A ceremony associated with the birth of a child. A gift for mom in honor of the birth of a child. A particularly close relationship was established between the child and his mother, the maternal uncle.

All the prescriptions and desired actions, which will be described below, have a huge impact on the life of the child. This includes congratulating the parents of the newborn, shaving the newborn's head, rubbing the baby's gums with the pulp of a date ( at-takhnik), a sacrifice on the occasion of the birth of a child ( al-aqiqa), naming, circumcision of boys. Their fulfillment is necessary, since they bring benefits to children, give them health and strength. , and will also become the reason for the gratitude of children in the future.

Children are the gift and grace of the Almighty. Therefore, after the birth of a child, it is advisable for a Muslim to notify his family and friends as soon as possible. The one who has received the news of the birth of a child must congratulate the parents of the newborn and their relatives. It is also desirable ( fromunnand) read the following supplication- doo'a: “O Almighty Allah, help the father and mother to raise a child of high morality. And give them the strength to educate him who worship Islam ".

These congratulations and wishes fill the hearts of the father and mother with joy, strengthen fraternal relations between Muslims, as a result, harmony and friendly ties in society are strengthened. The importance of notification and congratulations is evidenced by the fact that this is said in several places of the Holy Quran, for example:

“Give each other gifts because gifts erase hatred and anger in hearts » .

« ABOUT Zakaria! We are happy m you have news of the boy whose name Yahya» .

The Messenger of Allah Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, congratulated the parents of newborns and read a prayer for them - doo'a.

All children are a gift from Allah Almighty, therefore, a Muslim should treat the birth of both a boy and a girl with equal joy. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: “ The one who raised and trained two or three daughters or sisters, and then gave them in marriage, will definitely enter Paradise.» .

The child's father needs to congratulate his wife, who has safely resolved from pregnancy, and thank the Almighty. It has become a tradition in some families to give flowers and gifts to the parents of the child, this does not contradict the spirit and letter of Islam. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: “ Exchange gifts, it enhances mutual love ".


Desirable ( sunnah), so that immediately after the birth of the child, the father reads the adhan in the right ear of the newborn, and ikamat in the left ear.

In the saying transmitted from Ali, may Allah be pleased with him , it says: " Those who have a child, let them read the adhan into the baby's right ear, and ikamat into the left ear. ". Also, according to the testimony of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, read the adhan in the right ear of his grandson Hasan, and ikamat in the left ear.

The meaning of this rite is that the first words heard by a newborn in this world were the words of exaltation and praise of Allah Almighty and his Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, as well as a call to serve Allah, to piety and goodness. Also, the words of the testimony of Monotheism "La il yakha illa lla x " and the words of the adhan chase away the accursed Satan (shaitan), protecting the child from his wiles.

It is also desirable ( sunnand) say in the right ear the following verse of the Holy Quran:

Some reports also say that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) read Surah Ikhlas on the right ear of a newborn child.

Rubbing the baby's gums with a date pad ( AT- TACHNIK)

This action is also desirable ( fromunnand). The baby's gums on the left and right are wiped with the previously chewed pulp of a ripe date. If there are no dates, then you can use any sweetness: honey, candy, sugar.

The desirability of this is evidenced by the story of Abu Musa, may Allah be pleased with him: “When my son was born, I brought him to the Prophetu, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.He named him Ibrahim and rubbed his gums with the pulp of a date.» .

Perhaps the meaning of this rite is to make the newborn feel the first in this life, not bitterness, but sweetness - the sweetness of life and faith. It is better to entrust this and other rituals to a God-fearing, honest, kind person.


On the seventh day after the birth of the child, it is desirable ( sunnah) shave the hair on his head. After that, they should be weighed and distributed as alms to the poor and needy, an amount of silver corresponding to the weight of the hair (or its monetary equivalent). Then it is better to bury the hair in a clean place.

The meaning and purpose of shaving a baby's head is as follows:

Shaving the head strengthens the hair and scalp; at the same time, vision, smell and hearing improve at the same time;

Alms distribution ( sadaka) allows you to support those in need; this is a manifestation of social solidarity between Muslims;

Shaving your hair on the seventh day after birth means cleansing and following the example of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "Prophet, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, ordered Hasan to shave his hairu and husshe Non the seventh day after birth. Then he weighed them and distributed the silver corresponding to their weight as alms. "

It should be noted that in our religion it is forbidden to cut or shave only part of the head, leaving the other. Abdullah ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, forbade shaving part of the head " .


