Tatiana Dzutseva girls' school. Femininity is feminine behavior

Stop trying to be feminine

Do you dream of a happy family life?
That you will be appreciated and respected by men?
About beauty, attractiveness?
About peace of mind, finally?
And you are not just dreaming - you have already done a lot in this direction. But the results are far from being as rosy as you would like ... And in this you are not alone!
After reading the story of my subscriber, you will find out how our attempts to become more feminine often end. With the permission of this wonderful girl, I bring her to you:

“I've been interested in the topic of femininity for a couple of years now. I don't remember exactly how it all started. In my opinion, from the book by A. Nekrasov "The fetters of maternal love." I remember the thought struck me then: The main task of a woman is to be a Woman. Not a mother, not an employee, not a friend - but a woman. Something in me turned over after these words, I began to look for literature, read sites on this topic, including yours, Tatiana.
I changed my wardrobe for skirts and dresses, tried to behave femininely, to listen to a man. There were, of course, results. Both compliments and increased attention. And the fans have become different - more serious, personable. But a serious relationship somehow did not work out. I often caught myself thinking that, despite all the books, dresses and mini-trainings, I still did not understand what femininity is.
There is no more happiness and harmony in life. I got used to not lying to myself and recently experienced a shock ... Having found another site about femininity, I thought - why should I read there, because I know all this !!! And then the thought arose - well, what are your results? And none. There were no deep changes in me. All this time I was only TRYING to be a Woman.

These were short or longer attempts, but still they were attempts. That magical state of femininity and harmony, about which everyone writes, and feminine strength, I have not found. So, on top. And now I'm just stumped. Having felt in yourself a taste for femininity, you no longer want to live in the old way. But you can't do it in a new way.

But you really want to be just a woman you care about. Which is appreciated, protected, worn on your hands! I would like to love myself, to be realized in women's creativity. To work for pleasure, not because you have to! ” Olga.
I'm sad to read stories like this, aren't you? Another unenviable female fate. Why is this: the woman seems to be trying, but gets very weak results, which then completely disappear? And the most annoying thing is that time is running out. Women wear skirts, dresses, listen to lectures by famous authors. And then, one not very beautiful day, they discover that they are already over forty, and in life nothing has changed. And ahead is a bleak existence in loneliness, or in marriage, from which only a stamp in the passport remained.
I think that the reason for this is that we lack the system and the Depth, our knowledge is chaotic. It is not easy to change your life, our whole being is opposed to it. Once I myself collected knowledge bit by bit, but what I have now: a happy family life, a love affair and inner peace, I got through hard work - the labor of my soul. Of course, the reward is worth it, because being a Real Woman is a special inner state. It is this state that allows a woman to realize all her dreams with ease and special feminine grace!

Remembering my difficult path, difficulties and obstacles, I decided to help women who understand that only by accepting our nature, we can find real happiness, and everything else - a prosperous family, a love affair, a feeling of being attractive - comes by itself!

That is why I opened the "Women's School", where you can get the knowledge and skills that are necessary for women's happiness. The Women's School is one of the few places where you will receive not superficial knowledge, but a powerful tool for transforming yourself. You will find an inner source of happiness and beauty. And this inner light will, like a magnet, attract all the best into your life - real men, your love affair, admiration and respect of others. You will become loved and desired, and begin to live as you always dreamed!

Today I have a clear position: A woman should be beautiful. It should. Because this is what nature intended: flowers should bloom, please the eye and exude subtle aromas, birds should sing, the sun should shine. And a woman should like herself, enjoy herself and be beautiful. ⠀ There was a time when I disdained women who take care of themselves: manicures, pedicures, styling, endless massages. I considered them narrow-minded and not worthy of respect :)) It seemed to me that all these manipulations with their own appearance did not deserve attention, and it was very wasteful to spend time on this. It is much more important to do some business. ⠀ But then I realized that the appearance is directly related to what is happening inside us. External beauty (not external data) is always a message about how a woman relates to herself, to life, to people. ⠀ As well as a message about the place a man occupies in her life and relationship with him. ⠀ If a woman loves a man, is interested in him, she will not give up on herself. ⠀ I will never say that I paint my nails, I take care of myself only for myself. Yes, for myself, but


