How to become a good lover for your man. How to be a good mistress for your husband? things that attract men in bed

Every woman wants to find the very "magic pill" that will allow her to find out all the secrets of an ideal lover. But, unfortunately, such pills have not yet been invented. Therefore, you have to learn everything from your own experience and from books. But we will try, nevertheless, to collect all the advice of psychologists and find out: how to become an ideal lover?

Everything has its own age

It is very important to understand that opportunities depend on your age. A young girl does not need to know for sure where the "buttons" of a man are located, clicking on which she will fall in love with him until the end of his days. And an absolutely adult woman does not need to cost herself an inexperienced innocence, since this will be completely out of place.

Perhaps the best option remained and remains - to be yourself. Of course, not without gimmicks. But still.

What men really want

In fact, be that as it may, a man always wants to see a real woman next to him throughout his life, who can become a wife to him and a mother to his children. And no matter how passionate and crazy his mistress was in bed, but if these qualities (in his opinion) are not in her, then nothing can be done about it.

It is really important for men that they always feel comfortable at home. The concept of "comfort" includes more than just a clean floor and a delicious hot dinner. Coziness is both mutual understanding and comfort. Today there are a lot of jokes about the fact that women often "strain" men with constant questions, jealousy, inexplicable and stupid tricks. So, the latter is what they definitely don't need.

Every man wants to feel supported and be sure that he will be understood and not betrayed. It is extremely important for them that the woman respects them. The man is the head, the woman is the neck. No male representative will tolerate attempts to change him for a long time. If he is already an adult and fulfilled, then he will demand to be accepted as he is. Not? Most likely, you will face the fact that he simply disappears from your life.

It is very important for a woman herself to assess in time whether she can be with a particular man and accept him like this. If not, and there is an irresistible desire to "break" it, then it is better not to start a relationship at all. With this approach, they will not lead to anything serious.

In an already established relationship, for any man, the level of trust matters. It just so happened that it is not always possible to obtain revelations from your faithful. The stronger sex is not inclined to tell everything, especially if they do not want to appear weak in front of a woman. If you are tormented by any questions, then wait for the right moment and ask them. Patience is important here. But reading the messages on his phone, asking about what he had about each acquaintance is categorically not worth it.

It is very important for any man to take place. If he has not yet done everything he was striving for, then he needs sincere support from a woman, and not criticism and reproaches regarding his actions. It often happens that, not having achieved sufficient success and having chosen a woman "beyond his shoulder" at the moment of realizing the difference between partners, he leaves. No man can be with the one who is stronger and more independent than him in everything. It must be remembered that no matter what you are for your chosen one, the main thing is to feel that he is a protector.

At the same time, sitting on a man's neck is also not the case. Anyone would like to see next to one that develops, reveals its own potential. Yes, he is a breadwinner. Yes, she is the keeper of the hearth. But not the pouty-lipped silly fool. Such, as a rule, become a temporary option, an intermediate point. Nobody canceled the presence of intelligence.

The rules of the ideal mistress

  1. The ideal lover is good during nighttime conversations, in the kitchen and, of course, in bed. We will talk about the bed a little later. In the meantime, let's take a look at what outside of this intimate space a woman needs to focus on in order to become an ideal lover.
  2. A man needs more than sex. Sometimes he just needs to talk. If you do not correspond to the level of his intelligence and cannot keep up the conversation, say too many stupid things, then he will want you less. A smart woman is always more exciting! But not the one that constantly shows that she is smarter. And the one who knows the measure of everything and does not emphasize her own superiority over a man.
  1. Share his interests. The ideal lover knows exactly about the hobbies of her man, supports him and, in his spare moments, reads literature about his favorite football team, the latest political news or historical facts from the First World War.
  2. For each person, his personal space is important. Men attach great importance to their own freedom and really do not want to be limited. So don't be intrusive and don't try to control your partner. It will only annoy him! If you're really curious, just ask over dinner about how his day went. What a man considers necessary, he will tell
  3. The ideal lover is a mystery. If you tell your partner everything, you will push him away. It is important for him that every time he opens something new in you. And in no case tell him about your past relationship. It is better to carefully avoid answering such questions or lie with a naive smile that you have it first. Well, the maximum is the second.
  4. Copy your partner's gestures and facial expressions. Of course, in moderation! It has long been known that this is a sure way to endear any person to yourself. Especially a partner.
  5. Have good taste. It is very important to dress beautifully without brute force and age. In fact, men pay attention to how a woman is dressed. And the more aesthetic and attractive her image, the more she attracts.
  6. You do not need to put a man constantly in front of a choice, forcing him to do what only you want. This will only make him angrier and move away from you.
  7. And, of course, you don’t have to press for your beloved to say three cherished words. He will do it exactly when he sees fit. As Carlson used to say to Kid: “Patience! Only patience! "
  8. Mercantile - no. Men are only discouraged by this. They don't want to be used. Yes, it is important for them to take care of the woman. But this concern should not go beyond any reasonable boundaries.
  9. And, of course, next to the ideal lover, her partner feels like a real knight. He perfectly sees that her eyes glow with happiness even in pitch darkness, which makes his desire to do something stronger for her.

