Premises for a private kindergarten. How to open a private kindergarten? Finding suitable premises and purchasing equipment

Today, there is an acute problem of places in kindergartens. Therefore, the issue of opening a private kindergarten has become urgent, especially since parents are not satisfied with the usual low-quality state conditions. When monitoring the market, the lack of quality services is clearly visible.

To date, there are more than 200 private kindergartens in Moscow, and this does not satisfy the demand. A private kindergarten (usually for children from 3 to 7 years old) is one type of general educational institution with a license, which can be of certain directions. Private kindergartens in Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, Perm, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Ufa, Omsk, Samara, etc. are also in great demand. Reviews of private kindergartens, unlike municipal ones, are almost always positive from parents.

Prices for a private kindergarten for parents vary depending on the region. For example, the cost of visiting a private kindergarten in Samara costs from 8 thousand rubles a month, which is quite acceptable.

First of all, you need either (IP) or as a limited liability company (LLC). But there is a drawback here - an individual entrepreneur or LLC is not entitled to carry out educational activities. Therefore, it is necessary to register a kindergarten as an institution (without the words “school” or “kindergarten”) and according to the OKVED activity code 80.10.1 or 80.10.3 “Preschool additional education (preceding primary general education)”.

You can find out what documents are needed for such registration on the website of public services of the Ministry of Finance. Registration of organizations is carried out in the registration service of the Ministry of Justice. The term for consideration of submitted documents is 1 month.


The most convenient is the simplified or patent system of taxation. You need to go through these stages.

How to organize a private kindergarten at home

* Calculations use average data for Russia

We have previously written about how to organize a private kindergarten, which can become quite a lucrative, albeit troublesome, small business. At the same time, we considered the option of opening a kindergarten at home, which does not require large investments. Quite a lot of time has passed since the article was written, and only now sanitary norms and rules have been approved, according to which such children's groups should work. In this article, we will consider the new format of the "home" kindergarten in more detail.

Although the government is trying to eliminate queues in municipal kindergartens and has even achieved some success in this direction (in several Russian regions, according to official reports, they have already managed to eliminate queues in kindergarten), nevertheless, the problem of a lack of places for babies remains relevant for most mothers. This is due to the increase in the birth rate and the desire of many women to return to work as soon as possible after the decree (in most cases for material reasons). And someone, even in the absence of problems with placing a child in a municipal kindergarten, would like to provide their child with better care and more attention from educators, which is hardly possible in groups with 25 or more children. For this reason, despite the improvement (at least announced by the authorities) of the situation with public kindergartens, private kindergartens do not lose their relevance.

When opening a kindergarten, the following two factors should be taken into account: private kindergartens are attended mainly by children of primary preschool age - from 9 months to 3 years. Parents prefer to transfer older children to a municipal kindergarten, since the kids are already more adapted, their immunity is quite strong, and the cost of a child's stay in a municipal kindergarten, of course, is much lower than in a private one.

Until recently, it was very difficult and expensive to open a private kindergarten in compliance with all formalities. Therefore, many parents who thought about starting such a mini-business were looking for workarounds: registering their garden as an early development center or looking for clients among friends and acquaintances, recruiting small groups right at their homes and not formalizing it. Since this year, the situation has changed somewhat. Now such preschool groups can be fully legalized and even receive financial support from regional sources, like ordinary municipal kindergartens (the relevant decree can be found on the Rossiyskaya Gazeta website). There is, however, one condition - for this you will have to obtain a license to conduct such activities.

Children up to the age of eight years old are admitted to this kindergarten. Moreover, it is not necessary that they be the same age. At least according to the law. However, in practice, it is still desirable that the children in your group be about the same age. In this case, it will be easier for educators to organize classes for children, less expenses will be required for the purchase of toys, and it will be easier to provide food for children.

Ready-made ideas for your business

As a room for a mini-garden, you can use both an ordinary apartment and a private house. Even a room with stove heating and without centralized sewerage is suitable for arranging a garden. However, in the first case, it is necessary to install the stove in such a way that the kids could not get to it. If you own suitable premises or, even more so, if you are going to purchase an apartment or house specifically for a kindergarten, you should consult in advance with your regional branch of Rospotrebnadzor whether it meets the established requirements.

The air temperature in the room should be maintained at 21 - 24 degrees Celsius. At the same time, it must be regularly ventilated. It is best to make an hourly ventilation schedule, during which the children need to be transferred to another room so that they do not catch a cold (we are talking, of course, about the cold season). It is also necessary to ensure daily wet cleaning. In an apartment or private house of a small area, it is quite possible to manage on your own without hiring a cleaner. There are no special requirements for the repair of premises. The main thing is that this repair, at least, should be (it is unlikely that any of the parents will give their child to bad conditions) and not make cleaning difficult. If the walls in the rooms are covered with wallpaper, then it is highly desirable that they be washable, since both walls and ceilings also need to be washed regularly. In the toilet and bathroom, it is best to tile the floors and walls with ceramic tiles. The floor in the hallway (where children change their shoes and take off their street clothes) is recommended to be laid out with ceramic granite. When choosing tiles, give preference to materials with a rough, non-slip surface.

There are also no strict requirements for the layout of the premises. Of course, it is desirable that all rooms - the playroom, the bedroom, the dining room (if any) be separate rooms, but with a small area, you can combine the playroom and the bedroom. As in a regular kindergarten, each child should have their own bed. To save space in a home children's group, you can use compact beds - sliding or in 2-3 tiers. Please note: bunk beds should not be located one above the other, but in the form of steps so that the child does not fall from the top tier. You will also need other children's furniture - chairs and tables.

You can buy inexpensive furniture in stores like Ikea. For example, a table and two chairs made of natural wood will cost 1000-1500 rubles. In the case of a group of short stays, you can do without beds. With this format, you can do without a quiet hour and lunches, so such a kindergarten is closer to the children's early development center. In addition to the minimum set of furniture (tables and chairs will still be required - for breakfast and for classes with kids), you will need to purchase shelving and boxes for storing toys, as well as the toys themselves.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The standards also specify certain requirements for the latter: they must be made of safe materials and that they can be washed every day and disinfected from time to time. Under such requirements, toys made of plastic and rubber are suitable. And also combined with textile materials so that they can be washed. It is better to refuse the purchase of soft toys. The usual set of toys for a kindergarten includes: constructors with plastic parts (wooden ones, although they look more attractive, are not suitable for hygienic reasons - the wood will quickly warp from frequent contact with water and, moreover, detergents), plastisol dolls, plastic animal figurines, PVC play house, various toys for kids (pyramids, labyrinths, etc.). In addition to standard toys and play sets, it is also worth buying toys for teaching children. These include, for example, puppet theaters (toys that are put on hands), puzzles (the main thing is that they do not contain small parts if they are intended for children under 3-4 years old), game and sports complexes (with a limited area, you can get by with a standard Swedish wall), etc. Please note: it is strictly forbidden to keep any pets in the home kindergarten - from fish to hamsters. So you will have to get acquainted with wildlife through paintings and while walking on the street.

The number of children in such a group is calculated according to the area of ​​​​the room, which is used as a playroom: at least 2 square meters should be allocated per child. meters. The issue of hygiene deserves special attention. As in municipal kindergartens, each child in the home group should also have their own personal potty. Older children can use one toilet bowl, but in this case it is necessary to provide for each of them to have their own seat - a toilet lining. Also, for each child, you need to provide your own towels (separate for the face, arms and legs) and bed linen, which need to be changed regularly.

The hours of operation of the home kindergarten may vary. So, according to the law, there is a mode of short-term stay (up to five hours a day), which is suitable for very young children, a shortened day (8 - 10 hours), a full day (10.5 - 12 hours), as in an ordinary garden, and, finally , extended day (13 - 14 hours).

The most difficult thing is to provide food for your pupils. In theory, you can cook it yourself, but be sure to comply with all the necessary requirements, of which there are a lot. It is much easier to order ready-made meals at a nearby municipal kindergarten, school or cafe. The menu deserves special attention. As in state-run childcare facilities, home-based kindergartens should have fresh food every day (it is strictly forbidden to feed children with what’s left from yesterday), and meals should be varied (the same dishes cannot be repeated in the children’s diet two times and two days in a row).

Ready-made ideas for your business

In general, the children's menu is quite simple: for breakfast, warm porridge, a casserole, a sandwich and a drink of your choice are served, for lunch - the first (soup), the second (for example, mashed potatoes, pasta or buckwheat with a meat dish - cutlet, sausage, sauce etc.), snack (or salad), tea or cocoa. For an afternoon snack, juice or milk is suitable, plus a sweet bakery product (cottage cheese, puff, bun, etc.). The serving size depends on the age of the child and is strictly regulated in the rules.

In addition to the nutritional requirements, the established daily routine must also be observed in the home kindergarten. The latter also depends on age. Children are entitled to walks twice a day (up to a total of 4 hours a day), weather permitting, and a quiet hour of at least two hours. The rest of the time should be occupied with various activities with children - games, learning activities, creativity, reading books, etc.

If you are going to work according to the law and expect to receive subsidies from the state, then you will need to apply for an educational license. In the case of an individual entrepreneur, you can do without licensing if you plan to carry out such activities on your own. If you intend to involve other teachers in the work, you will have to obtain the appropriate permits.

The number of staff of a "full-scale" kindergarten is quite large. Both educators and nannies, cooks, a nurse, sometimes a speech therapist and a psychologist, cleaners, security guards, and janitors work here. A home kindergarten can get by with a much more modest staff. If you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, then you can enter into contracts with teachers who also work as an individual entrepreneur for the provision of services for conducting classes with children. In any case, whatever the number of your staff, all your employees must have medical books, undergo regular medical examinations, receive the necessary vaccinations and be allowed to work with children.

Lilia Sysoeva

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You have been nurturing the idea of ​​opening a private kindergarten for a long time, but doubt whether this type of business will be profitable? Or are you afraid of the bureaucratic red tape that entrepreneurs face when opening non-state preschool institutions? Drop doubts! If you love kids and want to create a great preschool with a long line of applicants, don't give up and check out these helpful tips.

You will be able to understand how to open a private kindergarten in order to:

  • children developed under the guidance of experienced teachers;
  • you received a good stable income;
  • not a single inspector could find fault with the conditions in which your pupils are.


The upbringing of children in preschool institutions of non-state form of ownership will cover an increasing number of children. There are several reasons for this:

  • workload of parents. Most busy mothers and fathers are forced to send their child to kindergarten much earlier than we would like. The need for children's institutions is constantly growing;
  • an increase in the birth rate creates a demand for places in kindergartens. The existing number of vacant places in preschool institutions does not cover the needs. Many children stand in line at the municipal kindergarten for a long time;
  • the level of qualification of teachers and junior staff in public kindergartens often does not meet modern requirements. The groups are full. it is impossible to carry out high-quality education of children and introduce modern methods in such conditions;
  • lack of motivation of kindergarten workers and insufficient pay deprive them of motivation to fully meet the needs of the child;
  • in Russia there is a layer of wealthy people who are ready to invest money (and a lot) in the mental and physical development of the child. World standards of education and author's methods, successfully used in non-state educational institutions, make it possible to educate a comprehensively developed personality. You will have no shortage of small clients.

Important: the middle class and people with incomes above the average make up the main contingent of parents who bring their children to private kindergartens. They place high demands on their staff. If you are just hoping to make fabulous money from rich parents, forget about this type of business. The phrase about love for children is not written by chance. Among private children's institutions, those in which the maximum return of all staff and parental attitude towards children will be visible will be popular.

Where to begin

You should:

  • prepare documents for opening a kindergarten;
  • obtain licenses and permits;
  • find start-up capital or attract investors to your project.

By the way, perhaps this will help to significantly facilitate the opening process.

Legal side of the issue

Educational activities, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be carried out by legal entities registered in a non-profit organizational and legal form or an individual (). For full-fledged work, you need to register a legal entity. Then you can get a license.

Contact the specialists who will draw up a business plan for a private kindergarten for you and help you with obtaining permits. Without certain legal knowledge, this process can drag on for a long time. Entrust this stage of opening a business to professionals.

Kindergarten at home

Many people ask the question: how to open a kindergarten in an apartment. The difference between a home kindergarten and a private one is that the first option involves informal part-time work and is not a legal activity. A private preschool institution is registered in accordance with the law and meets numerous requirements.

A home kindergarten requires a clear organizational structure, a legal financial basis, and responsibility for the safety of children. These conditions cannot be met in today's realities. The option of designing a home kindergarten as a full-fledged, legal business project should not be considered.

Premises and equipment

The requirements for the premises of preschool educational institutions and organizations are very stringent. Sanitary rules and regulations (SanPin) regulate the conditions for the stay of children in the institution and many parameters (area, height of chairs and tables, availability of offices, list of equipment, etc.).

Here are some of the rules that must be followed.

Room requirements:

  1. Room area for 1 child - at least 6 sq.m.
  2. Be sure to have separate playrooms, a dining room and a bedroom.
  3. A gym or sports complex is required.
  4. Having a health worker is a must.

Important: a premise for a kindergarten can be rented for a period of 1-3 years, less often - for 5 years from the city authorities. You can't just buy it.

Equipment requirements:

  1. Availability of special children's furniture. The height of tables - no more than 0.58 m, chairs - no more than 0.34 m.
  2. You should equip lockers for storing clothes.
  3. The temperature in groups and other areas of the garden should not fall below +22 °C.
  4. In addition to natural, sufficient artificial lighting will be required.
  5. Without the arrangement of a fire alarm, the object is not put into operation.

In kindergarten, in addition to the educational process, recreational activities and sports activities are held. Pupils eat, sleep, play.

The material base should include:

  • furniture for storing things of each child;
  • kitchen utensils, crockery, furniture;
  • hygiene products;
  • equipped bed and bedding;
  • Sports Equipment;
  • medicines, devices, first aid supplies;
  • ordinary and educational toys and games, didactic material;
  • accessories for children's creativity (paints, pencils, plasticine, colored paper, etc.);
  • fire extinguishers.

On playgrounds located on the territory of a private preschool institution, gazebos, sandboxes, ladders, benches, green spaces that create shade are required.


You have already prepared the entire package of documents for opening a private kindergarten, selected a room, purchased furniture and equipment. You have to find experienced educators and junior technical staff who will make up a close-knit team.

Minimum staff:

  • 2 teachers for each group;
  • nanny;
  • Cook;
  • accountant;
  • watchman or guard;
  • garden manager.

Elite preschools additionally hire:

  • a trainer who knows the features of children's physiology;
  • child psychologist;
  • security guard
  • driver.

The visiting card of the kindergarten is qualified teachers. In non-state educational preschool institutions, clients are attracted by author's methods, successfully implemented by innovative teachers. Your team should be friendly and cohesive.

If in the course of work it turned out that a person does not follow the established rules or is negligent in his duties, point out the mistakes to him. If you do not want to correct them, part with a negligent employee without regret.

When interviewing candidates, carefully study their resumes, make inquiries in those institutions where they worked before. Ask for programs and plans according to which they will lead the educational process.

That is why it is desirable for teachers, methodologists, developers of author's methods to open a business related to preschool education. As a specialist, you will quickly determine whether the future teacher suits you professionally.


Let as many potential customers as possible know that a new private preschool is opening. Relatives, acquaintances, friends, colleagues with small children should definitely find out that an excellent kindergarten will soon appear next to the house. And he will be yours.


  • placement of advertising on playgrounds, clinics, children's stores, play centers;
  • contextual advertising on the Internet;
  • targeted mailing of leaflets to residents of the area in which your institution will be opened;
  • radio advertising.

Issue price

The costs of opening a private preschool are as follows:

  • registration - up to 4 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises - up to 30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment, furniture, didactic material - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • staff remuneration - from 20 thousand rubles. for one person. Minimum - 100 thousand rubles. (2 educators, nanny, cook, accountant);
  • advertising - up to 5 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses - 3-5 thousand rubles;
  • parents often ask for video calls so they can watch their kids. Another plus 25 thousand rubles.

Result: about 270 thousand rubles.

Parents pay a fee for visiting a kindergarten at the level of 10-50 thousand rubles per month, depending on the number of services provided, the level and prestige of the institution. For the business to be profitable, you need to recruit at least 20 preschoolers. This amount is enough to recoup monthly expenses and make a profit. Your investment will pay off in a year and a half.

To reduce costs at first, you can replace one of the caregivers and save on the salary of 1 person.

The specifics of such institutions is such that it is quite difficult to significantly reduce costs. The level of parental requirements is constantly increasing. You will not get off with cheap games and old visual aids. All this is in public gardens.

Parents will not pay solid money for low-quality services for a long time. Reducing costs by reducing the quality of services, equipment, food, etc. is unacceptable. This path leads to customer churn.

It would be better to tune in to increase profits. For this, additional services are needed: sports sections, clubs, extended day groups for parents whose work schedule does not allow taking the child along with the bulk of moms and dads, and others.

There are enough questions when opening a private kindergarten. Perseverance, patience, love for children and the desire to realize oneself will help to achieve success.

This modern phenomenon has several names: “home kindergarten”, “home-type mini-kindergarten” or simply “mini-garden at home”. Given the shortage of places in municipal kindergartens and the high cost of private kindergartens, this option has become an option for working parents.

And for those who have been looking for a long time - a good income for their daily bread.

First, let's define home mini garden. As a rule, he is located in an apartment - either residential or rented specifically for this type of activity. Now about the activity itself: it can be legal, or it can be carried out at your own peril and risk.

The first option, in principle, is suitable for those to whom their friends will take their children. They don’t need to “shine” you either before the tax office, or before the education department, sanitary services, etc. If you were serious about everything, then we will tell you

How to open a home mini-garden ik


Any production requires Certificate. But you didn’t think about it, but to take up the upbringing of children. Therefore, you can register with the tax office by selecting the activity code "Providing educational services to preschoolers at home."

In order to partially legalize a home kindergarten, you can obtain a permit for individual labor activity and call yourself not a kindergarten, but a children's leisure organization or a developing circle, since officially permission to be called a kindergarten is issued only to institutions located in non-residential premises that meet all the requirements of supervisory authorities.

Today the state has given some concessions to such organizations and organizers, apparently feeling guilty for the fact that it is not able to provide a sufficient number of kindergartens on its own. Therefore, special authorities (department of education, SES, firefighters) are already easier to relate to the conditions in which children will be. However, the room must still be equipped with a second exit (some people make it from the window by welding a ladder on the outside), the room must be clean, the workers must have medical books.

You will conclude agreements with your parents, report to the tax authorities at the place of residence.


A few more words about the premises in our article, How to organize a home kindergarten. In the "serious" version, the apartment should be spacious enough to accommodate a sufficient number of children. Usually there are up to 10 of them in a mini-kindergarten, they are all together (the distinguishing feature of a mini-kindergarten is a group of different ages). Most often, the creators of mini-gardens choose an apartment on the ground floor - there is less trouble for neighbors and a fire escape - again.

A good playground should be equipped in the yard, because children spend most of their time outdoors, especially in summer.


Each child needs a crib, a set of bed linen (if they are babies), a set of dishes, towels, a locker for undressing.

But that's not all. In your home kindergarten, you still need to purchase toys, games, manuals, not to mention furniture - tables, chairs, musical instruments and children's play furniture (hairdressers and workshops, etc.)


It's up to you to decide who will work for you- you yourself or assistants from outside. Of course, several adults are needed for several children, usually a teacher, a cook, a nanny, perhaps a music worker, an English teacher, a babysitter (for example, only during walks).

The more qualified the staff in your mini-garden, the happier parents will be, because their children will be under reliable supervision!

That's all the conditions that you should be aware of before you open a mini-garden at home. Let's say right away: in Russian cities there are many examples of such a home business that has developed successfully with its owners. These days, it's a win-win, just like the Detective Agency. Alexander Kuleshov wrote about this in detail. After all, people will always have children and problems