Is it possible to give a man a watch. Wall and table clocks as a gift: signs. What to do if you got a watch

According to popular belief, giving someone a watch is a bad omen. There are many assumptions about how this sign was born. However, its general meaning remains unchanged: watches attract negativity into a person's life. Some people believe that by giving someone a watch, a person gives him years of his life. It is possible to accept this accessory as a gift and not cause trouble only in a special way. To better understand this sign, you should study it in detail.

Sign history

This sign has ancient roots. The thing is that the Chinese characters for leaving life and time are similar. The Chinese believe that watches are endowed with supernatural powers. The hands of a clock can count the time and measure what a person cannot see with his eyes. In Japan, it was not customary to give a watch to a person to whom you relate well and wish you success. The Japanese believed that giving a watch to someone meant wishing that person to lose his life. Therefore, such a gift was considered forbidden.

According to the old Russian tradition, it is impossible to present objects with pointed ends as a gift. Forks, edged weapons, etc. fall into this category of unsuccessful gifts. Watches also belong to them, since they have pointed hands. Such gifts can bring misfortune and misfortune to a person. A popular omen claims that the pointed ends of the watch "cut" any human relationship.

Why can't you give a watch?

If the person to whom the watch is intended is superstitious, then another gift might be worth considering. There are many explanations for this sign. You can list only the most common of them:

  • According to the old belief, when the clock stops, the person to whom it belongs dies. This is another reason why some people are afraid to get this item.
  • It is not customary to give this accessory to your soul mate. He promises parting and separation from a loved one. Many girls believe in omens and do not choose it as a gift for a guy. Having received such a gift, a woman may decide that in this way the man himself hints at the end of the relationship. To avoid misunderstanding, you should not give the chosen one a reason for concern.
  • For a beloved friend, such a birthday present, like a clock, can hint at the years passed and the outgoing youth. Even the most elegant wristwatches can evoke sad thoughts in the hostess of the holiday and make you think about age. It is not a good idea to give this device that measures time also because the recipient of the gift may misunderstand its meaning.
  • Men also rarely choose this particular accessory as a holiday surprise for a friend. The watch should be chosen in such a way that it suits the person in style. Therefore, if there are doubts about this, it is better to buy another gift, otherwise the watch can cause disappointment and even deprive you of a good mood.
  • This item should not be gifted to elderly people and parents. This thing makes you think about the time left to spend with your family and friends. Heavy thoughts and worries can negatively affect the well-being of the recipient of the gift. It is worth saving the peace of mind of dads and moms and looking for another gift idea.
  • This thing, presented for a wedding to the young, will bring quarrels and grief to the house. The sign predicts adultery and the breakdown of marriage.
  • There is a belief that if a man received a watch as a gift from his wife or relative, then the family will exist as long as the clock is ticking regularly. If family members are superstitious, they are likely to be upset to learn that such a sign exists.
  • You need to give a wall clock for the New Year only with the best wishes for the owners, and then this item will bring happiness and comfort to their home.

To inherit a watch is a good omen. This item will protect the house from troubles and misfortunes. Most importantly, the person did not ask to be presented with a watch.

How to donate correctly?

If you want to give a watch or get it yourself for a holiday as a gift, you need to do it right. To avoid the fears and fears that are contained in popular beliefs, a ransom must be paid for them. Even very superstitious people will do this. But here, too, there are some subtleties. You should give and receive a ransom by following these tips:

  1. 1. The amount that the recipient of the accessory gives to the donor should not be too large.
  2. 2. When buying a gift, it is recommended to use small coins, not bills.
  3. 3. Accept and give the ransom with the left hand only.

You can donate this item without fear of consequences to people who do not believe in omens. It is known that human thoughts are material. If a thing is presented with wishes of health and happiness and is charged with positive energy, it will not cause trouble for the new owner.

It is a good form for businessmen to give each other such accessories. In this case, watches symbolize commitment and punctuality and are the key to a long-term and productive partnership.