How to become the perfect lover in bed?

In order to attract your man, you need to get real pleasure in bed. This factor also depends on how strong your partner's emotions are and how much you love yourself.

For sex to be really good for both of you, you need to learn how to enjoy the process. Don't get hung up on what kind of underwear you are wearing. Has your man ever said: “You know, you are wearing such ugly underwear. Let's postpone this case for another time! ”? Hardly. The same goes for your excess weight, ugly scar and other internal complexes. The better you treat yourself, the more your man will desire you.

And you certainly don't need to fake an orgasm. Instead, ask him to try something new in bed that turns you on. It is just as important for men to be sincere in sex with him as it is for women. They really want to be sure that their woman got real pleasure, and not pretending.

Another important point is shyness. It is imperative to get rid of it. Do not hesitate to be the first to make contact, create moments of foreplay, and even pester, flirt. You may think this is superfluous. Perhaps in a relationship outside of bed, yes. But in the space of sheets and blankets, this is still as welcomed.

In general, complexes very much squeeze a woman and prevent pleasure for both. You need to get rid of them. If you want to love yourself and stop worrying about your figure in moments of change in posture, then love yourself for who you are. But at the same time, do not stop caring for the appearance. Go to the gym, get manicures and pedicures, moisturizing and cleansing masks, and an intimate haircut. Perhaps your man will not refuse you if you forget to shave your legs and do the styling. But the better the image, the stronger the desire.

Having managed to fall in love with yourself, one should not forget about the desires of a partner. The ideal lover knows exactly what he wants. Moreover, it is not always possible to find out this through practice. Sometimes you just need to ask and get an answer. Men never hide their secret fantasies and preferences if they know that his girlfriend will support most of the ideas.

By the way, scientists have proven that the more often a woman praises her man and inundates him with compliments, the better their relationship in bed. And sex itself happens more often. Tell him that today he is simply gorgeous in his blue suit and, of course, praise the way he was in bed. Frequently tell what exactly you liked the most and in what moments your partner turned you on the most. He will definitely take this into service!

How to become a good lover: 12 basic rules + 3 major mistakes + 7 best books on the topic + 5 recognized seductresses and their secrets.

Dear ladies, we give a grudge: you, like us, are sure that none, even the most inspired man, is interested in lying in bed with a "log" - even the most dear, beloved and warm one.

Not all of you can talk about the meaning of life and the fate of humanity. And in general: in winter it is cheaper to warm up, making love, than individual heating turned on all the way.

Therefore, we arm ourselves with information, how to become a good mistress and go to bed - to become goddesses of intimacy.

12 basic rules of how to be a good lover or the ideal woman's code of conduct

Rule number 1. A good lover is not shy about anything in bed with a man - neither your tummy, nor simple cotton panties, nor your desires.

Whatever happens between two adults behind a closed bedroom door - everything is cool, as long as it gives both of them pleasure.

And if a mistress needs one liter of honey, handcuffs and an hour of time for this, then so be it.

Rule number 2. A good mistress to the toenails.

She, as a Marine, cannot be taken by surprise: manicure, pedicure, shugaring - everything is present in all places.

Rule number 3. A good lover perceives an intimate relationship with a man as a wonderful celebration of life, and not as a military service.

You will not hear the classic "I have a headache" from her, because even remaining "passive" she is able to please her partner.

Rule number 4. An experienced lover knows that all men are confident that the main negative quality of a woman is commercialism, therefore she plays in contrast: does not require fur coats and diamonds after the first night spent together, does not spread rot for cheap wine and easily agrees to take a bus ride out of town instead of the promised Turkey.

At first, the poor fellows tense up: didn't they manage to get caught up in a crazy feminist or a business woman "knocked out" by money?

