Show this intelligent action, even if the kid demands to "bring Lyapkin-Tyapkin here" in the form of a familiar bottle: first we eat from a spoon, and then we finish eating from the bottle! Wait until the moment when the “home despot” has stopped hysteria and is mentally ready to get used to a new style of eating, and invite him to start the meal with a spoon in his hands.

Persistently show the child the step-by-step "path of the spoon": scoop up, raise, carry to the mouth.

And learn to hold the spoon correctly! We do not "strangle" it at the recess, but we intercept it by the handle. This technique is best assimilated if the baby's fist is in your palm and it is you who make those necessary forward movements with your hand, helping the food from the plate to get into the mouth of the "daw".

So that the miracle child does not forget about the skills learned yesterday, today you will patiently and persistently “recommend” the baby to cope with the naughty spoon again, just as you will do it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, as much as he needs to master the skill.

Exceptions in the learning process can only be the days when the poor girl is sick and refuses to eat on her own (for example, teething) or is simply very tired. In this case, the mother has every moral right to feed the baby herself, but all the same - with a spoon!

There is also a correct version, often used by parents, this is the principle of "two in one", when the child has two spoons in a plate: one he is happy to "wield" himself, and the second is "in the wings" from mom or dad.

If a wonderful child is tired of "wielding", then the parent's spoon "will help" him to finish the rest of the food to the very bottom with calm persistence.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 14 minutes


Each baby grows up in its own way and in its own time. It seems that only yesterday he did not let the bottle out of his palms, but today he deftly wields a spoon, and does not even spill a drop. Of course, this stage is important and difficult for every mother.

And in order for it to pass with "less losses", you need to remember the main points of the lessons on self-eating.

When can a child eat with a spoon on their own?

It is difficult to clearly determine the age when a baby is ready to take a spoon in his own hands. One demandingly grabs a spoon already at 6 months, the other refuses to take it at 2 years old. Sometimes training takes up to 3-4 years - everything is individual.

Of course, you shouldn't delay learning - the earlier the baby begins to eat on its own, the easier it will be for mom, and the easier it will be for the child himself in kindergarten.

Make sure the baby is "ripe" for spoon and cup. Only if he is ready, you can begin training.

Focus on your baby's behavior ... If the child already grabs pieces of food and pulls them into his mouth, takes the spoon away from his mother and tries to put it in his mouth, is interested in food in principle and has a good appetite - do not miss the moment! Yes, mom will feed faster, and there is no desire to clean the kitchen 3-4 times a day, but it is better to go through this stage right away (you still have to go through it, but then it will be more difficult).

How to teach a child to eat himself - follow the instructions!

No matter how precious your time is, no matter how much you want to keep the kitchen clean - do not miss the moment!

If the crumb requires a spoon, give him a spoon. And then - follow the instructions.

  • Be patient - the process will be difficult. Moscow was not built right away, and a filled spoon never gets into a baby's mouth from the first time - it will take from a month to six months to learn.
  • Exercise outside of the kitchen. You can also learn in the sandbox: mastering the game with a spatula, the baby quickly learns to wield a spoon. Feed the plastic hares with sand, this game will help you to coordinate movements in the kitchen.
  • Do not leave a child alone with a full plate. Firstly, it is dangerous (the child can choke), and secondly, the baby will certainly become capricious from powerlessness or fatigue, and thirdly, he still needs to be fed, even if he carries 3-4 spoons to the mouth himself.
  • Choose these foods to start learning. , which in consistency will be convenient for scooping and "transporting" into the mouth. Of course, the soup will not work - the baby will just stay hungry. But curd, mashed potatoes or porridge - that's it. And do not add the entire serving at once - little by little, gradually adding to the plate as it becomes empty. Do not put food in pieces either, because you can take it with your hands.
  • Teach the fork along with the spoon. A safe fork, of course. As a rule, it is easier for kids to cope with arbs. But in this case, do not forget to change the contents of the plate (you cannot attach the porridge to the fork).
  • If you started the process and decided to bring it to the end - that is, teach the child to eat on his own - then explain to other family members that they, too, must adhere to your teaching principles. It is wrong when mom teaches the baby to eat on her own, and grandmother basically (albeit lovingly) feeds him with a spoon.
  • Feed the child strictly on schedule and reinforce your skills daily.
  • If the child is naughty and refuses to eat himself , do not torment him - feed from a spoon, postpone training for the evening (morning).
  • Dine with the whole family. The baby should not be fed separately. The collective rule always works. That is why in kindergarten children quickly learn to eat, dress and go to the potty on their own - this rule works. If you eat with the whole family at the same table, the child will quickly begin to imitate you.
  • Create fun games so that the baby has the motivation to eat on their own.
  • Start self-feeding only with your favorite food of the crumbs, and only when he is hungry ... Remember that he gets tired of working with a spoon, and feed the baby yourself when he starts to get nervous.
  • Be sure to praise your child for their efforts. Even the smallest. The kid will be pleased to please you again and again.
  • Create a food-friendly environment for your child. Choose beautiful dishes, lay a beautiful tablecloth, decorate the dish.