The hair on the head of a newborn baby is called "Al-akyka» , therefore, the sacrifice on the occasion of the birth of a child, in order to receive the grace and protection of Allah, is also called "Al-akyka» ... This sacrifice, according to Hanafi scholars, is an approved act ( mubach), and according to other madhhabs, this is desirable ( sunnah).

Sacrifice "Al-akyka» can be done on any day from the birthday of the child until his majority, but the seventh day from birth is considered the best for this.

The animal for this sacrifice must meet the same requirements as for the sacrifice on the days of the Eid al-Adha. The owner can eat the meat himself and distribute it to others.

As in the case of the birth of a boy and a girl, one ram is sacrificed. It is also possible to slaughter two rams if a boy is born.

Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, reports that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, cut one ram separately for each grandson, Hasan and Hussein, saying: “ With the birth of a boy, there is"Al-akyka» , so bleed the sacrificial animal for him and shave your baby's hair» .


Naming is a very important and significant event in the life of a newborn. The name is a part of a person's personality, which will accompany him throughout his life. Therefore, in Islam, great attention is paid to the choice of a name.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “ Every baby is associated with"Al-akykand", on the seventh day after birth, shave their head, give a name, cut for it animal» .

Therefore, it is desirable ( sunnah) give a name to the child on the seventh day. However, there are messages from the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, about the possibility of naming a baby on the first day after birth. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: “ At night my son was born, and I called him by my namegreatfatherIbrahim ".

Thus, you can give a name to a newborn on the first day, and on the third, and on the seventh, and even after that, at the discretion of the parents.

Desirable names

After the birth of a child, parents should take care to choose a good and beautiful name for him, because it will accompany him throughout his earthly life and by it he will be called on the Day of Resurrection.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said:

« On the Day of Judgment you will be called by your names and by the names of your fathers, choose good names. ".

“The names truly beloved before Allah are Abdullah (slave of Allah) and Abdurahman (slaveThe Most Merciful (some of the names of Allah Almighty) .

You can also give the names of Allah, adding to them the prefix "abd" (slave), for example, Abdulkarim, Abdurrahim, Abdulgafur, etc. But you cannot call a child only by the names of Allah, for example, Allah, Al-Quddus (Pure from flaws), Al-Khalik (Creator), Ar-Rahman (Possessing the broadest mercy and benefits). These attributes are inherent only to Allah Almighty.

Recommended are all the names of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him - Muhammad, Ahmad, Habib, Yasin, Mustafa, Taha, etc., as well as the names of other God's messengers - Musa, Isa, Yunus, Yusuf, etc. In addition, it is commendable give the names of companions, scientists, righteous people, valiant ancestors.

It is condemned to give a person, including a child, unpleasant nicknames, for example, blind, lame, deaf, etc.

The Holy Quran says:

“Do not slander against each other and do not exchange (offensive) nicknames. After (a person) has believed, it is bad to call him with a wicked name. " .

If the names have a bad meaning or are ugly, then they can be changed. It is known that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, usually changed unpleasant names for good ones, for example, changed the name of Barr to the name Zainab. At the same time, it should be noted that it is not necessary to change the name when converting to Islam.


Circumcision of boys' foreskin (Arab. "Hitana") Is one of the desired ( sunnah) rituals in Islam. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said that the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) circumcised by the command of Allah at the age of 80, and since then this rite has become recommended in the laws of all God's prophets.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: “Man, by nature, needs five actions: performeniicircumcisioni, cutzhke fingernailto her, removedenii hair in the groin and armpits, podstrizhke mustacheov» .

There is also a saying of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him: "Whoever accepted Islam, let him circumcise, even if he is an adult." However, it should be borne in mind that circumcision is notcompulsorycondition for acceptance of Islam... This is a very desirable and encouraged procedure recommended by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), which is based on concern for human health. But non-circumcision cannot serve as an obstacle for a person's faith in the One God and acceptance of Islam.

It is advisable to have childhood circumcision as soon as possible. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, made a sacrifice for the grandchildren of Hassan and Hussein and circumcised them on the seventh day after birth. Circumcision can be done later, but it is advisable to do it before the child reaches the age of majority.

