How much is the deep shugaring. Deep imagaring intimate zone in the cabin and at home. What sugar paste is better

Shugaring gives two or four weeks of smoothness of the skin. But, since the procedure is relatively expensive and unpleasant, I want to maximize the term between visiting the master.

What does the effect of sugar epilation depend on how much it is enough, and how can I extend it?

What depends on the duration of the effect after Shugaring: the main factors

The duration of the effect after shugaring depends on many factors:

  • individual hair growth rate;
  • their color, thickness;
  • racial, sexual personality;
  • correctness of the procedure;
  • season;

Impact on hair growth rate

Hair is three types: bristle (grow on the pubic, in the armpits); core (mustache, beard in men, hair on the head); Pushkovy (there is on the whole body). Bristy and rods faster than flush.

From the color of Volos

The lighter vegetation, it is less noticeable. In addition, bright "spines" thinner than dark or red.

From racial affiliation

There is a difference in the growth rates of hair between representatives of different races (For example, the Aisian bristles grows faster).

From the thickness of the Volos

The worst hairs are red, the thinnest - bright. The hair on the body of a woman is almost twice as thinner than men.

From the correctness of the procedure

If, when conducting the procedure, the hairs is removed along with the follicle, the effect of skin purity is preserved longer.


Shugaring - removal of unwanted hairs on face and body with sugar paste. Currently, this method is becoming more popular than wax, due to its more delicate skin attitude. The duration of the effect in both methods is comparable, is almost equal, since the principle of operation itself is similar. The material considers how long the shugaring of the legs, other zones in certain conditions.

How much does the result last after Shugaring?

The duration of the effect after removing hairs using sugar paste depends on many factors. An important role is played:

  1. Genetic predisposition of the body;
  2. Hormonal balance;
  3. Power supply, diet;
  4. Bad habits;
  5. Season;
  6. The floor, the age of the patient (men in men grow more active than women, the elderly, adolescents are less active than young, mature).

On average, the duration of the effect is 14 days, but it can vary from one to three weeks. Plays a role and the fact that the thinnest, short hairs can continue, grow, become noticeable in a week. The same applies to sleeping hair follicles, which can wake up at any time, hairs (at the same time on human skin only 80% of follicles are active).

The result also depends on the frequency of procedures. After the first manipulation of the hairs grow faster. With regular conducting the period for preserving the smoothness of the skin on the site significantly increases.

In the bikini zone

How long is the effect of Shugaring in the bikini zone? In this area, most people have the most short-lived effect. This is due to the fact that for this zone it is difficult to carry out quality processing. On average, the smoothness of the skin is lost after 7-8 days.

On foot

The effect after Shugaring on the feet is quite stable, but not so long-term, as in hand. This is due to the fact that on the legs new hairs are growing faster, the follicles are actively restored after destruction. The average duration of the effect is completely smooth skin averages 10 days. Then the skin ceases to be felt smooth, but noticeable hairs become only in 3-4 days.

On hands

The effect in these zones is retained for a long time. It is due to the fact that the hair follicles are weak, destroy much, and to restore it requires a little longer than when performing the procedure on the legs. Before losing the smoothness of the skin, at least two weeks, and a noticeable bristle becomes only after 17-18 days.

In the armpits

How much is the armpits shugaring hold? These areas are preserved enough. This is due to the fact that there are almost no small light hairs in armpits, which can later become noticeable. Thus, after one application of sugar paste, the skin becomes almost absolutely smooth, but the duration of the effect is individual. Maybe it is maintained up to three weeks.

Face (including mustache)

How much does the effect of Shugaring on the face hold? Rarely bristle on the face of a woman is the result of genetic predisposition. Much more often she speaks about the presence of hormonal failure. The rate of hair is depends on its degree, severity, character. With the genetic predisposition, the result is saved for about 10 days.

How often do you need to do shugaring?

On average, repeat the procedure every two weeks. But it is clear that it is necessary to do it on a measure of necessity. However, as soon as the skin loses the smoothness to repeat the procedure meaninglessly, since the paste will not be able to capture very short hairs. Before each procedure, the length of the bristles should be 3-5 mm, but not more than 7 mm (since in this case, the hairs will be broken).

How to increase the duration of action after Shugaring?

