What material are sachets made from? Aromas of herbs, recipes for compositions and how to make an aroma massage with your own hands. Scented Sachet Recipes

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

A sachet is a small-sized fragrant pillow or pouch. The name comes from the French word sachet, which means a bag. The sachet can be filled with various plants and resins that have a pleasant smell and keep it for a long time. Typically, sachets are stored in a linen or wardrobe to add aroma and moth protection to things.

The production of sachets is just the kind of business you will have to spend very little money to open. You can start work alone, and then, when you manage to find good sales channels for your products, hire employees. To register as an individual entrepreneur, the OKVED code 36.6 (Production of various products not included in other groups) is suitable.

First of all, you should be clear about how you will implement the products. Sachets are sold in many places: beauty stores, home improvement stores, gift and souvenir stores, oriental stores, Indian stores, etc. From where the sachets will be put up for sale, it depends on what kind of appearance you give the fragrant bag. Selling products over the Internet is not the best idea, since the buyer, first of all, chooses the sachet by the smell.

The production area must be dry, clean and well ventilated. You will need a sewing machine to sew the covers. It is better to purchase an electronic typewriter, as it can perform a large number of decorative stitches, line monograms, and embroider. The cost is from 13 thousand rubles. The ingredients should be stored separately from each other in glass, tight-fitting containers, away from sunlight, therefore, cabinets or shelving will be needed. The cutting table costs from 10 thousand rubles.

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Sachet filler is made from dried plants, essential oils, root pieces, dried flowers and fruits, aromatic spices. It is best to harvest most of the ingredients yourself by harvesting wild herbs or growing them at home. Something can be bought in the markets by weight. Almost every possible ingredient for aroma fillers is sold in pharmacies and herbal shops.

In pure form, herbs are usually not used to fill sachets, the components are mixed, and aroma compositions are obtained.

Various plants can be used to make sachets:

  • Lavender helps with headaches, stress, insomnia, nervous disorders, hypertension. Thanks to the wonderful smell of this plant, clarity of thoughts appears, anxiety disappears, tension is relieved. Lavender wards off moths, and some believe that it also wards off evil spirits. A package weighing 25 grams costs about 40 rubles.
  • Cinnamon has an exquisite, delicate and warm scent that helps fight depression and bad mood. Moreover, cinnamon is a natural aphrodisiac. The cost of the stick is 30-50 rubles.
  • Acacia has a subtle scent that is an excellent antidepressant and can improve sleep quality. Herbalists prescribe acacia oil to people who are depressed. A package of dried acacia flowers costs 30 rubles per 25 grams.
  • Dried fragrant basil has an even stronger and more pleasant aroma than fresh. The smell of basil is an excellent remedy that tones up the nervous system, clarifies consciousness, strengthens and restores nerves, relieves fatigue, anxiety, and headache. Breathing in basil helps with coughing. Under the influence of basil, airway patency is improved. A package weighing 20 grams costs 30-40 rubles.
  • Marjoram smells like mint and cardamom. It is described in herbalists as a tonic and antiseptic. The cost is 35 rubles for 15 grams.
  • Mint is probably the most popular aromatic herb. The scent of mint is very strong and easily recognizable. A package weighing 20 grams costs 30-40 rubles.
  • Oregano (or oregano) is a plant related to marjoram, but with a sharper, bitter-spicy aroma. 25 grams cost 45 rubles.
  • Thyme (or thyme) has a strong aroma with hints of citrus and caraway seeds. Price - 30 rubles for 20 grams.
  • Violet root has a beneficial effect on well-being and mood. 50 grams cost 40 rubles.
  • Juniper. The berries have a light resinous smell, which disappears after a while, but the smell of juniper shavings will persist for a long time and will give some of its wonderful aroma to the surrounding things. Cedar, juniper and pine are natural antiseptics, help with heart pain, relieve mood swings.
  • Ginger root is famous for its pungent spicy smell and is sold fresh in any supermarket. The price per kilogram is about 200 rubles. Dry ginger can be found in spice departments or drug stores. The aroma of ginger is strong and characteristic and should be used with care.
  • Vanilla pods cost about 150 rubles per pair. Her smell is sweet, lasts a long time. One pod is enough for the vanilla aroma to be felt in the sachet.
  • Dried lemon balm will add a fresh lemon scent to the sachet, bring calm and tranquility, and give you a sound sleep. A package weighing 70 grams can be bought for 150 rubles.
  • Rose petals are a well-known remedy for sound sleep. Petals of jasmine, peony, rose hips, geranium, lily of the valley and other flowers are also added to the sachet, drying them yourself or buying them in a store (20 grams - 40 rubles). Jasmine, lily, daffodil and lily of the valley have no place in the bedroom, their aroma invigorates, not relaxes.
  • Cedar shavings are widely used to make pillows, since the cedar scent has a healing effect on a person, calming the nervous system, restoring disturbed sleep, etc. Cedar shavings can be purchased online for about 50 rubles per kilogram.
  • Dried peel of orange, lemon, pine needles, etc. easy to prepare yourself. The aroma of citrus is stimulating, increases performance and can even prevent you from falling asleep.
  • Various essential oils are widely used in sachets. The cost of a 10 ml vial is from 150 rubles.
  • Cloves, bay leaves, and other spices are available at any grocery store.
  • Aromatic resins of incense, myrrh and benzoy can be purchased at a price of 100 rubles per 30 grams.

