A little story about love for a girl. Love through the years - a story from life

Can short stories of love reflect all the forms of this versatile feeling? After all, if you look closely at the tremulous experiences, then you can notice tender love, serious mature relationships, destructive passion, disinterested and unrequited attraction. Many classics and modern writers turn to the eternal, but still not fully understood theme of love. It is not even worth listing the huge works that describe this exciting feeling. Both domestic and foreign authors intended to show a quivering beginning not only in novels or stories, but also in small stories about love.

Variety of love stories

Can love be measured? After all, it can be different - to a girl, mother, child, native land. Many small love stories teach not only young lovers, but also children and their parents to show their feelings. Anyone who loves, has loved or wants to love, it will not hurt to read a very touching story by Sam McBratney "Do you know how I love you?" Just one page of text, and how much sense! This little bunny love story teaches about the importance of acknowledging your feelings.

And how much value is there in several pages of Henri Barbusse's "Tenderness" story! The author shows great love, causing the heroine to infinite tenderness. He and She loved each other, but fate cruelly divided them, since She was much older. Her love is so strong that the woman promises to write letters to him after parting so that her beloved does not suffer so much. These letters have become the only link between them for 20 years. They were the embodiment of love and tenderness, giving strength to life.

In total, the heroine wrote four letters that her beloved received periodically. The ending of the story is very tragic: in the last letter, Louis learns that She committed suicide on the second day after parting, and she wrote these letters to him with the expectation of 20 years in advance. The reader does not need to take the heroine's deed as a model, just Barbusse wanted to show that it is important for a selflessly loving person to know that his feelings continue to live.

Different sides of love are shown in the story of R. Kipling "The Arrows of Cupid", in the work of Leonid Andreev "Herman and Martha". The story of Anatoly Aleksin's first love "Home Composition" is dedicated to youthful experiences. A 10th grade student is in love with his classmate. This is a story about how the hero's tender feelings were cut short by the war.

Moral beauty of lovers in O. Henry's story "Gifts of the Magi"

This is the story of a famous author about pure love, which is inherent in self-sacrifice. The plot revolves around a poor married couple, Jim and Della. Although they are poor, they try to give each other nice gifts for Christmas. To make a worthy gift to her husband, Della sells her gorgeous hair, and Jim exchanged his favorite valuable watch for a gift.

What did O. Henry want to show by such actions of the heroes? Both spouses wanted to do everything to make their beloved and beloved happy. The true gift for them is devoted love. Having sold things dear to their hearts, the heroes did not lose anything, because they still have the most important thing - priceless love for each other.

Women's confession in the story of Stefan Zweig "A Letter from a Stranger"

The famous Austrian writer Stefan Zweig also wrote long and short stories about love. One of them is the composition "A Letter from a Stranger". This creation is imbued with sadness, because the heroine loved a person all her life, and he did not even remember her face, name. The stranger expressed all her tender feelings in her letters. Zweig wanted to show readers that real selfless and exalted feelings exist, and you need to believe in them so that they do not become a tragedy for someone.

O. Wilde about the beauty of the inner world in the fairy tale "The Nightingale and the Rose"

A short story about O. Wilde's love "The Nightingale and the Rose" has a very difficult idea. This tale teaches people to appreciate love, because without it there is no need to live in the world. The Nightingale became the expression of tender feelings. For their sake, he sacrificed his life, his singing. It is important to find out love correctly so that you do not lose much later.

Wilde also argues that you do not need to love a person only for beauty, it is important to look into his soul: perhaps he loves only himself. Appearance and money are not the most important thing, the main thing is spiritual wealth, inner peace. If you think only about appearance, then it can end badly.

Trilogy of stories by Chekhov "About love"

Three small stories formed the basis of AP Chekhov's "Little history". They are told by friends to each other on the hunt. One of them, Alekhin, told about his love for a married lady. The hero gravitated towards her very much, but was afraid to admit it. The feelings of the heroes were mutual, but not revealed. Once Alekhin still decided to confess his affection, but it was too late - the heroine left.

Chekhov makes it clear that you do not need to close yourself off from your real feelings, it is better to have courage and give free rein to your emotions. The one who encloses himself in a case loses his happiness. The heroes of this short story about love killed love themselves, sank to base feelings and doomed themselves to misfortune.