Self-Eating Instructions - Where to Start?

  1. We cover the table with a beautiful oilcloth and tie a bib for the baby.
  2. We take a little porridge from his plate and eat it demonstratively "with gusto". Do not forget to portray excitement to get the child interested.
  3. Next, we hand the spoon to the crumbs. If you can't hold the spoon, we help. You need to squeeze the spoon in his palm with your hand, scoop up the porridge from the plate and bring it to your mouth.
  4. Help until the child can hold the device on his own.
  5. It is not scary if the child at first just kneads the porridge in a plate with a spoon and smears it on the face, table, etc. Give the child freedom - let him get used to it. You can put a plate with a suction cup if the child constantly turns it over.
  6. While the child is learning to eat himself, help him with another spoon. That is, one spoon for him, one for you.
  7. Place the spoon in your baby's hand correctly. It is wrong to hold it in a fist - teach the crumb to hold a spoon with your fingers so that it is comfortable to carry to the mouth.

We use the same principle, accustoming the child to a sippy cup, fork, etc.... We start with a small portion, only if the baby is interested and without hysterics about soiled sofas, clothes and carpets.

How to get your baby interested - the right purchases to stimulate independence

  • Plate. We choose it from safe, food-grade heat-resistant plastic. Preferably, those companies that you can trust. The color palette should be bright, which the little one would gladly dig out under the porridge of his favorite cartoon characters. We recommend choosing a plate with an inclined bottom - for easy scooping of food, sufficient depth and with a suction cup for the table.
  • A sippy cup. We also choose it exclusively from safe materials. It is better to take a cup with 2 handles so that it is convenient for the baby to hold it. The nose should be silicone or soft plastic (no burrs!) So as not to injure the gums. It is good if the cup has a rubber support for stability.
  • The spoon. It should be made of safe plastic, anatomically shaped, with a round and non-slip handle.
  • Fork. Also made of safe plastic, curved shape, with rounded teeth.
  • Don't forget about. Not free-standing and with its own table, but such that the baby sits at a common table with the whole family.
  • You should also buy waterproof bibs - preferably bright, with cartoon characters, so that the child does not resist putting on (alas, many children who perceive feeding as an execution, tear off the bibs immediately after putting on). It is better if the bibs are made of soft and flexible plastic with a slightly curved bottom edge.

What is needed to feed a child up to one year old -

The child refuses to eat on his own - what to do?

If your child stubbornly refuses to take a spoon, do not panic and do not insist - everything has its time. Your perseverance will only lead to the formation of a negative attitude in the child towards the process of eating.

  • Leave your baby alone and try again after a few days .
  • If possible, call for help from siblings or friends of the baby (neighbor kids).
  • Organized children's party can help you practice your skills.

Of course, you do not need to relax: this skill is extremely important, and you should not postpone training for a long time.

We teach a child to eat carefully from a year - the basic rules of accuracy and safety at the table

It is clear that you should not expect sophistication and aristocracy from a child during training.

But if you want to teach him to eat carefully, then food safety and culture must be in place from the start and at all times.