A large number of superstitions and prohibitions have always been associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Folk omens helped parents determine the character of the child and find out how his future life would turn out. To ward off bad luck, our ancestors performed rituals and adhered to certain traditions. At different times, customs appeared, the observance of which was supposed to attract good luck and luck.

Folk omens associated with the birth of a child

There are many superstitions associated with the birth of a child. Some old omens today seem to be silly prejudices, others have a scientific basis. For example, the most famous belief says that a newborn should not be shown to anyone for 40 days. It is believed that during this period the baby is the weakest and most vulnerable to negative energy. From a medical point of view, superstition has a logical explanation:

  • a newborn can easily pick up an infection from a stranger;
  • noisy company can provoke stress in the child, which will lead to disturbed sleep.

Old Russian customs that have survived to this day

In Russia, the birth of a child was accompanied by a series of rituals in which all family members took part. Some customs have survived to this day. Our ancestors were sure that adherence to traditions is the key to the well-being and a happy fate of the baby. For example, the first bathing of a newborn was of great importance. According to popular beliefs, a silver coin dipped in water helps to attract material benefits. To keep the child healthy, honey and elecampane decoction were added to the bath.

An ax or a hammer was placed under the font for boys, threads and needles for girls. It was believed that thanks to this, the child would grow up economically and homely. If bathing was carried out in the evening, the water was left overnight and poured out at sunset.

Other, no less interesting customs have survived to this day:

  1. The tradition of tying a newborn envelope with a ribbon goes back to the pagan past of the Slavs. In ancient times, babies were tied with a belt embroidered with protective signs and symbols.
  2. Previously, a newborn was wrapped in a sheepskin coat or sheepskin so that his whole life would pass in abundance. Today, the child is simply put on a fur coat made of natural fur. This should be done on the first day after discharge from the hospital.
  3. Many peoples have a tradition of giving a newborn a silver spoon. In Russia, this metal symbolized wealth and protection from evil spirits. They began to feed the child with a silver spoon immediately after the command of the first tooth. It was believed that the process of teeth emergence would be easier and less painful.
  4. The old Russian custom of "ransom from the midwife" was carried out on the third day after childbirth. The woman who helped the child to be born left the mother's house with gifts. Nowadays, it is customary to thank the midwife who delivered the baby. She is given a present when she is discharged from the hospital.

The birth of a child in any country, at any time, was the most important event and the greatest happiness for every family. After all, a child is a symbol of the continuation of life, a bearer of a surname, a continuer of a family work tradition, an heir of accumulated knowledge, skills and property.

In traditional Russian society, a person's family was considered the first necessary condition and sign of a right life. A family without children could not be imagined. Having children was the true purpose of marriage. The appearance of children in the family, according to the church, signified the piety of marriage.

The Russian people, like any other, had their own traditional rituals associated with this important event. From time immemorial, they tried to protect expectant mothers from all kinds of dangers, to preserve the good health of a pregnant woman for the birth of a healthy and strong baby.

Thus, a pregnant woman was freed, whenever possible, from difficult work and tried to satisfy her needs for food and drink. Failure to fulfill her desires was considered a sin. She was forbidden to eat certain foods, to look at some animals, cripples, blind and other sick people.

The pregnant woman should have consumed more milk, then, according to legends, the baby's skin will be white as milk; she must eat red berries (lingonberries, cranberries) to keep the baby ruddy. So that the negative actions and shortcomings of the people around them did not pass on to the woman in labor, the woman was protected from nervous shocks, fear, quarrels. The woman herself, as a rule, hid her pregnancy as long as possible, so that no one would jinx her and her unborn child, and so that the birth would not be difficult.

Also, a pregnant woman should not quarrel, be angry, support gossip, engage in theft, etc., so that all these actions in life would not accompany the child, would not be passed on to him. If the husband was away, the young woman was advised to gird herself with his belt and cover herself with some of his clothes for the night, so that the “power” of the husband would protect, protect the wife. In the last month before giving birth, the pregnant woman was not recommended to leave the yard, but rather from the house, so that the brownie and the sacred fire of the hearth could always come to her aid.

To protect a pregnant woman, there was a special prayer that had to be read at night, so that sinful deeds committed even during the day would not affect the child being born. Protective amulets and amulets with conspiracies and prayers were hung from the bed of the woman in labor and the baby.

