New Year's crafts for children 4 years old. Simple Christmas crafts with children: inspirational ideas and master classes. Craft "Waffle cup with a secret"

Well, who has already started preparing for the New Year? The days on the calendar are inevitably approaching the cherished night, which means it is high time to create a New Year's mood! Last year, unfortunately, I did not have time to write an article about our New Year's crafts. However, I saved everything, and now, at last, I was able to put everything together.

In this article you will find New Year's crafts for children 4-5 years old, some of this with parental help can be done even at 3 years old, something will be interesting later. As usual, first of all, you should focus on the child. For me, the main criterion when choosing a craft is its accessibility - so that my daughter can master creative work with a minimum amount of my help, and at the same time the creative process is not too long.

Christmas toy "Snowman"

Let's start with the most important thing - with Christmas tree decorations. Simple in execution and, in general, quite spectacular toy - a voluminous snowman. To complete it, you will need 6-10 white circles, which are most conveniently drawn with a mug or glass. Also prepare additional elements: head, hat, nose.

Christmas tree toy "Angel" from cotton pads

To make one angel, you will need 1 whole cotton pad and 1 half, white plasticine, a thread. First, together with the baby, roll the head and legs out of plasticine. Fold the thread in half and use a needle to thread the thread through the head and legs. Tie knots at the ends so that the legs do not slide off the thread.

Now you can start assembling the toy. Put half a cotton pad on the table, drip PVA glue in the middle and attach a second, whole disk on top. Lay a thread with a head on it, carefully coat everything inside with glue, then bend the disk as in the photo and fix it again with glue - you get an angel.

You can make very unusual Christmas tree toys with your own hands if you stock up on beautiful napkins for winter and New Year's theme and plastic lids for cans in advance.

So, first we cut out circles the size of a plastic lid from napkins. At the same time, we try to ensure that a beautiful pattern falls on the circle, Santa Claus, for example. Note! If the napkins are double, you need to separate the bottom layer, and leave only one top layer, with a pattern! Thanks to this, the drawing will beautifully shine through from both sides of the toy.

Next, we do everything as in the photo: we fold the circle with the pattern into the lid, put the string and fill it with water. It is very important to use boiled (and chilled) or filtered water. This is necessary so that the ice in the toys is transparent and not cloudy. When everything is ready, carefully put the toys in the freezer.

Alternatively, instead of painted napkins, you can use rowan berries or dried flowers, it also turns out very beautifully.

By analogy with Christmas decorations, you can make a whole ice garland. To do this, first fill the ice mold with all sorts of small things: beads, sequins, sparkles, pieces of foil, small pompoms. Then we also fill it with boiled or filtered water. Color can be added to the water if desired. And don't forget to put a string through all the cells of the shape!

Another option for a voluminous Christmas tree toy, easy to perform. Here you will need to make blanks in advance - 8 multi-colored circles with equilateral triangles drawn on them. To make the triangles easier to fit into the circle, you can calculate in advance how long the side of the triangle should be, this can be done using the formula, where r is the radius of your circle. I hope I didn't scare you too much with mathematical formulas)) In fact, you can draw triangles, of course, by eye, but then the toy runs the risk of not being completely flat.

Christmas decoration "Stars"

The idea of ​​this New Year's craft is taken from the book “ Christmas decorations made of paper". Actually, decorative paper is also taken from it. The book is very wonderful, I already wrote about it in the collection, but if you wish, you can do this craft without having this book, just using any wrapping or colored paper.

DIY Christmas garland

To make such a simple and at the same time very effective garland, you will need many, many colored stripes. It is advisable to use double-sided colored paper, then the inside of the balls will also look beautiful.

To make one ball, you need four strips. Explain to your child that you first need to glue two strips crosswise, and then add two more to make something like a snowflake. At the end, we collect all the strips in a bundle into a ball. The step-by-step process can be seen in the photo.

Garland "Little Men"

I bet you made such a garland as a child, or as a teenager. So let's not forget such good ideas.

