A month old baby does not sleep in his crib. How I taught my baby to sleep in my crib. Whether to allow the choice of a place to sleep

Dear new moms putting their newborn baby to sleep in their bed, this article is for you. Many experienced parents have already passed this test and have kept quite vivid memories of it.

Firstly, judge for yourself: who will like to think about how not to crush the baby sleeping next to him with a sweet dream at the most piquant moment of intimacy with her husband? Or just constantly control every movement in bed so as not to wake up the baby? Who needs a night's rest and sleep more than a nursing mother?

Secondly, think about the child himself. We have already talked about the danger of physical injury during sleep for a newborn child. It is not uncommon for tired parents to simply crush the baby in a dream. But even for a grown-up, one-two-year-old baby, sleeping in a parent's bed can cause trauma, but already of a psychological order. Child psychologists believe that continuing to sleep in the same bed with their parents during the period of awareness of their orientation, sexual development, a two-year-old child often gets a negative experience - for example, from a misunderstanding of what is happening between parents. Injuries, fears and a distorted perception of the intimate life of parents received in the period from one to three years, when the child has certain habits, behavioral factors, will negatively affect his entire subsequent personal life.

Believe me - for all interested parties (and you, and your husband, and the baby himself) it will be better if the newborn baby sleeps separately. But what if the baby is already accustomed to sleeping in the parent's bed? How to convince a child who does not want to sleep in his crib?

Let's listen to the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

It is easiest to accustom a newborn to a crib before the age of 6 months. It is clear that the baby will not get used to the crib right away, especially if from birth he is used to falling asleep while breastfeeding. But you can easily develop a habit in a six-month-old child in a couple of weeks, if immediately after feeding, as soon as the baby falls asleep, you find the strength to get up and put the baby to sleep in the crib. Sit or lie next to him, hum a lullaby softly. After such a ritual, a well-fed healthy child will calmly sleep separately from his mother for at least six hours. Especially if his bed will stand near the bed on the side of the mother: the baby will hear her breathing, smell her and even her heartbeat ...

The rules of children's sleep from Dr. Komarovsky (video):

Advice: do not begin bed-training your baby if he is unwell, teething, or agitated as a result of changes such as moving to a new place of residence, repairs, or other stressors. Wait a little, but don't drag out the process too much: remember that it is much more difficult to wean older babies from the habit of sleeping in their mother's bed. Here special tricks are needed.

Five great ways to get your baby to sleep in their own crib

1. When accustoming a child to a crib, be sure to strictly follow the rule: “A bed is a place to sleep, and only to sleep!” Do not feed the child in bed, do not play with him: wake up - leave the bed, and then do what you want. Your own bed should become a symbol of peace and relaxation for the baby.

2. Before putting the baby to sleep in the crib, spend "sleeping ceremony". That is, create a bedtime ritual and strictly adhere to it.

So: if you want your baby to have sweet dreams at 22:00, start "sleeping ceremony" at half past nine, or at nine, but not later. What is the best way to start teaching your baby to the crib? First, bathe the child, then feed, support the baby and let it burp. Then you can quietly turn on the lullaby, air out the bedroom, turn off the lights, curtain the windows, turn on a nice night light and put the baby in the crib. If you perform all the actions in a routine rhythm, while telling the baby in a quiet, calm voice what you are doing, a one-year-old child will yawn by the end of the usual ritual and fall asleep with pleasure if you sit next to him.

With older children, you will most likely have to tinker longer: to calm them down and arrange them for sleep, include the process of collecting toys and changing into pajamas in the sleeping ceremony, and do everything together and positively, without any shouting or prodding.

Remember, the best assistant to you at this point will be a strict daily routine. Just please, never change the order of your actions: our children are terrible conservatives by nature! They will be happy to listen to the same favorite fairy tale before going to bed, and they will be terribly dissatisfied with the changes with which you will try to flourish a story that is pretty boring to you, a hundred times retold ...

How to put the baby to sleep and move him to the crib (video):

3. When accustoming a baby to a crib, be patient. Don't leave him alone, don't leave as soon as you put him to bed. You can teach a baby to sleep in a crib only if you respect his right to decide when to sleep. If the child passed "sleeping ceremony", he is already quite ripe for sleep. But if he's still awake, don't push him with demands. "come on, close your eyes", do not rush to rocking if he is a little naughty. Turn on the flickering newbie for him, let him lie down and look a little at the iridescent images. Switch his attention to something monotonous, monotonous, but pleasant - some mothers use a softly lit aquarium with fish, others use a mobile rotating above the crib. Remember: accustoming a baby to a crib is possible only with pleasant sensations. Then you can calmly say at the end of the ceremony - and now we'll go watch the fish! And the baby happily agrees to lie down in his bed, because only in it he will see this beautiful sight ...