The heroes of the trilogy have realized their mistakes and are trying to move on, they do not give up, but move forward. Perhaps they still have a chance to save their souls.

Kuprin's love stories

Sacrificial love, giving all of oneself without reserve to a loved one, is inherent in Kuprin's stories. So Alexander Ivanovich wrote a very sensual story "Lilac Bush". The main heroine of the story, Vera, always helps her husband, a student-designer, in his studies so that he gets a diploma. She does all this in order to see him happy.

Once Almazov was making a drawing of the area for test work and accidentally put a blot. In place of this blot, he drew a bush. Vera found a way out of this situation: she found money, bought a lilac bush and planted it overnight in the place where the blot got on the drawing. The professor checking the work was very surprised at this incident, because there was no bush there before. The test was passed.

Vera is very rich spiritually and mentally, and her husband is a weak, narrow-minded and pitiful person against her background. Kuprin shows the problem of unequal marriage in terms of spiritual and mental development.

Bunin "Dark alleys"

What should be short love stories? This question is answered by the small works of Ivan Bunin. The author wrote a whole cycle of short stories under the same name with one of the stories - "Dark alleys". All these little creations are connected by one theme - love. The author presents the reader with the tragic and even catastrophic nature of love.

The collection "Dark Alleys" is also called the encyclopedia of love. Bunin in it shows the contact of two from different sides. The book contains a gallery of female portraits. Among them you can see young women, matured girls, respectable ladies, peasant women, prostitutes, models. Each story from this collection has its own shade of love.

Greetings to my beloved readers! In the article, life stories about love - three short stories. Hope you find it interesting!

Three stories about love

The first story: "VKontakte"

"Wow! What a cool network this is - "VKontakte"! The sun, you have no idea! I found so many acquaintances through him! Even those that I thought were lost forever! From other cities and even countries! " - Roman rejoiced and persuaded his beloved to also register on the social network.

“But I don’t want to be in plain sight, understand - Olya refused. Everyone I need is near me, and I don't want to look for anyone. " But Roman still opened Ole's page. I really wanted to put it in the status: "Engaged to such and such." To boast in front of all those close and distant about what a wonderful girl he has.

A few months later, Olga was identified by her former classmate on the website by the school number. Roman did not know this story, but she left a big mark in Olya's life.

She and Alexander in the ninth grade were madly in love with each other. But the love idyll was cut short by the parents who left for the USA and took their son with them.

For two years Olya and Sasha wrote letters to each other. But, no one had the funds to fly across the ocean ... In the end, the distance ruined the relationship, it seemed that over the years everything was forgotten. Olya met Roma and fell in love with him, Sasha boasted that he was married and even had a young son.


They corresponded sluggishly and agreed to meet when Sasha arrives in his hometown. When Olya saw him at the airport, she was even scared. Long-forgotten feelings rose in her in such a powerful wave that she could hardly stand on her feet.

How can this be? This is a long forgotten past? Sasha, it seems, was seized by the same emotions. He put his arms around her shoulders and silently, hugged her, did not let go, probably for ten minutes. Only the surprised looks of his relatives brought him out of this state of stupor.

Sasha and Olya talked all evening, all night, they walked around the city, talking. To part again there was no strength, no will, no desire. It seemed that everything that happened after the ninth grade was just a nightmare and delirium.

Then just someone put their lives on pause, but now they again pressed the "play" button. And so far they have never had such enchanting sex with anyone. "Why did we waste so much time?" They asked each other.

Several days passed, as if in a fog, then Sasha returned to America. And a few weeks later he flew in again. "Life gave us another chance - Olya persuaded - we must take advantage of it!"

And in the end she agreed. I went to see Sasha in America and now, as Roman says, “happy”. How does he know this? Well, VKontakte looks at her photos, from which everything is clear ...

And, of course, he blames himself: why did he register her on the social network, why did he give the former a chance to steal his beloved?

Second story: "Lena and Lyubochka"

There are also such stories from life. Lena lives in a small town where everything is in plain sight. Everyone is familiar with each other, there are few jobs, and sooner or later you intersect with yours or his "former". But, unfortunately, she got almost the worst option.

