About hiking and tactical backpacks from a to z. The choice of a backpack and the secrets of filling it. Which company travel backpack to choose

We analyzed which backpack to choose, and this time we'll figure out how to pack it correctly. First, let's take a look at a visual video about what a packed travel backpack should not be.

Three rules when collecting a backpack

To avoid the same difficulties that the girl faced, you should follow only three rules.

  1. Weight distribution rule. It is important that the center of gravity is distributed along the spine, in the region of the shoulder blades - as close to the back as possible. It is in this area that you must place the heaviest things. If you put them on the bottom, then the weight will put pressure on your shoulders, and if upward, an imbalance will occur, and the backpack will tilt to the right and then to the left.
  2. The rule of no excess. Think about what you really need on a hike so as not to carry extra pounds.
  3. Accessibility rule. Anything that will often need to be placed higher on a hike, so that it is easier to get to these things.

Packing the backpack

Often, tourist backpacks have a transverse partition. It is better to unbutton it so that the full volume of the backpack is available. Otherwise, it is more difficult to balance the weight.

Let's say that based on rule number 2, you have selected exactly everything you need. Now, guided by rules No. 1 and No. 3, let's start packing.

We put light things at the bottom of the backpack

First, we put some light bulky equipment on the bottom, which will be needed later on the hike. This is usually a sleeping bag. It is best to pre-pack the sleeping bag in a compression bag to reduce its volume. You can also put a sleeping bag in a sealed bag, this is especially important during rainy periods or for water trips.

Place heavy things along the back and shoulder blades

The next step is packing the heaviest items. Typically, this is a tent or food. We place the tent along the spine, put the food on the tent and just as close to the back. You can put it down and vice versa, first the food, and then the tent, but usually food is needed more often and earlier, in fact, that's why it is recommended to place the food higher.

Light equipment - farther from the back, heavy - closer to the back

Next, we fill the volume with lighter items. These are, for example, a change of clothes, an air mattress and a pillow. The lighter the thing, the further from the back we place it. After all, the heavier it is, the more it pulls the backpack away from the back, so it is not advisable to put heavy objects far from the back.

It is better to pack clothes as well as a sleeping bag in a compression bag. In addition, it is a good idea to put 1-2 things separately in plastic bags to avoid getting wet, again, this is especially important if you are going on a water trip. Instead of bags, you can use one sealed bag.

We place the necessary light things on top.

In the upper part of the backpack we put equipment that will often be needed: a first-aid kit, a raincoat, a set of camping utensils, a gas cylinder, etc. Moreover, it is better to place the gas cylinder in the center, surrounded by things, so that it is protected and not damaged on the road.

Smaller items can be placed in any remaining cavities in the backpack.

Where is the best place to put the foam?

You can attach the foam to the outside of the backpack: under the flap or on the ties on the side, front or bottom. An excellent option, especially to avoid unbalancing the backpack, is to remove the foam inside. To do this, at the very beginning of filling the backpack, place the foam in the backpack and unfold it there so that it fits around the walls. We put all other things in the same way, according to the above method.

Backpack pockets and flap

More and more people prefer to spend their days off on outdoor activities rather than mindlessly spending them sitting in front of the TV. Various types of hiking are becoming more and more popular. However, few novice tourists take a responsible approach to collecting the necessary things for the trip.

Even if the route of the hike is thought out to the smallest detail, and is only 1 day, the tourist's backpack must still be assembled according to all the rules. This is the key to a good outdoor recreation. The big mistake of tourists - beginners is overloading. In this article, we will try to figure out what you need to take with you on a hike, what are the requirements for a tourist's clothing, whether you need a first-aid kit, and how to assemble it yourself.

A complete list of possible things for the hike is available by clicking the download button after the article.

Preparing for the hike

The fees will depend on many factors. First you need to decide on the route. On what terrain it will pass (forest, taiga, mountains), the approximate duration in days, will you spend the night outdoors or are you planning to settle in hotels for the night. You should take into account the time of year, the age of the participants in the hike and their number.

Be sure to read the information:

When solving the dilemma of what list of things for a hike, keep in mind that the maximum weight of a backpack for a man is 30 kg, but for a woman it is limited to 15 kg.