4. To teach a child to sleep in a crib, reinforce the child's desire to go to bed with obligatory traditional caresses. That is, before going to bed, you definitely need to hug, kiss and confess your love to each other. This simple rule will not only give your child a firm confidence in your love and protection, but will also allow you to accustom your child to the crib in the fastest and most effective way. Especially if you are busy during the day, and you can’t always give your child enough time.

5. Remember that not only mom, but also dad can put the baby to bed! If a baby needs a mother as a source of life, warmth and nutrition, then an older child may lack the attention of a father. And the Pope, sacredly observing "sleeping ceremony", can perfectly teach the child to sleep in the crib, while strengthening feelings of love and trust in his family.

Five mistakes that will prevent you from teaching your child to sleep in his own crib

1. Your own desire to keep the baby with you is the main obstacle. You will never be able to teach a baby to sleep in a crib if you yourself do not realize the need for this and do not want it.

2. It will be difficult for you to teach your baby to sleep in a crib if the TV does not stop in your house, music is playing loudly or loud conversations are being conducted. The noise excites the baby, he is looking for maternal protection and is unlikely to agree to be left alone in a frightening environment. Therefore, when accustoming a baby to a crib, agree with the whole family to observe "silent hour".

3. Sending an older child to sleep in a separate bed will prevent you from violating the daily routine. If the baby has nowhere to go from a separate bed, and he will express his protest and dissatisfaction only with a loud cry, an older child will simply show up in your bed and resolutely refuse to leave it when he is bursting with strength and emotions. If you don’t want to calm down a child who has played out half the night, stop all noisy games and entertainment an hour before dinner, leave calm fairy tales, good cartoons and lullabies for the evening. And so that the child uses up the reserve of strength and breathes fresh air - two hours before dinner, breathe fresh air with him, go for a walk.

We teach the child to sleep separately (useful video):

4. Some inexperienced mothers, starting to accustom a newborn to a crib, leaving the child in complete darkness. Not seeing the mother, not feeling her warmth and not hearing the beating of her heart (the sound that accompanied him all his conscious life in the womb), many babies begin to panic and perceive with horror attempts to leave them alone in the crib. In order not to develop a similar negative reaction in your baby, be sure to leave a weak night light on.

5. Some parents decide to forcefully accustom the baby to the crib. They leave the baby alone, allowing him to cry until he drowns himself and falls asleep. This technique often makes children unnecessarily nervous and excitable. Please remember: A newborn in the crib must feel the presence of the mother, so be sure to stay close until he falls asleep.

Summing up: how and when to accustom the baby to the crib?

It is best to accustom a newborn to a crib from the very moment of birth. Or don’t put it off for a long time: after seven months, retraining the baby will turn into a problem. To put a three-to-six-month-old baby to sleep in his own bed will help you a simple hour "sleeping ceremony". With older children, a clear daily routine and a more complicated ritual will help, at least an hour and a half. As well as soft bedroom lighting, fresh air and nice things like a rotating night light, an aquarium with fish and communication with dad, which the child can only get on "one's own territory".

And finally, one more piece of advice from Dr. Komarovsky.

If your baby suddenly stopped sleeping in the crib, do not rush to scare him and punish him. Most likely, something frightened the baby. Deal with the cause of fear, eliminate it and try to make the baby look forward to the time when he will be allowed to climb into his bed! After all, he is already quite big, and like all adults he has the right to sleep in a Separate Own Bed!

When a child turns one year old, then you may immediately have two pressing questions: is it time to wean him from the breast and how to teach the child to sleep in his bed.

If I have already written several articles about weaning, you can find them by searching, then I’ll tell you about a separate bed today.

Co-sleeping and child age

The first three months after birth, it is very useful for a baby to sleep next to his mother. The baby falls asleep next to her, feeling her warmth, and it is so comfortable for the mother to feed the baby.

Gradually, the baby passes postpartum stress, and you have already established mature lactation, milk comes as much as the baby needs.

Joint sleep for a nursing mother is like a lifesaver. You can not jump up 10 times a night, but in one second give the baby a breast and continue to sleep.

The time to move the baby to the crib will be different for different families.