The former of his beloved works with her in the same school. The female team, and even the pedagogical ... Beloved, seven years older, calls him a serpentarium and Lena is very sympathetic. But he does not even realize that the young girl is drinking the blood of his "Lyubochka" ...


Lena is twenty-two, Lyubochka - or rather, Lyubov Ivanovna - over thirty-five. Vitaly was for her, as they say, “the last chance”. But the relationship did not work out, as Lyubochka did not cling to them.

Vitaly found himself younger, and the woman decided to demonstrate that she was happy for him, because she only wants happiness. And she undertook to take care of Lena in every possible way, who after university was sent as a teacher to the same school.

“She is very sweet and kind,” sighs Lena. - But it would be better if she hated me and "crap" at every step! And so I am already in debt to her everywhere. Always supports, advises, protects me, shields me, helps.

Now, if I hadn’t taught yet. And then in a delicate manner. Like a cat Matroskin: "You are wrong, Uncle Fyodor, eat a sandwich, you need sausage on your tongue." Here you will not answer sharply, because you will look boorish.

But how to endure? She also climbs into our personal relationships! Well, I would teach how to check notebooks, or conduct an open lesson. But Lyubochka brings me recipes for his favorite cutlets. And then he asks if I did everything right: "Oh, I forgot to say, he loves a little overcooked!"

Or such a situation: he comes in the morning and whispers: “Dear darling, please make sure that he doesn’t wear this tie anymore. He's so vulgar. " A little more, and will begin to talk about his favorite positions in sex ...

Lenin's friend, a teacher at the same school, says that Lyubov Ivanovna treats her beloved ex as a mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law. And jokingly, he advises the girl to ask the woman for permission to call her "mom" - maybe then she will come to her senses? But Lena cannot overcome the barrier of "dependence" in any way. After all, Lyubochka is so good!

The third story: "The Lady with the Dog"

Marina has a huge black mastiff. Strong and naughty. You should have seen how she suffers when she takes him for a walk every morning. The dog pulls the poor girl so hard that it is not known who is leading whom on a leash.

Ira's mother sympathizes with her, but Ira only feels hatred for her. After all, he knows perfectly well who this whole performance is for! Of course, for Oleg, Marina's ex-boyfriend and current beloved Ira, who lives in the same yard.

Once Oleg gave Marina a puppy for Valentine's Day. He helped take care of him, willingly walked in the morning and in the evening, took him to the veterinarian for vaccinations and to the "dog school". When they parted, the dog remained to live with Marina.

Oleg could not take him to his apartment - his younger sister is allergic to dog hair. Therefore, now he is in the role of "daddy" - he goes on a date to the "common child" and is forced to constantly look at Marina's suffering appearance.

Without Oleg, nothing works out for her, every time she begins to reproach him with a break. Begs to return, convinces that their relationship is for life. The guy after such conversations is not himself. It seems to him that he acted meanly with Marina, breaking off relations, although he categorically does not want to return to her.

Marina also clings to Ira. As soon as he meets him in the yard, he will certainly throw some kind of remark like: “You understand, everything is not serious with you. And we are connected by many things "or" Get away from him, let him choose the one that really loves him. "

Ira tried to talk to her sincerely, but it seems that everything is so neglected here that only a psychotherapist can help. But how to tighten Marina to him?


These "Stories from life about love" showed us that the first real one is not forgotten and tends to manifest itself through the years, flare up with renewed vigor. Scientists explain this phenomenon simply: “Strong feelings - hormonal American mountains - are debugged in the depths of our memory.

And only the person who has such memories can then reproduce them.

First love is the only key to this emotional lock. And when you meet him, the same zones are activated as when using cocaine! In addition, when people meet after parting, they already behave wiser. They value each other more and do not allow circumstances to ruin the relationship again. "

As you can see from these life stories, it is much easier to "revive" old strong feelings than to re-create new ones. Apparently, this is why we instinctively dislike our former loved ones - we try to avoid a possible threat. And we try to make them appear on our horizon as rarely as possible.

Friends, if you find the article "Life Stories about Love - Three Short Stories" interesting, share it with your friends on social networks. 😉 Thank you! I would be glad if you write interesting life stories about love in the comments that surprised you.