Both in villages and in cities, a midwife was invited to almost every woman during childbirth. It was necessary to bring her in secretly, because it was believed that the more people know about childbirth, the longer the woman in labor will suffer. Arriving at the house of the woman in labor, the midwife opened all the windows, doors, opened the locks, untied all the knots so that it would be easier for the child to be born, and also sprinkled holy water in the room in which the expectant mother was. The woman and the midwife went to the bathhouse - the cleanest and warmest place. Immediately after the birth of the child, the midwife cut the umbilical cord, performed the necessary actions and the ritual of the first bathing. Silver coins were dipped into the water for cleaning, wishing the baby wealth in the future; for medicinal purposes, a string and salt were added.

Bringing the newborn to the hut for the first time, the grandmother handed him over to his father, who himself put him in the cradle and, as it were, officially recognized him as his brainchild. In order for the child to be healthy and calm, his cradle was sprinkled with holy water, fumigated with incense and a cross was placed inside it.

The last rite, in which the midwife participated, was the rite of belting the baby on the eve of the fortieth day. The belt with which she tied the child was considered both as a magical talisman against evil forces, and as a sign of longevity and health. Thus, the modern custom of tying a newborn, swaddled in a blanket, upon discharge from the hospital with a blue (blue) ribbon-boy, and a red (pink) girl, has an explanation. The royal house of the Romanovs had a custom to award a newborn boy with the Order of Saint Andrew the First-Called (blue ribbon), and a girl with the Order of Saint Catherine (red ribbon).

The midwives were honored on a special day - "babins", or "babi porridge", which was celebrated the next day after the Nativity of Christ. In church tradition, this holiday is called the Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos and is celebrated to this day.

Great importance was attached to the postpartum period. It was a period of forty days of isolation of the mother from public life, from some household chores. There are a lot of folk signs associated with this period of life, for example, when leaving the house, she needed to take some kind of amulet, etc. In general, all the rituals of this period were aimed at the speedy restoration of the health of the woman in labor. In addition, this is a necessary adaptation period for the newborn, since due to the lack of a wide range of contacts, the risk of possible infection with infections is reduced and the stressful effect of the environment is minimized. The mother was instructed to think only about the child for all these forty days, to pray for his protection.


The birth of a child was accompanied by two family celebrations: homelands and christenings.

In the first postnatal days, homelands were settled: female relatives, neighbors, mostly of childbearing age, came to visit the woman in labor and brought various food to her family - bread, rolls, pies, cookies. Those who came were invited into the house and treated. The mother-in-law, having accepted the gifts and thanking her, went to the child, the mother-in-law ordered the feast - she regaled the guests with pies and tea. Men, as a rule, did not take part in their homelands. Later, especially in cities, this custom was transformed into giving a newborn money "for a tooth", "for washing the legs." It has survived to this day, more often in the form of gifts to the newborn from relatives and friends in the form of toys, children's clothes


Baptism was strictly compulsory for everyone born into an Orthodox family.

Before the ceremony of baptism, the family council discussed the name that the baby might be given. At the same time, of course, they were guided by the calendar. But, as a rule, the naming of the name was left to the priest. He chose the name according to the calendar in accordance with the celebration of this or that Orthodox saint, coinciding with the day of baptism or the birth of a child, or close to this day. It was impossible to choose the name of a saint whose day of remembrance had already passed, for such a saint could not protect a child.

An important point was and remains the choice of the godparents for the child or the recipients. They were considered the child's second parents, guardians, patrons and spiritual mentors. The invitation to become a godparent was honorable and was regarded as a manifestation of great respect and trust. It is better to choose godparents from among close people - relatives or friends.

If there were any problems in the family, then in difficult times the godparents helped to take care of the child. In the event that a misfortune happened to the parents, the godparents replaced the relatives. The godfather is godfather, godmother is godfather. In different regions, the choice of recipients was approached in different ways: the age of the godparents, gender, one or two. According to the church, there should be one godfather, a man for a boy, and a woman for a girl, respectively. After baptism, it is believed that the baby is under the protection of God from all kinds of diseases and evil.