  • 7 days ago


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  • 14 days ago

If at least one statement concerns you and your relationship with a man, then this article is for you. 1️⃣It would be better if my husband listened to me and followed my advice; 2️⃣I get angry when my husband makes the wrong decisions; 3 I often feel anxiety about the future, if not me, then we will be lost; 4 I feel superior to my husband; 5️⃣It is easier for me to do everything myself and it is very difficult for me to ask and trust; 6️⃣ I feel like the only adult in my family. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Follow the active link in your profile. The article is already on the site.❤️


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CONVENIENT or FAVORITE ... What do you choose? When you read the title, you probably thought that the question was a little incorrect)) But this is the truth of life. We choose who to be, which means how others will treat us. Including men. ⬇️ When we talk about a comfortable woman, we get the image of a downtrodden and nondescript woman who only does what she pleases others. But it is not so. Anyone can become a comfortable woman. Once I came to visit a friend. She met me - beautiful, bright, businesslike. At that time, she began to live with a man whom she had recently met. 📝 From her story, I realized that the apartment is thrown in half, the groceries are bought together. She cooks, cleans the apartment, lives with him as with her husband. Everything looks smooth, but there is an unpleasant aftertaste, he is very consumerist and disrespectful to her: he does not give gifts, does not invite anywhere, does not give money. It always seemed to me that this girl deserves a lot - to be simply carried in her arms ... and not to buy groceries. Why did she choose to be comfortable rather than loved? And such stories


  • 28 days ago

The words “I thought, but it turned out that everything was different” ... most of the reports of the female students of the Women's School begin. ⠀ Carefully read these letters: ⠀ 1️⃣ - “I remember our first wedding dance ... I said to my husband then, not very quietly and in a very strict tone: Relax and follow me, just try a step to the left - a step to the right ... Horror !!! )))) it is difficult to radically rebuild, but I feel that the time has come. " ⠀ 2️⃣ - “I used to think that to insist on my own and leave the last word for myself is respect for my position and for what I think so. Oh, this "I count" how many copies we broke with my husband. And how long have I thought that giving in is showing weakness. " ⠀ 3️⃣- "Isn't criticism useful, isn't criticizing, I don't want to make a man better. I just now realized that criticism disfigures relationships. And me too as a woman. Yeah, everything reaches me, like a giraffe! For a very long time! . But it's good that it comes through. " 📝 Before preparing for today's article, I opened a special file with such stories. How many of them, not to re-read, you can publish a book. How many discoveries - just incredible, to tears,


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Yesterday I turned 42 :)) Birthday for me is always a reason to reflect ... It so happened that these days I thought a lot about relationships. 🤦\u200d♀️ And I realized that the presence of a man in a woman's life is not a guarantee of happiness. And that single women are happier than women in relationships. A priori a man does not bring happiness to a woman's life. Sometimes only problems come with him. 👨\u200d❤️\u200d👨 Happiness can only be found in sincere, truthful and loving relationships. They give the feeling of satisfaction and the feeling that you have become the owner of a huge jewel called "LOVE". 👥 Neighborhood, cohabitation in the same territory, joint upbringing of children does not give this feeling. It only brings irritation and disappointment. Why? ❗️❗️❗️ Because in such forms of existence there are no FEELINGS between partners. Where will these feelings come from? If there is emptiness inside, if there is silence inside. If you are tired, you are exhausted. Disconnected to endure workloads so that, God forbid, it didn't hurt again. 🙏 Today, 80-90 percent of women live with turned off