For those who have forgotten: first we fold an accordion out of paper, draw half a man on it, cut it out. And we decorate the way we want

Craft "Herringbone" with your own hands

Now it's the turn of the Christmas trees. The variety of crafts in the form of Christmas trees is endless, I'll tell you about those that, in my opinion, are well suited for children 4-5 years old.

A Christmas tree made of several cones with homemade fringes looks very stylish. The herringbone, as in the photo, consists of four cones 5, 8, 11 and 14 cm high. It is most convenient to make cones from a quarter of a circle.

If it will be difficult for the child to glue the cones on his own, then he will definitely chop the fringe with pleasure.

After the cones are ready, you just need to put them on top of each other.

Postcard "Herringbone"

Surely you have already met this craft somewhere, it is quite popular on the net. Looks original, easy to do. All a child needs to be able to do is cut in straight lines and fold the paper.

The herringbone in our postcard is made from one green A4 sheet. I drew the sheet across into 6 strips 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 cm thick. Taisiya cut them, made an accordion out of each strip and glued it with my help.

Craft-lacing "Christmas tree"

For those who are tired of paper crafts and are looking for something more original, this is just a great solution. Tase liked this craft very much. Here, the biggest problem for mom is to find chenille wire (aka fluffy wire), although now it is gaining more and more popularity, you can, of course, not find it in every store. Precisely there are in stores that position themselves as "everything for creativity."

So, in advance, before class, we make holes on a disposable plate with a knife in the right places. The child will need to slip the wire like a string through these holes. At the back, the wire will need to be secured by wrapping the wire properly. The tree decorations can be attached to the plate with a glue gun. The trunk and sprocket for the Christmas tree are most conveniently made from plasticine.

Craft "Christmas tree" from plasticine

For children 4-5 years old, drawing with plasticine is a very relevant activity. In kindergartens, children are often asked to “paint” pictures with plasticine at this time. This is a really useful exercise for strengthening finger strength.

For a child who is already familiar with this type of creativity, it will not be difficult to "paint" a cardboard cone with plasticine, thereby turning it into a Christmas tree. After the entire surface of the tree is covered with plasticine, it will be very convenient to attach decorations to it - sequins, beads, buttons, small pom-poms.

Craft "Santa Claus" from a disposable plate

I wrote about such a craft in detail in my last year's article "", look there.

Craft "Santa Claus" from the sleeve

And here is another interesting version of Santa Claus. You will need a toilet paper sleeve for it. In principle, if you don't have one at hand, and you really want to do the craft, you can prepare a cylinder from thick cardboard in advance.

Glue the sleeve (or cylinder) with red paper together with the child, separately paint and glue the face of Santa Claus. Add additional cotton wool items and a cap.

Craft pencil holder "Snowman"

Surprisingly, this snowman, made last year, has been serving us for a whole year! I think the craft turned out to be so durable because it is based on a sturdy glass jar.

As planned, it was planned to paint the jar with white paint, and then glue cotton balls or pieces of cotton wool on it. But my husband, who was sent to the pharmacy for cotton balls, bought a completely unfamiliar to me zig-zag cotton wool, and it turned out that it suits even better for this craft! Such cotton wool is a rather dense cotton roll, which is very convenient to paste over the jar. Since in this case the bank is not visible at all, we did not even have to paint it.

If there is no such wonderful zig-zag cotton wool in the nearest pharmacy, then paint the glass jar with white acrylic (!) Paint, and then glue pieces of cotton wool or cotton balls.

Refined sugar castle

When Taisiya was younger, we built from lumps of sugar, but now we can afford a larger-scale construction, this time it's a castle for the Snow Queen.In general, you can come up with any idea for building from refined sugar that matches your interests and perseverance child, fantasize!

Winter applique

When you add cotton wool, cotton balls, cotton swabs or cotton pads to any applique, it automatically takes on a winter look, so hurry to the pharmacy, cotton wool and its derivatives will definitely come in handy for crafts this year!