In order for the skin to retain the smoothness longer, per day before the procedure, process it with a scrub. It will also reduce the likelihood of educated hair. After the procedure, apply the composition after epilation, slowing hair growth. It is not only able to extend the effect of manipulation for 3-5 days, but also actively cares for the skin, heals, prevents the development of inflammation.


The removal of sugar paste, like any other type of hair epilation with the root, has the following contraindications:

  1. Diabetes mellitus, other metabolic diseases;
  2. Phlebeurysm;
  3. Intolerance to the components of the drug;
  4. Injuries, wounds, abrasions, scratches in the application zone;
  5. Skin diseases in the application zone.

With a very fine sensitive skin, the procedure, in principle, can be carried out. But the likelihood of irritation is great. Also, the procedure is undesirable for those who have a tendency to the formation of ingrown hairs, since manipulation increases this probability.


Removal of sugar paste is an innovative and delicate skin care technique. It allows you to achieve a long effect, which can be additionally extended by using special means.

Shugaring is a comfortable and safe way to part with the unrelated hair on the body. The essence of the method is simple: warm water-sugar solution is applied on the skin, then it cools, reliably fixing even the smallest hairs in itself, and then removed with them. The duration of the result is the method of depilation superior to the usual shave of several tens of times. Affordable and efficient, shogaring is gaining avalanche-like popularity. And this is not an accident.

Benefits of Shugaring over other hair removal methods

Adherents of traditional shave are gradually penetrated by the idea of \u200b\u200bShugaring, as the effect is significant (even the smallest hairs are broken), it holds longer. In addition, the rustling hair is significantly lighter, shorter and less deeply sits in the epidermis. Some representatives of beautiful sex are boasting that over several years of regular procedures, hair growth is completely stopped. Shave should be done necessarily once a few days, besides, after it, the hair becomes gross, thicker.

Unlike Vaksing, this technique is less painful. The skin is less injured, as the removal of hairs occurs more gently, without capturing skin cells. For this reason, in a smaller number of cases, it causes irritation

Many women are interested in the question: what time do they break up with her hair? What factors depends on? Tell in order. On packages of specialized funds, you can see the figure of about 2-3 weeks. In reality, this time interval can vary significantly. The factors depends on the duration of the effect:

  1. The number of sessions carried out, the time between them. More than shigaring, the less hair will rise later. This rule works only when there is less than 3 weeks between manipulations and they are systematic.
  2. Genetic features, hormonal background. Each friend of the beautiful floor has from the birth of a given pace of growth of hair. No one is able to influence these features.
  3. The composition of the paste, its properties. In addition to water and sugar, the paste usually includes a remedy, discoloring hair (in their home practice, such an element can be lemon juice). Lose pigment, hairs are becoming less noticeable and thinner. Some succeeds in achieving their extinction.
  4. Technique conduct. The more correctly built process (sprinkling, breaking against hair growth), the longer there will be an effect.
  5. The area that is processed. Previously, the hair begins to grow after Shugaring in the armpits, later everything is on the legs.

What needs to be done to increase the duration of the effect?

In order for the hair to not grow longer, it is necessary to stick to a number of rules before, during and after the shigarring. In the salons specializing in this procedure, they are included in the mandatory program. First of all, it is necessary:

  • Training. For 2 days before Shugaring, peeling is carried out by the zone where hair removal is planned. The upper layer consisting, for the most part, from the cells of dead skin, is carefully removed. It must be done so that the paste is better unfolded the bottom of the hair, there was more access to the root.
  • Sparking. The beginning of Shugaring is always sprinkling the skin. This uses a bath, a warm compress. The disclosure of pores contributes to more complete access to hair follicles for pasta. The roots of the hairs are easier made of sparkling leather.
  • The length of a single hair should not exceed 4 mm. It should also be more than 2 mm. If the hairs are very short, it will be badly captured by the sweet mass. If a long time can break down at the surface of the skin, which will lead to ingrown elements, skin irritation and other not pleasant effects.
  • Regular use of scrub. Take care of your body need constantly. The effect of Shugaring will be long, if scrubs will take a worthy place in your bathroom. Their use 1-2 times a week will not give me an extreme epidermis to grow up and will keep the zone on which you spend the procedure in constant readiness for the next one. It also minimizes the likelihood of ingrown hair.
  • Processing slowing hair growth cream after the procedure. A simple process that few people remember. However, it is able to significantly increase the smooth skin pleasure time.

