What should be the ideal relationship between a guy and a girl. The secret of a perfect relationship: does it exist

Everyone has high hopes for. Not a single person will agree to receive a small benefit. Everyone wants to receive only fun and love from a partner. This is why guys and girls are careful in choosing their partners, and when a relationship develops, they quickly become frustrated that they are not perfect.

It should be understood that an ideal relationship is a utopia. Undoubtedly, you can dream of extremely happy and pleasant moments in your love relationship. However, it should be understood that you are dreaming only of numerous well-formed circumstances, which, moreover, should develop exactly the way you want it.

Utopia is a person's unattainable desire. Therefore, psychologists recommend dreaming of an ideal relationship, but living in a real union with a girl, where troubles, grief, and problems will happen. Without this, no relationship develops. You should especially be calm about quarrels, which should not become a reason for parting. Live in a real relationship, trying to bring them closer to the ideal that you dream of.

To make the relationship perfect:

  1. Your partner should be the way you want him to be.
  2. You yourself must be perfect for your relationship.
  3. Circumstances should work out exactly the way you want them to.

This is all impossible. Therefore, dream of an ideal relationship, but live in a real union, trying to make / bring it closer to the ideal.

What do you need to build harmonious relationships?

To have a harmonious relationship with other people, you need to be harmonious on the inside. But what do people usually do? They are somewhat flawed, hurt, disliked, offended by the world. And with such states within themselves, they go to people in order to build some kind of relationship with them. But relationships don't turn out to be strong, happy and harmonious. They periodically face obstacles in the form of misunderstandings between partners.

You will say that everything is fine. And this really becomes normal, since most of humanity does not live harmoniously within itself. And since a person is inharmonious inside, then he carries the same disharmony to the outside world.

Why is a harmonious relationship today more a utopia than a reality of life? Modern people are disharmonious within themselves. Someone is offended by their parents that they did not give something. Someone is constantly trying to unsuccessfully earn all the money in the world. Someone considers himself a failure. Each person can find at least one dissatisfaction with himself. How can two disharmonious people build a harmonious relationship? No way.

Only a few are harmonious people - they accept themselves and know how to live with it.

What else is the reason that people cannot build harmonious relationships? Being inharmonious, people enter into relationships, wanting to see them that way, when their "sore corns" or mental wounds are not hurt. Here a situation occurs that hurts a person for a sick person. He can no longer control himself, because he hurts and he wants to get rid of it. But if a person were harmonious within himself, then such a situation would not hurt him in the least.

People cannot create harmonious relationships because they constantly try to protect themselves from situations that hurt them. Situations become unpleasant only because a person is afraid and resists, runs away. To have a harmonious relationship with other people, you need to be harmonious on the inside. Otherwise, you should get used to the idea that relationships will sometimes be disharmonious and sick.

Ideal relationships are impossible, because everyone has their own idea of \u200b\u200bwhat they should be. And since a relationship is formed by two persons - a guy and a girl, if they have different ideas about ideal relationships, then they will build them in different ways. An ideal relationship is when both partners have the same ideas about them. Then there is at least some chance that they will fit perfectly.

What should be the ideal relationship?

If you describe the ideal relationship, then everyone will talk about something different. Psychologists have derived general theses that must be present in a couple in order for their love to persist and develop:

  1. ... Partners are attracted by the proximity of their bodies. They should have fun in bed. If they feel good with each other, then love will grow stronger.
  2. The trust. A guy and a girl should trust each other. They must be confident in the loyalty of their partners, loyalty and protection on their part.
  3. Understanding. Every person feels good when he is understood. This becomes especially important when a person is in trouble, which is why he seeks support from his beloved partner.
  4. Common interests. At least something should connect partners. Absolutely different people cannot be together for a long time.
  5. Respect. Usually people talk about the love that should be present between partners. We focus on respect. If there is no love between partners, then on respect, their relationship can still last. But the presence of love, but the lack of respect will not help in prolonging a relationship that will constantly shake with grief and disappointment.
  6. Friendship. Although it is about a loving relationship, partners sometimes need to feel like they are loyal friends. They can talk on any topic, pour out their hearts and stay heard.