The baptism of a child was considered and today is considered one of the most solemn events in a person's life. Therefore, many guests gathered for the celebration after the baptism of the child: relatives, neighbors, acquaintances. No matter how varied the dishes at the baptismal dinner were, porridge (buckwheat or millet) was always served. Baptismal porridge was prepared in milk, even cereals were soaked in milk. A lot of butter was put into the porridge. They could bake a chicken or a rooster in it (depending on the gender of the child). To make the life of a newborn child cheerful and happy, the guests made many wishes and, according to tradition, the godfather, mother and all those invited gave gifts.

In traditional Russian society, a person's family was considered the first necessary condition and sign of a right life. A family without children could not be imagined. Having children was the true purpose of marriage. The appearance of children in the family, according to the church, signified the piety of marriage. Children were considered the main wealth of the family and society as a whole.

The heritage of the Russian people is rich in its customs, traditions, superstitions, omens and poetry. Throughout the entire life cycle, important moments (acquaintance, wedding, homeland, christening and name day ....) Were accompanied by many rituals aimed at ensuring that the family "took place", so that it is strong with love and care, so that children are born healthy and happy, so that they all had wealth.

Folk traditions instructed future and present parents to take care not only of the physical health of the fetus, and then the baby, but also of the laying of a happy fate, the spiritual and moral principles of the child. It was believed that much in the child - his fate, character, appearance - was "asked" by the circumstances accompanying conception and the mother's behavior during pregnancy, care and attention to them from others.

The birth of a baby was accompanied by two family celebrations: homelands and christenings. Homelands were celebrated quite modestly, christenings - more widely. Both celebrations were filled with a mass of symbolic magical actions and verbal formulas, spells, prayers. Baptism was always celebrated, the homeland by the end of the 19th century was far from always, often they merged with the celebration on the occasion of the baptism of a baby.

Homeland arranged (where it was accepted) shortly after the woman's permission from the burden, of course, in the event that the birth was successful, and the child was recognized as viable. This happened on the second or third day ("after three baths" - connoisseurs of peasant life specified).

In fact, the celebration of the motherland consisted in the fact that neighbors, girlfriends, relatives of the puerperate came to visit her and congratulate her on the newborn. They brought food, children's things, which was perceived as a manifestation of female solidarity and provided significant assistance to the family. Those who came were invited into the house and treated. The mother and child remained in the room where the birth took place. If the mother-in-law with the baby was in the house, she, accepting the gifts and thanking the child, went to the child, the mother-in-law ordered the feast - she treated the guests with pies and tea. Men, as a rule, did not take part in their homelands, only the closest relatives came.

In traditional folk culture, great importance was attached to the postpartum period. It was a period of forty days of isolation of the mother from public life, from some household chores. There are a lot of folk signs associated with this period of life, for example, when leaving the house, she needed to take some kind of amulet, etc. In general, the complex of prescriptions of this period was aimed at the speedy restoration of the health of the woman in labor. In addition, this is a necessary adaptation period for the newborn, since due to the lack of a wide range of contacts, the risk of possible infection with infections is reduced and the stressful effect of the environment is minimized. The mother was prescribed all these forty days, without distraction, to think only about the baby, to pray for his protection and her salvation. During all these days, while she was alone with the child, the closest contacts of the newborn with the mother were established, giving them the opportunity to "tune in" to each other, which is simply necessary for the emergence of a deep maternal feeling and understanding of your baby from the very first moments of his life ...

The expression "where there were homelands, there will be christenings" has long been entrenched among the people. Epiphany It included naming, inviting godparents, carrying out the rite of baptism itself in the temple, and then the rite of christening at home - a dinner in honor of the newborn.

For the Orthodox, baptism is the second (but in a certain sense, the main), spiritual birth of a person, his purification for subsequent existence. Baptism and christening introduced the newborn into the world of the Orthodox peasant community with its religious, everyday, festive way of life.

We, in turn, will focus on folk traditions and rituals related to the Baptism of the newborn.

As a rule, baptism took place on the eighth or fortieth day (this was associated with the gospel story of the infant life of Jesus Christ). In real life, the child was baptized or immediately at birth, much more often on the third, seventh, ninth day. Thus, the terms of baptism were not strictly adhered to due to various circumstances, for example: very weak children were baptized immediately after birth (baptism in this case was considered a protective rite), in remote villages, due to the remoteness of the church from the village, as well as due to unfavorable weather conditions, due to the employment of the priest, baptism was postponed and actually took place later than the accepted date.