  • In my practice, there were cases when, as early as 4 months old, dad, with a strong-willed gesture, ordered to transfer the child to the crib, because. he could not relax and sleep;
  • There were families where the child kept a joint dream with his parents up to 3-4 years. At the same time, the child grew up very smart, did not suffer from nightmares and was very psychologically stable.

More or less, more children are ready to go to sleep separately at the age of 2 years. I am writing this about those cases when you get enough sleep while sleeping together and you are not bothered by night feedings of the child.

How to teach a one-year-old child to sleep separately?

You need to look not at the age of the child, but at the behavior of the baby.

There are signs that you can focus on when deciding whether to sleep separately:

  1. You have stopped breastfeeding or the baby is no longer breastfeeding at night (read on the topic: How long to feed the baby at night?>>>);
  2. The child has a period of long sleep at night when he does not wake up for 5-6 hours;
  3. The baby is healthy and nothing bothers him;
  4. The child may be alone in the room;
  5. When the child wakes up, he does not cry for you;

You can’t lay the child yourself if the baby is sick, you give him to the kindergarten or wean him, teach him to the potty or he is teething, and also if you have another child.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the baby.

Some children can fall asleep separately as early as 1 year old, and many, even at four years old, cannot sleep on their own. And there are reasons for all this.

Why is my baby afraid to sleep on his own?

When the baby grows up a little, they try to put him to sleep in another bed, where mom and dad are not around. And most of the kids get naughty. The most important reasons why children do not want to lie down themselves are that the baby:

  • does not understand why he is torn away from his mother's warmth;
  • thinks that he was offended and abandoned;
  • sees nightmares;
  • not able to fall asleep on their own;
  • needs the presence of mom or dad for restful sleep.

All these reasons manifest themselves in the form of crying, screaming and whims.

Know! It is quite natural that during the time of joint sleep, the child is very accustomed to sleeping with his mother and he does not want to part with you.

Another reason why children under 4 do not want to be separated from their parents is children's fear.

At the age of two, the children actively develop their imagination, they receive a lot of impressions during the day, from which they wake up at night and cry. Being close to their parents, children feel protected, so they do not want to sleep in another room.

Every child goes through a period of childhood fears. With children's fears, the child needs help to cope.

What can be done for this?

  1. do not allow your child to watch scary cartoons and do not watch news about various disasters, murders and incidents yourself;
  2. play quiet games with your child in the evening;
  3. do not tease the child with a coward;
  4. try to avoid phrases about darkness - "It's scary!" or “Don’t go, it’s dark there!”, it happens that the parents themselves said the phrase and created fear in the child;
  5. Also, I recommend reading an article on this issue, which is posted on the site: Night terrors in a child >>>.

If you are no longer breastfeeding, the quickest way to teach your baby to separate sleep is to use the 4-step methodology you will learn in the seminar How to transfer a baby to a separate bed ?>>>

In addition to the seminar, you will receive a bonus lesson about ridding a child of childhood fears.

Weaning your baby from co-sleeping

You are probably wondering how to teach a child to sleep in his own crib? To transfer the baby to dream in a separate bed, you need to be patient, be persistent and attentive to your child.

  • To begin with, we remove one sash of the children's bed and put it next to ours. In this situation, the baby seems to be next to you and sleeps in his bed;
  • After the baby gets used to the new territory, the bed can be gradually moved further and further away from the parents.

But how to teach a child to sleep in a crib for 2 years?

If the child is over 2 years old, then you can very well play on his desire to be independent. Take advantage of this when moving to another bed and simply prepare it:

  1. Be sure to talk with the baby, tell them that only babies sleep with their parents, and he is already big and he has his own bed that cries if no one sleeps in it;

This is a small trick from fairy tale therapy that you can apply. I talk about it in more detail in the course on transferring a child to a separate bed.

  1. So that the baby is not afraid, turn on a night light or table lamp in the room;
  2. Develop a specific ritual before bed, which will include, for example, bathing, reading a fairy tale, and sleeping. Put toys together with your child, sing a lullaby or listen to a calm melody. A useful article on this topic: Rituals before going to bed >>>;
  3. Time the move to your own bed for some event, such as a new year or birthday;
  4. Be sure to involve the child in choosing his own nest, let him choose a bed for himself in the store;
  5. Together with your son or daughter, pick up bedding for their crib;
  6. Put your favorite toy next to the little one and say that she will guard him at night;
  7. Imagine a fairy tale that you read at night as magical, which will bring magical good dreams.