If you still have doubts about whether it is worth giving this item to your son or daughter, then you can safely discard them. If parents know that this particular stylish accessory will delight their child, then it will become a useful and meaningful gift and will cause only positive emotions.

For newlyweds, the watch can become a symbol of the future happy years that they will live in marriage. They are a symbol of immutability and constancy, and these are precisely the qualities that make a marriage strong and durable.

There are many signs regarding gifts, but is it worth paying close attention to what this or that item promises. This article will focus on watches. This is not just a universal, undoubtedly, a necessary thing that will bring a lot of benefits, so it is worth presenting a watch as a gift.

Signs indicate that after such a gift, a quarrel and a break in relations will certainly follow. In addition, many people today pay attention to the associations of the word "clock" from other languages. This became the source of another gloomy omen associated with their donation. In China, the word "watch" is consonant with the word "funeral", so today they believe that such a gift is not capable of bringing anything good. Not a bright prospect, but is it worth paying attention to superstition?

There is a certain category of people who take any signs seriously, so they are not ready to accept such a gift as a watch from loved ones. In refutation of such an act, it is worth noting that, according to signs, you cannot give perfume, towels, razors, and many other necessary gizmos, which are often wrapped in gift wrapping.

You cannot refuse gifts at all, therefore, if someone decided to give a watch, the omen may lose its meaning if an item is received in return, for example, a small coin. In fact, in this case, there will be an exchange, not a gift, so all the negative from the omen will come to naught. Such advice will be very useful for overly superstitious individuals.

Speaking about donating a watch, it is worth referring to what this object symbolizes. Time is one of the most important categories that cannot be stopped, so by presenting a watch as a gift, you also give the opportunity to establish power over this rushing category. Such a present is perfect for business people who are used to appreciating every minute. Undoubtedly, they cannot do without a watch, and an elegant and stylish gift will be an excellent assistant on the way to prosperity and success. It is for this reason that in recent years they have increasingly begun to present watches as a gift. The signs that frightened earlier were transformed into another, bearing only positive qualities. So, today, table or wall clocks bring success and good luck to the person who received them as a gift. There can be no question of a quarrel!

Business people have long made it a rule to present their colleagues or partners with watches as a gift. Signs do not play a role here, because business people are used to relying on their own strength: they do not look for reasons for quarrels in what gift they received. Watches are a symbol of punctuality and accuracy, which is why they have become so popular in business; it would be much more difficult to keep up with meetings and business trips without an elegant and stylish ticking gift on hand.

In addition, a watch as a gift is perfect for both a man and a woman. Signs can be scary when you know about them. But you can, after all, come up with your own omen, which will only carry a positive charge for a person wearing a stylish accessory on his hand. So, you can give it to schoolchildren and students, parents and children, colleagues and partners.

If you think about such a gift and remember what is most often given by popular personalities, then, for sure, you will remember many examples of watches being a popular gift. The state donates watches to veterans, celebrities donate them to each other, even clergy get a time measuring device as a gift. And after all, no one is afraid of what may happen later. This is all because no one believes in the existence of a negative influence from a sincere gift that is presented from a pure heart. A good gift will only strengthen the relationship, but not in any way cause a negative resonance in them.

Therefore, choose a watch as a gift, let the signs not raise doubts, and sincerity and kindness in a relationship continues as forever as the movement of time.

A modern person who has managed to conquer the elements turns out to be weak and defenseless in front of nothing else but signs. What is a sign? Most often this is the belief that has come to us since the time of distant ancestors. One of the most common is the ban on the gift of watches. Why is it so? Why is it impossible to give a watch to a loved one? Let's figure it out together.

It so happens that by pursuing pure intentions and choosing a watch as a gift, a person, unwittingly, creates an ambiguity of the situation. This is especially true when the hero of the occasion believes in signs. Thus, a good deed often turns into its opposite and carries many negative responses.
It turns out, before giving a watch, you should think carefully, weigh all the pros and cons and only then make a decision, especially if we are really talking about a gift from a “pure heart”.

