How to decorate the interior of the house for the bright holiday of Easter? DIY home decoration for Easter. A photo. How to properly set the festive table for Easter

How to decorate a table for Easter. Easter table decoration traditions

One of the indispensable attributes of the bright holiday of Easter is the Easter table rich in delicious dishes.

In addition to preparing traditional treats - Easter cake, colored eggs, cottage cheese Easter, you need to think about how to decorate the table for Easter.

The decoration of the Easter table should be festive and very beautiful, in line with the theme of this great celebration.

Photo of table setting for Easter

The Easter table must be covered with a beautiful tablecloth, preferably white, with embroidery.

You can take brighter napkins, now you can buy them in stores in the Easter theme.

Traditional Easter colors are red - the color of love, yellow - the color of the sun and vitality, green - nature and freshness. And also neutral white, which always looks solemn.

Easter cakes and eggs - the most important decoration of the Easter table, should be placed in the center of the table, put the eggs on a beautiful dish or in a small wicker basket.

Massive meat dishes - whole chicken, turkey, baked leg of lamb, boiled pork, place the ham along the edges of the table.

But snacks - salads, cuts, aspic, jellied meat, pates, rolls, canapes, etc. place along the center line of the table. Garnish them generously with greens.

Bottles with alcoholic beverages - wine, cahors, cognac, vodka are placed right there.

Pay special attention to serving plates for guests.

Beautiful napkins, decor with yellow chickens, plant elements look like spring and create an appropriate mood.

Do not forget about the symbol of light - fire. You can limit yourself to a church candle on a kulich and Easter cottage cheese, or you can decorate the Easter table with several candles in elegant candlesticks.

Easter table decoration ideas

1. In Russia, it has long been customary to lay out Easter eggs in a dish with fresh green grass. It can be grown by planting wheat germ grains in a flat dish in about 7-8 days. Read on to learn how to grow witgrass and get started!

Our solution: sprout wheat in a small porcelain salad bowl and decorate with wooden skewers with chicken figurines. Bought before Easter in Ashan (sprouted grains are also sold there).

2. How to fold napkins for Easter bunny. A very simple option for decorating plates for guests!

Fold a linen napkin in half diagonally, and then roll it up. Wrap an egg around and decorate with floral and floral décor.

3. Easter candles in the form of eggs. Such candles can be bought ready-made or made by hand by filling whole empty eggshells with colored paraffin.

By tradition, the whole family gathers at the festive table for Easter. How beautiful you can decorate it depends only on your imagination.

We hope that our Easter decor photos will help you get inspired to create the most beautiful decorations and table setting!

If you follow all the traditions, the preparation of the Easter table requires a lot of time and effort: you need to paint the eggs, prepare Easter cottage cheese and a few cakes in advance, and consecrate the Easter meal in the church. The Easter lunch is not limited to this - the housewives prepare both meat dishes and pies, which the family missed during the long Lent. There is no time to decorate the festive table, and it is not required, because homemade Easter dishes, cooked with soul, create that very unique atmosphere of the bright spring holiday - the Resurrection of the Lord. What to do for those who are limited in time, live in a metropolis and do not have the opportunity to cook a real Easter cake and Easter, and paint eggs using ready-made sets from the supermarket? They will have to get creative and create a festive mood with special table setting and decoration. And the site "Culinary Eden" will share ideas on how to decorate the Easter table. Even if you haven't prepared traditional Easter treats, there will be a holiday in your home!

The easiest thing to do for setting the table for Easter is to find a tablecloth or napkins with colored polka dots, put on plates a live spring flower and a colored egg. If you haven't dyed the eggs, just tie a nice ribbon around them.

How to decorate your Easter table if you want more fun? Use colored dishes, a tablecloth and napkins, and in the center of the table place a large glass vase in which to put quail eggs wrapped in colored foil. You can even use chocolate eggs for the kid's table.

The option is a little more complicated for those who paint eggs in a minimalist style - one or two colors. Choose a tablecloth, napkins, candles and cutlery in the same colors used in painting eggs. The best options are red and orange, with a touch of green.

Those housewives who have prepared homemade Easter or Easter cake can not only place them in the center of the table, but also enhance the impression with the help of a properly selected table setting. Decorate your creations in the same colors as other elements of the holiday table. For example, yellow and green candied fruits and chocolate decorations for Easter cottage cheese will go well with yellow tulips and dishes and napkins in different shades of green.

