How to create a happy and strong family? Happy family. How to create a happy family

In this article, we will talk with you about 5 rules for successful cooperation that will allow you to be happy in marriage and create a strong and happy family!

In relationships, it is important to know the axioms, rules, laws, they are not just invented, but serve as guidelines by which we can move. We say that there should be respect for yourself and for your partner - this is an axiom.

If there is no respect, it is useless to build any relationship. If I do not respect my partner, this will permeate all my actions, all my words, and disrespect for a partner comes from disrespect for myself. Respecting ourselves, we see and appreciate what we love our partner for, this is the platform of our life.

5 golden rules of cooperation in pairs!

Often in personal relationships we compete, we compete, we decide all the time who is in charge. To prevent this from happening, it is important to observe several important rules of cooperation:

#1 - Never compare yourself to your partner!

On the one hand, comparison gives us objective moments of knowledge, but the “good-bad” scale very often subordinates everything to itself, then it is very difficult to break into a productive relationship. If you notice that you are comparing yourself with a partner, move away from this comparison.

#2 - Admire the fact that you are so different!

It's great, for example, that you are a very fast person, and your partner is very slow, you feel good together with each other, because you learn to take a break, and your partner is charged with energy from you. Most often, we choose a partner for ourselves as compensation, we see something very valuable in him and learn this.

If we admire what is different in our partner, we enrich ourselves all the time. Find qualities that you don't have, but that you really like. Those qualities that create the opportunity to be close to your partner, what you value him for.

#3 - Help your partner become successful.

Make every effort to do so. Support everything that the partner comes up with, suggest some ideas, if he doesn’t mind, show his strengths, talk about them. It is very important to be interested in your partner's work, in everything that saturates his life, do it consciously and know that you are helping him become successful. Learn more about how to save a relationship.

#4 - Recognize that sometimes it's more important for you to be right than to be together and stay close in a relationship.

This is a deep phrase. Every time we fight to be right, we sacrifice the feeling and feeling that we are together. What do you emphasize when proving something? If you want to be together, you must always be on the lookout for something that unites you!!

Ask yourself the question more often: “What am I doing now? Do I want to be right or do I want to be together?

Being together does not mean sacrificing your priorities, interests, it is a search for a state when you will feel good together. Believe that it is important to be together, focus on it!

#5 - Practice saying "you're right" to your partner, sincerely believing so.

You can say “you are right, of course,” but with such intonation, such a tone that no one will need your recognition. The ability to agree is fifty percent of a good, sincere relationship when you know how to say “yes” inside yourself.

It all starts with parents. If you and your parents can say: “Yes, mommy, you are right,” then you can easily agree in partnerships. Think about how easy it is for you to do this for your parents and transfer that ease, if any, to partnerships.

It is extremely important for every person to hear this phrase: “You are right!”

This creates a feeling of comfort and security in a person. If they agree with us, we have a feeling of security inside us, if they argue with us all the time, if we are constantly being contradicted, we are being improved all the time, our level of anxiety rises.

When you practice telling your partner "you're right", "I agree", he will easily relax. You can find different reasons for this, it is not the scale that matters, but the action itself, when we agree with at least something.

There is a wonderful phrase: “The less we know what we need to do, the more we know what others need to do.”

If you notice how often you tell others what to do, you will understand that at this very moment you yourself are at a loss, you don’t know what you need to do. It is necessary to shift the emphasis from directing others how to live to themselves.

There are no situations when someone is right and someone is wrong, there is always an element of rightness in both. If we remember this, strive for this, respect and see this, then everything will be much easier.

An excerpt from the training "5 Golden Steps to a Happy Relationship"

Family Relations Expert.

Is there a certain checklist, formula, list of rules that can be used to create a happy family? Is family psychology able to change the state of affairs, to correct family problems that seem unsolvable?

Dreams of a happy family life are often radically different from reality. A non-family person, dreaming of a home, imagines a small paradise where everyone loves and supports each other. Obedient, smart, happy children, peacefully playing with each other, loving, understanding, gentle spouse, true love, passion.