The required minimum of things can usually be divided into 3 categories:

  1. For movement. This includes all navigational items (map, compass), comfortable clothing, shoes. In addition, for active actions in nature, you will need any auxiliary items (flashlight, whistle, magnifying glass, rope) and a first-aid kit.
  2. For relax. For a day trip, a blanket or a tourist rug will suffice. If you plan to spend the night in the woods, then you need to think about a tent and sleeping bags. Funds will be needed to make a fire (matches, a lighter, paper or newspaper).
  3. Food. A minimal picnic set consisting of metal kitchen utensils, a knife and a dry ration. For long hikes, it makes sense to purchase a gas burner.

Many are worried about the question of what to take with a child on a hike? All of the above, but do not forget about sports equipment that will help pass the time on vacation. It can be a ball, tennis rackets, badminton.

Clothes and footwear

Tourist cutaway

The most important rule of choosing clothing for a hike: it should cover and protect the skin from various hazards in nature. These can be insects, stones, branches of trees and shrubs, poisonous plants. The material should be good for air permeability, be light and dry quickly in the sun. Almost all modern costumes for outdoor activities meet this requirement.

It is better to use socks and underwear from the “thermo” category. There are special sports models. It is recommended to choose T-shirts without seams so that the straps of the tourist backpack do not cause discomfort.

Going to the mountains, pay attention to the fact that outerwear should provide full protection not only from winds, but also from precipitation. For hiking in winter, it is better to take ski suits marked - tex. They are lighter in weight, retain heat due to a special membrane structure and do not impede movement.

In the hot season, it is not recommended to go hiking in light and open clothing. The sun, various blood-sucking insects, and damage from stinging plants will only spoil your holiday. Trousers tucked into socks are required, as well as a jacket with long sleeves and a collar.

What to pack on a day hike that includes climbing a mountain peak and walking through the woods?

Trekking shoes are the best option. They have a good degree of shock absorption, which reduces the load on the spine during long walks. This is especially important when there is a heavy backpack behind. In addition, a special pattern on the outsole provides durable traction on any surface.

Shoes should be athletic, fit and have firm soles. High-heeled shoes or any open-toed shoes are completely unsuitable for hiking. This choice can be fraught with various injuries, including trauma and dislocation.

Things for an overnight hike

Things for an overnight hike

A tent is the best option if you decide to spend the night in nature. However, it is also necessary to choose it according to the rules. It must be made of high-quality and waterproof material, the seams must be glued.

Pay attention to the Water Resistance Index (PU). For demi-season hikes, it is better to use a tent with an index higher than 3000. Cheap models usually have a PU of 1500. They get wet quickly enough during a long and heavy downpour.

Sleeping bags come in many varieties. For summer holidays and for a large company, bags - blankets are preferable. By unzipping the zipper, you can get a wide blanket that will cover several people.

This will allow you to take fewer sleeping bags with you, which will lighten the load. Plus, it can easily replace your picnic rug or blanket if needed.

When planning a trip on hot summer days, you can take an awning with you. It will protect you from the sun and wind and make your halts more comfortable.

Food and kitchen utensils

Cooking is one of the most important things to consider when planning a hiking trip. A bonfire can be used. To do this, you need to put matches packed in waterproof material or a lighter in your backpack. It is recommended to put fire-starting products in different places.

A spatula may be needed to prepare a safe place for a fire. A pocket chain saw for camping trips or a folding knife will be an excellent assistant. A large group of tourists can take an ax with them. Going to places where it will be problematic to find firewood, it is better to take a gas burner. Do not forget about gas cylinders for refueling.

From the dishes you should definitely take:

  • Ladle or small ladle.
  • Metal mug, bowl and cutlery.
  • One pot is enough for a group of no more than 4 people. There are models in which the lid can be used as a bowl.
  • Cutting board.
  • A set of disposable plastic dishes. They are lightweight.

In addition, during the hike, you will definitely need napkins, garbage bags, antibacterial sprays. Drinking water should be the majority of your food, especially if you go hiking in the summer.