But when they understand that no one is going to endure their brains, they break out in smiles and crave to set a date for the next date.

Rule number 5. Good mistresses are good for men.

Candles, delicious dinner, good wine, light music - not only girls love everything to be beautiful. In the end, men also need to switch from the hustle and bustle of work to love-carrots, which is difficult to agree if you are greeted with a rolling pin in your hands and a cigarette in your teeth.

Rule number 6. The ingenious (let's not be afraid of this word) mistress in every possible way praises the bedding skills of a man and colorfully talks about the unearthly pleasure he gives her.

This is the rare case when praise is never too much. After all, a man gets high not so much from the overt sexuality of a woman as from the fact that his mistress wants him.

Yes, even the one who stinks of fish and kebabs from the picnic!

Rule No. 7. No matter how enchanting sex and far-reaching plans for a man are, a good lover does not cling to a man's trouser leg with a squeak "When will we see you again?" - she lets him go into a big and dangerous world.

Oh, yes, and does not lead to a heart attack in bed with the notorious: “ Do you really like me? Do you love me". No, what are you - he just walked by your bed and thought: “ Let me jump there!».

Rule number 8. The mistress is really good, she is not afraid to spoil her man, giving out "above the norm" of emotions, feelings, poses from the "Kamasutra" or culinary skills.

Consider this your investment in relationships.

Remember who little children are more willing to run to - to a strict father or to a pampering, affectionate grandmother? That's the same ...

And it's not for us to explain to you that all men, in fact, are grown up boys. Pamper your baby and you will be rewarded triple.

Rule number 9. A good mistress understands that intimacy is not classical poetry, where for centuries everything remains invariably beautiful and not a military charter.

Therefore, such a woman with hands, feet and other parts of the body for experiments in the intimate sphere - from massage oils to changing the scene.

Rule number 10. A cool mistress does not harass her man with bouts of jealousy.

She's cool, who can compare with her? And she remembers that the beloved is not her property.

Rule # 11. Becoming a good lover for a man will not work if you cannot shut up and stop teaching him about life.

And it doesn't matter where - in business, in bed or in the garden. Wise mistresses "raise" real men for themselves, allowing them to fill their bumps in life.

Didn't come home on time from work, and even didn't call back? No hysteria! The mistress is sleeping peacefully for herself, but today a man can not count on a hot dinner and no less hot sex.

Life lesson learned! No scandal or drama.

Rule number 12. A good lover for a man is not a woman-drama, but a girl-holiday - cheerful, smiling and easy-going.

All her minor problems, such as unbroken carpets, broken taps and a "frozen" computer, are solved without the participation of a man. Such a mistress turns to him for help only as a last resort.

You, too, would not want to be called home not for amazing sex, so - to wash shirts, bake cheesecakes?

How to become a good mistress does not work: 3 unforgivable mistakes

Hmm, well, since you now clearly know what you need to do to become a good lover, remember also what you cannot do, so as not to die an old maid surrounded by a dozen cats:

    imagine that love relationships, including intimate ones, are of the same global significance for your man as they are for you.

    « First of all, the planes, and the girls - then ..."- just about that.

    And if a man keeps thinking about how much he loves you and where to get you a “scarlet flower”, then he will not have any strength to earn his daily bread;

    buy clothes, paint, comb, etc. at your discretion, without regard to the tastes of men.

    Hey, you want this person to want you, to become a good lover for him! Do you think he will "check out" a hairstyle a la "soldier Jane" or a tattoo on the half back?

    get your way from a man with screams, tantrums and scandals.

    Well, you are not the Druzhba chainsaw, and your beloved is not an insensitive blockhead. If a man categorically does not suit you, change the man and, as they say in Odessa, "do not make your nerves" either to him or to yourself.

7 books on how to become a good lover: some theory and fight!

In the question of how to become a good lover, practice with your beloved man is of key importance (and this is what you will do next weekend), but, of course, you cannot do without theoretical knowledge:

  • Lou Page, How to Become a Great Lover;
  • A. Kurpatov “7 intimate secrets. Psychology of Sexuality ";
  • P. Joanidis "The Bible of Sex";
  • S. Beykos “The Art of Sex. Everything a woman should know about sex ”;
  • A. and J. Dinchasi "Secrets of a Magnificent Lover";
  • I.Aub "Kamasutra";
  • I.Kon “The Taste of the Forbidden Fruit. Sexology for everyone. "

“To hell with books! Better tell me who to take an example from in order to become the best lover for a man! " - you exclaim angrily? Sure, not a problem! Here's a list of five famous women who definitely have a lot to learn from.