All ingredients are crushed, mixed, then a few drops of essential oil are added. It is believed that if you add pounded aromatic resin, then the sachet will retain the aroma longer. The mixture should stand in a closed vessel for several days so that all its parts are properly mixed, and the resins and oils are absorbed, otherwise the cover may become covered with greasy spots.

The following flavor recipes can be used:

Ready-made ideas for your business

  • 1 part bay leaf, 1 part lemon zest, 2 parts mint, 1 part pine needles, 1 part rosemary, 1 part thyme, 1 part sage, 1 part violet root, some pine oil, cinnamon, cloves.
  • 1 part basil, 2 parts chamomile, 2 parts lavender, 1 part lemon peel, 1 part mint, 2 parts rose petals, 1 part thyme, 1 part yarrow, 1 part violet root, a few drops of rose oil and lavender oil.
  • 2 parts lavender, 1 part rose petals, 1 part lemon balm, 1/2 part thyme, 1/4 part violet root, a few drops of lavender oil.
  • 2 parts lavender, 1 part lemon verbena, 1/2 part mint, 1/2 part rosemary, 1/2 part chopped cloves, the same amount of cinnamon and violet root powder, 4 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of verbena oil, 2 drops of peppermint oil ... The mixture is great for a linen closet.
  • 1 part marjoram, 1 part lavender, 2 parts rose petals, a little orange peel, 1 part violet root, 4 drops of rose oil, 2 drops of lavender oil. This sachet is good for flavoring linen, summer clothes, indoor air.
  • 1 part sage leaves, 1 part fennel, 1/2 part thyme, a few drops of tea tree essential oil, 1 part rosemary. This is a soothing sachet that you can put to bed.
  • 1 part sage, 1 part mint, 1 part chamomile.
  • 2 parts rosemary, 2 parts basil, 3 parts fragrant carnation flowers, 2 parts lavender.
  • Classic sachets: lemon, cloves, rosemary.
  • Sasha Garden of Eden - lavender, ylang-ylang, rose;
  • Sachet "Scent of a Fairy Tale" - lemon, incense, lavender, rose;
  • Sachet "Green Garden" - lavender, rose, lemon;
  • Car sachets - lemon, rosemary, mint, cloves.
  • Sasha "Love" - \u200b\u200bone part each of rose petals, ginger, yarrow, lavender, carnation, rosemary, jasmine, pride, violet root; two parts of an orange.

But here are the recipes for sachet-amulets that people wear around their neck or in their pockets, believing that herbs bring good luck, drive away misfortunes, guard the house, family:

  • Orange peel powder, red rose petals, gypsophila and sage powder. The amulet keeps love.
  • Protective amulet: 1 teaspoon of flaxseed, 1 dessert spoon of cumin seeds, 1 tablespoon of dill seeds, 1 handful of fine salt.
  • Salt sachet for home protection: 1 handful of salt, 1 teaspoon of fennel and dill seeds, 1 tablespoon of rosemary, 1 tablespoon of dried basil, a small fern leaf, and a bay leaf.