If you take perishable food, then use a cooler bag, but it is better to refuse them. The usual travel food set includes: canned food, cereals, vegetables, fast food, salt, seasonings, tea, herbs.

Life hack of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: so as not to get lost in the forest

How to assemble a first aid kit

In nature, being far from settlements, you should be prepared for any troubles. A tourist's first aid kit is a must. Its composition will depend on the time spent on the trip, the presence of certain health problems in the group members.

When assembling a first aid kit, consider the following rules:

  1. Injuries, strains, cuts and dislocations are common. Disinfectants and dressings must be taken for 2-3 injuries.
  2. Sorbents must be taken in larger quantities than other medicines. Approximately 1 package per person.
  3. Pain relievers, antihistamines with a specified expiration date.
  4. Means that help with insect bites.
  5. Individual medicines that need to be taken as prescribed by a doctor for any of their tourists.
  6. Sunscreens and ointments for burns.

For a travel first aid kit, it is better to choose a container with different compartments. Pack in waterproof material.

Specifically, about how to assemble a travel first aid kit read in the article:

It is not that difficult to assemble a travel backpack correctly. You just need to make a list of the required minimum of things in advance, without which you can not do on the hike.

IMPORTANT: pay attention to additional materials in the RELATED MATERIALS block!

Experienced travelers never skimp on two things: shoes and a backpack. Their choice should be made with great care, since you will have to be in the shoes all day, and you will have to carry the duffel bag over your shoulders for many kilometers. There are no universal duffel bags, so it is important to know how to choose a backpack for a hike so that it does not become a heavy load on the road.

The choice of a backpack must be approached responsibly

Only recommendations and experience of the traversed path will help determine whether the right backpack for hiking has been chosen, and what features are important specifically for everyone. In order not to be mistaken, the choice of a backpack should be carried out after you have decided exactly what area you are going to, what will be taken with you and in what quantity. In addition, the climatic features of the area, the season for travel must be taken into account. If you have planned a winter hike, for example, decided to celebrate the New Year in Altai, it would be logical to choose a larger backpack compared to equipment for a hike in warm weather. The number of things for a water trip is significantly different from the equipment of a mountain or forest trip. For a hike in the mountains, you need to take into account that the ascent can start from a temperature of +20 C, and at the top the air temperature is -20C. These and many other features are very important to consider when purchasing a backpack for a hike.

Bag volume

You need to decide on the volume of the backpack

With the proper skill and dexterity, even in the most compact duffel bag, you can put all the necessary things. But, as often happens, bulky things will be attached to the outside of the bag, which is not always convenient. Too large a duffel bag creates the temptation to put a lot of things on the road, because of which the weight of the equipment will be too heavy. Therefore, it is recommended to draw up an accurate list of necessary things for the trip before packing up, and strictly follow each of its points, no more, no less. How to choose the right volume for your backpack?

  • 45-60 liters is a sufficient volume for an average-sized adult going outdoors on a weekend.
  • 80-130 liters for men and 65-80 liters for women - volume for long-term hiking in rough terrain. These backpacks are designed for a trip that will last more than a week.
  • 100-110 liters for men, 65-80 liters for women - the volume of a backpack for hiking in the mountains.
  • A volume of 130 liters for men, and 80-100 liters for women is required when hiking or on the water.

The weight of the duffel bag is selected individually in proportion to the weight and body type of the tourist. When choosing a weight for hiking equipment, it is very important to consider that the more pockets and other individual devices, the more the backpack will weigh. Convenient empty duffel bag weighs no more than 2.5 kg. Therefore, you need to choose a bag that has exactly as many pockets as it is vital in order to have quick access to some things.

Bag design and type

There are different designs and types of hiking bags

Backpacks of different sizes have approximately the same design:

  • Waist belt with waist stabilizers. It is equipped with a quick-release buckle.
  • Side ties
  • Drawstring straps. These are adjustment straps that distribute the load of the shoulder straps, and a chest strap for fixing the shoulder straps.
  • Top valve
  • Back cushion made of soft material.
  • Lower compartment with separate access, dividing interior space.

An important part is the wide hip belt, which takes up all the load, provided it is correctly adjusted.

