How to make a kick out of paper. Velvet pencil case from a box. How to make a leather pencil case with your own hands

A pencil case is not just a school attribute, but a useful thing that will help organize your workspace. You can put pens, pencils, felt-tip pens, erasers, rulers, sharpeners and other stationery in it. So that you or your child have an exclusive pencil case, you can sew it yourself.

How to sew a pencil case with your own hands?

You will need:

  • Canvas, size 18x7 cm;
  • 3 multi-colored cuts of the 1st and the same fabric, in different sizes - 18x4.5 cm; 17x5 cm and 17x6 cm;
  • Lining fabric, size 17x18.5 cm;
  • Batting, measuring 17x18.5 cm;
  • Zipper closure 17 cm;
  • Measuring tape;
  • Safety pins;
  • Needles and notes;
  • Scissors;
  • Sewing machine.


  1. Place the colored pieces of fabric and canvas next to each other on the table. Sew all the pieces together with an open seam. Then sew along all the sections with the same seam. Place a piece of lining fabric next to it, line it up and pin it together. Sew them on the 1st side.
  2. Turn the sewn fabric wrong side up and attach the zipper so that the lock is on the right and the zipper is hidden by the fabric. The stripes on the fabric should be perpendicular to the zipper. Pin, then machine.
  3. Divide the fabric into a lining and an outer section, fold each so that the free edge touches the other, unstitched edge of the zipper. Pin, then machine stitch 3 layers. As a result, you should get a sharp cylinder with a zipper.
  4. Open the zipper and turn the lining inside out. Lay it so that there is the same amount of fabric to the left and right of the zipper. Pin the open ends of the cylinder. Be sure to overlock or zigzag the zipper tape with a sewing machine.

How to make a pencil case with your own hands?

You will need:

  • Tube for toilet paper or paper towels - 2 pcs.
  • Scissors;
  • Cutter;
  • Lightning;
  • Masking tape;
  • Fabric (fleece or felt);
  • Threads and needles.


  1. Cut 1 tube. Glue the 1st and most of the 2nd with masking tape. The small part of the 2nd tube will serve as a lid. Now sew the cover for your pencil case. Bright colors will suit the child - this will raise the mood, and the pencil case will not be lost in the baby's backpack.
  2. The cover should slide freely over the tube. Sew the zipper into the cover and sew the edges. For the lid and the bottom, cut 2 circles out of cardboard, glue pieces of fabric to them (you can use other colors than the cover itself).
  3. Sew the bottom and lid back into place.

Pencil cases for girls: options

Simple pencil case

You will need:

  • Bright oilcloth or beautiful fabric;
  • Lightning - 20 cm;
  • Pins;
  • Threads and needles;
  • Scissors;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Decorative items.


  1. Cut 2 pieces from the base material, measuring 20x10 cm. Fold the fabric and the snake with the right sides so that the material is over the zipper and neatly align the edges. Sew the zipper and fabric with a temporary stitch for easy sewing. Using a machine, sew along the basting without touching it. Do the same manipulation with the other piece.
  2. Open the zipper and sew along all the edges of the pencil case. Turn it out and close the zipper. The finished pencil case can be decorated with funny figures, beads and flowers.

Beautiful pencil case for a girl

You will need:

  • The main fabric for the pencil case - 38.1x43.2 cm;
  • Fabric for overlays - 38.1x43.2 cm;
  • Batting - 25.4x43.2 cm;
  • Harness - 115 cm;
  • Pencil;
  • Needles and threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Spray;
  • Lightning - 40 cm.


  1. Freehand pattern on the base fabric. Make sure that the applied contours can be easily washed off. Tie the fabric with batting and quilt along the lines. Rinse out the contours with a spray bottle.
  2. Now you can create a frame for the lightning bolt. Trim the bumper, stitch the base fabric and lining. Stitch the face of the stopper to the wrong side of the clasp frame. Treat the edges of the pencil case with a beautiful tourniquet.
  3. Make cuts on the folds to prevent the fabric from puckering. Sew the outside and inside of the pencil case and lining. Sew them face to face so that no seams are visible. Unscrew the pencil case.
  4. Fasten and sew 1 side. In the same way, arrange the 2nd, leaving an unstitched section. Turn out and sew up the hole with a blind stitch. The finished pencil case can be decorated with flowers or beads.