Guaranteed strong relationships

If a person wants to guarantee himself the construction of a long and strong relationship, then he must adhere to one principle from the first minute of meeting a potential beloved partner - relationship. That's why people don't get happy relationships because they are afraid to give. They wait for something to be given to them, but on their part they do not try.

If an interesting girl appears that you consider as a future loved one, then make her happy. Take care of her, make efforts, take into account her wishes, study her views and interests in order to satisfy them. In other words, try to give her a feeling of happiness in your favorite ways, which is based on her desires and ideas.

Any strong relationship is based on mutual giving. Both partners give, both partners receive and are willing to act in order to preserve the union. Reciprocity is in many ways a guarantee of a strong relationship. If you start a relationship with reciprocity, then you can develop them quickly and harmoniously.

However, here you should take into account the fact that your aspirations and the desires of a new partner may not coincide. As the saying goes, "you love, but do not love you," "you like, but do not like you." You can meet a girl who does not reciprocate with you.

  • If you're trying for the sake of a relationship and she's making an effort too, then stay with her — she loves you.
  • If you try, and the girl thinks only of herself, bears evil, hurts you, then leave her - she will disappoint you.

You should be calm about those situations when you are not reciprocated. Unfortunately, this often happens. This does not mean that you are doing something wrong. This indicates that until there is a person on your path with whom you really build a serious relationship.

You should not cling to the first girl that interests you. Many attractive ladies will not reciprocate. Your task should remain the desire to find that partner who will try for you just as you do. Strong relationships are built only on reciprocity. Other options don't guarantee a happy future.

Any kind of relationship between people will be long and strong only when each of the partners begins not only to demand for themselves, but also to give good to another person. There should be no obligation in a relationship, as this leads to resistance, unwillingness to do anything. Each person should understand for himself that in a relationship he can not only take what he needs, but also give to other people.

Do something pleasant for your loved ones! Indeed, in addition to the troubles that you bring to your family, they face difficulties at work, in health, in relationships with other people. Even walking down the street or taking public transport can be stressful. So why are you adding suffering to those you love on your own?

If you are in love, then you should have a natural desire to make the life of a loved one. This is not about pity, which also brings suffering. It is about not hurting if you can not. Begin the process of making yourself and your loved ones happy. Many people want to save the world and make it beautiful and harmonious. But what can people do who are not able to harmonize their lives and make their loved ones happy? It is impossible to save the world if you do not know how to save yourself and your loved ones. Start small.

All people are used to being capricious and demanding, but this only destroys the relationship. Do you think, "I give, but they do not give me back"? Your loved one thinks the same if in fact you both do nothing to each other, but only occasionally show initiative. This is similar to how you give candy, and in return you want to be thanked with a whole feast. Many act in this way: they give little, but in return they want to receive a lot.

Do you think it is possible to communicate with a person and enjoy it if he tells you something, but absolutely does not hear your words? Is it possible to always give love to another person if you do not receive the same from him? Is it possible to constantly sympathize with someone if you do not get sympathy when you feel bad? All people know how unpleasant it can be when you don't get what you need from others. But other people feel the same when they don't get what they themselves need.

Let's stop. That you are all engaged in economics: who gave how much to whom? Do something pleasant for your loved ones and do not count who brought how much happiness to whom. Of course, it is worth considering when a loved one does nothing for you at all. There are relationships where you please your partner, but he, for his part, has never pleased you. Here you should think about whether they are trying to live at your expense and solve their problems. But if you give, and you are given a relationship, then you do not need to do accounting and count who gave how much to whom, but simply love and please.