The sachet case is more than just a bag for storing the mixture. To buy a sachet, the cover must look beautiful and attract attention. The buyer will associate with the appearance of the cover the healing properties that he wants to find in the aromatic mixture. The fabrics used for the cover are natural and delicate to let the scent pass through without hindrance. The presence of a loop or hook will allow you to hang the sachet in a closet, and not only store it on a shelf. Ribbons, appliques, embroidery, beads, etc. are suitable as decorations. The cover is usually a pouch or pad. To prevent the sachet scent from disappearing while the product is on the shop window, it is recommended to pack each sachet in a tight-fitting plastic bag. The companies involved in the production of bags will make transparent packaging of the desired size on scotch tape at a price of about 1 ruble apiece. Each bag can include a label describing the ingredients in the mixture. This is important as the customer may be allergic to any of the ingredients. In addition to the list of plants, the label should indicate the name of the mixture and the effect that the presented range of aromas can have on a person's well-being.

A sachet is a bag of aromatic herbs. It is used to scent the house and as a talisman. Herbs and flowers can cure diseases, but they do not have to be taken internally. You can inhale their smell, it also has a beneficial effect on the human body. It is convenient to spread the aroma oil around the house to fill it with a beneficial aroma.

History of appearance

There is a belief that the Indians dried the thing connected with this incident in memory of the event. They breathed in the scent to remember the happiest moments of their lives.

For ancient warriors, wives put herbs on a campaign, which were considered amulets. Fabric was not always used for this, sometimes they were put into horns that closed tightly.

The upper classes wore herbs in medallions as a talisman. A lady of the 18-19th century was supposed to have a sachet with pleasantly smelling flowers with her, it replaced perfume. Ladies decorated the bags with embroidery, ribbons and lace.

Ordinary peasants sewed aromatic herbs into everyday clothes to protect them from the evil eye. They were also laid out around the house, not only for a pleasant smell, but also for protection from evil spirits.


A scent sachet can be used to create a pleasant scent in the home, as well as to scent clothes and bedding.

Herbs, petals, twigs can act as a filler, the main condition is a pleasant smell. You can also use spices and essential oils.

Filler options:

  • Peel of lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits;
  • Dried berries of wild rose, barberry, raspberry;
  • Small cereals;
  • Spices - vanilla, cinnamon, cloves;
  • Petals of roses and other flowers.

You can choose essential oils according to your taste. You can use invigorating scents of lemon or eucalyptus, subtle floral aromas (rose, jasmine, lavender) or light conifers - juniper, fir.

Application methods

Most often, sachets are put in closets with clothes so that the linen has a fresh smell, and does not smell musty. Choosing pleasant, soothing scents and arranging them in stacks of bed linen will help you fall asleep more pleasantly and sleep faster.

You can make a special sachet to repel moths and other harmful insects. These bags can be laid out in woolen things, and also hung next to a fur coat. Then you can be sure that the moth will not spoil them.

You can use aromasache to protect against evil spirits as a talisman. It needs to be hung over the front door or on the head of the bed. In the latter case, the pouch can heal insomnia and normalize sleep.

Another use case is to hang it next to a desk to stimulate work activity. Smells can help you focus and get in the mood for work.

There are scents that calm the nervous system and can change a person's mood. If you add them to a sachet and spread it throughout the apartment, the tenants will always have a good mood.

Certain scents are known to heal diseases. Basically, these are diseases of the respiratory system. For example, the pine scent is beneficial for asthma sufferers. The smell of eucalyptus helps with a cold. Using this knowledge, pouches for treatment can be made.

DIY protection against moths

To make a scent, you need to sew a bag. It can be simply in the form of a square, or an unusual design. You can choose a heart shape for a gift. Fantasy bags can be in the form of ice cream, cake, house, snowman.

After you have decided on the shape, you need to draw a pattern. It is easy to do it yourself or find it on the Internet. Then the pattern must be transferred to the fabric.

It is best to take fabrics that allow air to pass through - cotton or linen. Craft stores sell small pieces of various colors. Plain plain fabric is usually decorated with embroidery of flowers and herbs. Ornaments such as lace, decorative ribbons and buttons are also used.

Sew your pouch together, but remember to leave a filling hole. Now you need to make a mixture to repel moths. Most often, lavender is used for this. It is combined with rose petals and violet root in a 3: 2: 1 ratio. This mixture is filled into a bag and the hole is sewn up.