In reality, people who desperately want family happiness often get a home-grown hell, where children fight among themselves, are rude to adults, and their behavior is difficult to control. Husband and wife do not get along with each other, they yell at children, sometimes it comes to assault. Reproaches and misunderstanding come to replace love and passion.

This article is not about how to survive another family crisis, but about how to create that little paradise, a cozy family nest that every person dreams of. To do this, we will need, first of all, the ability to understand other people - to understand not through ourselves, not through our own prism of worldview, desires and values, but objectively, as it really is. This is what the training System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan teaches.

Psychology of relationships in marriage

They say opposites attract. This observation is taken from life. Indeed, natural attraction attracts completely different people into marriage, with different vectors. They feel life differently, they want different things, and what is worst, each one demands from each other what is important for himself, perceiving the other as the wrong himself.

System-vector psychology makes it possible to understand a partner, to see the world through his eyes. What does he want, what is important to him, why does he think this way and why does he behave this way? Because he was born differently - with other vectors, that is, other psychological properties and desires.

It is this most important feeling that parents should provide to children for their psychological health and development. To do this is not so difficult. First, stop being a threat to your children. In other words, stop beating them, stop yelling at them, insulting them, humiliating them, forcing them to do what they are incapable of by nature.

After all, a child can be completely different from a parent in terms of a set of vectors. From birth, he may have a different nature, and the parent in the process of upbringing sees in him the wrong self.

“Who are you born into?” Not necessarily to dad or mom - vectors are not inherited. After all, it is hard not to notice that completely different children are born and grow up in the same family. Family education is given to everyone the same, but people grow up different.

Incorrectly interacting with their child, parents provoke deviant behavior. For example, if you shout at a child with, he will become more and more withdrawn into himself, perceive information worse, he will study poorly, although he is potentially a genius.

If you beat and insult a small skin child, he will begin to steal, he may develop masochistic inclinations. In the family circle, he already provokes his parents, brothers and sisters to be beaten, and in the future he will also unconsciously seek pain, although he will consciously strive for happiness and a decent life.

At the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" you begin to understand your child from the inside. And from that moment on, once and for all, there is no need to “fix” the baby. The approach to it is found in a natural way.

And the same the child's behavior naturally normalizes- only because his parents stop harming him by trying to remake him. who were trained by Yuri Burlan:

Only in such a family atmosphere can a child develop his psyche to the maximum, that is, the properties that are given to him by nature and realize himself fully in his future adult life.

Family traditions necessary for a happy family

Some traditions are very conducive to family happiness - they are the basis of successful relationships in any family.

    For example, the best therapy for bringing all family members together is regular joint meals: dinners, breakfasts, lunches on weekends. A family where everyone chews their own sausage in front of a computer or TV runs the risk of never becoming friendly.

    A very good tradition is to read books aloud with the family, preferably the classics. People who empathize with the characters together, experience the events of a literary work, create deep emotional bonds between themselves. Reading together in a family with several children is especially important. This tradition will avoid fights and quarrels between them.

A real understanding of each family member automatically gives rise to its own traditions and family habits - depending on what opposites coexist in it. For example, regularly give massages to children with a skin vector, go hiking with them. Keep silence where the sound workers live, because the noise causes them suffering. Regularly visit the theater with visual children, because they need emotional impressions so much!

Happiness is the result of knowledge and its application.

Sign up for a free online training and see for yourself.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

Looking at happy couples, many do not even suspect that such an idyll is achieved by significant work applied by both spouses. The yearly increase in the number of divorces can confirm the fact that maintaining strong family relationships today is quite a challenge.

Therefore, before shackling yourself with the bonds of marriage, you should determine your readiness for many difficulties that will undoubtedly arise after the end of the wedding march. But with the help of some simple tips, you can significantly improve family relationships.

