How to make linen seam at home? Lowering connecting seams - needlework lessons

Sewing bed linen does not require special tailor skills and skills. Even newcomer can cope with such a task, and with due diligence it will turn out to do a really high-quality and durable bed kit. In this case it is very important to comply with the technology of sewing the product. Cutting sheets, pillowcases and duvettes - this is an easy task, much more difficulties arises with the subsequent process of stepping of parts. In the paper you need to use several types of seams, mainly linen seam. In this publication, we will discuss how it is done, and also we will analyze his varieties and features.

Types of linen svs

As we said, there are several types of seams for the manufacture of beds. All of them are made by the usual line, the wheel adjustment wheel adjustment is installed on the middle position. So, what are these seams:

  • combustible, it is also called French or denim;
  • classic linen seam;
  • seam in the edge of the edge.

The first two kinds are relatively similar to each other. Today we will find out how to make linen seams, and we will also analyze the technology of creating the octopic. It combines them that in both versions of the tissue sections are hiding, which is especially important for the manufacture of covers for bedding. The fact is that underwear is exposed to high loads: it is often erased, long used and subjected to various mechanical stress (which is just worth the blanket in a duvet cover?!). This contributes to the fact that even durable and reliable tissue is wearing over time. If the material is made by the usual line, its cuts are extremely quickly started to crumble, and the lines "crawl", which will result in disrepair. Even the processing of edges with an overlock will not be able to replace durable and reliable linen seams.

Special tools and fixtures

In the industrial production of bed, these seams are also executed. But since this process is quite time-consuming and long-term, special foots are installed on industrial sewing machines. They significantly accelerate and simplify the case, because during the steps of parts, cuts are immediately hiding inside. We offer to make linen seams on the usual household typewriter according to the standard instruction. Work will consist of several stages.

To perform this seam you do not need to have a special tool. Bed linen is sewn with standard needles (No. 80) and with a simple foot. Also in the paper will need good cutting scissors and iron. Without it, in principle, you can do, and it is possible to put down the sections by hand (the hawk is a very piercing fabric), but still the case with the iron will go more quickly, and the end result will be better and neat.

Performing a classic seam

So, how to make a linen for bed linen? The work consists of several stages. There is absolutely nothing complicated in their implementation. For the course of action to be more understandable, we illustrated it with a step-by-step master class.

  1. Fold details together, aligning their sections. It is necessary to sew "by face", retreating from the edge of 3-5 mm. Many novice dressmakers do not take into account this moment, and in the end they have to break the lines. Seam can be laid immediately, without having funny items. But if the fabric slides, it is better to fix it.
  2. If the slice turned out to be too wide or uneven, it must be narrowed and aligned with scissors, removing dissected threads and other defects. The product is then turned so that the sections hide inside it. The edge should be smoothed with hands or irons.
  3. To complete the linen's linen, it is necessary to pave another line along the edge of the product as shown on the fourth photo.

At the top in the picture shows how the finished work from the wrong side looks like.

French Belleva Sheov

This seam is a little more complex in performance. But it looks more aesthetic than the previous one. Seam is flat, which is very important for linen. Fabric sections are also hiding inside, so they will never be rapidly, and the product itself will not spree.

So, the French linen seam how to do? Product details are combined by cutting. There are several options for this. The edges can be applied one on the other evenly, and then it is one of the sides to cut (shown in the photo number 3), and some of the tremors immediately displaced one of the parts by 3-5 mm so that then do not cut the edge.

As in the first version, the first line is paved on the front side of the product. Then should decompose it and, if necessary, make trimming of one of the sides. The long edge is adjacent to about 3 mm and roars. Then again with the help of the iron you need to smooth out the cut (photo number 5). The final line is paved over the product parallel to the first.

Seam in the swindle

Thus, we found out how the linen seam is made. However, not all bed linen elements can be treated with them. Open sections in pillowcases and duvettes are burned much easier. To do this, use the most ordinary seam "in the bending" (photo at the end of the section).

With it, the sheets are also made, including on elastic bands.