Craft "Crown"

It may seem that the craft does not quite correspond to the topic of the article, but if you, like us, fell in love with the book "The Snow Queen", then you will not think so

For crafts, you will need thick yellow cardboard, sequins, cotton wool. The great thing about this craft is that the child himself can cut the crown, decorate himself, there is nothing complicated.

Bird feeders

I also add here our feeder from a five-liter bottle, which has already been mentioned. The craft is not only interesting, but also useful


And, of course, do not forget about the good old snowflakes on the window. As practice shows, for children, carving snowflakes is often more interesting than any newfangled and exotic crafts that we spend hours looking for on the Internet.

I wish you very bright New Year's days! Do not forget to look at other articles on New Year's topics:

15 Christmas crafts that you can do with your kids!

There is very little time left until the New Year, and it’s time to think about festive decorations for the home. You can buy ready-made options in the store, but it's much better to do original things with your own hands.

Sock snowman

From unnecessary socks, you will get such funny snowmen. You will need socks, rice for filling, a few shreds and buttons. Cut off the toe at the toe, and on the other side, tie it with a thread. Sprinkle the rice in a round shape, tug again with the string and add more rice, forming a smaller ball. Sew on eyes and nose, make a scarf from a patch, sew on buttons. And from the cut off part, you get an excellent hat.

Christmas tree pendants

A cinnamon stick is taken as a basis, several artificial spruce branches and multi-colored buttons are attached to it with glue. Such Christmas trees will not only decorate the house, but also fill it with the warming scent of cinnamon.

Deer made of cork

Bottle caps are a great craft material. For example, you can make such a cute deer. You will need some corks, glue, and different beads to decorate. It's not a shame to hang this on the tree.

Crafts from sticks

Ordinary ice cream sticks make cute Christmas trees, snowmen and snowflakes. You need paints, sequins, buttons and a little imagination. Even the smallest children can cope with such.

Christmas trees made of colored paper

These wonderful Christmas trees can be made by making a cone from green paper or cardboard and decorating it with different things. Buttons, pebbles, beads and various paper figures will do.

Potato drawings

This cute print is obtained by dipping half a potato in ordinary gouache. And adults will need to paint on the rest when the paint is dry. This option is ideal for very young children.

Snowflakes from pasta

Fasten pasta of different shapes with glue and cover with silver paint, fasten the tape - an unusual New Year's snowflake is ready.

Snowmen from caps

Cover the metal bottle caps with white paint (it is better to take acrylic paint) and glue together, as shown in the picture. Draw the face of the snowman and decorate with a scarf from a bright ribbon. If you glue a loop to it from above, such a snowman can be hung on a Christmas tree.

Crafts from cones

You can make different animals and any other characters from cones. You need paints, scraps, buttons and, of course, imagination and inspiration.

Christmas tree made of buttons

Pick up green buttons of different diameters and a few brown ones for the svol and secure them with thick thread. Decorate the crown with an asterisk.

Painted balls

Place the pieces of wax crayons in a transparent Christmas tree ball, heat it with a hair dryer, twisting it constantly. Melting pencils will leave beautiful colored streaks inside the ball.

Fingerprint garland

Draw the cord of the garland and the bases of the bulbs, then give the child colorful paints - let him draw bright bulbs with his fingers. This pattern can be used to decorate a New Year's card or gift bag.

There is nothing more wonderful when parents and children do joint work, and if it is also creative, it is doubly pleasant.

New Year is considered the most favorable holiday for the formation of festive family traditions.

Having prepared a minimum of material and fantasizing a little, you can get a result that will make your child believe in a New Year's miracle. Decent decorative ornaments can be created from the objects and things available at home: pieces of bright fabric, beads, cardboard, candy wrappers.

From an early age, kids are interested in various types of creativity: drawing, modeling from plasticine, making applications. The joint creativity of parents and children has a number of significant advantages:

  • development of the baby, his creative abilities;
  • development of children's imagination and creativity;
  • emotional unity of parents and child;
  • stimulation of fine motor skills;
  • self confidence;
  • desire to continue to be creative.

We offer several options for New Year's crafts for children 3-4 years old. They are very simple to implement and do not require much effort.