Have you heard the tale of the Crane and the Heron? We can say that this story was copied from us. When one wanted, the other refused, and vice versa ...

Real life story

“Okay, see you tomorrow,” I said into the phone to end a conversation that had lasted more than two hours.

One would think that we are talking about a meeting. Moreover, in a place well known to both of us. But that was not the case. We were just making arrangements for ... the next call. And everything looked exactly the same for several months. Then I called Pauline for the first time in four years. And I pretended to just call to find out how she was doing, but in fact I wanted to renew the relationship.

I met her shortly before leaving school. We were both in a relationship then, but a spark really ran between us. However, only a month after we met, we parted with partners. Nevertheless, we were in no hurry to get closer. Because on the one hand, we were attracted by something in each other, but on the other hand, something constantly interfered. As if we were afraid that our connection would be dangerous. In the end, after a year of mutual study of each other, we became a couple. And if up to this time our relations developed very slowly, then since we became together everything has started to spin at a very fast pace. A period of strong mutual attraction and dizzying emotions began. We felt that we could not exist without each other. And then ... we parted.

Without any clarification. It’s just that one fine day we didn’t agree on another meeting. And then none of us called the other for a week, expecting this act from the other side. At some point I even wanted to do it ... But then I was young and green, and did not think to do it - I just took it and took offense at Polina for so easily abandoning our reverent relationship. So I decided not to impose on her. I knew I was thinking and doing stupid things. But then I could not calmly analyze what happened. It was only after some time that I began to really understand the situation. Gradually I realized the stupidity of my act.

I think we both felt that we were a good match for each other, and we just started to fear what could happen to our "big love" next. We were very young, we wanted to get a lot of experience in love affairs, and most importantly, we felt not ready for a serious, stable relationship. Most likely, we both wanted to “freeze” our love for several years, and “unfreeze” it one day, at one fine moment, when we feel that we are ripe for it. Unfortunately, this did not work out that way. After parting, we did not completely lose touch - we had many common acquaintances, we went to the same places. Therefore, from time to time we bumped into each other, and these were not the best moments.

I myself do not know why, but each of us considered it our duty to send the other a caustic sarcastic remark afterwards, as if an accusation of what had happened. I even decided to do something about it and offered to meet to discuss "complaints and grievances." Polina agreed, but ... did not come to the appointed place. And when we met by chance, two months later, she began to stupidly explain why then she made me stand pointlessly in the wind, and then did not even call. Then she again asked me to meet, but again she did not appear.

The beginning of a new life ...

Since then, I began to deliberately avoid places where I might accidentally meet her. Thus, we have not seen each other for several years. Some rumors reached me about Polina - I heard that she was dating someone, that she had left the country for a year, but then returned and started living with her parents again. I tried to ignore this information and live my own life. I had two novels - as it seemed, very serious, but in the end nothing came of them. And then I thought: I'll talk to Polina. I could not imagine what shot me in the head then! No, I know. I missed her ... I really, really missed her ...

She was surprised by my phone call, but also delighted. We talked for several hours then. Likewise the next day. And the next one. It's hard to say what we discussed for so long. In general - all about a little and a little about everything. We tried to avoid only one topic. This topic was ourselves ...

It looked as if we, in spite of the past years, were afraid to be honest. However, one day, Polina said:

- Listen, maybe we will finally decide on something?

“No, thanks,” I replied immediately. “I don’t want to disappoint you again.

There was a silence in the receiver.

“If you’re afraid I’m not coming, you can come to me,” she finally said.

“Yeah, and you’ll tell your parents to kick me out,” I snorted.

- Rostik, stop! - Polina began to get nervous. - Everything was so good, and you ruin everything again.

- Again! - I was outraged in earnest. - Maybe you can tell me what I did?

- Most likely what you can't do. You won't call me for months.

“But you’ll call me daily,” I imitated her voice.

- Don't turn things upside down! - Polina shouted, and I sighed heavily.

- I don’t want to be left with nothing again. If you want to see me, then come to me yourself, - I announced to her. - I'm waiting for you in the evening, at eight o'clock. I hope you come ...

- Whatever, - Polina hung up the phone.

New circumstances ...