Those who neglect these recommendations and simply makes classic shigaring once a month, without applying any auxiliary procedures, the hair can grow in 3-7 days. The average duration, subject to the right execution, is 15-20 days with a normal hormonal background. In each particular case, the duration of the effect is different, but no one has canceled the right technique and preparatory processes. Remove your hair correctly.

  • 1. What is the difference in the shigaring bikini from deep bikini
  • 2. Benefits of deep bikini sugar epilation
  • 3. What sugar paste is better
  • 4. Preparation for depilation
  • 4.1. How to anesthety skin?
  • 5. Caramel depilation in the cabin
  • 6. Shugaring a deep bikini zone at home
  • 7. Care after Shugaring Deep Bikini
  • 7.1. What if irritation arose, inflammation?
  • 8. Sugaring Tips for Deep Bikini for beginners
  • 9. Anesthetics for deep bikini depilation
  • 10. Contraindications and side effects
  • 11. The consequences of Shugaring in the bikini zone
  • 12. Frequently asked questions and answers to them
  • 12.1. Is it harmful to deep bikini harmful?
  • 12.2. Is it painful to make a deep bikini shugaring?
  • 12.3. How much is a deep bikini shugaring?
  • 12.4. How much time is it made in a deep bikini shugaring?
  • 12.5. How much does the caramel paste bikini depilation in the cabin?
  • 12.6. How often can you do shugaring in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bikini zone?
  • 12.7. What is better for bikini wax or shugaring?

What is the difference between the shigaring bikini from deep bikini

Epilation of classic bikini involves getting rid of the hair on the inner surface of the thigh and along the line of panties. If desired, the zone can be slightly expanded. Such epilation is suitable for those who decided on the procedure for the first time.

Deep bikini involves the processing of the entire intimate zone, including pubis, sex lips, anus and cork. Depilation of sugar paste in intimate places has its pros and cons. Before you decide on the procedure, you should consider them.

Advantages of deep bikini sugar epilation

Shugaring is popular among the representatives of the fine sex. This is connected with the next to its advantage:

  • affordable price (paste consists of simple ingredients, so inexpensive);
  • lack of strong painful sensations and irritation even with sensitive skin;
  • the composition contains lemon juice, sugar and other natural components that do not cause allergies;
  • the result from sugar epilation is preserved more than 10 days;
  • the probability of damage to the skin during the procedure is eliminated;
  • the simplicity of caramel on the skin allows women to make a deep bikini shugaring on their own.

The procedure has minor disadvantages:

  • rustling of hairs;
  • preparation and subsequent care is required.

In rare cases, the imagaring of an intimate zone leads to strong irritation and inflammation of the skin, but this is an individual feature, not a minus.

What sugar paste is better

Most women do not prepare caramel on their own, but buy ready-made masses. There are several types of caramel on the shelves, but only one of them is preferable. For an intimate zone, the firm pasta is suitable, it effectively removes hairs and do not have to take place one place several times.

Sugar mixtures for epilation are divided into three types:

  1. Soft. More often used for the processing of light hair with a fine structure.
  2. Middle. Suitable for those zones where the hair of medium hardness (for legs, armpits).
  3. Hard. Effective to remove rigid hair (such pastes are used to remove the bikini zone in most cases).

To select Shugangung, you will have to independently appreciate the structure of your hair in an intimate place. Everyone is individually, but in most cases, hairs are tough there.
Together with the main component - sugar, oils and other substances that have a careful effect on the skin may be contained.

Sugar depilation for sensitive skin is performed by means of oil.

For women with such skin, products will be suitable:

  • Ayun Revitalizant;
  • Elena Maaya;
  • Beauty Image;
  • White Line.

Preparation for depilation

So that the procedure has passed as quickly and efficiently as possible, you need to prepare for Shugaring, the rules are simple.