  • 2 months ago

If you carefully read every word in my new article "How to Thank a Man Rightly", then you will make very important discoveries for yourself. 🙌 Obviously, a woman who knows how to thank her man will cause him more feelings and desire to act for her than the one who only demands, reproaches and makes claims. 🎁🌹🌷 If you want to receive attention, gifts, help more often - learn how to thank correctly! ❗️❗️❗️ Easy to say but not easy to do in practice. Only a few are able to thank like a woman! All the details are in the article :))) We are not lazy, we follow the active link in the profile and read, and also write in the comments, is it easy for you to thank a man? ❤️❤️❤️


  • 3 months ago


  • 3 months ago

Have you ever had this you want to thank, but either forgot or were afraid to do it? I'll explain now. Yesterday I accidentally found a young writer on the Internet. 📝 I haven't read such texts for a long time, it's impossible to tear yourself away. And I thought, I should write a message to her and thank her, but then things piled up, I forgot, then, when I remembered, I thought, well, it seems like time has passed, and the impulse is over. Has this ever happened to you? ❗️❗️❗️ You will find the continuation of the story on the website womancosmo.ru (active link in the profile) 👌 And yet, I have long wanted to write about it, and I will write here. Have you noticed that the creators of publics and communities on social networks want to get likes in different ways. Someone demands likes, someone complains that they spend a lot of time, but receive little, someone scares that they will stop writing altogether if there are not enough comments. And recently I saw this message: - Those who do not like, I will be removed from the VKontakte group! ❗️ I never asked you for likes and didn’t scare you that I’ll stop providing high-quality content if you don’t write so many comments and don’t put “me


  • 4 months ago


  • 4 months ago

Finally, I'm back in touch! I know that many people lost me and even started to worry :) I did not disappear anywhere. On January 9, we finished the "Women's Desires" master class, then I was preparing for a new master class. And also with an artist friend of mine, we created beautiful slide designs for learning videos on YouTube. 🙏 And today you will see the first video of this new series! In the section "Women's Secrets" I decided to release several short, but at the same time the most useful video lessons. And I do this at the request of my readers who would like to watch more of my videos on YouTube. They asked - I did :) 👌 Today we will talk about an interesting topic, which has already been covered by me on the site, but I consider it important to repeat it again. The lesson is called: HOW TO STOP FIGHTING WITH HUSBAND. Let us dwell in detail on the unconscious reasons for the quarrels. And why is it important to track and recognize them in time. Enjoy watching :) The video tutorial is already on the site. Active link in the profile. ❤️


  • 4 months ago

For several days I look through photographs from 10 years ago in order to participate in. I look and am surprised at how much has happened in my life! But then I was unhappy, I was missing something all the time. 🤦\u200d♀️ I was all the time dissatisfied with something, including my appearance. But in fact, in my life there was more than enough. 🙏 Only THANKS was not enough! Sometimes I hear from women that it's hard to find a reason to be grateful. Difficult when SENSES are turned off. And if you turn them on? ❤️ Remember, when we fall in love with a man, we become attentive, empathetic, observant, notice the slightest nuances. It's the same here - start loving your life and turn on your feelings. Believe me, there are a lot of reasons for gratitude: you looked out the window at the sky, breathed in air, felt the wind on your cheek. Yes, even for the silence, you can thank. Start looking for amenities, do not miss anything, and most importantly, feel them. 🌷 Oh, how much spring will give us, which will soon begin. How many smells, colors, sounds, sensations, experiences. You


  • 6 months ago

WHY ARE SOME WOMEN LOVED AND NOT OTHERS? The answer is simple. Let's do an experiment. Imagine for a minute two women: 🤦\u200d♀️ The first one is sad, doubting herself, sometimes falling into a sacrificial state, sometimes in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, going with the flow, nothing makes her happy, she has little strength, she doesn't really want anything. 🙎\u200d♀️ and another woman - knows what she wants, full of strength, interest, energy, desires. Everything is delicious for her. Above all, it's delicious to live. ❓❓❓ What kind of woman do you like? Which one attracts? Of course, the second one. And we don’t even know what she looks like, we don’t know what her height, breast size and what she is wearing. Because it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is whether the woman is full or empty. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ We are looking for ideal proportions, developing qualities, we want to become an ideal wife, mother, in the hope that this will make us happier and strengthen our relationship. But they love not for ideal proportions and not for a set of qualities !!! ❤️ They love those who love themselves, know what they want, and are not afraid to desire. When we desire, we are full of energy. And if we are energetic, then we are in a resource state. This is what attracts like a magnet. It is this and