Done - you can put a bouquet of scents in a pile of woolen clothes or in the pockets of a fur coat.

DIY Christmas scented bag

For many, New Year is associated with the smell of oranges, tangerines and cinnamon. You can make this aromatic sachet to create a New Year's scent and decorate your home.

For making, prepare:

  • Organza in white and orange;
  • Orange narrow ribbon;
  • Dried orange slices;
  • Cinnamon sticks;
  • Coarse sea salt;
  • Orange essential oil.

Sew the pouch first. Cut two 10 cm squares of white organza. Sew them together, leaving one side unstitched. Cut out squares with a side of 12 cm from the orange organza. Sew them together.

Prepare the mixture in a cup. Add essential oil to sea salt and stir. Put it in a white bag, put orange wedges and cinnamon sticks. Sew on the loose side.

Insert this pouch into the orange one and sew on the loose side. Make a bow out of the ribbon, sew it on top. It will turn out beautifully if the organza is translucent and the inner pouch is tightly filled with filler.

Money bag

Herbs have long been endowed with magical properties. Including people believe that some of them bring money. This can be easily verified by making a sachet.

To do this, you need to take green cotton or flax. Sew a simple square or other shape out of it. It's important to be small enough to fit in your pocket or bag.

For filling, you need to prepare a mixture of patchouli, cloves and cinnamon in proportions of 3: 2: 1. This mixture is poured into a bag and sewn up.

You should always carry the bag with you to keep the money flowing.

Laundry aromatization

A rose is the best way to give a delicate aroma to linen. These bags can be used in the closet with personal and bed linen.

Take a satin or silk fabric. Natural composition is preferable, since polyester does not allow odors to pass through. Draw a pattern for a heart or nightgown on paper. These shapes are best suited for a wardrobe. If you don't want to sew a complex design, just cut out the squares.

Sew the selected bag out of the fabric. Decorate it with lace or ribbons.

Now you need to prepare the mixture. Take 50 g of rose petals, 25 g of lavender, 2 g of orange peel, powdered violet root, a few drops of rose and lavender oil. Mix well and pour into a bag.

Sew up the resulting structure and put it on the shelf with laundry.

Sasha has been used for many centuries for the aromatization of the house, bed linen, clothes. It is a pouch filled with herbs, flower petals, essential oils, and various scent items. The most important thing when creating it is to take into account the tastes of the household. The smell should not be annoying, on the contrary, you need to make a composition that will calm the nervous system.

When creating with your own hands, you can feel like a perfumer who chooses scents and measures their exact amount. It's a creative process where you decide which ingredients to add and how much. You can scent your home or give it to friends for the holidays. It is better to give such gifts only to people whose tastes you know.

Video: How to make aromasache at home

If you don't have a talent for embroidery, felting, and painting, try sachet making.

Scented sachet pillows are a great gift for any holiday, a wonderful home decoration and a good idea for a home business. The name comes from the French "sachet" - a bag. An aromatic sachet is a pouch - a decorative pillow filled with herbs, spices, flowers.

First steps: planning sales

In every description of a woman's hobby, we never tire of repeating that it is possible. A hobby in the production of sachets can be easily turned into a source of additional income, this requires very little investment.

First you need to decide how to market your products. Typically, sachets are sold in shops selling household goods, handicrafts, gift shops, gift shops, textile and cosmetic boutiques. You can give your sachets to these outlets for sale.

It will not be superfluous to try online sales by organizing a group on social networks or posting information on e-mail boards. Although in most cases sachets are chosen by smell, a detailed description of the composition and ingredients will help everyone interested in finding their way, even remotely, by the verbal "portrait" of the scent.

Sasha is stored in wardrobes, carried in bags, put among things and bedding sets, in bathrooms, in the kitchen, fragrant pillows can become a wonderful and fragrant decoration. Therefore, not only the contents, but also the external, attractive appearance of the bag is of great importance.

We count costs: raw materials and equipment

To sew a sachet bag, you will need a sewing machine, preferably with additional features (embroidery, monograms, decorative stitches). The cost of such a machine starts at $ 400. The cutting table will cost $ 300. However, do not rush to buy equipment, first get the skills on making mixes and simple bags, making them for yourself and your friends.