Where does the omen originate and why should we believe in it?

The clock is an irrevocably passing past, the inexorable passage of time and the inevitable approach of old age and death. Temporary space is fraught with secrets, magic and witchcraft, in this regard, people come up with and adhere to signs and superstitions.

According to one version, this custom is associated with Chinese symbolism. To give a watch in China is to invite a person to a funeral. That is why, when someone died in a wealthy Chinese family, his relatives, not wanting to voice unpleasant news, simply sent their friends and acquaintances a watch. Such a gesture was immediately clear to everyone, and unnecessary questions did not arise, which cannot be said about the present state of affairs.

In Western countries the hands of the clock, like any pointed object, attracts the forces of evil, which at the moment of donation pass to the recipient, bringing him troubles and misfortunes.

Slavs they were also wary of donating watch movements. It was believed that in tandem with the clock, failure and disappointment are transmitted, which will follow a person throughout his life. Another version says: the donor, along with the watch, gives a small, but perhaps the main, part of his own life.

The myth has enveloped almost all countries and peoples of the world. Imagination knew no bounds. People created and painted images of spirits that controlled the hands at their own discretion and had the ability to stop them at any moment, sacrificing the life of the owner of the watch.

Reasons for prohibiting the gift of alarms and clocks

A loved one may regard the gift as a hint of separation or inevitable separation. A disagreement in a pair can occur when the hands of the watch stop or completely stop moving.

Why can't you give a watch to a girl?

The female sex is very suspicious, as everyone knows. Girls often like to come up with a sad ending, or the fact that, by presenting such a present, they want to get rid of her as soon as possible. Even the most expensive diamond watches will not be accepted if superstitions have completely settled in the head of the gifted young lady.

If the beloved took the initiative and asked for the cherished watch as a gift, then a gift certificate or a coupon of various denominations would be an excellent solution. A simple but promising gift. At the same time, everyone will be satisfied and confident in a happy future. Even if a girl does not know anything about such an unfair omen, it is better to do just that, because it is quite possible that envious friends, having learned that the girl was presented with such an expensive piece of jewelry, will certainly want to tell her about what such a souvenir is fraught with. To avoid such troubles, leave your darling to choose a beautiful accessory for herself, and just pay for the purchase.

Firstly, the clock is a person's connection with time. For people who live exclusively in their own rhythm, and do not distribute their affairs and responsibilities in time, the watch will be an unnecessary gift. There is a chance that they will consider such a gift a trinket.

Secondly, the clock can be perceived as a hint of a countdown to death. Led people believe that a birthday watch can stop life (when the mechanism stops working).

Thirdly, you can reluctantly hint to a person about his disorganization, constant delays.

There is no need to throw a tantrum and throw up a scandal if you were presented with a watch. It is necessary to assess this whole situation sensibly - it is not the gift that is important, but the attention and care of the person. Moreover, the gift is practical and always necessary.

Upon receipt of such a souvenir, you can give the donor, for example, 5 rubles, as if buying a gift and at the same time avoid harm.

In the case when a person does not want evil and he himself is serious about all the signs, but he really wants to donate a watch, you can present an original and useful electronic version. The best solution, as we have already written, will be a joint trip with the birthday boy to the store, where he will choose a watch to his taste and will be absolutely satisfied. The only drawback is the expensive choice of the recipient himself, which can affect your finances.

A true collector of watch movements will accept and thank you well. If the birthday person has a military position, an officer's watch will become a truly deserved gift for him. Engraving is a beautiful and unique addition. She will add special value to the gift and will keep the memory of this day.

Elderly people can also unflatteringly regard such a gift. For them, this can be a real blow. Unfortunately, there are also people who want to believe that if they present an elderly relative with a chronometer, they can count on a quick inheritance. Elderly people are often looking for a catch, and I can take such a gift incorrectly.