  • 7 months ago

Secrets from Husband: Yes or No? ❓❓❓ The other day, checking the report of a student of the Women's School, I saw the following question: Tatyana, from the summer master class I have not fully resolved the moment - Could there be any secrets from my husband? Still, personal space and all that ...))) Or the right relationship presupposes complete openness? If you search the Internet for an answer to this question, you will be presented with two options. The first is not to hide anything and trust, and the second is to keep some moments with you, because each person can and should have a personal space. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ I will not write now that happy relationships are impossible without trust and that there can be no secrets or secrets between loving people. You know this without me. But you also know that life is more complicated than any dogmas and postulates. And I am sure that every woman hid something from her partner. And today we will try to understand this a little deeper. 📝 For me, the main thing is not finding a solution: to hide or not, to tell or to keep something secret. The main thing for me is to find the reasons why this is happening. what

Stop trying to be feminine

Do you dream of a happy family life?

That you will be appreciated and respected by men?

About beauty, attractiveness?

About peace of mind, finally?

And you are not just dreaming - you have already done a lot in this direction. But the results are far from being as rosy as you would like ... And in this you are not alone!

After reading the story of my subscriber, you will find out how our attempts to become more feminine often end. With the permission of this wonderful girl, I bring her to you:

“I've been interested in the topic of femininity for a couple of years now. I don't remember exactly how it all started. In my opinion, from the book by A. Nekrasov "The fetters of maternal love." I remember the thought struck me then: The main task of a woman is to be a Woman. Not a mother, not an employee, not a friend - but a woman. Something in me turned over after these words, I began to look for literature, read sites on this topic, including yours, Tatiana.

I changed my wardrobe for skirts and dresses, tried to behave femininely, to listen to a man. There were, of course, results. Both compliments and increased attention. And the fans have become different - more serious, personable. But a serious relationship somehow did not work out. I often caught myself thinking that, despite all the books, dresses and mini-trainings, I still did not understand what femininity is.

There is no more happiness and harmony in life. I got used to not lying to myself and recently experienced a shock ... Having found another site about femininity, I thought - why should I read there, because I know all this !!! And then the thought arose - well, what are your results? And none. There were no deep changes in me. All this time I was only TRYING to be a Woman.

These were short or longer attempts, but still they were attempts. That magical state of femininity and harmony, about which everyone writes, and feminine strength, I have not found. So, on top. And now I'm just stumped. Having felt in yourself a taste for femininity, you no longer want to live in the old way. But you can't do it in a new way.

But you really want to be just a woman you care about. Which is appreciated, protected, worn on your hands! I would like to love myself, to be realized in women's creativity. To work for pleasure, not because you have to! ” Olga.

I'm sad to read stories like this, aren't you? Another unenviable female fate. Why is this: the woman seems to be trying, but gets very weak results, which then completely disappear? And the most annoying thing is that time is running out. Women wear skirts, dresses, listen to lectures by famous authors. And then, one not very beautiful day, they discover that they are already over forty, and in life nothing has changed. And ahead is a bleak existence alone, or in marriage, from which only a stamp in the passport remained.

I think that the reason for this is that we lack the system and the Depth, our knowledge is chaotic. It is not easy to change your life, our whole being is opposed to it. Once I myself collected knowledge bit by bit, but what I have now: a happy family life, a love affair and inner peace, I got through hard work - the labor of my soul. Of course, the reward is worth it, because being a Real Woman is a special inner state. It is this state that allows a woman to realize all her dreams with ease and special feminine grace!