  • Personal example is the most important thing. Teach your child by example - how to hold a spoon, how to eat, how to use a napkin, etc.
  • Wash your hands before eating. It should become a habit.
  • Don't eat in the room - only in the kitchen (dining room) at a common table and strictly at a certain time. The diet is extremely important for the baby's health, appetite and the calmness of his nervous system.
  • No TV broadcasts at lunchtime. Cartoons will wait! Active games too. During lunch, it is unacceptable to be distracted, indulge in, laugh, disgrace.
  • Useful rituals. Teach the baby to them from the very beginning: first, the hands washed with scented soap, then the mother puts the baby on a highchair, puts on a bib, places dishes on the table, lays out napkins, puts a plate of porridge. And, of course, mom accompanies all these actions with comments, songs and affectionate explanations.
  • Be sure to decorate the table. From the cradle, we teach the child to eat not only tasty, but also beautiful. Serving and decorating dishes is one of the secrets of increasing appetite and mood. A beautiful tablecloth, napkins in a napkin holder, bread in a basket, a beautifully served dish.
  • Good mood. It is not good to sit down at the table angry, angry, capricious. Lunch should be with the family, as a good tradition.
  • We do not pick up food that has fallen. What fell - that to the dog. Or a cat. But not back on the plate.
  • As you grow up and get used to independence, expand the set of those appliances and utensils what you are using. If a plate and a sippy cup are enough at 10-12 months, then by the age of 2 the baby should already have a fork, a plate for dessert, soup and for a second, an ordinary cup (not a drinker), a tea and soup spoon, etc. ...
  • Accuracy. Teach your baby to sit at a clean table, eat neatly, use a napkin, do not play with food, do not swing in a chair, sit upright and remove your elbows from the table, do not climb with a spoon into someone else's plate.

How not to teach a child to eat - the main taboos for parents

When starting lessons on independence, parents sometimes make many mistakes.

Avoid them and the process will go smoother, easier, and faster!

  • Do not hurry. Do not rush the child - "eat faster", "I still have to wash the dishes" and other phrases. Firstly, eating quickly is harmful, and secondly, the process of eating is also talking with mom.
  • Stay on course. If you started to accustom to a spoon / cup - and continue. Do not allow yourself to be strayed from the course due to lack of time, laziness, etc. This applies to all family members.
  • Don't make the child take a spoon , if he does not want to take it, does not want to eat, is ill.
  • Do not swear if the baby is too dirty , has smeared everything around with porridge, including the dog, and the new T-shirt is so stained that it cannot be washed. This is temporary, it will have to go through. Lay the oilcloth, remove the carpet from the floor, put on the crumbs clothes that you do not mind getting dirty with juices and soup. But in any case, do not show your kid your irritation - he may get scared, and the learning process will stall.
  • Do not turn on the TV during lunch. Cartoons and programs distract from the process on which the child must fully focus.
  • Do not give your baby a portion that will scare him with its volume. Put in a little at a time. It is best to add the supplement when the child asks.
  • Don't indulge. Of course, it is better to start with the food that the baby loves, but later do not fall for the "blackmail". If the kid, who has already learned how to work with a spoon, refuses porridge and demands "dessert" in exchange for what he will eat himself, just remove the plate - he is not hungry.
  • Do not force the crumb to eat everything completely. Despite the established age "norms", each child himself knows when he is full. Overeating does not lead to anything good.
  • Don't change your dietary rules. As you eat at home, and eat at a visit, on a trip, at your grandmother's, etc. If guests are allowed to eat when you have to, and what you have to do, then why should it be different at home? If at home "elbows on the table" and a wiped mouth on the tablecloth is the norm, then why is it impossible to visit as well? Be consistent in your requirements.

Well, and most importantly - do not panic if the process is delayed. Sooner or later, the kid will master this complex cutlery anyway.

It can not be in any other way.

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We will be very pleased if you share your experience in teaching a child to eat independently.

A child's mastery of the art of independent eating is sometimes difficult and requires patience and a benevolent attitude from adults.

At 7-8 months of life, the baby begins to be keenly interested in what is in the plate, puts his hand on it, tries to grab the spoon with which he is fed. In this way, the crumb signals the desire to learn to eat on its own. This is an important moment in a child's development and should not be overlooked. Encourage such aspirations and give the child the opportunity to try to eat on their own - meeting the needs of the baby stimulates his development.

Mastering the skills of independent eating is not easy, and adults will need a remarkable reserve of patience: shouting and attempts to "bribe" will not teach anything, but will only harm. Here are some tips.

Make sure you have a comfortable atmosphere while eating. The child's food should be associated with pleasure.

It is important, when possible, to sit down at the table with the whole family: such moments from the point of view of the development of the baby are simply priceless.