It is done very simple:

  • The cloth decanted on the allowance is converted to an involve side of approximately 0.5 cm and is rooted.
  • Next, the fabric again needs to be subject to, but already at a greater distance (1-5 cm). How exactly depends on the fantasy of the cartridges. This chance also need to fly or, as an option, to fit.
  • At a distance of 1-2 mm from the inner edge of the pitch, a line is laid.

It should be noted that if the sheets are stacked, in which there will be an elastic band inserted, the overlap is better not to do two centimeters, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to turn elastic ribbon through it.

Where else is used?

Ordinary linen seams are rarely used for sewing other products, except for bed linen, due to some rude cuts. It is more suitable for making such indispensable things in the farm, like shopping bags, various covers and rigging. But the French wreck seam is very common in Portnovsky.

With it, not only the details of textile products for household goods are stepping, but also use it for sewing clothes. It is present on any denim things, cotton pants, jackets, rascoats, jackets, vests and workwear. Thanks to its fortress, it can withstand quite serious loads, they even sew the parts of the parachute. It is indispensable for the manufacture of underwear and children's clothing. The lack of discovering edges and cut makes it an excellent choice for the stratification of such things, because the locations of the parts are absolutely smooth and do not irritate the skin.

We hope that our article helped you learn more about the needlework!

You ask yourself: "Bed linen is not so expensive, what's the point of sewing himself"? I will answer you - there is a meaning, and what! First, it is quite simple and not burdensome on the money and spent time, and secondly:

  • Often it happens (I'm talking about myself) that the dimensions of old / non-standard pillows and blankets do not coincide with the bed linen common in stores. Repeatedly turned out so that even after measurements,shop duvet cover and pillowcase either did not stick, or dangled on underwear. Who will like this?
  • Often the description of the material on the package, and its real sensation varies greatly. Instead of buying a cat, or rather (sorry for the pun) " linen in bag"It is more convenient to all of such a fabric that will be pleasant and eye and the body.
  • You can make several spare sheets or pillowcases in case of force majeure. In the sets, after all, all one thing, but you never know what can happen in everyday life, right? Changed one part of the sleeping ensemble, and everything is not so beautiful.

I hope you managed to convince. If so, we start.

Fig. 1. Correct cloth for sheets

The image indicates whatit is necessary to do that the material for the sheets did not have a boc curve after purchasing in textilore / cut off from their stocks.

Instead of blindly cut one side, which most often gets crooked, no matter how old and do not attach the lineups (the case in the effect of the perspective of the human eye) is the basis of the basis in half, align the edges and cut, focusing on the fold.

Standard width of the sheet for one person - one and a half meters.

To properly choose the size of the sheets for your bed or sofa, you need:

  1. To the length of the bed add fifteen centimeters (five centimeters on the seams, the allowance and the ability to reduce the size of the tissue after hot washing);
  2. Perform the instructions for the correct separation of the amount of material we need:

Fig. 2 - do the workpiece yourself

By the way, the manufacture of sheets is the easiest stage of our work.

Now we will deal with tissue. This is done both from the front side and with the invalid.

Let's start with stroke - flexing around a centimeter in each direction and stroke the resulting bend:

Fig. 3 - Face Stroke

We repeat it on the other side:

Fig. 4 - stroking the wrong side

Then, in order to avoid routine and not very beautiful handmade, see the resulting fiber machine ( ot is done on the wrong side, of course):

Fig. 5 - Practice cloth using a sewing machine

I recommend to strain the fabric several times with a parallel course - you know, one thread in active operation and washing is not enough. Either the reverse course of the machine or if it is not - turning the fabric to one hundred eighty degrees so that the thread of the thread formed the twisting spiral:

Fig. 6 - flash the fabric several times

Remove, admire:

Fig. 7 - Sheet is ready

We sew a sheet on the elastic

It looks like this:

Fig. 8 - Sheet on a rubber band

How to do it : First of all, you need to measure as much fabric as it goes to the upper part (where you will sleep) + to the fold, to which an elastic band is sewn.