Important! If the baby is still breastfeeding, then before accustoming him to sleep in a separate bed, you need to teach him to fall asleep on his own, without breastfeeding.

This will allow the child to sleep more soundly at night, not wake up, and you can also rest, and not ply between your own and the crib.

See step-by-step techniques for improving baby's sleep in the online course How to teach a child to fall asleep and sleep without a breast, nocturnal awakenings and motion sickness >>>

What can't parents do?

It is strictly prohibited:

  • leave the child in the dark;
  • frighten;
  • yelling and physically punishing;
  • tease;
  • show softness and weakness of character;
  • shame in front of neighbors and relatives;
  • tell horror stories at night;
  • leave crying in bed if the baby is worried;

It is necessary to teach a child to sleep on his own carefully, since changes, in large quantities, can injure the child's psyche.

Be careful and attentive during this difficult period for the whole family.

You can book a consultation through

  1. Try to exercise your baby in the evening . When the child is able to walk, run, give him freedom, freedom. Let him jump and run. Until he gets tired. If your miracle is still a baby, try to give him a massage during the day, or do gymnastics.
  2. Educational, emotional games - a great way to tire a child, but only in the first half of the day.
  3. Go to bed around 9-10 pm .
  4. Take a walk outside before dinner .
  5. After the walk, you can bathe the baby . He also spends a lot of energy on bathing.
  6. Monitor the temperature in the room . The best temperature for children is 18-20 degrees.
  7. The child must eat in the evening , otherwise it will wake up at night to eat.
  8. Look, suddenly the baby is uncomfortable sleeping on a pillow . Pick one that fits your head size.
  9. The baby should not sleep on his stomach . Watch your posture while you sleep.
  10. Swaddle your newborn .

What can not be done?

When putting a baby to bed, over the age of 6 months, you can not do some things

  • Rock on your hands.
  • Sing in a loud voice.
  • Lay in the stroller, shaking it at the same time.
  • Rocking in bed.
  • Touch, stroke, touch the baby.
  • To offer or at the first call to give at night to drink or eat.

All of the above actions lead to a close bond between mother and child. He will feel you, feel and will not want to give up your presence over time.

I shared with you my experience. I hope my tips are helpful. Of course, accustoming a child to independent sleep is difficult, time and effort are wasted. But still it is possible.

If you follow my principles, rules, you can finally sleep with your husband in a separate room and be calm for your baby's sleep.

A child who does not want to sleep in his crib, which his parents so lovingly chose, is not uncommon. This situation can arise at any age, and it can be expressed in different ways. But the problem is always much larger than it might seem at first glance. It is worth considering for what reasons the child does not want to sleep in his place, as well as how to accustom him to his crib.


A child may not want to sleep in his bed for various reasons. First of all, the bed can be uncomfortable. If the baby is physically uncomfortable in the crib, then he will show it with all his appearance. The inconvenience can be caused by the following reasons:

  • uneven mattress;
  • hard or coarse bedding;
  • violation of the temperature regime - it is hot in bed;
  • the location of the crib in the room - something frightens the baby, there is an excess or lack of light, and others.

In addition to physical discomfort, the child can simply show his character. If a child was accustomed to co-sleeping, and then, quite naturally, they try to move him to a separate bed, the protest will be associated solely with psychological discomfort.

Causes of physiological properties are much easier to eliminate. But situations when a child does not sleep in a crib “out of principle” can have a rather long course, and will require a lot of patience from parents.

Is it allowed to choose a place to sleep?

Some parents calmly accept a child's refusal of a crib, because they do not see anything unusual or abnormal in a joint dream. If the child is allowed to choose where to fall asleep, he will certainly lie down with his parents. If a newborn is accustomed to sleep in the parent's bed from the very beginning, it will be quite difficult to retrain him with age. Co-sleeping between a child and parents has its pros and cons.

The pros are relative convenience. If the baby wakes up in the middle of the night to eat, mom will not need to get up anywhere - the child will be at hand. Psychologists say that the closeness of the mother for a newborn plays a big role, but, alas, there is no convincing evidence for these theories.

There are more cons. And the main one is the inability to quickly wean the child from sleeping in the parent's bed. Adults can inadvertently injure a child in a dream, a baby can suffocate (this also happens). Joint sleep does not always comply with the rules of hygiene, and also practically does not allow a woman to get enough sleep, and both parents do not have the opportunity to lead a normal intimate life.