Boredom is the enemy

A six-month-old baby does not like to be bored. Even when he eats, the pens must be busy with something. Do not take away toys from your baby during feeding - this can be perceived as punishment associated with food.

Do not force a one-year-old baby to sit at the table for a long time: this is beyond his strength, especially since there are so many interesting things around! Let your fidget eat quickly, hastily. But remember the importance of territorial boundaries: do not let your child walk around the house with food, teach him to eat only in the kitchen.

Simple cutlery

If you want to teach a child to use a spoon correctly, it should be similar to an adult, only smaller. It is good if the first teaspoons are made of soft plastic.

Do not buy products with fancy shapes or with a handle located at a large angle to the base. This may make feeding easier, but it does not contribute to the normal development of the jaw and mouth muscles.

Complementary feeding - only with a spoon

Give soups, or dessert only with a spoon. The reflex of chewing and swallowing food develops around 6 months of age. It is justified not to use this moment only if your pediatrician has postponed the introduction of solid food into the infant's diet for some reason.

Bottle feeding is convenient, but don't be tempted to give your baby something other than milk through the nipple. Feeding with a spoon will teach him how to take food with his lips, will help him quickly master the correct movements of the lower jaw, and these are the skills necessary for self-feeding.

Put a teaspoon in the baby's mouth in a horizontal position and take it out in the same way. This feeding method forces you to forcefully close your mouth in order to grab food - this is how the muscles of the lips develop and strengthen, which prevents salivation.

Frequent and smooth opening / closing of a child's mouth contributes to the correct development of speech and is necessary for the pronunciation of some sounds.

Two-handed feeding

Give the child a spoon and put the food in two plates at once: on one, let the baby eat himself, on the other, you will feed him.

You can also ask the baby to try to feed you. If he still does not know how to collect food, give him an already filled spoon in his hands. Praise every successful attempt, ignore the failure.

No coercion or overfeeding

Do not force the spoon into your child's mouth. If the first attempt at introducing a new food fails, wait a few days before trying again. Remember: if the crumb over and over again refuses some food, perhaps it is harmful to him. Or the food is simply totally disliked. After all, not all dishes are to the taste of parents either.

Do not force the baby to eat more than he can and wants, do not fight with him for every sip and bite - it will only hurt. A healthy child knows when he is hungry or thirsty. Coercion is the first step towards turning a crumbs into a little "reluctance".

When a newborn is breastfed, he is allowed to eat as much as he wants. The same principle should be used when introducing new foods into the diet, and later when you are trying to teach a small child to self-feed.

The child has the right to get dirty

Do not forbid him to have fun with food. Cognition of the world occurs through a variety of sensations. From about 8-9 months, the baby usually shows a desire and makes attempts to put food in his mouth with a pen - let him do it.

If the child does not want to put on the bib, just change it into worse clothes during the meal. Be patient and understanding, do not shout or insult. A dirty suit, table and floor - all this is washed and wiped off, but a trace of negative emotions will remain in the soul of the little man.

Introducing the sippy

As early as the seventh month, you can teach your child to drink from a sippy cup. If you are breastfeeding, do not give extra liquid from the nipple bottle - drink straight from the sippy bottle. So, step by step, you will teach your baby to drink from a regular cup. And be sure to show by your own example how this is done.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that the problems that arise in the process of accustoming a child to self-feeding may be associated with a lack of clear rules. There are times when a baby at both 2 and 3 years old refuses to hold a spoon in his hands and waits to be fed.

Mom needs to set clear boundaries (who and at what time is involved in feeding) and wait for the moment when the baby is really hungry. The feeling of childhood hunger, according to Komarovsky, solves many problems, including the problem of selective appetite.

Hello dear parents. Your baby is growing up, sooner or later the moment will come when you need to accustom the little one to the process of self-feeding. Please be patient and carefully study all the recommendations for the acquisition of this skill by the kid. You must understand that everything must be done correctly and in a timely manner, otherwise you may face the fact that the child will resist your learning process.

Signs of readiness

It is very important to make sure your baby is truly ready to switch from spoon feeding to self-service. Parents need to understand that all children are individual. One baby may show interest in a spoon at the age of six months, while the other, even at two and a half years, will refuse to take a spoon in his pen. Mom will need to observe the child, identify signs of readiness:

  • the baby shows interest in food;
  • begins to eat with pens;
  • independently takes and pulls pieces of bread, fruit, cookies into his mouth;
  • trying to snatch a spoon from my mother's hand.