Remembering my difficult path, difficulties and obstacles, I decided to help women who understand that only by accepting our nature, we can find real happiness, and everything else - a prosperous family, a love affair, a feeling of being attractive - comes by itself!

That is why I opened the "Women's School", where you can get the knowledge and skills that are necessary for women's happiness. The Women's School is one of the few places where you will receive not superficial knowledge, but a powerful tool for transforming yourself. You will find an inner source of happiness and beauty. And this inner light will, like a magnet, attract all the best into your life - real men, your love affair, admiration and respect of others. You will become loved and desired, and begin to live as you always dreamed!

Femininity is feminine behavior

Very often women complain about a man: he is rude, rude, does not want anything, he does not need anything ...

“A man does not behave like a man,” we say to ourselves, to a friend or to a mother. Or we declare to a man: - You are not a man, men do not behave like that.

With a real woman, a man behaves gallantly, politely, protects, solves problems, comes to the rescue. If he behaves differently, then he is faced with non-feminine behavior.

So, I suggest looking at:

  • on non-feminine behavior.
  • and also how the man reacts to him.

- Dispute. When you argue and defend your opinion, you want to be in charge and right. This means that you are entering into a competitive struggle with a man. This is not how women behave. If you have a heated argument in the family in the form of a scandal and struggle, then you should know that the man is no longer arguing with his wife, but with the man in you. And he does not see a woman in you and therefore behaves rudely and, mind you, like a man.

“I am not arguing, but expressing my opinion. I myself know when to speak to me and I will say what I think is necessary. I have my own head on my shoulders, and he is not a decree to me " - so often women explain their behavior. Well, where did you see feminine softness, tenderness and charm here?

- When we are annoyed with our husband, unrestrained when we fill the house to the brim with our gloomy emotions - no one will say that this is a woman's behavior. We consider ourselves to be in charge and give ourselves the right to be annoyed and behave the way we want.

They write a lot about the emotionality of women, about women's "ebb and flow", that these are the features of female behavior ... But these are not features of female behavior, this is emotional promiscuity and irresponsibility. The weather in the house is created by a woman's mood, and an adult woman knows about this and does not allow herself such behavior.

- When we decide that we must correct all the defects of our husband. A woman perceives herself as big and in charge, and a man as a helpless and small child who needs the guidance of a wise woman. For some women, this becomes the main goal and task of the whole life together. I'll fix it, and happiness will come, and before that - eternal claims to my husband.

- When a woman creates everything, equips everything, “creates a holiday”. A woman does not know how to wait, does not know how to step aside and give the initiative to a man, does not know how to give in, counts on herself. It's easier this way - to do everything yourself, to demonstrate to everyone your successes and achievements, then to blame the man for the inability to do anything. At the same time, internally triumph that you "know how to live", but your husband does not. When a woman hits the gas, the man always puts on the brake.

- When we do not allow a man to act as he sees fit. We impose our will, our decisions, we command. And more often we prove to him that he is a loser and should "sit still." This is the condescending attitude of a mother towards an unreasonable child.

- Any "maternal" behavior: “Help”, “warn”, “direct”, “suggest”, “suggest”, “spread straw”. Such behavior has a high price - either your man will remain a “child” and you will have to wipe his nose, or he will “grow up” and legally go looking for a woman for himself. You are not a woman, you are a mother.

- When a woman only wants to consume. She does not establish a relationship with a man, but lives by the principle: brought money - you can live in peace, no - it means that it will be very restless. The life of a woman turns into a struggle and a proof to a man that he can’t do anything: "Go, earn money and prove that you can."

As I already wrote, a proud woman does not need her husband's success. She will always suppress a man energetically in order to rise and assert herself against his background. Her whole being resists the man and his natural domination, so the will of the man is suppressed.

A woman must learn to accept, not resist and suppress. This is a very important skill for any woman. But only a few are able to do it. The husband's earnings are possible only when the woman learns take... We are practicing this skill in a separate lesson at the Women's School. More details

- When, with the help of manipulations, you want to show and prove to a man who is in charge. This includes comparing your husband to other men, humiliating a man. Often it is this behavior that drives a man out of the house or forces him to raise his hand to you. No one can humiliate a man “better” than a woman. Any woman is fluent in this skill.