Leading psychologists, who are faced daily with the solution of various problems of a family nature, with which desperate patients turn to them, highlight several secrets of a happy marriage:

  • Partners must trust each other. Trust is the foundation without which it is almost impossible to build strong family relationships. In the modern world it is extremely difficult to trust anyone, but if you decide to marry a certain person and are ready to live with him until the end of your days, all doubts should be driven away. It will take a psychological attitude that cannot be violated at the moments of the appearance of even fleeting doubts. If you trust a person, it should always be that way, no matter the situation.
  • Down with the nitpicks! Unfortunately, today many men associate family life with constant reproaches and nitpicking from their spouses. Not surprisingly, the number of registered marriages is decreasing every year. Nagging has its origins in a common female desire to correct their soul mate. This is a huge mistake that can only lead to the development of hatred in the spouse. Marriage involves the union of two people who are ready to be with each other, despite the negative qualities of each (and believe me, there are such for everyone!).
  • Do not skimp on the praise of your soul mates. The negative side of a long-term relationship is that over time, all actions begin to be taken for granted. At each stage of the relationship, it is extremely important to maintain respect for the work, efforts and efforts of each other, which can be shown with ordinary gratitude or praise. Praise is recommended for ordinary things, for example, a deliciously cooked dinner, showing signs of attention. Believe me, a few words a day can make a big difference in a relationship.

  • It is necessary to forget forever about the important mission of changing the second half. As psychological practice shows, it is precisely such actions that often become the causes of divorce. Each person deserves personal happiness, while remaining himself. Do not deprive each other of this pleasant opportunity.
  • The importance of small tokens. It is noted that it is the regular rendering of signs of attention that does not allow the relationship to fade away. In this case, we are not talking about daily gifts, because pleasant emotions can be provided by a simpler manifestation of attention (coffee in bed, arranging a small family holiday).
  • You need to initially tune in to constant work on yourself. A happy marriage is possible only in conditions of equal participation of both parties who are ready to work on themselves, learn from mistakes and make concessions. Therefore, if you want to create a truly happy family, do not stop at minor obstacles.

Many will agree with the opinion that it is from a woman that family happiness begins, so much in marriage depends directly on the attitude and role of the wife. Practicing psychologists recommend to all women aiming for a happy marriage:

  • Never lose faith in your husband. From the very beginning to the end, there is no doubt that your choice fell on the most wonderful man. The loss of this faith necessarily leads to a loss of respect and interest in the husband. To avoid this, one should drive away from oneself thoughts about the possibilities of creating a happier family relationship with another person, which may arise against the backdrop of protracted turmoil in the family.
  • Do not deviate from correct behavior. Not only physical betrayal can destroy family relationships, but also the most common flirting. If a woman allows herself such behavior, which at first glance may seem completely harmless, then she continues to search for a man on a subconscious level in order to create more successful family relationships.
  • You need to understand your role in the family and follow it. You should come to terms with the fact that most of the male happiness lies in matters that do not belong to the family category. Men are initially aimed at being the breadwinner in the family. The woman, on the other hand, will have to fulfill a slightly different role, which consists in arranging the family hearth and supporting the family. Only in conditions of natural distribution of roles will all family members be happy.

Love each other and be happy!


Building a family is a laborious process in which all participants are involved. The slightest mistake on the one hand can be a source of collapse of family relationships. From this the question arises: “Are the husband, wife and children always a family?”. Perhaps these are cohabitants who live together only because of the circumstances. They come after work, have a quick supper and go to their own bedrooms. How to create a happy family where there is respect, trust and love.

Five Rules for a Successful Existence

There are 5 rules that will serve as a guide for you to create a fruitful cooperation. These rules are designed and thought out for the development of mutual respect and love. After all, without these foundations it is impossible to create a happy family.

Comparing yourself to your partner is unacceptable. Comparison gives each person objective moments of knowledge. But when starting to compare, it is important not to “pull the blanket” on yourself.

If you notice that you are starting to compare yourself with your soulmate, run away from it.

You are different - learn to admire it! Character traits, actions of a loved one do not always correspond to our ideals. Learn to admire it. Think how good it is that you are slow and your partner reacts quickly to situations.