Baptism was strictly compulsory for everyone born into an Orthodox family. It could take place in the temple and in the house. Naturally, the former was valued higher. If necessary (if the baby was born weak), the midwife could baptize the child at home in the most primitive way. Later, the priest completed the ceremony, but without immersion in water and giving the name given by the midwife.

It is well known that spiritual birth was considered more significant than bodily, and for this reason the actual birthday became less noticeable compared to the day of the angel or the name day. Many people did not know the exact date of their birth at all, but they firmly remembered on what day they were baptized, after which saint they were named.

Before the ceremony of baptism, the family council discussed the name that the baby might be given. At the same time, of course, they were guided by the calendar. But, as a rule, the naming of the name was left to the priest. He chose the name according to the calendar in accordance with the celebration of this or that Orthodox saint, coinciding with the day of baptism or the birth of a child, or close to this day. It was impossible to choose the name of a saint whose day of remembrance had already passed, for such a saint could not protect a child.

Believing that there is an inexplicable connection between a person and his name, our ancestors very thoughtfully and consciously approached his choice, knew the semantic meaning.

An important point was and remains the choice of the godparents for the child or the recipients. They were considered the child's second parents, guardians, patrons and spiritual mentors. The invitation to become a godparent was honorable and was regarded as a manifestation of great respect and trust. It is better to choose godparents from among close people - relatives or friends. The godfather is godfather, godmother is godfather. In different regions, the choice of recipients was approached in different ways: age of godparents, gender, one or two. According to the church, there should be one godfather, a man for a boy, and a woman for a girl, respectively.

The invitation of the godparents, according to custom, is made by the father of the newborn. One of the godparents' functions was to buy gifts for the mother and child: the godfather bought a cross, brought his bread to the christening, paid with the priest, the godfather had to bring the child "rizki" - 3-4 arshins of fabric, a shirt for the godson, a belt, a towel for the priest - wipe your hands after immersing the child in the font. The baptismal gown donated by the godfather was preserved. Sometimes it was believed that the shirt in which the first-born was baptized has miraculous power: if it is put on all subsequent children in the family, it will give them health, they will live in harmony and love.

When a child is baptized in temple the priest first reads a prayer three times, driving away the spirits of evil. Then the Holy Spirit is invoked three times, the water that is in the baptismal font is blessed. The priest immerses the baby in this water three times, if the child no longer fits into the baptismal font, he is sprinkled three times with sacred water (water baptism is a symbol of not only carnal, but also moral purification). The Holy Spirit enters the newly-made Christian through holy water and a drop of special myrrh incense (boiled wood oil with red wine and incense, consecrated on Maundy Thursday). Hence the saying "One world is smeared". One of the rites is cutting hair: a symbol of obedience and sacrifice. The baptized person is put on a baptismal shirt and a pectoral cross, which he wears under his clothes and protects his whole life. The newly born is given a new name - Christian, which is recorded in the registration book, and the parents are given a baptismal certificate.

After the ceremony of baptism, close friends, relatives and guests are invited to a traditional festive dinner, as it was once said, "There is bread, salt, porridge for the baby." No matter how varied the dishes at the baptismal dinner were, porridge (buckwheat or millet) was always served. Baptismal porridge was prepared in milk, even cereals were soaked in milk. A lot of butter was put into the porridge. They could bake a chicken or a rooster in it (depending on the gender of the child).

Merry bargaining was going on for the right to treat porridge. The one who brought the most expensive gift (ransom) received the right to treat guests. As a rule, it was the godfather. Traditionally, a pot of porridge was broken, which symbolized the wish for happiness. The father of the baptized baby was fed salted porridge "with fun". After treating with porridge, it was time to exchange gifts: the godmother gave the godfather a handkerchief, the godfather answered with money, money and gifts were put on a pot of porridge or on special plates.

The baptismal dinner included a large number of actions and rituals aimed at wishing health, prosperity, happiness, love to the little man.

A huge number of family holidays, ceremonies, signs that came to us from our grandparents, testifies to the deep wisdom of folk traditions. We hope that this positive experience will help us in raising our children. And the family center "Dobrodeya" will help to organize a family celebration in the best traditions!