  1. The hairs must repel to a minimum of 0.5 cm. The optimal hair length for shugaring is 1 cm.
  2. For two days, the skin in the field of bikini needs to be treated with a soft scrub, thanks to him, removing dead cells and caramel is better.
  3. It is necessary to prepare in advance not only the paste, but also a disinfecting solution (chlorhexidine, Miramistin, hexicone, hydrogen peroxide for the extreme case - simple alcohol).
  4. Before self-removal of hair, sugar is accepted with a hot shower or bath, water will split the skin and prepare the body to the procedure.
  5. For several days, it will have to abandon the sun and solarium, otherwise the skin-injured skin cover will not have time to recover, and irritation will appear.
  6. On the eve of Shugaring a deep bikini zone at home, the use of creams, lotions and other cosmetics, it is possible to protect the sensitive zone of bikini from unexpected allergic reactions.

Girls with a low pain threshold should be used by painkillers at the first procedure. Subsequently, hairs become thinner, grow less often and epilation soreness is reduced.

How to anesthety skin?

Emla cream use most cosmetologists. He has a strong anesthetic effect and a long action.

You can use ice-shaped ice or Menavazin solution. If the sensitivity is too high, 20 minutes before the procedure is permissible to take an analgesic tablet.

At home, it is better to make a bikini zone shouting in the bathroom. The procedure is not fast, so it will be more convenient to hold it sitting.

Caramel depilation in the cabin

In the cosmetic salon, Shugaring is done by professionals who try to remove hairs, not causing pain, so the first time it is better to apply to them. Further, the skin is slowly getting used to the procedure and discomfort will decrease.

  1. At first, the wizard warms up to 40 degrees and rolls it into a lump, which will subsequently process an intimate zone.
  2. Then degreases the skin and sprinkles with a talc, which will increase the efficiency of shugaring.
  3. The cracker and sticky lump paste turns into a small pellet and smearing the skin against hair growth.
  4. Staining the skin, the specialist takes off the mass of hair growth and immediately moves to the next site.
  5. At the end, the bikini zone clears from the remnants of the means and soothes the lotion.

Shugaring a deep bikini zone at home

Some girls are not ready every month to give a rather big money for sugar depilation in the cabin, so they carry out the procedure at home. There are two techniques of deep bikini shugaring, their main difference is in the way of applying caramel.

  1. Manual technology is best suited for Shugaring at home, dense caramel rolls into the ball. After it is slightly changed in color and heats up, it should be applied to an intimate zone in the form of "cakes", which holds 2 minutes and breaks through the growth of the hair. This method also practices many cosmetologists.
  2. Bandage technique is suitable for experienced women, as it involves the use of softer paste and special tissue strips. The remedy is distributed over the skin with a thin layer using a spatula, and the tape belt is superimposed. Many compare this technique with wax epilation. Manufacturers try to simplify the epilation and offer paste in cartridges. In general, this technique is more suitable for large areas of the body and long hair.

Proper to make a shugaring zone bikini will tell you a step-by-step instruction:

  1. The skin is processed by an antiseptic, moisture is completely removed.
  2. A small portion of pasta is closed in hand, a slightly warm up to an elastic state and applied to the skin against hair growth (it is best to remove the groin, less painful zone).
  3. Time will be waited for 1-2 minutes, then the skin is stretched with one hand, and the other paste sharply leaves the body in the direction of hair growth.
  4. The movements are repeated until the centimeter for a centimeter will be cleaned with the whole intimate area. As pollution, new portions of pasta are recruited.
  5. After, the skin is rinsed with warm water without soap, it is dry and processed by an antiseptic.

The average time that can occupy sugar epilation of the bikini zone - from 20 minutes to 1 hour. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the hair, skin, patience and experience.

Care After Shugaring Deep Bikini

The hairs with sugar epilation are pulled out with the root. In addition, the paste comes into contact with the skin and can also damage the top layer of the epidermis. It is important not only to hold the technique correctly, but also to have an intimate zone.

A few hours after Shugaring on the skin may be noticeably easy redness, which will be held independently. Strong irritations are highly rare for this method of hair removal, but if it appears, you should use chlorhexidine or another antibacterial agent.