Obviously, reciprocity is the key to the strength and long-term nature of any relationship. If you not only take something for yourself, but also give what you need to another person, then such an exchange will take place constantly. None of the partners will have a desire to end a relationship in which he gets what he needs. And this should be remembered if you want to maintain an alliance with another person.

How do you end up building the perfect relationship?

You should be aware that ideal relationships in real life cannot exist, since each person presents them in their own way. You can only make an effort to achieve a happy future, but you should not be disappointed because of the lack of an ideal relationship.

Mutual understanding is. When it is there, the rest can always be negotiated. It is harder when there is no mutual understanding. Over time, passion subsides, and it all comes down to mutual reproaches and unwillingness to be together anymore. This is the psychology of the relationship between a guy and a girl.


The concept of mutual understanding should be considered in more detail. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in fact a person lives alone. First, of course, he is born into a family with other people. Then he grows up, becomes an adult. Separating from his parents, he independently overcomes the path of life. At some point, a person meets a partner. And it's good if they go through life in parallel. Indeed, it often happens that one begins to live the fate of another. To prevent this from happening, the person must be self-sufficient. Then, having met his partner, a person will share his experience and, if the views on life and perception of the world coincide, then the way people go along the path, being happy. It's more like the perfect relationship between a guy and a girl.

Tolerance and respect

Returning to the moment of the meeting, it should be noted that if initially a person intends to learn the views of other people and is even ready to accept them, then he has great chances of arranging a happy personal and later family life. Tolerance and respect for the opinions of others are basic concepts that make the experience more useful from a practical point of view. Like the relationship between a guy and a girl, human psychology is arranged in such a way that he expects from his partner, first of all, to accept himself as he is, with all his strengths and weaknesses.

Boy-Girl Relationships: The Psychology of Trust

Mutual trust is also a major factor in building strong and lasting relationships. It should be understood that a partner may have sudden, unplanned affairs. And this is what can cause delays after school or work. At a meeting, reproaches and indignation about the time of arrival are completely inappropriate. It is much wiser to ask how the day went, what things were.

And only after that you can ask why the partner was late for dinner. Although, most likely, by this time he himself will tell about it. And the conflict is not that settled, but it is not at all. And there could be a scandal. Showing distrust in your partner is a serious reason to understand yourself. It has nothing to do with the relationship between a guy and a girl. Human psychology thus exhibits personal fears. What is the person afraid of? The fact that he is not worthy of love, and therefore he suspects his partner of being unfaithful at every opportunity? Or is it called "judging by yourself"?

In any case, the reason for such manifestations is definitely not in the partner. You should learn to trust yourself, your own partner and the world that surrounds a person. Then if there are real reasons, they will not cause disappointment. This is how the psychology of relationships between a guy and a girl works.

Condescending to disadvantages

An important component of a strong union is the desire and ability of partners to forgive and be condescending to other people's shortcomings. None of the people are perfect. Accepting your partner's flaws will make him think about the real situation. After all, no one criticizes him, but everyone accepts him as he is. This is a strong motivation for self-awareness that you should work on yourself. The partner in this situation acts as a companion, not an opponent, and this brings together very well. This is how a boy-girl relationship should be. Human psychology is built on acquired experience. When a partner does not try to accumulate it in a negative way, there is a chance to become happy.

Negative emotions such as resentment, anger, fatigue from a hopeless situation, dissatisfaction with relationships do not accumulate. As a result, mutual reproaches and accusations do not arise, which have no place in a strong union. It turns out that one of the best definitions of what the ideal relationship between a guy and a girl should be is this: they must be respectful and trusting. It is important to note that these two important factors are formed at the stage of grinding between partners, at a time when people just get to know themselves in a union, learn to live with another person, and build their own line of relations.

No monotony!

When the lapping stage is over, many couples break up due to monotony. The first wave of passion subsides, people, looking closely at a partner, see more and more negative sides in him, while the former delight from the same character traits is replaced by anger. For example, what is the psychology of the relationship between a guy and a girl, if you consider it in stages? Quite a real situation, painfully familiar to many. The guy and the girl met on street races. He conquered her with his fearlessness, leadership qualities and absolute courage. They begin to meet, and at first she admires his occupation. Then they start living together.