The components of the inner content of the sachet must be stored separately from each other, in glass jars or containers with tight lids, away from direct sunlight. The fabrics for the bag use natural, light and delicate, odor-permeable. It is imperative to provide for the presence of a loop or hook so that the sachet can be hung in the closet.

Beads, rhinestones, ribbons, braid, lace are used as decorative elements. The design depends on the imagination of the author and the purpose of the sachet. To keep the aroma as long as possible, each sachet is packed in a transparent plastic bag with a zip fastener. Packing price is negligible - $ 0.03 per piece. when ordering in bulk.

An insert with a description of the composition of the sachet, its intended purpose, the effect on the body of all components, useful properties (amulet, talisman, sachet in the car, etc.) is also placed here. Perhaps a potential buyer may be allergic to some component, so a detailed description is simply necessary.

The main "ingredients" of the sachet: dried herbs and flowers, roots, pieces of fruit, essential oils, all kinds of spices. Herbs can be harvested and dried on their own, if possible. Can be purchased in specialized stores, pharmacies, herbal shops, essential and aromatic oils - from wholesale and retail companies or via the Internet.

Recipes for odorous mixes can be gleaned from the network or you can act as a perfumer yourself, mixing components, inventing new compositions of smells.

Popular sachet recipes

One of the most popular materials for making do-it-yourself sachets is lavender. It is used to combat moths, as well as to eliminate headaches, relieve stress, and activate brain activity. 25 gr. lavender costs about $ 1.25.

The second most popular natural flavoring, besides a strong aphrodisiac, is cinnamon. Stick cost: $ 0.9 - $ 1.5, at least acacia, mint, lemon balm, basil, marjoram, oregano, thyme, rose petals, jasmine flowers, lilies, juniper, vanilla pods, cedar shavings, ginger root and violets are in demand, citrus zest, cloves, yarrow. The price of 20-25 grams of these components ranges from $ 0.89 to $ 1.25.

Video tutorial for beginners

You can start a business alone, when the number of orders increases, you can attract assistants. By the way, this is not a bad idea for. Perhaps the children will take over all the stages of manufacturing and even establish sales among their friends. In that case, it will be possible to forget about pocket expenses.

1) a small decorative pillow, scented or filled with solid aromatic substances, which is placed in the laundry to give it a pleasant scent;
2) type of cosmetic bag: a small decorative cloth bag in the form of an envelope, decorated with embroidery and ribbons, in which handkerchiefs, combs, hairpins, etc. are kept;
3) a cloth bag with a large number of compartments for storing small items of haberdashery.
[Fr. sachet - bag, sachet, from sac - bag, bag< лат. saccus -- мешок, сумка < греч. sakkos -- мешок.]

Scented sachets have been bringing a particle of warmth and comfort into our lives for several centuries.

Previously, sachets were made from a variety of materials from leather to sea shells, nowadays sachets are made of fabric and come in a variety of sizes, the most optimal size is the size of the palm

Of course, our great-great-grandmothers also knew the secret of the sachet. They did not know such a word, but they collected fragrant medicinal herbs and made pillows from them, on which they slept, covered with meadow or forest aromas.

The arrogant British have invented their own version of the sachet - they still scent the linen in their bedrooms with carved wooden figurines, which, however, are quite easily exhausted.

The Soviet version of the sachet - scented soap - not only perfectly smelled the contents of the cabinets, but also drove away impudent moths.

The Indians have a tradition: in memory of every good event, they dry various odorous objects associated with it. From time to time, they breathe in their scent and relive the happiest days of their lives.

Sasha is a great gift, this is not only a purely practical thing, but also a way to demonstrate your care and friendship to a loved one.

Sachet scent should be chosen wisely and tastefully.

Bedding made from natural fabrics retains the scent for a long time and if you have already stopped loving it, even washing may not help get rid of the persistent smell.

This accessory can be placed in a dresser drawer or on a wardrobe shelf, it will fill your linen with an unobtrusive but persistent scent of rose, flowers, forest or cinnamon.

Charming in their simplicity, cotton sachets create a special atmosphere in the dressing room, in addition, thanks to them, clothes will always be fresh and fragrant.

How and how to fill the sachet:

you can use dried oregano (this is a very effective fragrance for linen and clothes), dried lavender, mint, black currant leaves, rose petals, orange peels, cinnamon sticks, cloves. You can also buy ready-made mixes for sachets (you can find very interesting options in stores, for example, with the smell of the sea).