Everyone understands what this can lead to - families break up, couples get divorced, children grow up in single-parent families. It would seem that it is just a question of the place of sleep, and how serious and negative the consequences of an incorrect answer to this question can be.

What to do?

First you need to establish what reasons lead to such a childish dislike for their own sleeping place. If the baby slept in his crib, but not so long ago began to refuse such sleep, you need to reconsider issues of convenience. You need to buy a mattress so that the back of the child does not fall through, it is quite hard and even. Bed linen and baby clothes in which he sleeps should be sewn from natural fabrics. You need to choose soft and pleasant to the touch linen.

The temperature in the room in which the crib is located must be maintained at 21 degrees Celsius. Higher temperatures can lead to increased sweating of the baby, to overheating. And also before going to bed you need to ventilate the room - "stale" air does not contribute to normal falling asleep and a good night's sleep. It is advisable to avoid the presence of mirrors in the children's room, as they frighten the child in the dark. And also do not put the crib in a draft. It is not so difficult to create a cozy space using your little one's favorite toys.

It is much more difficult to accustom a child to a crib after the baby is used to co-sleeping. The decision to evict the child from the parental bed is made once and for all. If mom and dad hesitate, change their minds, then the process of accustoming to the crib will drag on for a long time and take away a lot of strength and nerves from all participants in the process. The baby's crib is recommended to be placed next to the parent's.

For convenience, it is recommended to remove one of the sides of the crib so that at night at any time the mother can reach the child if he starts to cry and worry. But even in this case it is impossible to take a child to your bed. He should feel that his mother is relatively close, but it is no longer necessary to take him under the warm mother's side.

At this stage, parents will need to clearly see the ultimate goal, to go towards it, despite all the protests from the child. And he will definitely protest. At the first stage, it is important to remain calm and persistently stop the child's attempts to leave his crib and move to his parents. Falling asleep and mournful crying of a child can take up to several hours. But the child will fall asleep in any case - the physiological need for rest will take its toll.

Gradually, the crib is moved away from the parent's bed a short distance, and falling asleep itself will be shorter and shorter. It's hard to say how long it will take to get used to. It all depends on the child, his character, the perseverance of the parents. Some manage to complete the habituation in a few days, others take several weeks. A common parental mistake lies in concessions that are suddenly made if the baby suddenly gets sick or another tooth starts to erupt painfully. He is immediately taken to their place, back, to calm and alleviate his condition. After this, you will have to start all over again, but this time the little one will react to the eviction even more emotionally, the protest will become longer in time.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The well-known pediatrician and TV presenter Yevgeny Komarovsky claims that there is practically no benefit in co-sleeping. It's noticeably exaggerated. But if the parents nevertheless taught the baby to sleep with them, sooner or later they will definitely face the need to wean him from the parental bed. And you will also have to teach the child to fall asleep on his own, which is a rather time-consuming task. According to Komarovsky, on this path they are likely to experience a violation of children's sleep. The baby may begin to sleep restlessly, waking up often, even if he used to easily and naturally fall asleep with his parents and sleep all night. Sleep is disturbed, which inevitably entails certain changes in the regimen. It is best to prevent them, Komarovsky believes.

If the baby “fought” for the right to sleep with his mother for half the night, and fell asleep in the morning, it is necessary to wake him up as usual - at 7 or 8 in the morning. The temptation to leave the baby to sleep will be great, but the mother will make a big mistake by allowing her to break the usual way. If the child is woken up, then by lunch time he will be very tired and more likely to fall asleep without motion sickness and other rituals, and in his own bed. If this does not happen, you should try to maintain the regime in the afternoon. By evening, the little one will definitely be ready to fall asleep on his own.

Particularly stubborn and persistent children can torment themselves and others for up to three days. After this time, according to Komarovsky, it is usually possible to completely solve the problem of falling asleep on your own, if the parents were quite stubborn in their decision. Feeding, which corresponds to an afternoon snack, should not be satisfying. A child who is undernourished will be more hungry for dinner, and after water procedures, having eaten tightly, he will be able to fall asleep faster. If the baby is unable to sleep, there may be two reasons - either he was overfed and it is physically difficult for him to digest such an amount of food, or he is not tired.

The child's leisure throughout the day should be quite active, including walks, active and outdoor games. Mom must do everything to make the child tired. Then accustoming to self-going to sleep in your own bed will not seem like a daunting task.

To make the task easier for himself and the baby, Komarovsky advises to carry out all daily actions in a strict, mandatory manner at the same time.