For the first time since we started calling, we had to say goodbye in anger. And most importantly, now I had no idea if she would call me again and would she come to me? Polina's words could be interpreted exactly as an agreement to come and a refusal. However, I was waiting for her. I cleaned my studio apartment, which didn't happen very often. Prepared supper, bought wine and flowers. And I finished reading the story: "". Every minute of waiting made me even more nervous. I even wanted to give up my rude behavior and intransigence in the matter of the meeting.

At fifteen minutes past eight I began to wonder whether I should go to Pauline's? I didn’t go just because she could come to me at any moment, and we would have missed each other. At nine o'clock, I lost hope. Angrily began to dial her number to tell her what I think of her. But he did not complete the matter and pressed "Hang up". Then I wanted to call again, but I thought to myself that she might regard this call as a manifestation of my weakness. I didn’t want Polina to know how worried I was that she didn’t come, and how painfully her indifference hurt me. I decided to spare her that much pleasure.

I went to bed only at 12 o'clock in the morning, but I could not sleep for a long time, because I was thinking about this situation. On average, every five minutes I changed my point of view. At first I thought that only I was to blame, because if I had not been stubborn like a donkey and came to her, then our relationship would have improved, and we would have been happy. After a while, I began to reproach myself for such naive thoughts. She would have kicked me out anyway! And the more I thought so, the more I believed in it. When I was almost asleep ... the intercom rang.

At first I thought it was some kind of mistake or joke. But the intercom kept ringing persistently. Then I had to get up and answer:

- Two o'clock in the morning! - angrily barked into the receiver.

Needless to say, I was surprised. And how! With a trembling hand, I pressed the button to open the entrance door. What will be next?

After a long two minutes I heard a call. I opened the door ... and saw Polina sitting in a wheelchair, accompanied by two orderlies. She had a cast on her right leg and right arm. Before I could ask what happened, one of the men said:

- The girl herself checked out of her own accord and insisted that we bring her here. On this, apparently, her whole future life depends.

I didn't ask anything else. The orderlies helped Polina to sit on a large sofa in the living room and quickly left. I sat down opposite her and looked at her in surprise for a whole minute.

There was complete silence in the room.

“I'm glad you came,” I said, and Polina smiled.

“I've always wanted to come,” she replied. - Do you remember how the first time we agreed to meet, but I didn’t come? Then my grandmother died. The second time my dad had a heart attack. It sounds incredible, but it's still true. As if someone didn't want us to ...

“But now, I see, you didn’t pay attention to the obstacles,” I smiled.

“It happened a week ago,” Polina pointed to the plaster cast. - Slipped on the icy sidewalk. Thought we'd meet when I got well ... but I thought I just needed to put in a little effort. I was worried about you ...
I didn't answer and just kissed her.

Romantic and touching stories about true love, which is not afraid of long separation and old age.

60 years apart

Anna Kozlova was married for only three days, when she had to say goodbye to her husband: Boris went to fight in the Red Army, and she had to wait for his early return - at least, so it seemed to them then.
While Boris was at war, Anna and her family were exiled to Siberia during the Stalinist repressions, and Anna could not even give her husband a message, and Boris was looking for a wife for many years. They were from the same village, but Anna was not allowed to come there, so they lost touch.
Anna even had the thought of suicide - so great was her despair. Her mother then destroyed all the memories of the couple's life together - souvenirs, wedding photos, letters. In the end, Anna got married a second time, Boris did the same. They knew nothing about each other.
Years passed and their spouses died. And then, 60 years later, something wonderful happened: Anna finally managed to come to her native village Borovlyanka, where she saw an old man at the opposite end of the street - it was Boris. He came to the village to visit the graves of his parents and saw Anna. He recognized her immediately and ran to her. As in a real fairy tale, they played their second wedding and lived happily ever after.