When a child eats on his own

When choosing the right age for starting the self-service process during feeding, it is necessary to take into account all the developmental features and personal characteristics of your little one.

You need to understand that at the age of six months, even if the baby shows interest in the spoon and tries to take it from his mother, it is too early for him to start eating without outside help. The child will not be able to coordinate his movements yet, the maximum of which you will achieve - the food will be anywhere, but practically will not fall into the mouth of the crumbs.

However, there is no need to delay the learning process too much. Some mothers are so attached to their children, they take great care of them and for a long time cannot get used to the idea that the baby is already old enough, do not stop feeding him until three years old, or even longer. Remember that by doing this you only harm the development of the toddler. In addition, at the age of three, a period begins when the child wants to do everything in spite of his mother. Make it to this age - you will face strong resistance and whims of the child.

If you are planning, you must understand that no one there will spoon feed your baby. But it should be borne in mind that the learning process may take you more than one month, so start adapting the little one for self-service while eating in advance.

Necessary accessories

When you decide that it is time to teach your baby to eat with a spoon on his own, you need to take care of the necessary adaptations. These include:

  1. Plate. Cookware made of heat-resistant plastic (intended for food) is ideal for your little one. Give preference to colorful plates featuring animals, cars, or cartoon characters. For the first time, it is better to purchase dishes with a suction cup, so there will be more chances that it will not end up on the floor. Also popular are plates with an inclined bottom. Indeed, such a feature of the dishes will allow the child to easily cope with scooping food.
  2. The cup is a sippy cup. Experienced mothers advise using just such a device, and not a regular adult cup, even if you have purchased a small two-hundred-gram one. As a rule, most of the liquid will spill and almost nothing will get into the mouth.

Be sure to make sure that the material from which the sippy is made is non-toxic. Choose cups with a plastic or even better silicone spout. The presence of a rubber stand will not be superfluous.

  1. A spoon should be chosen of a suitable size. In the choice of material, decide on your own, but it is recommended to use a plastic device. It is important that the spoon has a rounded handle that will not slip in the little one's hand.
  2. You will not need a plug at first. But when the time comes, it is better to choose with rounded teeth, so that the baby cannot get hurt.
  3. Bib. You may already be using it when feeding your baby. When the little one begins to eat on their own, at first you cannot do without spilled food, so be sure to take care of purchasing a waterproof bib.
  4. Well, of no small importance is your own chair with a built-in table. Although experts recommend purchasing, just without a table, to put a child on his chair, but at a common (adult) table. Thus, the child will be able to observe the rest of the family and take an example from them.

How to teach a child to eat on their own a year

Many parents decide to start the learning process precisely at the age of twelve months. In this case, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  1. The first courses should be thick enough so that it is more convenient for the baby to grab food with a spoon.
  2. At first, you have to put a spoon in the handle of the crumbs.
  3. Expect food to fly past your mouth a lot. Take care of the presence of a bib, free the floor from the carpet, if there is one, you can cover the place over which the baby eats with oilcloth.
  4. The first meals should come when the child is feeling well. It is important that the baby is hungry at the time of feeding.
  5. It is very important to praise the little one for every correct hit of the spoon as intended.

Developing the skill of self-feeding

To teach your baby to eat without auxiliary help, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Start the learning process no earlier than you notice that the baby is interested in the spoon, he has aroused an interest in self-feeding.
  2. It is important not to teach the baby to eat in front of the TV in the room, make it clear that food intake and the kitchen are inseparable. Ideally, the child will eat with other family members. It will be easier for the little one to learn from their example.
  3. Never rush your baby. Be patient, it may take more than one month until the baby learns to wield a spoon.
  4. If you see that the first attempts end in failure, support the baby, help him at first to cope with this difficult work.
  5. A good practice example would be using a paddle in a sandbox. It resembles a spoon in form and process of manipulation.
  6. Let the first dishes that the child have to try were his favorites. It will not be superfluous to decorate your meal in a playful way.
  7. Be sure to feed the toddler if he has not mastered the entire portion or uttered more than he brought to his mouth.