DIY pencil case: photo

Handmade is a fashionable trend that has been gaining momentum lately. A pencil case is a stylish accessory that every student needs. Sewing it is not difficult, and the process of making it can be an exciting game, especially if you attract your child to it. Let him talk about his desires, choose the fabric he likes, or just think over the design.

It is difficult to do without a pencil case, if you want the knapsack to be in order, the handles were neat. It is pleasant for an elementary school student to hold in his hands a thing that at school reminds of a mother. There is a large selection of accessories in stores, only they cost decently and do not always differ in quality. Try making a pencil case with your own hands.

How to sew a pencil case with your own hands

Making a funny, beautiful school pencil case is quite simple, even if you don't own a sewing machine. There are a huge number of interesting ideas that can be realized not only by mothers, but also by girls. For many crafts, you don't even need a pattern - they have a simple manufacturing technology. You can make a pencil case using:

  • trimming materials;
  • felt;
  • old jeans;
  • paper towel rolls;
  • patchwork sewing;
  • crochet.

High school students who know how to sew on a sewing machine, based on the scheme, can tailor an unusual cosmetic bag. The craft will be fastened with a lock, fixed with contact tape or tied with a bow. To decorate the accessory, use:

  • elegant braid;
  • embroidery;
  • applications;
  • buttons;
  • lace;
  • beads;
  • decorative flowers, butterflies.

How to sew a pencil case for school with your own hands on a sewing machine? You can, using patterns, make a craft in the form of an animal, for example, a fish or a cat, but this will require certain skills. This is within the power of mothers or high school students, and it is better to look at the video master class in advance. A very simple and unusual case can be sewn using fabric with a funny childish pattern.

You need to start manufacturing with the selection of material. You will need 2 pieces of fabric of different colors measuring 35x35 cm. To make:

  • fold the blanks inside out;
  • sew on all sides, leaving 4 cm unstitched;
  • turn it out;
  • sew the remaining space manually;
  • iron;
  • put the workpiece with the smart side down;
  • bend the edge at the bottom by 15 cm;
  • pin with pins;
  • draw vertical lines with chalk on the folded part every 2.5 cm;
  • sew along the markings and edges;
  • sew on one side a double-folded ribbon 24 cm long;
  • roll up, tie a bow.

DIY felt pencil case

Very original pencil cases can be made of felt. To work you will need a ruler, a stationery knife, a piece of soap. How to make a pencil case for school with your own hands without a pattern? For example, try doing something like this:

For the manufacture of:

  • take a piece of felt;
  • measure the height of the workpiece 30 cm;
  • the length will depend on the number of pencils you want to put, plus 5 cm from each edge;
  • cut out a rectangle.

The pencils will be inserted into the interlacing of the strips. To execute cells:

  1. draw horizontal lines from above with soap every 5 cm;
  2. draw 2 strips, 5 cm away from the sides;
  3. cut the horizontal lines with a clerical knife, between two vertical ones;
  4. mark the height in the middle on one side;
  5. take an elegant braid or ribbon;
  6. fold in half and sew along the mark;
  7. insert pencils;
  8. twist into a roll;
  9. tie a bow.

Girls who own a needle can sew a pencil case for school out of felt with their own hands. Using the same technology, you can prepare a case for glasses as a gift to your grandmother. Example:

This requires:

  • take 2 pieces of material of different colors;
  • cut one out in the size of 30x6 cm (you can take any width);
  • the second - 20x6 cm;
  • put on top of each other;
  • sew over the edge with threads;
  • cut a large part along the radius;
  • sheathe the remaining edges with the same seam;
  • decorate with applique, fancy button or beads.

Diy jeans pencil case

Old jeans can be found in any closet of a thrifty hostess. How to sew a pencil case for school with your own hands from the remains of this material? You can do something like this:

Prepare the fabric - a square with a side of 26 cm, a zipper with a length of 25 cm.For manufacturing you need:

  • bend the edge of the material from the front side by 1 cm;
  • sew on one side of the zipper;
  • repeat the operation for the opposite edge of the fabric;
  • turn the workpiece to the wrong side.