Love is stronger than distance

When Irina and Woodford McClellan got married, they could not even think that it would be another 11 years before they could finally be together.
In the early 1970s, Irina lived in Moscow and worked at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations - it was there that she met an American professor named Woodford McClellan. They fell in love and got married two years later in May 1974. But in August Woodford's visa expired, he was forced to leave the Soviet Union and return home.
Woodford tried to visit his wife in Moscow, but was repeatedly refused entry. Irina, in turn, was denied leave the country without explanation. The newlyweds celebrated their anniversaries with photos and phone calls.
Finally, after 11 years, Irina was allowed to move to the United States, and at the end of January 1986, she flew to the Baltimore-Washington International Airport. Her husband, whom she last saw 11 years ago at the airport thousands of kilometers away, rushed to hug her. The touching reunion of the spouses was filmed by reporters, while Irina wrote a book about her life called "Love and Russia: 11 Years of Struggle for Husband and Freedom."

Longest marriage in the USA

Anne was 17 and was born into a family of Syrian emigrants. John was 21 years old and both grew up in the same neighborhood. They became friends in high school and then fell in love, but Ann's father planned to marry his daughter to some man 20 years her senior.
Refusing to follow the circumstances, John and Anne fled to New York together. Anne's father was furious, but one of the family members advised him to calm down, saying that this romance could not last long. It should be noted that the lovers fled in 1932, and together then watched how huge changes were taking place in the world, from the Great Depression and World War II to the appearance of television and iPhones.
On November 24, 2013, John and Anne Bethar celebrated their 81st wedding anniversary. The spouses have a large family: five children, 14 grandchildren and already 16 great-grandchildren. John, 102, and Anne, 98, are the oldest couple in the United States.

A touching song

Sometimes the most moving love stories occur when one person in a couple dies.
Fred Stoboh never thought that one day he would lose the love of his life. In 1940, he married Lorraine, “the most beautiful girl he has ever seen,” and their marriage was very happy. They had three children and four grandchildren, but after 73 years of marriage, Lorraine passed away.
Fred, 96, tried to pull himself together and move on. A month after his wife died, he came across an advertisement for a local song contest. By his own admission, Fred never had an ear for music, but he wrote a beautiful and touching song that became a hit on the air.
He did not have enough musical skills to write the music for the song "Dear Lorraine", so he only sent a letter with poetry to the studio. Everyone in the studio was so moved that they decided to bring the song to life and made a short documentary called "Fred's Letter" to tell his story to the world.

"Diary" in real life

The film Diary tells the story of a woman who suffered from dementia and her husband, who read this diary to her to remind her of her life. The film is based on a fictional love story, but it happens in real life too.
This is how Jack and Phyllis Potter lived: in the 1990s, Jack decided he would not let his wife plunge into the loneliness of dementia.
Jack began keeping a diary as a child, and has kept it all his life. When Jack met the Phyllis on October 4, 1941, their romance remained on the pages of his diary. Jack fell in love with Phyllis at first sight, and in his diary wrote about it like this: “Very nice evening. Danced with a nice girl. Hope to see her again. "
Just 16 months after that first meeting, they got married. They have lived in Kent, England for over 50 years. In the end, Phyllis's dementia prevented her from living a normal life, and Jack had to cope with all matters alone, and Phyllis moved into a nursing home.
But this does not prevent Jack from visiting her every day and reading her something from his diary. He reminds her of their family, shows pictures of children and pets. And Phyllis, in spite of everything, has not forgotten how much she loves Jack: she is always overjoyed when he comes to see her. They have been married for almost 70 years.

75 years after the first kiss

In third grade, Carol Harris played the Sleeping Beauty and her co-star George Raines kissed her. He played a prince, and for both of them it was the first kiss.
After graduating from high school, George moved from St. John, New Brunswick to Toronto, Ontario, where he started a family. Several decades passed, and after 61 years of marriage, he lost his wife. He decided to return to his homeland, to St. John, and there he met Carol again, they got along and quickly became friends. An affair began, and after a while George proposed to Carol at the Ontario restaurant.
George told reporters that their novel resembles the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast," and Carol believes that she has finally found her prince. So, 75 years after their first kiss, they got married.