My son began to take an interest in food and a spoon from the age of seven months. But I began to teach him only from ten months. Although this age may seem early to someone. First she explained how to use a spoon. Showed how dad eats. I made his favorite porridge. At first, my son could not even really fill a spoon, but the food practically did not spill past his mouth. I put him to eat at a high chair with a built-in table, but always in the kitchen and at a time when everyone is having a meal. She took care of the presence of a bib so that Nikita would not get very dirty. The first month I controlled every movement of my son, helped if necessary. Finally, the kid learned to wield a spoon when he was one year old.

We teach the kid to drink

The first cup of toddler can be a sippy cup. You can use it starting from the age of six months, or rather, as soon as the child learns to sit on his own. Show the baby that you need to take the spout of the cup in your mouth, tilt the cup a little and drink slowly, sipping the liquid.

However, it is not at all necessary for the child to have a drinking cup between the bottle and a regular cup. You can try to teach drinking from a cup right away, but for this purpose you will have to choose dishes with a volume of no more than 250 ml; and the learning process should start no earlier than eight months of age. Show your baby by example how to use a cup, then invite the baby to drink from it, while gently push the edge of the cup to the baby's lips and tilt it slightly, let the baby try to take one or two sips. If everything flows past the little one’s mouth, then it’s too early for him to drink from a regular cup.

Remember that for the first time there should not be more than half of the liquid in the cup and it must necessarily be a drink that the child drank earlier.

When my son was six months old, the first thing I decided to do was teach him a sippy cup. We had a plastic spout. The son has mastered this science practically from the first time. But already literally at the age of eight months he reached for a cup. At first, of course, he spilled some part of the water, but literally in a week, he got the hang of it and never returned to the sippy.

How to teach a child to eat with a spoon on their own

First of all, decide on the choice of the type of this device:

  1. Rubber. Safe to use. Well suited for complementary foods when the mother feeds the little one. However, it will be quite difficult and inconvenient for the child to hold such a device.
  2. Silver. May be difficult for the child and thus cause inconvenience to use. It is considered a big advantage that silver has the property of disinfection.
  3. A tea or coffee spoon. A good option for self-catering. It is quite comfortable and well supported by the baby.
  4. Anatomical. Specially designed taking into account the anatomical features of the child's hand. Convenient even for the smallest. The only disadvantage in using such a spoon is that after accustoming to such a device, it will be much more difficult for the baby to get used to ordinary spoons and forks.

Please be patient, it will take a long time until the baby masters the technique of using a spoon. As a rule, this process occurs in stages:

  1. The child gets acquainted with the spoon, examines it, can even play with it.
  2. The kid observes other family members as they use this device.
  3. The toddler is learning to hold a spoon, but is not yet picking up food for it.
  4. The child begins to eat on his own, but at the same time, the food does not always reach the mouth, the baby often misses the mark.
  5. The process of eating becomes conscious, the movements become more coordinated. On very rare occasions, the toddler fails.
  6. The toddler is confident and independently wielding a spoon.

It is important to praise the child for every successful mouthful of food. Never scold your baby if he missed and spilled food. Be patient, do not push the child, let the process of eating lasts as long as the baby needs.

We observe etiquette

From childhood, you need to teach your baby to follow the basic rules of etiquette. It is not surprising that this knowledge is also necessary when eating:

  1. Teach your baby to wash hands before eating.
  2. Never accompany a meal with watching TV, do not surround the little one with a whole mountain of toys. The feeding process should take place exclusively in the kitchen.
  3. It is allowed to play with a spoon only at the initial stage of acquaintance. Then games with food and dishes are unacceptable.
  4. Observe the regime. Let the little one eat strictly by the hour. This will teach him to order, and for the digestion process this is a great benefit.
  5. Teach your baby, if he gets dirty, to wipe off with a napkin. Explain that if the spoon falls to the floor, it is already dirty and cannot be used until you wash it.

The child does not want to eat himself

Sometimes it happens. Then you need to resort to the following tips:

  1. If the child resists, and time still allows, postpone the learning process for a month, then another, and then try again. Do not force your baby to eat by force.
  2. Put the little one at the dinner table, comment on that all family members eat on their own and it's time for him to eat like that.
  3. Visit the kids who already know how to eat themselves. The main thing is that the age of the kids approximately corresponds to the years of your little one.