What are we doing:

  1. Calculate the folding line: from the middle of the mattress we put half the width of the mattress + half of its thickness;
  2. Calculate the length - we fold the width values \u200b\u200band the length of the mattress.

Fig. 9 - scheme for calculating the size of sheets on the rubber band

Before the production of such a thing, the material needs to be removed several times in very hot water, because the new fabric is very sitting after the first two-three styrices and in the stitched form simply does not fit on the mattress.

Sew ducts

Fig. 10 - Sewing diagram of a duvette

We already know the width of the fabric, we are interested in:

The length of the blanket that will be used is multiplied by two and the safety twenty centimeters are added (as you already understood the possible errors + to sit after heat treatment).

So, we fold in half and in five millimeters from the edge, we combine it on the seam and from the scheme:

Fig. 11 - connection by seam A

The remaining half acemeter is flexing:

Fig.12 - Work with the basis for the seam

We like according to the scheme in:

Fig.13 - work according to the scheme in

We do the same according to the scheme with, not forgetting the segment in which we will insert the blanket (half the meter is enough):

Fig. 14 - Work on the scheme with

After the duvet cover is evident, check:

Fig. 15 - This is what facial side looks like

Equal flex line, for greater beauty:

Fig. 16 - Flash smoothing

Do not forget to take care and about the decoration of the hole for the blanket:

Fig. 17 - Care for pocket

So that it does not bloom - we laid free bend with two parallel stitches, as in the picture above.

Outside, if you have a desire, you can do the same:

Fig. 18 - Similar work for external corners

If you are not an amateur of the commercially coming inside the duvetsess of the blanket - for such a situation in the diagram, velcro on the edges of the wrong side were prevailing - we sew them:

Fig. 19 - Lipucci
Fig. 20 - initial attachment
Fig. 21 - sew velcro to the wrong

To make it easier to wear the resulting creation on the blanket, in the process we combine two velcro:

Fig. 22 - proper use of lipuchku

We sew pillow

Fig.23 - Sewing scheme pillowcases

To begin with - fixation of flexions under the seams:

Fig. 24 - fix the edge

We process in two stitches, as we have learned:

Fig. 25 - Prostrichka

The pillowcase is stacked as follows:

Fig. 26 - Proper Laying

On the side of the sides of 5 mm width:

Fig.27 - Side String

The protonolochka neatly turns on the wrong side as follows:

Fig. 28 - Announced part
Fig. 29 - It looks like an exhaust

We spend it at a distance of seven millimeters from the edge:

Fig. 30 - Sticky Pillowcases with Inside

Turn back. You should see the following:

Fig. 31 - Final View

We carry out the first field tests:

Congratulations, you coped!

Fig. 33 - Pillow with our lover!

We wear everything that got on a sleeping place and make sure that we are well done!

Fig. 34 - Final of homemade bedding

Thank you for your patience. As a reward for our work, share the article in Soc. Networks 🙂

Sewing bed linen is a real way to save and get a high-quality product. To create a kit, you must choose correctly and calculate the fabric, and also know which use seam. Special linen seams provide product durability even when washing in a washing machine.


Seams on bedding should provide a high indicator of aesthetic and strength. After all, it is subjected to significant loads, often erased and strokes.

Important! If you treat the seams with overlock, they will break very quickly.

In factory conditions, linen seams are performed using a special foot, which greatly simplifies their manufacture. However, other methods should be used on domestic machines.

Main species

There are several types of such seams: adventure, double and winding. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages.


Used in the event that it is necessary to fill the cut edges of the tissue inside the seam. It is used for tailoring of duvet covers and pillowcase.

To make it, you need:

  • folded the details of the product with invalid inside and thoroughly cut the sections of the fabric;
  • retreat from the edge of 3 mm, and fit the details;
  • start in the usual way, firing the edged edge;
  • remove the details, and fit on the wrong side;
  • start, retreating from the edge of 5-7 mm;
  • remove the mark.


Used to make parts of bed linen, as well as some types of clothing.

To create it is necessary:

  • fold together two details face inside, fit;
  • connect them at a distance of 1 mm from the bend;

    It is important that all bends will be as even as possible, and there were no bends on the fabric.