We thank the Dobrodeya center for the provided material

Where to baptize the baby? What days of the week? How much does it cost? Reada selection with addresses and phone numbers from the center "Dobrodeya".

baptism of Ksyusha (mother of GreenKa ex.Ten)

baptism of Nastenka (mother Marishka)

baptism of Mashenka (mother Sova)

baptism (mom felt)

baptism of Zlata (mother Mega)

baptism of Timothy (mother Mashik)

baptism of Tigran (mother of Principessa)

baptism Eugene (Mom Cute)

baptism of Daniel (mother of Dasto4ka)

He was born, the boy's umbilical cord was cut with an ax or arrow to grow up as a hunter and artisan, for a girl - on a spindle so that she could grow up as a needlewoman. The navel was tied with a linen thread woven with the hair of the mother and father. After the successful completion of childbirth, the midwife buried the baby's place in some corner of the hut, then washed the newborn with heated water, into which silver coins were usually placed, wishing the baby wealth in the future.

The grandmother brought the newborn baby into the house and handed it over to the father, who himself put it in the cradle and, as it were, officially recognized the baby as his son or daughter.

To keep the child calm, after birth, he was wrapped in his father's ports or when swaddling with thick threads, the so-called twigs, and covered with green cloth on top.

Signs and customs for the birth of a child

If a child was born on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, he was predicted to have a long, happy life.

A boy who looked like a mother and a girl who looked like a father was considered happy.

Fortunately for the child, if on the day he is born, there is some profit in the house, and unfortunately, if there is some loss, loss in the house, or when something is given to another house permanently or on loan.

It's not very good if the baby was born at the end of the month.

After the baby is born

Warm mash or fish pies were prepared for the mother. In the first days after childbirth, relatives, neighbors, mostly of childbearing age, came to visit the woman in labor and brought various food - bread, rolls, pies, cookies. Later, especially in cities, this custom was transformed into a gift of money to the newborn "for a tooth", "for washing the legs" - hence the modern custom of giving the baby toys, baby clothes, etc.

Useful tips for expectant and young mothers

❧ If a pregnant woman gets scared, it can severely damage the unborn baby. To avoid trouble, her husband must pour water through a sieve, and a woman needs to wash with this water.

❧ If a pregnant woman gets scared of something and at the same time grabs her stomach, then her child may subsequently have red spots on her body. To avoid this, say:

Jesus, be signified by the light of Thy face

On my baby

And be with him

Till the end of time.

❧ It has long been noticed that if a pregnant woman picks up a rope, her baby can be born wrapped in an umbilical cord. To chastise the mistake, the woman's husband has to buy a new rope and throw it out on the street with the words:

Judas took the rope

Judas weaved a noose

But not my wife.

Amen. Amen.

❧ A pregnant woman should not step over a pregnant cat, otherwise her baby will be moody and noisy.

❧ A pregnant woman should never give the remains of her food to the dog, otherwise the child will be born stupid.

❧ Pregnant women should not wear tight and short skirts, because by doing so they shorten the life of their child.

❧ If a pregnant woman chokes and starts coughing, she must immediately say:

I cough from a crumb

Not my baby.

If this is not done, then the child is likely to suffer from coughing in the future. In addition, there is a sign according to which if a pregnant woman chokes, then in old age she will suffer from the rudeness and inattention of her child.

❧ A pregnant woman should not throw her head back when she drinks, otherwise her child runs the risk of being addicted to alcohol in the future.

❧ A pregnant woman should not pick up bread crumbs from the table, otherwise her child will live a life of poverty.

❧ Don't let strangers touch your belly.

If this happens, immediately say:

My angel, close my child

Save, save him and me.

❧ A pregnant woman should not say phrases such as "Get out!" Otherwise, she risks not delivering the child before the due date.

❧ It has long been noticed: if a pregnant woman commits theft, then her child will not live to be thirty-three years old. If you nevertheless committed a similar sin, then you must turn to the master.

❧ A pregnant woman should not look at the deceased or go to the cemetery. The fact is that there she can pick up damage or become a victim of spirits from another world, and since a child at this age is still very weak, he will take on all the negative of the mother and will hardly live a long and happy life.

❧ Ask your relatives and friends women not to come to meet you at the hospital if they have periods on that day, otherwise your child may develop skin problems later.

❧ A pregnant woman should not go to funerals and cemeteries, or the baby may die early.

❧ If you had suicides in your family, then do not call your child by the same name, otherwise the child will repeat the life of the one who died not by his own death, but by a demonic one.