It should be attached just below the waist. The straps should be wide and soft. The width between them must match the width of the shoulders, otherwise they will slide or crush. It is better to choose models with a quick-release valve rather than a detachable one. The side braces should be long enough to accommodate a rug or small tent underneath.

There are three main types of backpacks:

  1. Easel

Easel travel bag

At the heart of their design is a frame to which a bag, straps, adjustable shoulder straps and a belt are attached. It allows you to evenly distribute the load, but at the same time adds additional weight to the entire equipment. But easel backpacks are convenient for carrying heavy things on long hikes. Recently, they are rarely used by tourists, since the frame is heavy, and if it breaks in the field, it is difficult to replace or repair it.

  1. Semi-station

Half-station hiking bag with sewn-in plastic elements

They have special plastic or metal inserts to the back, which support the anatomical shape of the backpack and distribute the load as conveniently as possible. They can be sewn into it or be removable, then the duffel bag can be folded if necessary. They are most widespread, since it is more convenient to carry, and the frame backrest conveniently distributes the load along the spine. When carrying, its shape does not deform, and if desired, you can remove the frame plates, turning them into a soft backpack. However, the most expensive models belong to the half-station ones. In addition, the frame adds weight to the backpack, and the shape of the frame allows for less storage than an easel or padded structure.

  1. Soft

Ordinary soft backpack

In other words, frameless. The harness is sewn to the bag, which is very important to pack correctly before the hike so that it is easy to carry. In addition, when carried, such a backpack is deformed, taking a different shape than it was at the beginning. But they are lightweight than frame ones, their cost is cheaper, if necessary, such a duffel bag can be folded.

How to choose the right backpack

To find the right backpack, you should consider the recommendations of experienced travelers:

  • It is recommended to choose a hiking bag with a ventilated back.
  • Stiffeners must be sewn in.
  • For ease of carrying, the straps should have a curved shape, be adjustable in length and be no narrower than 6 cm.
  • The bottom should be tight so as not to bend under the weight of the luggage.
  • The best materials for hiking boots are nylon or polyester as they dry quickly.
  • It's good if the duffel bag is equipped with a rain cover.
  • Trying on the selected backpack must be carried out in clothes, while you can walk with it for ten minutes to assess the convenience and suitable weight.
  • It is desirable that the bottom be made of cordura fabric.
  • The duffel bag should have easy access to things both from below and from above.

Backpack for hiking

Backpack for hiking

For hiking, it is recommended to choose expeditionary or trekking backpacks, this choice depends on the duration of the hiking trip. Expedition backpacks have a large volume, they do not have any external attachments for additional equipment. If it is a long hike on rough terrain, it is recommended to opt for a trekking backpack equipped with external attachments for various equipment.

The volume of the bag will depend on the season. So, for a two-week summer hike, you will need a backpack with a volume of 55-60 liters, for a winter one - 70 liters. You should not choose a lightweight duffel bag if you are planning a hiking trip made of lightweight fabrics that wear out quickly, and the lightweight design is inconvenient for long-term wearing, because it has a weak and soft back and harness. The bag with two separate drop-down compartments, upper and lower, is very convenient when you need to quickly get something. But it is best to choose a model in which the upper and lower sections are transformed into one common one, in order to create the ability to carry a large item.

Backpack for hiking in the woods

Backpack for hiking in the woods

If the purpose of the forest walk is to pick mushrooms and berries, with the possibility of a one-day overnight stay, you should opt for a small equipment bag (up to 40 liters), soft design, since during this trip there is no need to carry a large amount of things, moreover , a heavy backpack will interfere with the main purpose of the hike. If the goal is hunting or fishing, for a hike in the forest, you should choose a trekking backpack equipped with various mounts for external equipment, and additional pockets for carrying various items and accessories used on fishing or hunting.

For hunters, there are special tactical backpacks with a volume of up to 80 liters, designed for a hike lasting 2-3 days. This is an easel or semi-station camouflage duffel bag with a high-quality fastening system, wide straps, a sealed bottom, a belt equipped with mounts for cartridges and guns.