  • remove the mark;
  • details Expand in different directions, and the seam closes the slice of the cloth, outset;
  • stretch so that the line is located at a distance of 2 mm from the adjacent edge;
  • remove the backbone and turn the finished product.


Used to create a sheet. The use of this seam allows you to make it the edges smooth and neat. Width - arbitrary, can be from 5 to 25 mm. Wide bending is not deformed after washing, and it is easy to iron.

Before sewing, you need to mark up with soap or pencil. Additionally, you can make the mark, but optionally.

Basic errors when sewing

Errors can be the following:

  1. The tensioned canvas on one side, and the subjected one - on the other. To do this, it is recommended to pre-venerate or fit the part.
  2. Flesting in bend. It occurs when the initial lines is inactive.
  3. Protruding fabric in the seam. It occurs with the curve line or incorrectly cropped.

And in this video you will learn more about the clothes seams in more detail, and you can also independently make inexpensive and stylish bedding.

If sewed bedding yourself, you can save some money and get a quality home textile product. For independent manufacture of the kit, you need the correct selection and calculation of materials. Be sure to know how to make lounge seam for bed linen. Compliance with the correct sewing technology allows you to preserve the integrity of the materials during washing. Therefore, the linen should be solid and smooth.

What seams are used when sewing bed linen?

We list several seams that can be used when sewn:

Double. It is applied in a situation where there is a need to fill the cut fragments of the tissue into the seam. This option is suitable more for pillowcases and duvettes.

Consider how to do dual linen seam for bed linen:

  • Fold a few parts so that the wrong side is inside, and then cropped the cloth sections;
  • From the edge, a retreat is made by about 3 mm, and then dig fragments of textiles;
  • To see in a simple way, and then fir the edge side;
  • Remove the product, and then fit on the inside;
  • From the edge you need to make a retreat of 5-7 mm;
  • At the very end, you can remove the backbone.

Such linen seam is used often in the manufacture of bed linen.

Combusting.It is used for the manufacture of bed linen elements and several types of clothing.

To make linen seam, you need:

  • Fold the two separate elements of the front side inside, and then fit them;
  • In this case, the length of the cabin on the seam of the lower fragment of the tissue must be slightly larger;
  • At a distance of about 1 mm from the bend, it is necessary to connect the ends. Be sure to ensure that each bending is smooth, and the fibement remains on the material;

  • After that, the mark can be removed;
  • Fabric fragments Expand from side, secure the seam, and then note;
  • It is necessary to stitch in such a way that the line is placed at a distance of 2 mm from the adjacent side;
  • After that, the mark must be eliminated and smoothed the created pillowcase or a duvet cover.

The parts are folded by the invalid side inside, if necessary, the oxide of the lounge seam is on the outside.

Chamber.It is used for the manufacture of sheets. The edges of the product with such a liner will always be neat and smooth. Arbitrary width can range from 5 to 25 mm. Extended bending does not change the shape after washing and easy to iron. In place where there will be a bubble seam, soap markings are made.

Common mistakes during sewing

Not everyone knows how to make lounge seam for bed linen correctly and often make mistakes.

We list the most common of them:

  • The canvas can be stretched on one side and a bit pressed on the other. To solve this problem, it is necessary to pre-fit or leaf fabric fragments;
  • A fold fold is formed when the initial line is aligned inactively;
  • Loved seam is made with protruding textile fragments.

What is a head paw?

The set of the most ordinary sewing machine often includes a foot for creating a narrowed sovereign on thin textile products. Such an element can be performed in different sizes and differ in design. However, this foot is remarkably suitable in order to make a right-clothes winding seam.

However, high-quality seams with such a fixture will not immediately be able to receive. For a while you will have to devote to the work of the technical part to work out as it should.