The main thing is not to delay too much with the learning process. It is better to have time to teach the little one before he turns three or until he goes to preschool.

  1. Warn all family members not to feed the baby.
  2. Do not force the little one to eat on his own for the first time if he is in a bad mood or he is sick.
  3. It is good if the learning process takes place in the summer. It is much easier to wash your baby this way.
  4. Do not scold the toddler if he will make his first attempts at self-eating with pens, and not with a spoon.

Teach your child to eat on their own only if he is already psychologically and physiologically ready for this. You do not need to start the learning process when the baby is sick. Do not force the little one and do not scold him, be patient, it may even take six months for the child to confidently learn to wield a spoon. We wish you strength and patience, as well as parental wisdom and care!

The golden rule of upbringing: do not do for the kid those actions that he can perform himself. Knowing how to use cutlery is one of the basic self-service skills.

It is advisable to decide how to teach a child to eat with a spoon on his own and when to do it, taking into account his level of development, readiness for practical exercises, health status and other factors.

From this article, you will learn

At what age to start

Any skill is easier to learn when children are physiologically mature for it. If mom plans to go to work after the baby's first birthday, you need to teach him how to use cutlery in advance.

When preparing for kindergarten, the optimal age when teaching a child to eat with a spoon is nine month... If there is no need to rush, the learning process should not be postponed anyway, it is desirable that by one and a half years the baby could eat on its own.

All children are different: someone eats their favorite dishes with a spoon at the age of nine months, someone even at two years old needs help from their parents. Usually, one-year-old toddlers tend to imitate adults in everything, and they do not need to be persuaded to pick up a spoon.

Important! At three months, offer various objects for play to strengthen the muscles of the baby's arm. At six months old, the toddler sits importantly in a baby chair, at this age the first feeding begins, which means that you need to acquaint the baby with cutlery.

As teledoctor Komarovsky advises, you should not force children, the task of parents is to create conditions under which learning will take place by itself. If you put pressure on the crumb, it is possible that he will abandon the process altogether.

How to choose the right spoon

Nowadays, choosing something for children is not easy: the assortment in stores is represented by a variety of samples. Sometimes parental counseling is required. When buying a spoon, you need to give preference to a safe and convenient one. The following types are suitable:

A fake can be toxic, especially when heated. Plastic forks are usually useless: it takes a lot of effort for a baby to pick up a piece or chop it.

Important! As practice shows, it is better to purchase two or three spoons you like. In the process of learning, the child himself will determine what is more convenient for him to eat. When making a purchase, take care of children's dish detergents as well.

Stages of spoon training

The first stage is to teach the little one to eat bread, cookies, pieces of vegetables and fruits by hand. You need to show how to drink from a mug, for a start, a "sippy" will do. As soon as children's fingers get stronger, you can give the baby a spoon. There are several stages to reinforce the skill you want to use:

  • A game... When the baby learns to grab the object with his hands, you can put the cutlery in his handle. Explain what he should do.
  • Imitation... You don't always need to feed the baby separately: if the regime allows, let him eat with everyone. Children have a great desire to copy the actions of adults.
  • First successes: the child holds the spoon correctly, grabs food with it. At this stage, my mother's help is still required.
  • Sustainable skill... The kid can already scoop up the right amount of food and bring it to the mouth.
  • Independent using a spoon.

A controversial point: the introduction of pedagogical complementary foods, when the toddler, imitating the parents, takes food from their plate. On the one hand, it is convenient: you can control the process, you do not need a special baby kit. On the other hand, it can be inconvenient for the mother herself. Many experts think it is unhygienic, especially if she has tooth decay or other medical conditions.

Learning Algorithm

To make the process of acquiring a new skill easy, follow a specific procedure. Develop a specific eating ritual:
  1. First, take care of the cleanliness around the child's chair: remove the carpet or lay down an oilcloth. Prepare a damp towel or wipes if an urgent cleaning is needed. Be prepared for the baby food to end up not in the baby's mouth, but on various surrounding objects.
  2. Sit down the baby comfortably, put a dish of food in front of him, it is better to use a plate with suction cups.
  3. Put the bib and cap on the baby. It will not be overkill to put on an apron and mom.
  4. Try to motivate to eat: praise the porridge, pay attention to the beautiful dishes. Promise you will help.
  5. Place the spoon in your baby's hand. If he cannot hold her, help him for the first time.
  6. If the baby loses interest in the process, do not insist. Praise him anyway.