A watch can not only do harm, but also become a talisman. Most people try to make them protective armor, concentrating their energy message in them.

Why can't you give a watch to a man or a young man?

For all of the above. And besides, a woman who gives a watch to a man, when parting with him, will forever be left alone and will not be able to start an affair, let alone marry another man.

The male gender may regard such a surprise as the beginning of new achievements and the expectation of pleasant events, and someone will give a negative reaction to the donor.

If you are not completely confident in choosing a gift, you should think about other more necessary and classic things. For a man, a watch is a financial and respectable indicator. But you can replace it with an expensive and high-quality tie, beautiful cufflinks or a stylish wallet. A gold watch will be replaced for a woman - chic flowers, jewelry, fur products, natural leather bags, etc.

Many couples in love notice that they have maintained their relationship, warmth and understanding, even after stopping the clock in their home. Obsessing over omens, conspiracies and other invented vanity, you can destroy life yourself, without otherworldly influence. Living in constant suspicion, fear and looking back at the hands of the clock, you can go crazy.

You need to give your loved one what you think is necessary, and he, in turn, must accept the gift if he truly respects and appreciates you. Put your soul into a gift, and then it will only bring happiness and good luck to a person who is really dear to you, and then the question - why you can't give a watch to your loved one - will cease to bother you.

If a person is vulnerable or suspicious by himself, then a gift in the form of a wristwatch will be a hint for him that he does not value your time at all. If you have not thought about these intentions, try to present this gift in the form of a beautiful attribute that matches his clothes. Otherwise, get ready for big scandals or protests, as your husband will not like such an intention, and he, offended, will not wear the presented watch. Situations are different, for example, if your gift is stylish or expensive, consider that your spouse will be very pleased and the gift will bring him joy.

Clocks often symbolize a person's attachment to time. And for those people who live in an accelerated rhythm, this surprise will only interfere and distract. If your husband very often follows the time, tries to live according to his own biorhythms and rules, or he is strongly tied to the study or work schedule, it will be completely pointless to present this gift. Of course, one cannot say that it will offend him, he just will be indifferent to him.

What to do if you decide to give your husband a watch

If you nevertheless decide to donate a wristwatch, then there are some tips to help you get around this taboo topic. There are many people who do not believe in at all and think that these are nothing more than ordinary rumors, in which there is absolutely nothing serious. Moreover, if your husband absolutely does not know about this sign, or neither you nor he absolutely do not believe in it, then it is quite possible to hand over a wristwatch as a present. When both of you are superstitious people and believe in everything you can, then you can get around such a prohibition by selling this gift to your husband for a small amount of money. Take money from him, for example, a couple of small denomination coins. In general, from the point of view of signs, and indeed in fact, this thing will be regarded not, but as a regular purchase.

Initially, it is necessary to make a gift to a person from what exactly he loves and what he most needs. If your husband dreamed of a certain watch model, and you wanted to give it to him, then he would rather be delighted than offended. Therefore, to give or not to give a watch is up to you to decide. But remember that the gift must be made with love and from a pure heart, then no

People have heard that it is impossible to accept a watch as a gift, as well as to give it. Why did the harmless device fall into disgrace and began to be considered, to put it mildly, an undesirable present? Is it really? Let's figure it out together: is it possible to give a watch?

Incorrigible materialists may disdain ridiculous prejudices and "grandmother's tales", but for some people they do have a certain power. After all, our thoughts are material, and if you believe in omens, they will definitely come true. It is not possible to prove or refute this statement - everyone decides for himself. But it seems reasonable not to donate watches to especially suspicious individuals. Why? And you read the well-known signs below. Just please don't be scared too much :)

  1. They clearly symbolize the transience of time, reminding us that the life span allotted to us on Earth is inexorably getting shorter.
  2. Spouses and loved ones are not given for hours, because such a present can lead to separation.
  3. They affect the lifespan of the owner. While they are working, their owner may not worry about anything, but if they stop, big health problems are coming.
  4. Also, if the chronometer began to lag behind (hurry) or break down, it means that there are major troubles “lurking” nearby, which are ready to fall on your head at any moment.
  5. People are also cautioned to present walkers due to the fact that their arrows are sharp objects. And sharp things (, etc.) cannot be gifted, because they threaten the health of the owner.