Who is a mistress? Extra class mistress rules.

Do you apply these rules in your relationship with a man?

Learning from the best on how to become a good mistress: 5 recognized seductresses

Now can you imagine what an explosive mixture can turn out for a man's mind, body and heart, if you take into account all the secrets of the famous seductresses? Then you yourself will already fit lecture "How to Become a Good Lover".

Inspired? Then go ahead - to charm your beloved man with your mind-blowing sexuality.

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It so happened that the main adornment of a woman is modesty. But this adage should never be carried over to bed. After all, our loved ones get the greatest pleasure when we turn from exemplary "hearth keepers" into passionate, somewhat licentious girls in sex. Comprehending the art of seduction, one should not forget that "masquerade" is inappropriate in this regard.

Why be perfect?

It just so happened that men in bed like initiative young ladies, the very ones who are not averse to not only often experimenting and changing positions, but also to provoke the sexual act itself.

Men love women who show desire and are aroused at the sight of them. Only with such companions can they be truly confident in themselves, and they definitely will not dare to cheat. And believe me, no matter how trite it may sound, a guy will definitely not leave such a woman!

The question of how to be the ideal lover has worried women since the time of the sexual revolution.

And indeed, how can you build a strong family and be confident in your husband, if you frankly "does not stick" in bed?

To comprehend the basics of sexuality, women go all-in:

  • re-read a lot of literature;
  • revise special "training" videos;
  • and even go to specialized courses that promise them to instantly turn into a priestess of sex.

Moreover, very often the knowledge gained is projected onto the lover himself. The girl, after reading the practical recommendations, voices them to her lover, as a result of which the entire sexual act turns into a farce, a learned performance, played out according to the textbook. In fact, all that is required of you is to understand and feel the needs of your partner on an intuitive level.

10 things men are attracted to in bed

Today we decided to give you 10 basic things that men like in bed. It is not at all necessary to execute them according to a knurled script. In addition, they include psychological rather than technical aspects of the perception of intimacy.

In this article, you will not find boring advice on the need to do Kegel exercises and become a candidate for a master of sports in gymnastics in order to get into a sophisticated position to please your loved one. But you will gather for yourself a lot of new and useful information, which may not only strengthen, but also save your marriage or union.

So, what exactly do our guys like in bed, and how to become that very “ideal lover”?

Be relaxed

We know this sounds pretty hackneyed, but still, this is almost the most important thing that men like in the same bed with you. This does not mean that you should invite him to sleep with you in elevators or parks while playing "Lustful female"... This means that you have to honestly want your loved one. And, by the way, such banality as sexual coldness and infidelity on its basis is the reason for 50% of broken marriages. What guy wants to see a young lady with him who has hundreds of excuses just not to have sex? This destroys his self-esteem, rebuilds him into destructive thoughts about his sexual solvency, awakens in him the feeling that he does not satisfy you.

Take the initiative more often and try to awaken your true sexuality at a deep level. Engage in women's practices if you feel that you need it. Do your best to enjoy sex.

Apply new tricks

A man is an experimenter by nature, so the monotony in bed can quickly get bored with him. Judge for yourself: even you are likely to quickly get bored with bland food if you eat it on a daily basis.

Sex for the male is as natural as feeding. Therefore, try to bring at least a little variety to your intimate life. Change positions, go from tenderness to hardness ... in short, improvise!

Believe me, a routine and boring intimate life quickly forces you to look for something new on the side.

Do not be equal to the USSR, where "there was no sex"

You don't have to constantly wrap yourself in sheets and turn off the lights. Let a ray of sun break through from behind the curtains, or there is a lighted candle near your bed. Men are visuals, as they say, they love with their eyes. They are excited by the female body, they constantly strive to study it even more. If you interview a dozen of the stronger sex about what exactly men like in bed with a woman, half, without hesitation, will answer - contemplation of her beautiful body during intercourse. Do not be overly shy - men do not understand this, and regard it as distrust or a personal insult.

Behave emotionally

If you lie without showing signs of life, your partner will quite rightly decide that sex with him does not give you absolutely any pleasure.

You should not be equal to porn actresses and moan picturesquely, provoking the knocking of neighbors on the battery.

But try to show at least a little passion, tenderness, bliss. And then your male will definitely be pleased with himself, and this is extremely important for him.