Following actions:

  1. fold so that the lock is located in the middle of the product, fasten with pins;
  2. sew side seams;
  3. put the product vertically so that a platform appears from below;
  4. place the side seam in the middle - corners are formed on both sides;
  5. they need to be swept and stitched to form volume;
  6. turn out.

to school with a zipper

Sew an original pencil case for school, which fastens with a zipper - and more than one:

For making, you will need 12 multi-colored locks, but the more you take, the larger the internal volume will be. To make such a craft:

  • sew together all the zippers in sequence;
  • fold the resulting cylinder in half, measure its width - this will be the diameter of the bottom;
  • cut out two circles with this size;
  • cut with a 15 mm allowance;
  • turn the workpiece inside out;
  • sew one bottom first and then the other.

Try making a lined pencil case for school. If you choose an elegant material, beautiful decor - using this technology you can sew a cosmetic bag:

You will need:

  • 2 pieces of lining and main fabric measuring 26x13 cm:
  • lightning - 25 cm.

Again these ever-disappearing writing instruments! One has only to be distracted for a minute, as a pen or pencil has already disappeared somewhere. And this is so annoying. Common situation? And there seems to be a pencil case, but only most of their peers have the same. Everyone is constantly confusing them with each other, figuring out where whose. To help the student properly organize the workplace, teach him to be neat and highlight him as an extraordinary person, you can jointly make a pencil case for pencils with your own hands.

Junk options

An interesting and at the same time stylish pencil case can be made from various unnecessary or used things, such as empty containers and boxes, leftover yarn from knitting, old things.

Let's consider several versions of such crafts.

First option

A round pencil case with a secure clasp in a delicate lemon shade is easy to make with your own hands from ordinary cardboard sleeves from toilet paper or kitchen towels.

A step-by-step master class will tell you in detail about the entire manufacturing process.

For a pencil case you will need:

  1. Several rolls of toilet paper;
  2. Masking tape or tape;
  3. Cardboard;
  4. Sintepon and thin fabric or dense fabric such as drape;
  5. Zipper fastener;
  6. Threads, needles, scissors.

Work description:

  1. Divide one of the cardboard cylinders into 3 parts and cut off 1/3. We splic the toilet paper sleeve and the longest part of the cylinder together to form a long tube.

  1. Cut out the bottom of the future pencil case from the cardboard along the diameter of the sleeve. We make the same blank out of fabric.

  1. We make a blank for the cover from fabric. To do this, wrap the sleeve - this is the width of the workpiece. Remember to make a seam allowance. The length will be equal to two full cylinders. At a height of 1/6 of the length, cut the part and insert the zipper.

  1. We sew a case for a pencil case. We turn it over to the front side.

  1. We insert the tubes into the cover, attach the bottom.

  1. The pencil case is ready with no extra effort.

Second option

Old worn items can also be great materials for making school pencil cases if you are smart and imaginative. Jeans make durable and functional organizers for writing utensils.

The third option

Weaving with rubber bands is very popular among children. Both girls and children are fond of it. Toys and jewelry are created with the help of elastic stretching rings and a special fork. Why not weave a useful thing out of rubber bands?

Fourth option

The most elementary way to store your pencils neatly, which does not require financial costs. With minimal effort, a pencil holder can be made from a plastic bottle.

For sewing lovers

Those needlewomen who communicate with a sewing machine on an equal footing can please their schoolchildren with interesting and unusual designer organizers for stationery.

A solid and durable pencil case is obtained from leather, which will serve its owner for more than one year.

Only professional seamstresses can make such a product. If your skill level is not yet so high, and you really want to please your child with an author's thing, there is an easier option.

For such an organizer, you only need to make cuts on a leather base in the right places.

Another version of a leather pencil case, which is easy to make on your own, is reflected in the next photo.

There are also a huge number of ideas for making fabric pencil cases. There are both simpler models of organizers that even inexperienced seamstresses can make, and more complex ones. Below are examples of some of them.

Bright, voluminous pencil holders that will keep their shape are obtained from felt. This material is durable and does not spill out, which allows you to make unusual designer items from it.

Such pencil cases not only perform their direct functions, but can also become part of the interior of a children's room.


Children are very fond of hand-made things. But, as a rule, they still do not know how to sew and knit. The children will be happy to make paper pencil cases.