You learn opposite qualities from each other while enhancing your own. You learn to be more active in life, and your soulmate learns to pause. By admiring our partner, we enrich our inner world.

Help move forward. Relationships often lack mutual support. If you don't know how to create a happy family, learn to support your own spouse. Listen, give advice, look for new ideas and give hints.

Highlight your partner's strengths and celebrate them. In family relationships, it is important to feel a person, and for this you need to know how he lives, what worries him.

Learn to agree. Let your consent be sincere. To or 1-2 day grievances in married life, one half can agree. But at the same time, the intonation of the phrase is such that everyone understands that you think differently.

In general, the ability to agree with the opinion of the second half is already half of a percent of a sincere relationship. After all, everyone wants to hear an affirmative answer in response to a statement. As a result, a feeling of contentment and security arises in the soul.

If the family often argues, find out who is right, the members also face danger. A person lives in a sense of a dirty trick. Learn to say "Yes" and you will see how the second half becomes softer. Please note that it is not the scale that is important, but agreement with at least part of what is proposed.

Sometimes being right is more important than intimacy in a relationship. People tend to prove themselves right. But at the same time, the feeling of unity and closeness is lost. What is important to you in this evidence? Feel the power and own meaning? Then do you need to be together? Spouses should look for something that is akin to them.

Before defending the rightness, think about what you get from this? Do you want to stay together and build strong relationships or prove the weight of your own voice? Being in a relationship is not a sacrifice of one's own ideals and interests. This is a search for a position when both feel good.

Try not to tell others what to do. After all, at this moment you yourself are faced with a choice. Shift the emphasis to your own side and think in which direction to move. There are no right and wrong in family life. The truth is always in the middle.

How to build a happy marriage?

Some spouses enjoy life together, while the other half of the couples prefer to spend time teaching children and grandchildren. Some people enjoy an active life full of drive, others get adrenaline watching their favorite TV shows on a quiet evening. Happiness is different, just like different families.

Family happiness in children

The main factor, both the desire and the fear of starting a family, is the birth of children. The birth of new members of society should not happen by chance. Family relationships are excellent if parents understand their own responsibility.

It is necessary to be aware of what problems will arise, what financial investments will be required. Plan children, taking into account the material and moral situation,. Seek help from couples who already have children and know how to create a happy family. Do not delay childbearing and give yourself the joy of being parents.

If you think having a baby will be an obstacle to education or career growth, take a look around. Hundreds of thousands of families combine study, work and.

Creating a family - finding compromises

There is a lot of work in family relationships and the main task is to find a solution that will suit both. Consider the interests of your husband or wife. Does he want you to wear a less provocative outfit? Add elegance to your everyday wardrobe. Socks or candy wrappers scattered around the house? Teach order.

Parents, friends will not help to find a compromise. Your family is a private matter and you must create peace and comfort on your own. The more you communicate together, the faster you will find a way out of the situation. You decide how to behave, establish a personal space and get to know each other better.

The first time is hard, but who said it was an easy process? Take it positively. The more you are together, the faster you will learn the advantages and disadvantages. After living in a parental home, it is difficult to accept responsibility and follow new orders.

Learn to bypass petty conflicts and forget grievances. Solve problems in a quiet, trusting environment so that respect for each other lasts a lifetime.

Understanding and forgiveness are the foundation

The ability to listen and accept the position of the second half is an important task, by solving which you will create a happy unit of society. Learn to forgive and not remember grievances so that they do not fall as a heavy burden. Trust and respect will help you interact and get out of the most conflict situations.

Understand what is more important: understanding or constant nit-picking and life in reproaches? Indeed, after a long negativity, a time of disgust may come, when each of the spouses, as if under a microscope, examines the shortcomings and criticizes. In the first years of life, spouses only get to know each other and it is important to be patient at this time.

Do not offend a loved one with ultimatums or threats of separation. Learn to restrain harsh words and think constructively. This will give weight to the words and create an atmosphere of respect. After all, everyone has flaws and some of them can be reconciled. Think about why you chose your soulmate and evaluate the merits.