- Female selfishness (i will devote a separate article to this, subscribe to the newsletter so as not to miss ). When we do not ask and are not interested in a man's opinion, in our decisions we put him before a fact. This applies to repairs, recreation, shopping, the birth of children. We neglect his interests and hobbies. And also when we rely on a career, on our own achievements and successes.

- Talk about independence, about women's rights, that slavery is over. Understand one thing, if you behave like a woman and broadcast respect and gratitude to your husband, then the man also behaves with you tenderly, delicately and treats you like a flower and a jewel.

We always have a choice - to continue to behave the way we want, as we are accustomed to, or to master female behavior and feminine qualities. But we must always remember how our unfeminine behavior can end.

A man always sabotages non-feminine behavior!

Options to choose from:

  • harshness, rudeness, screaming;
  • orders, harshness, anger;
  • assault;
  • silence;
  • indifference to his wife, children and family life, self-elimination;
  • resistance to any of your initiatives;
  • lying on the couch, avoiding male responsibilities;
  • unwillingness to be at home, friends, garage, work;
  • treason, lies;
  • alcohol;
  • computer games;
  • lack of success and earnings.

A man needs a woman and if he does not get this energy at home, he looks for her on the side, not necessarily with a mistress, computer games are also good, there he feels like a winner, and so he gets his self-realization. A man needs a prize and appreciation. But if you are BIG and MAIN then you cannot give it.

And again we return to feminine humility and feminine behavior. And also to growing up.

Adult feminine behavior says only one thing, that you are interested in marriage and in a happy relationship.

What if you behave differently?

The formula of femininity is discovered

Today any woman who studies femininity is looking for this formula.

Someone develops feminine qualities, studies the rules of building relationships, someone works on voice, gait and wardrobe.

In the arsenal there are many books, techniques, practices, meditations and various trainings.

But why do we study and comprehend it? For what?

The Formula of Femininity is really simple!


Without accepting Masculinity, a woman cannot be Feminine. It's very simple: without respecting men, a woman cannot be feminine!

You do not need to develop anything, work out, respect men and your woman's life will change!

Femininity is the opposite of masculinity, it exists only in this paradigm, which means a feminine woman sees, recognizes and respects masculinity.

There will be no femininity without respect for men!

Respect is a special respectful attitude. When we see value in a person, it means that all our behavior is aimed at emphasizing this value. This is the recognition of merits, attention to interests and beliefs, voluntary adherence and action by the rules of this person.

Respecting, we emphasize the importance and relevance of a man, therefore we will never rise, humiliate and fight for equal rights.

Only mature women are capable of respecting a man.

Why is femininity a respect for a man? Not love, not caring for him. We can take care in maternal energies, love in children, but only a mature and adult woman can respect!

In what ways is disrespect most often manifested, which means that femininity is turned off?

When you don't see masculinity in men. This happens when a woman does not see the difference that exists between a man and a woman.

Start noticing masculinity, embracing it, seeing the difference. And your femininity will reveal itself.

Even when a woman puts on men's clothes, she ignores this difference, erases the difference and stands on a par with the man, thereby emphasizing her disrespect for men.

Respect for a man - including not being like a man, being opposite to him. After all, a man already exists and you give him this right, and you keep the right to be a woman to yourself.

Often married women do not know what to respect their husband for. The question arises: Why did you choose it? And what are you doing next to him? Are you using? Solving your problems?

When a woman uses a man, she behaves cynically, rudely, selfishly, manipulating him! By doing what is comfortable and convenient for her. She opposes herself to a man. We are not talking about femininity!

Indeed, by and large, such a woman is only interested in her needs and their satisfaction. She does not know anything about male needs, which means that she also does not know about her female purpose.

If you fight for the first place in the family and constantly challenge the leadership of a man, naturally you include qualities that are not inherent in you by nature.
Today women have forgotten about the main need of a man - the need for domination.