❧ A person born on August 2, on Ilya's day, should not be called Ilya, otherwise he will be gloomy, angry and quick-tempered. A person who was born on Ilyin's day is hardworking and very frugal, you cannot spoil him and you won’t take money in vain (he is sorry to spend money even on himself).

❧ If a girl is not cut until she is seven years old, then she will grow up smart and talented and live a long life.

❧ A boy under seven years old cannot be cut baldly, otherwise he will have weak offspring (hair can only be trimmed).

❧ Until the child is one year old, you should not sell his things.

❧ Until the child is one year old, do not sew him clothes from your old things, otherwise you will condemn him to poverty. If a mistake has already been made, then buy a new piece of cloth, take it to the church and give it to the beggar who stands closest to the corner of the church fence. Then submit your child's health note for the entire year.

❧ You should not paint a portrait of a child until he is seven years old (before this age he is still considered an infant).

❧ Those who have a baby in their home should not lend bread and salt, so as not to give away the happy share of the child.

❧ When bathing a child, do not let strangers into the house.

❧ Bathing the child for the first time should be in a diaper, which then needs to be taken with you to the christening, and after the ceremony, hide in a secluded place. Such a diaper will give parents longevity.

❧ Never burn your baby's first bed. Better sell or donate to friends. However, the crib should not be given to the family where the third child was born.

❧ Until the child is one year old, ask your friends women not to come to visit you during your period, otherwise the child may become loud. If this has already happened, you need to read the following conspiracy:

Eve's blood stopped - the child was born.

Eve was born - the blood appeared.

How you blood come and go

So that any trouble is gone.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

❧ Of course, children need to be praised, but all the time, with or without reason, this should not be done, otherwise you risk jinxing the child. If this happened and after your irrepressible praise the child became capricious and stopped sleeping at night, then you need to urgently reprimand this. To do this, pour water from glass into glass, saying: Water will wash away with water.

❧ If a child breaks his nose, lip or eyebrow, never wipe his face with the hem, otherwise the child will live a very difficult life. If this still happened, then take the child by the hand, three times in a row, move him through the threshold of the front door (back and forth), while reading this conspiracy:

People come and go

So that every trouble

She moved away from my child.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever.

❧ If you have a dog, be careful that the child does not allow him to bite off his food. Healers have long noticed that if a child then eats such food, he will become an outcast for the rest of his life: people will not recognize him. If this does happen, you should contact the healer.

❧ Do not let your child sit on the newly dug garden bed, or he may get sick. If you overlooked, then you should immediately say:

Not to the ground, not to the ground,

And on the ground.

❧ If you see bees circling over the stroller, this portends a serious illness or even the death of a child within a year. In this case, you must immediately say:

Body, bone, blood, resin,

It's a pity, the bee, yourself, and not God's servant (name).

Defend, Lord, my baby,

His soul and body.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever.

❧ Even as a joke, never blow a child in the face - this is how you blow away his happy share. If you made a mistake, then read the following conspiracy:

Do not bring, Lord, to mature

Any trouble for the servant of God (name),

Autumn him with a cross safe from all evil.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

❧ You should not tickle your child often, or he may grow up stupid.

❧ After sunset, you should not play with your child, throwing him over his head, otherwise he will often get sick.

❧ Explain to your children that neither wedding nor game should be played. funeral, otherwise it can leave a negative imprint on the rest of your life. If this still happened, then seek help from a healer.

❧ Ask your child not to jump on the bed, otherwise it will be difficult for him to fall asleep.

❧ People born in a leap year are more likely to die from violent deaths. In early childhood, they can have dangerous illnesses or serious injuries. People born in leap years often have an unrequited fate. Fortunately, there are strong magical conspiracies that can be used to talk to these people.

❧ On the third day after the baby is baptized, the mother looks to see if the baby is long or not. To do this, she takes the baby's hair and, rolling it up in wax, lowers it into holy water. If the wax sinks, then the child is not a tenant. Wasting no time, you need to talk to the baby for longevity. If you do not know how to do this, you need to contact an experienced master.

❧ When the firstborn is born and baptized, this baptismal shirt is removed until the next birth and christening. Because if a family baptizes all the children in one shirt, then they will always love each other very much and will never quarrel.

❧ At christenings, do not put a lot of food on the plates. If the guests leave leftovers, the newly baptized will be unlucky.