If fruit trees bloom in your city on Easter, use this in the setting of the festive table. Place each flowering twig on a soft-colored rolled napkin and garnish with brightly colored quail eggs or candy in multicolored glaze. These spring compositions can be placed next to the plates or directly on the plates.

The same can be done with a blossoming willow. Its fluffy balls match perfectly in color with unpainted quail eggs and coarse linen napkins. An additional decoration of the table is a glass vase with quail eggs.

Colored quail eggs and a few roses or carnations can also be used for a more formal Easter setting. Lay a tablecloth of a delicate color, under each appliance, put a placemat rug or a strip of fabric a lighter tone, tie the cutlery with ribbons of the same color as the flowers, in the center of the table place flowers, painted eggs with a snake, put candles to match.

When there is a choice of fresh flowers, decorating the table becomes an especially enjoyable experience. Color the eggs ahead of time to match the flowers, and make miniature bouquets in egg holders.

No egg coasters? Don't worry - use a short baking dish. It can be placed in the center of a festive table and filled with flowers, eggs, feathers and candles - a stylish decoration for your Easter dinner.

Compositions of colored eggs, flowers and young greens can be collected in small portioned muffin tins or tea cups and placed next to each guest.

An equally effective option is to place a bunch of fresh greens in a bright decorative bucket, and put a brightly colored egg in the center.

An egg dyed or tied with a beautiful ribbon can be covered with an inverted glass and complement the picture with a small flower.

Easter eggs are very cozy and natural looking in their nests. The simplest option is to line a cardboard box with dry grass, put chicken eggs in it, decorate with herbs and flowers.

Quail eggs and colored feathers make a very effective and glamorous nest for decorating the center of the Easter table.

If you start collecting material in advance, then the Easter table can be decorated with a composition of dry branches, roots, flowers and brightly colored eggs.

The needlewomen will surely have something to weave a nest for Easter eggs: colored wool, felt, braid and lace, wires and beads.

You can make real bouquets from empty quail egg shells - stick wires in them, decorate with colored ribbons or flower petals and put the bouquet in a vase or earthen jug.

In addition to nests and bouquets of Easter eggs, you can make more complex installations. For example, decorate a dry branch with eggs. Build several nests from twigs, place them on or under a branch, and put colored eggs in the nests. Thread the ribbons into the empty shells of colored eggs and hang them on a branch, like on a Christmas tree.

Even broken eggs can be used for Easter decorations. Paint a cardboard egg container a bright color and place some shells in it that will serve as vases for flowers and greenery and candlesticks for small candles.

If you place the halves of the eggshell in saucers with colored stones or sand and put bouquets of fresh flowers in them, a real blooming flower bed will appear in the center of the festive table.

If you put stones or branches covered with moss in a wicker basket, put painted eggs around, and decorate the top with shells with fresh flowers and candles, you will get an interesting decoration of the Easter table in an eco-style.

Another idea for those who don't like eggs, but love homemade baking, is to bake the cookies in the shape of eggs and paint them with colored icing. Such cookie-eggs can be put on the guests' plates, in the center of the table on fresh herbs or in a beautiful vase, and after dinner they can be handed out to the guests as a souvenir.

Tips on how to decorate the Easter table will create a unique atmosphere of a bright spring holiday. There are no rules in decorating the Easter table - fantasize, create, create beauty and coziness.

Not only those who strictly adhere to fasting, but also people who are not close to the church and even non-believers want to create a festive atmosphere in the house for the bright holiday of Easter. Everyone, without exception, wants to feel that festive atmosphere, decorating their home with festive decor.
How to make beautiful decors for the holiday with your own hands from improvised means, we will tell you in this article.

The bright holiday of Easter brings a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy, kindness and positive emotions to the house, and pleasant chores for the housewives. After all, you need to be in time for everything: bake a beautiful and tasty cake, prepare delicious dishes, clean the whole house, choose the right decor for decorating the interior and, of course, Easter eggs.

The customs and traditions associated with Easter eggs have been around since the development of the Christian faith. Easter eggs are one of the main symbols of the holiday all over the world, a symbolic representation of a new life and a kind of wish for abundance.