Give smiles and praise and you will get the same in return. Everyone is pleased to see with him a person who is satisfied with his life, and not a dull person. By expressing positivity, you energize those around you, creating a happy atmosphere for family life.

What is a happy family based on?

Romantics are pleased to know that the family is an elevated society, where everyone praises and adores their soulmate. And it's a shame to hear that creating a family is work.

Family life can be perceived as a science. To create and maintain a happy family, it is necessary to apply the methods of addition, subtraction. Add passion, jealousy to everyday relationships. Take away hope and give it back. Learn to negotiate so that there is equality and balance in everything. Who performs what duties, who goes first to reconciliation, who gives in more often and who walks with friends less often.

If you really want to learn how to create a happy family, remember that not always. What will replace her? This is up to you. Will you build a trusting relationship, learn to forgive insults, will you support your partner? It's not about grandiloquent phrases, but about the path that each family chooses.

March 15, 2014, 11:07 2 996 0 Good day! Today we will touch on the topic of family happiness and talk about recipes for a happy family. You will learn how to create, and most importantly, maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere in your home. Awareness of the problem is the first and very confident step towards its solution.

Qualities and signs of a happy family

  • Correctly prioritized. If you have a career in the first place, then problems in the family simply cannot be avoided. The children are neglected, the husband is “disliked”, everyone is stressed.
  • Don't be afraid of responsibility. Take responsibility for the atmosphere in the family. Blaming your partner will only make your relationship worse. Only you make your life, no one directs you from above. Therefore, the mood in the family and other spheres of life will depend only on you. Maybe you have heard the phrase from others: “if our mother has a bad mood, then the whole family is in a bad mood.”
  • private touches. Sometimes a person is like a prickly hedgehog all day long, that you won’t tell him, he snorts and frowns. And only one hug, one touch or one kiss melts the icy heart and the mood rises by itself.
  • Pleasant surprises. Do something that you don't normally do to diversify your life: a passionate text, a small gift, a boat trip together, etc.
  • Respect for personal boundaries. Do not supervise a partner or children every second. The first one needs to get bored and relax so that feelings play again, and the second one needs to learn independence and socialization without your support.
  • Accepting your partner for who they are. A common cause of quarrels in a couple is attempts to change a partner, his habits, principles, etc.

Any person wants care, understanding and warmth. The house in which he finds all these qualities becomes dear and irreplaceable. Coming back to a place like this is a pleasure. In addition, you want to pay good for good.

In a happy family, they try to control their primary emotions, because screams and angry words will not work. They forever remain in the memory and gradually spoil the relationship. Thinking and understanding people help to deal with problems, and not just scold them for them. This attitude is much more pleasant than condemnation and anger.

In addition, a happy couple is not annoyed by minor flaws and features of each other. They understand that arguing over socks or an unopened toilet lid is stupid. If you love each other, then accept all the little things and do not swear over trifles. It is precisely such nuances that spoil the mood, but spoil it for those who are looking for it themselves.

  • One of the clear signs of a successful union is Attention . This includes a haircut, a new tie, a change in habit, and many such things. But besides this, there is another attention, which is expressed in the ability to listen, give practical advice, not interrupt the interlocutor and sincerely be interested in his life.

Everyone noticed that sometimes all the ears buzzed to their soul mate about the importance of the upcoming event, and when it passed, the loved one did not even ask about it. Everyone's memory is different, but when you truly love and respect a person, you also worry about his deeds.

As for attention, this is a very broad topic, which is one of the most important criteria for a happy family. Attention is the ability to hear the desires, dreams and tastes of another. Give long-awaited gifts, buy favorite flowers and don't even forget that he likes to dilute tea with cream, not milk.

  • No less striking sign of a happy relationship is considered self-sacrifice . This does not mean that you need to throw yourself out of a window or under a train if another has done so. You can sacrifice time, favorite things and comfort. You need to be able to share a delicious cake, a blanket, a jacket with love. Caring people, first of all, are interested in the opinion and desire of another, and only then express their own.
  • In a happy family no hard feelings , and all objections are heard in a calm tone and without pretensions. Kind words, compliments are not flattery, but love that you want to express. Perhaps respect is the most correct synonym for a happy family. Without it, relationships will quickly die.