Backpacks for hiking in the mountains

Backpack for hiking in the mountains

An experienced mountain hiker chooses an assault backpack. This is a small structure with hinged systems. Their volume is 20-50 liters, they are very durable, made of fabric, resistant to external influences and mechanical damage, with a minimum number of pockets, duffel bags. In accordance with the specifics of the mountain hike, the backpacks are streamlined with a minimum of protruding parts. Models for mountain climbing are often equipped with a system for drinking water using a straw coming from a backpack. Summarizing the characteristics of what a backpack should be for short-term or long-term climbing in the mountains, we can say: it should be a backpack made of extra strong material, small volume, light in weight, as comfortable as possible so as not to cling to the edges of the stones and attach all the necessary equipment to external mountings.

A separate group is to highlight backpacks for freeriders and back-country lovers, whose purpose is not only to climb the mountain, but also to descend from it on skis or snowboard. The main difference between these backpacks lies in the presence of characteristic structural elements: the presence of special pockets and compartments for a ski mask, an avalanche probe, a snow shovel, an avalanche beeper, as well as a first aid kit. An important element of a freeride backpack is the special back protection.

A good tourist backpack is the key to the success of any trip, so it is worth choosing a responsible choice. An uncomfortable backpack puts a lot of pressure on your shoulders and back, while a comfortable one allows you to evenly distribute the load over the entire back. If you go on a hike for 1-2 days, the requirements for a backpack are lower than on long hikes. How to choose the right travel backpack?

Types of backpacks

There are three types of backpacks in total. Easel backpack is based on a rigid metal frame on which the straps and the backpack itself are fixed. Example: Soviet backpack "Ermak". Semi-station backpack - anatomical, has vertical inserts in the back made of metal or plastic strips. This is the most modern and comfortable backpack. Padded backpack - without stripes and frame, for example - a schoolboy's backpack or old "kolobok" type hiking backpacks.

The main advantage of easel backpacks is that the weight of the load is evenly distributed, and the person walks with a straight back. But there is also a drawback: the increased weight of the backpack and unpleasant and even painful sensations from the rigid frame resting on the back. Easel backpacks are not recommended for beginner tourists.

A padded backpack is a simple fabric bag with shoulder straps and pockets. Such backpacks are the most inexpensive and lightweight, their advantage is compactness (a valuable quality for a water trip). An empty backpack can be folded very easily. Disadvantage: putting things in a soft backpack correctly is very difficult, and it is inconvenient to go on a long hike with it, the weight puts a lot of pressure on the shoulders, which will surely hurt. Soft backpacks can be taken on water trips - those where you do not need to carry a backpack. You cannot take a soft backpack on long hikes.

A semi-stand or anatomical backpack is best suited for hiking or mountain trekking. It has the same advantages as the easel, but it is much more convenient. Disadvantages: with a snug fit to the back, the backpack makes ventilation difficult, and after a while of intense walking, the back becomes wet. There are more expensive backpacks with a dense mesh on the back, there is a distance between the mesh and the very back of the backpack, and only the mesh is attached to the tourist's back - so the back does not sweat.

Backpack volume

Now you need to decide on the volume of the backpack. For hiking trips lasting from 5 days, women need to have a backpack of 60-80 liters, men 80-120 liters. The more serious and autonomous the trip, the larger the backpack should be. Check if there are drops on the route (the ability not to carry all the food and equipment on yourself), whether you need special or bulky equipment (winter clothing and climbing equipment takes up a lot of space) - all this affects the choice of the capacity of the backpack. For weekend hikes, a backpack with a volume of 40-60 liters is suitable, for both women and men.

The main difference between a water trip and a hiking trip is that you practically don't need to carry backpacks. "Practically" - because the place where the rafting starts will need to be reached or taken by transport, it will take some time to load, unload and carry the backpacks. Then, on a catamaran or kayak, all things are repacked in a sealed bag, and the backpack travels packed separately. It will be necessary to remove metal or plastic plates from it. You can go on water trips with either a semi-hard or a soft backpack or even a large gym bag.