DIY Easter decor for Easter

Our Slavic people have traditionally developed that we pay more attention to the preparation of various pickles, and, unfortunately, we forget about decorating the house. Many people think this is a troublesome activity, which also leads to additional material costs.

On the one hand, this is so. But, if you do everything with your own hands, besides also from the material at hand, then it will cost you cheap. But the atmosphere in the house will be truly festive!

Yes, and do not forget to involve your children in this process - they will definitely like it! And we will acquaint you with the most spectacular jewelry, the preparation technology of which you can handle yourself. There are a lot of ideas, and you will have plenty to choose from.

How to decorate the interior of the house for the bright holiday of Easter?

To begin with, I would like to acquaint you with the ideas of interior decoration, after which we will learn how to make wonderful decoration on our own.

Interesting ideas: how to decorate a house for Easter with your own hands?

Important! Let's clarify one main feature - the color scheme of the decor. It should be dominated by light tones of yellow, green, red and blue, but, of course, white.

What Easter decor to choose in the house for Easter?

The Easter holiday comes to us annually in the spring, when the first buds on the trees awaken, and the first sprouts of spring flowers are pushed out from under the frozen ground. Awakening in nature is inextricably linked with the awakening of something bright and beautiful. Therefore, we will start decorating our house from the windows.

  • In order for light and warmth to penetrate into your home, it is worth removing heavy curtains, and in their place hang graceful tulle
  • If you wish, you can hang curtains in a bright color with a delicate floral pattern. It will not hurt to decorate the windows themselves
  • For this purpose, you can use Easter garlands, self-adhesive colored films in the form of moths, flowers, Easter bunnies or eggs. The flight of fantasy is limitless

DIY home decoration for Easter - decorate the windowsill and the front door

Place blooming daffodils on the windowsill. But daffodils should look original and festive. And it is not at all necessary for this purpose to run to the store and buy ready-made pots with a plant.

You can grow them yourself. To do this, you need to take several daffodil bulbs, for example, pale yellow in color, and place them in a shallow glass vessel.

The ideal solution is to use small pebbles as soil, and pour some water into the pan. The first green sprouts will seem to you as early as 5-6 days. In just 6 weeks, your windowsill will be decorated with beautiful blooming daffodils.

In addition to daffodils, other flowers can also decorate the windowsill - lilies of the valley, tulips, indoor chamomiles, etc.

Important! If you really strive to decorate your home for Easter in an interesting and original way, then you need to prepare for this event in advance. For example, from the day of the onset of Great Lent. You need to think over everything well to the smallest detail. Stock up on ribbons, lace, eggshells, plaster of paris, paraffin wax, and incense. This will allow you to unload yourself in the last week of the fast and calmly start decorating the interior.

The holiday should begin from the very doorstep of the house. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to decorate the front door with an original composition of flowering plants and Easter eggs. This kind of installation can create a special festive atmosphere not only in the house, but also around it.

DIY Easter decor for Easter - Easter tree

A handmade Easter tree will become a magnificent festive decoration in the interior of your home, the main component of the decor. Moreover, children can be involved in the work process.

There are many options for making an Easter tree. Traditionally, it is made from young freshly cut branches of pussy willow or any other fruit tree. And if it blooms by that time, it will give it a special charm.

And you can not paint anything, and not even paste over. Simply, on a white shell of eggs, draw beautiful faces with an ordinary felt-tip pen.

Moving eyes can be purchased at any stationery store. Stick them on the shell and place the eggs in a beautiful tray in an original way.

DIY Easter baskets

An equally important decorative element is decorative Easter baskets, which you can present to your friends and acquaintances as a symbolic souvenir. You can make them with your own hands from scrap materials and for this you will need:

  • Plastic cups
  • Corrugated paper and colored cardboard
  • Stapler
  • Scissors
  • Decorative chicks

So, let's cut the glass lengthwise in the way indicated in the photo.

We will cut a strip out of colored cardboard, which will serve us as a handle for the future basket. We will attach it with a stapler. Bend the edges of the glass carefully. We will seat the chickens in baskets and decorate them at our discretion.

These are the Easter baskets you get as a result. You can safely entrust this process to children - believe me, they have a rich imagination.

Easter cakes decoration

The decoration of Easter cakes in the old days was rich. And although time is rapidly advancing, the decoration technique has remained the same. That is, until our time, Easter cakes are decorated brightly and festively, sparing no ingredients for this.