Relationship between parents and children

If the family already has children, then the situation changes little. The choice to be happy or not, you make yourself, and the child absorbs it all. It is on the example of his parents that he builds his worldview and the system of marriage. Of course, he should also have his own opinion and mood, but it is much more pleasant to get along with your child, and not to fight.

Children in a happy family also become happy, because everything is interconnected. When you are constantly given warmth and care, you yourself want to give it all in return. From such a house you will not want to run away or come too late. You will want to return there, because they will help you cope with any difficulties and problems.

For a child, a healthy and happy family means sincerity, calmness and devotion. It is important for him that actions are proved not only by words, but also by actions, because this is the building of trust. They want to hear advice that will help them solve their problems, and not just comments and dissatisfaction. And children also need compliments, because each of us loves with “ears”.

Kids most of all need approval and support, because dad and mom are authority for him. If they find time for him, help and listen, then various complexes are automatically excluded. It has already been proven that most problems with the psyche and self-esteem come from childhood. Usually such children grow up in families where people mocked him, abused bad habits, were constantly busy or often scolded.

In order to understand how to become a happy family, it is important to understand that a lot depends not only on you, but also on the other person. If you have already thought about how to make your family happy, then this is a great progress. You must understand what does not suit you and what things spoil your relationship. It is best to make a list on a paper sheet, for clarity.

Take more time to write down the causes of conflicts. Write down absolutely every little thing that you remember. Keep in mind that you need to indicate not only the guilt and mistakes of your loved one, but also your own. It is honesty that will show that you are also not an ideal person and the other is also having a hard time.

Then go through your list and try to get out of each situation with dignity. Act out the scene and come up with other words and expressions that will lead to peace, not war. You can do this in private, or you can offer such a game to your spouse or young man in advance.

Tell your soulmate that you dream of creating a happy family and ask his opinion. We assure you that you will be fully reciprocated. Sharing decisions and discussing problems will help you get each other's opinions. If you constantly cursed and fought, then after this conversation, everything will not change in one day. At first, you will control yourself, break down and apologize somewhere, but then you will be genuinely happy - on automatism.

Creating peace in the house is work that is rewarded sooner or later. There are several secrets and happy family recipes