For information on how to wean your baby from co-sleeping, see the following video from Dr. Komarovsky.

Most parents who have practiced co-sleeping eventually ask themselves the question “How to teach a child to sleep in his own crib”. From our article you will learn when you can start accustoming your baby to sleep in a separate bed, and how to do it with the least loss of nerves and time.

When to start teaching

There are a number of signs that indicate that the baby is ready to move into his own bed:

  • you have completed lactation;
  • the child eats formula milk;
  • the baby is aware of what is his and what is someone else's;
  • night sleep lasts at least six hours without awakening;
  • practically not in the hands of adults;
  • the baby does not cry if he wakes up alone in the room;
  • for a quarter of an hour he can play calmly himself, without involving adults in this.

All these signs mean that the baby is ready to sleep separately from the parents. But it is also important to know some of the reasons why it is temporarily impossible to teach your baby to sleep without you:

  • period of illness. At this time, the child especially needs your guardianship and care.
  • Teething - this period is accompanied by restless sleep and behavior.
  • Starting time for kindergarten.
  • The baby does not have a clear day regimen, he confuses day with night.
  • The period of acquaintance with the pot.
  • If you yourself do not want to stop co-sleeping.
  • If the baby was born prematurely or was injured during childbirth, then in the first months it is advisable to refrain from sleeping in his bed.
  • Increased nervousness, regular awakenings and crying at night.

According to experts, it is best to move the child to a separate bed at the age of six to eight months. Usually at this time, children begin to sleep through the night and do not ask for food.

In those situations where the baby is on the IV from birth, it is better to refrain from co-sleeping. After all, you still need to get up at night to feed him. In addition, formula-fed babies stay fuller for longer than breastfed babies.

What do you need to teach your baby to a separate bed? A little cunning, ingenuity, tenderness and a lot of patience. Below we will talk in detail about the initial and final stages of moving the baby to a separate bed.

How to teach a child to sleep separately

Remove the front wall from the crib, then push it close to your bed. Thus, the child will be in his territory and at the same time next to you. When putting your baby to bed, lie down as close to his bed as possible.

Most likely, at first the child will climb onto your bed, but over time this habit will disappear if you constantly shift him back. An important rule is that the child must wake up in his own crib. The learning process will take you about a month. Be patient and you will definitely succeed!

When the baby gets used to falling asleep on its territory, put the removed wall in place. Make sure that this procedure does not cause unpleasant emotions in the baby. Then start moving the crib away from your bed little by little, first at a distance of 10-20 cm, then a meter, etc.

Proper sleep

This method also does not give quick results, you will have to wait 30-40 days, or even longer. During this period, you must perform the same procedure every day to develop a permanent habit in the baby. He will understand that after the procedures he will sleep.

These are the procedures:

  • 20-30 minutes before bedtime, feed the baby so that the feeling of satiety makes him calm, and hunger does not interfere with sleep.
  • During evening baths, add herbal decoctions or a couple of drops of ether to the bath, they will have a relaxing effect on the baby.
  • Before going to bed, do a massage or stroking, they will help set the baby in a calm mood and rest.
  • Turn on soft music or read a story.
  • The favorite toy or clothes of the mother, which is nearby, have a positive effect on the baby. Her scent soothes him.

After the child is used to all the procedures, you can shift him to a separate bed. All of the above activities will help him relax and will contribute to falling asleep as soon as possible.

How to teach your child to sleep in your room

If you notice that the baby falls asleep without any problems in his own bed, then in this case the final stage comes - relocation to another room. You must act in stages, gradually accustoming the baby to loneliness.

Here is your action plan:

  • Start by sleeping with your baby in the same room. This will help him not feel lonely. After a while, start moving your bed away from him, gradually heading towards the exit.
  • As soon as the baby begins to fall asleep easily in the new room, stop sleeping with him. Immediately after falling asleep, go to your room.
  • Falling asleep to your parent's voice is an important part of getting used to sleeping in a separate room. The baby does not have to see you, but it is important for him to hear your voice. Sing him a lullaby, read a fairy tale.
  • In the event that the baby is afraid to be in a dark room, install a night light in it.

Before embarking on a plan to move your baby to a separate crib, ask yourself if you are ready for this. Watch how your baby behaves and feels. If he became restless due to a separate sleep, then it means that the time for independent sleep has not yet come for him. This means that he is not yet ready for a separate sleep without you.

Video: Komarovsky on teaching a child to sleep in his crib