Each piece of jewelry carries with it a certain meaning, and which one you give your preference depends on your inner spiritual wealth. The most common ones are:

Table decoration for the bright holiday of Easter is a special topic. Here, each of you must turn on your imagination and do so to please your family with mouth-watering dishes in a beautiful environment.

Beautiful and original napkins are an integral part of any festive table, in particular, Easter.

Decor for napkins for Easter

An elegant decoration is obtained from willow branches with newly awakened buds. Tie twigs to a napkin and complement with any spring decor.

Or maybe you will like the decor with rabbits, which are considered the main animals symbolizing Easter? Then you can fold the napkins in the shape of bunny ears, add any Easter decor to the composition, and voila!

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a master class that will teach you how to properly fold a napkin with a bunny.

Well, that's probably all. Of course, you can endlessly talk about decorations for the bright holiday of Easter. But, from our article you can take everything you need to help you cope with such a task yourself and make jewelry with your own hands.

Happy Easter, dear friends!

Video: Home Decoration for Easter

Easter, one of the most sincere and family holidays, requires a special approach - you want not only the food to be tasty, but also the table to please the eye, warm the soul, and bring satisfaction to your own sense of aesthetics. Alas, with a swoop it is unlikely that something worthwhile will turn out - a truly beautiful Easter table can be set only if you think over all the moments in advance, because practice shows that the "haste" option does not bring much positive.

It is a mistake to think that the concept of serving includes extremely stylish dishes and well-arranged appliances. In order for the Easter ensemble to be complete and harmonious, you need to think over everything - from the size and shape of the salad bowls to the color scheme of the festive bouquet.

In order to understand in which direction it is worth organizing the preparation for Easter, it is convenient to divide the serving issues into three main blocks: textiles and decor, dishes, and food decoration. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Textiles and decor

First and foremost - no oilcloths, washed old tablecloths and a clean, but bare table. Easter is not a holiday when the lack of textiles can be masked by two floors of mayonnaise salads and hearty snacks.

If the household does not yet have a special festive tablecloth, immediately go to the store and choose the most beautiful, most luxurious dining table cover. A crispy linen tablecloth, in each fold of which solemnity, festivity and beauty are hidden, cannot be replaced by anything. Do not forget that you need to buy napkins to match the canvas - multi-colored cellulose flaps, of course, can be colorful and even themed, but, perhaps, Easter is not the holiday when you can get by with a pack of paper handkerchiefs bought at the nearest supermarket.

Ribbons look very beautiful on the Easter table - they can be used to tie cutlery, tie a luxurious bow on the neck of a vase, just put decorative curls in a dish with dyes.

If you have time and financial support for your desires, you can approach the issue of serving a little more broadly - and with a general ensemble with tablecloths and napkins, choose new curtains, sew chair covers, or even more globally - take care of the carpet to match other textiles. The ideal Easter table setting assumes the absence of flaws and consideration of all the details, even the smallest.

Candles look especially solemn on the table, and several small, neatly placed among the plates and salad bowls, as a rule, look much more interesting than one grandiose one in the center of the table. At the same time, do not try to put on the table an assortment of all the candlesticks you have - accessories for candles should be selected in strict accordance with the general style of the rest of the dishes.

In addition, the Easter table can be decorated with unobtrusive decorative figures - cute little chickens near each plate, a wreath of wooden dyes and even Easter bunnies that came to us from Western culture will look appropriate, joyful and very festive.

If you wish, you can make napkin rings yourself, decorating them with Easter attributes, or put a handmade egg postcard on each plate, giving everyone present a portion of individual pleasantness and warm words.


The advice will sound somewhat strange, but when laying the Easter table, you should strictly ensure that all plates, salad bowls and dishes are representatives of the same set, or at least one designer line of one or another manufacturer. In fact, following this recommendation is not as easy and simple as one might think - it often happens that at the last moment ideas come to put another salad on the table and cut another sausage, and then the first saucer or plate that comes across comes out of the sideboard ... Naturally from a different set! It seems to be a trifle, but it can disrupt the entire carefully constructed composition.

If you do not have enough identical plates, you can get creative with the task of setting the Easter table and combine two different sets. The alternation, for example, of sunny yellow and bright light green dishes will look not only harmonious, but also elegantly Easter. Quite non-standard colors are also beautifully combined - for example, lilac and green, brown and blue, red and blue.