Unwittingly, the girl sees before her eyes a model of a family, where she is, a partner and a common life. I want to devote more and more time to the joint space. Women are so programmed, they genetically try to build a nest at the first opportunity and take the position of the keeper of the hearth. When it's time for dinner together, the guy can linger with friends. The first conflicts begin. Then the girl sees more danger in her partner's occupation (racing) than a reason for pride. She is afraid of losing him, which is a natural fear. This becomes the reason for frequent quarrels and scandals. But why is it that brought her attention to him now puts their relationship in jeopardy? This is the psychology of the relationship between a guy and a girl.

Limiting personal preferences

The first explanation is because in this situation the girl considers herself entitled to limit her boyfriend in his personal preferences. And if he does not change his position, the relationship will end. The second explanation lies in the key moment of this situation: for her, everyday monotony is stability, and for him - routine. Plus, there is intolerance to the choice of a partner. If they fail to agree and do not learn to give in, they will face a similar outcome in the next relationship. The conclusion is simple - it is necessary to make a mutual compromise.

Ideal relationship

Continuing the theme of monotony, I would like to dwell in more detail on the question of what kind of relationship should be between a guy and a girl so that harmony reigns in them. Of course, there is no point in organizing holidays every day, indulging in entertainment and dancing until dawn, and this will not succeed in real life. However, there is always a reason to go to a new cafe, watch an interesting film not within the walls of your own home, but by visiting a cinema. It is also helpful to expand your horizons by visiting museums, exhibitions and galleries. To raise your own cultural level, it is useful to go to theaters, where you have a unique opportunity to touch the real art. Today, all kinds of concerts are very affordable. Many of them are located right in the open air. Isn't it romance?

In addition to high-profile events, it is useful to even organize an ordinary weekend evening in a special way: have a picnic in the park, take a walk under the starry sky, give a bouquet of fresh flowers to your girlfriend or cook your favorite dish for a guy. This and much more will not be difficult, but how many positive emotions these little pleasant surprises can bring! Life is one, and it is not as long as it seems. It is worth paying more attention to the little things, because it is from them that life consists.

Relationship "Romeo and Juliet"

Many are interested in the question of what kind of relationship should be between a guy and a girl at the age of 16. Based on the fact that this period is symbolically called the age of Romeo and Juliet, it is certainly romantic. At this stage, young people have tender feelings for their partner, perhaps for the first time. Therefore, you should fill this relationship with romance. You should not expect from the object of your first love vows of eternal fidelity and the desire to live together until the last breath. This period is intended primarily for knowing oneself in a new role.

It is at this moment that the girl's attitude towards men is being formed. The first guy goes a long way in building women's self-esteem. It depends on his actions how the girl will present herself in the future. That is why you should not waste your time, as they say, on trifles. If there is no worthy chosen one in the environment, this is not a reason to think badly of yourself, and even more so to rush into the arms of the first person you meet. The same goes for guys. Let the relationship at the age of 16 forever remain in your memory a pleasant and bright memory.

Long distance relationships

It so happens that quite happy couples are forced to go through difficult trials. Parting may not be due to personal desire, but due to circumstances. What is the psychology of the relationship between a guy and a girl at a distance? The first criterion in order to maintain a union is, of course, feelings. If they are mutual and strong enough, then the distance will only strengthen them. In the event that there is a grain of doubt, such circumstances will become a litmus test and show the true relationship between partners.

Intimate relationship

The second significant factor for keeping a couple at a distance is whether there was an intimate relationship between them. It's no secret that this fact is a very strong converging aspect. If there was no sex, chances are high that the existing platonic bond will not keep people together at a distance. Very soon they will be able to forget their partner. Further, it is important to know the exact time of the meeting and subsequent separation. Then it is much easier for a person to come to terms with it. He has the opportunity to prepare mentally for the upcoming actions. Mutual trust also plays an important role, this was discussed at the beginning of the article.