New Year's lollipop-pendant

You will need:

  • multi-colored felt;
  • sticks;
  • thin satin ribbons;
  • hot glue gun.

It won't take much time to make the pendant, but this process will bring a lot of positive emotions to the child. He will be proud of his creation.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a chupa-chups-suspension:

  1. We cut out 7 narrow stripes 1 cm wide and 15 cm long from the fabric.
  2. We stack them on top of each other, alternating colors.
  3. We glue all the ribbons together.
  4. We twist all the ribbons with a roll and fix them with glue at the base.
  5. Glue the stick to the multi-colored roll.
  6. At the top we attach a ribbon for attaching the product to the Christmas tree.
  7. We remove the remnants of the glue.

New year fan

This craft is suitable for children 3 years old. The uncomplicated design will allow the child to develop hand motor skills.

You will need:

  • a set of colored paper for scrapbooking;
  • glue;
  • threads of a golden hue;
  • hole puncher.

Even a kid can assemble a fan

Step-by-step instructions for creating an accordion:

  1. Cut a sheet of paper into rectangular pieces.
  2. We fold each part with an accordion, where the fold width is 1 cm.
  3. We fold the accordion and give it a rounded shape on both sides.
  4. We fold each workpiece in half. Blanks can be of different colors.
  5. We connect 4 accordions in one piece.
  6. Attach the gold thread for the pendant.

New Year's candy "Cheerful deer"

Children are very fond of sweets. Any lollipop placed in a paper deer face will delight the child. It can be scrolled, and then it will seem that the deer's nose is moving.

You will need:

  • cardboard or colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • pens, pencils, glitter;
  • glue;
  • round lollipops.

Deer lollipops

Step-by-step instructions for creating a New Year's candy:

  1. Draw the outline of the deer's head on a piece of cardboard or colored paper.
  2. We outline the path using two identical shapes.
  3. Carefully cut a round hole in the place of the nose on both parts of the part.
  4. We decorate the face of a deer by drawing or gluing features.
  5. We fix the lollipop in place of the slot for the nose.
  6. We glue both parts together.

New Year's upside-down dog

You will need:

  • watercolor paints;
  • red pompom;
  • eyes made of white paper.

Children love to make prints of their hands. The New Year's dog will be a real gift for the whole family.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a New Year's upside-down dog:

  1. We take paper and, together with the child, draw whatever we want.
  2. Dip the child's hands in brown paint.
  3. Gently put a handprint on the paper with your fingers up.
  4. Then we dip again in brown paint and put another print on the paper with our fingers down so that these two prints converge with each other.
  5. We dip the child's finger in white paint and draw a hat.
  6. Dip the child's finger in red paint and draw a collar.
  7. We are waiting for the paint to dry.
  8. We put on the upper eye print.
  9. Glue a red pompom onto the hat.

New Year's game "Mouse and its cheese"

The game "The Mouse and Its Cheese" will help to consolidate the knowledge of colors in children. The child is invited to place the mice in the holes of the corresponding color.

You will need:

  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • regular pencil;
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a game:

  1. Cut a strip 3 cm wide and 21 cm long from white paper.
  2. Bend the strip with a "loop" and glue the edges.
  3. With a simple pencil, draw a semicircle on the glued edge, round the corners.
  4. Cut off the corners with scissors.
  5. Cut out 2 ovals from white paper.
  6. We glue the ovals, stepping back a little from the edge. These are the ears of the mouse.
  7. We draw a mustache, nose, eyes with felt-tip pens.
  8. Cut out the tail of the mouse from paper.
  9. We attach the tail from the back.
  10. We make a piece of cheese.
  11. Cut out two semicircles from colored paper. Yellow should be smaller than red.
  12. First, glue a red semicircle on a sheet of cardboard, then a yellow one.
  13. Cut out ovals of different colors from colored paper and glue them on the cheese in random order.
  14. To play, you need to make as many mice as there are colored holes in the cheese. The color of the mouse tails should match the color of the holes in the cheese.

Cheerful know-it-all snowman

Making this craft will be interesting for children 4 years old.