Try to put glasses, glasses and glasses of the same design on the table - strict wine glasses next to glasses in a ladybug will look at least ridiculous.

Knives are by all means near every plate, even if a child who has not yet learned how to use the devices is sitting at it.

Easter dishes - decorations and decor

The traditional Easter table assumes three main groups of treats: meat products, dyes and Easter eggs, and desserts in the form of cottage cheese puffs, Easter cakes and other baked goods.

The idea is seditious, but reasonable: the greatest attention to the festive decoration should be paid to the food that you immediately put on the table. As a rule, sweet curd pastries, fluffy buns, dessert pies are served on the table last, when the overall composition is already broken, salad bowls are rearranged according to the laws of sweet chaos, and crumbs and spilled wine are on the tablecloths. Of course, this is not a reason to completely bypass the issue of decorating Easter desserts, however, it is still more logical to direct the main part of efforts to the first part of the treats, to those treats that are immediately put on the table.

Jellied meat in eggshell

In many families, preparing for Easter, meat jellied meat is necessarily cooked. Arrange the meat on plates, pour over the broth and, after hardening, serve it to the table - it is, of course, tasty, however, banal and uninteresting. It is quite possible to improve it - it is enough to think about this issue in advance and prepare empty eggshells. To leave them almost intact, it is necessary to thoroughly wash them before preparing a dish, which includes eggs, and, gently knocking on the blunt end with a spoon, remove the shell with an area of \u200b\u200b1-2 square meters. from. After pouring out the contents of the shell, it is necessary to rinse its inner surface with a strong soda solution, and then rinse with running water. Molds for pouring jellied meat are ready. It is worth stocking up on a sufficient number of such "plates" - it is better to have extra ones than not enough.


  • 1 beef leg;
  • 0.5 kg of lean meat;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1/2 celery root;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 parsley root;
  • 5-10 cloves of garlic.
  • salt, black allspice, bay leaf to taste.

My meat, if necessary, remove the extra ugly pieces. Wash my leg very carefully, scrape it with a knife and put all the wealth in a saucepan. Fill with water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil, remove foam and reduce heat to low. We periodically check the contents of the pan, removing any foam and fat protruding on the surface of the broth, cook the jellied meat without boiling for 5-7 hours. An hour before cooking, add peeled vegetables, black and allspice. For 10 minutes - salt and throw in the bay leaf.

Put the meat from the pan into a large bowl and wait until it cools down to a temperature that is comfortable for the hands. Removing unnecessary fat, skins, films, veins and bones, we disassemble the meat, divide it into small pieces and fill the egg shells by two-thirds of the volume. Squeeze a small amount of garlic into each shell, add a tiny pinch of ground black pepper if desired. We filter the broth and pour it over the eggs, which at the same time we put the sharp end down in a bowl of a suitable size. Put the bowl in the refrigerator until the broth solidifies for 4-7 hours. Before serving the shells, slightly nudging, carefully remove - we serve cute meat "dyes" from jellied meat on the table.

If you have a little free time and want to make the "eggs" even more attractive, you can put pomegranate seeds, flowers cut from boiled carrots, twisted from small strips of beetroot roses, beautiful circles of hard-boiled eggs, sprigs of dill or parsley leaves in the shell along with the meat.

Serving the Easter table, serve such jellied meat on a "pillow" of greens and lettuce leaves.

Meat loaf with eggs

Meat loafs are relevant always and everywhere, however, an option in which boiled eggs are hidden in raw minced meat, especially for Easter: it is difficult to imagine something more beautiful and appropriate than a magnificent slice of baked meat mass, in which yellow eggs wink playfully " eyes".


  • about 800 g of minced meat (optimally a mixture of pork and beef);
  • 3-4 slices of yesterday's loaf;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 3-4 boiled eggs;
  • 3 raw eggs;
  • 4-6 strips of bacon;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Pour the loaf with warm milk and leave for 15 minutes, then squeeze out of the milk and put in a bowl with minced meat.
Stir all listed ingredients thoroughly, except for boiled eggs and bacon. If you see that the minced meat is ready to "take" a certain amount of liquid, add the milk in which the loaf was soaked.