No, of course, not about the latest series of Brazilian "soap", and not about how Baba Nyura from the next doorway dragged a can of milk to the house without assistance. Tell a man that he wildly turns you on, that sex with him is sheer euphoria for you, that you almost burn out with pleasure. It's hard to say what words all men like in bed. Some love vulgarity, and some are even turned on by insults! Try to catch it yourself.


We have passed the appropriate words, and now let's move on to compliments. This is appropriate not only in bed, but also in everyday life. Every man needs approval and admiration on a subconscious level.

Give it to him! Say he has a great figure or a chic torso that drives you crazy. You will see how this "Balm for the soul" will transform your man in every way.

Don't forget about sexy lingerie

Is it worth mentioning that a woman should look sexy and attractive to her beloved? Speaking about what kind of women worthy men like in bed, liberated sexy women in beautiful lingerie come to mind almost immediately. Can a man be impressed by a woman in tattered cotton panties? Also, watch out for the smoothness of the skin - it is incredibly exciting for the stronger sex. It is the delicate, velvety skin that awakens the subconscious instincts of defenders and rulers in them.


As we already said, all representatives of the stronger sex love experiments. True, every married couple, after several years of living together, finds themselves 1-2 positions in which it is comfortable and convenient for them to have sex. But on the basis of this there are many divorces with motivation. "We're bored in bed".

And the point is not at all what sophisticated positions men like in bed. The point is, they constantly need a challenge. Invite your loved one to make love right at a picnic, or in the pool at the dacha of friends.

Love yourself

They say that selfishness has no place in bed, and it really is. Especially if selfishness is clearly unhealthy. But if you're rightly concerned that,

A good lover is not one who owns a man only sexually. You can truly subdue a man by combining spiritual and physical affection.

  • Since ancient times, there have been special women, the thoughts of which drove men crazy. In Japanese culture, they are known to us as geisha. In the west - courtesans
  • It wasn't just women who satisfied men physically. They were the ones who completely controlled the minds and feelings of men.
  • There are many cases in history when courtesans were “gray cardinals”. In the world of men, they easily manipulated them, participating in the political life of the country.
  • In the modern world, feminization has gained momentum. But on the one hand, this is not the strength, but the weakness of women.
  • Women who feel their strength can easily conquer any peaks. At the same time, without making any effort, but only using the efforts of men
  • Anyone can learn to be a good lover. Appearance, of course, is important, but it is not the determining factor.

How to Become the Perfect Lover: Practical Tips and Tips

These tips apply to women of all ages. It's never too late to improve and win hearts.

  • A good mistress is good not only in bed, but also outside of it. Otherwise, the man will return to you only for sex. And then until finding the best option
  • The main quality of a woman is femininity. This is a topic that requires deep consideration. But in short, this quality manifests itself in everything: in appearance, manners, speech, attitude towards people.
  • Appearance is always extremely important for men. You may not have natural beauty. But they must be well-groomed. Get manicures and pedicures, skin care, exercise and nutrition
  • The erudition of a lady is important for a man. Don't be silly with nothing to talk to. But at the same time, do not teach your man, do not point out his shortcomings.
  • Femininity is tenderness and kindness. The essence of women is to give love to the world around them. Men really dislike greedy, angry and quarrelsome women.
  • Be self-sufficient. Your world should not be enclosed in one person. Spend time on yourself and your hobbies
  • Don't be closed in bed. Many men like to experiment. If you are too insecure, it will be a hindrance to your goal.
  • Balance coquetry and restraint. This kind of play is very tricky and attracts the opposite sex.

How to be a good mistress for your husband?

If your relationship is deadlocked or a routine, it's up to you to fix it.

  • The strength of a woman is that she can fill any relationship with energy. If your man has become withdrawn, boring and inattentive, think about what you are doing wrong.
  • Pay attention to yourself. Without your own happiness, it is difficult to make your partner happy. Sometimes a woman does everything: work, everyday life, children, but not herself. Take some time, do what you love, beauty treatments and just relax
  • As you energize yourself, think about what your husband might be missing. Show warmth and care for him, open your soul and make it clear that he is the most important person in your life.
  • Do not walk around the house in old, shabby clothes. It depresses even the most loving men.
  • Spend time together, but not watching TV or eating. Come up with an interesting pastime for both. Put off work and household chores for a while and just immerse yourself in happiness
  • Pay special attention to sex. Sometimes married life turns sexual intercourse only into the satisfaction of banal needs.
  • Get a man interested in novelty: lingerie, poses, sex toys, or watching an adult movie
  • Learn to massage a man. If necessary, be like courses
  • Master the aromatherapy technique. Pleasant scents can arouse your innermost desires. The easiest way is to get an aroma lamp and light it periodically. Smells such as cinnamon, ylang-ylang, rose can revive sensuality
  • Ask what your husband would like to try in bed. You yourself will be surprised how he comes to life after such a question.