Several useful tips:

  • All materials are examined for marriage before use;
  • The fabric must be pre-wrapped and stroking. So the finished sheet, the pillowcase or a duvet cover will not be seized later after washing;
  • So that the seats of the fabric remain in a fixed position and are not shifted relative to each other, it is necessary to be vested with pins of the line across the edge. Pin heads should be directed to cuts;

  • In the process of designer, it is necessary to get pins from textiles alternately and only when the need for them disappear;
  • Each pin before applying should be viewed, rusty or damaged products are undesirable to use.

Rust leaves in bed underwear browned tracks.

How to fit the linen seam?

The mixture is performed on a wide surface towards right left. A few stitches are bounted on the needle. The nodules and the leaf are placed on the external layer of the material. This is required for the possibility of fixing the thread. Before fixing, the threads need to be convinced whether the line itself was not twisted, whether the connection was weakened or it was not too stretched.

In order to temporarily fasten the fabric fragments, you will have to make several small stitches. To fix it was not loose, it is necessary to leave the edge of the threads in several centimeters. When the fabric fragments are stepping, the line needs to be laid not strictly on the corresponding seam, but quite tightly on the stitches the mark near the allowance. Thus, the pumping threads will be able to remove without any difficulty.

Now everyone will be able to figure out how to make lounge seam for bed linen. Pillowcase, a duvet cover and a pillow can be made by a simple housewife. Now the bed lingerie does not have to pay expensive.

Swiss allowances must be processed as accurately as possible in any product. Although in most cases they are hidden from an extraneous eye, and the allowances of the seams, and the type of product from the wrong side as a whole will tell all about the quality of the work of the seam. Most often, the seam allowances are processed on overlock. At home, in the absence of overlock, seam zigzag is often used. But we will tell how to handle seams in such a way as to completely close the sections of the fabric.

Our master class and detailed photos will show how to handle the seam allowances with their own hands in several ways and, choosing one of them, you can use it when working on any model!

Swiss allowances: Selecting a processing method

How to handle seams with your own hands? We offer four methods of processing, each of which has its own characteristics and scope of application.

Processing oblique baker Suitable for products made of dense fabrics without lining, for example, such treatment is often used for trousers, skirts or dresses from costume fabric. Skit baker process models in expensive clothing brands, because this type of processing looks very neat and beautiful! It is very interesting to finish the decoration of the bay of contrasting color, for example, a dark-red bay on the black base fabric. You will need to buy an oblique dispatch of the desired color in the store or carve it with your own hands from the cutting of the fabric at an angle of 45 degrees to the edge.

French or double seam Most often used when sewing from thin tissues. The seam allowances are inside a peculiar pocket, so they do not appear at all and look excellent! If you are going to use the French seam, the allowances should be more than usual by 7-8 mm.

Writing seam It is often used for fitness models, such as denim. In this case, one of the allowances covers the other, and the entire design is striking at a distance of 3-5 mm, forming a decorative eclipse from the front side.

Seam "In the Outgrass" It is quite universal and can be used both, for example, in denim clothing and in clothing from thin tissues. In contrast to the oxide seam, the seam "in the iripboard" has two lines from the front side, but the seam density is below (3 layers of the fabric in the ointment, 2 layers - "in anonymous").

So let's find out how to process the seam allowances with your own hands!

Processing oblique baker

Stretch the seam and irrigate the allowances on the sides (or start one way, depending on the model).

Wrap the allowance of oblique baking so that the Beech is a little already than below. Fix the pins or take it out, grabbing the lower half of the beaks.

Stretch on the smaller side close to the edge of the faucet. Repeat on the second point.

French or double seam

Fold the details of the invalid (!) Side inside and scroll.

Stretch, retreating from the edge of 5 mm. Conduct the allowance to 3-4 mm.

Squeeze the allowance between the parts of the product inside, folding it with the front sides inside.

Stretch, retreating from the edge of 5-7mm, so that the allowance remains inside the seam.

Squeeze the allowance to the side. You can additionally pave a finishing line.

Writing seam

Lower Implifier Wrap the cropped upper point and notify (or affect).

Stop over the invalid side at a distance of 1-2mm from the edge of the allowance.

Seam "In the Outgrass"

Imagine each battery by 3-5 mm and proceed (or affect).