At whatever age and under whatever conditions a relationship is created, it is necessary to understand that a strong union is the work of two. After all, in the end, all efforts will pay off with interest. In a strong relationship, a person will always find support in difficult times, and friends will never replace the loving and sincere hugs of the second half.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello friends! Yuri Okunev with you. We continue to understand the topic of relationships.

How would you like to see your union with your soul mate? What?! Say perfect ?! Well, well ... the bar has been raised, I must admit, very high, but the goal is quite achievable. The main thing is to understand exactly how you see for yourself the ideal relationship between a man and a woman. What are they? And does the invented image have anything in common with real life? Perhaps, in order to obtain the desired result, it will be necessary to revise some positions? AND?

Being a purposeful person and prone to healthy indifference, I am cautious about such a concept as "ideal". Often, the ideal in our life is limited to the ideas of each individual person about this very ideal. Therefore, if you consider this concept objectively, then you will not find ideals in the material world. Let us also leave the arguments about the spiritual world for the time being, so as not to deviate from the topic of our article.

I propose at the very beginning to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bachieving some kind of unthinkable perfection in terms of personal life. Instead, let's talk better about harmony. Although harmony is a very abstract phenomenon, you can still try to describe it at least with some words. I think it is quite fair to call such a union harmonious, in which both partners are really good and comfortable. This is what we will build on. Do you agree?

What is the harmony of relationships built on?

Of course, every person and every couple will have different ideas about a happy love story. But from the point of view of psychology, you can still identify several criteria that will largely contribute to making the lovers really comfortable and pleasant to be together. Let's talk about them.

General views on core values

We have all heard more than once that "opposites attract." But the point is that in some issues it will really be necessary to have something in common. The topics of moral values, finances, and views on raising children are becoming fundamentally important for many couples. Religious and national traditions also mean a lot.

So, you can look very differently at the principles of building a career or what kind of vacation is the best. But in opinions about what “good” and “evil” are, what to teach your baby and how to divide the family budget, you should nevertheless agree on at least basic positions. The same applies to the nuances of cultural characteristics.

Joint way

Another element of the community of natures. Situations where he and she walk each in their own direction are very common. And many people speak of them quite positively. But it seems to me that it will be easier to build an alliance when you have some common goals.

That is, for example, when everyone has a career in their own industry, but both partners dream of going abroad and everyone is working hard in their own field on this task. Or, for example, when both know for sure that they definitely want a big friendly family with children and grandchildren, who will be accepted in a house built with their own hands.

The ideal option is when a man sees his big life goal and goes to it, and a woman becomes his rear, inspirer, assistant. He says - "I will become president!" She adds - "A president who, in addition to work, has a beloved wife, well-bred children, clean shirts and a cozy home!"

It is common goals that become the basis on which friendly relations between a man and a woman arise and develop, harmoniously complementing love and passion.

Respect and personal space

It is wonderful to be one. But do not forget that the union of a man and a woman is the result of the union of two independent personalities. You are not halves of some kind of abstract unit, tk. each of you is already this self-sufficient unit. You are 1 + 1, a pair. Hope you get what I mean.

Respect for the needs, ideals, aspirations, even fears and "jumps" of their other half will allow everyone in this union to feel calm and confident. And this, you see, is already a lot.

Therefore, allow your loved one to have their own affairs, plans, desires, beliefs. Let him have the opportunity to spend time without you. Let him have the opportunity to dress, eat, relax, work, including the way he likes.


If you have money today, you can buy absolutely any goods and services. Are you sick? Here's a cool doctor from a medical center with a retinue of nurses at your house. Hungry? Book a seat at the restaurant or order food delivered to your plate. And about the possibilities of all kinds of cleaning companies and "hourly" husbands, I am completely silent.