Therefore, women fight for equality, do not obey, do not obey, destroy masculinity, and then they include this very masculinity and endlessly repeat that men have died out, and how can I be a woman? And it all started when you stopped respecting men!

"A woman is humiliated not by a subordinate position in relation to her man, but on the contrary by her inability to occupy him." D. Filimonov.

Many women say: - I will start to respect a man if ... And then there is a list of various conditions. It only says that respect is unfamiliar to you! You just don't know how it is!

In what other cases is disrespect shown:

When a woman reshapes a man for herself.

When criticizes a man, his decisions. Criticism involves the inclusion of masculine qualities: straightforwardness, rigidity, categoricalness. And the absence of feminine qualities: softness, flexibility, compliance, acceptance. You prove and defend your competence, which means that you reduce the male significance. At this moment, you become, as it were, equal to a man.

If you are angry, angry and indignant at any proposal of a man.

If you control all the time, do not trust and supervise what the man decides, strive to help him, prompt, give advice. At this moment, you turn on the maternal energies.

When you do not respect his interests, for example, you prohibit buying a fishing rod, binoculars or something else. At this moment, you are domineering, main, defining and guiding. What kind of femininity here.

Remember, all feminine qualities are not a goal, but a means to start respecting men!

Respect for a man is also the recognition of all the features of male nature: rigidity, directness, lack of sentimentality, impulsivity, aggressiveness, harshness, firmness, assertiveness, leadership, authority.

When you struggle with the “downsides” of masculinity, you lack the feminine power to accept them. But without these minuses, there are no male pluses that everyone loves: the ability to achieve, protect, be a leader, be fearless, generous, etc.

Many women, not respecting men, demand the impossible so that he becomes sexless: docile, kind, positive in everything, quiet, calm, controlled.

When a woman respects a man, it makes no sense for her to fight with him, to prove something to him and to defend her rights and interests. She acts softly, calmly, is not afraid to obey, give in and do as the man wants.

Why do they say that a feminine woman gets everything, because giving a little to a man - the right to lead and dominate, she actually gets a lot - his heart and all his achievements.

Respect for men is not charity or sacrifice, it is a way of life and female dignity.

If you really start to respect men, you don't have to deliberately reveal your femininity!

I believe that respect for men begins first and foremost with gratitude.

Here's what one participant wrote Women's School :

“With gratitude in my heart to men it is much more pleasant to leave the house, look at men, communicate with them, trust them. It’s already better and easier for me to be a woman, behave like a woman, accept, thank, admire. I feel my dignity, I feel my worth. I noticed that I no longer want to be offended and complain. "

On the lessons Women's School we write an Ode to masculinity. I must say right away that this task is given, oh, how difficult it is, but then everything changes. I want to give you one example, so that in your heart there will be more respect for men.


I am grateful to men for what they are, that thanks to them, we feel like women - feminine and weak.

That they protect us, thanks to them life is possible, they are well versed in technology, they protect our country.

They easily solve difficult issues, make compliments, they can tolerate our mood swings, for them we decorate ourselves, they can be good fathers.

They build, structure the space that we can fill, decorate and blossom in.

They build houses, work in men's positions and do men's work, they know how to calm and make us laugh, give us flowers, behave like gentlemen, look after us.

I am grateful to them for their strong and strong hands, for helping us, they can do everything around the house, fix various cars, that they think completely differently, not like women, they know how to please us.

You can rely on them and trust them, thanks to them we can love, they take care of us (and in little things too), you can be weak with them and not decide anything.

They create cities and fly into space, conquer the unknown, perform feats for us, bring food home for the family, go to work and develop for us.

I am grateful to men for their sincerity, for courage and courage, for their admiring looks, courage, for the strength of spirit and will!

Now think and be sure to write down how you could respect men more in your ordinary life? How would this manifest itself for you personally?

Alexander Gorsky. Masculinity and Femininity versus "It"

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