What to do?

It's easy to get around all these terrible signs. Ask for a nominal fee for your present. Even one coin is enough. Thus, you are, as it were, selling a thing, but such an action will not be affected.

If you want to present a watch as a gift, then you can look at the situation, forgetting about superstitions. After all, for a long time this object has ceased to be associated only with passing time. Having presented someone with a stylish watch, you give an impetus to new beginnings of a person and, perhaps, it is your present that will become for him a symbol of success for many years, which means that it will evoke pleasant memories.

Birthday or anniversary

Some people avoid giving a watch for a birthday or anniversary, as they consider them a symbol of the frailty of earthly existence, because the hands methodically count down the minutes until the arrival of a person's death. Of course, such a bleak background of a gift can ruin the mood of a superstitious birthday boy.

However, it will not be superfluous to remind that watches have always been included in the list of valuable gifts. They are awarded to the most distinguished in the army and presented to subordinates as a reward. Sometimes watches become a kind of family heirloom, passed on to children from their parents. In all these cases, they are an object of special pride for their owner, and not a banal chronometer.

To a loved one

The beautiful half of humanity is often interested in: is it possible to give a watch to a guy or husband? This is a practical and useful gift, which also plays the role of an excellent accessory that can decorate both business and sports style of a person. But there is a strong belief that a watch presented to a beloved man destroys feelings and provokes an early separation. And if earlier this concerned only wrist models, now even wall walkers have fallen into the category of forbidden gifts. You can do the following: buy for yourself and your chosen one a paired watch model, in the literal sense, taking control of time.

Men are also attentive to their chosen ones and want to know: is it possible to give a watch to a girl for a year of relationship or to his wife? Outsmarting the harsh prohibitions is easy enough. To do this, you just need to present to your beloved woman a piece of jewelry in the form of a watch. What it will be: or a cute, nicely ticking piece of precious metals is up to you. But, believe me, such a gift will not leave your beloved indifferent. If this option does not suit you, then use the coin trick described above.

For a wedding or wedding anniversary

Why not give a watch for a wedding anniversary or on the day of a ceremony to the bride and groom? In the first case, they will symbolize the happy years lived together, besides, you will also wish the spouses a long and prosperous married life. Where is the negative here? In the second case, the arrows will start counting a new stage in the life of the newlyweds. According to some beliefs, the watch personifies immutability and constancy, but isn't this the key to a successful union?

For the new year

How can a person know that the New Year has come? Right! He just needs to look at the cool watch that you presented on the eve of the holiday with love and respect :)

To a boss or colleague

The boss more than needs to keep track of the time (it's a pity, of course, that this also applies to our being late for work), which, as you know, is money. And in the business world, they are valued much higher than superstition. Ask your colleagues in advance whether the person to whom the gift is intended believes in omens, and if there is no problem with this, give it without a doubt.

For parents

With presents to loved ones, the situation is easier. One cannot but agree that the attention of a son or daughter is more important to mom and dad than to search for unwanted subtext in your gift. In addition, you know them from birth, and you can predict in advance which thing will bring them joy and which will not. If there is no doubt, feel free to hand over the watch to your beloved relatives.

Which watch can you give to whom?

Nowadays, manufacturers delight potential buyers with an abundance of products of any kind and a wide price range. You just have to choose the company and the product itself, taking into account the nature and preferences of the future owner.

Drawing conclusions

Of course, there is no consensus and principles on the appropriateness of donation. Everyone chooses for himself - to believe or not to believe in omens. And I would like to end on a positive note, so let us recall another well-known belief: "If you were presented with a watch, never throw it away, because it can bring unprecedented good luck and luck."