But, as practice shows, such pleasant manifestations of care as a cake prepared with love for a husband and children, a personally designed and assembled bed for a baby will only strengthen and strengthen feelings. And don’t care if you’re not an ace in cooking or hold a hammer crookedly. After all, the main thing is attention. If you are not ready for such "feats" every day, then please your loved one at least occasionally.

Trust and a sense of security

I can't imagine how long you can be with someone you don't trust. It's just unthinkable to live and not be sure that your loved one will support you in difficult times, protect your interests, take care of you. That he will not betray you, that he will not exchange you so easily for someone who is more successful / abruptly / younger, etc. (Underline whatever applicable).

This is me, in fact, why ... this is me to the fact that if a person next to you is unreliable (in the senses that I have just said), then you should probably think ten times whether you will be good with him.

Ease and joy

Relationships aren't always fun. Periodic quarrels, some kind of misunderstanding, resentment - all this is absolutely normal, we are all human. But still, you need to try to build an alliance so that pleasant moments prevail in it. Otherwise, after a short time, the sediment of negativity will simply overflow the bowls of love and patience, leaving no room in them for anything good.

For this, it is important not to dwell on the shortcomings of the other and on unpleasant events from your personal life. And at the same time learn to forgive and love no matter what! It is then that you will have the most beautiful relationship between a man and a woman, which we so often hear and read about.

If you are puzzled by the topic of building a happy union with your other half, then I recommend reading The author in it talks about the differences in the perception of the world around you by representatives of different genders. And explains why, from the point of view of psychology, they exist. An excellent book for those who seek to understand the reason for some actions, words, feelings and even thoughts of a loved one.

There is still a whole cycle of materials on the topic of gender relations ahead, so I advise you to subscribe to the newsletter so as not to miss their release. I also remind you that you can ask questions and share your experience right in the comments to the articles! I will answer everyone.

Until next time! Happy mutual love to everyone! Yours Yuri Okunev.

The relationship between a man and a woman ... how should it really be? So far, only women themselves know the answer to this question (but they don't tell us :)). Men, on the other hand, often do not have a true idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship (or have, but one that is imposed on them from the outside). Or they make mistakes that lead to their destruction.

After reading this article, you will understand that women and men are from the same planet, and not from different ones, as one of the writers wrote. :)

You just need to understand the nature of their actions and the principle on which they choose a man for themselves. This is the only way to build a truly high-quality relationship that will never exhaust itself.

The depth of communication

Regardless of the age of the woman herself, it is important to follow one rule. It consists in the fact that at the very beginning of a relationship between a man and a woman, 90% of the topics for conversation should be general. And only 10% - those "deep" topics when it comes to something personal.

It can be your attitude to life, to people, your innermost experiences, which you share with few people.

Many men make a mistake when already at the first meeting they talk about deep topics... A woman perceives this either as something strange, or as an attempt to artificially please a woman (naturally, no one talks about personal things so early).

However, there are sometimes exceptions. But this is really rare.

There is a certain period in a relationship called qualification. Up to this point, the woman is closely observing the man (especially in unusual situations). And after his qualification, he relaxes and gives himself up to him not only in the physical sense, but also in all others.

Until you get to the point of qualification, deep topics should not be brought up in communication too often.

Moreover, at the initial stages, I advise you only to open the "veil of secrecy", starting to speak on a deep topic (related to you), and immediately switching to another. So the woman there will be a desire to know more about you.

When Emotional Gratification Comes

Ever notice how dissatisfied couples behave?

Every day they have a reason to start another scandal. Regular nagging, accusations of each other ... this is not good!

It is difficult for each partner in such pairs to admit that he himself is to blame for what happened. Although you just need to understand what his soul mate really lacks, and then everything will be restored.

In a relationship between a man and a woman energy exchange takes place... And when a crack appears in some "channel" of this exchange, the energy is transformed and needs to be released with the help of a scandal. Or worse, cheating.