You can pick it up, for example, to increase vitality, mood, to raise the spirit. In general, for your taste.

The filling of the aromatic bag can be herbs with pleasant smells or natural plant extracts (essential oils).

Herbs can be collected by yourself or bought in a special store.

Fragrant plants are usually ground into a fine powder to be placed inside a sachet.

You can add citrus fruit zest or dried rose petals to the composition.

The most common sets for aromatizing linen and relaxation are the following combinations of plants: rose, lavender, ylang-ylang or cloves, rosemary, mint, lemon.

To create romantic scents, combinations of the following herbs are suitable: lavender, violet root, rose petals or rose petals, chamomile, carnation, rosemary.

Nowadays, aromatic sachets are no longer hidden in closets, although this method of use is not outdated either.

They are hung in children's bedrooms and living rooms, placed in offices, placed at the head of the bed.

If you want to decorate your living room interior, an aromatic sachet in the form of a small straw basket filled with fragrant herbs, flower petals and drops of essential oils will suit you.

If desired, for this purpose, you can use a small beautiful vase, simply pouring a fragrant mixture into it.

In the nursery, it is best to hang an aroma pillow, where rose petals, sage herb, dill seeds, lavender flowers, chamomile soaked in chamomile, lemon balm and sage essential oils are sewn

The scent of lavender is incredibly popular with sachet makers.

Firstly, it lasts a long time, secondly, drives away freeloaders like the already mentioned moth, thirdly, drives away evil spirits and, fourthly, has a very beneficial effect on our health, has a calming effect, relieves stress.

The scent of lemon balm will bring you calm and tranquility, refresh, relieve headaches and other pains, and give you a sound sleep.

The scent of citrus is more energizing, it can even prevent you from falling asleep, but it can encourage your couple to be more intimate, and at the same time forget about the daily routine of the work day.

The coniferous smells of cedar, juniper or pine act as antiseptics, relieve obsessive thoughts, soften mood swings, and relieve heartache.

Popular in the bedroom are verbena, geranium, rose petals, valerian.

You can create compositions yourself, the aromas of which will saturate your bed.

But, remember, no matter how much you love jasmine, daffodils, lilies, lilies of the valley, bird cherry - you should not let them in your bed, otherwise you have a chance to spend many nights fighting the most severe and obsessive headache and nightmares
The sachet is replaced every 3-4 months, as the smell rarely lasts longer.

It is a natural fragrance for clothes and linen.

Sasha assumes not only a pleasant aroma emanating directly from the bag, but also the impregnation of linen with the same smell, as well as protection of woolen blankets from moths.

Sachet for linen

Thus, with the help of sachets it is possible to keep the linen fresh, thus significantly reducing the need to constantly "rewash" what is already clean, as well as to protect woolen blankets from moths.
If they are filled with lavender, then in the closet they will scare away moths, and placed at the head of the bed will facilitate easy falling asleep.

If you do not want to mess around with herbs, seeds and material, you can buy a sachet in a specialty store or pharmacy, but this will not be the case.

First, a hand-made bag can be filled with the scent that you collect yourself.

And secondly, do not write off the magical qualities of autosuggestion.

A homemade sachet bag can be taken for confidence in negotiations and other important meetings.

You just need to put it in your jacket pocket.

Everyone can make such a souvenir guided by their own taste and imagination.

Scented sachets are easy to DIY.

By the way, it will be a wonderful gift for any holiday.

So, in order to make a sachet, you will need any pouch (it can be a knitted napkin, silk fabric or any other material), as well as a bouquet of herbs and essential oils.

You can just make a bag, or you can arrange a sachet in the form of a pillow, a heart, and so on. The cover can be decorated with openwork and embossed braid, satin ribbons or lace.

After you put the powder of herbs, petals and flowers in the bag, you need to sew it up (when the odors disappear over time, the bag can be ripped, freed from the old powder and filled with a new one).

Let's talk about filling.

As for the manufacture of the powder itself, there is also a very simple technology:

first, powders from various plants are mixed, and then the mixture is sieved through a not too frequent sieve (it is advisable to use closed drums so that the smell does not evaporate from the mixture).