Advice: if the apartment is hot, the baby can be undressed to the diaper. In this case, you do not have to wash your clothes, you can just bathe it.

Frequent mistakes

Successful self-care training is painless if you follow these guidelines:

  • Do not startif the child is sick or teething. Children learn well if they are in a good mood.
  • Need to be patient, do not rush the baby and do not scold if it gets dirty. It is not known how long the learning process will take, it can take months, and this is normal.
  • Leave alone little eater it is impossible: he may choke or be frightened. If necessary, the mother can correct the actions of the little one.
  • Do not worry, if the neighbor's tomboy eats himself with might and main. Do not compare your child with others: everyone learns in their own time.
  • Talk to your baby, read him nursery rhymes or rhymes while eating. But cartoons should not be included: all the attention will go to the screen.
  • Can't be forced baby eat everything: two or three spoons is already a success.

Teaching a child to eat, you need to have nerves of iron. Be patient. There is no need to give up learning at the first failures either.

At what age do you teach your child to spoon?

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  • Any learning process can be approached creatively, then it will bring a lot of joy. Turn the process into a game: let the baby try to feed the dolls and hares, mom and dad. The more often he trains, the faster he will master the skill.
  • Pay attention to the little things: Put on the plate the amount of food that the baby is able to eat. To begin with, do not offer too liquid food: the child will simply spill the soup. It is advisable to give porridge, thick puree or delicate curd, baby food from a jar. For the first time, offer your favorite food from the diet of the crumbs.
  • Better if the first time baby will take a spoon in his hand himself... To do this, simply place it next to it when you feed it. Most likely, your child will also try to get involved in the process. Continue to use two-handed feeding until the baby learns to feed on its own.
  • Sometimes parents insist that the spoon be in the right hand. No need to put pressure on the kid, let him try to act with the hand he wants. At first, you cannot force to hold the spoon correctly - over time, the child will definitely learn. There is also such a way: you can put two spoons on either side of the plate.

On a note! Children often drop objects on the floor. As a result, mom has to go back to the kitchen to wash the dishes. You cannot leave your child in a highchair, so you have to take it with you. To avoid this situation, take several spoons at once and keep it handy.

If the child does not want to eat by himself

If the baby does not want to eat on his own, you need to figure out why. Maybe you insist too much, maybe his fine motor skills are underdeveloped or he doesn't like food. Postpone training for a few days, change cutlery. Buy a plate with a beautiful picture or with a photo of a cartoon character, it will be interesting for him to eat porridge to see what is painted on it.

Many people find it uncomfortable to eat in a special chair, perhaps a good solution would be to take the baby in your arms while feeding. It is worth taking into their own hands teaching dad - with fathers, as a rule, children are less indulgent and naughty.

If the whole family eats, you can arrange a comic competition who will eat everything faster and more accurately, especially if there are older children. Play like a machine - a spoon - drives into the garage - a mouth. But often you should not use this technique - quickly swallowed food is poorly absorbed. It is impossible to get involved in too game techniques: wanting to eat is the main motivation for the skill to eat on your own.

Basics of baby etiquette

The foundations of eating behavior are laid in childhood. It is advisable to immediately give the correct idea of \u200b\u200bhow to behave while eating:

  • The rule wash your hands before eating - basic personal hygiene skill. You need to teach how to do it, and insist that the action becomes a habit.
  • No need to surround the baby while feeding with toys. Let's not indulge in food and cutlery. It is advisable that the meal is at the same time.
  • Do not feed baby every time in different rooms.
  • Don't give the pieces in between between meals... Not only will this ruin the appetite, the baby will lose the motivation to grab food with a spoon.
  • It is advisable to teach the child use a napkin: put one side by side.

In the first years of the life of a beloved child, parents often experience stress for minor reasons. If your toddler or little princess is doing well and in good health, it doesn't really matter when to teach your child to spoon-feed and when he learns the skill. Don't expect instant results.

Do not worry if at the beginning of the visit to the kindergarten the baby is not quite coping with the cutlery. In a kindergarten, such a kid is tight only at first, but learning there goes very quickly.

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