100-year-old man married the woman of his dreams

In 1983, friends introduced Forrest Lanceway and Rose Pollard: it was at a party, and the couple was invited to dance together. By that time, Forrest was twice a widow, Rose also lost her husband, who died from a long and painful illness, and did not plan to marry again - she just wanted to talk.
They lived 64 km from each other, but did their best to see each other as often as possible. The courtship was unhurried: For the next two decades, Forrest traveled frequently to Rose's to see her, and then drove home that night.
In 2003, Forrest moved to the city of Rose - Capistarano Beach, then he proposed to her. Rose didn't take it seriously, as she was 80 and he was 90, and jokingly promised to marry him when he turns 100. But forrest was no joke, and on the eve of his 100th birthday, Rose finally decided to accept his offer.
The couple got married at the local registry office on Forrest's birthday, and spent their honeymoon at a nearby hotel, in a room overlooking the ocean. Congratulations flew to them from all over the world, they were even congratulated by US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

They were born and died on the same day

Les Brown Jr. and his wife Helen were born on the same day, December 31, 1918. They met in high school and fell in love at first sight. Les's family was rich, and Helen belonged to the working class, so their parents did not approve of their love. But right after leaving school at the age of 18, they ran away together.
They got married and lived their lives in Southern California. They spent all their days together, and even when they turned 90 years old, they remained active and healthy. At the end of her life, Helen was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and Les suffered from Parkinson's disease. After 75 years of marriage, Helen died on July 16, 2013, and Les quietly left for his wife a day later.

The ocean of love is not a hindrance

Judith Lovell knew her grandfather as a strict and dignified person, and therefore was delighted when she found his love correspondence with her grandmother.
David Heard moved from Jamaica to New York in 1907 and took any job to earn his living. He was lonely and out of boredom wrote a letter to an unknown woman from Jamaica. Avril Kato received her first letter in October 1913, and over the next year, David enthusiastically corresponded with a stranger, although he did not even see a photograph of her.
Their love grew stronger with each letter, and one day David made up his mind and proposed to a woman he had never seen. He sent a letter and began to tensely wait for an answer - the Avril family gave their blessing. They first met in Jamaica, where David attended his own wedding in 1914. They were not disappointed - their love only grew stronger.
The day after the wedding, Avril left for America with her husband. They settled in New York and raised six children. Avril died in 1962, but David no longer wanted to marry anyone: he loved Avril until his last day and passed away in 1971.

She changed and changed herself, because she had a beautiful rival. But he wasn't attracted to the earthy bleached hair, the new lip circumference, or the stupid blue lenses. And he worried her, as before.

Yes, it was a lucky chance when her heel broke. Stas did not leave the girl in trouble. He called her a taxi, although Lena lived a five-minute walk from the house. All she could achieve was his mocking phrase in the smoking room "look sick!" Well, it's enough! Time to destroy everything connected with Stas, the old life, and in general, with the earth. She watched her personal diaries burn and dreamed: it would be nice to get off the ground like this, or at least become a flight attendant ... At least she vowed to herself not to regret him for a minute and never to be blonde again. Let Tanya be her.

Her new life began unsuccessfully. The airline refused her. The verdict was harsh: "Appearance is not photogenic, lips are thick, hair is dull, your English leaves much to be desired, let alone French, and you do not speak Spanish ..." At home, something dawned on her. "And that's all?" So, you just need to learn Spanish and tighten up English ... So, full lips are no longer needed! So much effort to change yourself! Nothing, everything will be different for a different purpose: airlines.

And she became a brunette. She was inspired by her own successes. She made them in order to become a flight attendant, and she did not want to land. She has become a highly qualified specialist and a respected face of the company. She knew several languages, several exact sciences, business etiquette, the culture of the countries of the world, medicine and continued to improve. She listened with irony to happy stories of love, and did not remember her Stas. Moreover, I no longer hoped to see him face to face, and even in flight.

The same couple: Stas and Tanya, they have a tourist voucher. Lena fulfilled her duties. Her pleasant voice sounded in the cabin. She greeted the passengers in Russian, and then in two more languages. She answered the troubling questions of a Spaniard, and a minute later she was talking to a French family. She was extremely attentive and polite with everyone. However, she had no time to think about continuing her romantic story on the plane. We need to bring soft drinks, and there was a baby crying ...

In the darkness of the salon, a blonde slept for a long time, and his eyes were burning tirelessly. He met her gaze. Strange that he still worries her. The look stirred her senses, and she turned to leave. He couldn't speak. Stas raised his palm to the fogged window, where the letters "Ж", "D", "I" were flaunted, and then gently erased them in her presence. A wave of joy swept over her. The landing was near.