After that, to fix the odor, a highly concentrated solution of resins is added to the powder, which is first triturated with magnesium carbonate or with an iris root.

You can also add essential oil to the powder (but not more than the powder can absorb).

To make a sachet, you will need dried herbs, flower petals, spices, and seeds. Some of the ingredients can be purchased in pharmacies, special aroma shops and shops, and some you can even find in your garden.

Filled with sachet seeds, herbs, petals. When the scent has disappeared, you can always refill the bag and put it where it used to give its scent before.

Here are some nice traditional sachet bag flavors:
... Rose petals (3 hours), orange flowers (2 hours), jasmine flowers (1 hour), gardenia flowers (1 hour),
... Lavender (3 tsp), rose petals (2 tsp), violet root (1 tsp),
... Rose petals (1 tsp), rosemary (1 tsp), cloves (1 tsp), chamomile (1 tsp),
... Yarrow, lavender, rose petals, ginger (equal parts).

If you want to make a love sachet, combine rose petals (4 parts), carnation petals (5 parts) and one part gypsophila and orange peel. This mixture should be put in a pink bag.

To attract money, two parts of cloves, three parts of patchouli and one part of cinnamon are placed in a green bag.

Also, a sachet bag can be used as an amulet amulet for a car. To do this, mix one part of cumin, comfrey, wormwood, two parts of juniper and two parts of rosemary. This mixture should be put in a red cloth bag and hidden from the eyes.

Sasha to guard the house.
A pinch of salt, 3 parts rosemary, 3 parts basil, 2 parts each fennel and dill seeds, plus one part laurel and one fern each. Tie the collection in a red cloth and place on the highest spot in the house.

Protective sachet.
To prepare it, you will need 3 parts of dill seed, 2 parts of caraway seeds, 1 part of flaxseed and a pinch of salt. Tie everything up in a white or red cloth and carry with you for protection.

Sachet for car protection.
Take 2 parts rosemary, 2 parts juniper, one part wormwood, comfrey, caraway seeds and a small crystal of quartz. The mixture should be tied in a red cloth and hidden in a sachet somewhere in the car (where no one will find it).

Cash sachet.
Mix 3 parts patchouli, 2 parts cloves and 1 part cinnamon, tie in a green cloth and carry with you to attract money.

Love sachet.
4 parts rose petals, 1 part orange peel, Ѕ part carnation petals and 1 pinch of gypsophila. Mix everything up, tie it in a pink cloth and carry it with you.

In general, sachet bags were invented as talismans, and later became souvenirs. You may of course not believe, but a self-made amulet protects its owner.

Of course, sachets are not omnipotent, but their unusual aroma, which you collect yourself, makes them popular souvenirs, you can give them to friends or enjoy yourself.

Master Class

Sachet "Croissant"

Sachets with different scents are in vogue now. We invite you to make a beautiful sachet "Croissant", with any smell you like. It is not difficult to make such a sachet, and the pleasure that you will receive from the pleasant aroma spreading through your home will be limitless.

To make such a sachet we need:

  • Thick cotton or linen fabric in white or light beige
  • Thin cotton fabric
  • Brown or terracotta felt
  • Beige acrylic paint for fabric
  • Scissors
  • Thread
  • Ground cinnamon


  1. We cut out two parts of a triangular shape from the fabric, bend the edges, iron them and sew them on a sewing machine. Cut out a slightly larger triangle from felt than fabric triangles.
  2. Sew the rag details along the long sides so that we get an "envelope". We paint the "envelope" with acrylic paints in several layers, leaving streaks. Now our fabric looks like a rosy appetizing dough.
  3. From a thin cotton fabric, we sew a narrow bag with a length slightly less than the base of the felt triangle, leaving a small hole. Gently pour ground cinnamon into the hole and sew up the bag.
  4. We put our cloth envelope on the table, on it - a felt triangle and a bag of cinnamon. Wrap the bag in felt and fabric so that you get a "croissant". We fix the corner of the fabric with a couple of stitches.

Original sachet "Croissant" can be put in the bedroom or dining room. Its appetizing appearance and pleasant aroma will delight you for a long time.

Original Sachet Ideas


Sachet (fr.) - bag, sachet.

Sachet - a pillow with fragrances, designed to scent the laundry or repel moths.