You need:

  • 2 paper plates;
  • silicate glue or glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • 2 plastic eyes;
  • yellow, orange, purple paper;
  • felt or black paper.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a snowman:

  1. We glue 2 plates so that one is on top of the other.
  2. We put the top plate on the front side, and the bottom plate on the back.
  3. Cut out a carrot from orange paper.
  4. Cut out a strip of scarf from yellow paper
  5. Cut out mittens and socks for a snowman from purple paper.
  6. We glue the eyes and nose in the form of a carrot.
  7. Draw a smile with a marker.
  8. On the joint of the plates, glue a yellow strip of paper in the form of a scarf.
  9. Cut 2 circles out of black felt and glue them onto the snowman with a glue gun.
  10. We turn the craft over with the back side and glue the arms and legs made of purple paper to the body.

In a snowman, you can hide questions and answers about animals, cartoons, fairy-tale characters and play a funny game with your child.

The original mask of Santa Claus

Another way to introduce a child to a New Year's fairy tale is to create a mask. Other family members can also try on the mask. The child will like it very much.

You will need:

  • 2 paper plates;
  • red paper;
  • cotton wool;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a New Year's mask:

  1. Cut out the bottom of 2 paper plates.
  2. We glue the rims together.
  3. Cut out 2 large triangles from red paper.
  4. We lubricate each of them, glue along the contour, except for the lower part, and glue it together. We should have a red cap.
  5. We put a circle of plates in a hat by 4-5 cm and coat with glue.
  6. We glue both sides of the cap to the base.
  7. We form a lot of white balls from cotton wool and glue them at the bottom of the white circle.
  8. We also lay them out in a row at the junction of the cap and the circle of plates.
  9. We make a large ball of cotton wool and glue it to the top of the hat.

New Year's picture for the children's room

The picture that the child makes will delight all family members. This develops the child's desire to improve and strive for creativity.

You will need:

  • cardboard;
  • cotton pads;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

DIY picture in the nursery

Step-by-step instructions for creating a New Year's picture:

  1. Apply a few drops of glue to a sheet of cardboard. We attach cotton pads, forming a snowman.
  2. At the base we put a large disk, then a smaller disk.
  3. Use the smallest disc for the snowman's head.
  4. We cut out a nose, eyes, a hat, a scarf from colored paper and glue all the details to the disks.
  5. We decorate the finished snowman with snowflakes, rain.
  6. To decorate the picture, we will make several Christmas trees from colored paper and glue them next to the snowman.

Felt Christmas tree

The felt Christmas tree will become a real decoration of your home tree. Also, as a New Year's souvenir, it can be presented to grandmothers and relatives.

You need:

  • cardboard;
  • felt;
  • buttons;
  • beads;
  • scissors.

Felt herringbone

Step-by-step instructions for creating a felt Christmas tree:

  1. We make a cardboard cone for the base.
  2. Cut off a strip of felt 2.5 cm wide.
  3. Fold it in half and make cuts that should not reach the edge of the strip.
  4. We glue the resulting strips with a cone along its height from bottom to top.
  5. We decorate the Christmas tree with buttons, beads.

Craft "Waffle cup with a secret"

In the process of making Christmas toys with our own hands, we are able to realize any idea.

Therefore, it is worth making ice cream that will decorate the festive atmosphere.

After all, children are very fond of this incredibly delicious dessert.

You will need:

  • felt;
  • curly scissors;
  • threads;
  • glue;
  • felt.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a waffle cup:

  1. With curly scissors we cut out a circle of felt with a diameter of 6 cm.
  2. Cut out small balls and bells from the remnants of the felt.
  3. Cut a cone out of felt.
  4. We connect the parts with glue, forming a cup and ice cream.
  5. We attach bells and balls to the cone.
  6. Place a small bow at the bottom of the product.
  7. You can hide a small lollipop inside the ice cream. This will become a long-awaited secret.


Air balls made of threads look very festive, especially if they are made of threads of different colors. Delicate lumps can decorate not only a Christmas tree, but also serve as a decor for a nursery, a child's bedroom.