Skin care after the procedure, and also not to do after Shugaring:

  1. An hour or two after a session, it is advisable to apply a moisturizing cream on the skin (it is recommended to use children's, with chamomile extracts, aloe or other medicinal herbs). Caring for the intimate zone continues between procedures, only time intervals increase between the use of funds. Cosmetics containing alcohol, it is impossible to use.
  2. Panties must be made of natural fabric.
  3. The first day should not be touched by hands before the depilated plot.
  4. Within three days, it is impossible to take hot baths, sunbathing, swimming in open water bodies and pools with chlorinated water.
  5. After 5-6 days, it is recommended to clean the skin scrub.

What if irritation arose, inflammation?

Sometimes pores are inflamed, severe redness, even gunnock appears. In this case, a processing is made 2-3 times a day with antiseptic ointments (levomecole, Miramistin, syntomicin ointment, tetracycline ointment).

You can wipe the skin of anti-inflammatory herbs (bark oak, chamomile, sage).

The girls who decided to make shugaring on their own in the field of bikini, should be prepared, to the fact that the first time it will hurt. It is not necessary to make a deep bikini immediately, you can start from the pubic, gradually catching the skin to sugar depilation.

The quality of the result depends largely on how to properly perform sugar epilation. There are some points that begin to know newcomers.

  1. The hairs in the epilation zone should be about 4-5 ml, short follicles do not capture the mass, and too long will not roll out, so they can be neatly cut.
  2. The tool is applied to small areas of skin with thin layers, so it can be easily and painlessly remove
  3. It is important to constantly disinfect the skin with special means.
  4. The paste is applied against hair growth, but removed by growth.
  5. It is not recommended to work with one site several times, the remaining single hairs are removed by tweezers.
  6. For the depilation of a deep bikini, the assistant will be a small mirror, you can consider all the extra hairstyles.
  7. 2-3 days before menstruation and the same after it, the pain threshold in women increases, so it is better not to carry out the procedure during this period.
  8. It is not necessary to expect an ideal result right away, the second and the subsequent times will delight more and more.
  9. Due to lack of experience, a session can take a long time. It is better to fit the day so to be at home. If you make hair removal in the evening, the skin will have time to calm down during the night.

Anesthetics for deep bikini depilation

Proper preparation for Shugaring is able to reduce pain during the session, but sometimes discomfort is too strong, painkillers come to the rescue: creams and gels with cooling effect, and lidocaine ointments.

There are preparations intended for intake, for example, analgin or pentalgin. They need to drink 40 minutes before the start of the epilation.

Contraindications and side effects

Unfortunately, this method of hair removal is not suitable for everyone, to abandon the shugaring of a deep bikini zone not only independently, but also in the cabin will have to be in the following cases:

  • the presence of disorders of the integrity of the skin;
  • presence papilloma, convex moles in this place;
  • the presence of diabetes;
  • last trimester of pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • oncology;
  • the intolerance to the components included in the caramel.

After depilation of the intimate zone, it is impossible for 4-5 days to use a coarse washbasin and scrub. And also will have to abandon the solarium, the beach and the pool for 24 hours. If you neglect these prohibitions, there may be unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation and microtrams.

The consequences of Shugaring in the bikini zone

Negative consequences after the epilation of bikini at home may occur if the rules of equipment and skin care were not followed.

These may be strong inflammations, damage to the top layer of the epithelium. Treatment of ointments with an antibiotic will quickly remove the symptoms.

Another trouble that often occurs after depilation is the rustling of hairs. To avoid the problem, every 5-6 days should be screamed.

Frequently asked questions and answers to them

Is it harmful to deep bikini harmful?

Shugaring is considered one of the best ways to depilation of an intimate zone, natural caramel eliminates unwanted vegetation with minimal discomfort. Harm from pasta can only be for people who have contraindications to its use.

Is it painful to make a deep bikini shugaring?

Yes, the first couple times can be painful enough, but every time it becomes easier, because the hairs are rare and thinned. An unpleasant feeling can be reduced, pick up the paste and taking a convenient position. Then sugar epilation will pass painlessly, because the hairs are pulled by their growth. It is important to create sufficient skin tension and not to apply a mass too thick layer. In addition, there are various painkillers.

How much is a deep bikini shugaring?

On average, smooth skin is preserved 10-14 days, but sometimes the individual features of the body make adjustments within this period, reducing it. It is worth noting that some women after shugaring slow down hair growth slow down, and the time between sessions is gradually increasing.