How to become a great lover for a guy, a man?

  • The ideal lover is always attractive to a man. Her image is seen in a dream, he cannot forget her even at work. This is what a woman who wants to conquer a man should strive for.
  • Dresses are the best weapon of women. Nothing attracts the stronger sex like a dress. Reduce wearing jeans or pants around with your boyfriend.
  • Learn to be strong using weaknesses. Many women forget that their strength lies in their weakness. Learn to gently ask a man for favors. If you do it right and with love, he will not refuse you.
  • Even if you adore your job, never highlight it in the eyes of a man. This attitude will alienate anyone.
  • Don't be intrusive. Men are hunters. Yes, everyone is pleased with attention. But if you annoy him with calls and messages every day, he will just run away.
  • Be interesting and knowledgeable. The guy will be pleased that he can talk to you. And that society is not ashamed to imagine
  • Don't be passive and lazy about sex. Make it clear that you enjoy it
  • Praise your man as often as possible. For you, he must be a hero. Just don't mistake it for flattery.
  • Don't give him brainwashing. Try to look at many things in a simpler way. One way or another, either you will accept its shortcomings, or you will leave. No need to wag each other's nerves.
  • Sensuality is the foundation of good sex. Learning to understand his preferences, to feel his body - this is sensuality. Strive for it
  • Get rid of your own complexes. Childhood traumas, body dissatisfaction, and past relationships often become hindrances. Become aware of your complexes and fight them

Video: Formula of a real woman

X irrigated mistresses are not born, they become. And this means that almost every woman can turn herself from a gray squeezed mouse into a bright temperamental lioness.

Compliance with just 10 basic rules will help you become a good lover for a man and the limit of his dreams.

Good mistress rules

1. Love yourself

It is impossible to become a good lover when the same thoughts constantly pop up in your head: “Do I look good? Does he like it with me? I wonder if he thinks about someone during our proximity? " It is very difficult to fall in love with a woman who doesn't really appreciate herself.

2. Love sex

Remember that sex is not a way to fulfill a man's whim. It is your mutual desire for pleasure. A good lover always enjoys sex, not just for the pleasure of a man.

3. Love to experiment

It is unlikely that you will be able to surprise the modern man with sex under the covers in the missionary position. But a couple of inventive poses on a table or windowsill will surely surprise your partner and will excite him for a long time.

4. Be interested

We often hear the opinion that a woman should be slightly inaccessible and even a little coldish for a man. However, this does not mean that she should hide her interest. A man loves to feel his importance and need, he will always be drawn to the woman who needs him.

5. Pamper yourself

The ideal lover never skimps on herself. She takes great pleasure in spending money on new, often unnecessary, cosmetics, clothes and jewelry. She spares no expense for emotions and pleasure. It is such ease and some recklessness that allow her to attract worthy men into her life.

6. Give away for free

Men hate consumerism. "I trusted you, and you did this to me", "I will become yours only after long courtship and expensive gifts." Thinking in this way, you are unlikely to be able to win the heart of a man. A good lover does not wait for a third date and luxurious bouquets of roses to surrender to a man. She does it when she wants it herself.

7. Pay attention to your appearance

A real mistress will never lament about the fact that a man is such an insolent man - staring at over-dressed beauties. The ideal lover, looking at her rivals, draws conclusions and continues to work on herself. She knows very well that the representatives of the stronger sex love to contemplate and does everything possible to please the eye of a man with their luxury.

8. Do not encroach on his freedom

The ideal lover will not put a man in front of a choice. She absolutely does not care how he spends his free and working time and when they will meet again. She gives him complete freedom and the right to choose, but deep down she knows for sure that he will make a choice in her favor.

9. Understand a man

As it turned out, for most men, sex is just a release of tension and stress. Intimate intimacy and understanding is much more important to them than banal sexual intercourse. A real lover always treats men with understanding and respect.

10. Live your life

The ideal lover is not fixated on the man of her choice. She is not trying to persuade him to marry and make him her favorite toy. She has enough of the communication that she receives from periodic meetings with a man. She has a sufficiently eventful life that does not allow her to devote herself entirely to one single and beloved.