You will need:

  • small balloons;
  • not very thick threads with lurex;
  • glue;
  • dishes with water to wet the threads;
  • petrolatum;
  • thick thread for suspension;
  • rhinestones and sparkles.

Step-by-step instructions for making air lumps from threads:

  1. We inflate a ball that will correspond to the size of the finished product.
  2. Lubricate it with petroleum jelly.
  3. We wind the threads on the ball in random order.
  4. We hang the ball and let it dry for two days.
  5. We pierce the ball and remove it from the air figure.
  6. We place rhinestones, sparkles on the ball.

Dear Parents! Strive to help your child, trust him to work with details, do not limit his imagination, even if the works made by his tiny hands do not look like works of art.

Video on the topic

A very good pastime is to do something with your own hands for the holiday, involving children in this wonderful activity. Let them also feel their involvement in the preparation of the holiday. It also helps them develop their imaginations.

1. Black and white Christmas tree print that you can decorate with your kids.

Or this one (we are painting it now)

2. A figure of a Christmas tree, cut out of felt, which can be decorated in different ways every day.

3. DIY calendar for December. Each day of the calendar is a different toy, and children can be invaluable helpers in coming up with a toy pattern.

4. Popcorn garland. It's simple - popcorn, needle, thread.

5. Cardboard cones, decorated with wrapping paper, bows and stars. Nothing complicated!

6. Wall decoration or on the shelf - Santa Claus hat made of cardboard wrapped in wrapping paper, instead of fur and pompom - cotton wool. Even small children will master it. And then you can take a picture with the result of the work.

7. On paper, you can draw not only with watercolors, but also with unusual materials - for example, mix flour, water, and drop a little paint there. Draw different shapes, dry until hardened.

8. You can make small "drums" out of plain paper and wrap them with shiny garland or tinsel. You will get such nice hanging decorations or toys for the Christmas tree.

9. Imprints of babies' feet, if you add eyes, noses, horns, will turn into majestic reindeer from Santa Claus's team

10. Drawings from fingerprints on Christmas tree decorations will look great. And the memory will remain.

11. Again - the prints of the heels of children, but already on the panel, in the form of Christmas tree decorations.

12. Christmas toys - snowmen. Materials - bottle caps, buttons, threads and ribbons.

13. Toys in the form of deer from puzzle elements.

14. Toys with family photos, and during the holidays the tree turns into a family tree.

15. Mittens made of cardboard and paper for craft. Appointment - any, at will, decorating various items. Or on the tree, if you add a thread.

16. Rings made of colored paper, decorated with ribbons and large beads, can become wonderful toys for the Christmas tree.

17. Wreath and "candy stick" of small pom-poms on a cardboard base. The result is funny Christmas tree toys.

18. If you roll up many balls of polymer clay of different colors, then you can glue them onto cardboard wreaths, lovingly carved by mom or dad. It will turn out to be a wonderful decoration for a door or wall.

19. Plain parchment can be a festive gift wrapping paper when decorated with tiny pompoms. Fasten with glue.

20. Naive of Christ, hand-drawn, in Naive style. It is painted with crayons, which gives the scene a completely childish look, which is wonderful.

21. Old wooden cubes, on which you can stick pictures of children, will be a wonderful decoration for a festive tree.

22. Herringbone made of tinted ice cream sticks, instead of toys, multi-colored buttons.

23. Paint the Christmas tree toy black and it turns into a magic board on which you can draw with chalk!

24. Snowman made of pompons! Wonderful toy for the Christmas tree

25. Cinnamon gingerbread can also be a wonderful decoration for a Christmas tree. And then you can eat them!

Here are some fun ideas for crafts with children we offer you! Nothing complicated, but the result is amazing.
Create with love.

Hello everybody! Today we will talk about the upcoming holiday, which is soon awaiting everyone, or rather about crafts for the New Year, which you can easily do yourself at home with your own hands. In this selection you will find for yourself light and budget options from various materials for making crafts for children and adults.