In order to make the finished loaf more even and neat, the minced meat can be beaten off - lifting it high up, forcefully throw it back into the bowl. After 4-6 times you will see that the meat mass becomes more homogeneous - do not stop, make sure that the minced meat is almost elastic, pliable, soft, but not liquid.
Spread the resulting mixture on a piece of cling film spread out, forming an even rectangle. Place 3-4 peeled eggs in the center. Lift the edges of the rectangle, connect them at the top, and then transfer the loaf to a mold (or just onto a sheet of baking paper, carefully cover with strips of bacon.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.
Serve sliced \u200b\u200bafter cooling completely.

If you wish, the same loaf can be prepared in the form of an Easter bunny - it is enough to give it a characteristic shape (indicating the body and head), and after baking decorate with carrots, boiled eggs and olives, imitating ears, nose, eyes, mustaches.

Meatloaf recipe and photos are taken from here -

Easter wreath

An Easter wreath made of rich yeast dough can be not only a delicious dessert bun prepared for the festive table, but also an original "plate" for serving dyed eggs and Easter eggs. Lavishly poured with sugar glaze and sprinkled with a special multi-colored decor, it looks unusually solemn, festive and elegant.


  • 500 g flour;
  • 30 g fresh yeast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 150 ml low-fat cream;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • 70 g butter.

The ingredients for the dough should be warm or at room temperature. We mix milk, sugar and yeast, add a couple of tablespoons of flour from the total amount and leave for 10 minutes until the yeast starts to "play".
Then add melted and slightly cooled butter, 1 egg, 1 protein, zest, salt and the remaining flour - knead a smooth elastic dough. We collect it in a ball and put it in a bowl, covered with cling film. We leave it for lifting in a warm place, after doubling it, knead it and again remove it for growth.

We knead the dough that has come up twice and divide it into three equal parts, each of which we form into a rope about 30 centimeters long. We lay out all three bundles on the work surface, dusty with flour, and connect together in the "head". Freely weave a braid, which at the end we transfer to a greased (or lined with baking paper) baking sheet, in the center of which we place an inverted one. We connect the ends of the "braid" in a circle, remove the glass.
We leave the wreath for proofing in a warm place, covering it with a towel, after half an hour grease the surface with the remaining yolk and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Decorate the finished wreath with glaze and Easter decor, serve, laying it in the middle of the dye.


Of course, dyed boiled eggs are already an excellent decoration for the Easter table in themselves, however, they can also be served in such a way that it will take your breath away with delight.

If you take care of serving Easter eggs right now, you will have time to grow a real "lawn". To do this, select a suitable mold, pour universal soil into it. Rinse the wheat grains in running water, remove those that float, they will be of no use. Spread evenly over the entire surface of the soil, cover with an even piece of gauze. Watering daily, watch the wheat sprout, screaming for freshness, life and benefits. By Easter, you will just get an excellent "platform" for serving dyes, which can be sent to salad the next day.

A basket with eggs painted to match tablecloths and napkins looks very nice. You can put several wicker salad bowls on the table and fill them with dyes of a certain color. The rainbow assortment of eggs also looks good, however, you should still know the sense of proportion and not fill the basket with eggs painted in different styles.

Some of the eggs can be simply wrapped in multi-colored foil - not only will they look great among "ordinary" brothers, they will also delight the kids with their unusual "packaging".

“Named” eggs look very funny - just write on each of them the name of the person who will sit down at the Easter table.

The bright holiday of Sunday, Easter is a symbol of the rebirth of all living things. The life-affirming factor of the revival of faith in the incorruptibility of the soul, spirit, eternal existence, noted at the very beginning of spring.

By tradition, preparations for the Easter holidays begin long in advance. Treats are carefully selected, and also an indispensable decoration of the house for Easter. The interior of the house is filled with festive decor and a rich meal, symbolizing the sacrifice of the Son, crucified for human sins and risen to the glory of the Lord.


It is believed that painting eggs and drawing up with their help decorative decoration of the interior, as well as the outside of the house, is inherent not only to Orthodox, but also to Catholics. In German culture, a rabbit is considered the symbol of Easter, bringing an Easter basket with Easter eggs.

In honor of Sunday, Americans decorate houses with wreaths, tidying up the blossoming hazel branches gathered in a circle with chocolate. For all Christian countries, the Easter egg is considered the main symbol of the great holiday.