For this craft, you just need to decorate the box of a suitable size with wrapping paper or scrapbooking paper. Appliques and patterns cut from the pages of bright glossy magazines will look good on such a pencil case.

Even very little ones can make such simple paper products.

This craft not only serves as an organizer for pens, but also serves as a bookmark for books. By drawing your favorite cartoon character of the kid on the pencil case, you will raise the pencil case to the rank of your favorite things.

Older children will love the process of making a felt pencil holder without the zipper and without the need for sewing items.

This charming accessory is made with a glue gun and bright braid of various colors. Using the tips shown in the pictures, the guys will be able to make such a pencil case without much difficulty on their own.

I invite you to a creative workshop, where I will show you how to sew a pencil case for school with your own hands.

In order for the craft to come out beautiful and practical, you need it to meet some criteria:

  • The size. Was suitable in volume for all office supplies, both for pens and pencils (pencils are longer). It is worth considering the number of items.
  • Ornament.
  • Strength. In order for the craft to last at least a year, it is worth taking a dense material or using any sealant, for example, from felt.

Here are some examples.

Simple rectangle

  • Divide the square of matter into 2 parts. Sew a rectangular piece of felt to each half in the middle, 1 cm in width and length, smaller than the half of the fabric.
  • Sew a rectangle. You don't even need a pattern for this. Just fasten the edges of the square and sew or glue the sides.
  • Insert zipper.

You can decorate the pencil case with a bow. How to do it, see the video.

Felt flat pencil case

An incredibly simple pencil case made of felt - even a first-grader can sew or glue it together.

Pencil case made of felt with a zipper

Also a simple, fast and very funny pencil case.

Felt pencil case

Pencil case in the form of ice cream from the Trum Trum canal

Bulky pencil case made of fabric and felt without sewing

From lightning

  • Sew 12 zippers of the same size (not less than 18cm) together so that one is upward, the other downward. The main thing is that the locks are next to each other, in one line.

It turns out a canvas.

  • Sew the edges of the canvas.
  • Fasten the sleeve along the edges.
  • Turn it out!

The advantages of this device are that you can open it anywhere, and even in more than one. And if you take zippers of different colors, it will turn out very beautiful.

Cardboard or paper

Cardboard is the lightest option. It turns out to be of any shape and bulk than a regular pen case. It can be used for art supplies like brushes, or even make a large pencil case that can hold rulers, pens, and a notepad.

Pencil case candy without sewing

  • felt sheet or foamiran,
  • threads,
  • lightning,
  • the fabric is 7 cm wider than felt.


  • Glue the edges of the fabric to the felt, bending them inward.
  • Glue one half of the zipper to the finished edge. Do the same on the other side.

  • Bend the ends of the fabric in line with the zipper and glue together. Trim off the excess part of the zipper. On the other hand, also glue the ends of the fabric together. We've got a rectangle.

  • Tie the formed tails of the fabric with threads or elastic bands, cut off the excess. Decorate with eyes or felt flowers.

Such a pencil case looks like a candy.

Pencil case from a tube from paper

The same principle applies to cardboard. You just need to take the paper towel sleeve. Cut it lengthwise or across, depending on how you plan to open the pencil case. Then everything is according to the instructions. True, the size of such a cover will be small.

You can also use leather and suede, felt, plastic container, etc.

Pencil case made of plastic envelopes

Pencil case made of painted cardboard

Master class pencil case by furoshiki type

This technique can be used if:

  • Want variety, every day a new device.
  • In case of emergency: a school pencil case is torn, a new one is urgently needed.
  • Need a temporary organizer.

And the advantages of furoshiki are many:

  • Make it from a scarf or just from fabric.
  • Color and size can be varied easily.
  • Done quickly. It will take a minute to make it.
  • No pattern needed!
  • Lightweight and does not take up much space.
  • Without zippers and fasteners ... etc.

All I needed was a handkerchief. I deliberately took it with a simple ornament, so that everything I do was more noticeable. You can take fabric with a brighter design. What and how I made from it:

These furoshiki can even be cut out of jeans. You just won't be able to tie the corners. But to put on the edges, in places of knots, elastic bands, it is quite possible. Do not tie pens either. They will need to be sewn together. Such a fashionable stationery bag looks very cool!

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