How can you avoid this?

It is important to understand that the relationship will remain strong as long as both partners experience complete emotional satisfaction with each other. Otherwise, it makes no sense to maintain this relationship further.

A woman feels emotional satisfaction just when a real man is next to her. The one who:

  • guides her
  • makes decisions himself (all decisions, not just the most important ones)
  • leads her
  • brave enough to protect her and himself from external "attacks"
  • can take responsibility and remove this responsibility from her shoulders

A woman does not like to make decisions at all. If she has an indecisive man next to her, then she has to become strong (which is in conflict with nature). This again leads to quarrels and constant claims to the man.

On the other hand, if a man knows how to relieve her of responsibility for what is happening, then the woman will be grateful to him. A vivid example: when a man starts foreplay, and a woman says that it is too early, he continues to perform the actions he needs. The woman has already told him what she should, so as not to feel easily accessible. And she has there was an excuse (first of all, for herself), that she "did everything she could," but the man was very persistent.

What should be a woman for a man to feel emotional satisfaction?

She should be pliable and gentle. She should actively consult with him, listen to his opinion and be respectful. And not to accuse him of all mortal sins, insult and somehow lower his self-esteem in another way.

If you are faced with disrespect from her, then either make her respect you, or end the relationship. After all, what is happening now will still not lead you to anything good.

Conclusion: emotional satisfaction is when from you courage and decisiveness, and from it - complete submission and praise of you as a person. Otherwise, the relationship, sooner or later, will fall apart.

Don't adjust!

You will repeatedly encounter such situations when she, directly or by hints, will let you know that she is unhappy with your behavior. And if it seems to you that such situations did not arise for you, then you simply did not know about them. :)

And when a man begins to adjust to a woman, make excuses to her, ask if he has offended her, or ask what happened, then she begins to lose interest in him.

Because justification and a desire to adapt to a woman is a sign of a weak man who lacks female attention and who is afraid of losing a woman. And why does she need someone who is afraid of losing her? After all, if he is afraid, it means that he himself is not so valuable a man.

Therefore, always be confident!

Never make excuses to her. And if you see that she is allegedly offended, do not ask if everything is fine. Better to continue to behave as confidently and positively as before.

As soon as you show weakness only once, show that you somehow depend on her opinion or are afraid of offending, then her attraction to you will noticeably decrease.

True, one should not forget about ...

Partner comfort

For a woman to want to stay close to you, it is important that she is comfortable. Therefore, you should not do what she does not like. For example, if you are a nightlife lover, then you will surely meet resistance from her side. And here you will have to choose: or you make it so that she accepts you for who you are. Or you “make sacrifices”, refusing what could ruin her mood.

At first glance, it may seem that this contradicts the previous paragraph of the article.

However, these are somewhat different things, since in the first case it was precisely about the man's desire to justify himself or adapt to the woman. And here we are talking about voluntary self-restraint.

Just remember that you need to provide her comfort without enthusiasm, completely denying yourself everything, but only partially. In addition, you cannot try to make her comfortable until the moment of qualification, which was mentioned above. Only when you understand that it is completely yours, you can think about comfort.

The same "demand" from her. If she does everything that you are uncomfortable with, then there is a reason to think about her true attitude towards you. And make her behavior the way you would like.

Sex is our everything

Don't listen to the "teachers" who say that sex doesn't really matter, and the main thing is "personality."

It matters a lot!

therefore make sex crazy you just have to.

You yourself understand that relationships are just created for the sake of sex in all its interpretations (physical pleasure, procreation, exchange of emotional energy, and so on).

And if she is not happy with the quality of your intimate life, expect trouble. She will definitely receive the less received on the side. Or it just won't be happy with you. Are you okay with that kind of relationship?

The relationship between a man and a woman is not easy. But also not as difficult as many men think. The main thing is to understand the true desires of the opposite sex, and give your partner exactly what she wants. And having given it to her, you can count on what you want.