Sachet - a bag with spices and aromatic herbs. Dip for a while in broth or soup for flavoring.

Sachet - a cloth bag with embroidery for storing handkerchiefs, combs, etc.

Sachet - a kind of packaging in the form of a small flat bag.

Sachet (for indoor use) is used to scent rooms, linen or repelling moths. As flavors, as a rule, a mixture of finely ground aromatic plants and resins is used. The sachet's flavor can last for a long time.

How to make

First you need to pick up a fragrant mixture. Its composition is a matter of your taste or goals, for which sachet will be applied. Scented mixtures will remind you of summer, the spicy East in the cold season, or help create the mood of the New Year holidays.

The fragrant "filling" is placed in a bag. There is absolutely nothing complicated in sewing a sachet. Basically, they are two identical pieces of fabric sewn together. The pouch can be fabric or mesh. Any shape can be given. The sachet can be decorated in any original way.

The mixture of flavors is laid out in a bag, which is then sewn up. When the smells disappear, we open the sachet and fill it with a new "filling".

Flavors and their effects

1. Coffee

This filler is able to neutralize unpleasant odors. The aroma of coffee cheers up and awakens the appetite, so this sachet is perfect for the kitchen. You can use both whole beans and coarse coffee.

2. Dried citrus peel

Citrus fruits cheer up, increase efficiency and repel moths. You can place such a sachet both in the closet and on the desktop. The aroma can be enhanced by dripping a little lemon, orange, grapefruit or tangerine essential oil on the peel. But citrus oils are very volatile, so you will have to renew the aroma quite often.

3. Spices

In the sachet, you can add cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise, vanilla pods, ginger root and bay leaf. Of course, it is better to place such a sachet in the kitchen to raise your appetite.

4. Fragrant soap

Put a bar of fragrant soap in your bag so that your favorite scent will always accompany you.

5. Fragrant teas

In any tea department, you can find a huge variety of different types of tea. And flavored tea (with aromas of fruits, berries or flowers) will be an ideal filler for sachets, as it combines the smells of tea and aromatic additives.

6. Dry spicy herbs

You can bring them from the dacha, or you can buy them in the vegetable row. The choice is great: basil, fennel, thyme, mint, lemon balm, rosemary, marjoram, sage. The aroma of mint soothes, relieves irritation, pacifies. This herb is the most popular flavoring agent.

7. Flavored sea salt

You can buy ready-made, or you can add the aroma of sea salt using essential oils or your favorite perfume. Salt can be replaced with rice, sawdust, wood shavings, etc.

8. Conifers

Pine buds, needles, cones and pieces of bark are used. This is the most suitable flavor for the New Years. Again, the scent can be enhanced with pine essential oils. Coniferous odors cheer up, are good for the lungs, deodorize the room and have antibacterial properties.

9. Dried flowers, petals and forest herbs

Lavender, rose petals, jasmine, chamomile, calendula - the choice is very large. Choose which aromas of flowers or medicinal herbs you like best.

10. Wax

Beeswax will help add a subtle honey scent to your sachet. Grate it and mix in a jar 1: 1 with sea salt, let stand for 2 - 4 days. You will get a filler with a delicate honey aroma. However, do not leave this sachet in direct sunlight or near a battery, as the wax may melt.

1. All herbs and flowers that you plan to use in the sachet mix should be finely chopped by hand, but not to a dusty state.

2. For a bag it is better to use light natural fabrics - cotton or chintz. The bag can be decorated with lace, decorative buttons, braid, applique or embroidery.

3. Bags of lavender or hops have a beneficial effect on sleep. This sachet would be appropriate under a pillow or on a bedside table.

4. For drawers with underwear it is better to use not an ordinary sachet, but sheets of paper sprayed with floral or citrus oils, as well as your favorite perfume. These sheets should be placed at the bottom of the box.

5. For moth control, you can use a sachet filled with dried citrus rind, thyme, lavender, ginseng, cedar or sage.

6. In the Eastern tradition, cloves and cinnamon are considered "money" spices, acorns are symbols of fertility and wealth, and patchouli is considered to be stable and constancy. Make a mini sachet with this filling and carry it with you in your purse. Suddenly, a fragrant bag will attract your eyes. Good luck!

Enjoy your favorite flavors anytime, anywhere with the help of a simple little thing - a sachet.