There is no need to be afraid to buy a backpack of large volume: if necessary, you can always “squeeze” it with the help of the zip ties intended for this. The large volume gives an advantage when collecting: all items on the list fit without problems, and there is still room for public equipment. But there is also a minus: the temptation to collect unnecessary things during the hike. On the other hand, it is possible to pack things in a small 50-liter backpack for a week-long autonomous hike, but it is extremely difficult - only professionals can do it. Another argument FOR a large backpack: it will come in handy on further, possibly more difficult hikes, and a small backpack will not be enough at some point.

It is worth remembering that in addition to personal belongings, tourists carry public equipment (tents, boilers, first aid kit, awning, gas burners) and food during the hike. The backpack should contain at least 15-20 liters for public equipment.

There are women's and men's backpacks, their main difference is in the width of the straps, since women's shoulders are narrower than men's. A man's backpack is not suitable for a thin girl, even if it is only 60 liters. Another difference is in the color and design of the backpack, women's backpacks can be pink with flowers :) There are also unisex backpacks suitable for everyone.

Weight and functionality

These two parameters go side by side, and there must be a balance between them. Functionality is convenience and thoughtfulness, the number of pockets, zippers, slings, fasteners, etc. The backpack should be functional enough, but still have an acceptable weight when empty. Even a pound of extra weight will be very noticeable on a hike. It is better to choose a backpack weighing up to 2.5 kg.

A very important characteristic is the quality of the backpack. If the backpack crawls on your back, the straps and accessories will come off, and every evening in the parking lot, instead of resting, you will be engaged in sewing on everything that came off during a walking day - there is little pleasant in this. Therefore, it is better not to buy seemingly "correct" in shape, but "flimsy" backpacks, designed for summer residents and gardeners. And even more so, you should not take old backpacks on a hike, in which the threads are dry or rotten.

What makes a quality backpack different?

1. The fabric from which the backpack is made is strong and dense, wear-resistant, moisture-resistant and dirt-repellent, but not too heavy.

2. The seams of the backpack from the inside should be double or edged with tape.

3. The bottom of the backpack - preferably oval, not rectangular (a backpack without corners is easier to stuff with things).

4. The back should be tight and padded. There are metal or plastic plates on the sides inside the back, while they may not be noticeable from the outside. Many backpacks allow you to adjust your back in height by moving the straps higher or lower. Thus, you can adjust the backpack to your height.

5. A wide, comfortable belt is an important design element. The belt should be adjustable in size and fastened with a wide fastex fastener.

5. The straps should be wide and soft enough to sit comfortably on the shoulders. Height adjustment is required at least from the bottom, and preferably from the bottom and top.

6. Horizontal ties (slings) are sewn on the sides of the backpack, with the help of which it is convenient to fasten a foam or a tent. There are two or three such screeds on each side. The disadvantage of many modern backpacks is that the sling is too short, which does not allow you to grip and attach the foam. Ask the store to attach the foam and check if there is enough length! There are also slings at the bottom of the backpack, for attaching foam or a tent, respectively, from below.

7. Strong power handles are required on one or both sides - for carrying the backpack.

Additional but not required elements:

8. Rain cover on the backpack. Sometimes it comes with a backpack. Some tourists find the cape in their backpack only after the second or third hike, and this comes as a surprise. Look for a cape in the hidden pockets of your backpack, or ask your salesperson if the item comes with your backpack.

8. Separation by a horizontal partition into two volumes - as you like. The main thing is that, if necessary, the partition can be easily removed (usually there is a zipper around its perimeter).

9. Chest strap - not for everyone, some find it very comfortable, and some never use it.

10. Whistle, reflective stripes, embroidery, an abundance of elastic bands and Velcro - all this is convenient and useful, but sometimes greatly affects the cost. Check with the store why certain parts are needed, and if you are going on a hike in the forest, and Velcro is required to attach an ice ax - this means that you will definitely not use it in the upcoming hike. But what if the next trek is climbing? :)

And the most important thing! Before buying, be sure to try on a backpack, adjust all the settings for yourself: the height of the straps, the hanging back, the size of the belt. It is advisable to fill a backpack with things right in the store (usually sellers allow you to pack a sleeping bag and something heavy so that the weight is 8-10 kg) and walk a little. All people and backs are different, that one fits “perfectly”, the other may not fit at all.

Happy shopping!