How much time is it made in a deep bikini shugaring?

Salon sugar epilation of deep bikini takes 25-40 minutes, naturally, newcomers will spend more time on it. On average, the duration of the procedure at home is 60 minutes.

How much does the caramel paste bikini depilation in the cabin?

Depending on the region, the level of the cabin, the material used is in the range from 1200 to 2500 rubles.

How often can you do shugaring in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bikini zone?

Optimal frequency to preserve the smoothness of the skin - 1 time per month.

What is better for bikini wax or shugaring?

Bikini Shugaring is considered a more delicate method, after such epilation less inflammation and ingrown hairs.

Any girl dreams of creating a perfect body for himself, so from time to time it is necessary to sort out all the means that are optimal for maintaining beauty. The most important advantage of a woman who reigned at all times is smooth skin.

Each lady, for sure at least once heard about wax strips, shigaring and other procedures to help remove undesirable vegetation from the body. And many young ladies, once tried on themselves this tool, continue to use only them.

The principle of shigaring is largely similar to wax depilation, but instead of the latter, a specially cooked sugar paste is used here. So, how much the effect continues and how to make it longer - consider in the article.

Effect and its duration.

Shugaring is popular because it provides representatives of a beautiful floor just a stunning effect. On average, answering the question of how much the result continues, the answer is one: it can last 10-20 days from the moment of sugar epilation.

Unlike lotions and traditional shave, the effect of which less than three days, sugar epilation allows you to enjoy smooth skin in the field of bikini, legs, hands and faces for a long time.

Usually, the duration of the effect largely has a dependence on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as from individual sites, since on some of them the hair grows much faster than on the others.

How long is the shugaring legs?

Beautiful legs with smooth skin - dream of every woman. But often their beauty spoil unwanted hairs, which not only rushing into the eyes, but also unpleasantly kneading. In order to get rid of this effect, the shugaring feet is perfectly fit.

The result of the procedure is influenced by the individual characteristics of the body, on average it lasts about 4 weeks from the moment of the last operation, small hairs are observed at the 5th week.

After the procedure of special care for legs is not required, but in the first day it is recommended to avoid contact with water and cosmetics with dyes, flavors. Avoid too narrow jeans and other clothes that fits tightly to the skin.

How long does the effect hold on his hands?

Beautiful hands are reality, if you use the shugaring procedure. Untrect dark hairs do not allow many girls to wear sexual outfits, and thanks to the procedure conducted - it becomes possible.

How many lasts the result - grabs from 3 weeks, then the hairs begin to appear gradually.

Since the hands are exactly the part of the body, which is subject to direct sunlight as any other, after the procedure, it is necessary to avoid their falling: it will prolong the effect and will avoid unpleasant consequences.

How long remains a smooth bikini zone?

I don't know the girl about annoying hairs in the area of \u200b\u200bbikini, if you need to get rid of them from them, the best measure is shugaring bikini.

The quality of the procedure, its low cost and a long effect - all this makes the procedure in demand and popular among many girls. By the way, the effect of the procedure performed lasts at least 4 weeks. It is often enough for 5-6 weeks and even more.

Regularly in the salons and at home, the girls spend deep bikini shugaring, the effect of which also holds at least 4 weeks. Some girls, to the question of how much the effect they had had, noted that some skin remained smooth up to 7 weeks.

How much does the result hold over the lip?

The formation of dark or bright hairs over the upper lip - the phenomenon is not the most pleasant. What to do in such a situation? Hit It is not quite convenient, because the next day bristles may appear on the face. The most optimal option is sugar epilation.

The effect of the measures taken is usually enough about 3-4 weeks after the procedure, sometimes keeps longer. After conducting it is not recommended to apply cosmetics with the content of flavoring and other additives.

It is strictly forbidden to use the tonal means in the next 24 hours.

The effect for the armpits.

The armpits are the most vulnerable area of \u200b\u200bour body in terms of hair formation. In this area, they grow much faster and more abundantly, so the effect of sugar epilation lasts only from 10 days to 2 weeks. But the procedure allows you to qualitatively eliminate unwanted hairs and enjoy smooth smooth skin for 2 weeks.

Thus, the duration of the effect depends on many factors and can vary in a wide range.