The current year is marked by a great event in the world of believers. Easter is celebrated by Catholics and Orthodox on the same day.

Easter colors

Traditionally, the Easter color is considered red and the entire tint palette of warm colors. The symbols of the holiday include an Easter wreath and a basket. Their basic tones are green and red, and white is added for the basket. In the formation of a festive interior, great attention is paid to decorative details and accessories, introducing them with bright spots into the design of the surrounding space.

In addition to accents of red, the design of the festive interior consists of a variety of tints of decorative elements, combined with a red tone, and creating a spring mood. All shades of pale pink, light blue, pale green and yellowish unobtrusive tones of decorations are acceptable.

Sunlight is very important, regardless of the weather outside the window. To increase the spatial perspective and fill the rooms with a light atmosphere, it is advisable to remove heavy curtains from window openings, replacing them with light curtains with floral patterns. This will create a spring mood.

Windows are decorated, as beautifully decorating window sills is also considered an integral part of traditions. Daffodil and hyacinth bulbs are planted in small pots. Flowering occurs in 6-7 weeks from the moment of planting.

Nothing decorates rooms like fresh flowers. Blossoming on the windowsills of the kitchen or living room, primroses symbolize the power of life and victory over the cold. And if you use transparent containers instead of clay pots, filled with multi-colored gravel or colored silicone balls, the visual effect will be enhanced.

Homemade Easter-themed decor is placed between the pots - an imitation of bird nests with dyed quail eggs, which are also hung on colorful ribbons to the curtains. You can make candles from shell halves and decorate the windowsill with them.

Festive table decoration

In the Easter meal, every meal has a meaning, and lighted dyes are also considered to be strong amulets. The presence of colored eggs on the festive table is a must. Also, the presence on the table of an Easter tree, collected from willow or pussy willow branches, and decorated with painted eggs, decorative ribbons, and artificial flowers, is also mandatory. You can use figurines of animals symbolizing the current year.

The meal on the Easter table is exhibited from the night, but they sit down at the table only after visiting the church - a kind of sacrifice on the part of a person in honor of the Great Day of Resurrection. According to legends, there should be at least 12 dishes on the table - cakes, Easter, meat dishes, first radish, fresh herbs, pickles and marinades, sweets.

The dining table is decorated according to tradition. The main theme of the decor is an egg, chicken or quail, or a goose one - it is much larger. There are a great many fantasies on the topic of creating decor, as well as decorating the interior of rooms.

Festive interior decoration

At the end of the window decoration, they begin to design the mirrors. They are decorated with garlands made from blown and painted eggshells.

The interior of the rooms is also decorated with themed décor using natural and natural materials. The main purpose of the decoration is to recreate the atmosphere in the rooms that personifies the spring awakening.

Decorating ideas for Easter in a short video:


Nothing emphasizes the atmosphere of a big holiday like accessories - original Easter decorations, created with your own hands, or purchased at a festive bazaar. The main theme of the celebration of the Great Day and the main leitmotif that is always present in Easter decor is the presence of decorative eggs. Other accessories - baskets, bowls, nests, stands, are designed for storing decorative Easter eggs.

For Catholics, the rabbit is considered the symbol of the onset of Easter week, and the Easter basket brought by him causes genuine delight among children.

Souvenirs, pastries, sweets in the shape of rabbits and hares have long been popular in the world in all segments of the population.

Easter basket

An integral attribute of the celebration of the Bright Sunday of Christ - a basket filled with provisions, came into the culture of celebrating Easter Day from pagan times. The basket overflowing with groceries symbolizes the wealth that a person wants to see in his home throughout the year.

Today, the main symbols of the holiday are necessarily placed in the basket - eggs, cakes, and not a gram of alcohol. Let the church Cahors stay on the table, waiting for the owner and the guests after the church to arrive at the table to break their fast.

For guests, gifts are formed in the form of small Easter baskets, like the one that the Easter bunny brings. Here it is filled with all kinds of dishes and sweets to please both adults and children:

A lot of ideas for a festive mood

Giving gifts for Easter has become a good tradition. Friends are presented with hand-made thematic crafts, friends - Easter-themed souvenirs. Original ideas for organizing a festive feast are presented by numerous photos, which show how easy it is to transform traditional dishes if you apply a little ingenuity and imagination: