The location of the placenta during pregnancy. Types of location and presentation of the placenta. The normal location of the placenta during pregnancy - what is it

Placenta ("baby's place") Is an embryonic temporarily existing organ that carries out communication and metabolism between the mother's body and the fetus.

In appearance, it resembles a flatbread, hence its name (Latin placenta - flatbread). In the "child's place" two sides are distinguished: the maternal (facing the uterus) and the fruit, from which the umbilical cord departs. The placenta has a lobular structure: it consists of lobules (cotyledons), separated by septa (septa).

Its formation begins already from the second week of pregnancy, when the embryo is introduced into the wall of the uterus. Within 3-6 weeks, the placenta is intensively developing, and by 12-16 weeks of pregnancy it is already formed and begins to perform its functions.


The functions of the placenta are diverse:

  1. Respiratory (ensures the supply of oxygen to the fetus and the removal of carbon dioxide).
  2. Trophic. It transfers nutrients to the fetus: proteins, fats, glucose, water, vitamins, enzymes, electrolytes.
  3. Endocrine... Provides the transfer of maternal hormones to the fetus (sex hormones, thyroid and adrenal hormones). In addition, the placenta itself begins to produce a number of hormones necessary for the normal development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy (chorionic gonadotropin, placental lactogen, prolactin, estrogens, progesterone, cortisol).
  4. Protective (barrier). The placental barrier protects the fetus from harmful factors, but not all substances have protective properties. Many drugs, alcohol, nicotine are able to penetrate the placenta, thereby having a negative effect on the development and growth of the fetus.
  5. Immune protection... Forms an immune barrier between two foreign organisms (mother and fetus), thereby avoiding an immune conflict.


In physiological pregnancy, the placenta develops in the body of the uterus, most often along its posterior wall with the transition to the lateral ones. This is due to the fact that the back wall is less subject to changes during pregnancy and is better protected from the effects of accidental injury. Less commonly, the placenta is located or in the bottom of the uterus.

Normally, it should be located high, not reaching the internal os of the cervix by 7 cm or more. If the lower edge of the placenta reaches the pharynx and partially or completely overlaps it, then this is (one of the most serious types of obstetric pathology).

The final idea of \u200b\u200bthe location of the placenta can be obtained only after 32-34 weeks, before that, due to the growth and change in the shape of the uterus, localization may change.


Maturation of the placenta - This is a natural process associated with the need to timely and fully ensure the development of the fetus.

An ultrasound examination evaluates the nature of the changes and their compliance with the gestational age.

There are five degrees of maturity of the placenta:

  • 0 degree(corresponds to a period of up to 30 weeks);
  • 1st degree (gestation period from 30 to 34 weeks, it is possible to determine this degree already from 27-28 weeks);
  • 2nd degree (from 34 to 37-38 weeks);
  • Grade 3 (from 37 weeks);
  • 4 degree (at the end of pregnancy, before childbirth). This degree characterizes the physiological aging of the placenta.

When diagnosing premature or late maturation of the placenta, additional examination and treatment of the woman is required (preferably in a hospital setting).

Information Disruption of the placenta leads to serious complications for the development of the fetus: oxygen starvation (hypoxia) develops, etc.


During an ultrasound examination, not only the structure, but also the thickness of the placenta is studied.

Normal indicators of the thickness of the placenta

Pregnancy period, weeks Normal indicators, mm
10th percentile 50th percentile 95th percentile
16.7 21.96 28.6
17.4 22.81 29.7
18.1 23.66 30.7
18.8 24.55 31.8
19.6 25.37 32.9
20.3 26.22 34.0
21.0 27.07 35.1
21.7 27.92 36.2
22.4 28.78 37.3
23.2 29.63 38.4
23.9 30.48 39.5
24.6 31.33 40.6
25.3 32.18 41.6
26.0 33.04 42.7

Even the most emotionally balanced women lose their ability to reason a little during pregnancy - this is "taken care of" by the hormonal background that greatly changes during pregnancy.

The maternal instinct makes a woman anxious for no apparent reason, and if the leading doctor announced the diagnosis "low placentation during pregnancy", some people generally panic.

And completely in vain: this condition does not apply to pathological conditions and can change over the course of pregnancy.

According to the WHO, 99% of pregnant women with low placentation, defined in the middle (or closer to the end) of pregnancy, successfully give birth on their own. But in one percent of cases, this condition is really dangerous. How not to get into this group?

Low placentation during pregnancy - what is it?

The placenta is a kind of "fortress" for the child, which provides him with maximum physical and immune protection, satiety, health and full development. Forming in the wall of the uterus, the placenta is a thickened part of the embryonic membranes and a branched network of blood vessels in it.

The weight of the placenta can reach one and a half kilograms. As a rule, it is located at the bottom of the uterus and begins to develop after the introduction of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. For the attachment of the egg and the formation of the placenta, the zone of the best blood supply in the uterus is selected, often next to the blood vessel at the base of the epithelium.

The end of the formation of the placenta occurs at 12-16 weeks and is directly related to the end of the toxicosis of pregnant women.

Attachment of the placenta to the walls or fundus of the uterus is considered normal if the baby's place is located more than 5-6 centimeters from the pharynx of the uterus. In the case of low placentation during pregnancy, the implantation of the egg occurs dangerously close to the pharynx, and can cause complications. The doctor monitors the condition of the placenta during pregnancy in order to see the presentation in time, on which the method of delivery depends.

As pregnancy progresses, the uterus enlarges, while the implantation site remains in place. It is due to the increase in the tissues of the uterus that the placenta "migrates" further from the internal pharynx, up to the normal distance of 5-6 centimeters.

Symptoms of low placentation

A correctly formed placenta, which does not completely overlap the internal uterine pharynx, may not make itself known to the pregnant woman at all: low placentation during pregnancy is often noticed only at the last ultrasound scan.

But in certain cases, the described condition leads to the threat of miscarriage, and the pregnant woman has:

Spotting spotting;

Aching regular pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;

Fetal hypoxia;

Reduced blood pressure of a pregnant woman.

Low placentation during pregnancy: causes

With a low placenta, women with a first pregnancy are practically not found, since the more changes have occurred in the condition of the genitals, the higher the risk of an unwanted pregnancy location.

Until the end, the causes of this condition have not been studied to this day. The formation of the placenta in the cervical region is considered by many to be even normal. But there are conditions that contribute to deviations from the norm in the development of the placenta.

Causes of low placentation during pregnancy:

The age of the pregnant woman is over 30;

Second and more childbirth;

Manual separation of the placenta during previous labor;

Dystrophic and atrophic processes in the endometrium - uterine scars, damage to the mucous layer of the endometrium after cesarean, abortion or cauterization of erosions;

Blastocyst immaturity;

Anatomical features of the structure of the reproductive organs (partitions in the cavity, bend, underdevelopment of the uterus);

Chorionic villous pathology (more often in women with ovarian dysfunction or genital infantilism) - endometrial restructuring occurs out of time;

Congenital or acquired physical abnormalities;

Pathology of the cervix - endocervicitis, erosion, isthmocervical insufficiency;

Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;

Benign neoplasms, polyps;

Abortive or other surgical interventions in the functioning of the reproductive organs;

Multiple pregnancy;

Infectious diseases;

Chronic ailments (cardiovascular, kidney and liver diseases, intoxication), provoking circulatory disorders in the reproductive organs.

Separately, it must be said about benign neoplasms. The likelihood of low placentation during pregnancy in this case increases. If the doctor found polyps, fibroids and other neoplasms in the genitals during the planning of your pregnancy, and suggests surgery, it is undoubtedly better to agree.

Damaged endometrium after surgery and inflammatory diseases in the uterus suggests that it is advisable to wait at least a year with pregnancy.

Influence of low placentation on pregnancy, complications

The larger the fetus becomes, the more it presses on the uterine cavity. Placental vessels are compressed, blood flow in the uterus and placenta is disturbed. These processes can lead to fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and intrauterine growth retardation. A pregnant woman at this time experiences weakness, low blood pressure, and anemia may develop.

The more dire consequences of low placentation during pregnancy are much less common. It can cause placental abruption with impaired blood supply, which develops acute hypoxia and even fetal death. At the same time, bleeding forces doctors to perform an operative delivery.

Low placentation during pregnancy: diagnosis

By the end of the third trimester, the chorion, as a result of gestation, is transformed into a placenta, consisting of blood vessels. This is the time of the first ultrasound examination, genetic pathologies of the fetus and malformations are revealed. It is ultrasound that allows you to quickly and safely determine problems with the placenta.

At the first ultrasound scan at 12-16 weeks, 80% of pregnant women are diagnosed with low placentation. Confirm the diagnosis at 22-25 and 30-35 weeks. Normally, towards the end of pregnancy, the baby's place shifts, and by the time of childbirth it is in a normal position.

If bleeding occurs and ultrasound cannot be performed, the cervix is \u200b\u200bexamined with mirrors to detect part of the placenta in the cervical canal. The method is quite dangerous and is used only in extreme cases in the presence of an operating room.

Low placentation during pregnancy: what to do

Medical practice shows that the overwhelming majority of pregnant women with low placenta at the beginning by the end of the term come to childbirth with a normal state of the uterus and placenta. This is due to the constant modification of the lower segment of the uterus, which often increases and raises the baby seat higher and higher. Usually such women give birth on their own.

Only five percent of women with this diagnosis retain a low focus by 32 weeks of gestation. By 37 weeks, only a third of those remaining remain this state. By the date of birth, no more than one percent of pregnant women have the location of the placenta closer than 2 centimeters to the internal os of the uterus. These pregnant women are diagnosed with placenta previa and have a caesarean section.

The risk of bleeding during natural childbirth in pregnant women, when the placenta is more than 2 centimeters from the internal os of the uterus, is not higher than with the normal location of the placenta.

Although low focus during pregnancy is not a pathological condition up to 38 weeks, women with this diagnosis are recommended in the last stages:

Walk less, do not neglect rest;

In a supine position, place your legs on a hill;

Do not squat or bend low;

Do not miss scheduled examinations with a leading doctor, follow the schedule of ultrasound and tests;

Monitor vaginal discharge.

If the lower abdomen began to bother and bloody discharge appeared, then you need to immediately tell the doctor if the pregnant woman is in the hospital, or call an ambulance and go to the department of pathology of pregnant women.

Is it possible to fly in an airplane with low placentation

Pregnant women with this condition have strong concerns when travel is necessary, especially if they need to fly in an airplane, where there are large changes in pressure and overload. A doctor's consultation is required, and if he gives the go-ahead for a flight with low placentation, then you can safely go on a trip. As a rule, until the middle of pregnancy, almost nothing is forbidden to a woman, so until 20 weeks there is no risk of miscarriage or bleeding. Naturally, the shorter the flight, the better, and you shouldn't take heavy luggage with you.

Low placentation during pregnancy: what not to do

By observing some rules of conduct, a pregnant woman can reduce the risk of complications with low placentation to zero.

These requirements include:

1. Minimization of physical activity: running, brisk walking, active sports and sex life - it is better to refrain from this.

2. Elimination of sudden movements and vibration - less travel in any type of transport (especially in public).

3. Taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

4. Observation of vaginal discharge, and in case of bleeding, immediately take a horizontal position and call an ambulance (the speed of these actions affects the outcome of pregnancy and the preservation of the life of the fetus).

Childbirth with low placentation

The method of delivery in this case is chosen only by the doctor. He may decide to puncture the ovum, then the placenta will be fixed by the head of the fetus. Such births are most often carried out in operating rooms in order to have time to carry out a cesarean section if the fetus is located in an unsuitable position for childbirth (legs forward).

Low placentation during pregnancy at 37-38 weeks forces doctors to recommend a woman hospitalization in the pathological department of pregnant women, where she will be under constant supervision.

By the time of childbirth, the placenta can "move away" to an acceptable distance - then natural childbirth is possible.

However, during childbirth, the muscles of the uterus contract and it shrinks, and the placenta remains its original size.

As a result, the blood vessels connecting the low placenta with the walls of the uterus are strongly strained, even their rupture and premature detachment of the placenta are possible.

The fetus will not get enough oxygen and the brain may be damaged.

To prevent such complications, doctors decide to do a cesarean if the situation with low placentation has not changed by 38 weeks.

The female body is strikingly different from the male. This statement is well known, but not every person can imagine how much they differ. But in the female body, if necessary, new organs appear, and when the need for them disappears, they disappear without a trace. Incredible, right?

The situation requiring such amazing abilities from a woman is simple and obvious - pregnancy. This period is characterized by the development of even 2 temporary organs: the corpus luteum and the placenta. True, they do not appear simultaneously, but sequentially.

Both of these organs are of great importance for the development of the baby and the maintenance of pregnancy. And, unfortunately, both of them can have different pathologies. This is a detachment of the placenta, and a different number of vessels on the umbilical cord, and a low-lying placenta. The latter, by the way, is the most common. What does low placenta mean? The question is complex, first you need to understand what the placenta is.

Even before the start of pregnancy, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the corpus luteum begins to develop - the organ responsible for the production of progesterone, which is necessary to prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg, as well as for the very implantation and maintenance of pregnancy. The corpus luteum is formed at the site of the follicle that released a mature egg into the fallopian tube.

The further fate of the corpus luteum depends on whether conception has occurred or not. If the egg has not been fertilized, then it comes out with the blood during menstruation, and the corpus luteum gradually degrades, that is, it dissolves. If fertilization occurs, then the corpus luteum remains active for another 4 months - until the completion of the development of the placenta.

And where does the placenta come from and why is it needed? The placenta develops after implantation of the ovum. By this time, it already has a decent supply of cells, which, after implantation, are divided into 2 parts: from one the fetus will subsequently develop, from the other - the membranes and, in fact, the placenta. An interesting detail: the male part of the ovum DNA is responsible for the development of the placenta and membranes.

The placenta fully develops only by the 16th week of pregnancy. From that time on, it was she who began to produce progesterone instead of the corpus luteum. In addition, it is the placenta that is the natural barrier between the body of the mother and the child, it filters out all toxins, drugs, and other substances that are not very useful for the fetus from the blood entering the fetus.

By the way, the exchange itself between the two organisms occurs precisely through the placenta. As you can see, the importance of the placenta for maintaining pregnancy is difficult to overestimate.

Types of placenta location

Usually the placenta is attached on the back wall of the uterus closer to its bottom ... It is worth noting that the uterus is an inverted vessel, and its bottom is located on top. This is the most optimal location for the placenta. However, this is not always the case. In some cases, the placenta is attached to the anterior wall. Which is also not a pathology.

Low location of the placenta during pregnancy is much more dangerous. If the placenta is located low, it is subjected to stronger pressure from the fetus, and with any external influence, the risk of damage to the placenta or its detachment increases. In addition, in the later stages, an actively moving child can also damage the placenta, or squeeze the umbilical cord.

Another disadvantage of the low location of the placenta is that the lower part of the uterus is not as well supplied with blood as its bottom. All this is fraught with fetal hypoxia - an acute lack of oxygen. Low is such an arrangement of the placenta when there is less than 6 cm between its lower edge and the pharynx of the uterus.

If the placenta is located low, but along the back of the uterus , then most likely the situation will straighten out on its own, and the placenta migrates to a higher position. The anterior wall has a great tendency to stretch, and migration is also characteristic for it, however, the direction of migration is the opposite: usually the placenta moves in reverse, down to the cervix.

An even more complex and dangerous pathology of the location of the placenta is its partial or complete presentation. Presentation is a condition when the placenta partially or completely obstructs the pharynx of the uterus.

Low location reasons

A low placenta during pregnancy can be due to a variety of reasons. Most often - of various kinds damage to the mucous layer of the uterus... It can be inflammation, and infectious diseases, and the consequences of previous abortions and miscarriages, especially if curettage has taken place. Scars on the uterus after cesarean and other gynecological operations can also prevent the ovum from gaining a foothold in the upper part of the uterus.

The reason for the low location of the placenta during pregnancy can be pathology of uterine development, including underdevelopment of the uterus or its irregular shape. In addition, a low placenta occurs in multiple pregnancies.

Symptoms of the low location of the placenta

As a rule, a low-lying placenta does not report any symptoms. In some cases, pulling pain in the lower abdomen or bleeding... However, this is already a symptom of placental abruption, and not just low placentation.

This pathology can only be detected during an ultrasound examination. Accordingly, it is more than necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan for pregnant women in a timely manner.

Treatment and prevention of low placentation

What if your placenta is low? The recommendations are pretty simple. First of all, don't worry too much. For the most part, women with this pathology carry a child without problems and give birth to it on their own. To do this, it is usually enough to listen to the doctor and do whatever he says. Well, excess excitement is unlikely to have a positive effect on pregnancy.

With a low placenta, complete refusal to have sex, and also have to avoid excessive physical exertion. You will not be able to run, jump, lift weights. The reasons for refusing to have sex are not clear to everyone, but everything is quite simple. With this pathology, the placenta is very close to the cervix, sometimes 2-3 cm, and rhythmic tremors, tension, contraction of the uterus during orgasm can cause placenta detachment. The same goes for physical activity.

Make a habit put a pillow under your feetwhen you lie down. And, of course, do not miss planned visits to the doctor, and if the gynecologist advises you to go to save, do not neglect this advice.

What can be done to prevent low placenta placement? First of all, you need avoid abortion and miscarriages. In addition, it is very important to treat all infectious and inflammatory processes in a timely manner and even before pregnancy. Unfortunately, we cannot fix the design features of the uterus.

However, a low placenta is not a cause for panic. Firstly, even with such a pathology, it is easy to endure the child without harmful consequences, and secondly, until the 34th week, the location of the placenta is not stable. It can easily change to a more favorable one. So, if you have been diagnosed with a "low placenta", you need to tune in to the best and follow the doctor's recommendations, then everything will be all right: the baby will be born on time, naturally and without complications.


Many women think that the low position of the placenta is a problem that can affect pregnancy. In fact, such a diagnosis is quite common, and they learn about it in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

A distinctive feature of such a diagnosis is that for some, the low location of the placenta during pregnancy does not pose any danger, while for others it becomes a serious problem during gestation.

Why is the low location of the placenta dangerous? What features should be identified? How do you diagnose the problem? What should pregnant women be afraid of? The answers to these questions are of concern to more than one expectant mother.

General information

Why does the low location of the placenta develop? The presented pathological process is observed in patients who have aborted or given birth several times. As a rule, such a diagnosis is made to patients who are over 30-35 years old.

The ongoing inflammatory processes, which were left without proper attention and treatment, led to degenerative processes in the tissues of the uterus. The fertilized egg begins to look for the best place for attachment, and therefore the internal pharynx becomes a vacant place.

There are a number of reasons for the low location of the placenta.All women who want to have healthy children should understand that any, even a minor gynecological problem can lead to dangerous consequences.

The symptoms that help the doctor determine the etiology of the problem are due to repeated bleeding from the vagina. Blood loss can occur in all trimesters of pregnancy, from the 1st to the 3rd. As a rule, bleeding makes itself felt by the 2nd trimester, as changes appear in the lower segment of the uterus.

According to official statistics, a similar clinical picture occurs in 1/3 of patients - before the 30th week, the remaining 2/3 - on the 30-35th week and the onset of labor. In the last weeks of gestation, there is an increase in blood loss associated with a large contraction of the uterus.

The low location of the placenta leads to bleeding during childbirth in 66% of all cases. The main reason is repeated placental abruption, which cannot fully stretch as the uterus stretches.

The exfoliating placenta reveals the intervillous space. As a result, the uterine vessels begin to bleed. The fetus does not lose blood, but at the same time there is a threat of hypoxia. Part of the placenta can no longer participate in gas exchange processes, and therefore the fetus is not provided with the necessary amount of oxygen.

Women by their actions often provoke increased bleeding:

  • improper sexual intercourse;
  • vaginal examination;
  • high temperatures (bath / sauna / bath).

Doctors were able to systematize some features based on placenta previa.

Full presentation is characterized by sudden onset without characteristic pain. In such a clinical picture, it is difficult to predict the beginning and end of bleeding. It can start suddenly and just as suddenly stop. The last weeks of gestation are characterized by an increase in discharge.

The main symptoms

Incomplete presentation causes bleeding at the very end of gestation or at the very beginning of the opening of the uterine pharynx by several centimeters.

Everything will depend on how large the area of \u200b\u200bplacenta previa is. The larger the area, the stronger and faster the bleeding will begin.

Some cases are characterized by an uncharacteristic degree of presentation and blood loss:

  • full presentation - minimal blood loss;
  • incomplete presentation - heavy bleeding, provided there is a detachment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe marginal venous sinus of the placenta.

With this diagnosis, doctors note the following characteristic features:

  • scarlet blood;
  • sudden character;
  • an absent external cause;
  • no persistent pain syndrome;
  • has a repetitive nature;
  • the problem is observed at rest and at night.

This bleeding is almost impossible to predict. External blood loss may not correspond to internal blood loss, and therefore anemia has different manifestations. Iron deficiency anemia is observed in patients whose condition is complicated by placenta previa. A decrease in the sprouting of the BCC is diagnosed, which is associated with the number of red blood cells in the blood. The lower the loss rate, the better for the patient herself.

Gestosis is diagnosed in women with diligence. It negatively affects the nature of the placenta itself. Fetoplacental insufficiency is actively developing against the background of the above-described condition.

The established diagnosis, as a rule, is observed in the 2nd trimester for a reason. By the onset of labor, there is a "migration" of the placenta towards the upper uterus. "Migrating placenta" is a term used to localize changes in the lower segment of the uterus. A favorable prognosis for the placenta is noted if it is located on the anterior wall of the uterus.

If primary symptoms are found, you should immediately seek help from your doctor. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the greater the chances of having a healthy baby. With such a diagnosis, self-treatment and self-diagnosis can lead to miscarriage and other unpleasant consequences.

The placenta is a temporary organ that forms in the body of a pregnant woman in order to maintain the connection between her body and the fetus. It filters the blood that the unborn baby feeds on, cleansing it of toxins and other harmful substances.

Normally, it should be fixed in the uterus on the back wall, closer to the bottom (which is located at the top). Are not a pathology and those rare cases when it is located on the front wall of this organ. Problems begin only when it is too low.

In order not to panic, it is better to first figure out what the low location of the placenta means and how dangerous it is. If this organ is located normally, that is, at the top on the back or front wall of the uterus, it will not interfere with the child's progress along the birth canal. And it will not be able to influence it in any way.

Sometimes the placenta is attached too low, closer to the neck. The distance between the lower edge of the child's seat and the pharynx of the uterus is less than 6 cm pathological. This can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Firstly, the fetus, with active movements, can damage it. In the last weeks of pregnancy, it will already be quite heavy and will press too hard on her, as a result of which the shell may be damaged. Secondly, the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot supplied with blood as intensively as the fundus, so the fetus may develop. Thirdly, the low location of the placenta during pregnancy is fraught with complications during childbirth, since it will prevent the baby from leaving the womb.

Despite the disappointing forecasts, you should not panic with such a diagnosis, since the child's place is a mobile organ, and it can move upward for childbirth. So you need to follow all the doctor's prescriptions: they will help to cope with the pathology.

The location of the placenta depends on many factors that a woman needs to know about in order to be able to protect herself from them.

Origin of the term. The word "placenta" goes back to the Latin "placenta", which translates as "cake".


Many reasons for the low location of the child's seat are due to internal factors - diseases during pregnancy and the condition of the woman's genitals. They can be:

  • damage to the lining of the uterus;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infections;
  • previous abortions;
  • miscarriages in the past;
  • various gynecological operations;
  • pathology of the structure, development, functioning of the uterus;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • improper lifestyle: active smoking, excessive alcohol consumption;
  • previous diseases of the uterus: endometritis, myoma;
  • parity - many genera in the past;
  • the woman is over 35 years old.

Curettage of the uterus in the past is the main cause of this pathology. Damage to the mucous membrane prevents the ovum from gaining a foothold in the upper segment of this organ, and it remains below, at the neck. As a result, in the second trimester on ultrasound, the doctor states the low location of the placenta - this is practically the only technique with which you can learn about the pathology.

Through the pages of history. The first mentions of the useful properties of a child's place date back to 1030. The philosopher, naturalist and physician Avicenna wrote about them in his medical works.


The danger of this pathology is that it practically does not manifest itself in any way. Usually, signs that not everything is in order with the placenta are the result of already running and irreversible processes - for example, its detachment. It can be:

  • pulling pains, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • bloody discharge with a low location of the placenta - an alarming signal that it is necessary to call an ambulance;
  • for a long time, or, conversely, its too vigorous activity - this is caused by hypoxia;
  • on ultrasound with such a pathology, in 50% of cases, there is an abnormal presentation of the fetus;
  • in 30% of cases, women suffer from severe toxicosis.

The pregnant woman herself cannot suspect she has a low location of the placenta. This can only be seen on routine ultrasounds, which everyone must undergo. After an ultrasound examination, they will be able not only to clarify or refute the diagnosis, but also to determine the type of pathology.

An interesting fact. Sometimes, when a child's place is placed in an infusion of herbs, prepared according to a special recipe, and they wait until the umbilical cord falls off by itself. This birth of a child is called lotus.


Depending on where the placenta is attached to the uterus, the following types of low presentation are distinguished.

  • Back

Of the two options available, a low rear position is the most favorable. In most cases, by the beginning of childbirth, the baby's seat moves upward, freeing the baby's way. And the pregnancy itself with such a diagnosis is more comfortable than the second option.

  • Front

If the doctor diagnosed a low location of the placenta along the anterior wall, you need to prepare for difficulties that will begin long before childbirth. A large or very active child will constantly put pressure on the child's seat. The result is problems with the umbilical cord: very high risk or pinching. Closer to childbirth, such a presentation does not change, which means that the birth canal will be closed at the moment when the baby needs to be born.

In addition, gynecologists separately distinguish another type - full or partial (marginal) presentation of the placenta, when it obscures the pharynx of the uterus (completely or only its edge).

So the low anterior location of the placenta, as opposed to the posterior one, will require a woman to be more vigilant and careful during pregnancy. Closer to childbirth, you will have to discuss many details with the doctor and, possibly, sign an agreement for a cesarean section, the indication for which is this diagnosis. In addition, it will be necessary to take into account all the nuances of pathology by trimester.

Modern technologies. 50 years ago, Cristian Dior (France) made a revolution in cosmetology: in its laboratories, the active components of the human placenta were used for the first time.

Features by trimester

The low location of the child's seat can be found at different stages of pregnancy. Moreover, each time this diagnosis will carry with it unequal information about the consequences. Depending on the trimester, you will have to take various actions to correct the situation and prepare for certain events.

  • I trimester

For the first time, such a diagnosis can be made on a routine ultrasound scan at 12-13 weeks. At this time, there is an intensive formation of the placenta, but its location can already be seen. At this stage, there is no need to worry at all, because in 70% of cases it rises by 20-21 weeks.

  • II trimester

At 16-18 weeks, the placental circulation is already fully established. But it can be violated with a low location of the placenta, if a large child (especially if it is a multiple pregnancy) presses on it from above. In some cases, the doctor decides to put a woman with such a diagnosis on preservation for additional examination and adherence to bed rest.

At 20-21 weeks, the normalization of the location of the child's place inside the uterus is expected, that is, its migration upward.

If nothing has changed at week 22, the doctor conducts additional consultations and gives the woman recommendations on what to do and how to behave in order to correct the situation for childbirth.

  • III trimester

If a low position is still observed by 36 weeks, a caesarean section is discussed. This is especially important if full presentation is observed, which makes it impossible.

Depending on the trimester, the low location of the placenta requires different actions from the woman. But never panic. Everything is fixable: in the early stages, you just need to wait and believe that the child's seat will rise up. Closer to childbirth - give consent to a cesarean section, if there is a medical indication for it. Timely diagnosis of pathology will help to make the right decision.

It is interesting. Sometimes a child's place after the birth of a child is buried and a tree is planted in this place. According to legends, in the future it will protect the owner and give him strength.


To determine whether the low location of the placenta is dangerous in each case, an appropriate diagnosis is carried out. It allows you to determine to which wall of the uterus the baby's place is attached and how much it blocks the exit to the birth canal.

  1. Analysis of characteristic symptoms: lower abdominal pain and discharge.
  2. Ultrasound is the main method for diagnosing low placenta location, highly informative and safe. It is prescribed at 12, 20 and 30 weeks.
  3. Bimanual vaginal examination (not performed if bleeding is present).

After confirming the diagnosis at one stage or another of pregnancy, the doctor gives the woman detailed recommendations on what to do to correct the situation. The location of the placenta can be corrected if desired and with the right actions.

With the world - on a string. In China, the placenta is dried and a drug is prepared from it that prolongs youth and delays menopause.


Having heard such a diagnosis, all women in a panic wonder what to do with a low placenta. It will be answered by a doctor who will give useful recommendations. If done exactly, complications can be avoided.

  1. Do not worry. In 90% of cases, such a pregnancy ends safely with the birth of a healthy baby. In 60% it turns out to give birth independently, in 40% - with the help of a cesarean section. After all, the placenta often migrates upward at the beginning of labor.
  2. Refuse sex.
  3. Avoid physical activity: do not play sports, do not carry or lift weights, you can not walk a lot.
  4. Putting a pillow under your feet so that they are above the level of the body will encourage the placenta to quickly move to its usual place.
  5. Do not undertake any vaginal manipulation (douching, for example).
  6. Create a favorable emotional atmosphere around you. Do not worry, do not be nervous, do not get irritated.
  7. Do not ride on public transport, where they can push at any moment, which will cause an even greater prolapse of the organ.
  8. Eat right.
  9. To lay down on preservation, on the recommendation of a doctor.

The low location of the placenta is not a disease, but a special situation. Therefore, the measures taken to normalize it are not so much treatment as correction. No medications are prescribed, and no therapeutic procedures are performed. It all depends on the attitude to the problem of the woman herself, her actions, which must exactly comply with medical recommendations. If you ignore them, complications are unlikely to be avoided.

Did you know that ... the fetus and the placenta are called the fetoplacental system, because they cannot exist without each other?


A woman should know why the low location of the placenta is dangerous in order to somehow reduce the risk of negative consequences. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to do this, despite all the efforts of doctors and women in labor.

Among the complications, the following should be noted:

  • damage to the placenta due to pressure on it from above too much;
  • her injury due to external influences (aggressive sex in the last weeks, the use of tampons, etc.);
  • detachment of the placenta, which leads to the death of the fetus;
  • entanglement with the umbilical cord, its compression;
  • hypoxia;
  • obstruction of the birth of a child due to overlap of the pharynx of the uterus.

This is what threatens the low location of the placenta for the course of pregnancy and childbirth. A child due to this pathology can be seriously affected at any of these stages. To protect him from such disastrous consequences for life and health, it is necessary to timely prevent this deviation, because some of its causes are completely controllable and depend on the behavior and lifestyle of the future young mother.

Life after extinction. Even after the placenta has passed, it is often used for the production of medical and cosmetic products. They have pronounced anti-inflammatory, healing, resorption, immunostimulating and rejuvenating properties.


Prevention of the low location of the placenta is to prevent damage to the uterine mucosa even before conception. This is the main reason for this pathology, which must be avoided by any means. What can be done for this?

  1. If possible, do not get infected with infections and do not allow inflammatory processes to spread.
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle: do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol.
  3. Treat any disease.
  4. No abortion.
  5. Protect pregnancy so that it is not.
  6. Agree to a caesarean section only in extreme cases, which are medical indications for this operation.
  7. Any gynecological surgery should be performed in a good clinic by an experienced doctor.

If you have a multiple pregnancy or have some kind of uterine pathology, you automatically fall into a risk group. To avoid the low location of the placenta, you need to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, follow his slightest prescriptions. And the most important thing in such a situation is not to succumb to panic, which will negatively affect the baby.

Modern medicine has reached such a level that it will be able to bypass this cornerstone with the least loss. If only the parents were positive and trust the doctors. Even if the placenta does not migrate to a normal position at the beginning of labor, there is always a way out - a caesarean section, which will save the life of the mother and child.