  1. Think before voicing your emotions . Very often, all conflicts occur because of the little things that hurt the accumulated anger. It is not true that it is necessary to throw out anger at people, because you can get rid of it with the help of sports, a good movie or going to the attraction. And what does not suit you should be discussed at moments when you feel good.
  2. It is easy to give unexpected gifts and arrange surprises . Absolutely does not require attachments a note with a declaration of love, secretly hidden in the pocket of the spouse. If there is no money for flowers, then sometimes you can pick the same dandelions to show that you care. And if you buy a bouquet, then your favorite, and not the one that is conveniently sold near the house. It is important to listen and note desires that are accidentally said aloud and try to fulfill them as much as possible.
  3. No need to be afraid to give compliments, because a person blossoms from beautiful words. . Just do not confuse compliments with flattery, because it is immediately felt. The bottom line is that we often notice some details in a loved one that we like, but decide not to talk about them.
  4. Praise your loved ones for what they do for you . When there is feedback, then there is a desire to repeat good deeds. Try to give thanks for the cooked food, for the things put away, for the fact that they just hold the door for you. Do not think that everyone owes you, even though people do it disinterestedly.
  5. Keep up the passion with your loved one . Arrange romantic evenings, buy beautiful lingerie, send SMS with intimate words or even a photo if you have done this before. Warm up your feelings and don't think that there can't be something new in your life.
  6. Take care of your home wardrobe . If you are already a family, this does not mean that you can relax as much as possible. After all, there are comfortable but beautiful clothes for the house. Why do we so often buy things for going out or for work, and wear T-shirts and tights on the sofa to the holes?
  7. Look after yourself . No one talks about round-the-clock styling and luxurious makeup. You can look simple, but well-groomed. It is important to constantly maintain body hygiene, walk with clean hair, etc. Girls can make masks when a loved one is at work, so as not to scare him.
  8. If you quarreled, then come up to put up first . Such a gesture means that you do not want to continue your conflict, but you love the person so much that you forget about pride. Believe me, such a step will definitely be appreciated.
  9. Take an interest in business and the past day . Sometimes a person waits for you to ask him about it and does not tell himself. Unjustified expectations accumulate resentment, but it is easier not to generate them. Attention to the life of another is foundation of a happy family.
  10. Ask each other advice. This applies to important purchases and life situations. Keep in mind that if you are interested, then please follow this parting word, because otherwise there will be a reverse effect.
  11. Show care in the little things . You can always close the door and not talk loudly on the phone when your loved one is sleeping. It is also elementary to simply clean his shoes at the same time as yours. There are a lot of similar moments and you are mistaken that others do not notice them.
  12. Support your loved one when they feel bad . All people make mistakes and in these moments they feel especially depressed. Even if you disagree with the act of another, but the person himself realized his mistake, so you should not finish him off. By the way, it can be bad physically. Even with a regular flu, you want to feel a little support. It's very easy to make tea or bring a blanket when you really care about the person.
  13. Sharing your thoughts, secrets is also necessary . What kind of happy family can we talk about if people do not know anything about each other?
  14. Selfishness should be eradicated . This is an insanely bad quality that quickly ruins relationships. You need to understand that your loved one also has certain interests. Sometimes you can go to a movie genre that he likes or dine at a cafe that has your spouse's favorite dessert. It is best to agree that each of you is not against sometimes sacrificing something familiar.
  15. Respect friends, acquaintances and relatives of your loved one . These are his native people and only he has the right to condemn them for something.

Myths about family happiness

Even in a happy family there may be some shortcomings, but usually they are associated with a personal attitude. Many people mistake other values ​​for peace and quiet in the home. Consider the most popular myths:

  • Some believe that happy family relationships fall from the sky. People believe that the two are just lucky and they are only compatible in terms of horoscope, temperament or other stupid details. But there are no absolutely perfect people, and everyone has their own shortcomings and troubles. You create your own happiness.
  • People think they're just not made for families. . For example, they do not build relationships or they cannot conceive a child. One of the couple decides that such is the fate and loneliness of their destiny. However, everyone can have difficulties, and well-being must be earned by one's own efforts.
  • The opinion is also erroneous about an incomplete family that cannot be happy . Single parents raise their children well and love them for two. Even a lack of funds or the absence of a loved one cannot spoil relationships where they are strong and sincere. Marriage without children is another matter, but it may also have its own reasons. There are people who live their whole lives for themselves and are happy about it, because they initially discussed their desire. There are also those who cannot have a child, but love always helps them find a way out. Very often, with a sincere desire, miracles happen, and sometimes a couple decides to adopt.
  • Especially ridiculous is the myth of prosperity, without which a happy marriage is impossible. . Very often quarrels and conflicts occur in families where there is a lot of money. There, people could initially choose a partner not for love, but because of self-interest. Yes, finances matter in our time, but they are not the basis of everything. In a family where both partners love, everyone tries, and everyone sees the aspirations of the other.
  • Also, people believe that in a happy family there are no difficulties and disagreements. . These things happen to everyone, but the right attitude exists only in a happy union. A quarrel is not only an insult and humiliation of each other, but also an expression of one's thoughts and desires. Even a conflict can take place quite peacefully.

In fact, there are a lot of such myths and misconceptions. Sometimes people do not want to try and just change people, in the hope that they got the wrong person, and the ideal half is already somewhere nearby. Many should understand that we ourselves are the smiths of our own happiness, because it is not for nothing that this expression has existed for so many centuries.

Practical advice from 37 years of experience in a happy family life. How to save a family and marriage?