As everyone already knows that the yellow Pig will be the symbol of next year, so I invite all those who have not seen my previous article to look and see. There I shared with you ideas and developments related to crochet amigurumi style. And if you still have not decided on the choice of clothes for the New Year, this will help you with this.

New Year's crafts in the year of the pig - the easiest and most interesting work

I propose to start with the simplest, in my opinion, version of the craft, this amusing boar in the form of a postcard, this can be done by absolutely anyone. Children will love this funny job! So look.

Also for kids, you can make a craft from a bottle and gouache, just push the bottle with cotton wool, make eyes, a nose and equip with a scarf. It will turn out pretty and irresistible, the kids will definitely like it.

For older children, you can make a snowman out of cotton swabs by gluing sticks clockwise onto ordinary cardboard.

Or from decorative ribbons, just such a toy for the Christmas tree.

If you are a fan of sticks, then you can make such interesting Christmas tree toys:

Or like this:

You can turn on imagination and ingenuity and just make any character from a cartoon, and even Santa Claus, from one stick.

Also, you can easily build a Christmas tree from paper or satin ribbons. Make a cone and glue the needles.

Crafts for the New Year 2019 from various scrap materials (paper, cones, bottles, cotton pads, cardboard, beads, felt)

Of course, everyone loves to make crafts from what is always at hand, in a hurry.

If you decide to make New Year's toys and paper crafts, then here are the most original ideas, so everything is clear here how to make:

Santa Claus and Snowman

All kinds of decorations from caps and bottles:

And also you can simply lay out a Christmas tree from books:

In schools and kindergartens, in institutes, you can arrange this creation like this in the form of gloves:

But if you like to collect cones in the forest, and then create from them, then on this score you can also get the following ideas for yourself:

Bottle products have also become popular, since everyone likes them for their simplicity and originality of presentation, see for yourself here in these photos:


Snowman from cups

From ordinary bulbs, you can create Christmas tree toys, only of course such souvenirs are not for toddlers and preschool children.

You can even find applications for socks. Really very funny and looks wonderful.

In general, pictures and trees can be folded from cotton pads:

You can also make various creations and masterpieces from cardboard and threads:

But from beads, of course, if you do not know how to weave, it will be immediately difficult to master this technique. Still worth a try. Keychains are popular with most people, for example, such a snowman (diagram) or snowflakes.

And of course from felt, here the task is certainly more difficult, but many cope with it with a bang.

Do-it-yourself crafts with the symbol of the coming year in the form of a pig (boar)

Of course, most of us will make a funny and amusing piggy this year, because it is she who will patronize in the coming year.

The most affordable and easy-to-use toy is, of course, sculpted from plasticine.

Or sew from felt, such a pattern will help you.

Children also love to get up out of yarn, in the form of donuts:

Christmas crafts with patterns and patterns for children

If there are children in your house, then I suggest you quickly make with them such toys and crafts that will bring joy to everyone.

I give ready-made layouts and, so to speak, step-by-step master classes from photos, apply in practice, I'm sure it will turn out just super and very cool!

Attention! Do this craft together with your parents!

Believe it or not, but I got the idea to make a candlestick, and imagine from tangerine, how much and even delicious, so to speak, a natural flavoring)))

I really liked the idea of ​​making a Christmas tree out of plywood or cardboard with my own hands, how charming it looks, a nice New Year's composition:

If you want the pig to accompany you always in the classroom at school or in another educational institution, make a bookmark for the book.

Crafts for the New Year for kindergarten with parents and children from all sorts of things

I thought, I thought about this question and decided this year to create such a culinary masterpiece, in the form of a Christmas tree made of cookies. As a basis, you can take any recipe for your favorite cookies, and then what, but make stars out of it and fold a Christmas tree, and then decorate with cream, or sweets, mastic, is elementary:

Well, the most common and fashionable option is a craft made from the pens of a child and an adult:

Photo illustrations, pictures of crafts for the New Year's holiday

I would also like to throw you a bunch of ideas on this New Year's theme, you yourself have probably already come up with something unrealistically beautiful in your imagination while watching this article.